@Rodeferous Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@atwilkinson_ @TheDailyChud @KirkegaardEmil This is why people dislike the Jews once they start to pay attention to what you're up to. Christian Zionism is only somewhat tolerated by Jews, and only because it's "good for the Jew". Then leftist Jews (mostly Zionists) provide cover by feigning outrage at their eschatology.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay We're in a race against time to help feed starving Holocost survivors in Israel!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@RobertKennedyJr "Never forget!", Elie was a fraud "The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: 'That means that you are writing lies!' I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@RobertKennedyJr "Never forget!", Elie was a fraud "The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: 'That means that you are writing lies!' I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Abulafia, 13th century Jewish imbecile and self declared messiah: "...for this is the reason that for the Greek Christians, messiah is called Anti Christus, in other words the Master of that man, hinted in the verse 'that man, the master of the land spoke harshly with us'...." https://t.co/FeDT4eH03A
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "...The Teli is a beast with the power of sorcery [from which, according to Abulafia, Jesus derives his powers]...Exodus 12...really refers to the victory over the Teli or the darkening of its power...allowing for the redemption to take place..." Source: https://www.academia.edu/802725/Like_Angels_on_Jacob_s_Ladder_Abraham_Abulafia_the_Franciscans_and_Joachimism?email_work_card=title

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Well, this is awkward. It seems that stabbing black children in the head is a Jewish tradition in the ADL's favorite Jews Only Ethnostate.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Seems like you just have to complain around here and things start working again suddenly. That original tweet is now at ~3000 impressions and my pinned tweet's impressions shot up from 600 to 6500 overnight (it had been that way for months). Nothing to see here folks.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Defense Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations' investigation to determine why messages to the USS Liberty to divert course were issued (and never received) and found that US Defense Attache in Tel Aviv had warned that the IDF was planning to attack the ship.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Defense Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations' investigation to determine why messages to the USS Liberty to divert course were issued (and never received) and found that US Defense Attache in Tel Aviv had warned that the IDF was planning to attack the ship.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Resh_Lakish_ @J_H_5 Hmm, why did the fat one turn away and spit inside the church instead of at the guy? Got any lame excuses for this incident from a few years ago? Or are you just going to continue to feign ignorance? There's plenty more examples.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Also, for an ethical Jew, necrophilia isn't forbidden if the corpse that's been defiled is that of a woman's. Source: Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics https://t.co/aP7qMZWHMe https://t.co/u5HOHZvxYV https://t.co/4Lda4Ti55T
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Trump’s most notable achievement – at least in his eyes – is relocating the US Embassy...to Jerusalem in May 2018 and recognizing the holy city as Israel’s true capital...[and noted] his recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights." https://www.casino.org/news/donald-trump-speaks-at-republican-jewish-coalition-appeals-to-sheldon-adelson/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I know of a certain people that already enjoy volunteering their ample free time policing social media for threats to the Jews' race war on Esau/Edom/Amalek... I mean "our" democracy. Updated Digital Platform Commission and Cheka Act (2023): https://www.bennet.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/2/b/2b3c99bf-a4aa-40d5-8f10-1f2b994ca03c/2BB12EB960B8928B7BEE7A8285D61AF5.dpca-bill-text.pdf
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TJMosser1 @montiniski You tell me. (see caption) 😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Continued (2/3): "[Judaism] expounds strict laws with the goal of isolating the Jews from other peoples and to instill a deep hatred against every other religion... Instead of cultivating a universal virtue, they contrive... an empty ceremony of honoring God..." https://t.co/rrDNLyf8Jz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: (3/3): "Derzhavin is spoken of as a fanatical enemy of Jews, a great Anti-Semite...But..his whole Memorandum emerged in 1800 in response to the actual misery and hunger of the peasants..." Source: Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yes, and with their full approval! "Doubtless behind these fateful distilleries stand the Polish landlords...But the Jews were an irreplaceable, active and very inventive link in the chain of exploitation of these illiterate emaciated peasants that had no rights of their own..." https://t.co/4p9SxGkKLA https://t.co/C21oqeRz8M
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Continued (2/3): "[Judaism] expounds strict laws with the goal of isolating the Jews from other peoples and to instill a deep hatred against every other religion... Instead of cultivating a universal virtue, they contrive... an empty ceremony of honoring God..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yes, and with their full approval! "Doubtless behind these fateful distilleries stand the Polish landlords...But the Jews were an irreplaceable, active and very inventive link in the chain of exploitation of these illiterate emaciated peasants that had no rights of their own..."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Abulafia, 13th century Jewish imbecile and self declared messiah: "...for this is the reason that for the Greek Christians, messiah is called Anti Christus, in other words the Master of that man, hinted in the verse 'that man, the master of the land spoke harshly with us'...."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@CeltusMaximus @GRomePow @boriquagato Yes, it will, and yes he was, but he's probably too arrogant and retarded to feel shame.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As the Oslo Accords require, the Palestinian interior ministry, through the civil affairs ministry, transfers current information regularly to the Israeli side, especially concerning births and newborns..." (1/2) https://archive.is/b0jDX
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Lag B'Omer. May your Jewish holiday be filled with spiritual darkness, vengeful fulfillment and joyful dancing around the burning corpses in Gaza. Fuck the Jews. https://t.co/rvNxWGVQFx https://t.co/WqKuARCnX2
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This might as well be the ADL's timeline.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Lag B'Omer. May your Jewish holiday be filled with spiritual darkness, vengeful fulfillment and joyful dancing around the burning corpses in Gaza. Fuck the Jews. https://t.co/rvNxWGVQFx https://t.co/WqKuARCnX2
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Lag B'Omer. May your Jewish holiday be filled with spiritual darkness, vengeful fulfillment and joyful dancing around the burning corpses in Gaza. Fuck the Jews.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The specific method for fulfilling the fifth level of desire...[involves] two processes. The first is reaching its maximum degree: a process fueled by the universal crisis itself and its resulting general desperation. The second is called 'correction'..." https://wrldrels.org/2016/10/08/bnei-baruch/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...they [liberal Jews] would be amenable to a process of tikkun olam that favors voluntary acceptance of a world court, a world government and the universalization of the ethical laws of the Torah and the prophetic vision of world peace as inscribed on the UN building..."
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The image is based on the...Israeli ten lira note (1952) designed in the style of Soviet and Zionist Socialist Realism...the 'New Hebrew' who is young and virile, looking into the future..an image of health, of self-help and of masculinity is associated with gay people with AIDS

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Facts don't care about your Jewish feelings and neither do German authorities.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Jewish "history": "Christians (ie: the entire population of our ancestors' host country/tax farming plantation) attacked us for no reason even before they knew what was written in our religious texts!" Actual Jewish history:
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The time is always right to do what is right." --Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@mliebermandc: @ADLWashCounsel @ADL Wait, sir, we still need your help! The Jews Only state is still ran by bigots and members of Congress keep introducing legislation that would equate anti-Zionism as antisemitism for some reason! https://www.haaretz.co.il/amp/news/elections/.premium-MAGAZINE-1.8503437?__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The image is based on the...Israeli ten lira note (1952) designed in the style of Soviet and Zionist Socialist Realism...the 'New Hebrew' who is young and virile, looking into the future..an image of health, of self-help and of masculinity is associated with gay people with AIDS
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The MMWR Study calculated the rate of herpes infection following direct oral suction for infant males born in New York City to be one in ***4,098***...four times greater than for males born in New York City who did not have direct oral suction." https://t.co/NoPjLIZwis https://t.co/xY6zB4iZlH https://t.co/uQO6JqlhzL
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The CDC estimates that 3,600 newborn boys a year in New York have circumcisions that include the procedure...The organization [Agudath Israel] argues that, given the large number of babies who undergo the procedure...proves the procedure’s safety." https://www.thehastingscenter.org/ritual-circumcision-ban-metzitzah-bpeh/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The MMWR Study calculated the rate of herpes infection following direct oral suction for infant males born in New York City to be one in ***4,098***...four times greater than for males born in New York City who did not have direct oral suction." https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-2nd-circuit/1675503.html
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Replying2Trash @AllahGold0 Yes, sorry, to clarify, we've been arguing about how shitty Judaism is and what kind of shitty people identify as Jews. I mean, he seems to know it's harmful but his Jewish pride won't let him admit it. Just look at his TL.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Liberal Jews: The "ultra-orthodox" are just a fringe group that doesn't represent world Jewry or even Judaism itself. Also liberal Jews: We need a societal mechanism to override rabbinic authority over Israel's "secular" government during times of crisis.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yeah, we're dealing with a large group of superstitious people practicing authentic Judaism with traditional Jewish ghetto culture, who think censuses (especially secular ones) and counting Jews in general will "draw the evil eye". I'd say it's a fair estimate.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Let me Google that for you. "Many believe that if a metzitzah b'peh circumcision is not performed, the boy is not truly Jewish...it is not clear how often metzitzah b'peh is performed. Estimates range from 2000 to 4000 each year in New York City." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1336756/
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Up to the summer of 1918 the absconding messenger boy was a rarity."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Baby dick licking Jew wants you to think his "ancient" tribe and disgusting religion/culture is harmless.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@JenaRomanov @Replying2Trash @JGreenblattADL He's not a smart man, Jena.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"But Passover is more than just a recounting of the past crushing of the skulls of Gentiles. It is also a cautionary tale of the present & our future world to come." Have a "sweet" Passover @JGreenblattADL
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Somebody's having a "Sweet" Pesach. May this year's revenge-based Passover tradition of crushing the skulls of gentiles provide a modicum of satiation to this beloved nation of divided yet united hypocrites.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Oh boy, someone got upset. Sorry, not sorry. #EpicJewFail #CryingJews #JudenSindHierUnerwüscht

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Case in point: A black man, radicalized by years of Jewish anti-white/anti-Christian propaganda, could literally ram his vehicle into a Christmas parade and the ADL's "experts" would only be concerned if he was antisemitic. #StandUptoJewishHate
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@UltraTestoster1 @MaryAnn90131388 @TOOEdit Your petrodollars parroting response is real low-T, brah. The lady asked you a question. Are you some sniveling little Jew/hasbara troll or a useful idiot shabbos goy? https://web.archive.org/web/20130827052839/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jul/17/iraq.usa

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Thank you, @JGreenblattADL for constantly reminding the goyim that Zionism is Judaism and that we are justified in wanting to eliminate all manifestations and blights of Judaism from existence. #BlightUponTheNations #EndJudaism #EndIsrael
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Excited to share that my book #ItCouldHappenHere is now available in paperback. I wrote about the terrifying path America finds itself on today and how we can strike back against #Judaism and Jewish messianic tropes. Learn more at
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
No response after 5 days. 105 views.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: ADL funded attorney Luther Z. Rosser, during the trial: "They got a dirty black negro...had a barber cut his hair and shave him...Why didn’t they let you see him as he was, with his spreading nose through which probably tons of cocaine have been sniffed?"
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Ochs family's NY Times called Conley: a “wretched degenerate negro” a “semi-intoxicated, lustful, improvident, and impecunious negro” a “drunken degenerate” a “treacherous negro” a “drunken, obscene negro jailbird” a “lying, licentious negro jailbird” an “unmoral wretch”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
B'nai B'rith/ADL's PR guy Albert Lasker: "...he [Frank] impressed us as a sexual pervert. Now, he may not have been—or rather a homeosexual [sic] or something like that…when he gets out I hope he slips on a banana peel and breaks his neck."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lol, another stunning reversal. Ovadia is now "a great man"! He's likely in Gehenna boiling in excrement. Oh, and it turns out 700K Jews, not 100K, showed up to this POS' funeral.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
True, I can't speak or read Hebrew and I'm not sure if he's reading from Ketubot 11 but it's vague when it says the rapist "has done nothing". However, Sanhedrin 54b-55a does appear to indicate that a pedophile is not liable for raping a boy under 9 or a girl under 3.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's a compilation of multiple rabbis all saying the same BS. And there's more videos with other rabbis, but let's pretend you have a point. If these are just radical rabbis and Judaism isn't a shitty religion (for a shitty people) why are chief rabbis of Israel so radical? https://t.co/2Lj6c3zLdB https://t.co/ePYGrHToJ4
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: And here's chief rabbi Yitzhak Yosef displaying the piety that comes from deep study of the Torah.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's a compilation of multiple rabbis all saying the same BS. And there's more videos with other rabbis, but let's pretend you have a point. If these are just radical rabbis and Judaism isn't a shitty religion (for a shitty people) why are chief rabbis of Israel so radical?
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The flyleaf in every volume of Steinsaltz's translation of the Talmud: "We must expunge from those invisible prologues the notion that the words [of rabbinic texts] are written about someone else, about others, about anyone but us [the Jews]."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ThatguyinNH @LangForVA @EFillerCorn
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
If he had read further down in the Sanhedrin tractate he could have advised the audience that according to the Talmud, Balaam was the greatest prophet of the Gentiles and that the he had sex with his talking donkey and performed divination with his penis. https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.105a.17?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ThatguyinNH @LangForVA @EFillerCorn Ok retard "If a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable [for punishment]. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt...With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile." https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.14?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@SamEskenasi @J_H_5 @realjoshshowes @CaldronPool This is some of the worst Jewish apologetics I've seen in a while. https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.43a.20?lang=en

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israel's Technion hacked and brought down, likely by a brute force/credential phishing scam followed up by a standard hypervisor level compromise and encryption of their virtual servers. The kind of stuff that takes down a small business without basic network security in place.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MarkK90896621 Wait, are you referring to Talmudic Jesus? From the Jews' holy Torah? Then yeah, he's always worshipping the Jews when he's not boiling in excrement. https://www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a.3?lang=en

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Februus, that is, Pluto, who was believed to rule over purificatory In that month, in which [Numa] ordained that justice be done to the gods of the underworld, the city was obliged to make purificatory sacrifices. But the Christian religion altered this custom for the better..." https://t.co/gi10hrBsT6
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Another interesting section, this one on English months. "Good Jesu, thanks be to thee, who hast turned us away from these vanities and given us [grace] to offer to thee the sacrifice of praise." Source: The Reckoning of Time by The Venerable Bede (Faith Wallis translation)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
To this they add the explanation that it was fitting that the Creator of eternal light should be conceived and born along with the increase of temporal light, and that the herald of penance, who must decrease, should be engendered and born at a time when the light is diminishing. https://t.co/SPao4MwOUQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Februus, that is, Pluto, who was believed to rule over purificatory In that month, in which [Numa] ordained that justice be done to the gods of the underworld, the city was obliged to make purificatory sacrifices. But the Christian religion altered this custom for the better..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
To this they add the explanation that it was fitting that the Creator of eternal light should be conceived and born along with the increase of temporal light, and that the herald of penance, who must decrease, should be engendered and born at a time when the light is diminishing.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
How it started and how it's going (after the ADL put another black man in his place). https://t.co/GzjVN1h6D1 https://t.co/m5lL7emDgA
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
How it started and how it's going (after the ADL put another black man in his place).
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@JGreenblattADL @NickCannon I'm so glad to hear you guys have patched things up since you attempted to publicly defame him and ruin his career for reading a book.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@JGreenblattADL @NickCannon I'm so glad to hear you guys have patched things up since you attempted to publicly defame him and ruin his career for reading a book.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Unavailable referenced tweet on my own timeline is available via the exact same link. Twitter's got a dybbuk in the system. https://t.co/0aEz2B7cKe https://t.co/x7OZSpUvAT
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Unavailable referenced tweet on my own timeline is available via the exact same link. Twitter's got a dybbuk in the system.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Suf_93 @TOOEdit Surprisingly her Jewish consultant's recommendation to grovel before the Jews and pander to their hatred of Esau didn't work. https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2019-04-02/ty-article/ilhan-omars-jewish-communications-director-is-helping-her-bounce-back/0000017f-e000-db22-a17f-fcb113f70000

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TOOEdit "Omar said it is up to the Jewish community to define antisemitism."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Everytime you want to start a war of aggression, drag in the Holocaust. It's the suffering then used as another pretext or excuse to humiliate, degrade, and torture the Palestinians. Here's the suffering, now we blow up your house." (1/2) #WeRemember https://youtu.be/qcWIaYJGlOQ

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@2022moshiachnow Lossky censures Eriugena for failing to grasp the ontological difference between essence and energies taught by Ps. Dionysus...Eriugena failed to find the distinction...because it was...a creation of 14th century Byzantine Theology.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yuval Noah Harari: "In the past, censorship worked by blocking the flow of information. In the twenty-first century, censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information...Today having power means knowing what to ignore.” Roberto Calasso, The Unnamable Present (2017)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Dretchy Let me help you out. Aristotle and others in antiquity clearly reference Palestine and not Judea, it was called that well before the Romans named their new client state Judea. A Judean "state" existed for all of *maybe* 100 years in actual known history.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
You know he has a point. Matthew 6: And Jesus said 'Verily I say unto you, you will not see Heaven unless you bring me your wives' undies so I can sniff and taste of them. Except the am ha'aretz (unlearned). Their wives are vermin and am ha'aretz should be gutted like a fish.'
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Hah! This rodef, be he goy or Jew, reading Steinsaltz's widely accepted translation of the Talmud, only sees the anti-Gentile bigotry, poop jokes and ramblings that offer Jews no moral or spiritual value, but a true talmid chacham can unlock its wisdom!" https://t.co/29mH16PmP7 https://t.co/T5OYyBzgFs
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: And with that, we can conclude that Judaism is indefensible.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Hah! This rodef, be he goy or Jew, reading Steinsaltz's widely accepted translation of the Talmud, only sees the anti-Gentile bigotry, poop jokes and ramblings that offer Jews no moral or spiritual value, but a true talmid chacham can unlock its wisdom!"
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MeniEvenIsrael @GogoIsrael2 @MauricePinay @jacklanger @walterkirn Ah, I never bothered checking to see what the William Davidson Talmud was exactly. But it's not commentaries, it's the full translation of Steinsaltz's. https://www.sefaria.org/william-davidson-talmud

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@GogoIsrael2 @MauricePinay @jacklanger @walterkirn Really? Those are the best tweets you could find to sully my good name? And if you must know, I do most of my Torah studying at Sefaria https://www.sefaria.org/about. The translation is pretty much identical to Steinsaltz's English translation.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@GogoIsrael2 @MauricePinay @jacklanger @walterkirn You're aware Gentile hatred oozes from Judaism and the Jewish culture it created, right? Also, it took two seconds to find the original article. You're welcome. https://www.cleveland.com/nation/2009/07/fbi_sting_exposes_organtraffic.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MauricePinay Poor Epps didn't even get to sit through Trump's speech. He was distracted by a disruptive group he saw earlier with "blow horns" heading towards the Capitol and followed them.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Peter of Celle (12th cent.): "...let us survey how the voluble wheel of secular life rolls around and then we shall be able to grasp the great inconstancy with which secular conscience (saecularis conscientia) spins around... [and] furnishes no sure and stable signs of itself."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...in another description of Toledot Yeshu, after God caused Jesus to fall from the sky, the Jewish multitude dragged him through all the latrines (moschabim), where he was tainted with excrement and left to decompose."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Christmas comes early for the ADL as they manage to swindle another ~$408 million (at least) from US tax payers to combat Jewish introspection as well as fund their anti-democratic political chicanery and ethnic cleansing programs both at home and abroad in the Jews Only State.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Jewish "Holidays": Avenge the vengeance of Your servants’ blood from the wicked nation. For the time has delayed and there is no end to the days of evil, Push away the Red One (Esau) in the lowest shadow and establish for us the seven shepherds. https://www.sefaria.org/Siddur_Ashkenaz%2C_Festivals%2C_Chanukah%2C_Service_for_Lighting_Chanukah_Candles%2C_Maoz_Tzur?lang=bi
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Source: The mystery of (re)incarnation and the fallen angels: The reincarnations of Adam, Enoch, Metatron, (Jesus), and Joseph—an anti-Christian polemic in the Zohar Jonatan M. Benarroch Hebrew University of Jerusalem https://www.academia.edu/36955250/The_Mystery_of_Re_incarnation_and_the_Fallen_Angels_The_Reincarnations_of_Adam_Enoch_Metatron_Jesus_and_Joseph_An_Anti_Christian_Polemic_in_the_Zohar

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Jesus is identified here as one of the forces 'from the side of the primor-dial serpent' who lures victims to refrain from the study of the Torah and from obeying its laws...[and] seduces people to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The feeling was increased when Frank's mother who came here from Brooklyn to attend her son's trial denounced Mr. Dorsey in the court room as 'You Christian dog!'" The New York Sun, Oct. 12, 1913 pg. 6 https://www.loc.gov/resource/sn83030272/1913-10-12/ed-1/?sp=6&st=image&r=0.298,0.798,0.149,0.227,0

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I probably should post this now. 😅 B'nai B'rith/ADL's PR guy Albert Lasker: "...he [Frank] impressed us as a sexual pervert. Now, he may not have been—or rather a homeosexual [sic] or something like that…when he gets out I hope he slips on a banana peel and breaks his neck."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Imagine being Jewish and actually believing goyim owe you any sympathy. "...White Christmas, written by Jewish songwriter Irving Berlin and described by author Philip Roth as a song that 'de-Christs' Christmas and 'turns it into a holiday about snow.'" https://web.archive.org/web/20221218191315/https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2012-12-10/ty-article/.premium/chemi-shalev-bar-refaelis-chrismukkah/0000017f-ef02-d0f7-a9ff-efc7ef260000

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
974 impressions.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TOOEdit @VonHa5h @jordanbpeterson Well, Kevin, in the Jewish mind it was a shemama, a desert, a land full of nothingness because it was a land of strange Gentiles, even stranger than the Russian or Polish peasant they were accustomed to despising for centuries.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I guess LGBTQ "rights" are more important than the lives of non-Jews in general. This person isn't even fully converted yet and already can't tell right from wrong.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TiffLexi30 @LuckyManAlways @rickyftx This is why Israel behaves the way it does. Is this really a religion you want to follow? "If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt [from punishment]..With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile." https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.14?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Ochs family's NY Times called Conley: a “wretched degenerate negro” a “semi-intoxicated, lustful, improvident, and impecunious negro” a “drunken degenerate” a “treacherous negro” a “drunken, obscene negro jailbird” a “lying, licentious negro jailbird” an “unmoral wretch” https://t.co/pGSph1jrLE https://t.co/1gGz3ZLSSU
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Never before in the history of this country has any convicted criminal been given the freedom of the daily papers that Frank has enjoyed." “if the Jews are so rash as to identify the whole race WITH ITS WORST MEMBER, what can they expect? Other races don’t make that mistake.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Ochs family's NY Times called Conley: a “wretched degenerate negro” a “semi-intoxicated, lustful, improvident, and impecunious negro” a “drunken degenerate” a “treacherous negro” a “drunken, obscene negro jailbird” a “lying, licentious negro jailbird” an “unmoral wretch”
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TiffLexi30 @LuckyManAlways @rickyftx This is why Israel behaves the way it does. Is this really a religion you want to follow? "If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt [from punishment]..With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile." https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.14?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
ADL funded attorney Luther Z. Rosser, during the trial regarding Jim Conley: "Is it possible that you Anglo-Saxon men have forgotten the nature of the negro?....Conley is a plain, beastly, ragged, filthy, lying nigger. Have I overstated that?…" (1/3)
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Conley is a plain, dirty, filthy, lying, drunken and probably lousy nigger….They got a dirty black negro and in order to give impetus to his testimony they had a barber cut his hair and shave him, and they gave him a bath, and he came in here like a slicked onion." (2/3)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: ADL funded attorney Luther Z. Rosser, during the trial regarding Jim Conley: "Is it possible that you Anglo-Saxon men have forgotten the nature of the negro?....Conley is a plain, beastly, ragged, filthy, lying nigger. Have I overstated that?…" (1/3)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"There was some kind of Jewish kingdom and 2 commonwealths (?) for this many years. But I don't have any specific examples at the moment."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@kan_immanuel Lol true, but it doesn't change the fact that so much of rabbinic culture is like an evil clown world version of Hellenism. Transmigration/metempsychosis, purity rituals, rituals to appease/utilize demons, gematria (isopsephy), etc. Even the word synagogue is of Greek origin.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]his chapter will tend to support the position of Cohen albeit not in terms of Hellenistic 'influence,' nor even yet in terms of 'hellenization,' so much as of Babylonian Jewish culture as itself a Hellenism." The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The correspondence between Etruscan and Assyrian hepatoscopy became evident as soon as the Etruscan bronze liver found at Piacenza was compared with the Assyrian clay model of a liver in the British Museum." https://t.co/frU43HFhBe
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "A 'purifier of the army, the one who knows the things for wiping off' is mentioned in Sophocles...Wiping off (kuppuru)...[is a] practice of purification priests...the root of this word came to mean purification in general in Hebrew...Yom Kippur is the 'Day of Purification'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The secrets of asipu [magician-priest], the knowing one shall show them to the knowing one; he who does not know does not see them; to your son whom you love, make him pronounce the name of god Asalluhi and god Ninurta, and show him...The wise one makes his son take the oath." https://t.co/SBJemJt2Vz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The correspondence between Etruscan and Assyrian hepatoscopy became evident as soon as the Etruscan bronze liver found at Piacenza was compared with the Assyrian clay model of a liver in the British Museum."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"To scratch, to incise, is harasu in Akkadian, charaxai in Greek. This then became the term for the minting of Greek coins...The term scratcher seems to point back to a practice which precedes the striking of coins, a practice which is shown clearly in the talents of Zincirli." https://t.co/sz0OJ6RZVO
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The secrets of asipu [magician-priest], the knowing one shall show them to the knowing one; he who does not know does not see them; to your son whom you love, make him pronounce the name of god Asalluhi and god Ninurta, and show him...The wise one makes his son take the oath."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@2022moshiachnow "...the obligation of knight service under Anglo-Norman law barred a land transfer...The dominance of personal feudal loyalties equally forbade the attachment of land in satisfaction of a debt; only the debtor's chattels could be seized."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Greek names of the letters (alpha, beta, gamma) with their unalterable order. These are Semitic words—bull, house, and so on—which have no sense at all in Greek. They were preserved for one reason: All teaching of reading and writing began with learning this sequence by heart." https://t.co/ODvXmWqBca
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "To scratch, to incise, is harasu in Akkadian, charaxai in Greek. This then became the term for the minting of Greek coins...The term scratcher seems to point back to a practice which precedes the striking of coins, a practice which is shown clearly in the talents of Zincirli."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Greek names of the letters (alpha, beta, gamma) with their unalterable order. These are Semitic words—bull, house, and so on—which have no sense at all in Greek. They were preserved for one reason: All teaching of reading and writing began with learning this sequence by heart."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@lou_segal Yes, my apologies, the character limit on Twitter sometimes makes it difficult to provide all of the context. Here's the next page which shows how he advised these "neo-Nazi" organizations.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I ain't 'fraid of no ghost.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@theyvonnesayers @roberthchapman @HaderBryan @elonmusk I agree, he can get all worked up about nonsense if he wants, but don't worry. It's ok now. He blocked me. The bad man (me not Elon) can't hurt him any more.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@roberthchapman @HaderBryan @theyvonnesayers @elonmusk This just in: man-child throws himself into the ocean after learning what a meme is and how his crybaby mentality is not only not a virtue, but extremely annoying to everyone who still has a sense of humor.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChantalGaultie0 Deflecting from the nature of modern Israel's rabbinic roots is a universal tactic. There may be some Torah Shebaal Peh True Jews that claim they don't want to "ascend the wall" but Zionism is just an accelerant for Judaism's goal of worldly redemption.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Not sure if you saw this. I think Twitter hid it from my followers' timelines (only 80 "impressions"). Kalischer and Alkalai were some of the few "Harbringers" of a natural redemption, a concept at odds with many Eastern European rebbes, including Chabad.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Bye bye for now, non-Jewish, non-homosexual birther, and secular (?) Zionist that blesses Israel. We'll resume this discussion when you're ready. Then we'll discuss the nature of Israel.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Hep! Hep!
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@KerryBird1234 @cigarette_boat Did you just claim to have read a book by an award winning author, that has thousands of footnotes, when it's quite clear you're just a whiney little uneducated Jew? https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @KerryBird1234 @cigarette_boat The Bolshevik regime would have collapsed immediately without financial backing from Jews.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Defense Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations' investigation to determine why messages to the USS Liberty to divert course were issued (and never received) and found that US Defense Attache in Tel Aviv had warned that the IDF was planning to attack the ship.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"In FY 1964 (JFK's last budget)...US assistance for Israel...was split almost equally between development loans and food...In FY 1965 (LBJ), however, 20% of U.S. aid was military in nature, and in FY 1966, 71%...came in the form of credits for purchase of military equipment." https://t.co/T1Z1LZtIKT https://t.co/B3jPvmHKX9
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: David Brody, director of the ADL during Israel's pre-planned assault and land grab in 1967 to WH staff: "It would be great if LBJ didn't use the words 'territorial integrity' and blather on about 'peace, justice, and equity' instead. We always do that when we're up to no good."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"In FY 1964 (JFK's last budget)...US assistance for Israel...was split almost equally between development loans and food...In FY 1965 (LBJ), however, 20% of U.S. aid was military in nature, and in FY 1966, 71%...came in the form of credits for purchase of military equipment."
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Israel's heavy foreign arms purchases could not forever be paid from donations, i.e., from Zionist fundraising in the United States and Europe...Israel began in the mid-1960s to develop markets for what would eventually become the largest single sector in her economy--arms sales.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The rodef is free! I'm fairly surprised that my valid appeal (below) was accepted: "Jonathan's religion has many texts that promote hate of non-Jews. I didn't steal 500K from Kyrie and then publicly lynch/harass him, the ADL did."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
JFK's father: "I've done everything I can to fight the Jewish power over this country. I tried to stop World War II, but I failed...I'm passing everything I've learned on to my sons...I'm teaching my boys the whole score and they're going to work with the Jews." Final Judgement

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The ADL's supporters regarding that time Israelis authorities were caught sterilizing Ethiopians:
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jbs82259 @Rabbi_DavidKalb @ADL While the article that anti-Semite shared is real, and Israelis did intentionally sterilize Ethiopians, that was just a one time thing, I'm sure. Regardless of that fact, Israel is a great place for shvartzah to stay a bit before we deport them. https://amp.observers.france24.com/en/20180501-shocking-photos-migrants-humiliated-tel-aviv

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jbs82259 @Rabbi_DavidKalb @ADL While the article that anti-Semite shared is real, and Israelis did intentionally sterilize Ethiopians, that was just a one time thing, I'm sure. Regardless of that fact, Israel is a great place for shvartzah to stay a bit before we deport them. https://amp.observers.france24.com/en/20180501-shocking-photos-migrants-humiliated-tel-aviv

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @elonmusk

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Mike Pence: "Trust me folks, you don't want to end up like Jesus, who only after being sentenced to boil in feces for all eternity realized that you should always bless the Jewish people, even if it's clear that they pose a grave threat to civilization." https://www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a.3?lang=en
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Jews: "Palestine never existed." Aristotle (who never once mentioned the Jews or "Judea"): "There's this really weird 'lake' in Palestine (Παλαιστίνη - Palaistini)."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @Suf_93 @kommandant21 There's a method to my madness. 😉 "Destroy seriousness with laughter, laughter with seriousness."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
They apparently still like this comment. 😂
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"It is the Pythagorean variant of Orphism that is manifest in Pindar, Empedocles, Herodotus, and Plato, connected always with south Italian or Sicilian tradition...To what extent does the doctrine imply clearly formulated beliefs, and how important is the word ψυχή?" W. Burkert https://t.co/uSsc6dXRYG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "In Antiphanes' comedy Νεοττίς...The poet is punning: the 'thrice blessed' Pythagoras is at the same time the 'thrice dead.'...[and] could count on an allusion to the idea being understood."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"It is the Pythagorean variant of Orphism that is manifest in Pindar, Empedocles, Herodotus, and Plato, connected always with south Italian or Sicilian tradition...To what extent does the doctrine imply clearly formulated beliefs, and how important is the word ψυχή?" W. Burkert

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The ADL: "If a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable [for punishment]. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt...With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile." https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.14?lang=bi
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency "...among the geographical lists at the Temple of Amenhotep III at Soleb...Bedouin or desert tribes (Egyptian Shasu), including the Shasu land of which reads yhwȝ....This interpretation is strengthened by the proximity of Seir in the same list...Seir is one and the same as Edom."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @profsamperry @Peter_Wehner Hey, you leave the Jews Only state out of this. I'm sure Peter and @ndrewwhitehead would prefer we stay on topic, lest their readers find out too much about Judaism and what happens when ot becomes the law of the land.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@kan_immanuel Technically the mass murderers were Jews, but we know what kind of men Judaism produces. They have no problem with mass murdering goyim. But we're talking about the Bolshevik Revolution and how Jews backed the movement and subsequent regime. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'm not sure if anyone needs to hear this but 2400 years ago mothers were telling their children to 'pipe down'. Eh, sharing it anyways since Google doesn't seem to know anything about it.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: You know, she may have a point. Who wouldn't want to be a neurotic Jew, incapable of feeling shame? Btw, I'm just communicate with these people using GIFs and links to relevant threads in the future if that's okay with you guys. #HasbaraLifeHack

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Marigold_514 @MauricePinay @JJJJenniferrrr2 @tophertownmusic
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The undisguised elements of ridicule in such blackface portrayals by Jews mimicking the outlandish stereotypes of blacks,” he continued, “now looks suspiciously like one group’s desperate need to assert its own superiority by mimicking another.” http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/jews-and-blackface-its-complicated/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Thank you g-d for not making me a Jew. Thank you g-d for not making me a woman. Thank you g-d for not making me a slave to Judaism and the retarded culture it has engendered. #RunAwayFromCryingJew https://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/2463526/jewish/Why-Im-Not-Offended-by-the-Blessing-Thank-You-G-d-for-Not-Making-Me-a-Woman.htm
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 Oddly enough, Kingsley's Catafalque notes that Jungian psychology leads back to Empedocles. However, I share your hesitancy. It's not for everyone. I still think philosophy that reminds us to care for our souls and struggle for "the Good" is beneficial.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 As someone who finds neoplatonic concepts interesting, I'll admit there was a bit of sting at first, but he's definitely uncovered some major blunders that seem to turn the pre-Socratic teachings on their head.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 Maybe an anecdote will cheer you up? Some ancient Sicilian once taught his disciple that Strife is good for the soul, the only thing that can free it from Aphrodite's binding (and deceptive/deluding) "Love". "Watch her with your consciousness! Don't just sit there in a daze..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@wVivare: @0mnifer @mollyhmyers @TOOEdit

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 @christgnosis @paradigmsmasher Ch. 7 of Calasso's The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony focuses on this myth and has some excellent insights. "Then, little by little, Zeus vomited everything that had settled in his belly out into the light...Everything looked the same as before, yet everything was different."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Suf_93 @MauricePinay Here's an artistic rendering of him, posted by an Israeli a while back (causing cries of antisemitism).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Suf_93 Judaism is as Judaism does.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @ConcStudies @EzraPoundknew

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
He deleted his anniversary tweet for a 6 year old documentary proving the US government, mainstream media, and social media is riddled with foreign agents and traitors acting on behalf of the Jews Only Ethnostate. Clearly the Elders of the White Goyim made him delete it. https://t.co/DIB8G0VsFU https://t.co/OZ4WXYsGax
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
He deleted his anniversary tweet for a 6 year old documentary proving the US government, mainstream media, and social media is riddled with foreign agents and traitors acting on behalf of the Jews Only Ethnostate. Clearly the Elders of the White Goyim made him delete it. https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1579699900073508864/video/1
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Aristides asked him: 'What harm has Aristides done you?' The illiterate man answered: 'None. And I don't know him, but it bothers me hearing everybody call him Aristides the Just.' Without more ado, Aristides wrote his own name on the potsherd."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Come and see: All those sun-worshipers are always called worshipers of Baal, and those who worship the moon are called worshipers of Asherah...The name Asherah was removed from Shekhinah so that the [goyim] would not be empowered by the invocation of that name." Zohar 48b

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
FYI, this is much easier than providing mountains of evidence proving that Judaism is a despicable religion.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jaleelappleseed Classic rebbe move. You see this week's parasha? "I have a suggestion for the world. Let every nation contribute ten percent of their R and D (research and development) money to 'start-up Israel' and sit back for startling scientific results" #YomKippur https://nachmankahana.com/bsd-parashat-vayelech-5783/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 I've seen the comparison before: Mercurians possess a quality that the Greeks called metis, or 'cunning intelligence'...fully embodied on this earth by Odysseus, it is the most potent weapon of the weak...the nemesis of both brute force and mature wisdom.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Jewish and Gypsy concepts of 'Goy' and 'Gajo' (among other terms and spellings) allowed one to conceive of all non-Jews or non-Gypsies as one alien tribe, with individual Goyim or Gajos as members. Even the Christians and Muslims who specialized in service nomadism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The only thing Palamedes said before dying was that he mourned the passing of the truth, which had died before him...Palamedes' enemy had shown that a total agreement between the world and the mind could be falseness itself....The lie was more consistent than the truth." https://t.co/eEAD2AJkhQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Odysseus was the first to have mediation triumph over the immediate...the twisted mind over straightforwardness. All the character traits that would be assigned over the centuries to the merchant, the foreigner, the Jew, the traveling player were coined by Odys­seus in himself."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The only thing Palamedes said before dying was that he mourned the passing of the truth, which had died before him...Palamedes' enemy had shown that a total agreement between the world and the mind could be falseness itself....The lie was more consistent than the truth."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Second part of Manetho's writings about the Hyksos invasion and the later expulsion of lepers (or foreigners) and/or Jews from Egypt as told by a biased Josephus. https://t.co/P3UMB2SBGK
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Author's notes: "The way which Manetho adduces the identification of Osarsiph with Moses implies that it was an addition to the main narrative, after it had already been traditionally fixed."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Author's notes: Manetho speaks only of the founding of Jerusalem by the Hyksos, though he does not expressly identify them with the Jews. That, however, is probably implied by his narrative, if we are to judge by Hecataeus who...ignores the pre-Judaean existence of the town... https://t.co/jmgMmFz5jP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Second part of Manetho's writings about the Hyksos invasion and the later expulsion of lepers (or foreigners) and/or Jews from Egypt as told by a biased Josephus.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I've posted Manetho's writings (as told by a biased Josephus) about the Hyksos invasion and later the expelling of Moses (an evil Egyptian priest) and his band of lepers/Jews from Egypt, in the past but I'll go ahead and share this translation as well. The Hyksos invasion: https://t.co/tcnfY4uXtG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Author's notes: Manetho speaks only of the founding of Jerusalem by the Hyksos, though he does not expressly identify them with the Jews. That, however, is probably implied by his narrative, if we are to judge by Hecataeus who...ignores the pre-Judaean existence of the town...

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[Manetho's] story shows many traits found in the Prophecy of the Lamb or the Oracle of the Potter...we have clear evidence that there was religious tension between the Egyptians and Jewish settlers in Egypt in the Persian period ." Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism https://t.co/lbI0GPPw0q
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: I've posted Manetho's writings (as told by a biased Josephus) about the Hyksos invasion and later the expelling of Moses (an evil Egyptian priest) and his band of lepers/Jews from Egypt, in the past but I'll go ahead and share this translation as well. The Hyksos invasion:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[Manetho's] story shows many traits found in the Prophecy of the Lamb or the Oracle of the Potter...we have clear evidence that there was religious tension between the Egyptians and Jewish settlers in Egypt in the Persian period ." Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This just in, news story inadvertently promotes classic antisemitic trope about Jewish speculators.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 He'd probably say something like, "Yeah, big whoop, how do you think that jerk Rodeferous found out about that book?!" 😂
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lol. I know "modern-day Nazi fighters" tend to be Jews that "love and care" for the Jews Only Ethnostate, but this lady really showcases the mental retardation that so many liberal Jews suffer from. Or they're just really shitty people. Probably both. No, definitely both.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Dear Jews, Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. Sincerely, Yahweh #RoshHashanah #ShanaTova
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@perrylee195 Indeed. And as someone who attempts to document and share the sordid history and ridiculous religion of these people (and I don't even have the time/will to share all of my findings), let me just say...

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Nations of the world, by the sun; Israel, by the moon. Which of them is more worthy? Surely, the moon..." Zohar 236-237a, Pritzker edition https://t.co/XHAmShbHeb
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "He made the moon for seasons—by which to sanctify new moons and new years." #RoshHashanah #ShanaTova #AsherahCult

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Come and see: All those sun-worshipers are always called worshipers of Baal, and those who worship the moon are called worshipers of Asherah...The name Asherah was removed from Shekhinah so that the [goyim] would not be empowered by the invocation of that name." Zohar 48b https://t.co/f8suBR9VCy
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Nations of the world, by the sun; Israel, by the moon. Which of them is more worthy? Surely, the moon..." Zohar 236-237a, Pritzker edition

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Come and see: All those sun-worshipers are always called worshipers of Baal, and those who worship the moon are called worshipers of Asherah...The name Asherah was removed from Shekhinah so that the [goyim] would not be empowered by the invocation of that name." Zohar 48b

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Biden to host first-ever White House Rosh Hashanah reception, celebrating Israel's suckling of accumulated blessings from the Shekinah/moon. Goyim will be provided with wicker baskets of oxen meat and greens, then judged by g-d and sentenced to burn in hell. Zohar 64a-64b
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"How Jacob suffered!" [suffering inflicted on me by his prince By Samael, chief demon and heavenly prince of Esau. According to Midrash and Zohar, he is identified with the nameless being who wrestled with Jacob.] Zohar 179b

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"And what about poor old Catholicism, squeezed in the middle, the eyes shut?"
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"But, by a stroke of luck, we do have a passage about the Bou­phonia that Porphyry copied from Theophrastus, a passage that offers the noblest and clearest Mediterranean formu­lation of the metaphysics of sacrifice." Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony (1994)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Dude's like the latest Amalek archetype, amiright? Doesn't he realize the Holocaust is a religious ornament of Judaism? It was a miracle that transmutes every Jew, even if they're a pointless secular Jew, into a sanctification of g-d. #JewsNeverForgive https://web.archive.org/web/20201027090837/https://www.yeshiva.co/midrash/758
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: The Jew cries out "My family is so terrified we're going outside to have a pizza picnic" while bombing the non-Jew's concentration camp.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "Pray tell us what would have become of Judaism and the Jews if they had not, through the institutions of the Talmudic sages, thrown a protecting fence around their religion, so as to safeguard it...? These pygmies...do not realize that their very existence is an anachronism"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Maimonides in his Mishneh Torah says a child of two converts is basically a mamzer (Jewish bastard child). The mamzer stigma is transferred to all of the child's descendants with the hope that they'll one day forget their ancestors had ever converted. https://www.sefaria.org/Mishneh_Torah%2C_Forbidden_Intercourse.15.8?lang=bi
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "I came to live in Granada / and I saw them frolicking there. / They divided up the city and the provinces / with one of their accursed men everywhere. / They collect all the revenues, / they munch and they crunch..."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Cover letter of Grant's General Orders No. 11: "I...frequently have had them expelled from the Dept. [of the Tennessee]. But they come in with their Carpet sacks, in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Former Chief Rabbi of Israel explains why sex with an infant isn't a punishable offense. #EndJudaism

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: That should hold it off for a while. I never leave home without my trusty copy of Blessings, curses, hopes, and fears: Psycho-ostensive expressions in Yiddish.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
If he had read further down in the Sanhedrin tractate he could have advised the audience that according to the Talmud, Balaam was the greatest prophet of the Gentiles and that the he had sex with his talking donkey and performed divination with his penis. https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.105a.17?lang=bi
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lovely lady. I like how she gives away the whole schtik "don't let the war of words ever be fought about Israel's nature". You American Jews really need to step up your game if you want to keep your little Eastern European Jewish ethnostate. https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1532218085830189058/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The influence of Islam on the nascent movement and its exponents, especially those of the Lurianic doctrine, which evolved in a Muslim environment, has been largely neglected by modern scholarship." Banished Brother Islam in Jewish Thought and Faith https://www.academia.edu/36980014/Paul_B_Fenton_Banished_Brother_Islam_in_Jewish_Thought_and_Faith_in_Alon_Goshen_Gottstein_and_Eugene_Korn_eds_Jewish_Theology_and_World_Religions_Oxford_Littman_2012_235_261

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The demonic function...is taken over in Israeli by the mysterious force of 'darkness' and 'shells', anticipating, if not actually influencing, the use of the latter term [kelipot] in Jewish mystical thought." Isaac Israeli: A Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early Tenth Century

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"What is a general good tool according to Microsoft? [...] It includes tracking the general population, gathering information from all social media - and now it turns out, a biometric signature of West Bank residents." https://www.themarker.com/technation/.premium-1.7497279
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"This section of the [Passover] Haggadah...signifies a connection between vengeance against the Gentiles and the appearance of the Messiah... [and] is recited as an introduction to the fourth and last cup of wine, the cup of deliverance..." http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2008/04/passover-story-for-goys-vs-real-deal.html?m=1
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Somebody's having a "Sweet" Pesach. May this year's revenge-based Passover tradition of crushing the skulls of gentiles provide a modicum of satiation to this beloved nation of divided yet united hypocrites.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As a result we learn that [even] those among Pharaoh’s courtiers who feared the Lord’s word were a snare for Israel! Based on this they would say, '[Even] the worthy among the gentiles, kill! The best of the snakes, crush its brains!'” --Medieval Shimon bar Yochai

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
29 deaths? Jewish supremacists intentionally bombed and murdered 3 families (38 people total) in one neighborhood on a single day in May 2021. Jewish Nationalists are literal terrorists in the Jews Only State and the greatest threat facing The Nations. https://archive.is/b0jDX
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Tripartite Declaration of 1950, which had nearly succumbed during the Suez War, died finally in November, 1963, at the Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. Lyndon Johnson's presidency would bring a fundamental turning point in US-Israeli relations. https://t.co/SZVFaj8tNI
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Israel's heavy foreign arms purchases could not forever be paid from donations, i.e., from Zionist fundraising in the United States and Europe...Israel began in the mid-1960s to develop markets for what would eventually become the largest single sector in her economy--arms sales.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Tripartite Declaration of 1950, which had nearly succumbed during the Suez War, died finally in November, 1963, at the Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas. Lyndon Johnson's presidency would bring a fundamental turning point in US-Israeli relations.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction No amount of shofar blowing or chicken's blood will save you from Gehanna, bigoted Reform Jewish Supremacist hypocrites. #EndJudaism @joshuamzstanton https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1438344014210772994/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Philo claimed in the name of Judaism everything which he took from the gentiles. The king theory, he assumed, was Jewish; the metaphysics of Plato, the numbers of the Pythagoreans, the cosmology of Greek science, the mysticism, ethics, and psychology of the hellenistic world..." https://t.co/IIskYZPxBO
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "...the Pharisees (the early rabbis of Talmudic tradition) were the party of reformed Judaism, adapting the old ways and laws to new conditions...Only so long as the Jews continued to live differently from other people could they remain a distinct entity..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "Philo claimed in the name of Judaism everything which he took from the gentiles. The king theory, he assumed, was Jewish; the metaphysics of Plato, the numbers of the Pythagoreans, the cosmology of Greek science, the mysticism, ethics, and psychology of the hellenistic world..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"These symbols appear to indicate a type of Judaism in which, as in Philonic Judaism, the basic elements of "mystery" were superimposed upon Jewish legalism...added from the mystery religions, or from Gnosticism, the burning desire to...appropriate God's life into oneself."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As a result we learn that [even] those among Pharaoh’s courtiers who feared the Lord’s word were a snare for Israel! Based on this they would say, '[Even] the worthy among the gentiles, kill! The best of the snakes, crush its brains!'” --Medieval Shimon bar Yochai

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...the elders who issued the regulation did not stipulate any punishment or sanction against violators. Why they refrained from doing so is unclear. Another possibility is that this regulation was not truly meant to be enforced, but was rather enacted for the gentiles to see."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As Leo Strauss has observed, subterfuge is an important response to persecution and helped create an art form in which ‘the truth about all crucial things is presented exclusively between the lines’. Artistic deception also reinforces community boundaries..."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...money's 'value' is actually a consensually honored promise as issued by whoever holds the prerogative of coinage - which places it squarely in the elemental realm of Air...money is traditionally alloted to Mercury." The Cult of the Black Cube H/t @derorcurrency https://t.co/YmejbmJChw
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"By alchemy I mean the belief that all paper money can be turned into an intrinsically valuable commodity, such as gold, on demand and that money kept in banks can be taken out whenever depositors ask for it. The truth is that money, in all forms, depends on trust in its issuer." https://t.co/0ctPCntxkb
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "...money's 'value' is actually a consensually honored promise as issued by whoever holds the prerogative of coinage - which places it squarely in the elemental realm of Air...money is traditionally alloted to Mercury." The Cult of the Black Cube H/t @derorcurrency

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"By alchemy I mean the belief that all paper money can be turned into an intrinsically valuable commodity, such as gold, on demand and that money kept in banks can be taken out whenever depositors ask for it. The truth is that money, in all forms, depends on trust in its issuer."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
C'mon man (?), is satirical role reversal, simply for that "shock factor" that's become a staple of American entertainment, no longer kosher?
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Modena implicated Jewish kabbalists in this process of Christian appropriation...the terms or yashar, or hozer, and sah mesuhsah, literally, “righteous light,” “returning light,” and “radiant transparency,” which referred to the kabbalistic concept of three primordial lights..." https://t.co/omud73YMty
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The phenomenon of Jewish converts to Christianity drawing on Kabbalah to proselytize to their former coreligionists was not a theoretical abstraction for Modena; it was an urgent and pressing matter that had a vivid and recent history."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"With respect to Pico’s genealogy of Kabbalah, Modena’s argument was no different from his rejection of similar claims made by Jewish kabbalists who used pseudepigraphy to maintain the ancient origins of Sefer Yetzirah, the Zohar, and Sefer ha-Bahir." (3/5) https://t.co/cYxrUsPBps
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Modena implicated Jewish kabbalists in this process of Christian appropriation...the terms or yashar, or hozer, and sah mesuhsah, literally, “righteous light,” “returning light,” and “radiant transparency,” which referred to the kabbalistic concept of three primordial lights..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Gaffarel objected to the lack of discussion of Jewish rituals, 'which do not a little puzzle and perplex the most learned of us Christians,' such as burial rites, kapparot, and the 'mystical kindling of the Sabbath lights.'" (2/5) https://t.co/1krt02K7wO
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "With respect to Pico’s genealogy of Kabbalah, Modena’s argument was no different from his rejection of similar claims made by Jewish kabbalists who used pseudepigraphy to maintain the ancient origins of Sefer Yetzirah, the Zohar, and Sefer ha-Bahir." (3/5)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"For all its inconsistencies, however, Ari Nohem represents the most sustained response by a Jew to Christian Kabbalah." Yaacob Dweck, The Scandal of Kabbalah, Ch. 5 'A Jewish response to Christian Kabbalah' (1/5) https://t.co/njIu0akgiG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Gaffarel objected to the lack of discussion of Jewish rituals, 'which do not a little puzzle and perplex the most learned of us Christians,' such as burial rites, kapparot, and the 'mystical kindling of the Sabbath lights.'" (2/5)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"For all its inconsistencies, however, Ari Nohem represents the most sustained response by a Jew to Christian Kabbalah." Yaacob Dweck, The Scandal of Kabbalah, Ch. 5 'A Jewish response to Christian Kabbalah' (1/5)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @VonHash Shame on you. Loftus is the epitome of a real patriot, rooting out Nazi networks and whatnot.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Reading Stephen A. Farmer's 'Syncretism in the West: Pico's 900 Theses' at the moment. Great insights so far, like this tidbit about Pico's Jewish translator/tutor Flavius Mithridates.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
William Norman Ewer, philo-semite/Soviet spy, penned a poem 'How Odd Of God' (not the book by Lewis Browne I've quoted recently) which unexpectedly angered narcissists throughout World Jewry. Leo Rosten's reply to this philosemitic poem: Goyim annoy 'im http://jeffweintraub.blogspot.com/2013/04/how-odd-of-god-to-choose-jews.html?m=1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Provided without comment.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)'s (science fiction) tale recounts the visit to Earth of a being from a planet circling the star Sirius, and of his companion from the planet Saturn. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microm%C3%A9gas

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Perhaps this exercise in futility may help some to begin to awaken to the reality: that black sun-souled cunning linguists have been inverting the natural order since the dawn of (so-called) civilisation. #alchemy https://t.co/rYppT7qHzR
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I read about an alchemical concept of the black sun recently in Jung's Mysterium Coniunctionis. The theme of dualism and restoration of the original Adam (where the woman/rib is reconstituted into him) in order to interact with the platonic intellect/plane is pervasive.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Domestic terrorist @RepJerryNadler was invited to meet with domestic terrorist organizations such as the ZOA and Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in 2016 after Nadler successfully lobbied to allow Jonathan Pollard to immigrate to Israel.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Ya see, the first scientist was a black man named Yakub and he created diversity by genetically modifying Blacks to create new races. He mistakenly created the devil race, whose lack of pigment keeps them from activating their pineal gland, stunting them spiritually.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Whether you're being ethnically cleansed by Jews on the right in Palestine, or egotistical Jews on the left in the US/Europe, at some point your sacrifice will (probably) emancipate the Jews from the threat of introspection. Source: How Odd of God (Lewis Browne, 1933)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"When the children of Israel perform God's will, they make the left hand his right hand. When they do not do his will, they make even the right hand his left hand. God's left hand dashes to pieces; his right hand is glorious to save." Carl Jung, Aion pg. 58-59

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Reform Rabbi Michael Lerner describes how the Left's elitism has failed progressives so miserably in convincing a large portion of Americans to join their cause. Not only that, this disgusting behavior (promoted by the media) has served only to radicalize everyone.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Our Kek who art in memetics Hallowed by thy memes Thy Trumpdom come Thy will be done
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Magic Resistance lacks a vehicle for transforming magic into coordinated voter behavior. Will the Democratic egregore step up?" The Magical Theory of Politics: Memes, Magic, and the Enchantment of Social Forces in the American Magic War, April 2020 https://online.ucpress.edu/nr/article/23/4/15/107331/The-Magical-Theory-of-PoliticsMemes-Magic-and-the

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The last moments of exile and the first of redemption!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Abe Foxman's excuse for originally planning to attend Jewish Ethnostate advocacy group, ZOA's gala in 2016: “My intention was solely to be in attendance to honor Bernie Marcus, and not to make any political statement.”
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
ACLU 2020: Accuses Clearview AI of Privacy ‘Nightmare Scenario’ 2021: Alabama police department is using facial recognition (Clearview AI) software to help identify people who were present during the riot at the U.S. Capitol in Washington ACLU 2021:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The writing was on the wall months ago.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I wonder how many brain dead liberal authoritarians in the US saw this advertisement from Saudi Arabia, promoted on Twitter, and thought it was some Jewish group's new tikkun olam project.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel You'd hate goyim too if they only pretended to care about... like... your Jewishness. It's tough. It really is. Maybe one day you'll find it in your beast like nephesh/heart to truly love the Jew and like... understand his pain... as he strikes and dehumanizes you.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel You know as well as I do Talmudic Jesus' profound words, whilst reanimated via necromancy, which became the foundation of American values. Referring to the Jews: "Their welfare you shall seek..." https://www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@answerallman @rebeccanagle I think it started with Maimonides. *checks notes* Yep. https://oll.libertyfund.org/title/friedlaender-a-guide-for-the-perplexed
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The undisguised elements of ridicule in such blackface portrayals by Jews mimicking the outlandish stereotypes of blacks,” he continued, “now looks suspiciously like one group’s desperate need to assert its own superiority by mimicking another.” http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/jews-and-blackface-its-complicated/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
According to Mantheo these Shepherds (Hyksôs - Shepherd Kings) were foreign invaders that took Egypt by force and were never slaves. After a protracted war, the Egyptians were able to secure a treaty and allowed them to leave Auaris, after which they settled in Jerusalem. https://t.co/TzkPZPxlBd
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Other historical accounts identify the Hyksôs as being Phoenicians. Source: Delphi Complete Works of Manetho

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I've found the origin of Judaism's version of "Moses"*, who supposedly received the Talmud/Kabbalah through oral instruction on Mt. Sinai (not mentioned in the OT). 😂 *Manetho's history includes the departure of "Shepherds" from Egypt to Jerusalem a couple centuries earlier https://t.co/GYWz7omstb
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: According to Mantheo these Shepherds (Hyksôs - Shepherd Kings) were foreign invaders that took Egypt by force and were never slaves. After a protracted war, the Egyptians were able to secure a treaty and allowed them to leave Auaris, after which they settled in Jerusalem.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Imagine that...[n]o one wants to annihilate us anymore – a situation, by the way, that has existed for 30-40 years, only it’s being concealed from us...the Jewish people would face the question: Does it know how to survive without an external enemy?" https://archive.is/QXaCz

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...what sanctity and atonement is achieved in sending the goat to Azazel and pushing it from the cliff?...'And you shall keep my statutes' (Leviticus 18:5) is a reference to matters [the Oral Law] that Satan and the nations of the world challenge..." 4th image: Rashi's comment

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Members of the lost tribe of Menashe make aliyah from India to their promised land. A commentor greeted them back into the Jewish fold by saying they had no place in the world to come (olam ha-ba) and that outreach (kiruv) to them is idol worship (assur). https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/294097

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@noah_guttman @HoffmanMichaelA Twitter didn't notify me of your... interesting response. Even Israel's Ministry of Education utilizes http://sefaria.org. "Sefaria...is already partnering with [Israel's] Ministry of Education on a professional development course for educators." https://www.sefaria.org/static/files/Sefaria_Strategic_Plan.pdf

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@noah_guttman @HoffmanMichaelA The links you posted refer to another section of Sanhedrin 57a which specifically mentions Noahides (which also was inadequately refuted). This is the quote you say doesn't exist, translated by Jews, for Jews, on http://sefaria.org.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@noah_guttman @HoffmanMichaelA Are you honestly ignorant of the contents of the Mishnah and Gemara or are you knowingly spreading lies? https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.17?with=Rashi&lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Here Herrera is not afraid of positing an outright identity: En-sof corresponds to the neoplatonic One (the first hypostasis); Adam Kadmon and the lights emanating from him and forming the 'olam ha-en-sof (malbush, spiritual garment of the Neshama)..." https://t.co/2YCeu0kNSF https://t.co/ik6dkbf74G
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on the Malbush: "...we are taught that during conception a soul is granted a Levush Neshamah, a “soul garment,” which can accurately be considered the “body” used by the Neshamah, the “Higher Self,” during the period of its incarnation in the flesh." http://kabbalahselfcreation.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-spiritual-garment-colours-of-sefirot.html?m=1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Hermetic neshama: "...the fishes’ eyes are tiny soul-sparks from which the shining figure of the filius is put together. They correspond to the particles of light imprisoned in the dark Physis, whose reconstitution was one of the chief aims of Gnosticism and Manichaeism." https://t.co/8U5UIOaRPp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Here Herrera is not afraid of positing an outright identity: En-sof corresponds to the neoplatonic One (the first hypostasis); Adam Kadmon and the lights emanating from him and forming the 'olam ha-en-sof (malbush, spiritual garment of the Neshama)..."
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lurianic Kabbala in a Platonic Key: Abraham Cohen Herrera's "Puerta del Cielo": https://www.jstor.org/stable/23507636?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Herrera was a student of Israel Sarug, who was reportedly a direct student of Isaac Luria, whose Shekinah themed Lurianic Kabbalah influenced Baal Shem Tov.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Yes, their ideology/yoke is burdensome, useless to mankind, and opposed to all things decent. I'd pity them more than I already do if they weren't busy trying to impose it on the rest of us. May God help them (and us in turn) find some semblance of peace. https://archive.is/lrymY

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Merry Christmas to all! * *This message is not intended for Pharisees or their ideological descendants, in accordance with Twitter's antisemitism avoidance policy

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Tales from the Siberian death/work camp: "I was taken to the house of the camp’s commandant to paint. As I entered, I saw that the wife of the commandant had a Jewish face. I took a major chance and spoke to her in Yiddish." https://nachmankahana.com/mikeitz-chanuka-5781/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Magic Resistance lacks a vehicle for transforming magic into coordinated voter behavior. Will the Democratic egregore step up?" The Magical Theory of Politics: Memes, Magic, and the Enchantment of Social Forces in the American Magic War, April 2020 https://online.ucpress.edu/nr/article/23/4/15/107331/The-Magical-Theory-of-PoliticsMemes-Magic-and-the

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I've found the origin of Judaism's version of "Moses"*, who supposedly received the Talmud/Kabbalah through oral instruction on Mt. Sinai (not mentioned in the OT). 😂 *Manetho's history includes the departure of "Shepherds" from Egypt to Jerusalem a couple centuries earlier

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The paper below shows how early Kabbalah was based off of goyish astrology and tidied up in the later phase of Jewish mysticism. This explains esoteric transition of "Wisdom" to Understanding (of astrology) to Keter, free will (from the stars' influence). https://t.co/29CXH9u2s9 https://t.co/fEWCdR1i4t
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "This refers to the synthesis of the planets or metals with the sun, to form a crown which will be “within” Hermes. The crown signifies the kingly totality; it stands for unity and is not subject to Heimarmene (compulsion of the stars)." --Carl Jung, Mysterium Coniunctionis

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Down With Chanukah!: "[Jews]...needed something to counteract Christmas; that exploded in a show of "we-can-have-lights-just-as-our-goyish-neighbors" and in an effort to reward our spoiled children with eight gifts instead of the poor Christian one..." https://shamar.org/articles/down-with-hanukkah.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Hermetic neshama: "...the fishes’ eyes are tiny soul-sparks from which the shining figure of the filius is put together. They correspond to the particles of light imprisoned in the dark Physis, whose reconstitution was one of the chief aims of Gnosticism and Manichaeism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TheAndrewMeyer @LegendaryEnergy @Know_More_News More like the goyish/pagan grail.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"By reason of their common history they remain two hostile sisters"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Wow, just look at that crowd.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TheAndrewMeyer @Know_More_News @TheRalphRetort Did Laitman and Ashlag have a falling out? https://wrldrels.org/2016/10/08/bnei-baruch/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@TheAndrewMeyer @Know_More_News @TheRalphRetort Aww yeah. Bnei Baruch cult's gonna represent.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ZOROARIA11 @MauricePinay @HereIsJorge @namaste08 @weve_read I thought WJC's Nahum Goldmann already settled the matter in 1952 after obtaining 500 million in reparations for property damage/loss. Maybe it's because somehow he forgot to factor in or even mention the 6 million Jews that died in the negotiations. https://phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/kristallnacht-weckert/index.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Come on Zionist blogger guy, you have to show some restraint. Lest Esau learns of your deep-seated and perennial hatred for him and his descendants. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/292150

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The @ADL must be falling on hard times if they're resorting to begging for donations. >Cue Sarah McLachlan's song Angel @JGreenblattADL's salary in 2016 was just barely over $500K. Abe Foxman (2014 and prior) would have starved to death on such meager wages. 😢😭 #EndTheADL
As #antisemitism & #hate continue to rise, we ask you to consider helping us in the fight against #hate. While you are shopping for #CyberMonday today, think about paying it forward & donating: http://adl.org/donate

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Know_More_News Ah interesting... You don't see it near the top of my profile? Twitter didn't bother to tell me that it wasn't allowed or ask me to delete it.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
A tale of two timelines (one from my mobile phone, which I used to post the video, and one that shows up in my browser). As the ADL's Greenblatt recently said, their organization believes in "freedom of speech" but not freedom of reach.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Gen. Patton: Of course I know the expression 'Lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes that disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency. https://t.co/yMtFN0TLIp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
What an inspiring Holocaustian midrash. Rabbi Lau (former chief rabbi of Israel) was also liberated by an African American soldier... or was it General Patton himself? Oh, who cares? Grovel and weep you filthy gentiles. https://t.co/lcn4HHIGP8 https://t.co/0ALkyAAijQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Gen. Patton: Of course I know the expression 'Lost tribes of Israel' applied to the tribes that disappeared -- not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe -- lost to all decency. https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1331626154806177794/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
What an inspiring Holocaustian midrash. Rabbi Lau (former chief rabbi of Israel) was also liberated by an African American soldier... or was it General Patton himself? Oh, who cares? Grovel and weep you filthy gentiles. https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1331625496334000128/video/1
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
1/2 "...if I were a futurist artist, I would represent Trotsky as two downward-pointing triangles: a small triangle—the face—on top of a large triangle—the body." https://t.co/cDypimB9vp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: 2/2 "...this is the rape of Russia celebrated by 'the poet of the openly Romantic ideal Zionism who does not distinguish between messianic ideas and pragmatic cruelty'...'the modicum of the protagonist’s revenge upon...the prerevolutionary world of legal Jewish inequality...'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Maxim Gorky, April 1922, writing to Jewish Workers of America: "The Russian peasant is cunning and secretive. He will put on a sheepish smile for your benefit, but deep inside he will harbor hatred for the Jew who raised his hand against his holy places." https://t.co/97Gnx6fYnC
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: 1/2 "...if I were a futurist artist, I would represent Trotsky as two downward-pointing triangles: a small triangle—the face—on top of a large triangle—the body."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Thank you courtroom 600.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israel's "Monica Lewinsky" scandal.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Maxim Gorky, April 1922, writing to Jewish Workers of America: "The Russian peasant is cunning and secretive. He will put on a sheepish smile for your benefit, but deep inside he will harbor hatred for the Jew who raised his hand against his holy places."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lewis Browne's How Odd of God (1934) focused a bit on this subject and suggested that the Soviets were working to solve this problem by forcing Gentiles to urbanize and potentially forcing Jews to ruralize (which never happened). https://t.co/QbHfpjf3wB
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Yuri Slezkine's The Jewish Century depicts this agrarian/urban conflict with a Greek theme, Hermes, the trickster and patron of Jews/traders and Apollo, god of food production, representing the rural Gentile.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "All nomads defined themselves in genealogical terms; most 'service nomads' persisted in doing so in the midst of dominant agrarian societies that sacralized space. They were people wedded to time, not land;"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In a previous thread, we discovered that the obnoxious behavior of Jews causes antisemitism: https://t.co/t1CjKw2I0g Other Jewish sources identify the "agrarian myth" as a primary factor of Esau's hatred of Jacob. 1st source: B'nai B'rith and the Challenge of Ethnic Leadership https://t.co/VPg6W0R7MC
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Lewis Browne's How Odd of God (1934) focused a bit on this subject and suggested that the Soviets were working to solve this problem by forcing Gentiles to urbanize and potentially forcing Jews to ruralize (which never happened).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In a previous thread, we discovered that the obnoxious behavior of Jews causes antisemitism: Other Jewish sources identify the "agrarian myth" as a primary factor of Esau's hatred of Jacob. 1st source: B'nai B'rith and the Challenge of Ethnic Leadership
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@AdrianM_Ogy @DerorCurrency @tolstoyinout William Greenhill (1598-1671) regarding the talents parable/excuse being promoted by Christian usurers.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Anyone else feel like it may be a bad idea to let "woke" children, who've never learned the real history of the world or economics, redesign humanity's "social contract"?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Odd timing for 'long range' missles to go off unexpectedly. I'm sure it's a coincidence.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@KetaMeanGirl I'm sure it's just because they share the Gentile's love of Chris... X-mas. https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-chemi-shalev-bar-refaeli-s-chrismukkah-1.5270692

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DanielJAnderse2 I knew there'd be at least one borderline millennial out there that would appreciate the reference.😉 Check out this anecdote in How Odd of God (Lewis Browne) of an isolated strain of Marrano Jews in Portugal and how their Jewish cult reacted to being openly accepted by Gentiles

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Kokothecat2 Ok, if you insist.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Kokothecat2 Why? It's just a bunch of typical minutia about bowls and impurity, blah blah blah. You know that http://Sefaria.org provides most rabbinic literature in English, right? https://www.sefaria.org/Yevamot.61a.2?lang=bi&with=Talmud&lang2=en

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This week's parashat is worth a read if you don't mind a bit of genocidal/world-to-come-ish Jewish nationalist redemption-porn. I love the scare quotes around "good man"* when he refers to Trump. Ungrateful psychopaths. 😂 *A gentile is not called Man https://nachmankahana.com/chayai-sarah-5781/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 @Know_More_News FYI, the prayer isn't that much different between the Reform and Hasidic sects. Here's a Reform Siddur. https://t.co/wFpa40ndC6
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @J_H_5 @Know_More_News And here's a Hasidic Siddur (via Chabad's founder, Shneur Zalman of Liadi).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 @Know_More_News FYI, the prayer isn't that much different between the Reform and Hasidic sects. Here's a Reform Siddur.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The ADL's scathing attack on Eitam's "problematic moral record" is not just an attack on the president of Genie Energy's Israeli subsidiary, it's an attack on the Halakhah itself. The ADL must publicly embrace Judaism or stop pretending to be Jewish.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The paper below shows how early Kabbalah was based off of goyish astrology and tidied up in the later phase of Jewish mysticism. This explains esoteric transition of "Wisdom" to Understanding (of astrology) to Keter, free will (from the stars' influence). https://www.academia.edu/1043753/The_Status_of_Astrology_in_the_Early_Kabbalah_From_the_Sefer_Yesirah_to_the_Zohar

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: It's not like Israel instigated this UAE arms deal or anything. Greatest ally ever. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/06/18/donald-trumps-new-world-order
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Days before the 2016 election, Trump, Kushner, and Bannon met in Trump Tower with Netanyahu and Dermer on US/Israel strategy in the ME. Trump's inexperienced team was a “blank canvas” and one individual who was present said, “Israel just had their way with us.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It turns out Bernard Baruch, a self proclaimed 'descendant of King David', was also a descendant (mother's side) of a Sephardic ship owner Isaac Rodriguez Marques whose cargo regularly included slaves from Africa. These pages (4-5) were missing in the link below for some reason.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I still remember this other antisemitic image that Perdue had up on his campaign's website, which @jewishaction chose to ignore. They decided to focus on the less convincing "nose extension" conspiracy theory, which of course the dumb goyim laughed off.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"I think that the religious ideology – and in our world view, we are very ideological regarding the parts of the Land of Israel and national pride etcetera – but sometimes I think it drives some members of our public out of their minds." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/161690
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Sincerely lift up our nation you ungrateful goy. "...because [the neshamot of Adam and Eve transmigrated into] Avraham and Sarah, a degree of spirituality was restored to all of mankind, albeit lower than that of Avraham and his descendants." #ThanksJews https://nachmankahana.com/lech-lecha-5781/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
One silver lining of Covid-19 is that there are much fewer gentiles out defecating in the streets. https://www.sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.104b?lang=en
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"What the West has tolerated, but secretly and with a slight sense of shame (the diplomatic lie, systematic deception, veiled threats), comes back into the open and in full measure from the East..It is the face of his own evil shadow that grins at Western man from the other side"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Satire is not always the best method of communication, methinks.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@namaste08 "transcripts of Israeli air force communications..include at least one suggestion it might be American. But they reflect a greater concern that the jets sink the ship before the navy could share the glory: 'Before the navy arrives, it will be a mitzvah'" https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2003/02/01/the-attack-on-liberty/593e6872-aa67-422a-b24a-e5cebecb3cd6/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @yeast223 Unfortunately halachically approved niddah technology just isn't there yet. But for the time being Tahor has a nationwide network of contractors/rabbis (essential workers) to perform house visits in cases where only a taste test can determine if a stain is just a crushed bedbug.

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@Rodeferous What is gat?,. Qhat? Khat?
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yessir. You know how them chosenite roll. Chillul hashem, every day, all day. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-says-citizens-being-arrested-across-europe-while-trying-to-smuggle-khat/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay It's antisemitic to even suggest that Jews should even consider intermarriage with filthy gentiles! Even among the liberal Reform Jews!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It was at this time—1812, say scholars—that Rothschild “began to supply cash to the British armies on the continent. Brazil, with its gold mines, was a good source for the specie he needed.” This gold, of course, was mined by Black and Indian slaves. https://t.co/oM21KOCqVT
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: A scholar was speaking of the banking activities of the Rothschilds when he explained that: 'International finance was a web connecting field workers in Alabama, sailors in New York, barkeeps in Liverpool, distillers in the West Indies, and mill workers in Manchester…'

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
[T]o first demystify the family’s early rise to power...Mayer Amschel Rothschild...was selling rare coins but derived a larger portion of his income from the sale of cloth manufactured...from the raw cotton in bales direct from the colonial plantations of the New World. https://t.co/U9uT4iblUQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: It was at this time—1812, say scholars—that Rothschild “began to supply cash to the British armies on the continent. Brazil, with its gold mines, was a good source for the specie he needed.” This gold, of course, was mined by Black and Indian slaves.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
[T]o first demystify the family’s early rise to power...Mayer Amschel Rothschild...was selling rare coins but derived a larger portion of his income from the sale of cloth manufactured...from the raw cotton in bales direct from the colonial plantations of the New World.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay "The best lawyers in the world...love Israel. We will not ask them to volunteer. On the contrary: the Israeli government must allocate significant sums to this strategic threat, and harness the best jurists in Israel and around the world to the task." http://cafe.themarker.com/mobile/post/3138310/

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Trump and white nationalists are using fear & division to hold power. He defends right wing vigilantes targeting uprisings for Black lives, while stoking antisemitic conspiracies. As Jews, we will show up when any of us is targeted because of difference. We will defeat Trump.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Your organization spends all its time making up conspiracy theories about "white nationalists" and actively promoting anti-Christian/divisive rhetoric, then you talk about unity and "we rise as one". Jewish nationalism is a plague and should be eradicated.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Four prominent Jews—Wall Street financier and NAACP supporter Jacob Schiff, New York rabbi Stephen Wise, and historians Herbert Aptheker and Morris Schappes pressured Du Bois to alter several passages of the book that referred to Jewish economic activity. https://archive.org/details/cu31924024920492/page/n7/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'm really starting to regret my decision to convert to Noahidism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Record breaking month for my Trolling for Truth campaign. Twitter tries to silence me, but this pursuer doesn't give up so easily.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele @georgelee1985 The (neoliberal) Blob is concerned about "his" isolationist policies, which helps China's BRI/Eurasian influence expand. I read a paper a while back detailing which think tanks are involved with his isolationist policy that I'll tack on here in a minute. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-04-29/defense-blob?amp&__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction Lol 2K. Who cares? You guys are pathetic. Trump speaking at a Republican Jewish Supremacist Coalition event in 2019 with Adelson in attendance: “We got you something that you wanted,” Trump said. “Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises.” https://www.casino.org/news/donald-trump-speaks-at-republican-jewish-coalition-appeals-to-sheldon-adelson/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @HereIsJorge @WorldJewishCong We call on @WorldJewishCong to ensure that the Jews Only ethnostate eradicate all forms of bigotry and hatred among its population. We Gentiles know this will be a difficult undertaking as Judaism is the source of this bigotry but we offer our unsolicited assistance.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @KahunaManahuna Regarding Communism, this party insider had some good info: "Their aim is, not to win a majority, but to build up a hard, reliable core of determined supporters who, by superior organization and strategy, can exploit a difficult situation when it arises."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @KahunaManahuna Since you seem to be worried about this world-wide anti-religious movement (Christianity is categorized as idol worship). You may want to read up about religious/political activism based Tikkun Olam. https://www.academia.edu/8357873/Tikkun_Olam_A_New_Terminology_for_Social_and_Economic_Reform_and_its_Biblical_Rabbinic_Philosophic_Roots

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Speaking of projecting via ignorance, she draws conclusions from a book called Jewish Self-Hatred: Anti-Semitism and the Hidden Language of the Jews about the origins of Jewish bigotry (and antisemitism) instead of acknowledging that Judaism is the source.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Our moral arbiters have a white supremacy problem: "Ashkenazi Jews in our time are better than Sephardic Jews in their abilities and their inclination to sciences...the superior ability of the children of the Ashkenazi Jews is a well-known fact." https://jewishcurrents.org/our-white-supremacy-problem/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This particular interpretation of wealth had to be considered heaven-sent by the framers of the Southern socio-economic system...Also, the Talmud’s hostility toward non-Jews—what Dr. Moshe Aberbach calls its “deeply ingrained prejudices”—offered a sanctified rationale... https://t.co/JmgAxgm9Tg
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: I had seen a similar type of crop-lien system mentioned in Two Hundred Years Together used on Russian/Polish peasants, which is where many of the Jews came from. It definitely resembles the Babylonian hubullum loan "which could lead to enslavement". https://books.google.com/books?id=9jVPOlk32KMC&pg=PA61&lpg=PA61&dq=hubullum&source=bl&ots=9qXOrCPxOo&sig=ACfU3U0fsh-_6Wt8p06MX_Eg2xha_bg2hA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizk5XCkL3rAhVMRqwKHQNDD-oQ6AEwA3oECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=hubullum&f=false

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Interesting theory: Even the crop liens and usurious credit arrangements that locked Southern Blacks into desperate, generational poverty were identical in every way to the so-called hubullum loans pushed onto the peasant farmers by the moneylenders of ancient Israel. https://t.co/g0hyt2SSm8
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: This particular interpretation of wealth had to be considered heaven-sent by the framers of the Southern socio-economic system...Also, the Talmud’s hostility toward non-Jews—what Dr. Moshe Aberbach calls its “deeply ingrained prejudices”—offered a sanctified rationale...

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Interesting theory: Even the crop liens and usurious credit arrangements that locked Southern Blacks into desperate, generational poverty were identical in every way to the so-called hubullum loans pushed onto the peasant farmers by the moneylenders of ancient Israel.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Where's the Elders of the Goyim when you need them?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Philanthropists like John F. Slater, a Christian white man, set up a fund of $1 million to offer relief from the 'Jew money lenders living in the South as store-keepers, [who] cheated the negroes out of their lands…' Despite these mighty efforts, the damage was too extensive... https://t.co/LEXILIRic3
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: SOLOMON: “Why, de white planter is very poor, and de negro, who sometimes raises crop for himself, is very idle, and knows no accounts [financially naïve]. He comes to me and says he will raise crop if he is fed and gets clothes, and we say, ‘Well, raise crop and we shall see.’”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"All merchants engaged in this account book chicanery, but Jewish merchants targeting Black customers seemed to have developed it into a fine art that even had its own terminology—'keeping a book on the schwartzers (the Yiddish term for niggers).'" https://t.co/pJATQDbtUr
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Philanthropists like John F. Slater, a Christian white man, set up a fund of $1 million to offer relief from the 'Jew money lenders living in the South as store-keepers, [who] cheated the negroes out of their lands…' Despite these mighty efforts, the damage was too extensive...

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"All merchants engaged in this account book chicanery, but Jewish merchants targeting Black customers seemed to have developed it into a fine art that even had its own terminology—'keeping a book on the schwartzers (the Yiddish term for niggers).'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @Shimha18 @jewishaction The Jewish supremacist responded and then blocked me. Here was my response: Lol, ok Zionist trash. Your Jews Only state is founded on bigotry and ethnic cleansing. Judaism is the root of your mental issues. You guys need help, and I'm here to do just that
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
One of the companies/products is Insights: Powering Collective Thinking. Netanyahu's a customer as well. His regime used it to determine how after 30 years Ethiopian Jews still haven't integrated into Israeli society. It turns out the community advised them to stop being racist.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Welfare recipient says "f*ck you gentiles. Send us more money."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction Wow, that's embarrassing. While we're on the topic of "extremists" at Trump rallies, remember that Orthodox Jewish fundraiser in Manhattan that "netted Trump's SuperPAC millions" back in 2019? White nationalism wears peyot, apparently. https://youtu.be/Z3rtxY0wHls

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @jewishaction Wow, that's embarrassing. While we're on the topic of extremists at Trump rallies. Remember that Orthodox Jewish fundraiser in Manhattan that "netted Trump's SuperPAC millions" back in 2019? Good times, good times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3rtxY0wHls&feature=youtu.be

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Cheesecurd @Cheesecurd19
@Rodeferous @jewishaction This is after the boy shot someone. They are trying to detain him. Guy with the pistol could easily have killed him, but he's not a right wing maniac like that boy.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction Right, I understand the kid had killed an aggressive white guy earlier who rushed him, but he showed restraint before shooting the guy with the pistol. It was a stupid situation all around, but to my point, 3-4 white guys attacking each other is not "white supremacy" in action.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction Unabashed Jewish supremacists/nationalists say the darnedest things: tHiS iS hOw wHiTe sUprEmAcY fUncTiOns. wHiTeS ShOoTing oThEr aRmEd WhItEs. iT's tHe "tHe sYsTem" wOrKiNg aS iNteNDed.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Chief rabbi Ovadia Yosef: But if it's a gentile let's say it was a passenger and injured, there was a car accident and they brought him to a hospital...It is forbidden ... it must not be treated!...Will this (gentile) keep Shabbat much longer? Who needs him, who is his Sabbath?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Shanda fur die goyim: Hasidic blog suggests that "Kamel-Face" Harris' beastialite husband was the lawyer for a yeshiva where one of the pedophile rabbis ran off to the Jews Only state to avoid prosecution.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel @jewishaction Eh, they're just projecting their own master race neurosis and pushing for collective punishment onto Esau in the most pathetic manner as usual. They're like the sinful tashlich kiddie pool scum that builds up on Rosh Hashanah.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@GiladAtzmon @Steve_Cooke Steve's very existence is a sanctification of G-d. "The question of Jewish identity changed completely after the Holocaust. Every Jew, no matter how religious, became a living sanctification of God in the world as a result of his very existence." https://revivimen.yhb.org.il/tag/exodus-from-egypt/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This just in: Jewish supremacist group @jewishaction vows to end white supremacy, retweets Black organization that can only provide examples of whites being murdered by cops in Kenosha.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
1942: The ADL suggests that the FBI should remove war time restrictions from "German" Jewish immigrants and use their ties to the old country/European Jewish organizations to gather intelligence. Hard no on that. The FBI reminds him they've already found spies among them.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The ADL raises $3 million in funds, mostly from the movie industry, and publicly decrys anti-Japanese fear mongering. The FBI finds someone on the ADL's payroll spreading anti-Japanese propaganda to distract from the FBI's investigation of the movie industry's ties to Communism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I've been reading these FBI FOIA documents on the ADL throughout the day. Definitely entertaining. November 1943: The FBI gets a call from the ADL stating that "subversive interests" are agitating Blacks in Chicago to promote race riots. The FBI agent was rightly suspicious.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DaatEmetOrgIL יתכן שתמצא את זה הומוריסטי, אבל מה אם במקום כבש, ילד קטן היה מסופק עם עז שילווה אותם לשירותים על מנת להגן מפני שדים? אכן זה יהיה טרגי. זו הסיבה שיש ללמוד את החוק. https://www.sefaria.org/Berakhot.62a?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@georgelee1985 Who needs integrity anymore? You can just make it up as you go along. Filthy white folk, paying 25% of their monthly gross income with a 10K max out of pocket a year (at least in my case) for insurance they're terrified to use.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@StreiterMoshe @jewishaction @Mvmnt4BlkLives @Dreamdefenders @UNITEDWEDREAM @MPower_Change @ConMijente @EmgageAction @AAIUSA @Peoples_Collect @IfNotNowOrg Yeah, they best stay on the good side of the Jew, lest they get ethnically cleansed like the Arabs up in our Eastern European Jewish ethnostate in the Middle East.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"23:15 (20.08.2020) -  IDF fighter jets and aircraft attacked Hamas terrorist targets, including a concrete production site used to build Hamas underground infrastructure and tunnels [and rebuild Palestinian homes]." https://www.idf.il/%D7%9E%D7%90%D7%9E%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%9D/2020/%D7%AA%D7%A7%D7%99%D7%A4%D7%94-21082020/ https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1296972242941870081/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Israel has from day one been orientated to the culture and countries of Aisav...This is now changing as the US falls ever deeper into the quagmire of decay...HaShem is nudging us to distance ourselves from the Aisavs and come closer to Yishmael." https://nachmankahana.com/shoftim-5780/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Context for that last tweet.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
So I got kicked off Twitter for 12 hours for three random tweets: 1. I suggested Laura Loomer had a mental disability (offensive to those who do suffer from them, got it) 2. Sarcastic/LARP post as a racist Israeli, understandably offensive 3. Well, I'm not sure why. See below.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As a group of people heavily involved in petty trade, commerce, money-lending, the sale of vodka, and estate management, Russian Jews were regarded as parasites who exploited the defenceless peasantry."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @dove_kent @jewishaction @DrPaulGosar Ugh, I just read more of your stupid article. Isn't the guy who ran Daily Stormer Jewish? Are there any fringe groups of "white nationalists" not ran by Jews and Zionists? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/neo-nazi-daily-stormer-troll-jewish-descent-anti-semitic-andrew-auernheimer-weev-a8140946.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @dove_kent @jewishaction @DrPaulGosar Just to clarify, Laura Loomer and her arch-Zionist funders are pure shit. But so are you.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@EgSophie @jewishaction Can you clarify if we're supposed to identify Laura Loomer as a run-of-the-mill "white supremacist" that promotes antisemitism or more accurately as a bigoted Jew that was funded by arch-Zionists like Nina Rosenwald and Robert Shillman who in turn promotes "white supremacy"?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
One of the companies/products is Insights: Powering Collective Thinking. Netanyahu's a customer as well. His regime used it to determine how after 30 years Ethiopian Jews still haven't integrated into Israeli society. It turns out the community advised them to stop being racist.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Tired of antisemites? Ready to see them punished by the state for voicing legitimate concerns of critical importance for all life on Earth? Well, it's time you enrolled in the latest snitching app, My "Safe" Society.* *Not yet available in all dystopian societies

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Holocaustianity and modern "Jewish" identity explained: "The question of Jewish identity changed completely after the Holocaust. Every Jew, no matter how religious, became a living sanctification of God in the world as a result of his very existence." https://revivimen.yhb.org.il/tag/exodus-from-egypt/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@AndyBCampbell @jewishaction The rich Zionist Jews that create these organizations should get a slap on the wrist so maybe they'll stop. But then how can the left justify their conspiracy theories about "white supremacy", using these small fringe groups as their only examples? What a conundrum.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @jewishaction That's what you sound like. And this is what unchecked Jewish nationalism/supremacy looks like:
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Suf_93 Don't forget the average Israeli's proclivity toward anti-Arab racism. #IsraelUAE https://mondoweiss.net/2020/02/arab-culture-is-the-jungle-leader-in-gantzs-blue-white-party-gives-racist-haaretz-interview/
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"When the Gentiles (Харийнхан тэдэн) resented them, they sometimes gossiped that Jochi had tried to kill his father..." https://web.archive.org/web/20160915233304/http://mongolcom.mn/read/36009
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@adinhaykin More sophistry. Why are rabbis teaching Noahidism to gentiles? Noahide preacher Emmanuel Villegas: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.” https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@adinhaykin Haredi have nothing but contempt for the ignoramus/secular. And I'm a gentile, who the gedolim hate even more. Even more modern rabbis like Kook demonstrate the depravity of Judaism. And I'm supposed to look upon this favorably? http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/gentile.html https://www.haaretz.com/amp/1.4914726?__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@adinhaykin That's the problem with Judaism. It says horrible things, things that cannot be misconstrued, then later others say "that's not what they meant" (screenshots). Just look at how the Haredi behave towards the contemporary am ha'aretz. There you find the truth of the matter.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele I'll just leave this here.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Know_More_News Lol... check out the quote from Russian ambassador Kislyak at Trump's inauguration ceremony.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@nath4nglx @Gunlord500 @Krege_Updates @Opelgt731 @johansmitsin @Jerusalem_Post @MeshugahTazz Right, but after the revolution was successful they came in and saved the Bolshevik regime from collapsing by running the institutions that were required to have a functional state. Had they not stepped in, millions would have lived in the coming years. Thanks Jews.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@nath4nglx @Gunlord500 @Krege_Updates @Opelgt731 @johansmitsin @Jerusalem_Post @MeshugahTazz Show me where Jacob Schiff's name shows up in this list. You can't read.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele Everyone is quick to blame the Jews, but clearly (based off one blog entry) they don't support mass abortion among the shvartza community.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Krege_Updates @Opelgt731 @johansmitsin @Jerusalem_Post @MeshugahTazz Not sure who you're talking to, but here's just a few pages of Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together. Let me know if I should post several hundred more.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@montiniski @HereIsJorge It's a bit murky since she's embellishing on the Talmud (no mention of the nephesh, a beast's soul, below). Eisenmenger infiltrated rabbinic circles in the mid to late 1600s and had access to Jewish mystical literature. The neshama is part of that mystic tradition.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @HereIsJorge That Sefaria article doesn't go into much detail, but it confirms what I first read and pieced together a while back from translations of Eisenmenger's works. https://archive.org/stream/rabinicalliterat01eise?ref=ol#page/37/mode/1up/search/Mouth

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Jon_Swinn @007Jaleel From Ilan Pappe's 'The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge'

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Whichever approach they took, they risked incurring the wrath of peers, relatives and eventually the state for being unwilling to accept the prevalent view of Zionism as a just, democratic movement of national liberation. This wrath would lead to their demise.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@johansmitsin @Jerusalem_Post @MeshugahTazz Schools should really focus on some of the more important genocides where the perpetrators have never been held accountable. We should make them grovel and put them in jail for denying it.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Never mind. Answered my own question. https://www.revisionisthistory.org/communist.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ptbray @jewishaction @LizForTX8 Who, Alex? I can't tell who's more pathetic, @jewishaction or Trump. BTW, your website seems to be broke, I have to click the link "Board of Directors Executives" before Alex's profile shows up.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Here's an extended version of the quote that Maurice shared below, which was quite prophetic. (see screenshot)
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The same guy commented on different post about Wiley's "antisemetic" rant 😂😳: We jews have billions of dollars for all kinds of charities...we must set up a clandestine fund with access to unlimited funds to hire professional hit men to eliminate future and potential Hitler's.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I decided to check in on religious Zionist blogger guy. He seems to be in good spirits. He's definitely not a fan of @2LarryJohnson7 though.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I decided to check in on religious Zionist blogger guy. He seems to be in good spirits. He's definitely not a fan of @2LarryJohnson7 though.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
A friendly reminder in these harrowing times that some lives matter more. https://nachmankahana.com/aikev-5780/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Not that this should surprise anyone, but as the world mourns the tragic situation in Beirut, most of the inhabitants of the blight upon the nations celebrate.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Much of Israeli media and academia have characterised the Palestinian resistance movement as a key factor in the global history of terrorism. The role of the academics was to validate this depiction with ‘scientific’ research..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@etc_tess @007Jaleel @Bob12958595 Lolol thinking you can reply to me without looking into who the author of the article is. You inbred morons couldn't argue your way out of a paper bag. And it looks like Benny Morris can't either. https://www.thewhitereview.org/poetry/interview-with-ilan-pappe/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Hey, we're all guilty of multiple momentary lapses of awareness. In any case it's due to the wickedness of the transgressor's mother. https://www.sefaria.org/Makkot.14a?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele Featuring Trump on the flesh flute.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel @Bob12958595 Dang it, Jaleel. I was enjoying watching him cower and tremble. Now he's going to become even more belligerent. But he's right. What book should I start quoting from? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-assassination-of-count-bernadotte

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'm sorry if you feel terrorized when I say things that hurt your fragile ego. It's a common trait among Zionist filth and I need to keep reminding myself of that. Please accept my apology. @EgSophie must be proud to have you as her protector. #JewishFragility #Hypocrite
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Dack_on_quack @jewishaction @mattgaetz My apologies sir. I don't suppose you're a fan of Maimonides? https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/maimonides-a-guide-for-the-perplexed

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @blackseraphim2 That's not to say that I can't use his embarrassing understanding of African history against one of their cult members. We could move on to other topics like his misunderstanding (?) of the Asiatic communal system he used as his model. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08935690701412802?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=rrmx20

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 Last one (my trolling tweet lately): Karl Marx was a visionary for the Jewish people. With his rabbinic lineage he never forgot his roots and seemed to be quoting Maimonides when he said "the backward negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man”. https://archive.org/details/karlmarxracistfullcopyi/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 "Those of you who work in mission areas where the communists’ ideas are already circulating will know that a consequence has been that the communists have been able in many areas to establish the idea that only the communists care. That is quite a considerable achievement." https://t.co/mR7Rt1OtPP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @blackseraphim2 This seems related (second paragraph specifically).
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 "Those of you who work in mission areas where the communists’ ideas are already circulating will know that a consequence has been that the communists have been able in many areas to establish the idea that only the communists care. That is quite a considerable achievement."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 @samisdat_info Sure. I seem to recall him doing a mass purge recently, but I'm not sure why you were included. @samisdat_info

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 "Their aim is, not to win a majority, but to build up a hard, reliable core of determined supporters who, by superior organization and strategy, can exploit a difficult situation when it arises." ✊🏻 #EasternEuropeanJewishLivesMatterMore
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@GetYourWetWipes @disclosetv Karl Marx was a visionary for the Jewish people. With his rabbinic lineage he never forgot his roots and seemed to quote Maimonides when he said "the backward negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man”. https://archive.org/details/karlmarxracistfullcopyi/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@JoshuaYJackson @USEmpire Karl Marx was a visionary for the Jewish people. With his rabbinic lineage he never forgot his roots and seemed to quote Maimonides when he said "the backward negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man”. https://archive.org/details/karlmarxracistfullcopyi/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Know_More_News This is an insightful paper on metaphysical and modern political tikkun olam.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@EricJRacy @007Jaleel Now you're just doubling down on your antisemitism. "As my sons and husband say this blessing, I want them to feel grateful for their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, who sacrifice so much for them and for our society." https://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/2463526/jewish/Why-Im-Not-Offended-by-the-Blessing-Thank-You-G-d-for-Not-Making-Me-a-Woman.htm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is what we call "loosing" with grace.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@WJumeau @Isrl_Yido @GiladAtzmon @WileyCEO Well hold on now some say it means “take the L (loss).” While calling for Jews to be shot is certainly offensive, there's nothing more offensive than telling Jews they're wrong. Jews are always right. https://jewishjournal.com/culture/319463/british-rapper-tweets-jewish-people-you-make-me-sick-after-being-accused-of-anti-semitism/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction @mattgaetz Imagine how Christians must feel, being associated a useless and depraved religion like Judaism that actually has no moral values and is most certainly not about love.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Liberal Jews are the most dishonest demographic of Jewry and should be shamed out of existence. The religion they claim to identify with says they (am haaretz/the ignoramus) should be stabbed to death or rent like a fish and that their women are vermin. https://www.sefaria.org/Pesachim.49b?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Logi2Media You may be referring Yom Kippur's peace offering ritual. "The word Hassatan maketh, through the Gematria, 364; but the year has 365 Days; By which it is intimated, that Satan reigns every Day in the Year, except on the Day of Peace Offering, on which he hath no Mouth to accuse."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“There’s no reason not to call tefillin an amulet,” Magarik wrote. “Lexically, the Greek term now commonly used to refer to them (‘phylactery’) originally meant just that, and had a long history of usage in that sense before referring to the specific Jewish items.” 😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is truly sickening. I actually just found another image that the Perdue campaign had pulled from their website earlier. He needs to resign.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Harumph! The @ADL proudly stands by Rabbi Kook's bigotry! "...the difference between the Israelite soul... and the souls of all non-Jews, no matter what their level, is bigger and deeper than the difference between the human soul and the animal soul." https://www.haaretz.com/1.4914726

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Laura Loomer: “I want Jewish Americans to be a protected class. In the United States hate crime laws… they list ‘Jewish,’ as a race. Elected officials will be held accountable. I will also call out the systemic Jew Hatred that has become a major issue.” http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/284207

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In order to maintain the US' military edge, traitorous US lawmakers are going to share more military technology with the rogue welfare state known as Israel, home to many ex-Soviet Jews, with a history of stabbing us in the back regarding IP theft/China. https://t.co/JZXjvBaokc https://t.co/iWV07qvBwo https://t.co/6OmoyPI1lO
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: #AmericasGreatestMistake #WellOneOfThemAtLeast
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Russia is interfering in Israel's election... our greatest ally!! Oh wait, 1/6th of Israel's population is from the former Soviet Union and an undetermined percentage of the population also migrated from Russia/Eastern Europe from the mid 1800's until 1991. #NoCollusion

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In order to maintain the US' military edge, traitorous US lawmakers are going to share more military technology with the rogue welfare state known as Israel, home to many ex-Soviet Jews, with a history of stabbing us in the back regarding IP theft/China. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/s4049/text/rs#link=A_XII_G_1286&nearest=HCCB9A265EA8E42398632F9F8AE8DE16F
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Jacques Bossuet: "The Jews, thinking themselves to be of a superior level than other men, look upon the Gentiles with unbearable disdain, an error that continues even today...A false passions blinds them and makes them hateful to all men."
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Liberal Jews are the most dishonest demographic of Jewry and should be shamed out of existence. The religion they claim to identify with says they (am haaretz/the ignoramus) should be stabbed to death or rent like a fish and that their women are vermin. https://www.sefaria.org/Pesachim.49b?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @jewishaction @AOC @RepTedYoho "As my sons and husband say this blessing, I want them to feel grateful for their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, who sacrifice so much for them and for our society." @AOC https://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/2463526/jewish/Why-Im-Not-Offended-by-the-Blessing-Thank-You-G-d-for-Not-Making-Me-a-Woman.htm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"As my sons and husband say this blessing, I want them to feel grateful for their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, who sacrifice so much for them and for our society." https://www.chabad.org/theJewishWoman/article_cdo/aid/2463526/jewish/Why-Im-Not-Offended-by-the-Blessing-Thank-You-G-d-for-Not-Making-Me-a-Woman.htm
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction @ZBNFL @bendthearcpgh @1hood @pitt_repair @jasiri_x @JonathanMayo @LrningInstigatr I'm registered and ready for Bend the Arc's announcement that they're finally going to address the racism of the white Jewish community. As Jewish Nationalists they remain committed to the Jews Only State, but they're ready for change here in the US. https://t.co/jV14WNOdsR https://t.co/d5cHjg9OBG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @jewishaction @ZBNFL @bendthearcpgh @1hood @pitt_repair @jasiri_x @JonathanMayo @LrningInstigatr Quick question: If liberal Jewish organizations are just now addressing anti-Black racism of white Jews towards Jews of color, when will they address their racism towards Gentiles of color and their dark past of promoting stereotypes that greatly affected Black people?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction @ZBNFL @bendthearcpgh @1hood @pitt_repair @jasiri_x @JonathanMayo @LrningInstigatr I'm registered and ready for Bend the Arc's announcement that they're finally going to address the racism of the white Jewish community. As Jewish Nationalists they remain committed to the Jews Only State, but they're ready for change here in the US.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's 2020 and liberal Jews vow to finally make a "public statement acknowledging the erasure of Jews of color and their traditions from textbooks, trainings, and Jewish education, and a commitment to actively and aggressively correct this erasure." https://www.notfreetodesist.org/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Was it something I said?
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency My ears were burning. You ever hear the one about how Rabbi Eliezer's quest to bed the world's most expensive whore? Don't worry I'm intentionally cutting off the miraculous end of the (long) story for dramatic effect. https://archive.org/stream/rabinicalliterat01eise?ref=ol#page/166/mode/2up/search/whore https://www.sefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.17a?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Welp, so much for that "Blacks should forgive us Jews for chattel slavery and post-civil war debt slavery because we took part in the Civil Rights movement" schtik. https://t.co/JxhLPVVIc2
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Here's the rest of the thread and a response to the usual kvetching suspects.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Welp, so much for that "Blacks should forgive us Jews for chattel slavery and post-civil war debt slavery because we took part in the Civil Rights movement" schtik.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel @Justin_G0rd0n @JGreenblattADL @NickCannon I've had my fill of impure gentiles today. You want an answer? Here's your answer:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Sorry for my shanda fir die goyim everyone, this fellow has talked me off the ledge. I don't want to sink to the same level as some filthy subhuman gentile.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
My grandfather was one of the "privileged" Jews that was forced to engage in mortal combat with an eagle and a bear. #JewishPrivilege #MyDeflectingJewishPrivilegeHolocaustStory https://www.nytimes.com/1988/11/10/world/time-too-painful-to-remember.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @samisdat_info It's been in the works for a while (see 2nd quote).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@samisdat_info Indeed. It's a very frustrating tactic. Hasbara doesn't even come after me anymore... Those were the good old days.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Oh come on Twitter, just ban me already. I've still never had a single tweet reported, that I'm aware of (other than that time I called John McCain a warmongering retard) .
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@samisdat_info Whoops. (These screenshots are from Two Hundred Years Together)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
My "Trolling for Truth" initiative is off to a great start.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @saucycurry2020 @DeSeanJackson10 Didn't get a chance to respond in time.

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Y'all removing racist symbols when we're asking to remove racist systems. We are not having the same conversation right now.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jewishaction Blacks will never get ahead in this nation as long as they remain as "a treasure for the Jews" and a major pillar of the Jewish economy in the US. Let's end (((white))) supremacy today.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "[T]he Negroes have now been liberated from the slave-owners, but they will not last because the Jews...will jump at this new little victim….[T]he Negroes are a treasure for the Jews." -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele Hah, nice try. After the British yeoman were forced to live in the cities like maggots in a cheese (sic), they saved up enough money to transport themselves to Africa to pick up some slaves and then exported their white privilege culture and Black bounty to the Americas.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @TheBarbaraSmith @MHarrisPerry @GlobeOpinion @K_JeanPierre @hmcghee @ProfessMoravec @Trevornoah @roywoodjr @TheDailyShow @DorisKGoodwin @chrislhayes @allinwithchris @monaeltahawy @blkwomenradical Keep (((whites))) out of the BLM movement! #NameTheProblem
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's 2020 and liberal Jews vow to finally make a "public statement acknowledging the erasure of Jews of color and their traditions from textbooks, trainings, and Jewish education, and a commitment to actively and aggressively correct this erasure." https://t.co/S8A45SfXyo https://t.co/mkRmJPyU8y
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: On the other end of the Jewish nationalist spectrum, this tikkun olam operation drew the ire of the more extreme Zionist/anti-BLM Jews who are also tired of these hypocritical liberal Jews and their meddling. https://www.israelhayom.com/2020/06/26/the-silent-american-jews/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's 2020 and liberal Jews vow to finally make a "public statement acknowledging the erasure of Jews of color and their traditions from textbooks, trainings, and Jewish education, and a commitment to actively and aggressively correct this erasure." https://www.notfreetodesist.org/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The frontier demands for heavy manual labor, such as felling trees, soil clearance, and general infrastructural development, had been satisfied primarily by white indentured servants between 1627 and 1643.” (Beckles, Natural Rebels, p. 8) https://t.co/K8nFqa9yJT
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "One citizen...believed yeoman had no business fighting for a planter-dominated aristocracy: ‘All tha want is to git you... to fight for their infernal negroes and after you do their fightin’ you may kiss their hind parts for o tha care.'”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“...You know, boss, dese days dere is three kind of people. Lowest down is a layer of white folks, then in de middle is a layer of colored folks, and on top is de cream, a layer of good (((white))) folks..." https://t.co/UI2a4U4f1u
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: “The frontier demands for heavy manual labor, such as felling trees, soil clearance, and general infrastructural development, had been satisfied primarily by white indentured servants between 1627 and 1643.” (Beckles, Natural Rebels, p. 8)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
While @RepEliotEngel was clearly a Zionist stooge with dual loyalties, I'm not seeing any reason for Israel's foreign agents to be worried about @JamaalBowmanNY. He'll do his part to ensure Israel remains unmolested and free to terrorize Palestinians. https://www.bowmanforcongress.com/foreign-policy

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“...You know, boss, dese days dere is three kind of people. Lowest down is a layer of white folks, then in de middle is a layer of colored folks, and on top is de cream, a layer of good (((white))) folks..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
While liberal Jewish nationalists spread unnecessary chaos and bigotry in the US, 116 Republican members of the House send a love letter to Netanyahu emphasizing that "Israel has the right to make sovereign decisions independent of outside pressure". 💩 http://www.5tjt.com/republicans-sign-letter-backing-israels-right-to-make-sovereign-decisions/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Marx, Engels, and Hegel all saw Africans as inferior. https://t.co/znKGwwhYAP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Socialist parties in the US in 1903 predicted that the rise of socialism would prevent the procreation and production of "lynchable human degenerates".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Karl Marx was not an economist, nor was he even much of a historian. Like the modern Marxist he was a pseudo-intellectual bankrolled by predatory capitalists. He also said "the backward negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man”. h/t: @Tarnseele https://t.co/IKKzd9hEnX https://t.co/eKkireo5w9
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Marx, Engels, and Hegel all saw Africans as inferior.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Karl Marx was not an economist, nor was he even much of a historian. Like the modern Marxist he was a pseudo-intellectual bankrolled by predatory capitalists. He also said "the backward negro is not an evolved ape, but a degenerate man”. h/t: @Tarnseele https://archive.org/details/karlmarxracistfullcopyi/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Chabahar port...offers a more secure alternative route to Gwadar port in Pakistan, operated by the Chinese...Other than moving goods and equipment bound for Afghanistan, for India, it is also a trade link to lucrative markets in Central Asia and beyond." https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2020/06/iran-chabahar-port-spared-sanctions-rare-cooperation-200620161933575.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Interesting article. Including this bit about Modi, near the part about diplomats throughout the world "who happen to be Jewish". Additional screenshots are from "The Jewish Century".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Swarms of Jews" exploiting Blacks is a time-honored Jewish American tradition. "Simon Wiesenthal Center scholar Dr. Harold Brackman admits that the immigrant Jewish peddler 'had an unprecedented opportunity to cultivate the patronage of Blacks.'" https://t.co/poDB6zV5gJ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "[T]he Negroes have now been liberated from the slave-owners, but they will not last because the Jews...will jump at this new little victim….[T]he Negroes are a treasure for the Jews." -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Swarms of Jews" exploiting Blacks is a time-honored Jewish American tradition. "Simon Wiesenthal Center scholar Dr. Harold Brackman admits that the immigrant Jewish peddler 'had an unprecedented opportunity to cultivate the patronage of Blacks.'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is the thanks I get for my efforts to promote knowledge sharing between Jews and gentiles.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
During the Renaissance, when Egyptmania took root, the descendants of Ham included Osiris and the kings of Egypt. https://t.co/Xb2xau1Vs0
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Fast forward to the 1800's and it becomes clear that at some point gentiles who were influenced by Judaism had found justification to enslave Blacks. Mormon theology, which draws from the tainted well of Jewish mysticism (and the Talmud) is a good example. https://www.jstor.org/stable/45226775?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The curse of Ham was discussed in medeival times with some fluidity. Christians wrestled with the division of the world and castes of society. Juliana Berners designated Europe as "the contre of churls", the descendants of Ham. https://t.co/bKfziv3T5U https://t.co/iM8xAyyPny
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: During the Renaissance, when Egyptmania took root, the descendants of Ham included Osiris and the kings of Egypt.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The curse of Ham was discussed in medeival times with some fluidity. Christians wrestled with the division of the world and castes of society. Juliana Berners designated Europe as "the contre of churls", the descendants of Ham. https://books.google.com/books?id=VkErDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=st+%22augustine%22+curse+of+ham&source=bl&ots=RT1gkWfe4-&sig=ACfU3U2JuqN_7tTAfvdvuz7H68Rz26UYcw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwji1L-qjojqAhUsTDABHc6dBb8Q6AEwCnoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Lol I guess he's just here to Zionist cringe post and monitor the reactions.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@fearless12342: @marcy_osteen The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 2, transcribed by @HoffmanMichaelA in one of his newsletters. Contrary to the high pitched whining from Jewish apologists (if you can call them that), NOI's research is impeccable.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "There is no doubt that...in Dougherty County every economic advantage of the price of cotten...has been taken advantage of by the landlords and merchants...perhaps more than half the black millions of this land (Dougherty County) are today struggling."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@EylonALevy Oh look, my ridiculously pathetic thread, competing with the BLM movement and trying to make it all about the Jews, is provoking antisemitism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Why doesn't anyone like us?! @samisdat_info
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Israeli authorities admitted that among the plane's...cargo was 190 litres of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a chemical used in the manufacture of sarin poison gas...In addition the plane's wings contained depleted uranium, used as ballast." h/t @namaste08 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/1999/feb/04/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lol, we've tried everything to get along with the gentiles! It couldn't possibly have anything to do with our shitty religion, obnoxious behavior, constant race baiting, over representation in politics/banking/media, or undermining the national security of "our greatest ally"!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Netanyahu was super cereal, y'all.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Tikkun Olam hypocrisy: "Jews also bear a fundamental religious responsibility not only to ensure Jewish moral, spiritual, and material welfare but, albeit SECONDARILY, also to ensure the moral, spiritual, and material welfare of the world as a whole." #BlackLivesExploited #BLM https://t.co/4pMzrGZMM5
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: From dissolving the world to repairing it, both entail the end of history. Jews can't publicly face their past (or present) without great embarrassment and shame. It's time to tell liberal and "secular" Jews to own up to their deplorable and ethnocentric activity. #EndJudaism

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Tikkun Olam hypocrisy: "Jews also bear a fundamental religious responsibility not only to ensure Jewish moral, spiritual, and material welfare but, albeit SECONDARILY, also to ensure the moral, spiritual, and material welfare of the world as a whole." #BlackLivesExploited #BLM

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The undisguised elements of ridicule in such blackface portrayals by Jews mimicking the outlandish stereotypes of blacks,” he continued, “now looks suspiciously like one group’s desperate need to assert its own superiority by mimicking another.” http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/jews-and-blackface-its-complicated/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Conference of Jewish Affairs: “We have known for years that Black Lives Matters is an abhorrently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish organization.  This anti-Semitism has trickled down from Black Lives Matters into large segments of those rioting." #BLM https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/sultan-knish/the-la-pogrom-that-no-jewish-organization-will-talk-about/2020/06/09/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The undisguised elements of ridicule in such blackface portrayals by Jews mimicking the outlandish stereotypes of blacks,” he continued, “now looks suspiciously like one group’s desperate need to assert its own superiority by mimicking another.” http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://jewishweek.timesofisrael.com/jews-and-blackface-its-complicated/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@blackseraphim2 🤔

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele The maggid are a light unto a certain nation. 🙏

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Nor are today’s immigrants...really the moral equivalent of the Jews who were denied entry to the US...While life in Central America is hard, emigrants from the region are not all marked for death like Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe." https://t.co/oowISNcXUa https://t.co/LLbD62XtYY
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "I come back, though, to my earlier question: What about the Jews? Have Jews succeeded so well that we no longer need assistance?" https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/why-did-hias-move-away-from-helping-jews/2020/05/04/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Nor are today’s immigrants...really the moral equivalent of the Jews who were denied entry to the US...While life in Central America is hard, emigrants from the region are not all marked for death like Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe." https://www.ijn.com/the-hias-legacy-faces-the-21st-century/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
More random gossip: "don the hand of Esau" (?), talk of Israel proceeding with annexation while we're distracted, and conspiracy theories (Trump is going to reinstate the gentile military draft and Jews may be forced to enlist) advising Jews to flee from the human locusts.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Jewish nationalists/extremists doing their part to show solidarity with the BLM movement by protecting Jewish institutions and confiscating Palestinian flags. If you kapos had just made Aliyah they wouldn't have to protect you from shvartzas and "Americans". #BlackLivesMatter

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Jewish nationalists/extremists doing their part to show solidarity with the BLM movement by protecting Jewish institutions and confiscating Palestinian flags. If you kapos had just made Aliyah they wouldn't have to protect you from shvartzas and "Americans". #BlackLivesMatter

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele They're just harmless mass gatherings of oligarchs and technocrats fighting for our global human rights. These selfless individuals are ushering in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Sign me (and billions of other desperate world citizens) up for the mixed reality beta program!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The AJC's malfunctioning shill-o-meter has been sending me these "promoted" tweets.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Tikkun olam in progress.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"When corrupt nature gets the upper hand of man, let him retire to a place where he is not known, and cloath himself in black; and then let him do what his heart liketh"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@georgelee1985 Jung's quotes from William Grimstad's Antizion:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This coming from a group of Zionists who regularly use inflammatory rhetoric to support the inevitable genocide of hundreds of thousands of Iranians via a war that would require 500,000 soldiers to occupy and stabilize Iran after the aerial assault ends. #InvadeIsraelInstead
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Still blocked. 😢

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israel's globally active Ministry of Strategic Affairs (Habara Affairs) calls Jack and tells him to shut it down. Where's the lie? Zionism is a virus that causes irreparable damage to cognitive functions.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Heh... It would appear so. He's a Chabadnik and lost one Satmar patient with his treatment. Didn't go over well. I'll DM you the link with the video. https://t.co/nZTMxKNm4b
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @HereIsJorge And here's a post about his announcement with more details.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Heh... It would appear so. He's a Chabadnik and lost one Satmar patient with his treatment. Didn't go over well. I'll DM you the link with the video.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Found this explanation of the two types of antisemites earlier, the "regular" antisemite and the purist (Amalek). The regular antisemite is defined as being an individual who can be dealt with via bribery or "other methods". https://t.co/jhlGRkorfY https://t.co/01NycYSaDZ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Sages refused to write a scroll [ordering the Jews to kill their enemies in Persia], 'It will lead to resentment towards us on the part of other nations, for they will consider us to have bad qualities, being vengeful and harboring hatred'" (Megillah 7a) https://www.biu.ac.il/JH/Parasha/eng/kiteze/kas.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Found this explanation of the two types of antisemites earlier, the "regular" antisemite and the purist (Amalek). The regular antisemite is defined as being an individual who can be dealt with via bribery or "other methods". https://www1.biu.ac.il/indexE.php?id=19244&pt=1&pid=14405&level=0&cPath=43,14206,14373,14405,19244

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Abbas is incorrigible! Poor wittle Israel has acted in good this whole time! @Conf_of_Pres, it's high time we follow the example of heroes like Baruch Goldstein. Let's end this MKUltra non-sense or whatever this bloodthirsty lady (friend of yours I assume?) is talking about! https://t.co/DNZovB5qib https://t.co/8EE7j7ZCUP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: *"good faith"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele I was looking for something the other day and this was one of the few results that showed up. 🤣

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Abbas is incorrigible! Poor wittle Israel has acted in good this whole time! @Conf_of_Pres, it's high time we follow the example of heroes like Baruch Goldstein. Let's end this MKUltra non-sense or whatever this bloodthirsty lady (friend of yours I assume?) is talking about!
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@samisdat_info Found this quote from Bakunin in William Grimstad's book 'Antizion' a while back. 😅

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Ascending the wall, breaking one of the three oaths, and forcing the end never sounded so good. G-d cries out with astonishment and pride, "My sons have defeated me!"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele @georgelee1985 I don't know why I felt compelled to look this up at 3am, but the Salem witch trial meme really gets on my nerves after finding out a while back that it was more about politics/land disputes than superstition. In the case of John Alden, he was a traitor. http://gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=In+the+Devil%27s+Snare%3A+The+Salem+Witchcraft+Crisis+of+1692&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@georgelee1985 @DerorCurrency I've seen a few references to the Renaissance's alchemists/mechanical philosophers, who were indeed influenced by cabala, as being the source of this concept of creating sentient machines/beings. https://books.google.com/books?id=dLQ3bDy2tgYC&pg=PA137&lpg=PA137&dq=francis+yates+artificial+intelligence&source=bl&ots=OBmWfwYzDF&sig=ACfU3U110U6JUVfJzyI1hvhqLaP6MFKqag&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv3q6jz7vpAhUFY6wKHTTLDVcQ6AEwAXoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=francis%20yates%20artificial%20intelligence&f=false

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
How dare that one guy, or possibly more, clearly acting on behalf of the Iranian regime, attempt to set fire to a shrine dedicated to a Jewish fable that's used to incite hatred of modern day Iranians among g-d's chosen bigots!
Conf Of Presidents @Conf_of_Pres
Jewish Leaders Outraged by Desecration of Tomb of Esther and Mordechai https://twitter.com/Conf_of_Pres/status/1261360565324300289/photo/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Václav Klaus, Notes for the Alpbach Forum 1998 Seminar devoted to “Society and the Crisis of Liberalism”, August 22, 1998. https://www.klaus.cz/clanky/243

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Giuliano Amato (former PM of Italy) provides a succinct summary of the EU's legislative/executive branches' evolution and briefly mentions how their courts gradually imposed their Communitarian/supranational legal system on member states. https://t.co/wEYq5A5K15 https://t.co/JPUE3WmPxz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@georgelee1985 It's the source of a lot of things mankind shouldn't be tinkering with for the sake of "progress" (and money) without fully considering the potential dystopian ramifications. https://www.technologyreview.com/2017/04/11/5113/the-dark-secret-at-the-heart-of-ai/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Not sure if you saw this. I think Twitter hid it from my followers' timelines (only 80 "impressions"). Kalischer and Alkalai were some of the few "Harbringers" of a natural redemption, a concept at odds with many Eastern European rebbes, including Chabad.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Chabad Lubavitcher rebbe Shalom Dov Baer Schneerson viewed Zionism as heretical, a stance clearly no longer held by Chabad's members. 🤔 Zionism is the embodiment of "forcing the end", a charge of which the Sabbateans were also accused. https://books.google.com/books?id=aYssTVxfGk0C

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Chabad Lubavitcher rebbe Shalom Dov Baer Schneerson viewed Zionism as heretical, a stance clearly no longer held by Chabad's members. 🤔 Zionism is the embodiment of "forcing the end", a charge of which the Sabbateans were also accused. https://books.google.com/books?id=aYssTVxfGk0C

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
On this hallowed Lag BaOmer's eve we have a special post from religious-Zionist blogger guy wherein he likens Lag BaOmer to a pagan festival with a bit of idol worship (the pilgrimage to Shimon Bar Yochai's grave, etc). https://t.co/fS1aSDto1U
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: For additional context the image below provides the story of how Shimon Bar Yochai supposedly came to write the Zohar, which is one of the reasons Lag BaOmer is celebrated. The thread below discredits the story and origins of Kabbalah in general.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: The Zohar is a pseudepigrapha (surprise) whose author is most likely Moses de Leon. His widow said he attributed the manuscript to Shimon bar Yochai to increase its value.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
On this hallowed Lag BaOmer's eve we have a special post from religious-Zionist blogger guy wherein he likens Lag BaOmer to a pagan festival with a bit of idol worship (the pilgrimage to Shimon Bar Yochai's grave, etc).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“If you said, for the time being, ‘How about once a day and five days a week as opposed to three times a day, seven days a week,’"...[Fauci] quickly added, “I don’t want to be presumptuous to know what that would mean to you from a spiritual standpoint.” http://www.5tjt.com/fauci-jews-may-may-able-to-return-to-shul-for-high-holidays/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'll take "Yet another false accusation of antisemitism" for $600, Alex.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The book Treasure Islands has some really interesting insights into the world of lawless tax havens and other important details like this on how the practice of exporting usury developed in the US to bypass anti-usury laws at the state level. https://t.co/lV9WdSO2et
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The book focuses a lot on Jersey, an infamous offshore tax haven, with anecdotes like this from his interview with a disillusioned native politician turned dissident, John Christensen, Jersey’s former economic adviser. https://www.amazon.com/Treasure-Islands-Uncovering-Offshore-Banking/dp/0230341721

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The book Treasure Islands has some really interesting insights into the world of lawless tax havens and other important details like this on how the practice of exporting usury developed in the US to bypass anti-usury laws at the state level.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Khudari, 35, a resident of the Gaza Strip, responsible for large-scale cash transfers...was the owner of the al-Aqsa Charitable Society, which was declared a terrorist organization in Israel in June 2018." https://t.co/lh12PhZJVa
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: 🤔

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChrisRulon Trump agrees. (I'm pretty sure this guy changed his Twitter handle after Trump RT'd him 😂)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This image is from a breakout session at a recent World Economic Forum conference. Our oligarchy and their minions require childish murals to define happiness. I can only assume that the reference to "ill-gotten" gain is a factor of unwarranted opposition to the meritocracy.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Giuliano Amato (former PM of Italy) provides a succinct summary of the EU's legislative/executive branches' evolution and briefly mentions how their courts gradually imposed their Communitarian/supranational legal system on member states. https://www.jstor.org/stable/24590803

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Indeed, but the grift must go on...

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel I'll just leave this here. And if you're sirius about bulking up, consider purchasing some Moorish body builder.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 Looks like it's referenced in a few books on Jewish mysticism but I think Sefaria purged or concealed it, if it exists at all. Based off the foot note below (56), it may have some legitimacy as at least some sort of Kabbalah/mysticism based reference. https://books.google.com/books?id=7ud5DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA162#v=onepage&q&f=false

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 When they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, saying, "Tell them, 'His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.'" ... and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@USAmbIsrael Thank you David. For the Noahides (to whom you're obviously addressing), Easter symbolizes Talmudic Jesus' rise (via necromancy) and brief reprieve from his cauldron of boiling feces to grovel before the Jewish people for mocking the Pharisees.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Here's the rest of that part on the twin roots of Communism/Zionism, which also has the anecdote about Weizmann's momma. The source is Controversy of Zion. No foot notes in this version so I'm not sure what books he's quoting from. https://t.co/5EVojOZemY
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @realDonaldTrump @SecPompeo: “We hate equally anti-semites and philo-semites.” Mr. Balfour, Mr. Lloyd George and the other “friends” were philo-semites of the first degree, in Dr. Weizmann’s meaning of the word, and excelled themselves in servience to the man who despised them.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Weizmann's momma must of been proud: "...if the Communist-revolutionary son were proved right she would be happy in Russia, and if the Zionist-revolutionary one were correct, then she would be happy in Palestine. In the outcome both were by their lights proved right..." https://t.co/OD81tqhSK0
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Here's the rest of that part on the twin roots of Communism/Zionism, which also has the anecdote about Weizmann's momma. The source is Controversy of Zion. No foot notes in this version so I'm not sure what books he's quoting from.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Weizmann's momma must of been proud: "...if the Communist-revolutionary son were proved right she would be happy in Russia, and if the Zionist-revolutionary one were correct, then she would be happy in Palestine. In the outcome both were by their lights proved right..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Childhood's End, if we allow it. Because there is no mainstream study of history or money, there's a convergence of messianic fervor (atheistic as well) to annoint some Cohen to preside over our fate. Man is prostrating before a fictitious meritocracy and flawed jurisprudence.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"It was a typical feature of Jewish economic activity that it could rely on business connections with Jewish communities in even far-flung cities and countries..Jews who made a living by sitting in their shops waiting for clients were the minority rather than the prevalent type.” https://t.co/4IM4BQUuiG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The criminal versions of such entities ('gangster tongs') represented smaller clans or functioned as fictitious families complete with elaborate rites of passage and welfare support. (all durable 'mafias' are either offshoots of service nomadic communities or imitations.)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The Kanjar know a great deal about the human resources they exploit; whereas members of sedentary communities know almost nothing about Kanjar society and culture—their experience is limited to passive audience roles in contrived performance settings.” https://t.co/G56Uipf1zB https://t.co/uufZJRRyUp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "It was a typical feature of Jewish economic activity that it could rely on business connections with Jewish communities in even far-flung cities and countries..Jews who made a living by sitting in their shops waiting for clients were the minority rather than the prevalent type.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“The Kanjar know a great deal about the human resources they exploit; whereas members of sedentary communities know almost nothing about Kanjar society and culture—their experience is limited to passive audience roles in contrived performance settings.”
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Jewish and Gypsy concepts of 'Goy' and 'Gajo' (among other terms and spellings) allowed one to conceive of all non-Jews or non-Gypsies as one alien tribe, with individual Goyim or Gajos as members. Even the Christians and Muslims who specialized in service nomadism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@transnotitia 🤔

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 Just another "peculiar people".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"All nomads defined themselves in genealogical terms; most 'service nomads' persisted in doing so in the midst of dominant agrarian societies that sacralized space. They were people wedded to time, not land;" https://t.co/MuB9k0O7e3
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: [Observe] the character of private property in all this! The dead are gods, who belong to a particular family, which alone has a right to invoke them... [T]hey live under this little mound, and no one, except one of the family, can think of meddling with them. -The Ancient City

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Jewish and Gypsy concepts of 'Goy' and 'Gajo' (among other terms and spellings) allowed one to conceive of all non-Jews or non-Gypsies as one alien tribe, with individual Goyim or Gajos as members. Even the Christians and Muslims who specialized in service nomadism." https://t.co/fjDfpuL7bC
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "All nomads defined themselves in genealogical terms; most 'service nomads' persisted in doing so in the midst of dominant agrarian societies that sacralized space. They were people wedded to time, not land;"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"[T]he Jewish and Gypsy concepts of 'Goy' and 'Gajo' (among other terms and spellings) allowed one to conceive of all non-Jews or non-Gypsies as one alien tribe, with individual Goyim or Gajos as members. Even the Christians and Muslims who specialized in service nomadism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@PastorJohnHagee @realDonaldTrump Just to be clear, you're referring to Talmudic Jesus, right? No thanks.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Abe Foxman was making 688K a year in 2011 which is a paltry amount for his dedication to supporting the Zionist project, the main source of "antisemitism". Check out some of these other non-profits who funnel taxable income to the Jews Only state. https://forward.com/series/salary-survey/2012/?ct_items_per_page=10&ct_sort=t_t_t_t_t_1d_t&ct_page=1&ct_total_items=0&ct_search=&ct_items_per_page_change=all

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@mliebermandc: @ADLWashCounsel @ADL Wait, sir, we still need your help! The Jews Only state is still ran by bigots and members of Congress keep introducing legislation that would equate anti-Zionism as antisemitism for some reason! https://www.haaretz.co.il/amp/news/elections/.premium-MAGAZINE-1.8503437?__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay I meant to post something about the askanim a while back but never got around to it. Here's an interesting Haaretz article and Yeshiva World discussion/debate on their role. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-word-of-the-day-askanim-1.5224598 https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/askanim

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jbi325 @007Jaleel @arsenelup1n @elderofziyon Incoherent rambling you say? Liberals caused the pandemic? 🤣 I get you're new to Twitter, having only created this account in the last 2 days, but you have to read legitimate information provided in an argument that you start and respond appropriately or you lose. #FuckIsrael

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel @arsenelup1n @elderofziyon Look Jaleel, who cares about a RAND Corporation report on the subject matter? They've got a screenshot of a Google search results page to counter it. And it's right about China trying to steal Israeli tech, just look at these chi-coms trying to penetrate a sensitive naval base:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Liberal Jews: The "ultra-orthodox" are just a fringe group that doesn't represent world Jewry or even Judaism itself. Also liberal Jews: We need a societal mechanism to override rabbinic authority over Israel's "secular" government during times of crisis.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“Science is the Messiah of the human race, leads to human happiness, and leads toward the realization of the ‘brotherhood of man.’ ” --Julius Bien, president of B'nai B'rith, The Independent Orders of B’nai B’rith and True Sisters, pg 121 Add'l source: https://tomerpersicoenglish.wordpress.com/2014/06/07/post-humanism-post-theism-religion-and-ethics-in-the-trans-human-project/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Mystical LARPing was an American pastime. White guys pretending to be Indians, Odd Fellows pretending to be Jews and that "real" Judaism is about "brotherly love". Morons.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
While the ceremonies differ, it's clear these organizations share ideology and methods of initiation. https://t.co/eX1fXbP6Om
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The Improved Order of Red Men (ironically whites only - B'nai B'rith being Jews only) had a "teepee of the Prophet" in their initiation ceremony while B'nai B'rith's had a "splendid tent" and Moses.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It must be difficult for the @ADL to admit that B'nai B'rith shares common roots and organizational structure/ceremonies with groups that they oppose, like the Ku Klux Klan. https://t.co/mhwDncn1cP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: While the ceremonies differ, it's clear these organizations share ideology and methods of initiation.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It must be difficult for the @ADL to admit that B'nai B'rith shares common roots and organizational structure/ceremonies with groups that they oppose, like the Ku Klux Klan.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
B'nai B'rith's Second Degree: [T]he candidate was taught that the people of Israel had always assumed the “leadership role in the spiritual enlightenment of the world” throughout human history, and they were reminded of Israel’s special mission toward the peoples of the world.💩 https://t.co/Jfq5EJ8MUT
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Source:

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: B'nai B'rith's Second Degree: [T]he candidate was taught that the people of Israel had always assumed the “leadership role in the spiritual enlightenment of the world” throughout human history, and they were reminded of Israel’s special mission toward the peoples of the world.💩

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele I can't help you with your search for an honest/competent, living economist, but here's an old book to read while you wait for the backroom deals to be revealed in a decade or so. https://archive.org/details/financialhistory00deweuoft/page/n8/mode/2up

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The reference to "wet payot" suggests it was a bunch of men. They have a different reason to purify themselves via immersion, the superstition originally revolved around whether seminal emissions rendered them impure and unfit to study "Torah"/pray. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3997062/jewish/Why-Men-Immerse-in-the-Mikvah-Every-Day.htm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
As elite "conservatives" (and their dupes) complain about state/federal government aid to its citizens during this speculation driven crisis, I can't help but notice how Might Is Right (a proto-Ayn Randian and anti-Christian book) aligns with the tenets of their new religion. https://t.co/oaSvtsromP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Here are some examples of the confluence of this ignorant Mammon/hedonism based "libertarian" creed in the conservative party (and our oligarchy in general) and its animosity to the true tenents of Christianity.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
As elite "conservatives" (and their dupes) complain about state/federal government aid to its citizens during this speculation driven crisis, I can't help but notice how Might Is Right (a proto-Ayn Randian and anti-Christian book) aligns with the tenets of their new religion.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Senator Portman's critical role (apart from regurgitating pointless tweets with the same talking points as everyone else on the coronavirus) is being a conduit for Israeli lawfare designed to stifle free speech of US citizens.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Looks like ambassador Friedman and I frequent the same Flat Earth Zionist blogs. But why didn't he go into the deeper meaning of this passage (using gematria, temurah or notarikon... or whatever)?
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In a perfected world, we, the goyishe citizens of The Nations will not be allowed to ask such questions. FYI, he's still waiting for someone to provide the correct answer. https://t.co/BbxaezAJfN
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More antisemitic filth directed at the Jews Only ethnostate.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Beacons of our community. 😂
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: And no thread would be complete without a potentially offensive, yet somewhat relevant, quote.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele "The station had a large number of listeners who corresponded with the station, which made it possible for reactions to the broadcasts to be directly monitored."😂 Thank g-d for Twitter. Now they can compile, index, and query our reactions in real-time. Sincerely, random schizo

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Did recently developed wig (sheitel) technology based out of China, as well as Jewish/Israeli economic ties with China, cause g-d to punish the world with the coronavirus? Reb Mendele M'Riminov: "Every new fashion, brings a new machla (illness)." https://t.co/WAYqjylJwk
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More evidence that the #coronavirus is message from Hashem to his chosen people, without regard for the toll it may have on the "economic, social and health issues of 'innocent' bystanders." https://nachmankahana.com/ki-tisa-5780/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Jewish Masque on Purim: "On the Black Obelisk, Shalmaneser says: 'For the second time I celebrated the Pur-festival of Assur and Hadad'; and a deed of sale of 734 B.C. is dated in the eponymy of Bel-daman "in the year of his Pur-office.'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Purim is a special time of year that we goyim rarely get to appreciate. Black face, twin tower costumes, drinking until the lines of good and evil are blurred, revelling in the destruction of our enemies, what's not to like? Did I mention the occasional Purim miracle? 🤗 https://t.co/JNzXXfDWDp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Oddly enough Alexander II, who was well on his way to earning the title of the Great Emancipator of Russian Jewry, was assassinated on the eve of Purim. (Exceprts from Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Purim is a special time of year that we goyim rarely get to appreciate. Black face, twin tower costumes, drinking until the lines of good and evil are blurred, revelling in the destruction of our enemies, what's not to like? Did I mention the occasional Purim miracle? 🤗

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel Foiled again.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@007Jaleel The guy (and operator of the account) is a straight shooter. He could scare, guilt, and normalize (with authentic Judaism, the more violent and vitriolic, the better) Jewish people like no other leader in recent history.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is the first time I've hoped he was right. 😉

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In a perfected world, we, the goyishe citizens of The Nations will not be allowed to ask such questions. FYI, he's still waiting for someone to provide the correct answer.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I stumbled upon a lengthy quote* from Uriel da Costa on his conversion to Judaism, a decision he quickly regretted, which led to him suffering a rabbinic boycott. He eventually submitted to their authority. *Images below are a loose translation https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/217079.8?lang=he

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"CGI Group is the same company hired by the Blue and White party on the eve of the previous election to see if Gantz's phones and other senior officials were hacked." https://www.themarker.com/amp/law/1.8592257

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Did recently developed wig (sheitel) technology based out of China, as well as Jewish/Israeli economic ties with China, cause g-d to punish the world with the coronavirus? Reb Mendele M'Riminov: "Every new fashion, brings a new machla (illness)."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's my opinion that Flat Earthers are far more cogent than Flat Earth Zionists. Defending AIPAC's involvement in our politics is dumber than strapping yourself to a homemade rocket. Jewish Nationalist bigots at the @ADL shamelessly support the Jews Only state. @JGreenblattADL

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"A letter handwritten by Bnei-Brak Gedoilim (halachic authorities) mimics a letter that Gedoilei Hador wrote in support of Sabbatai Zevi when he was incarcerated in Turkey." https://t.co/Sbz5Dr5len
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Followers of Berland can be divided into two groups. The first denies all allegations... The second ... agrees with the facts that took place, yet cite Kabbalistic explanations to rationalize his actions as being spiritually necessary." http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/25239

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele I've long studied the art and employed it when confronted, though in this case I was clearly up against a self-hating kapo.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@amymontana20 @StandWithUs @ELALUSA The tweet below look like a classic antisemetic trope. Just because you're jealous that you and your mamzer children don't have souls (neshama) doesn't mean you can call the Haredi, who do have that glorious soul, "money-suckers".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Let's see here, 185 followers and 3 days later this tweet has 39 views. Though Twitter did decide to move it to my replies section after it was on my timeline for at least a few hours. I guess I'm not allowed to tag members of Congress.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele The Germans were merciless. They even forced Jews to fight bears and eagles in cage matches. https://www.nytimes.com/1988/11/10/world/time-too-painful-to-remember.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Tarnseele Lol thanks for the links. Holocaust historiography draws heavily from busted balls and apparently acid trips.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @ChaniEvenstar Here's a link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/rVvpPY557Lg Though I'm fairly certain he's just alluding to kabbalistic transmigration.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 @Tarnseele The "New Russia" experiment (just one of the few failed "antisemetic" initiatives to assimilate Russian Jewry) detailed in Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together displays their contempt for agriculture, even if it's completely subsidized by the state.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay My "impressions" have dropped quite a bit in recent months. Even when you RT one of my tweets, there's not much of an uptick.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "A letter handwritten by Bnei-Brak Gedoilim (halachic authorities) mimics a letter that Gedoilei Hador wrote in support of Sabbatai Zevi when he was incarcerated in Turkey."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Hebrew captions translate to "Peace is only made with defeated enemies".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "Read some of the comments to the postings on http://theyeshivaworld.com or http://vosizneias.com, and you will see the piss-poor English grammar and spelling skills of some of these products of the insular religious Jewish community's yeshivas." http://expatowl.blogspot.com/2009/10/limudei-kodesh-and-limudei-chol.html?m=1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Note to self: Don't use the hashtag #JewsOnlyState
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Peres to Milchan (link to book below): “Arnon, what do you want me to do? Go public and explain how the president of the United States and I got together to use you to get things for Israel that can’t be obtained through regular channels?” https://b-ok.cc/book/2219946/57c2c3

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@IDF #WeRemember #TheMostCowardlyArmy #Hypocrites #FuckIsrael

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge His recommendations (which requires no introspection on the part of world Jewry) fell on deaf ears for this lady who commented on the article. 😅

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 To me, it reeks of democracy.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The clurichaun appears to be a precursor to the antisemetic Goblin Banker trope, with a usurious innkeeper twist. Depictions of greedy leprechauns and their clurichaun relatives must be removed from children's literature and Irish culture in general. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clurichaun

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: The recent House Intelligence Committee data dump of evidence in the Parnas/Ukraine scandal indicates that Trump team wanted to bypass some of Ukraine's billionaires in working with Zelensky to dig up dirt on Biden. https://intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/20200114_-_hpsci_transmittal_letter_to_hjc_-_new_evidence_attachment.pdf

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The world's best lawyers are Israel-loving Jews. We will not ask them to volunteer. On the contrary: The Israeli government should allocate significant sums to this strategic threat, and to harness the best law in Israel and around the world." http://cafe.themarker.com/mobile/post/3138310/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The JCF describes itself as a "Jewish portal" that has a "targeted impact in the world". Its money laundering operations not only fund the likes of David Horowitz, Pam Geller and Canary Mission, it also funds terrorist orgs like the Hebron Fund. https://t.co/Ykwhi3y756 https://t.co/kjba5D8Cj9
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The first image above is from this PDF, a petition (with more than enough evidence to state the JCF funds terrorists) to the IRS to investigate the Hebron Fund. Apparently it didn't get much traction. https://avaazimages.s3.amazonaws.com/HebronFundComplaint%2520-%2520Avaaz%2520public%25202.pdf

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: The JCF describes itself as a "Jewish portal" that has a "targeted impact in the world". Its money laundering operations not only fund the likes of David Horowitz, Pam Geller and Canary Mission, it also funds terrorist orgs like the Hebron Fund. https://www.jweekly.com/2016/02/05/opinions-jcf-guidelines-dont-work-for-us/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Neshama Carlebach "no longer has a neshamah" after writing this article about her coming to terms with the legitimate accusations against her rapey father (still revered by many Jews). https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/learning-to-believe-again/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Some additional rants about Cuomo and other state officials. https://t.co/gD27XyreXQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Monsey residents attended an "Israeli tactical training" presentation yesterday.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Kosher Konspiracies abound in the frum community. Grafton Thomas (Monsey machete attacker) was a shabbos goy, potentially being linked to the Monsey "hit" on Nov. 20th. https://t.co/Vp8Vuv9WhA
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Some additional rants about Cuomo and other state officials.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Religious Zionist blogger from Israel says that the victim was a relative of a man who refused to provide his ex-wife a "get" so she could remarry, wants to know: Who erased the videos of the nearby cameras? Who burned down the getaway car ? Who originally owned the getaway car? https://t.co/MsiLnttvm0
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Kosher Konspiracies abound in the frum community. Grafton Thomas (Monsey machete attacker) was a shabbos goy, potentially being linked to the Monsey "hit" on Nov. 20th.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jaleelappleseed Are you referring to the light unto The Nations? You must be mistaken. 🤗

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@J_H_5 I've seen them use cushi in a derogatory manner many times. At least Maimonides was gracious enough to say their mental faculty was above that of a monkey (though still less than human). https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/maimonides-a-guide-for-the-perplexed

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Negroes and BDS (?!) beware. Every Jew a .22 (or M-16).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Say_Non_Now @AliSalaam_DTI Yeah, what a bunch of nonsense. It must be so embarrassing for him.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Zionist blogger guy's response to: “black homeowners were being threatened, intimidated and harassed by ‘want to buy your house’ bullies of the Jewish community...[with threats like] ‘we will bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door to you. You will sell to us then.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yiddish proverb: "Pride can live in the dungheap." h/t:@J_H_5 for the image from the Tanya. All of this aligns with rabbinic literature translated/transcribed in the late 1600's by Johannes Eisenmenger: https://t.co/d5zG2aNA9I https://t.co/sHZv9iDfZB
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Chabad Lubavitch trained Noahide preacher Emmanuel Villegas: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.” (Image text transcribed by Eisenmenger) http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/amp/jewish/.premium-the-messianic-zionist-religion-that-wants-to-recruit-7-billion-members-1.6455144

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The cowardly liberal Jew Richard Silverstein (ie: enabler of Jewish ethnocentric supremacy - required to sustain Zionism) then attempted to gaslight me before blocking. https://t.co/5Ax67rtj6v
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Yiddish proverb: "Pride can live in the dungheap." h/t:@J_H_5 for the image from the Tanya. All of this aligns with rabbinic literature translated/transcribed in the late 1600's by Johannes Eisenmenger:
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...the Nations of the World are not stiled men, because they have not, from the Holy and Supreme Man (whom the Cabalists call Adam Ahelion), the Neshama. But they have the Nephesh from Adam Belial; that is, the malicious and unnecessary Man, call'd Sammael, the Supreme Devil."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yiddish proverb: "Run away from an insult but don't chase after honor." https://t.co/ggEfDiWZU0
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The cowardly liberal Jew Richard Silverstein (ie: enabler of Jewish ethnocentric supremacy - required to sustain Zionism) then attempted to gaslight me before blocking.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yiddish proverb: "Run away from an insult but don't chase after honor."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...Jews not only refrained from mentioning Jesus’ name explicitly, but they also resorted to euphemisms for Christmas day itself..." Also, enjoy that "Christmas" music. "White Christmas...de-Christs Christmas and turns it into a holiday about snow." https://t.co/5VVCJF9guv https://t.co/Uw9fVIOfaX
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Oh and don't forget to avoid the bathroom until after X-Mas passes (double entendre intended), as "that man" may be creeping about. https://www.thetorah.com/article/nittel-nacht-an-inverted-christmas-with-toledot-yeshu

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Nittel Nacht to all of the Jews and their secular Noahide quislings who celebrate X-Mas: "As they did not want to say the name of that same man, the name of the wicked shall rot, they called him the hung man, as he was killed and hung from a tree." https://t.co/Vq8yj5eLeW https://t.co/RvBPAWOaTG
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "...Jews not only refrained from mentioning Jesus’ name explicitly, but they also resorted to euphemisms for Christmas day itself..." Also, enjoy that "Christmas" music. "White Christmas...de-Christs Christmas and turns it into a holiday about snow." http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-chemi-shalev-bar-refaeli-s-chrismukkah-1.5270692

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Happy Nittel Nacht to all of the Jews and their secular Noahide quislings who celebrate X-Mas: "As they did not want to say the name of that same man, the name of the wicked shall rot, they called him the hung man, as he was killed and hung from a tree." http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-a-hasidic-christmas-eve-1.5281028

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Zionist blogger guy's response to: “black homeowners were being threatened, intimidated and harassed by ‘want to buy your house’ bullies of the Jewish community...[with threats like] ‘we will bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door to you. You will sell to us then.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Frum deep within the innards of the virtual Jewish ghetto... More shanda fir die goyim.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
''Normally, they say 'trade follows the flag,' but in Israel's case the flag often follows arms,'' said Klieman. A government official observed: ''There are many more countries that we have military relationships with than embassies.'' h/t:@namaste08 https://t.co/O1MSDwCVHH https://t.co/cE4JLpCkpW
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The specific method for fulfilling the fifth level of desire...[involves] two processes. The first is reaching its maximum degree: a process fueled by the universal crisis itself and its resulting general desperation. The second is called 'correction'..." https://wrldrels.org/2016/10/08/bnei-baruch/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "The church would ring bells to annoy the Jewish funeral processions...on the way to the cemetery...when Rabbi Edeles died, he arose from his coffin along the route and thumbed through his sefer...As he turned the pages, the church and all its people inside sank into the ground."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
''Normally, they say 'trade follows the flag,' but in Israel's case the flag often follows arms,'' said Klieman. A government official observed: ''There are many more countries that we have military relationships with than embassies.'' h/t:@namaste08 https://www.nytimes.com/1986/12/07/business/how-israel-s-economy-got-hooked-on-selling-arms-abroad.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChiveDuck Nah bruh, (((our culture))). Biden said it best: "Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are...Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us, us, me – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact." 🤗 https://www.politico.com/blogs/politico44/2013/05/biden-jewish-heritage-is-american-heritage-164525

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@StopAntisemites put together a great report on how anti-Zionism is antisemitism. Check out the cover page. There's a protestor on the left with a "save children of Gaza" sign, a common lament but slippery slope of activism, eventually leading to full blown Neo-Nazism. https://t.co/qjfZO4rNpW
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The main premise of the report is that pro-BDS/anti-Zionism based journalism and activism gives far right groups legitimate and documented anti-Zionist talking points. A weak argument at best. There's a section whining about Stormfront sharing EI's "The Lobby" leaks. 🙄

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@StopAntisemites put together a great report on how anti-Zionism is antisemitism. Check out the cover page. There's a protestor on the left with a "save children of Gaza" sign, a common lament but slippery slope of activism, eventually leading to full blown Neo-Nazism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Reform Jews call for #reparations? We should applaud them for this effort, so that the reform synagogues, like New York Temple of Emanu-El, can pay back the Blacks they bilked out of the "40 acres and a mule" by funding post-war crop lien businesses/Russian Jewish immigration. https://t.co/GV3qt9YrTE
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Ulysses S. Grant: "I instructed the commanding officer at Columbus to refuse all permits to Jews to come South...but they come in with their carpet-sacks in spite of all that can be done to prevent it. The Jews seem to be a privileged class that can travel anywhere"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Reform Jews call for #reparations? We should applaud them for this effort, so that the reform synagogues, like New York Temple of Emanu-El, can pay back the Blacks they bilked out of the "40 acres and a mule" by funding post-war crop lien businesses/Russian Jewish immigration.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Yeah I saw that. He's been dealing with the Kushners in recent years as they've been pitching/building apartment complexes. https://t.co/AuFVucTVrP https://t.co/wx5tE9Bk2y
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @MauricePinay The Kushner brothers aim to "lure people fleeing high-priced Manhattan and Brooklyn". Jersey City's Hasidic community is made up of "refugees of high Brooklyn rents" that only moved to the area in recent years, causing some friction with the locals. https://theothermccain.com/2019/12/12/a-familiar-if-odd-accent-to-city-life/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Yeah I saw that. He's been dealing with the Kushners in recent years as they've been pitching/building apartment complexes. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/21/nyregion/jersey-city-kushner-fulop-jared-journal-square-development.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
David Anderson called white Jews Amalek, mamzers, and goyim on social media. He hated Christians as well (though he cites Revelations). It seems this Black Hebrew Israelite picked up a few bad habits from his white (Yidden) brethren. https://heavy.com/news/2019/12/david-anderson-social-media-dawada-maqabath/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay That's weird, these Jersey City residents blamed "Jew shenanigans" for the shooting. There's a lot of fingers being pointed before the dust settles, but it's a safe bet that the Black Hebrew Israelite fellow was probably radicalized by white supremacists. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/1810036/shock-video-minutes-after-attack-local-anti-semites-blame-jews-for-attack-condemn-jews.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MarkAnonneman: @MarkNanneman @Erasmus1355774 @HoffmanMichaelA While he mentions the Church's clearly documented shift on permitting usury (renting $) as a symptom of Medici pope Leo X's philo-occultism it certainly isn't the central thesis. Bnei Baruch agrees that the "wisdom of truth" began to propagate in 1490.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay That first link you provided has some explosive admissions regarding the aims of kabbalists. I've recently read a good deal information from disgruntled ex-members of Bnei Baruch, in which they mentioned this communist dystopia and how suffering in the world brings it about.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Whoops, I misread that last part. It's worth noting (I guess), that in other rabbinic writings it's suggested that all of the Jewish souls stood alongside Moses on Mount Sinai when he received the Oral Law, which is why embryos are well versed in it. https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/92169?lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
More proof that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. The Satmar rebbe needs to accept that while observant Israelis are working to eradicate עמי הארצות (Am Ha'aretz) they have "given up fighting Shabtai Zvi etc. so too we should give up fighting [secular] Zionism." https://t.co/W5A9JqveSF
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "It is lawful to rend an amhaaretz like a fish ... let him not marry the daughter of the unlearned, for they are an abomination, and their wives are vermin; and of their daughters it is said, 'Cursed is he that lieth with any beast.'"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
More proof that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. The Satmar rebbe needs to accept that while observant Israelis are working to eradicate עמי הארצות (Am Ha'aretz) they have "given up fighting Shabtai Zvi etc. so too we should give up fighting [secular] Zionism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay True, it's unlikely that some yidden went "off the derech" in this instance, against the local rebbe's orders. Though we shouldn't give up hope that it was a goy who was hired to do the job, since there's supposedly some halacha against Jews stabbing one another.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Oy vey. A stabbing of an Orthodox Jew in Monsey, it must be a hate crime. Just another symptom of anti-Zionism, err I mean antisemitism. New facts coming to light that it was an intra-Jewish dispute/hit job? Let's ignore that and contribute to this "atmosphere of fear". https://t.co/0r2SShuFSi
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Religious Zionist blogger from Israel says that the victim was a relative of a man who refused to provide his ex-wife a "get" so she could remarry, wants to know: Who erased the videos of the nearby cameras? Who burned down the getaway car ? Who originally owned the getaway car?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Oy vey. A stabbing of an Orthodox Jew in Monsey, it must be a hate crime. Just another symptom of anti-Zionism, err I mean antisemitism. New facts coming to light that it was an intra-Jewish dispute/hit job? Let's ignore that and contribute to this "atmosphere of fear".

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Steve Fleischman 🌹 @FleischmanSteve
@Gladstone_II @Europeu24 I think this is bullshit. Why are you making this up except hate. He was lynched without evidence.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Gladstone_II @Europeu24 "I think this is bullshit". Coming from some pedophile apologist who also thinks they were able to do DNA testing in the early 1900s. Face it you creep, the B'nai B'rith (and ADL) would rather shamelessly defend a Jewish pedophile than accept the truth.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "Accepting their definition is tactically much better than fighting it. In Oriental martial arts one lets the brute strength of the adversary work against him. That is exactly what I try to do in my essays that you printed. The adversary is strong: let it be his undoing."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MisterTrueB "From Adam Milstein" 🤗

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Pinandpuller Jewish nationalism's a hell of a drug.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Let's take a peek around that pay wall. And just to add some context, the Hasidic community saw the Haskalah as an evil movement. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/amp/1.4823447

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I was saddened that @ElanSCarr hadn't responded to my numerous tweets at him, but it turns out he's been lurking around under his official twitter account @USEAntiSemitism. He says RTs and follows do not equal endorsements, though I have a feeling it does. #FuckIsrael

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I shared this with Dan Crenshaw but I don't think he appreciated it. Here's Talmudic Jesus, the first Christian Zionist: "Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye." https://t.co/3v9iCWKQvr
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: It's a sad sight to see when a Jew whines about the SPECTRE of being labeled a "Christ Killer" (ie: they bring it up preemptively). The Talmud makes no bones about it. The sages admit the gentile authorities were interested in Jesus' acquittal.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I shared this with Dan Crenshaw but I don't think he appreciated it. Here's Talmudic Jesus, the first Christian Zionist: "Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The pitiful story of Talmudic Jesus' descent into idol worship served as a segue into a baraita (in the last image) which bears some resemblance to that Hasidic concept.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
You're a good goy, aren't you @SecPompeo? Your soul is nothing more than supernal refuse (by Judaism's standards) and like all gentile souls, yours will ultimately inherit hellfire as your just reward. In your case, I agree with the sages. https://m.jpost.com/Opinion/America-has-Finally-Decided-the-Bible-is-Not-Illegal-608253

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@kitjeantambo @ChiveDuck There's a pervasive tradition, regardless of their observance of Judaism (including "atheists"), a sort of metaphysical aversion, to the use of the name Jesus or Christ. They blame this tradition it on Hasidism, but its origin is the Gemara. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/.premium-a-hasidic-christmas-eve-1.5281028

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The shofar is blown to confuse and distract Satan so that when it comes time for Israel to be judged for its sins Satan won't be able to properly testify against the Jewish people before the "heavenly courts", rendering them a favorable judgement. https://t.co/skPrdKxqIQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Get the golem 🕵: "It was said that he created a golem...to protect the Jewish community from Blood Libel...Another version says it was close to Easter, in the spring of 1580 and a Jew-hating priest was trying to incite the Christians against the Jews." https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-golem

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
There's a lot going on here. We've got a "xtian" blowing a shofar in front of the White House on Roger Stone's behalf (the use of term xtian being a form of bigotry) and a mildly humorous meme calling for a golem to be summoned. Confused? Context is provided below, goy. https://t.co/yTijCeTalD
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The shofar is blown to confuse and distract Satan so that when it comes time for Israel to be judged for its sins Satan won't be able to properly testify against the Jewish people before the "heavenly courts", rendering them a favorable judgement.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
There's a lot going on here. We've got a "xtian" blowing a shofar in front of the White House on Roger Stone's behalf (the use of term xtian being a form of bigotry) and a mildly humorous meme calling for a golem to be summoned. Confused? Context is provided below, goy.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
While the price of goods typically fluctuate due to supply and demand, another contributing factor is when a father and son have sexual intercourse with a young betrothed woman on Yom Kippur. https://t.co/GWSR2KasCS
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: In a somehow related story, Shammai the Elder knows how to tell the difference between egg whites and semen, which proves useful in this particular Talmudic tale.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
While the price of goods typically fluctuate due to supply and demand, another contributing factor is when a father and son have sexual intercourse with a young betrothed woman on Yom Kippur.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChiveDuck I checked yours last night and it was clean. Not the case today!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChiveDuck @mosagrey @AlKhidrVibes @jiangxisoviet @SameeraKhan Well you know you're one of the only sources of informed entertainment I have on this lame platform. 😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChiveDuck @DanCrenshawTX Remember Jesus' words my friend (after given a brief reprieve from boiling in excrement): "Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye." https://www.sefaria.org/Gittin.57a?lang=en

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Don't worry @yosefman21 I took a screenshot.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Goodness. It looks like I've offended someone. Sorry about that.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@FalconApoda @MauricePinay @yosefman21 @AlainJutel Oh sure, it's a clear cut case of friendly fire, a completely unambiguous incident. How many points does your http://Act.il have? You've probably earned an IDF tee shirt today.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@FalconApoda @MauricePinay @yosefman21 @AlainJutel I mean I kind of go by the living survivors' testimony too, like from this year. Do you think the suppression of their request for full disclosure/justice is valid or just a little bit antisemetic? Israel's got real thin skin, we all know that. I try to take it easy on them.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @FalconApoda @yosefman21 @AlainJutel You're really attracting the hasbara trolls today. In this case they're right, once it was accidentally declared to be a mitzvah to sink the USS Liberty, they couldn't help themselves. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2003/02/01/the-attack-on-liberty/593e6872-aa67-422a-b24a-e5cebecb3cd6/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@yosefman21 @MauricePinay @AlainJutel Well, it's fairly apparent that by 1890, misanthropic Jews who purchased lands in Palestine wouldn't accept its resident Arabs "even as their slaves". But those Arabs had it coming because the Egyptian army killed 500 civilians (12 Jews) in 1834. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/grapes-of-wrath-the-conflict-is-born-1.5196381

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Beautiful, eloquent, powerful, ethnocentric. This is what cognitive dissonance looks like. We'll fight white nationalism while simultaneously promoting Jewish nationalism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Here's a rough translation. Nothing fishy here.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Was it something I said? It was an honest mistake. 😢

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The only democracy in the Middle East that still has a major problem with separating Church and State.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "In information warfare, offence beats defence almost by design. It’s far easier to put out lies than convince everyone that they’re lies. Disinformation is cheap; debunking it is expensive and difficult." https://www.wired.co.uk/article/inside-the-77th-brigade-britains-information-warfare-military

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The honorable Rabbi Joe Frager ascends to the Rabbinate in this call to arms. https://t.co/K23OLDmv81 https://t.co/tUypl1J3sN
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on this sage, the "Jewish Gastroenterologist Who Worked As An Agent For An Arab Sheikdom", currently tied to the recent Giuliani/Ukraine scandal, from June 2018: http://www.5tjt.com/editors-blog-june-25-defending-joe-frager/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The honorable Rabbi Joe Frager ascends to the Rabbinate in this call to arms. http://www.5tjt.com/frager-ascending-to-the-rabbinate/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChiveDuck To be fair, your original jest was still valid. NBC did a poor job of copying and pasting TheMarker's article from back in July. "We also work in the Senate, through lobbyists, to explain why Artificial intelligence is a good thing." http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.themarker.com/technation/.premium-1.7497279

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency Though this doesn't meet all the criteria above, it was an interesting read, with the understanding that it's based off information provided by US intelligence. https://www.iwp.edu/papers-studies/2004/11/01/divide-and-conquer-the-kgb-disinformation-campaign-against-ukrainians-and-jews/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@LearsiReverof @AngeloJohnGage Lol, Rabbi Abraham "the ends justifies the means" Kook... a metaphysical bigot like the rest of the gedolim. http://www.come-and-hear.com/editor/gentile.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Spies Will Win This War! 😅

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Midrashic Moses defends the Golden Calf (his replacement): "This calf that they built can help you! It can make the sun shine in the morning and it can bring the moon out in the night. You can be in charge of the stars, and it can be in charge of the constellations..." #MazalTov https://t.co/dlWLNNKcnU
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: I accidentally left out the confusing conclusion to that awe inspiring tale. Also this book (Zera Shimshon) is known to be a "segulah that has helped countless Jews in pain". Hopefully I've cured someone's ailment out there just by sharing its contents. https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/1402235/segulah-zera-shimshon-inside-story.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Midrashic Moses defends the Golden Calf (his replacement): "This calf that they built can help you! It can make the sun shine in the morning and it can bring the moon out in the night. You can be in charge of the stars, and it can be in charge of the constellations..." #MazalTov

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Kehilot: "...[rule] over both levers of power, the spiritual and secular,...In this way they hold them (Jews)...in great poverty and fear...issues to the people every possible command... which must be performed with such exactitude and speed, that one can only wonder.” https://t.co/lu4AKl5tfP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on the Kahal system that "took on the qualities of an oligarchy", controlling Jewish communities/diaspora and acted as a "buffer between [secular] authorities and the Jewish people", from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Kehilot: "...[rule] over both levers of power, the spiritual and secular,...In this way they hold them (Jews)...in great poverty and fear...issues to the people every possible command... which must be performed with such exactitude and speed, that one can only wonder.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'm guessing Israel's deplorable history of human rights violations weren't discussed with @netanyahu, right @RepHastingsFL? Israel needs sanctions and/or regime change via military intervention, not our unconditional support.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Kabbalist Rabbi Judah Loew (Maharal) covered up the sages' admission of their lack of knowledge with a mystical interpretation. The explanation below emphasizes the moon's power and that during the day it "reigns elsewhere", much like the Shekinah while in exile. https://t.co/Scv0mQdaAX
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Source: http://www.rationalistjudaism.com/2010/11/key-to-everything.html?m=1 More on lunar/Shekinah symbology, "windows" in the firmament, and messianic "correction": https://books.google.com/books?id=W4xPA_AnxXIC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false (first image)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Judaism's sages believed in a Babylonian flat Earth theory and admitted that the gentiles defeated them in astronomy. The sages are infallible, so excuses were made and additional theories were developed. Some stubborn Jews still believed the Earth was flat as late as the 1700s. https://t.co/9LhfHGGhFw
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Kabbalist Rabbi Judah Loew (Maharal) covered up the sages' admission of their lack of knowledge with a mystical interpretation. The explanation below emphasizes the moon's power and that during the day it "reigns elsewhere", much like the Shekinah while in exile.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Judaism's sages believed in a Babylonian flat Earth theory and admitted that the gentiles defeated them in astronomy. The sages are infallible, so excuses were made and additional theories were developed. Some stubborn Jews still believed the Earth was flat as late as the 1700s.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @HereIsJorge @BruhOrtho @MarkNanneman @rojnik_ZDS @Orthodoxgerman @lazzarolupo @MichaelAntDone @KyraDeal @JH53361341 @Lewis30730015 @j2nik @tovyzantino @orthowamen @SaintDiesIrae93 @BenTruCrusader Are you trying to get these guys killed? You know full well that praying towards the heavens leads to demonic visions and potentially madness/suicide.
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency @transnotitia I've been trying to get banned for a while now. 😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@AriShaffir Got any jokes about Judaism? Rabbinic literature is a goldmine of hilariously stupid nonsense that kept Jews retarded for millennia (and to this day). It could provide you with an endless source of material. https://t.co/XXNuChankl https://t.co/vvxzvvHyp3
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @AriShaffir Whoops. It looks like you've already broke into that market. My bad. Have you heard the bit about Rabbi Eleizer's (of blessed memory) successful quest to bed the most expensive whore in the world?
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@AriShaffir Got any jokes about Judaism? Rabbinic literature is a goldmine of hilariously stupid nonsense that kept Jews retarded for millennia (and to this day). It could provide you with an endless source of material. https://www.sefaria.org/Berakhot.62a.8?with=all&lang=bi

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
More on the US' Ukrainian Jewish mobster ally. From Haaretz in 2014: https://t.co/SVkVQqZPHz https://t.co/W1ftIQgUYz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: 2010: "Kolomoisky...had just been named the new president of the host organization, the European Council of Jewish Communities. He was awarded the position after committing to give the organization an annual multimillion-euro gift..." h/t: @MauricePinay https://www.jta.org/2010/11/02/global/like-nbas-nets-european-jewish-group-gets-an-oligarch-but-some-see-soviet-style-takeover

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
From September 16 2019: "Mr Zelensky... hosted the oligarch (Kolomoisky) in the presidential office last week, a step one aide described as “disturbing”. The two denied they discussed Privatbank." https://t.co/ahS7lhB0bP https://t.co/znpaIJUSCK
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
From September 16 2019: "Mr Zelensky... hosted the oligarch (Kolomoisky) in the presidential office last week, a step one aide described as “disturbing”. The two denied they discussed Privatbank." https://www.ft.com/content/beddb1cc-d885-11e9-8f9b-77216ebe1f17

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DrMichaelLBrown @lafrayer135 I absolutely agree Judaism is a religion of love and they love Jesus. Preach on brother. Let the truth shine and let the Noahide laws become universal in our lifetime. The rabbis will guide our morality. Truly, they are a light unto the nations. https://www.thetorah.com/article/nittel-nacht-an-inverted-christmas-with-toledot-yeshu

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
As a "significant" Jewish new year approaches, infighting and uncertainty in the Israeli government stirs up rumors that a prophecy is being fulfilled. Could now be the time that the Moshiach redeems the world? Will I have a place in the world to come? 😅 https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1789425/mekubal-r-yitzchak-kaduris-alleged-prediction-spreads-on-israeli-social-media.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...they hauled in his wife Mona and tortured her so that he could hear her screams. Mona suffered electric shocks...spent three months in solitary confinement and lost her baby while she was in the prison." #Khiam #IsraeliWarCrimes #NeverForget http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/correspondent/1002463.stm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Full transcript of Putin's speech at the Keren Hayesod Foundation conference in Moscow on September 17th: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/61546

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DerorCurrency That sounds far fetched! 🤔...
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay That first link you provided has some explosive admissions regarding the aims of kabbalists. I've recently read a good deal information from disgruntled ex-members of Bnei Baruch, in which they mentioned this communist dystopia and how suffering in the world brings it about.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @DerorCurrency Lol. You'll boil in excrement for that one. There's plenty of people out there that massage their anus before defacating and require guidance. 😂 The topic of bathroom demons reminded me of the most feared one among the Jews, that being Jesus of course. http://thetorah.com/nittel-nacht-an-inverted-christmas-with-toledot-yeshu/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I like this headline better: A "Storm is Brewing In Rockland" Goyim Going Crazy That Chassidim Are Taking Over Rockland
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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Lurianic Kabbala in a Platonic Key: Abraham Cohen Herrera's "Puerta del Cielo": https://www.jstor.org/stable/23507636?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Herrera was a student of Israel Sarug, who was reportedly a direct student of Isaac Luria, whose Shekinah themed Lurianic Kabbalah influenced Baal Shem Tov.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot @realDonaldTrump It's fine... 😳

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot Pretty good. Guaidó has been courting the Israelis. Congresswoman Machado stressed that Israel can be a “genuine partner” in the reconstruction of Venezuela. Another opposition congressman Casella is pictured below desacrating an old Roman fort wall. http://www.5tjt.com/venezuelan-opposition-leader-juan-guaido-announces-former-chief-rabbi-as-envoy-to-israel/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Papadopoulos' congressional hearing transcript detailed how his ties to Israel caught the attention of the FBI and potentially the CIA. He met with two ex-Israeli intelligence businessmen who presented their social media manipulation services (Psy-Group?). https://dougcollins.house.gov/sites/dougcollins.house.gov/files/Papadopoulos%20l10.25.18%20Interview%20Transcript_Redacted.pdf

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Zohar contains a myriad of anachronisms, including Spanish words, and the manuscripts were written in Aramaic, a "profane" and widely known language in the time of Shimon bar Yochai. Aramaic was a language only known by the elites in Moses de Leon's time. https://t.co/jGxZP4sUHU
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: As Pg. 93 noted, the Zohar used the same deceptive medieval era Hebraic vowel points that influenced the Masoretic translations of the old testament. Leon Modena may have ignored that issue with the Zohar so as to not provide "polemical ammunition" against rabbinic Judaism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Zohar is a pseudepigrapha (surprise) whose author is most likely Moses de Leon. His widow said he attributed the manuscript to Shimon bar Yochai to increase its value. https://t.co/6IoAWuemCz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The Zohar contains a myriad of anachronisms, including Spanish words, and the manuscripts were written in Aramaic, a "profane" and widely known language in the time of Shimon bar Yochai. Aramaic was a language only known by the elites in Moses de Leon's time.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Italy in Safed, Safed in Italy. Lurianic Kabbalah and Karo's Shulhan Arukh (inspired by Luria) originated from Safed and made its way to Venice which spread from there. Also included is some debunking of the idea that Sabbetai Zevi's messianic movement was corrupted Kabbalah. https://t.co/JL6fFAQryd
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The Zohar is a pseudepigrapha (surprise) whose author is most likely Moses de Leon. His widow said he attributed the manuscript to Shimon bar Yochai to increase its value.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@namaste08 9 views... 😂 That mostly abandoned YouTube account has some interesting content: https://youtu.be/3vgbOFGNB04

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: But lo, a prophecy has been fulfilled! Foxes were spotted playing at an old Roman fort wall (commonly referred to as the Temple Mount). https://youtu.be/1BAvCb6fG_E https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Foxes-seen-walking-near-the-Western-Wall-fulfilling-biblical-promise-598053

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@realDonaldTrump Mr. President, it appears our "greatest ally" is pivoting thier economy towards China. In fact, as this article from the CFR points out, China's trade with Israel has increased since you began your trade war. @intel is using Israel to bypass your tarrifs. https://www.cfr.org/blog/us-china-israel-technology-triangle

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Someone at White House wrote speech that President Trump dispassionately, blaming video games, internet, mental health, (lack of swift) death penalty on White Nationalist terror attacks. But, kicker is that they wrote wrong city into speech, no one, including President, noticed.
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I think I found out why white nationalists ranks are growing. It appears Jews are stirring up shit with hypocritical rhetoric and race baiting. Troubling stuff.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Remember when it only took 5 congressmen to approve $255 million to be given to the Israelis for Iron Dome missles during the 2014 asymmetrical war in Palestine while the rest of Congress left for their summer vacation homes? Good times. https://mondoweiss.net/2014/08/yorker-exposes-aipac/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I just received what looks to be an interesting and well sourced book, 'The Scandal of Kabbalah'. Pg. 3, last paragraph, confirms that there are a few different variations of competing kabbalistic "motifs", including transmigration (gilgul). https://t.co/BYkVBaJ82r
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Italy in Safed, Safed in Italy. Lurianic Kabbalah and Karo's Shulhan Arukh (inspired by Luria) originated from Safed and made its way to Venice which spread from there. Also included is some debunking of the idea that Sabbetai Zevi's messianic movement was corrupted Kabbalah.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I just received what looks to be an interesting and well sourced book, 'The Scandal of Kabbalah'. Pg. 3, last paragraph, confirms that there are a few different variations of competing kabbalistic "motifs", including transmigration (gilgul).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Russia is interfering in Israel's election... our greatest ally!! Oh wait, 1/6th of Israel's population is from the former Soviet Union and an undetermined percentage of the population also migrated from Russia/Eastern Europe from the mid 1800's until 1991. #NoCollusion

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge Wow, that's quite a difference from the views he had near the end of his life. He certainly changed his tune. Here are some quotes from some of his later works before his passing.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Religious Zionism is adopting an alt-right persuasion: "...religious Zionists, including rabbis, suddenly talk about free markets, quote Edmund Burke and Roger Scruton and call themselves 'conservatives.' Fifteen years ago all this did not exist." https://t.co/GvDGrzgTVr https://t.co/xzR9Q9vmrP
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More from the same blogpost, regarding the conference: "...the Israeli conservatism conference , the temporary culmination of Keren Tikva's successful penetration into Israel, carried on huge sums of money and dropped from the American Capitol Hill." https://tikvahfund.org/about/board/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Religious Zionism is adopting an alt-right persuasion: "...religious Zionists, including rabbis, suddenly talk about free markets, quote Edmund Burke and Roger Scruton and call themselves 'conservatives.' Fifteen years ago all this did not exist." https://7minim.wordpress.com/2019/05/20/shm/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay "Time has passed, 'The People' has not yet woken up and revealed the knit spark in his soul, and while Feiglin replaces Messianism with libertarianism in hopes of sweeping the masses behind him...Maybe this time it will succeed." https://7minim.wordpress.com/2019/07/27/the_karpel_paradigm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot Nothing will change until money is banned from politics.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Rabbi" Schmuley Boteach's past and present grifting is laid out in great detail in this article. Chabad excommunicated him a few years back, his Oxford influencing L'Chaim Society by was shut down for financial fraud, and his brother is an arms dealer. https://www.alternet.org/2016/05/meet-shmuley-boteach-right-wing-reality-show-rabbi-hustling-his-way-trump-campaign/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The misogynist kabbalistic teachings of Rabbi Laitman's Bnei Baruch "cult" causes a political stir when Yair Lapid's party briefly aligned with some of their members. #DivineSparkOfJewishGenius https://www.ha-makom.co.il/post/osnat-yesh-atid

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot @IvankaTrump To be fair, from a halachic standpoint Ivanka is not Jewish, no matter how much money they paid for the fake conversion, and their children are mamzers.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
One of Obama’s advisers was quoted as calling Netanyahu a “chickenshit,” causing a diplomatic uproar...One of the President’s top aides told another, “The only problem with the quote was that it wasn’t strong enough. It should have been ‘chickenshit motherfucker.’ ” https://t.co/NSNPcrpEev
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Days before the 2016 election, Trump, Kushner, and Bannon met in Trump Tower with Netanyahu and Dermer on US/Israel strategy in the ME. Trump's inexperienced team was a “blank canvas” and one individual who was present said, “Israel just had their way with us.”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay This thread had some other relevant links/information on early religious Zionism. https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/33259/interpreting-the-zohars-prediction-of-the-year-1840 Including the Sephardic front, with Judah Ben Solomon Hai Alkalai, who saw the upside in antisemitism early on. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-ben-solomon-hai-alkalai

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
More on Israeli interference: Other governments took a Clinton victory as a foregone conclusion, but a former U.S. official told me, "The Israelis didn’t take that opinion at all. They were working the Trump people with great energy before anybody else was engaged with them." https://t.co/2Knh9jq4Qd
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: One of Obama’s advisers was quoted as calling Netanyahu a “chickenshit,” causing a diplomatic uproar...One of the President’s top aides told another, “The only problem with the quote was that it wasn’t strong enough. It should have been ‘chickenshit motherfucker.’ ”

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is a beast of an article from a year ago, detailing many cases of political interference by the Israelis during the Obama years up to last year. The most significant topic is the warming of Arab/Israeli relations, to the detriment of the Palestinians. https://t.co/uIBLkSWVwg https://t.co/UPXI7IqoLR
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on Israeli interference: Other governments took a Clinton victory as a foregone conclusion, but a former U.S. official told me, "The Israelis didn’t take that opinion at all. They were working the Trump people with great energy before anybody else was engaged with them."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
This is a beast of an article from a year ago, detailing many cases of political interference by the Israelis during the Obama years up to last year. The most significant topic is the warming of Arab/Israeli relations, to the detriment of the Palestinians. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/06/18/donald-trumps-new-world-order

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Jackie Wolcott former (?) Special Assistant for Congressional Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (the Zionist department that gave false info on Iraq WMDs) calls for emergency IAEA meeting to “hold Iran's regime accountable.” https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2019/07/05/world/middleeast/05reuters-iran-nuclear-iaea.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Israeli diplomat was appointed Special Rapporteur of the global body’s budgeting and administration committee. Danny Danon: “Yaron’s election ... demonstrates an [unwarranted] expression of trust in Israel from dozens of countries around the world.” http://www.5tjt.com/israeli-diplomat-chosen-to-lead-un-committee-for-budget-and-administration/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Mossad director: “Common interests, the fight against rivals such as Iran and jihadist terrorism, the close relations with the White House, and channels of communication with the Kremlin all combine to create what might be a one-time window of opportunity” https://t.co/au3fGnmY9P https://t.co/F155BrHpoQ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Here's a slew of quotes from the Kremlin/Putin that should dispel any doubts about Russia and Israel's "special" relationship. https://orientalreview.org/2018/05/10/president-putin-on-israel-quotes-from-the-kremlin-website/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Russia serves as a bulwark against the Zionists 🤕: Netanyahu said that Israeli-Russian security cooperation has contributed “greatly to the security and stability in our region, and has brought about a substantive change in the situation in the region.” https://t.co/aMXvHfdfOH https://t.co/qZBpZhklIR
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Mossad director: “Common interests, the fight against rivals such as Iran and jihadist terrorism, the close relations with the White House, and channels of communication with the Kremlin all combine to create what might be a one-time window of opportunity” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-mossad/israeli-spymaster-says-one-time-chance-for-peace-with-arabs-sharing-iran-worries-idUSKCN1TW2KZ

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Russia serves as a bulwark against the Zionists 🤕: Netanyahu said that Israeli-Russian security cooperation has contributed “greatly to the security and stability in our region, and has brought about a substantive change in the situation in the region.” https://m.jpost.com/Israel-News/Putin-adviser-Israels-security-to-Russia-important-because-all-countrymen-here-593541?fbclid=IwAR06MAIMYFqhoL_Iv-AyMFxjE_AYMghD2Sdx9_1vuVa7Rbjh5Hn78X48xZQ

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@namaste08 @MisterTrueB “Some people, not necessarily friends of ours, are obsessing about my being here,” Friedman said at the ceremony, adding the excavation project uncovered “the truth, whether you believe or not ... the truth is the only foundation upon which peace will come to this area.” 🙃

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The diaspora enjoy the 'protection afforded by the Clouds of Glory' but don't want to 'get their hands dirty with the commandment of conquering and dwelling in the Promised Land. They wanted a private Judaism, and not the Torah of a Jewish Nation.' http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/24073

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Israeli authorities admitted that among the plane's...cargo was 190 litres of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a chemical used in the manufacture of sarin poison gas...In addition the plane's wings contained depleted uranium, used as ballast." h/t @namaste08 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/1999/feb/04/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@affinity292 @BluewaternavyW Uh... You cited what appears to be two or three sources from questionable "historians", one of which focused on the Holocaust and Jewish oppression (conflict of interest). Nor did they cite/refute the works of the 10 objective Jewish sources provided by NOI's rebuttal to Gates.😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@affinity292 @BluewaternavyW Oh hello there. I've seen you around. You've got some sloppy hasbara that I never felt the need to respond to, but if you're going to try to push this nonsense here's NOI's response, which I think is more than adequate to debunk Gates. https://noirg.org/articles/jews-and-the-black-holocaust/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Whitelionroars @emoontx @JohnCornyn @TexasTribune Sure... Have you guys ever checked to see where this alt-right movement came from and who funds it? Check out these "old white men". https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2015/11/17/breitbart-news-network-born-in-the-usa-conceived-in-israel/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @Whitelionroars @lander @brooklynmarie @Heustonmah @JohnCornyn @TexasTribune Second, Joshua appears to only be concerned for certain brown people. He has been to Israel and really "loves the place" (see screenshot). He "loves" a place where Arabs are shot down like dogs with no repercussions. But it's okay, he objects to AIPAC. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-even-for-the-wild-west-bank-this-is-a-shocking-story-1.7066087

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@brooklynmarie @Heustonmah @Whitelionroars @JohnCornyn @TexasTribune When are you making Aliyah? #MakeIsraelPalestineAgain #JewishHypocrite

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
PSA: Very few of my own tweets have been indexed by Google. I noticed it a few months back. And according to Bing, my account doesn't exist. Who uses Bing though...? 😂 Google "site:https://twitter.com @rodeferous" Then try swapping out my handle for anyone else's.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I tweeted earlier that it would require 500,000 US troops to occupy post-war Iran, but my memory failed me. The Brookings Institute's Which Path to Persia report actually said it would require 700,000 (optimistically - possibly 1.4 million). Here are some notes I made years back.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot I'm doing neither, because your false dialect does not exist. People who actually work for a living and actually interact with other real people in the world know this to be true. What we have are a bunch of privileged Jews stirring up racial hate with infantile rhetoric.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@DavMicRot As your most loyal and least antisemetic follower, here's a non-antisemitic answer to the stigma of the Rothschild family name. The "petty usurer [was] hated most" throughout the ages and was defined as the renting of money or item for any increase, "at the expense of other men".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @DavMicRot @PredictWise Let's just cut to the chase. Every US presidential hopeful is a Zionist shill. Four legs good, two legs better. My life for you (The Stand reference). My nephesh for you.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Yeshiva dropout and vocalist for Disturbed, David Draiman, whose lyrics 'I get stupefied' defined a generation, basically called @rogerwaters a Nazi for supporting a movement that cares more about Palestinian lives than Israel's image. #FlatEarthZionism https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/disturbeds-singer-david-draiman-slams-roger-waters-and-his-nazi-comrades-for-boycotting-israel

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @AdamSerwer @DavMicRot No confusion here. #ReturnOfLaw #LeadWithJewishMaternalGrandmother #WillTheRabbinateAcceptMe?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ezraklein @DavMicRot Ethnocentric hypocrite says what? Looks like you were ashamed of this Tweet, defending the latest attempt of ethnocentric cowards to silence critics of Israel, a despicable rogue state filled with Jewish supremacists.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Hey @DavMicRot, just looking for some clarification here. Is my Google Chrome translator mistaken or did you get stabbed by a protestor on Rothschild Blvd. in Tel Aviv in 2011? https://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1000669768

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MisterTrueB 😉🤡

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Netanyahu fanboys view the socialist Jews in the US as radicalized, claims they are interfering in Israel's affairs (the referenced "new fund" appears to be the New Israel Fund org), and blame the radicalization on the fall of the Soviet Union. https://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1001235217

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @HereIsJorge The seating chart was similar in 2018. J Street and AIPAC's chairmen "appeared to get along" throughout the meeting. https://www.jta.org/2018/02/09/politics/chuck-schumer-orthodox-jews-should-do-more-to-call-out-trump-for-failing-to-condemn-neo-nazis

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: This is just horrible slander without an ounce of truth to it! Good thing this is just a work of fiction.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@squid60243298 Come to think of it, I was briefly possessed by a misanthropic and misogynist neshama yesterday. (Fyi, this person deserved it)

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Saudi Arabia apologist @davereaboi details the methods of political chicanery used by Qatar: courting Jews, buying politicians, and using biased think tank reports to control narratives. It's unacceptable for Zionists to have to compete in that market.😢 http://www.5tjt.com/op-ed-qatar-shows-two-faces-to-the-world/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@amymontana20 @StandWithUs @ELALUSA The tweet below look like a classic antisemetic trope. Just because you're jealous that you and your mamzer children don't have souls (neshama) doesn't mean you can call the Haredi, who do have that glorious soul, "money-suckers".

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
StandWithUs, a fanatical pro-Israel organization, funded by convicted felon Adam Milstein, forced a school district in Illinois to withdraw curriculum on Palestine and will be offering their own "educational materials" instead. @FBI @RozRothstein https://t.co/tfPbouYUiQ https://t.co/m0tM12HWFq
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on @RozRothstein's StandWithUs and her Zionist supremacist mindset, growing up as a member of Bnei Akiva. We can't allow foreign agents of Israel to use political intimidation and lawfare to suppress free speech in the US, right @FBI? https://www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/jewish/.premium-leading-the-pro-israel-charge-on-u-s-college-campuses-1.5417981

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
StandWithUs, a fanatical pro-Israel organization, funded by convicted felon Adam Milstein, forced a school district in Illinois to withdraw curriculum on Palestine and will be offering their own "educational materials" instead. @FBI @RozRothstein http://www.5tjt.com/after-backlash-illinois-high-school-district-withdraws-teaching-palestine-course/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay "...the parades are seen as sectarian and triumphalist...The marching season required high levels of police involvement to prevent major outbreaks of violence." Sounds familiar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_walk

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@barak1cohen Adelson the cannibal. Artwork: @elivalley

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Avodath hakkodesh: "There are Sins for which the Soul which committeth them, justly transmigrates Inwards; that is, into an Israelite: And there are Sins for which the Soul that committeth them, is justly remov'd Outwards; that is, into a Gentile of the World." https://t.co/aOBVnGexzS
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @MauricePinay Chabad's Gates of Reincarnation provides an answer as to how there can only be 600,000 Jewish souls. https://www.chabad.org/kabbalah/article_cdo/aid/1287945/jewish/Six-Hundred-Thousand-Souls-171.htm

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Avodath hakkodesh: "There are Sins for which the Soul which committeth them, justly transmigrates Inwards; that is, into an Israelite: And there are Sins for which the Soul that committeth them, is justly remov'd Outwards; that is, into a Gentile of the World."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay Here's a bit of rambling from an ex-member of Bnei Baruch about this group and a link to another site with more information, including discussion of BB "infiltrating" movements like occupy wall street. https://t.co/XB9cF95UuG https://t.co/eE0NFxzhYQ https://t.co/C5w41oCOzk
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @HereIsJorge @MauricePinay Laitman said in a blog post after Hurricane Sandy that "the US has no right to exist" in its current state. He also attempted use his influence to get Romney elected in 2012. http://www.bbkabbalah-thetruth.com/ORDER%20TO%20VOTE%20FOR%20ROMNEY.pdf http://www.bbkabbalah-thetruth.com/mutual-responsibility

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay That first link you provided has some explosive admissions regarding the aims of kabbalists. I've recently read a good deal information from disgruntled ex-members of Bnei Baruch, in which they mentioned this communist dystopia and how suffering in the world brings it about. https://t.co/lwqIuQXMOc
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @HereIsJorge @MauricePinay Here's a bit of rambling from an ex-member of Bnei Baruch about this group and a link to another site with more information, including discussion of BB "infiltrating" movements like occupy wall street. http://www.bbkabbalah-thetruth.com/apps/blog/show/24530758-laitman-totalitarian-zionist-world-spiritual-leader
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay That first link you provided has some explosive admissions regarding the aims of kabbalists. I've recently read a good deal information from disgruntled ex-members of Bnei Baruch, in which they mentioned this communist dystopia and how suffering in the world brings it about.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay Thanks for doing this research while I was at work. 👍 I find it interesting that since Ukraine's sacking, Uman has become Lag BaOmer party central for many Hasidic young men. And the Knesset site's depiction of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai aligns with this version from the Talmud.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay I read today that the Satmar sect didn't celebrate Lag B'Omer for some time since it was seen as an Israeli tradition, until it started to drive their members to other Yeshivas. Haven't had time to research further but I did find this. The IDF was founded on Lag B'Omer.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@realDonaldTrump Mr. President, please stand down. It was an article from The Onion. Iran did not shoot John Bolton!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Eli Avidar, an Israeli diamond industry goon and recently appointed MK for Yisrael Beiteinu had some interesting things to say back in 2014. http://cafe.themarker.com/mobile/post/3138310/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MisterTrueB @namaste08 @HereIsJorge Regarding the roster... "Most of the 500 have had memberships predating Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign..." https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/18/us/mar-a-lago-trump-ethics-winter-white-house.html?_r=0

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@yitzgood @iliarashad It's not just about dowry. Sanhedrin 54b-55a clarifies when a child should be punished for being raped, based off of their gender and age (females mature at the age of 3 and males at 9) and whether or not they (not the rapist) should be punished.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@elivalley @benshapiro Here's a description of authentic Judaism, arguably the worst religion ever conceived.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The IDF's extensive attacks against Hamas and GAF ​​terrorist targets continue throughout the Gaza Strip. At present, about 320 targets have been attacked, 600 rockets have been fired into Israel and more than 150 intercepts of the Iron Dome system have been carried out." https://t.co/zOjZcjERBn
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Khudari, 35, a resident of the Gaza Strip, responsible for large-scale cash transfers...was the owner of the al-Aqsa Charitable Society, which was declared a terrorist organization in Israel in June 2018." https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1125204578817933312/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The IDF's extensive attacks against Hamas and GAF ​​terrorist targets continue throughout the Gaza Strip. At present, about 320 targets have been attacked, 600 rockets have been fired into Israel and more than 150 intercepts of the Iron Dome system have been carried out." https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1125204011529973761/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
As Jewish Twitter quibbles over whether Farrakhan is left-wing or right-wing, believing he, and not a team of researchers for the Nation of Islam authored the "Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" series, Encyclopaedia Judaica agrees with NOI.
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @AmanAD2595 Also, part of the same correspondence between Adams and Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson quotes from William Enfield's translation of Johann Jakob Brucker's 'Historia critica philosophiae', explaining how there's not much to salvage from Judaism.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
#ChabadMafia #JewishPrivilege https://t.co/Y3SN6ItWEJ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: #JewishPrivilege #RedeemTheCaptives #ChillulHashem https://youtu.be/fL7W1qDyk5M

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
#JudeoChristianZioNazism ? 🤔

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
#ChabadMafia #JewishPrivilege

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@JJPeregrine @MauricePinay I don't know much about Horowitz, but I know he's no friend to Christians or to US citizens in general. His "Freedom Center" is dedicated to stirring up Christian/Muslim conflict and is funded by Zionists. He also supports the efforts of Canary Mission.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Dersh chides "America's Rabbi" Boteach and reminds us that he worked with the Qatari government to suppress Al Jazeera's "The Lobby", ensuring that Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs' operations in the US continue unimpeded. https://www.algemeiner.com/2019/04/22/alan-dershowitz-shmuley-boteach-lies-to-cover-up-his-hypocrisy/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: The bill to elevate the status of the antisemitism monitor passed the House and is expected to pass in the Senate. The position is being upgraded to an Ambassador status and it appears the individual will also track/combat antisemitism in foreign nations. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/hr221

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
After US Jewish groups, including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, petitioned Trump to not allow Israel to annex parts of the West Bank, pro-Israel organizations urge him to allow the Israelis do as they see fit. http://www.5tjt.com/coalition-of-pro-israel-organizations-asks-trump-to-let-israel-decide-on-sovereignty/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israel was mentioned in the Mueller report, but as this article points out, it did not include Rick Gates' meeting with Psy Group, set up by George Birnbaum. Birnbaum was a partner of Arthur Finkelstein, and both of them have ties to Netanyahu. http://www.5tjt.com/two-israel-related-matters-in-the-mueller-report-and-whats-omitted/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Presidential hopeful (?) Pete Buttigieg steps on Judaic land mine and angers the premier hypocrites on the world stage today with his lack of insight into the origins of Judaism. The 8th Noahide law: Thou shall not use the term Pharisee disparagingly. https://t.co/I3or7hz3r8 https://t.co/Ti5dkfjtmy
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "According to tradition, Hillel thereupon became head of the Sanhedrin with the title of "Nasi" (prince)...Hillel was recognized as the highest authority among the Pharisees and the scribes of Jerusalem." http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/7698-hillel https://www.aish.com/jl/h/cc/48943176.html?mobile=yes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_the_Elder

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Presidential hopeful (?) Pete Buttigieg steps on Judaic land mine and angers the premier hypocrites on the world stage today with his lack of insight into the origins of Judaism. The 8th Noahide law: Thou shall not use the term Pharisee disparagingly. https://www.jta.org/2019/04/12/politics/pete-buttigieg-keeps-calling-mike-pence-a-pharisee-heres-why-that-angers-jews

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@AmanAD2595 Probably a bit of both. Or maybe a real struggle against cannibalism. 😂

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Matt Brooks, executive director at the Republican Jewish Coalition: “American Jewish organizations should not tell the democratically elected government of Israel what to do..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
He goes on to quote in Hebrew from Rabbi Naftali Greenbaum Vol. VII's preface of Otzer HaMidrashim: "And he will not let anyone else live in his throne, because in the name of your holiness you swear to him that Nero will never extinguish his glory." https://t.co/3qPBa7upPg
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Avraham Feldman of the Ohr Yerushalayim Yeshiva in Jerusalem noted that the gematria (Hebrew numerology) of niron mizrachi – 'Nero of the East' – equals that of the name ‘Bashar Assad’." https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/86257/assad-may-be-nero-of-the-east-tyrant-whose-downfall-brings-messiah-in-jewish-prophecy/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: He goes on to quote in Hebrew from Rabbi Naftali Greenbaum Vol. VII's preface of Otzer HaMidrashim: "And he will not let anyone else live in his throne, because in the name of your holiness you swear to him that Nero will never extinguish his glory."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@SenBobCasey and @SenatorTimScott recently presented a bill to silence Israel's critics on college campuses. This weasel-worded legislation only serves Israel's interests and should be viewed as an attack on our democracy. https://www.scott.senate.gov/media-center/press-releases/scott-casey-introduce-anti-semitism-awareness-act-

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
References to the "Dark Ages" and book burnings are mostly related to the burning of rabbinic/kabbalistic literature after various Jewish apostates came forward to expose their misanthropic/anti-Gentile nature. https://t.co/qqfX6KiBp3 https://t.co/ybTAgszBpZ
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The article above was written in response to Moscow's prosecutors office's investigation into the racist nature of the Shulchan Aruch in 2005, which provoked responses from Israeli officials and Jewish organizations world wide. https://www2.stetson.edu/~psteeves/relnews/0507a.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
References to the "Dark Ages" and book burnings are mostly related to the burning of rabbinic/kabbalistic literature after various Jewish apostates came forward to expose their misanthropic/anti-Gentile nature. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4914726

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israeli politicians waste no time in beating the EU over the head with their empty/hypocritical rhetoric regarding the EU's stance on Golan Heights, now that GOTUS (Golem of the US) Trump has given them the green light. http://www.5tjt.com/shame-on-you-top-israeli-politicians-slam-european-union-for-golan-policy/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @joshnathankazis 😉

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Partisangirl Purim is an interesting holiday and far more relevant than the "Ides of March". https://www.jta.org/2003/03/18/lifestyle/rabbis-purim-iraq-war-linked/amp?__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@joshnathankazis @shirahanau "...so tell me , how was your rebbe right??? Didn't he say in 1956 and then repeated this prediction in 1967, that he believes there will be no frum Jews in the Zionist State in 20 years?...Here comes a goy..... President Donald Trump, who sees thru all the garbage..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Former AIPAC officials launch a new PAC, Pro-Israel America, whose website provides options to fund the PAC or directly contribute to candidates they identify as pro-Israel. A new trend of using decentralized PACs to obscure their influence? http://www.5tjt.com/former-aipac-officials-launch-bipartisan-political-action-committee/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Israelis refuse to extradite Leifer, accused of molesting dozens of children in Australia. She now lives in an Israeli settlement, where she and other pedophiles continue to molest children under protection of rabbinic laws. https://www.smh.com.au/world/middle-east/a-haven-for-paedophiles-the-ultra-orthodox-settlement-where-malka-leifer-hides-20180612-p4zkx4.html https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/litzman-leifer-and-the-rabbis-against-justice/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Rabbi Hoffman had a mini-stroke while writing this article, which caused him to project the perennial Ga'avah that plagues the adherents of Judaism onto "the nations". He also provided 6 reasons why it's a mitzvah for Jews to remember Amalek during Purim. http://www.5tjt.com/halachic-musings-eradicating-amalek-by-eliminating-gaavah/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The Moshiash's a sensitive guy... Ad Mosai...Until when? #StopPesteringTheMoshiash https://youtu.be/LldNzuh9B1A

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
I'm trying to think of something witty/facetious to say in relation to unconditionally supporting Israel's racist society, but it's not happening today. I'm thoroughly disgusted with the Zionists in DC. We should all be shouting down this nonsense. https://www.villagevoice.com/2010/07/27/a-cooper-union-student-lost-an-eye-protesting-in-israel-but-none-of-her-vision/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Since 2016 the professional hucksters at PSY Group have been paid by wealthy Zionists to orchestrate a "muliti-vector" psychological operation to stifle anti-Israel activity in the US. Document: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5747100-Entous-Butterfly.html#document/p7 Source: https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-a-private-israeli-intelligence-firm-spied-on-pro-palestinian-activists-in-the-us/amp?__twitter_impression=true

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Surely, you don't mean THE Carlebach, who "[f]rom 1951 to 1954, he worked as one of the first emissaries (shluchim) of R' Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe who urged him to use his special skills and go to college campuses to reconnect Jews to Judaism."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay It seems only the media is surprised that there are still extremist Jews in the US who sympathize with Kahane. MO = Modern Orthodox

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@PJTN @BibleProphecy Christian Zionists are not welcome in Israel. “There are people, especially on the right, who are prepared to pay a price [of getting close to Christians] that great rabbis of the Jewish people rejected for generations,” #EndJudeoChristianity http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/160528

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @PJTN Toledot Yeshu states that: "Judas Iscariot buried Jesus’ body 'in a cellar with chamber pots and excrement' in order to observe the Talmudic dictum relating to Jesus himself, 'Whoever mocks the words of the Sages is punished with boiling excrement...'” http://thetorah.com/nittel-nacht-an-inverted-christmas-with-toledot-yeshu/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @NoFomo319 @HoffmanMichaelA @NOIResearch Toledot Yeshu states that: "Judas Iscariot buried Jesus’ body 'in a cellar with chamber pots and excrement' in order to observe the Talmudic dictum relating to Jesus himself, 'Whoever mocks the words of the Sages is punished with boiling excrement...'” http://thetorah.com/nittel-nacht-an-inverted-christmas-with-toledot-yeshu/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
We've all heard about the annual Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that have taken place in the last few years (😉), but this year's event will include a special guest, the new US antisemitism monitor Elan Carr. http://www.conferenceofpresidents.org.il/Program.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1UNhBa4rf_5lkDApQGyOhMhr5iFuddsmtkwTSBrHPkCdc8L7hMtJaCqlo#Agenda

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@jeffbuckley81 Noahide preacher Emmanuel Villegas: “The Jew has five levels of soul while the Noahide only has three levels and remains on an animalistic level, and this is written in the Kabbalah.” He's not wrong, according to rabbinic literature.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MauricePinay Apparently Deepstate Jewry is still upset about this statement (not widely reported) from Trump in 2015. He let them know he didn't need their money. He had already secured funding from Arthur Finkelstein's Alt-right/"Conservative" Likud Jewry base. http://www.5tjt.com/trump-joins-critics-of-rep-omar-over-antisemitic-comments/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: FYI... I don't mean to come off as antisemitic, but this article indicates that AIPAC and IAC are pushing this bill that sets a legal precedent to stifle free speech in the US.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @HoffmanMichaelA

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @IlhanMN

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@ChelseaClinton @mcbyrne @IlhanMN Indeed, we need to call out haters on all sides. I found this on my favorite religious Zionist blog the other day.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MauricePinay The bill to elevate the status of the antisemitism monitor passed the House and is expected to pass in the Senate. The position is being upgraded to an Ambassador status and it appears the individual will also track/combat antisemitism in foreign nations. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/hr221

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HikindDov I voted for you for conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism, which in turn alienates Jews who do not support Israel.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's common these days to see Twitter users supposedly from countries targeted for regime change inviting the US to pilfer their nation. Here's a couple links regarding "Persona Management" technology from 8 years ago. https://t.co/w3DOZEQbTJ https://t.co/JkFzBJbgRu https://t.co/gUb4wa0jwz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: In 2011, well before Palantir's Peter Thiel and Wikileaks worked together to support Trump's campaign, Palantir and other government contractors presented a slide show on how to take down Wikileaks. HBGary's services included "social media exploitation". https://www.businessinsider.com/palantir-wikileaks-2011-2#-18

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
It's common these days to see Twitter users supposedly from countries targeted for regime change inviting the US to pilfer their nation. Here's a couple links regarding "Persona Management" technology from 8 years ago. https://forum.officer.com/forum/public-forums/general-law-enforcement-topics/164917-electronic-subversion-software-available-from-the-air-force https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
MLK's rabbi: "[Christians] correctly understood that I was comparing them to the Nazis...My style of writing is by hinting, because truth is in the depths. There are those who would like to attack their bodies. I want to attack their souls." http://mauricepinay.blogspot.com/2007/12/vatican-ii-kabbalist-sage-rabbi-abraham.html?m=1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@RandPaul's ears must be burning. Can he resist the urge to betray his own country, in hopes of appeasing an insatiable and ungrateful Israel?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Eric Rozenman, former Washington director of CAMERA and former editor of B'nai B'rith's International Jewish Monthly and Washington Jewish Week, penned the following grotesque argument to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism: http://www.5tjt.com/opinion-era-of-never-again-has-ended/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
'The King's Torah' was a best-selling book in Israel. Apart from condoning the killing of non-Jewish children ("blockers of rescue"), the book states that "anyone who weakens our sovereignty (Israel) with his or her speech is also considered a rodef." https://t.co/o8Kxg8a06G https://t.co/wxJKVtkYHs
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Netanyahu referred to Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, "who was arrested for giving a letter of approbation to the work 'The King’s Torah'" as a "posek gadol − a great halakhic arbiter." https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-sefi-rachlevsky-bibi-and-the-goyim-1.5239299

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
'The King's Torah' was a best-selling book in Israel. Apart from condoning the killing of non-Jewish children ("blockers of rescue"), the book states that "anyone who weakens our sovereignty (Israel) with his or her speech is also considered a rodef." https://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Book-advocating-killing-gentiles-who-endanger-Jews-is-hard-to-come-by

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay Neither does this guy apparently. The activity started after his RT.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Not sure how this happened... but methinks they missed the point...🤦‍♂️

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...in certain cases we ought to flatter the goy...But pictures are not necessary – they darken the pages of a Jewish publication, including the pictures of local Jewish liaisons photographing themselves with goyim, as if it is an honor." https://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2014/01/dont-publish-pictures-of-goyim-hasidic-letter-writer-says-345.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: Rabbi Dr. Bertram W. Korn, a Jewish scholar of Civil War-era Jewry: "There is no iota of evidence, no line in a letter, no stray remark which would lead us to believe that these Jews gave conscious support to the slave system out of fear of arousing anti-Jewish prejudice."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"It is usually stated as fact that the Klan was historically 'against Blacks, Jews, and Catholics,' when in fact the KKK had many Jewish members, sympathizers and supporters...Klan advertisements openly stated that Masons were 'preferred' for membership..."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Rabid religious zionists say the darndest things.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: “There is a tradition in the hands of the masters of Chabad handed down from one master to another...and possibly going back to the Baal Shem Tov....—that the Baal Shem Tov accepted the kabbalah (of the author of Emek Hamelech)." http://kotzkblog.blogspot.com/2017/04/121-emek-hamelech-battle-for-soul-of.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
“[W]e demand that checkpoints be reinstated immediately, and that [the government] resume retaliatory actions...We demand an upswing in construction...We want to see you [the government] smash the ‘terrorism authority’ known as the Palestinian Authority.” http://www.5tjt.com/settlers-demand-tougher-government-response-to-west-bank-terrorism/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
EMET, a group supported by Sheldon Adelson, and CUFI were recently involved in lobbying Congress to passing a bill to place sanctions on Hamas and Hezbollah, accusing them of using "human shields". Now Trump just has to sign it. https://t.co/JCKxENhU0I https://t.co/nirEBv7Y5a https://t.co/9Ud7DAems7
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: More on what I assume is the same EMET "think-tank" described in this JTA article as being created by Edgar Bronfman, Michael Steinhardt, but the Carnegie Endowment link below also includes Sheldon Adelson and other patrons. https://www.jta.org/2001/03/13/lifestyle/2-00e07-3 https://carnegieendowment.org/2015/08/18/little-think-tank-that-could-pub-61793

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
EMET, a group supported by Sheldon Adelson, and CUFI were recently involved in lobbying Congress to passing a bill to place sanctions on Hamas and Hezbollah, accusing them of using "human shields". Now Trump just has to sign it. http://www.5tjt.com/house-of-representatives-passes-bipartisan-bill-to-prevent-use-of-human-shields-goes-to-trump-for-signature/ https://www.jns.org/senate-passes-bipartisan-bill-to-stop-use-of-human-shields/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Sander Gerber, a hedge-fund manager and "former board member of AIPAC", and the Israeli-American Coalition for Action lobbied Congress to pass the Taylor Force Act back in March 2018. The new law is behind USAID ending support to Palestine in early 2019. https://t.co/XG8UxMv7sR https://t.co/iuZeUniANm
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: The Israeli-American Coalition for Action is a partner organization of the Israeli-American Council, which is currently chaired by Adam Milstein. https://www.israeliamerican.org/blog/introducing-iac-action https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli-American_Council https://www.jns.org/taylor-force-act-officially-part-of-congresss-massive-omnibus-spending-bill/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Sander Gerber, a hedge-fund manager and "former board member of AIPAC", and the Israeli-American Coalition for Action lobbied Congress to pass the Taylor Force Act back in March 2018. The new law is behind USAID ending support to Palestine in early 2019. http://www.5tjt.com/usaid-to-close-doors-in-the-west-bank-and-gaza-by-early-2019/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@namaste08 Better late than never... 💩

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@namaste08 "There are photos of his being paraded in front of adoring crowds like a Rebbe, and he is presented as innocent of any moral wrongdoing...What kind of message do we send, both outside and inside the Orthodox community, when we glorify such a person as a hero?"

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Kristallnacht lead to the Haavara agreement between the Zionists and Germany. "...As a result, lives were saved, property transferred, and an indispensable column of the human, economic, and physical infrastructure of the future State of Israel was erected." - Abraham H. Foxman https://t.co/AsIuDn0GKf
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: In 1952, then president of the WJC, Nahum Goldmann, potentially used the events to gain leverage in reparation negotiations for German Jews and Israel in general. Source: https://phdn.org/archives/holocaust-history.org/kristallnacht-weckert/index.html Ingrid Weckhert's revisionist account of Kristallnacht: https://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p183_Weckert.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In 2008, Russian Jewish Oligarch, Moshe Kantor discusses how he had been pressuring Merkel to host an EU-wide anniversary/memorial for Kristallnacht, which was heavily promoted in 2018. What's not mentioned is that Kristallnacht benefited the Israelis. https://t.co/RgBQoH9Y08 https://t.co/eNcPNK5jtz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Kristallnacht lead to the Haavara agreement between the Zionists and Germany. "...As a result, lives were saved, property transferred, and an indispensable column of the human, economic, and physical infrastructure of the future State of Israel was erected." - Abraham H. Foxman

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In 2008, Russian Jewish Oligarch, Moshe Kantor discusses how he had been pressuring Merkel to host an EU-wide anniversary/memorial for Kristallnacht, which was heavily promoted in 2018. What's not mentioned is that Kristallnacht benefited the Israelis. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4987340

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Denial isn't just a border of Eretz Yisrael. @SandaBlue

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In the Talmud, Bava Basra 73b describes a frog that was the size of a city, being eaten by a snake, which was then ate by a raven, which then landed on a tree capable of holding its weight. Vilna Gaon advises that the tree represents the "financial support" of Israel's wealthy.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay I can't imagine why they would want to control the messages conveyed in the New Testament (or why they leave out select books of the OT in their Tanakh).

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"..Forced child marriages. A thirteen-year-old girl who is eight months pregnant. Child brainwashing..A kidnapping in New York. These particulars about the Lev Tahor cult have been in the news recently." Lashon ha'ra; pretext to hide crimes from goyim. https://t.co/RV2IXe24qP https://t.co/391M7cnMRq
Rodeferous @Rodeferous

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"..Forced child marriages. A thirteen-year-old girl who is eight months pregnant. Child brainwashing..A kidnapping in New York. These particulars about the Lev Tahor cult have been in the news recently." Lashon ha'ra; pretext to hide crimes from goyim. http://www.5tjt.com/lev-tahor-and-the-limits-of-lashon-hara/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
First issue continued. Christians, Muslims, and all other "deniers of the law" are cut off from heaven. The "pious of the nations" rebuttal debunked. Am ha'aretz demonized and considered beasts. https://t.co/04zmccKScC
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Last pages of the issue (and first page of the 2nd issue) discuss am ha'aretz further and McCaul concludes with a sanity check for the Judaic reader.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Prof. Alexander McCaul's perodicals, complied into a book called "The Old Paths", were intended for Jewish readers, in an effort to educate them to the errors of their religion. The first issue should be required reading for both gentiles and am ha'aretz. https://t.co/2xQame9q5K
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: First issue continued. Christians, Muslims, and all other "deniers of the law" are cut off from heaven. The "pious of the nations" rebuttal debunked. Am ha'aretz demonized and considered beasts.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Prof. Alexander McCaul's perodicals, complied into a book called "The Old Paths", were intended for Jewish readers, in an effort to educate them to the errors of their religion. The first issue should be required reading for both gentiles and am ha'aretz.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
There's no need to seek help from G-d for health related issues or financial problems. All of your troubles can be solved by purchasing the Silver Segulah Ring, "crafted by G-d-fearing Yidden in purity". Don't take my word for it, check out these testimonials and buy yours today!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge @MauricePinay I tried to directly link to it and there's no preview and it says it's unavailable when you click the link.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay @HereIsJorge https://t.co/e00j8yuZpz
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: @HereIsJorge @MauricePinay This is what I get when I try to view the stats on it.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MauricePinay @HereIsJorge

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: "...television facilities are civilian objects..The prohibition on attacking civilian objects has been established..since the beginning of the twentieth century and was reaffirmed in 1977 Protocol I and in the Statute of the International Criminal Court." https://casebook.icrc.org/case-study/protection-journalists

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"This attack is very different..There is a significant escalation here in hitting very large targets - six-seven-story buildings in the heart of Gaza City, whose attack creates a very significant effect on the other side." https://www.idf.il/מאמרים/תיעוד-התקיפות-בעזה-131118/ https://twitter.com/Rodeferous/status/1062578341809659904/video/1

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"The secular are a suicidal community, one that agrees to finance (indirectly) even the ever widening return-to-Orthodoxy industry." https://www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/1.5082768

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...Titus despised and blasphemed God...He took a harlot...and went with her into the Holy of Holies, and laid down the book of the Law, and committed upon it the sin of fornication. He also...slash'd the vail. And there happen'd a miracle; for there issued blood from it." https://t.co/P1DsGMCV2V
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Josephus and a treatise quote Titus as having said: "This city is a holy city: And this house (the Temple) is a holy house; but ye have polluted it; for ye have slain your righteous men upon your altars..Had you defil'd (only) a Man's Table, he (God) would have hated you for it."

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View @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...Titus despised and blasphemed God...He took a harlot...and went with her into the Holy of Holies, and laid down the book of the Law, and committed upon it the sin of fornication. He also...slash'd the vail. And there happen'd a miracle; for there issued blood from it."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Necromancers. "The Sanhedrin had a need to understand the art of sorcery...When one, on whom sentence had passed, as an enchanter or wizzard, had caus'd the light not to shine upon them (members of the Sanhedrin) they put in use their necromantic arts, in order to destroy him." https://t.co/QybE1XjXI0
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "The Rabba did raise a man (a golem), and send him to Rabbi Sira. And when he had spoke to the man, and the man return'd him no answer, he said to him, thou that art come hither art one of the Fellows (ie: a Christian). Return to thy dust." Talmud - Sanhedrin Fol. 65 Col. 2

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View @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"When a man wants courage to conjure the Devil, he should pray to God to prevent the Devil from doing him Hurt. There are some who say, one should prostrate one's self before him (the Devil) on the ground; for that he will not do any mischief to those who show him submission." https://t.co/M8jcG0ivIp
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: Necromancers. "The Sanhedrin had a need to understand the art of sorcery...When one, on whom sentence had passed, as an enchanter or wizzard, had caus'd the light not to shine upon them (members of the Sanhedrin) they put in use their necromantic arts, in order to destroy him."

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View @Rodeferous
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"When a man wants courage to conjure the Devil, he should pray to God to prevent the Devil from doing him Hurt. There are some who say, one should prostrate one's self before him (the Devil) on the ground; for that he will not do any mischief to those who show him submission."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...the Nations of the World are not stiled men, because they have not, from the Holy and Supreme Man (whom the Cabalists call Adam Ahelion), the Neshama. But they have the Nephesh from Adam Belial; that is, the malicious and unnecessary Man, call'd Sammael, the Supreme Devil." https://t.co/Fy01WU0SmX
Rodeferous @Rodeferous
: "Ye Jews are men. But the rest of the nations are not men. The spirit which is spread among the rest of the nations, cometh from the side of uncleanness; that is, from the Devils. The same is no man: Wherefore he is not under that denomination..." Parasha Shemini

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"...the Nations of the World are not stiled men, because they have not, from the Holy and Supreme Man (whom the Cabalists call Adam Ahelion), the Neshama. But they have the Nephesh from Adam Belial; that is, the malicious and unnecessary Man, call'd Sammael, the Supreme Devil."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @MauricePinay "And if the Nations should know, that through this goat the sins of Israel came upon their necks, they (which God forbid) not suffer an Israelite to live, not even a single day."

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: And why was this reported?

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Will Adam Milstein be the next Synagogue Shooter? In the tweet below he expresses disgust with his synagogue's pro-immigration/anti-Trump Rosh Hashanah sermon. His far-right extremist posts are very troubling!

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
The history of orthodox Judaism in LA, kosher food laws in California, and the story of the Yabloner Rebbe's (1:14) failed attempt to move his Polish Hasidic community to Israel. He supposedly met with Lord Balfour and Lord Rothschild in the 1920's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEysLjApKOU

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
"Ramallah city hall was ransacked...Deeds, tax receipts, building permits and other documents important to governing a city disappeared...Israeli governments have confiscated property on the grounds that the owner possessed no documents." https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2002/04/12/a-mothers-warning-and-a-fatal-shot/9b545490-23a3-447a-9e83-0e15bbc4d04d/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.544f119acf15

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
In 2002, as Palestine was being ethnically cleansed, columnist Ron Grossman justified the slaughter. It was acceptable for Israel to mass murder and displace Palestinians because "My great-grandmother was murdered in the Treblinka extermination camp." https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2002-04-07-0204070422-story.html

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov downplays recent plane incident and speaks of a continuation of cooperation between Russia and Israel in the "socioeconomic sphere and political dialogue [regarding] the resolution of…problems in the Middle East". https://www.jns.org/friend-or-foe-russia-and-israel-grapple-with-geostrategic-interests-in-mideast/

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay I was leaning towards Grenell, but alas Trump says he's doing too good of a job in Germany. Here he is just today subtly shaming the indigenous folk for the lack of ordained rabbis in Berlin since the holocaust.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: THE COURT: All right. Did you understand everything the prosecutor said? THE DEFENDANT: I did, your Honor. THE COURT: Is everything the prosecutor said about you, about your conduct and intent true and correct? THE DEFENDANT: Correct, your Honor.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@HereIsJorge The supernumerary soul visits Judaics on the Sabbath, which causes their appetite to increase. It's customary to eat fish on the Sabbath, since many righteous Jewish souls transmigrate into fish. Freeing the souls accelerates their achieving of Jechida. https://archive.org/stream/rabinicalliterat01eise?ref=ol#page/274

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @talpiottalk I forgot to add the notes tying Franklin (and the gang) to the false intel regarding Niger-based yellow cake uranium, which was "eagerly snapped up by Vice-President Dick Cheney and his Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby" after it was discarded as disinformation by the CIA.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@Rodeferous: @talpiottalk In Hoffman's newsletter from October 2004, 'The Cryptocracy vs. the Neo-Cons' he assembles a mass of information regarding Lawrence Franklin from MSM and investigative journalist reports. He worked for NESA, which is tied to Douglas Feith, who is tied to AIPAC/WINEP/Perle/Likud.

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Rodeferous @Rodeferous
@MauricePinay The First Aliyah: "...the new owners of the land...began to expel us from the land...taken from us by the strangers who do not wish to treat us according to the accepted norms among tillers of the soil...and according to basic human norms or compassion." https://www.haaretz.com/grapes-of-wrath-the-conflict-is-born-1.5196381

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
reichsadler 59%
swastika 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 74%
tyrone 63%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 98%
tyrone 62%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 97%
totenkopf 70%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
golden dawn 99%
valknut 73%

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Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 59%
ss bolts 57%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 55%
runes_odal 73%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 45%
hitler 59%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 76%
militarized 78%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 26%

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Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 46%

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Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 99%
gadsden snake 68%

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Classifier 20221028131014
gadsden snake 95%

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Classifier 20221028131014
proud boys us flag 99%
sonnenrad 61%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

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valknut 58%
star of david 34%

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mjolnir 55%
militarized 32%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 91%

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vegvisir 48%

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Classifier 20221028131014
punisher 69%
threep 67%

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Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 93%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
punisher 56%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%
militarized 72%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 94%
militarized 75%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 92%
militarized 56%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 82%
gigachad 83%
gigachad 81%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 50%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
anime 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 87%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 63%
toons other 28%
gigachad 85%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 84%
star of david 84%
star of david 89%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
freemasonry 84%
gigachad 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 37%
star of david 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gadsden snake 40%
logos_flags_graphics 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 75%
skull mask 73%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 88%
skull mask 69%
star of david 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 69%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 69%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 68%

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Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 59%
tldr 39%

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Classifier 20221028131014
firearm 59%
militarized 55%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 40%
art_other 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
firearm 49%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 50%
anime 48%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 91%
star of david 71%
star of david 89%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 46%
etc 43%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 30%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 45%
proud boys 25%

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Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
freemasonry 44%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 43%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 69%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 32%
logos_flags_graphics 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 45%
tldr 28%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 91%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 38%
critters 35%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 83%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 38%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 37%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 72%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 78%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 41%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 56%
toons other 34%
star of david 86%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 61%
map 34%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 34%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 81%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 69%

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Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 62%

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Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 76%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 84%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 42%
tldr 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 87%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 92%
star of david 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 62%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
us flag 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 37%
art_other 32%
tldr 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 36%
mspaint style 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 76%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 38%
etc 27%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 27%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 41%
gigachad 25%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 56%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 60%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 86%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 42%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 36%
star of david 87%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 42%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 62%
art_other 31%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 37%
etc 32%
star of david 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 66%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 57%
art_other 41%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 57%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 67%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 37%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
punisher 31%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 40%
happy merchant 25%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
dial 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 60%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 53%
art_other 41%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 87%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 51%
art_other 30%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 86%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 53%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 51%
tldr 48%
star of david 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 50%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 35%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 47%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 79%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 85%
star of david 76%
star of david 73%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 66%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 69%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 66%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 50%
militarized 30%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 46%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%
star of david 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 71%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 32%
star of david 86%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
us flag 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 38%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
identitarian 57%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 47%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 48%
toons other 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 54%
art_other 26%
star of david 73%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 65%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 54%
tldr 25%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 37%
skull mask 25%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 59%
anime 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 57%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 40%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 38%
toons other 37%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 84%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 61%
bar graph 37%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 62%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 83%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 64%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 52%
art_other 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 68%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 96%