@sabreaxe Pat Murphy Christ is King. Unlearn the lies. Grandpa(4X). Guitar player 40+yrs. Massachusetts

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 3830
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@sabreaxe: of course this too.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@DariusVolket They tell you..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Preaching Biblical truth is not a sustainable business model for todays church.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
aka the masses. those still plugged into the matrix (still in the lifelong cabal induced coma.)

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@SpringSteps Todays 'church' believes it. they think its a tattoo or a bar code or a jab. its not a physical mark. Most will take the mark willingly cause they dont know what it is. There is no place satan would rather you be than in todays church. I praise Jesus for taking me out of that.

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Of course it’s all theater on on the World’d Masonic stage. "I've made 33 dives, I've actually calculated that I've spent more time on the ship than the captain did back in the day." -James Cameron https://t.co/YPL6IPK0fj
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@DrHastreis lifelong mason who helped sell the lie about the events of that day.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TheGlobePsyOp yes i did years ago. Devine feminine right on the building yet people voted for 'him'. Very few understand the situation we are in.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
"your head will spin." He said he'd build a wall. You thought it was to keep Mexicans out. No it was to keep you in. In your own 'yards'(aka freedom cities/15 minute cities.). Not a visible wall. The 'fun' hasnt even started yet. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MzKA6wHYGdA

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Name a subject, (((they))) are behind it. https://youtu.be/1U3tlJElphE

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Bishop Guillermo Ahumada is appointed new president of the I.M.F.C.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@LuisLpezNadal1 @Michae1Borowski 🎯

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Natasha76800437 @Michae1Borowski Yes its all masonic. both dark and light orders are satanic.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Michae1Borowski you see 2 sides in government when there isnt. Its one government united against the people. You dont have any representation. Government is what you get when you reject Gods laws. Trump is not a Christian. Not saved. Not a baby Christian. He is a wolf.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They picked their earthly king. He is their god. They will join hands with smiles on their faces, and walk with him right into the abyss. No human or group of humans can get us out of the mess we're in. (government is working perfectly btw. Its not broken..its designed this way).

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Isthisreal @1sthisr34l
Whos pushing the narrative ? https://t.co/lViRevU8NK
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Name a subject.. (((they))) are behind it.

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View @1sthisr34l
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/u-s-presidential-quotes-about-jewish-homeland-and-israel-jewish-virtual-library (God didnt create USA. Americans aren't Gods favorite people. Repubs arent Gods favorite 'party'. God isnt friends with your favorite politician. (ie. trump). Patriotism, Nationalism, Christian Nationalism are things you will drop when u learn the truth.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Come on now people.. A multi millionaire, married 4 times should have at least cause you to take pause.. Dont be fooled by these guys. He is part of the N.A.R. https://t.co/vMZcX8X7FT
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Come on now people.. A multi millionaire, married 4 times should have at least cause you to take pause.. Dont be fooled by these guys. He is part of the N.A.R.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
You people waiting for the rapture are going to be disappointed. Trace its origin back yourself. Its not that old. The early church didnt teach dispensationalism. Its a doctrine of demons

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@whopoopedmyself Nope thats different. I lean towards an initiation/ritual or vrill entry point.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Prob their souls hitting them on their way out..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TheFlatEartherr not a prediction...a revelation of method. Its how (((they))) roll. Matt is a high ranking freemason, he's not a seer. He's let in on things(often years in advance) that he incorporates into his show.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@BookOfRevelatio baal earth is a very old lie.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
You make an “accounting error” on your tax return for a dollar and see what happens.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TheFlatEartherr They are never not lying to us.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Jesus_Will_Win Its close to a shriners ring(see pic), but its an NOI ring (of course he was in the club) ive posted on this. Yes so many cabal employees.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@follybeach7 He was a wolf. He was one of them. They kill/sacrifice their own. Ive said it often. Most people dont understand the size and scope of the theater nor the number of actors. (this is just a few of the awards they gave him btw).

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
ALL IN THE CLUB - Cabal puppet MLK receives a glass bowl inscribed to him as a “citizen of Atlanta, with respect and admiration,” from Rabbi Jacob Rothschild of the Temple Synagogue in Atlanta on Jan. 27, 1965.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@DariusVolket An Israel-First, Mormon, Freemason. (Not a Christian). A wolf. A knowing/willing deceiver. For his part in the theater, he and his family are given a life you will never experience. There is ZERO chance you can amass that kind of wealth without being in the club.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The jab + 5G + Geoengineering = The 'wall'.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@scottyd81sd Not Jew...Jew-ish.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
culling the herd..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@_Imperius_Rex_ Alex is a cabal employee. A wolf. A knowing/willing deceiver. He leads no one to Christ who is THE truth. If youre not firmly rooted in Gods Word, you will just live your life with your head in a rabbit hole and thats fine with him.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
oldie but goodie. Lame lie. Blames the wife. Hint: if they dont tell you viruses do not exist. If they do not tell you 'vaccines' are poison....then they are part of it. Simple.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They tell you. Its your fault if you fall for them.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They fooled the world.... On Nov. 22, 1963, Dallas police Detective Paul Bentley hit Lee Harvey Oswald in the face while arresting him in Texas Theatre in Dallas, barely more than an hour after President John F. Kennedy was

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are trending: (((they))) made you beg for them. Had you thinking they were cure-alls. (big pharma makes both those btw). You ever get sick of being played? I did.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@MVPappas no He's not going to clean up the mess. Its all going to be destroyed. All of it is going away and we will never think about this place again. There will be a NEW Heaven and a NEW Earth. Try explaining this to todays apostate church. They think Jesus putting His throne here...smh

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Its level and non moving. The way God designed it.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
I block them. No answer will ever be good enough. They are LAZY. It requires great effort to come out of the lifelong cabal induced coma. MOST wont put the effort in.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
These "worship" bands aren't leading you into the presence of God. Regardless of how their music makes you feel (a simple key change can invoke feelings - and God has nothing to do with it) they're leading you into the teachings of their respective "churches." Bethel, Elevation,

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@missin4mati0n @tinafinley1 @KAHUNAGURUKUMU @BookOfRevelatio there are many in 'his' family and administration. You'll never get MAGA to believe this though. 'He' is their god and will follow 'him' to hell.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@sabreaxe: @BookOfRevelatio a few more i made the same day.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@CuniLinguistics yup. Shriners. ALL in the club.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@djbuticrude Its a gang sign. it means nothing when YOU or I do it. Youre not a freemason(are u?).... Also, 37 years in the business means you ARE establishment. His friends were some of the most vile in the biz. My Dad told me once ''show me your friends and i'll show you your future.''

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They tell you.... Lions Paw.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They tell you....

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They tell you....

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@jflaherty7505 Yes. its ALL going away. We wont ever remember this place. try telling that to todays apostate church though. they think they have to subdue evil on earth before Christ come and reign here for a 1000 years. He told you this world was not his kingdom. They dont read their Bibles.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Melania is trending: no it wasnt one of her clones, it was Margo Martin

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Satan and his followers know their fate. They all know their sentence was already handed down. They all know they are doomed. They will take as many of us with them as they can. They hate God and all the works of His hand.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@MVPappas Patriotism, Nationalism, Christian Nationalism etc. are things you will drop when you learn the truth of them. When you learn who forced the pledges, oaths, flags, battle hymns etc on us... I praise Jesus for removing the scales from my eyes.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@YourDaddysAlt lets not gloss over the 'God shall send' part. When this happens, there is nothing that can be done to help you. The lie has now become reality. I see this with MAGA. They picked their earthly king. They have all doubled and tripled down on their error. There is no waking them.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
I see a lot of you falling for it again....... Years and years of telling you its all theater but there you are again making popcorn getting all settled in for nice long fake trial.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@NegaWoman0201 The all are. Everyone has strings attached. Everyone controlled.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@official_ken @Malcom34013595 its an obvious photoshop. Its a well known pic with his 'daughter'. Nobody was trying to pass it as real btw.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Klaus Schwab is trending: They are all friends/coworkers. All of them. No exceptions. (btw he is nowhere near the top of the pyramid.) you haven't met the owners yet. https://t.co/FSHzvRxyeX
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Klaus Schwab is trending: They are all friends/coworkers. All of them. No exceptions. (btw he is nowhere near the top of the pyramid.) you haven't met the owners yet.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Johnny Depp is trending: Wolf. Satanist. Freemason. https://t.co/kUP402BCoZ
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
: skull ring. They love that ring. You dont get a full size one to start off with.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Johnny Depp is trending: Wolf. Satanist. Freemason. https://t.co/kUP402BCoZ
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Johnny Depp is trending: Wolf. Satanist. Freemason.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@natducat @4KeyAdventures @LurkerMaxxed Both Dark and light are masonic/satanic. So many fooled.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
He provided a platform for every false profit and false teacher out there. He was a wolf. A knowing deceiver. He's getting his reward.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
47 years in Hollywood. a career cabal employee/asset, and you somehow think he's a 'good guy' working to expose them??. How is it possible to believe everyone and everything but the truth? (Catholic isnt Christian btw) https://t.co/y2rW63TBa2
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The time is here and has been for many years. The 'church' has lost its way.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TedMilton3 @DanielD10493573 I put the info out there knowing MOST will reject it. I dont argue. Its pointless. When i see the person didnt come to learn, but to spew old lies or to name call... they get blocked. The Catholic church is a cult. A cult that worships the dead, they worship bodies and body parts

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Victori81779403 @_ArmorOfGod_ yes Keanu. an opinion based on years of studying the subject(nothing to argue about though). Back in "the before time" I was so hooked on movies and sci/fy. "he" was one of my favorites. I know better now. I dont give them the time of day anymore except to expose them.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@DanielD10493573 wrong.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@_ArmorOfGod_ Keanu is FTM too. many dont realize this. Some movies feature dual inverts in lead roles to further mess with your head. Its a sick world and its getting sicker..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
47 years in Hollywood. a career cabal employee/asset, and you somehow think he's a 'good guy' working to expose them??. How is it possible to believe everyone and everything but the truth? (Catholic isnt Christian btw) https://t.co/y2rW63TBa2
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
47 years in Hollywood. a career cabal employee/asset, and you somehow think he's a 'good guy' working to expose them??. How is it possible to believe everyone and everything but the truth? (Catholic isnt Christian btw)

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@coachsadji I knew from day one that viruses are fiction and that Pasteur was a fraud. For those that double/triple masked.. what protected your eyes? How did you keep the killer 'virus' from going in your body through your eyes?? See, you got played.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
False profit Rick Joyner. Wolf. Knowing/willing deceiver.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Christianity is trending: No... thats one thing unfortunately, that will never trend.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@MVPappas @YouTube @Bitchute and red + blue = the color of the owners.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Someone posted this with the comment 'God Is Love'. He sure is and He was Love when He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for there homosexual acts, He was Love when He destroyed all the Egyptians including children, for there hardness against His people, He was Love when He

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Monarch Butterfly (MKUltra) and one eye reference. Not dead imo. You all saw the footage. She was sitting up in the gurney fighting the 'firemen'. she was very much ALIVE. https://t.co/H01lef1zUS
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
https://youtu.be/A7X4PtgtMa8 (they play us 24/7). compare what you see in the video with ANY MSM report of her death. They don't jive. Here's a couple examples: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/actor-anne-heche-dies-of-crash-injuries-after-life-support-removed -- https://abcnews.go.com/US/anne-heche-dies-car-crash-family/story?id=88139013/

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Monarch Butterfly (MKUltra) and one eye reference. Not dead imo. You all saw the footage. She was sitting up in the gurney fighting the 'firemen'. she was very much ALIVE.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
some pictures dont need words.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
some pictures dont need words. https://t.co/zOMCkYoQjE
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The Rothschild creation of 1948 is NOT the Israel of God. Israeli is not Israelite.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@MVPappas These cabal employees are effective though, see how many people think he's a good guy? I mean even his own lawyer said "he's a performance artist playing a character", yet people blindly follow him. All you can do is try to tell them whats going on, MOST will reject the info.

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Tom Bear @TomBear3347
This is what an occupation looks like. https://t.co/Dqha6hnydx
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@LopezMotorsCars He's a Kennedy. What did you expect?

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Richard00917011 yes. anyone of power or influence. The cabal grooms them. They are used to push cabal agendas and crowd control. Look how many are fooled by such an obvious cabal puppet like Jones? (((They))) must laugh themselves to sleep each night over how easy this all has been.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@TraceyN02015171 Trump is a cabal asset/employee/Israel-First Freemason Like his father. He has been evil from his first breath. You can not serve both God and Mammon. Its quite clear who he chose. Puppet 45 was selected and groomed for over 30 years for his role as president.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Melania is trending: Which one is the real one? Is there a real one? How would you know? Are you related? Do you know her personally? You're being played 24/7. Most dont understand the situation we're in.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Melania is trending: Which one is the real one? Is there a real one? How would you know? Are you related? Do you know her personally? You're being played 24/7. Most dont understand the situation we're in. https://t.co/95TrYKRxno
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Ron Paul is trending: He is a Freemason. There are no good politicians btw. I thought you should know. Some of you still put all your hopes and dream on them. Of course his son is one.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Alex Jones is trending: If i need to tell you he's one of them, you are beyond help. Also, If you're looking forward to the 'great awakening'....congratulations, you're the mark. (pic from his latest 'great awakening' video).

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@StvnBeans @whopoopedmyself @BrockRiddickIFB Desantis is an Israel First Freemason. In Washington, EVERYONE with no exceptions are corrupt. If you believe ANYTHING a politician says...you get what you deserve.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Most everyone in 'church'.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@A5555555Z @YouTube no. Hard pass on all that. I spent my life in "church". Christ brought me and my family out of all that. The 'church' has lost its way long ago. There is no place satan would rather have you than in todays 'church'. false doctrines, miracles, false christ, false profits etc..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
so many bots. Most out themselves so quick. They think they blend... They often start doctrinal arguments to jam up your page, cause confusion. Lot of fake truther ones lately. I nip that as soon as i see i them.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Bruce Dickenson. All the usual garbage hand signs you'd expect to see from a career cabal puppet.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Bruce Dickenson. All the usual garbage hand signs you'd expect to see from a career cabal puppet. https://t.co/qcYUR1wvpw
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Originally posted by Robbie Davidson.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@LisaSha67659754 There is a war between the light and dark orders. Both orders are satanic. Its been going on for a few years now. One order forcibly removing the old order. The fake virus has covered for so much of whats going on. We are mearly used for cannon fodder and for their rituals.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@NaEgnon92318 fully aware of this. People should read the original Hippocratic Oath too. Enlightening..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
James O'Keefe is trending: Did you actually believe his whole schtick?? When i said they are ALL in the club, i meant ALL. Very few understand the size and scope of the theater nor the number of actors. When fake Q said 'all assets deployed' you thought it was a good thing. wrong

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The National Aquatics & Scuba Association will confirm the existence of aliens today.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@WakeUpLookUp @TheFlatEartherr yeah about that....

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@sabreaxe: Someone i blocked told me i'm not saved because I posted this clip. No, i'm not a Calvanist. Im not part of any denomination. Preachers like Paul, Sproul, MacArthur are massively hated for the words they speak. I'll stack them against any of todays 'preacher's.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@ProudRipper All freemasons too

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The Kennedy's are wolves. No Kennedy can save you. No human or group of humans can save you. MOST don't understand the situation we are in. https://t.co/wKbtoiYWYY
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
The Kennedy's are wolves. No Kennedy can save you. No human or group of humans can save you. MOST don't understand the situation we are in.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Noahide World Order.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Constitutional Republic is trending: We arent one. Also which constitution are you talking about? cause we havent been under the 1776 one for over 150 years. Do you even have a clue what your government has done/taken part in???? This country was founded by Luciferiens. WAKE UP. https://t.co/1vIRmQDICH
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
: All your history/world history is jesuit/masonic fabrication. When you talk about Independence and Christian founding fathers.. i know you are in deep R.E.M's. Most wont accept the truth. Ameraca, Ameru the land of the plumed serpent.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Constitutional Republic is trending: We arent one. Also which constitution are you talking about? cause we havent been under the 1776 one for over 150 years. Do you even have a clue what your government has done/taken part in???? This country was founded by Luciferiens. WAKE UP.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
For those that understand the situation. Hear them in their own words.. https://youtu.be/0Clq1WSS_U8 "the Christian Zionist yes evangelicals in the United States and around the world are the main pro-Israel lobby today we have of course our friends at APAC our Jewish Brethren who are

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
This is what a lifetime of working for satan gets you. Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with Jesus.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@WakeUpLookUp @BrianDa87344981 again Which Hillary?

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@WakeUpLookUp @BrianDa87344981 Which Hillary? is there even a real one? Do you know her personally? Would you know if you were being lied to?

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
How to say 'hey im a freemason', without saying 'hey i'm a freemason'. You understand how it works? Just like with the whole trans thing, they arent all out in the open. they dont all admit it. It is easy to spot them and you dont need hand signs. They are wolves.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Pat King. leader of the 'totally not a government orchestrated false flag event' trucker convoy. You're being played every minute of every day.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@WakeUpLookUp @BrianDa87344981 He doesnt speak the words 'i'm a freemason' either but its beyond obvious that he and everyone he knows is part of the club. Cabal employees.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@BrianDa87344981 Enjoy your slumber Cypher. It the day where everyone has a world library at their fingertips...ignorance is a choice.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@BookOfRevelatio He knows viruses don't exist. He knew there would be massive death. He knew sheep only know how to sheep. His flock will make up any excuse for ANYTHING he does. When the first person died from the jab and or restrictions, the realtor/gameshow host added murderer to his resume.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@sabreaxe: If youre fooled by Bullock, chances are you dont even own a Bible. He is BEYOND OBVIOUS. This blasphemer has NO fear of God. He is not saved, not a Christian. He is a Kabbalist...a wolf. He doesnt serve Creator God.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
If youre fooled by Bullock, chances are you dont even own a Bible. He is BEYOND OBVIOUS. This blasphemer has NO fear of God. He is not saved, not a Christian. He is a Kabbalist...a wolf. He doesnt serve Creator God. https://t.co/tBJPUhTDPC
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Why would God say NO GRAVEN IMAGES and then create arguably the greatest graven image of all time??? Answer: HE WOULDNT. The shroud is a forgery. Sorry if you fell for it.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@59SouthLee @IsraelCriminal Again all anyone has to do is actually open their Bibles. Its settled here. These people that worship the shroud are Biblically illiterate.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@IsraelCriminal @59SouthLee truth. todays Biblically illiterate, apostate church has Christ coming back as many as 7 times. They are argue endlessly about pre/mid/post when nearly any of them are ready even if a secret rapture(s) was real. There is no place satan would rather you be than in todays 'church'.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Some satanists get creative with their hand signs (Gene Hoglan)

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
John Hagee is trending: He is an Israel first Freemason puppet. A wolf....a demon in a skin suit. I know i'm stating the obvious to most, but he is no Christian. https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/defender-of-israel-award-given-to-pastor-john-hagee/

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
John Hagee is trending: He is an Israel first Freemason puppet. A wolf....a demon in a skin suit. I know i'm stating the obvious to most, but he is no Christian. https://t.co/Kg476OZE7H https://t.co/4IcqnAF0MM
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@CrowhurstDamon the pic showing 'her' ring/hand.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@jasonhu10530544 Patriotism/Nationalism/Christian Nationalism/Oaths/Pledges/flag waving etc.. are things you will drop when you learn the truth about it all. (p.s. God isnt working with your 'party'. He doesnt partner with government.) Government is what you get when you reject God's Laws.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Margot Robbie is trending: some of you know.. https://t.co/7X1NUk7a1x
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Margot Robbie is trending: some of you know..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Daily Reminder: Christianity isn't Judaism + Jesus. The Rothschild creation of 1948 is NOT the Israel of God. Wake up 'church'. You've lost your way. https://t.co/CzqwMsRRWu
Pat Murphy @sabreaxe

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Daily Reminder: Christianity isn't Judaism + Jesus. The Rothschild creation of 1948 is NOT the Israel of God. Wake up 'church'. You've lost your way.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Don't forget the 100 billion congress laundered into the void

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
I havent forgotten.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
I can promise you he no longer believes this way, but its too late for him.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@MichaelInTruth one of many mentors/groomers puppet 45 had.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Francishibiscus Amen.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@CarolJ76517643 @BrydenRamona no good guys in government. NOBODY is working behind the scenes for us. No human being or group of humans can get us out of this. We are under God's Judgement. You dont kill babies every minute of the day and think God is somehow ok with that. USA bathes in sin.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
This isnt the argument channel. This isnt where you come to try to drag me back to sleep with the lies i spent almost 10 years purging out of me. Most wont experience the frustration of trying to help people that dont want it, or dont think they need it. Try explaining to someone

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@SamiGhazouani2 they were just as satanic

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@PRESJFK1963 youre fooled by the theater. There are no good guys in this. If you think ANY OF THEM were good or fighting for us, youre in deep REM's. JFK was NOT a good guy. You simply have not done any research if you believe that. Youre being played. I got sick of it. I took my mind back.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@117unionjack Jim is an obvious club member. Catholic is not Christian btw. Im not fooled by these wolves.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
This cabal tool standing with Flynn should be all any sane person should need to take pause. They are never not playing you. You keep falling for the puppets and the theater. Thats why there is only puppets and theater. Maybe time to wake NEO..

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
They tell you... They are never not telling you. Its your choice to remain ignorant.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
Jim Brown is trending: they tell you.... https://youtu.be/Qj6MbmIG_mA

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@Scottisawake there is no secret rapture. no pre/mid/post secret rapture. Todays apostate 'church' has Christ coming back as many as 7 times!!! Could a group of people be more lost/wrong????

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
We never went. We never will. Its not physically possible. Its not make of rock. Its not anything you can land on. Dont get hung up on this lie either...there are countless thousands more.

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
If you still think in terms of black vs white and Republican vs Democrat, I truly feel for you. Brainwashing and manipulation will makes fools out of anyone (smart or dumb).

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Pat Murphy @sabreaxe
@AdiSnyman No one has made it to Heaven based on their DNA.