@HenryMakow Henry Makow An Oasis for the Awake Winnipeg

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 1118
Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Some people think this is the real agenda in Ukraine. I still take Putin at his word.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The aptly named Fink

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 28 - Gonzalo Lira Proves Ukraine Supports Tyranny, says Tucker https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-28---gonzalo-lira-is-proo.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Veronica Swift - Illuminati Satanism Unveiled Level 33 Masons have achieved that rank by sacrificing a child. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/swift-book-unveils-illuminati.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 27 - Canadian Soldiers Suing Gov't Over "Vaccine" Mandates The lawsuit was filed against Chief of the Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Lieutenant-General Frances Allen, Minister of National Defence Anita Anand, former deputy Minister of…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Feminism Destroyed Woman's Power "Any girl who grows to womanhood without knowing that love is her supreme value has been spiritually raped." https://henrymakow.com/2022/11/Western-Women-Have-Lost-Power-to-Love.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Makow- There's No Alternative to God God is not a choice. The Creator's Design is the only way to avert catastrophe and evolve in a positive direction. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/this-is-the-kingdom-of-heaven.html (Below- God is the BLISS we seek but never find because we look outside instead of within.)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
I will boycott every company promoting fudge-packing, white replacement and black genocide (miscegenation.)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 25 - Satanist Media Covers Up "Vaccine" Holocaust https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-25---satanist-media-cover.html "The booster jab I received over a year ago destroyed my health, my body, and my life completely" - Kat Pave who chose euthanasia.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
In June 2021, the Edmonton Eskimos changed their name to the "Elks" . They had the Eskimos name since founding in 1949. Since Oct 2019, the "Elks" have not won a home game, losing 18 stright, suggesting the name chnge may have had a demoralizing effect. Minorities aren't the only…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Never too late to salute your dad https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/14hycu8/happy_belated_fathers_day/ The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 24 - Wagner Mutiny - Patriotism or Treason? Is this a rebellion against the Russian Deep State? https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-24---wagner-mutiny---patriotism.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Churchill Betrayed Anti-Hitler Plotters to Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller https://henrymakow.com/001707.html Mueller's journals confirm that Hitler was an Illuminati Jewish agent.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 23 - Cabalist Submariners Collide With Reality Our cabalist masters think they can make reality conform to their whims. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-23---cabalist-submariners.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Do not Confuse the Two Kinds of Love People are far from perfect and don't deserve adulation. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/two-kinds-of-love.html below- Confused

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Is this the agenda of Organized Jewry?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 22 - US Gov't's Side-Hustle is Child Sex Trafficking https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-22-us-govts-side-hustle.html below- Passion of the Christ actor Jim Caviezel

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The sub in a nutshell

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The Way We Live Now - The Destruction of Art A Victorian novel reminds us that, thanks to Masonic Jewish i.e. Communist takeover, Art is now agitprop. https://henrymakow.com/the_way_we_live_now.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Putin- Defender of the Faith https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/putin-defender-of-thefaith.html According to my Twitter Poll this morning, 44% of my readers wish Putin would liberate the West from Satanist (Masonic) Jewish tyranny.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/ All these corporations want to sodomize your children.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Communism in a nutshell (minus the occult Jewish deep background.) http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to be given high-paying jobs." - Makow

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Fidelito Needlehands

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 20 - Is Tucker Part of a UFO Psy-Op? Over a hundred US servicemen were killed by UFOs that landed on military bases. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-20---is-tucker-part-of-a-.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Chinese barbarism. Chinese Torture and Eat Man's Best Friend https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/chinese-torture-eat-mans-besr-friend.html "Dogs, mostly strays and abducted pets, are forced into crammed wire cages for days without water or food, dragged from lorries and slammed around, beaten with sticks, blowtorched and boiled…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Notice the Masonic Merkel hand sign.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 19 - Thai Royal Heiress Believed Dead from Vaccine Poisoning Flushed down the memory hole. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-19---thai-royal-heiress-b.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The Demonrats so hate Trump that they never once mention that Trump is constantly making the Masonic (Communist) hand sign. It's all a charade folks.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Father's Day--Girls' Romantic Ideal Based on Father Girls model their romantic ideal on their father. About a third of all children live without a father at home. https://henrymakow.com/2022/06/The-Effect-of-Fatherlessness-on-Women.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 18 - RFK Jr. Forced to Pander to Zionists Why Is RFK Jr. Shilling for the People Who Killed His Father? by Kevin Barrett https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-18---rfk-jr-forced-to-pander.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Canadian Football League Gives Me Hope Finally, the CFL is one of the last places in Canada that isn't fixed. Video replays ensure that everyone can see what actually happened. Where else can you say that? https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/cfl-best-of-canada.html (below- Real women cheer real men)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Mark Cuban is a Jew, part of a well-organized satanic assault on humanity.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
How we feel about certain people in our lives http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 17 - Russia is Challenging US (((Rothschild))) Hegemony Lavrov described the West’s proxy war with Russia as “a geopolitical conflict,” in which the US was attempting to eliminate a powerful competitor and “preserve its hegemonic position by all means.”…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Makow- All Porn is Gay Playboy was not a spontaneous phenomenon. It was social engineering designed to foster homosexuality and family breakdown. https://henrymakow.com/001421.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 16 - Russia May Need to Nuke the West "The West is losing the ability it had for five centuries to suck out wealth from the whole world, imposing, first of all, by brute force, political, economic orders and establishing its cultural dominance. So, a quick end to the ...…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
It's Ok to Say, "That's So Gay" Instead of thinking of homosexuality as same-sex attraction, think of it as gender role confusion resulting in "failure to permanently bond with (i.e. marry) a member of the opposite sex." This failure results in arrested development. Homosexuals…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 15 - US is the Butt Lite of the World https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-15---us-is-the-budd-lite-.html The US is the worldwide champion of gender dysfunction.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Trump's prosecution is a reality show charade. MAGA supporters are rubes. RFK Jr. is the only candidate with a modicum of credibility.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Cabalist Jewish code

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 14 - You're Being Inducted into their Cabalist (Satanic) Cult https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-14---youre-being-inducted.html? (They want everyone to be fucked up, just like them,)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
JFK was a Conspiracy Theorist

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Mike Stone - The Environmental Movement is a PsyOp Yet we've had three environmental disasters occur back-to-back in a matter of months, and neither Greta Thunberg nor any other voice in the environmental movement has said a word. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/mike-stone---the-environmental.html Where's Greta?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Shameless lliars

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Lula hands over ownership of Amazon's resources to the *Internationalists* BRIC's Lula in Masonic handshake (thumb on knuckle) with EU's Ursula. The world is run by a satanic cult!

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Gordon Chang - The CCP is World's Largest Criminal Organization Communism is criminality dressed up with ideology. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/gordon-chang-the-ccp-worlds.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
We told you in April 2020 Swiss Research Site: Pandemic is a Total Fraud https://www.henrymakow.com/2020/04/proof-pandemic-is-a-total-fraud.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 12- Majority of World's Population Supports Russia - Seymour Hersh https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-12--majority-of-worlds-po.html? Below--Representatives of 39 countries met in March to support Russia

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 11 - Twitter Confirms Voltaire Correct About "Free Speech" https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-11---twitter-confirms-vol.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Revilo Oliver--Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies As R.G. Waldeck summarized it in Human Events, "The (homosexual) conspiracy has spread all over the globe; has penetrated all classes; operates in armies and in prisons; has infiltrated into the press, the movies, and…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Makow- How I Found My Masculine Identity "It helps to see heterosexual love as a mystical dance. The male leads; the female follows." https://henrymakow.com/080801.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 9 - Biden Made Millions Influence Peddling and Trump is indicted for mishandling documents... https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-9-the-clown-show-continues.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Peter Koenig - The Diabolical Plan to Re--Engineer Humanity Covid injections were never just about Reducing Population, but much worse than their deadly side effects, they are about transhumanism. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/peter-koenig-western-governments-diabolical.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Kevin O'Leary never misses a chance to tell you he's connected. (below- the Trump-Merkel Masonic handsign)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 8 - Are Wild Fires a Climate Change Psy Op? https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-8---are-wild-fires-a-clim.html? Anything to make us wear the slave mask again.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
"Anti-Jewish" Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat A Dresden conference shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 140 years ago and explains why the West's racial cohesion and Christian heritage are under vicious Satanist attack. Read this and ask yourself, "Could Hitler…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 7 - Tucker, Elon and RFK Jr. -Truth Triumvirate? Deep State = Rothschild banking cartel and their agents, the CIA, FBI, etc. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-7---tucker-elon-and-rfk-j.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
I'm old enough to remember when aliens could not walk in, let alone get housed in luxury, while citizens suffer. This insult is (((WEF globalism.))) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12168749/CRUISE-SHIPS-house-Channel-migrants.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Voltaire 1694-1778

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution While the PLAYBOY philosophy was touted as the height of masculinity, it was really homosexual in essence. https://henrymakow.com/playboy-and-the-homosexual_re.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 6 - WHO Prepares New Pandemic Hoax Do these psychopaths actually expect society to buy these lies? https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-6---who-prepares-new-pand.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Hate to break it to you folks, but this is the Kingdom of Heaven. All we must do is follow the instructions to live in bliss.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 5 - Does RFK Jr. Have a Death Wish? Just as his uncle tried to stop the Vietnam War, RFK Jr. vows to end the Ukraine boondoggle. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-5-does-rfk-jr-have-a-death.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
"A Walk on the Wild Side" Movie Scene Captures the Meaning of Sex Based on a Nelson Algren novel, the dramatic tension consists of whether Hailie will be able to escape her comfortable but immoral life to marry Dove whom she truly loves. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/movie-scene-captures-the-meani.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The relentless corporate promotion of miscegenation is nauseating. Why don't we see these ads in Israel? This is racial genocide.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
You cannot love Sickness & Evil. Evil must be HATED

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Biden and buddies?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 4 - June is "Hate Heterosexuality Month" As usual, Organized Jewry has overreached. We're not buying "Butt Lite." https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-4---june-is-hate-sodomy-m.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Jews Beheaded King Charles I in 1649 England's long descent to Satanist shithole began almost 400 years ago when Organized Jewry had King Charles I (below) beheaded. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/jews-beheaded-king-charles-in-.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 3 - Forget Left Vs. Right. It's Globalist Vs. Patriot https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-3---forget-left-vs-right-.html? HS choir prevent from singing the national anthem at the Capitol

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
When you sell your soul, make sure they aren't getting your body too. COVID influencers now have cancer.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Zelinsky isn't an Illuminati stooge or anything like that. The Ukraine war is an Illuminati war. The question is it genuine or a charade?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
In Honor of Child Grooming Month Even Gays say they are Sick The authors say "a surprisingly high percentage" of pathological liars and con men are gay. (Masters of deception, Churchill, Hitler, George W Bush and Obama are reputed to be gay.) https://henrymakow.com/201101.html?_ga=2.10752637.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
This is what Satanism looks like- The inversion of all values. Ugly is beauty and vice versa. Sick is healthy. Lies are truth. etc.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
June 2 - Musk Fires Woke Censor Who Banned Misgendering ! https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/june-2---musk-fires-woke-censor.html? Unemployed censor, Ella Irwin. Why were people like her still at Twitter?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Scott Lively- The Transgender End Game is Transhumanism Gender dysphoria is designed to break the natural order and re-engineer humanity to serve the super rich. https://henrymakow.com/2023/06/transgender-endgame-transhumanism.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 30 - It's All About Money Sure, the Cabalist central bankers want to destroy Western civilization but they want to make money while doing so. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-30---its-all-about-money.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Origins of Anti Semitism Holocaust and Homodor by Nicholas Lysson 1. ROLE OF JEWS IN UKRAINIAN FAMINE http://www.israelshamir.com/shamirReaders/english/Lysson--Holocaust-and-Homodor.php

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
TWITTER WOULD NOT LET ME POST A HARMLESS ARTICLE ABOUT GONZALO LIRA'S DISAPPEARANCE. It said the State Dept. would not say if they were taking action on his behalf.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Cabalist Jews are Their Own God ("Egregore") Egregore- the occult concept of a 'group mind.' https://henrymakow.com/001924.html?_ga=2.44842605.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 29 -- America's Corporations Spew Sickness WESTERN SOCIETY IS A SATANIC CULT. Satanism controls by making its members sick. Hence gender dysphoria. Healthy development depends on accentuating masculine and feminine differences not erasing them. But they want us sick!…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Freemasonry is a Homosexual Organization This is why so many politicians are gay, why heterosexuality is being repressed and sodomy "pride" and pedophilia foisted on us instead. https://henrymakow.com/_left_albert_pike_1809-1891by.html?_ga=2.20217457.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Reader-" Not mentioned here is that all five listed cities have a large black population and the great majority of murders are blacks murdering other blacks, and second, blacks murdering whites.  The "Anglo-Saxon" popular demonizing is a total LIE constantly harped upon by the…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Someone with the nickname Shlomowitz put up this commentary 4 hours ago on the most successful alternative news here in Sweden. Wondering how it come it's still up? GTV-FLYERS https://gtvflyers.com

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Homosexuality is a Secret Communist Goal 15. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy." https://henrymakow.com/secret-goals-of-communism.html?_ga=2.54270689.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 26 - DeSantis Stomps on Trump's Achille's Heel Trump must assume responsibility for COVID Hoax and deadly "vaccines" https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-26---desantis-stomps-on-tr.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Fred B - Society is Standing on a Ledge Living in a society determined to destroy its best elements, and itself in the process. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/fred-b-society-on-a-ledge.html?_ga=2.15955327.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
This is the IRS Headquarters in Maryland… But don't worry our country isn't run by Freemasons

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Jared Taylor - White Racial Consciousness is Key to the Future "Without it, white people cannot say to others, “This land was built by our ancestors for us, not for you. We wish you well, but you must seek your destiny where you were born. Bloom where you were planted.” If…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 24 - Fair Multipolar World Will be Achieved - Putin Putin's challenge to Satanist Rothschild world order. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-24---fair-multipolar-world.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
I will never forgive Canadian nationalist Maxime Bernier for losing the Conservative Party leadership because he attacked dairy subsidies which caused dairy farmers to throw their support to the cuck Andrew Scheer. After that, Bernier couldn't even win his own rural riding. A…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Putin- "I'm not bluffing." The problem is that the Commies who run the West want Putin to start a nuclear war. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-23--im-not-bluffing--putin.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
This is Cabalism. I define reality according to my interests and perversions. (When you have finagled all national credit cards, you do have delusions of grandeur.)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Not only did they betray our trust, but they also taunted us.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Patriotic Jew Sounded Commie Alarm 70 Years Ago https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/Myron-Fagan-Sounded-Alarm-in-1967.html?_ga=2.250278607.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918 Myron Fagan (1887-1972) has been flushed down the memory hole.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 22 - Was Rashid Buttar Poisoned? Buttar was an outstanding opponent of the genocide jab. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-22-was-rashid-buttar-poisoned.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The Charade of Normality Western society is run by criminals. This is called "state capture." https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-21--the-charade-of-normality.html?_ga=2.86856273.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918 (Trump- false opposition is better than none at all)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Reminder- Official logo of the 2020 DNC Convention that nominated Biden "Death" (Satanic star) to America The aim of all woke policies from migration to CRT to BLM to transgenderism is to destroy the US. Everything else is a pretext.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The aim of all the "woke" policies is to destroy America. This is what (((Communists))) do. https://t.co/sS7jaRrxk0
Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The aim of all the "woke" policies is to destroy America. This is what (((Communists))) do.
Savanah Hernandez @sav_says_
NYC- I’m at the Port Authority bus station in NYC, the first stop migrants make when bussed into the city: -60,000+ illegals are currently in NYC -Mayor Adams says sheltering migrants has cost taxpayers upwards of $1 billion -Adams now considering school gyms as the migrant… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1658971388462477312 https://twitter.com/sav_says_/status/1658971388462477312/video/1

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 19 - Gradual Return to Sanity https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-19---gradual-return-to-sanity.html?_ga=2.208411355.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918 Supreme Court Justice describes the rape of humanity in the name of a phony pandemic

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
When Christians took up arms against Freemasonry Satanism in Mexico For Greater Glory: Mexico’s Cristeros Resistance https://www.winterwatch.net/2023/05/for-greater-glory-mexicos-cristeros-resistance/

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 18 - Joe Biden's Dysfunctional Family With Unspeakable Secret Biden is a fitting symbol for our Stockholm syndrome https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-18---joe-bidens-dysfunctio.html?_ga=2.83514335.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Mike Stone - Self-Defence for Teenage Males Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/mike-stone---self-defence-for-.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
https://otvet.mail.ru/question/218084878 Hitler in a Masonic handshake with Polish Prelate

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Free Gonzalo Lira! https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=268904 In present-day Ukraine physical liquidation of non-conformist journalists is commonplace and the steadily deteriorating military situation makes it incumbent upon the insecure regime to finally eliminate from the public sphere the…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors - The Smoking Gun After the war, Gen. Reinhard Gehlen, Chief of the West German Intelligence Agency, (BND),  confirmed his wartime suspicion that Martin Bormann, the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany,  had been a "Soviet" spy, with…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Martin Bormann, (((Communist))) secret agent, and Nazi traitor https://henrymakow.com/hitler_and_bormann_were_traito.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 15 - It's Back to Normal Folks! The mainstream media is the mirror-reverse-image of this website. There is practically no mention of 1-6... Finally a use for VR

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
How I Overcame My Porn Addiction https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/how-i-overcame-my-porn-addicti.html? A healthy adult male is naturally attracted to the feminine nature and the energy which flows from it.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Thank you, Cabalists!

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Another traitorous Republican, TX Gov Abbott

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 14 - King Charles III, Satanist and Unhinged Fanatic https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-14---king-charles-iii-sata.html?_ga=2.54153825.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918 Newspapers don't carry a picture of the full statue. Charles crushing humanity with his feet

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Creeping creepy Communism A friend gave $5 to a panhandler who, instead of saying thanks, demanded $20 instead. The anecdote illustrates how have-nots are being given a sense of entitlement. This is also seen in the "reparations" for Blacks in California.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
We are Not Helpless Ego (selfishness) is Satan.  Satan holds us captive. We can fight Satan by loving each other, In this spirit, I present my friend John who is still serving me and his growing circle of friends. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/the-happiest-man-i-know%20.html?_ga=2.241900363.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
White heteros pay taxes to governments that actively discriminate against them with impunity. A friend applied for a job with the City of Winnipeg, and on the application was asked is he was white or "a newcomer" or an aborigine or a homosexual or tranny. Needless too say, he…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Money Hoax Begets COVID Hoax & All Others History/current events are designed to max out our stolen national credit cards (wars, plandemics) ; kill and enslave the goyim, and protect this credit monopoly by extending it to every aspect of human life (i.e. Communism.)…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The proof is that Organized Jewry is still doing this today.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 12 - New Twitter CEO Has No Credibility Pro-mask, pro-vax, and a participant in The World Economic Forum. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-12---twitter-ceo-has-no-cr.html?_ga=2.15039487.851118737.1683744918-588388076.1683744918

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
People don't realize how significant the Crud Lite boycott is. "People aren't buying it" applies to all the nonsense the WEF is trying to shove down our throats, be it climate change, eating bugs, or 15-minute cities. Klaws Swab and his bum boys, our "leaders," are going to be…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
My Mother Embodied Selfless Love https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/my-mother-exemplified-selfless.html The love between mother and child is the most precious thing in life. That's why satanists are destroying motherhood. (My mother feeding my brother)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Mike Stone- Why Americans Should Never Enlist The US is making the world safe for sodomy. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/mike-s The world thinks the US has lost its mind, and the world is right!

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Joel Skousen - Commies Weaponize Migration to Alter US Demography A  UN-funded organization is paying to organize migrant caravans to the US from Central America through Mexico. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/commies-weaponize-migration.html?

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Prighozhin lashes out at Russian leadership "We have a 70% shortage of shells. Shoigu, Gerasimov, where is the fucking ammo? Look at them you bitches! You’re sitting in expensive clubs, You think that you own everything and have the right to control their lives?"…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Attention Canadians! Distribute Druthers in your neighbourhood https://druthers.net/shop/neighbourhood/

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Gonzalo Lira arrested by Ukrainian Gestapo

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 5 - WHO Pauses COVID Hoax https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-5---who-pauses-covid-hoax.html?_ga=2.22472699.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119 Guardian of public health, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, cruising at a Brazilian gay bar

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Canadian bank, CIBC still peddling COVID bullshit today.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Governor Visits Chabad Shul to Sign Two New Bills - Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The US is the Jew's Golem Organized Jewry is pivoting to the BRICS alliance. Their aim is to destroy the US as promoting gender dysphoria and money printing indicate. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/US-Jews-Golem.html?_ga=2.220136793.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 4 - Biden Guilty of "Unbelievable Crimes;" Must be Impeached https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-4---biden-guilty-of-unbeli.html?_ga=2.186124393.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119 Marjorie Taylor Greene exposes Biden influence peddling.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Why has Twitter permanently banned cartoonist Ben Garrison ? This detracts from the great good Elon Musk has done by opening Twitter up to free speech and truth. (below- Ben's reaction.)

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
CJ Evans - The US Government Belongs to the Devil What better way to subdue a domestic population than by carrying out terror attacks and staged mass shootings against its own people? https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/cj-evans---the-us-government-b.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
What's wrong with inflation? Inflation is far preferable to its alternative, depression. People can always hedge against rising prices, and the most vulnerable can be subsidized.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Reminder- Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's Son https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/05/was-fidel-castro-justin-trudeaus-daddy/ This is a huge story but the Communist MSM won't touch it Fidelito greets his dad at faux father's funeral. A mother's face doesn't lie.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Bella Dodd - The "New World Order" is Communism In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA. https://henrymakow.com/160303.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
May 2 - Nothing Says "Safe" Like Exemptions for Vax Killers White House staff, Congress, Big Pharma all exempted. https://henrymakow.com/2023/05/may-2---nothing-says-safe-like.html?_ga=2.245294405.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Organized Jewry declares war on humanity and then tries to ban the hatred it engenders.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Matrix Hacker - Incestuous Breeding: The Underbelly of Hollywood https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/matrix-hacker-incestuous-breeding.html Ashton Kutcher is the secret son of his ex-wife Demi Moore and her ex-boyfriend Anthony Kiedis.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The Power of Now What? by Eckhart Trolle For people who prefer to live in the future.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Shameless self promotion- From a reader, Craig "I look forward to your "Ilumi-naughty” 4 book. I have the first 3 and have read them over and over. The insights regarding WW2 are spot on. I have been reading and studying history for 50 years and had come to the same…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 30 - Culling of the Goyim Continues Shockingly, World Health Organization’s VigiAccess database records 29,046 pulmonary embolism adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination! https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-30---culling-of-the-goyi.html?_ga=2.21899643.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 29 - Russia Sputnik Vax is Also Gene Therapy The report below was sent by a reader. I cannot verify but it rings true. It appears that adverse reactions in Russia are being suppressed as in the West. https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-29--russian-sputnik-vax.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Jewish Fraternities Recruit Illuminati Insiders Although students join fraternities like Alpha Epsilon Pi with the vague sense they are networking, they don't know they are joining a Luciferian (i.e. subversive) organization. https://henrymakow.com/howilluminatijewsrecruit.html?_ga=2.19400952.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 28- Can Tucker Carlson Handle the Truth? Yes Tucker, there is an "evil force controlling the planet." But are you willing to identify it? https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-28--can-tucker-carlson-h.html?_ga=2.253053385.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
The Young President's Organization is an example of the web of networks the Masonic Jewish bankers use to regiment society worldwide. The goyim are more than willing to sell out their society for cachet and success. You could pack all the Jews off to Israel and little would…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Amateur boxer, 28 year old Charlies James Bradley, died suddenly in Bali on April 16, 2023, he was found dead outside of a medical clinic in the middle of the road https://makismd.substack.com/p/boxers-are-collapsing-and-dying-suddenly

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 27 - COVID Hoax Fuelled by Pfizer Bribe$ "Vaccine" maimers and murderers, and their enablers, must be held accountable. https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-27---covid-hoax-fueled-by.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
We are not allowed to debate, let alone mention, the source of our problems: A sinister force, Communism (Rothschild banking cartel) seeks to destroy everything we hold dear...free speech, freedom itself, democracy, marriage, family, country and race. This is what Bezmenov means…

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Donald Trump is a Traitor Who Betrayed America (Encore) Donald Trump is an Actor in a Political Reality Show. He had a clear path to overturn the rigged election, and he didn't take it. https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/03/donald-trump-is-a-traitor-who.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Mike Stone- Expand Boycotts to all Woke Companies Corporate America is Communist because it is controlled by the Masonic Jewish world central banking cartel. https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/mike-stone--expand-boycotts-to.html?_ga=2.244796613.170273416.1681489510-346964864.1627224119

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 26- Tucker Carlson Fired for Being a Christian https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-26---tucker-carlson-fire.html But can we trust him? below- Cabalist red thread.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Another heart attack death: Single mom, three kids, worked at Value Village (used clothing store.) https://www.kijiji.ca/v-free-stuff/bedford/help-with-funeral-cost/1657803398

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2023/04/wednesday-drop-useful-veneer-of-aging.html Cabala Judaism says evil is part of God. This is Satanism. God is Perfection.

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Satanist Insider- "Everything's in Crash Mode" When your values are inverted, everything is coming up roses! https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/satanism-explained.html

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
Biden running again in 2024! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12008431/Biden-80-finally-confirms-running-2024.html "Death to America" Death = Star of Baphomet was slogan of 2020 campaign "Let's finish the job" (of destroying America) is his 2024 slogan

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Henry Makow @HenryMakow
April 25 - Artificial Intelligence Could Change Everything "50% of AI researchers believe there is a 10% chance AI will destroy the human race" https://henrymakow.com/2023/04/april-25---artificial-intellig.html