@moterverk George Motorverk 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇫🇷 vielfalt macht frei #110 Virginia,

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 32
Expect nothing less coming from a faggot
Ted Cruz @tedcruz
This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality” is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse. #LGBTQ https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1663189720405344257

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Gave it to niggers.
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
US national debt, 1960: $286 billion US national debt, 2023: $31.4 trillion Are our roads better? Are our streets safer? How about healthcare? Is it easier to raise a family? Did we improve our schools? If not, then what the hell did they do with that $31,124,000,000,000?

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@MorsicatioB @SteveFranssen Neither, he's just a nigger. Nigs going to nig

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Just call them niggers.
KARE 11 @kare11
A teen accused of shooting a man in the head was found incompetent to stand trial, then let go. He’s now charged with shooting another man in the head. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/investigations/juvenile-justice/kare-11-investigates-legislators-fail-legislative-juvenile-gap-reforms/89-c0b818bf-2f10-420f-bfbd-8eef5d9d32d1

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This is why foreigners dont belong in medicine, if not elsewhere. They consider this 'food'

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Idiot faggot is oblivious they struck first by shoving their transvestite self onto the individual defending themselves
I remember a bully in high school. His friends grabbed me and he spit on me and called me a f*ggot. I said "fuck you." And what I remember most is how sincerely upset he got at that. Like he broke down, his face turned pink, his eyes got glassy with tears. He was so upset.

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Mary Blackwell @MaryF_Blackwell
Now that pedophiles have become "minor attracted persons" what are we going to call rapists and men who beat up their wives?

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No, I'm also not a faggot.
LivePDDave 🇺🇸 @LivePDDave1
People who say fur babies aren't real family members and aren't as valuable are sick. I love my fur babies more than most people. You?

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FishWizard @InsaneNamiki
It's called a fish fry you dang island nigger.

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View @InsaneNamiki
Yeah, she pushed half into the spot next to her, then got in the car and drove off.. Saw this >50ft. away @Mattwalsh https://t.co/QCJuIA6swg
: Original pic, didn’t see it show in oh post

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Yeah, she pushed half into the spot next to her, then got in the car and drove off.. Saw this >50ft. away @Mattwalsh https://t.co/QCJuIA6swg
: 50ft away

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Yeah, she pushed half into the spot next to her, then got in the car and drove off.. Saw this >50ft. away @Mattwalsh

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Nigger Test run..
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My nurse mother who’s been in the field for 40 years.

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Hold the Line PAC @HoldTheLinePAC
Why would Kushner stick around? He already destroyed the Trump Presidency and sold out rural and Middle America. Mission accomplished. https://t.co/n6UNvg2Kf5

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Enjoy hell you fucking nigger
RT @RT_com
An ex-NFL professional footballer Phillip Adams has killed five people, including two young children, before committing suicide, according to reports. https://on.rt.com/b5m4 https://twitter.com/RT_com/status/1380271734281003012/photo/1

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Horse Lady Cornfield @TanyaCornfield
@disclosetv Can't wait to see if it's a Early Life Judge, LOL
@disclosetv That or a nigger

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Awful lot of cohencidences in those D names.
Senator Shannon Grove @ShannonGroveCA
There are times as a Senator when I take great pride in my votes & actions. While I am disgusted by this legislation, I was proud to stand with my Senate Republican colleagues on behalf of families, parents, & children to vote against #SB145 & to help #SaveOurChildren. #CALeg https://twitter.com/ShannonGroveCA/status/1300957194335039493/photo/1

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If niggers would stop taking it up the ass so much, it would not be this way
Franz Liszt @HateJunkie
Here it is, folks!

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White woman robbed by nigger, lucky she wasn’t raped.
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@jackstandal1 Says the ‘guy’ whose so much of a bitch, he can’t even type nigger 😂🤣

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Zach Montana @zach_montana
@Operator862 @MickeGson @hyundai_geoff @EricJafMN @clairenjax Clearly you didn’t read that it’s Illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to open carry. If he obeys the law this gets avoided. Why are y’all so thick in the head you can’t comprehend this??
@Operator862 @MickeGson @hyundai_geoff @EricJafMN @clairenjax >law >niggers rioting Pick one.

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@Smallfreyja Only to niggers, but they deserve it.

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@mike29401 I’m usually pretty lenient on typos because autocorrect can be a level 5 Karen on SSRIs, but Jesus dude, you’re god damn nigger tier here.

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How about someone put down the nigger instead?

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@Smallfreyja Ngl, totally picturing that rn..

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Well done because I’m not a nigger
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@Smallfreyja I knew you were a closet nigger..

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@Smallfreyja It’s because we’re not pasta niggers 😉❤️

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@Smallfreyja It be like that for pasta niggers

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When we stopped holding niggers responsible
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@JCinKC80 Believe it was an antipsychotic. Avoid (((phycologist))) and you’ll be alright.

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Right, because winners don’t continue winning by going out and conquering new lands 🙄 Good job (((Tim)))
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A nigger literally robbed a store and fought a cop who replied to the scene and got his ass shot l. Yet somehow we’re supposed to celebrate that? The fuck is wrong with you?!
Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris
Michael Brown’s murder forever changed Ferguson and America. His tragic death sparked a desperately needed conversation and a nationwide movement. We must fight for stronger accountability and racial equity in our justice system.

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Shut up faggot
Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr
Tomorrow morning at 8:30 am NY time, my friend Ambassdor @richardgrenell will lead a panel discussion in Berlin on decriminalizing homosexuality in the 70+ countries that shamefully outlaw it. @usbotschaft will live tweet the discussion. Amazing work Ric!

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@foxwave23 Clothing is unnatural to the sheboon

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Yes, niggers.
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
America's worst run cities vs how many years since they had a Republican mayor: D.C.—109 Detroit—57 NYC—12 San Francisco—55 Oakland—58 Flint, MI—44 Cleveland—30 Hartford, CT—48 Chicago—88 Los Angeles—18 Atlanta—140 St. Louis—70 Philadelphia—67 See a correlation? 🤔

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flash and circle 59%

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anime 88%

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firearm 78%
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art_other 88%

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toons other 44%

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bar graph 99%

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toons other 99%

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mspaint style 97%

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star of david 92%

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logos_flags_graphics 61%

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logos_flags_graphics 38%

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art_other 99%

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face 77%

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tldr 99%

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etc 69%

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etc 96%

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logos_flags_graphics 75%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 79%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%