@GiladAtzmon Gilad Atzmon British #jazz musician, composer, producer & writer. Free #Palestine . Blockhead. Critical of Jewish identity Politics and ID in general. #Philosophy London, England

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 169
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Genius observation consistent with contemporary ID philosophy… you are what you claim to be..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Israeli Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara “gave the green light to Netanyahu and Gallant to proceed with the operation,” that led to the killing of 10 civilians. Maybe Netanyahu is right - - the Israeli judicial system is rotten to the core….

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
And I say that people who allow into their body a substance marketed by a dubious veterinarian (Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla) are blind to start with…#mRNAVaccines #Pfizer

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
You have to move fast ….

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I am amused by the Israeli war over the ‘democratic nature’ of the state. 75 years of racist abuse of the Palestinians didn’t evoke such a reaction. These ‘progressives’ supported Netanyahu when he reduced the entire nation into pharma laboratory. Theatre of self destruction!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The results of the Israeli election truly represents the political nature of the Jewish State. There is no Jewish Left in Israel, the only left in the Knesset are the Arab parties. Israel voted hardcore racial supremacy..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
As we learn that UK real estate bubble is about to burst, the government decides to increase home lone options to 50 years. My suggestion is make it 200 years and make Pfizer vax/booster compulsory just to make sure no one dies again:)

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Now this is a pandemic …

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Catch 2022: most often the same people who are upset by climate change are also enthusiastic about Zelensky and the American proxy war in Ukraine…. Seemingly coal is back, they will have to take a side..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
And I would actually expect Glastonbury organizers to broadcast a video address by Julian Assange or by a family member of a young Pfizer vax victim…what’s next are they going to invite Boris Johnson next year or maybe Biden?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The vast majority of Americans may not agree with the Supreme Court’s last ruling on abortion. But how many Americans adhere to LGBTQ identiterianism? Liberals and Conservatives are pushing some extreme unpopular policies. The end of Western democracy is here!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Putin has managed also to cancel climate change … impressive…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The insane Zucker-not just banned me for 30 days for posting an official link to the UK parliament … the desperation knows no limit

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Needle didle do… Just in case you didn’t grasp why the VaxiNations are facing wave after wave of Covid, why everyone around you is repeatedly infected, let alone die out of a sudden from an ‘unknown cause’ …

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I understand that Facebook isn’t happy about my philosophical standpoint and would love to see me silenced but I wonder how this 8 years old comment by me can be considered ‘hate speech’…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Biden has one prime interest in the Ukraine war. He wants it never to stop. By agreeing to send medium range rockets to Ukraine the American administration invites Russia to take more Ukraine’s land as a safety buffer. Neocons are evil however transparent…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Hey Biden, Bojo what about sanctioning Israel? What about confiscating Zionist oligarchs’ assets? Don’t you want to apply the same rule to Russia and Israel?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Here it comes: we asked for sanctions we got world food shortage in return.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
It is not down to the British government to rebuild Ukraine, it is the British government’s duty to make sure that Brits have enough cash to feed their children…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
They weren’t ‘evacuated’ they SURRENDERED. FFS how shamelessly duplicitous the BBC can be?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Welcome to global Palestine…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Britain participation in this neocon war comes with a price…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Globalisation is when your buffoon PM and the retard apposition leader are going out of their way to secure the territorial integrity of Ukraine while their own country is breaking into its elements..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
This kind of things happen when you inflict insane reckless vax experiment on your people, war mongering in Ukraine, destroying the future of your people…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Orgy of banal projections.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
This was deleted by #BigBrotherTesla who is clearly a vile enemy of freedom of speech!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@elonmusk can you tell us why did you suspend this great truth teller? Is this the kind of freedom of speech you have in mind?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@elonmusk is this the kind of freedom of speech you have in mind ? #covid @DrVladZelenko #VaccineSideEffects

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The west is spectacularly good in reducing nations into beggars. All you need is a Ziocon proxy war and a Zelensky type character to ‘control’ the flood of ‘aid’ money…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
With such a pro war treacherous Labour Party who needs Tories ?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Time is ripe for the Jewish State to accept that it is the Russians who liberated Auschwitz and it is the Russians who are now emancipation the Holocaust making it a chapter in history as opposed to the oppressive religion it has become..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I won’t be able to tell you whether Hitler was ‘part Jewish’ but I can tell you that he believed in: racial purity, the supremacy of ‘his’ race and he also pushed for the territorial expansion of ‘his people’. Therefore ‘partly’ may not be the appropriate expression here…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I am surprised Israel is offended, I would expect Nazis to get really upset..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I myself prefer the 1970s option.. but it has disappeared a while back …

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Just in case you don’t know who are the enemies of the open society…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
What about Palestinian flags in solidarity with the longest living victims of racist oppression???

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The big question is how twitter’s new owner is going to act when the ADL comes after him and threatens to take away his electric car unless he subscribes to the primacy of J politics & suffering …

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Truth in our face: the arch capitalist is investing in free speech while the 'Left' and the progressives have been working hard suppressing it in the name of 'correctness,' LGBTQ, Jewish sensitivities, you name it.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Trump changed some tax laws to help himself and his Friends, Biden tried to change the map of Europe for his son…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
So what Biden had in his mind assuming he has one and enjoys access it even if rarely ???

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
This is Sky News’ graphics for its Ukraine War bulletin. Am I the only one who sees a familiar symbol at the bottom left?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
American and British media in 2022 resembles 1970s Soviet press, you look at it so you know what is not happening…

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Compare between maps of conflict/ Russian invasion: BBC vs. Israeli N12…Who is lying and why? https://t.co/K4bHh90Z99
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Compare between maps of conflict/ Russian invasion: BBC vs. Israeli N12…Who is lying and why? https://t.co/K4bHh90Z99
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Compare between maps of conflict/ Russian invasion: BBC vs. Israeli N12…Who is lying and why?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Good old #Left was a promise to make Black and White into one, indigenous and immigrant into equal human beings, men and women into two sides of the same coin. But instead contemporary Left keeps us separated in the name of ‘#diversity’ and ‘social justice’...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
By now everyone should accept that 'Globalism' means being confined by the emerging walls of a new global ghetto. Breaking these walls should be our prime humanist task...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Have you noticed that flu died out with lockdown yet Covid didn’t? Is it because Covid passes through walls but flu doesn’t? Or maybe Covid acts as a flu vaccine?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
This Jesus guy, he never learns to keep quiet...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I have the perfect harmonious solution for the USA. If @JoeBiden genuinely seeks unity, he should propose to @realDonaldTrump that the two of them live in the White House together and even swap wives occasionally! Learn to share...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
In case you struggle to understand American politics, here is everything you need to know:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
My explanation for this peculiar vertical bump at 5.30 AM Wisconsin, is that at a certain point at the wee small hours, Biden’s supporting mail ballots perform exponentially like Covid19. This virus is contagious, I’ll give you that.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Don’t you ever compare this man with Hitler! He forms a category of his own! https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon/status/1322827753545224194/video/1

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Stuttgart Jazz festival, last concert before global lock down II...When Covid get Blue https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon/status/1322670055721676800/video/1

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The Orient House Ensemble finishing sound check at Stuttgart Jazz Festival: our final concert before the universe locks itself up again..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
According to this I am immortal!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@beesman So when you criticise a rabbi for being a supremacist racist as you do on this tweet it is ok, yet, when others are doing the same, you accuse them of being a racist. You are clearly as supremacist as the rabbi you denounce in this tweet..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@BroncoBullfrog_ @beesman As if Wikipedia has a direct access to the truth. .. however., the attempt to silence criticism of J culture fits nicely with my definition of J power - the power to silence criticism of Jewish power.. btw, here is how they shape the Wikipedia project to reflect their worldview:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Yesterday, was Yom Kippur, Covid literally disappeared from our news headlines. Today it is back.. in fact there are no other news.. how do you explain this bizarre coincidence ? https://t.co/rcE0CPRq5q
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Yesterday, was Yom Kippur, Covid literally disappeared from our news headlines. Today it is back.. in fact there are no other news.. how do you explain this bizarre coincidence ?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Is it possible that Covid 19 isn't main headline today, not even in the Guardian of Judea, because today is Yom Kippur? https://t.co/JkVRdgK9Ax
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
: No Covid headline in the BiBiC either...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Is it possible that Covid 19 isn't main headline today, not even in the Guardian of Judea, because today is Yom Kippur?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Twitter just suspended one of the greatest philosophers of this century. What Twitter means by community standard is intellectual desert ..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @hamasinpitta @TomNwainwright Here are my original words as opposed to the cut and paste you decided to use, where is the problem Pinoquio? have you noticed that you never refer to my own writing, you always quote other misquoting me...I guess you know why...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@hamasinpitta @TomNwainwright @Steve_Cooke Please let me confirm that I am indeed an ex Jew.. However, this joker @Steve_Cooke posted today a screenshot that has nothing to do with me attributing its text to me. It is upsetting to admit how duplicitous UK Left is. It took me a sec to find the original text!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @hamasinpitta @TomNwainwright You lie again, this time outrageously ,,, These are not my words and got nothing to do with me! The article CLEARLY refers these words to one "Ian Greenhalgh"... are you that desperate Commissar Cooke?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @Ricksvoice Ppl are allowed to intervene in open discussion on twitter , this is the all point of this platform. .. and yet this is what the imbecile you wrote:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Art_Allm I attempted to answer this envious caricature,,,

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @Ricksvoice You are lying again. Here is your tweet which I became aware of and circulated. Try for once to tell the truth for a day and report to us how it feels. You will be shocked to see how much it will help your music...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@MsCCollins1 @MartyBritts @marc_grossman @KarmagalNY @Steve_Cooke Not really.. socialism of one race only

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@MsCCollins1 @MartyBritts @marc_grossman @KarmagalNY @Steve_Cooke Really ? What other party in history was open to one race only ? Will you also support Aryans Voice for Labour ?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Cassiega1959 @MsCCollins1 @MartyBritts @marc_grossman @KarmagalNY @Steve_Cooke You can follow them as you like but you can become a member of their political club only if you belong to their race ...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@StevenS10241302 @Steve_Cooke @MartyBritts Jews are not a race but Jewish politics whether zionist or ‘anti, ‘ is unfortunately racist to the core ...In israel it is the Law of Return and for ‘lefty’ JVL it is their ‘J only’ membership filter ..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@MartyBritts @Steve_Cooke This is me on the the notorious Zionist CAA’s website , and this is also me being praised by the biggest anti racist in American politics and academia just a few minutes ago! 6 times house of representative.. I prefer @cynthiamckinney

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @kNoYorEnemy @marc_grossman This is correct but it isn’t ethnicity!!!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@AnnaMelech @rosspearl @chewgnasher @JVoiceLabour @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour I am an award winner on that front...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @McSporranberg @marc_grossman @KarmagalNY We ask you as you insist that there is a difference between Jewish left and right but the evidence shows that anti Zion and Zion are equally racially exclusive .. slowly slowly you are defeated my position...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @aLadyinVenice @marc_grossman @KarmagalNY I didn’t call them a supremacist group, I called them SEPARATIST AND RACIALLY EXCLUSIVE .. why can’t you produce a single truthful statement?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@piaktow @chewgnasher @JVoiceLabour @jeremycorbyn @UKLabour @mishtal @GnasherJew And I am with the rest of humanity in opposition to those who identify POLITICALLY with their BIOLOGY .. I oppose Jewish voice for labour for the same reason I would oppose whites for peace or Aryans for Palestine.. what about you?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
According to our Zionist commissar the white middle class Jews at JVL are an ‘oppressed group’ hence they are entitled to operate as a racially exclusive political setting within Labour. Seemingly, the Labour is not anti racist. It actually supports some types of racism!
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@marc_grossman @KarmagalNY @Steve_Cooke Here is a Jewish separatist group for you ..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
According to this #Zionist the following tweet is a 'very #antisemitic statement', and I actually think that it is beautiful and carefully worded. What do you think?
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke @marc_grossman Let me help you out... :) Mr. Grossman obviously fiddled a bit with the wording..you are clearly in a good company...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke here are more Biblical text, I took these segments anad analysed them scholarly and carefully

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke I am not sure @duduschka is an 'admirer' of my 'politics' as I don't have 'politics.' But being a dedicated troll, you surely know that my work is endorsed by the greatest humanists of our time. So again, what you pointing at a person 'admiring' me supposed to mean?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Steve_Cooke So tell us what did you try to achieve in the miserable tweet? I guess that by now you know that millions of people read my work on many different sites in many languages,, are you planning to chase each of them? What else are you willing to do for zion?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@nigeltheleftist @YourPalZippy @duduschka @CorbynRed @Rainbow_Heartz @Lizzy_Twizzy Here are my exact words as they appear on The Wandering Who.. not only I don't suggest that 'Hitler was right' ,, I actually say the complete opposite:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
FB and Twitter erase every post that points at the possibility of a deliberate attack on the Lebanese capital. I guess that our internet companies and their ‘independent fact checkers’ already know what happened in Beirut. http://news.sky.com/story/beirut-explosion-lebanons-president-says-blast-may-have-been-caused-by-a-rocket-or-a-bomb-12044405

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
In tyrannical conditions, sarcasm is window to truth ...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
#Wiley Boomerang is when you act forcefully against your accuser to the point that you actually validate the accusations against you and your power...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
We are all Jews in the eyes of the Nazis of our time...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@rogerwaters your apology to your progressive Jewish friends was premature, it becomes pretty obvious that it was Krav Maga that killed #GeorgeFloyd...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Do you remember Karl Popper's The Open Society and its Enemies? Who do you think is the enemy of what is left of the 'Open Society' and its most precious values?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@Gabriel02133772 @fiebiePup @cynthiamckinney The violanence that is implied by your profile picture, a fist over Star of David, a direct link between aggression and a religious symbol, may as well point at the core of the problem. You call yourself a ‘free thinker, ‘ ponder over it....

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I just saw this now and it made me very happy and proud,,, I admire @cynthiamckinney,,,

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@TheDarkSide_76 @rogerwaters They react that way because he wasn't totally mistaken. It is a common Israeli police method as many photos from the West Bank reveal... .

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@AyatGhilmeini @AnarchoZionist @Israellycool I don’t think my daughter is into IDF knee pressing

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@LefthandofThe Here are 2 ....

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@seancbreathnach Lying for the cause is a kosher procedure, it is called hasbara ...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Stop everything you do and check out @AlanDersh ‘s twitter page..If he ever makes it into a statue, it probably won’t last very long:)

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@GiladAtzmon: @RichardLilJon @vortexjazz @606club @officialronnies Here is the context ...The references to gas chambers and revisionism are very carefully made. I wish our Jewish Antifa were as careful as myself... https://gilad.online/writings/2016/3/1/trident-vs-gas-chambers

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@GiladAtzmon: @RichardLilJon The good news is that I am delighted to see that already in March 2016 I grasped that Corbyn surrounded himself with imbeciles even less gifted than himself which is actually a serious challenge to meet... https://gilad.online/writings/2016/3/1/trident-vs-gas-chambers

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
#Jazz in The United Lockdown #COVID19 #uk #britainscoronaviruscatastrophe

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
If White Nationalists were Zionists they would probably blame Black people for bringing slavery on themselves...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
My carpentry project is completed ,,, here is the great art of my dear friend Mauro Bertozzi @mauropale1, surrounded and protected by a regime of floorboards...

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@GiladAtzmon @elderofziyon You don’t get irony do you . Sociopaths rarely do
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@elderofziyon When it comes to self identified chosenites I take your sense of grandeur very seriously actually .. :)

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@HarvelaHarvey @elderofziyon Yep I was indeed denounced by ‘20 Palestinians’ :) ... is this the most damming document you have.. cos a member of your tribe admitted a few years later he engineered it all ...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@GangstaDatabase @adarayaffa Here is a small lesson: the tweet says: "The #Left should decide whether it is ‘pro #Jewish’ or ‘pro #Black’ cos the two contradict each other." It doesn't say that "Jews" and "Blacks"contradict each other. it refers specifically to "Pro Black" and "Pro Jew" i.e. to attitudes!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@dr_jfprice @GangstaDatabase I live very well with contradictions, intersections, and overlappings this is why i understand you guys so well,, but i didn't see your answer yet.. can you detect blacks under the monopoly board or all you can see is the odd Jewish banker on top?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@dr_jfprice @CuriosityPlease Your difficulty to admit that there are a bunch of slaves under the monopoly board should be your enlightenment...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@dr_jfprice @GangstaDatabase the fact that there are black Jews and they are insanely abused and discriminated against in Israel https://www.newsweek.com/2016/10/07/why-ethiopian-jews-israel-face-discrimination-racism-police-brutality-502697.html has nothing to do with my post, as I was criticising the Left,, now try to answer the question, can you see the slaves in the Mural Y/N?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Little Britain just confessed they regret they played 'characters of other races.' What about Mr. Baron Cohen, is he also regretting? and what about the rest of you, do you also regret loving this character?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Those who are nostalgic about Britain being intellectually tolerant and open should be cheered up.. you can still see some free yellow spots in between the demolition sites...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Historical monuments in Britain and USA are in a state of total panic and for a good reason...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I am still a celebrity :)

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The American police forces picked the right mentors, by now #WeAreAllPalestinians,,, #justice #Racism #Paestine #GeorgeFloyd #KneeOnNeck #AllLivesMattter

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
According to David Shasha PILPUL occurs any time the speaker is committed to ‘prove’ his point regardless of the evidence in front of him...Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over..." #Dershowitz #vaccination #COVID19 #Talmud https://gilad.online/writings/2020/5/18/pilpul-for-beginners

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Once upon a time, we were musicians and our core income came from live gigs making people happy. Enzo Zirilli just sent this clip. It was taken at the @606club https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon/status/1261683735344414720/video/1

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Have you noticed that medical doctors and scientists’ reluctance to say what they really think about C19 resembles historians and social scientists reluctance to engage with Israeli crimes, the Lobby or other aspects of Jewish past? How do you explain this similarity?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
#NakbaDay: by now we are all Palestinians. Like the Palestinians, we aren’t even allowed to point at our oppressor...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I believe that I am the one who coined the popular “we are all Palestinians...” I may have a better one to offer:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Ok, I hear you, but if Zuckerberg is big brother, who is the Emmanuel Goldstein?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
No words can describe this anti-social network!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
This must be an examplary case of British science in 2000...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Dr Erickson #Covid19 Briefing was just removed by Youtube... Is the truth such a big threat?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
More statistics emerges in support my yesterday's paper (https://gilad.online/writings/2020/4/20/is-amnesia-a-symptom-of-covid-19), #Corona crisis is probably a 2nd wave of the 2017-18 'influenza' that was presumably triggered by a similar virus (Sars-Cov-2) however was either misdiagnosed or even hidden the WHO/CDC

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Probably the best Corona Cartoon so far...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@GiladAtzmon: One wonders what is it in this article and statement by a NY ER doctor that worries the Twitter Regime??? Is it the call for a paradigm review of the Corona situation? Is it the growing acknowledgment that if Corona behaves like nothing else, maybe it wasn’t created by nature?

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
An existential insight you may want to share with your friends and elected politicians... #CoronaUpdate #CoronavirusOutbreak #lockdown #VirusCorona

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
When is it 'kosher' to discuss Jewish 'disproportionality'? Just received this precious screenshot:

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Posting a well argued Global Research’s article that suggests that Corona was first identified in China but may have originated somewhere else has awaken Zuckerberg’s thought police squads. I find this authoritarian behavior more scary than Covid 19! https://www.globalresearch.ca/china-coronavirus-shocking-update/5705196

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The #Corona Future: Stay at home Watch pro-semitic films Buy online Don’t ask too many questions especially when the answers are too obvious… https://gilad.online/writings/2020/2/28/the-corona-future

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
In Ankara tonight... great tour, great music and great workshops..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Tonight in Anatalya...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Tonight in Istanbul, tomorrow in Anatalya...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Hustings or Histadrut? (Histadrut is Israel's national trade union center, an ultra Zionist apparatus) ...#LabourHustings #labour #compromised #labour

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
We had an incredible Talinka album launch at The @vortexjazz Vortex Jazz Club last night. Tonight we will be playing the same music and even the same solos at the @verdictjazz, Brighton. If you are around please join us https://verdictjazz.co.uk/ https://twitter.com/GiladAtzmon/status/1226141204041142273/video/1

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Quoted tweet unavailable

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
If you want to understand Jesus Christ and Christian forgiveness all you have to do is to grasp how corrosive and dangerous vindictiveness can be...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Can you think of any other charity in Britain that would brag about bullying a music venue, an international artist, music lovers? Of course I am not antisemitic but this is exactly the type of exceptionalism which I expose in my work... ⁦@606club⁩

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The ‘deal of the century’ is a final attempt to interpret the ‘two states solution’ as ‘two Jewish states In historic Palestine.’ America is obviously a side in the conflict..

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
The guardian of Judea ...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
We are at Ronnie Scott’s tonight and tomorrow .. a lot of fun playing Bird’s music.. both shows are sold out...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I didn’t see Italians asking us not to blame Italy for the recent American attack. I didn’t see Germans, French or Australians asking us not to blame their country for the recent American attack. But this ‘progressive’ activist asks us not not to blame Israel. You wonder why...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Israel's message on Christmas Day delivered by IDF chief: In the coming war, he said, "We will forcefully strike the urban zone..."https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-israeli-army-chief-flexes-muscles-at-iraq-but-warms-to-hamas-deal-1.8317392

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
By Golda Meir’s ‘definition’ #Corbyn is a Palestinian, he didn’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
My Gosh,,, look at the demography of UK politics. You may have to change the resolution if you want to locate a Labour enclave....

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
I wonder, how does the chief rabbi feel about the fact that every third Brit voted for a person whom the Jewish establishment equates with a Hitler figure ('an existential threat'). #Labour #Corbyn #antisemitism

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Return to Sender... #Labour #Corbyn #Christmas #election2019 #God #Brexit #Britain

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Get JC for Xmas again,,,

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@LauraMStuart9 @kosherKojak My dear, on my Fb page you admit that the files were stolen from big brother labour’s disputes department,,, just work out your narrative and tell us why a political party collects such info about it members. I’ll help you out,, we are dealing with a deeply rotten body...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
In a final desperate attempt to appease its Zionist detractors, Corbyn's #Labour Labour is purging the very few #palestinian supporters remaining within its ranks. Here are some of the most ridiculous accusations the Labour Hardly levels against one of its most devoted activists.

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
They are in a state of panic!!!

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
Tonight in Olsztyn, Poland #Jazz

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
A democrat presidential candidate in a sincere moment... let me assure you this wall is not underage...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@ilyatopper @RebecaTobelem @MSur_es @orienteymediter

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
It is so ‘confusing’....NOT

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ant / אנתוני @anthonyden1
@KarmagalNY @GiladAtzmon @DaWibbler @DrDavidMBerman @antisemitism @GideonFalter Well the proof of your antisemitism is the word “chosenite”. So u can go forth and multiply
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@KarmagalNY @DaWibbler @DrDavidMBerman @antisemitism @GideonFalter Try to concentrate, chosenite refers to people who identify with Jewish ניבחרות in hebrew. It is not a reference to race, biology or ethnicity. It is instead a reference to supremacy...

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Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
“The unconscious is the discourse of the Other” (Lacan) It is the fear that the Other, in this case, the gentile, sees you truly. Jewish Guilt as such is the unbearable fear that the Goyim know… http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/2018/4/23/jewish-guilt-is-the-discourse-of-the-goyim

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Yoav Litvin @nookyelur
@GiladAtzmon @WarpedMirrorPMB @VKhaykin @BDSmovement @AliAbunimah @intifada People make mistakes. I forgive those who assume responsibility for falling for a con artist
Gilad Atzmon @GiladAtzmon
@WarpedMirrorPMB @VKhaykin @BDSmovement @AliAbunimah @intifada So you aren't just a chosen, you are also a forgiving God ... impressive amount of self love even for a chosenite

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hitler 29%
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