@ObserverWatches Slitty-Eyed Bastard Slanty-eyed Chinese reactionary monarchist shitlord. Racist, sexist, and general anti-democratic heretic. Eats dog meat, preferably boiled into soup. Land of the Yellow Peril

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 26
Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
This is Big Pharma’s wet dream. Replace natural immunity with “Health as a subscription”. A lifetime of that recurring revenue Wall St. loves so much.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Those who aren't aware aren't paying attention.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
This is getting ridiculous.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
: Taiwan is the smoking gun because the decline in births occurred at a time when there were almost no cases of the coof, but lots of people had been vaxxed 9 months prior.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
We don't know it's the vaxx, but it's the vaxx. (Graph shows a massive drop in numbers of live births in Germany over the last year.)

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Not just their happiness but their survival and their eternal life.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
The media does not exist to inform you of anything.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Source doesn't matter. I had a guy progress as follows: I had no sources I had sources, but had not read them I’d only read the title I’d read the abstract, but misunderstood it The graphs from the paper were irrelevant The quoted conclusion was wrong

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
http://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2022/04/atagi-advice-on-use-of-sedation-for-covid-19-vaccination_1.docx At this point... keep you and your kids out of the hospitals unless you absolutely must. How can you believe what the syringes hold are what they claim it to be, or what they will do to you when you're out?

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
This is normal, remember it's always been this way. The slightest excitement or stress always sets off heart attacks in any group of 18-35 year olds. That’s why we are writing articles about it like it's big news.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@yowchuan Look into their history. They were always wicked for their time.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
It’ll be a cold, dark winter, preceded by a cold, dark, spring, summer and fall. Hope the euros have their illegal wood stoves built already? If not, I recommend a rocket stove. They can be disguised as passive ‘cooling’ devices and a proper rocket stove burns the smoke too.

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Kit Sun Cheah @thebencheah
Vaccine discrimination hasn't ended in Singapore. The 4th shot is being rolled out. All that has lifted is an outdoor mask mandate that was never enforceable in all but the most dramatic of cases. Nothing. Has. Changed.
Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
The number of weasel words used in the speech and press-conference made me laugh.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Interesting. The job posting that’s referenced below: http://www.usajobs.gov/job/642581000

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
How could anyone have seen this coming? Oh no, oh no, oh no.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Some minor levity.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@ObserverWatches: @k1yb0ard In other news... Just like how climate change is causing heart attacks in children and birth defects...

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@k1yb0ard @pharmacycult Ah, gaslighting from Brazil's big papers: "Expert recommends parents protect their kids after vaccination with sunscreens and parasols. With increasing case numbers of heart attacks due to climate change, better safe than sorry, claims expert"

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@thebencheah At this point, promises of freedom for submission should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@k1yb0ard Kids just mysteriously having heart attacks, nothing to see here, it's the fault of climate change

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@Masterwang @j_n_l_a My completely wild guess is that the usual suspects throwing a fit that China rebuffed (((their))) plan to come over when the West finally caught onto them and hence have been trying to mobilise their usual golems over the last few years.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@Jimbo_MLH They have their own organic problems, but their constitution was literally written by a NJ jewess, dude. The american occupation also forced a lot of poz on them.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@ObserverWatches: @Omni______ @Daring_Danny -- starting with Mao and reaching a peak in the 70s, only that one kinda backfired on (((them))). I also can't deny that orientals are kinda effeminate in general to start with.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@Omni______ @Daring_Danny They were deliberately broken after WW2 as far as (((they))) thought they could get away with it. A constitution written by a Jewess enshrining poz, denying them a military, forcing american-type schooling and gender equality was just the beginning.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@TasteGrass (((Western))) cartoons.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@BasedCubone: @yoshisisland3 @Tdenomination @masamiuchinaa The entirety of the post-war occupation was designed to globohomo them, from the constitution written by a NJ jewess to banning numerous traditional medical practices to US-style schooling. Remarkable they're still holding together considering what was done to them.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@AnomalyAsian (((She's))) not white.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@ObserverWatches: @student458 @CJM156156 - finally inflict poz and emasculation upon you by forcing a constitution that was written by a new jersey jewess, leaving nothing but mindless economic striving that leaves your people soulless when even that passes.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@viperwave @MinModulation Established western porn (((interests))) trying to protect their turf from foreigns and indies, nothing new.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@Crisprtek Again, more evidence that suggests all this is a ploy to take down indie and foreign porn to protect established (((porn))) interests in the west.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@Diablo_2 @MachinistMarv The diverse hordes don't want white and (((tribal))) masters lording it over them. They want their own people, and now they're starting to have the numbers to kick out the previous leaders of the coalition of the fringes.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@ReadKaczynski The Great Leap Forward was heavily orchestrated by (((advisors))) from the USSR who had been with Mao from the beginning. Even today, members of the Tribe sit on the Politburo.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@NoTrueScotist White or (((white)))? If not (((white))), check for Anglo.

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Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
@BeigeShiba @Reactionary_Ed At this point, Prince Harry is literally reduced to "mother may I?" with a black jewess. It's a very low bar to clear for literally anyone else to be an improvement.

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King Baeksu @KingBaeksu
"'There has long been a call for diversity in society,' says Kondo, a 35-year-old school administrator, after his ¥2 million wedding." An otaku who married a hologram is educating the youth of a nation. The American Occupation of Japan was a mistake. https://t.co/kz5xOEu2Sf
Slitty-Eyed Bastard @ObserverWatches
Remember that their constitution was literally written by a New Jersey Jewess and worded very specifically to break their nation.

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