@TheSadKot sadkot🇦🇶 ⬡ It's all a joke until it doesn't have to be ⬡ Antarctica🇦🇶

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 5
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
Seeing all this news about Elon and Twitter unbanning people reminded me of my last account... and I can't believe THIS of all things is what got it taken from me.

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Citizen S @Citizen22668787
@TheSadKot @_yak47 @AdamMilstein @StopAntisemites @USC Wow nice account. Gotta love the Palestine flag-toting Jew/blacks/immigrant-hating white supremacist who is projecting his own country’s history of apartheid, genocide and ethnic cleansing on this conflict. Your and Hamas’ nazi ideology actually see eye to eye. https://t.co/guAZKKQez6
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@_yak47 @AdamMilstein @StopAntisemites @USC cry harder j*w

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sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
Yeah, you could say 1488 is a business interest of mine.

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sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
You've reached the point where you're defending a child molesting )ew... I think it's time to log off for a bit, homie.
@macrae10661 Oh. Damn. Well that’s messed up. But it’s not like Kyle knew that

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I’ve changed my mind. All of you bastards calling this guy a J pedophile- go straight to hell. https://t.co/1g6UDeWGWz https://t.co/tyeXVHwygF
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@WhiteBoyWiliam That's not who's getting called a pedo, homie. The )ew pedo is the short bald manlet that Kyle domed. I feel like you're fishing for some kind of position to take on this issue, you don't need to do that. Kyles fate doesn't change anything for us or our guys in either direction.

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@DeepSouthMan1 Same as Spencer It glows , it glows ,it glows
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@HaouYagami73 @DeepSouthMan1 Spencer is glowing so hard that he's... Being financially ruined in court by New York )ews over the C'ville rally (along with many others).

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View @HaouYagami873
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@Boookie7 @AngeloJohnGage Osama Bin Laden only attacked America because it supported israel and zionism. Saudi Arabia's submission to the j*ws and zionism won't be forgotten either.

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@AlecKinsky @SelimSeesYou This man isn't stupid. He knows what needs to be done. He is just a White male, born in the wrong time, with his ideological enemies dominating him within the totality of the Liberal system. He may have a plan, but he is forbidden to even think it.
sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@AlecKinsky @SelimSeesYou He's actually j*wish.

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sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@HyperBoraean Us: "We stand with the Palestinian people in opposing the J*wish/Israeli forces that seek to displace them, because it is also happening to us." Them: "I can't believe you are worshiping Pakistani r*pe gangs right now!" Getting really tired of these people.

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sadkot🇦🇶 @TheSadKot
@KegzK These people seem to not understand (or they do and are being disingenuous) that you can support Palestine/Palestinians against Israel and the J*ws without co-signing every single thing Muslims have done throughout all of history.

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