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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 30
@katlikestrees Oh, there'll be 'classical music'

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@OrwellNGoode Our patron saint

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Does anyone else sleep with like a foot of foam on top of their mattress? Or am I a lame? Why go buy a new mattress when I can get more foam?
Sleep on the floor, faggot. Seriously, I turned my nephew onto it and he's stronger by the day!

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@Spinachbrah: @BasedSpinach A typo, but funny pic to show up

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@AngeloJohnGage (((typical))))

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@Nightmuse1: @Nightmuse_

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@DianaWintah This painting reminds me that even very successful people with moral courage exist.

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Stefan Molyneux @StefanMolyneux
I hope everyone finally understands that mass immigration has NOTHING to do with employment. It is continuing even with tens of millions unemployed. Immigrants vote for the left. It’s a power grab. Always has been.
Fuck the votes, it about importing rival groups to ideologically weaponize against the greatest ethnic threat to the (((elites))).

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@SteveKingIA @realDonaldTrump

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@AlbionIsForever: @AlbionIsEternal I thought I was beyond good and evil, until I stared (((evil))) in the face.

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@AarickStriger So... Does Whites include (((Whites)))?

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@DSAMikeP Tbh, isn't that most (((SJWs)))?

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@jordanbpeterson I couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would be apprehensive about the future

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The only morality these motherfuckers have is a devotion to kike othodixy.
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@ArktosMedia Omg, (((Portman's))) an antisemite now for having any criticism at all of Israel!

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@RichardFox69 @CicerosSon I saw we boost diversity in Israel by crashing planes full of niggers into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

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@NICEBOYpt @TOOEdit Cited (((Stephens))) citing (((Kaplan)))

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@AlbionIsForever: @End_The_EU Democracy can only work with the (((infiltrators))) and invaders out

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@OrwellNGoode The (((money lenders))) are at it again

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@CicerosSon (((Gun control zealots))) won't stop till Whites are broke, dead, their children are raped and brainwashed, and they've had a good laugh about it.

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@JMcfeels God, so many (((democracy))) memes fired off in one clip

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@CicerosSon (((feminist))) hero

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@TOOEdit Good ol' (((democracy)))

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@CicerosSon With the absolute state of the British Monarchy it pretty much fits. Edward VIII had to abdicate over marrying a divorcee... let alone a descendant of a negro slave who has been divorced and doubtless rode a bunch of (((producers))) to have a career in entertainment.

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@ramzpaul The 'alt-right' would have been smeared regardless. I mean, we're talking about the (((media))) here. It's a fool's errand building an unassailable brand for White interests when (((they))) are wary of populism from the outset.

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@SourcedReports: @StephenMilIer Nixon knew why the (((press))) had it out for him.

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@realDailyWire @benshapiro (((debate)))

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Did I miss something or did Kersey only kill one Black guy in this Death Wish... Very disappointing, but what do you expect with such a (((director)))?!

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@MrFrexlt I don't know how long I would have been asleep on the JQ w/o (((Never Trumpers))) making it glaringly obvious.

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@OrwellNGoode Can't spell holohoax without H

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@tradweegie @missyouHitch @thetolerantman Anyone with eyes to see has been aware of Marxist influence. They are unaware of how Whites are prevented from mobilizing due to a toxic (((individualism))) being sold to them. Peterson might as well be Leon Trotsky as far as I'm concerned.

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@davidhogg111 Anyone got a list of the biggest (((donors))) to the gun control lobby?

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@WhiteMosees @rooshv @joerogan Rogan has children with a Jewess. There's a reason he's never hosted any real right-wing dissidents.

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@ShadilayForever The best part is it hightlights the (((hypocrisy))) on state-enforced history narratives.

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@RichardBSpencer I kinda wonder what would happen if Cerno collapsed. Would his followers be up for grabs, or would they just stay on the (((Conservative))) plantation?

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The last thing (((they))) want is a platform for the noticing kind. #FreeNehlen #ShallNotCensor

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@thehill Totally healthy lifestyle undeserving of criticism

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@LanaLokteff This poor woman has been told that (((feminism))) is the answer to these (((abusive men))). In a way...maybe #metoo is...just not how she thinks

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@vdare @Steve_Sailer Considering that a good deal of Jewish identity is constructed from resentments hundreds and thousands of year old, it's hard to take (((him))) seriously

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@MH_FTN All those (((White Nationalists))) over at (((Breitbart)))...

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@pnehlen Once in a generation a man is born with brass balls

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@werebeingplayed I've just gotta ask though...did any of us truly ever believe the holohoax? It never really added up right since I can remember, tbh

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Ya,they start looking like (((coincidences))).Greenwald's ok though.He'll be the only gay Jew journalist permitted to visit the ethnostate.
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@rooshv For those who hate the Donald it's functions like the Jewess fantasy of getting banged by a Nazi.

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@thetolerantman 'Chutzpah' is the word you're looking for. The (((Left))) has gotten away with so much mostly on account it's hard to believe audacity.

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@JMcfeels A (((Stern))) castigates (((Franken))). Credibility on the Moore attack is clearly of the utmost importance now...

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@mikeenochsback So the holohoax was just an elaborate scheme to get Jews laid?

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@mikeenochsback That is the insane (((worldview))) we have been stuck with as of late, unfortunately.

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@thehill Another Cohencidence

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@RichardBSpencer Noteworthy how the power of brainwashing can turn a brilliant coach into an empty vessel for half-assed (((propaganda))).

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@NixonReaganTrum @know_nothing1 @AmRenaissance He's Larry Summers' nephew, so ya, definitely a Jew. That family sure doesn't play ball on (((feminism))) though.

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@polNewsInfinity Science has been under assault by (((science))) for a long time now.

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@TOOEdit Please Barron, don't marry a Jewess.

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@TOOEdit @realDonaldTrump Sad that we need celebrities to say controversial things.Politicians make a living to present our interests,but instead defend (((theirs)))

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@mikeenochsback High verbal iq: (((they))) recognize the value of forcing ideas into boxes before anyone's aware of it

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@werebeingplayed I thought she was an old Jewess for the longest time on account of her hideous mug. Semitic though, so close enough I guess...

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@Conchscooter1 @RichardBSpencer Here's one good reason

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@WillSWilmot: @WillBWindsor It is reassuring that a lot of the people I follow keep getting (((blocked)))

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@werebeingplayed Nothing to see here, just another (((coincidence))).

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@AFashMcQuean @FW190A8R4 I think the Anne Frank Centre is so named because they are most likely to induce annuda shoah!

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