@voodoobeans_ West Country Bumpkin Not from Earth

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 2
West Country Bumpkin @voodoobeans_
FLASHBACK 2006: Alex Jones protests the #BilderbergGroup meeting in Canada while MSM denies the existence of the criminal gang. #VaccineGenocide #VaccineInjury #Vaccine #NotMyKing #TwitterFiles #Covid1984 #WEF https://twitter.com/voodoobeans_/status/1644137405635592192/video/1

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West Country Bumpkin @voodoobeans_
Tucker Carlson: "The US is becoming non-White, everyone's excited about it, well whether your excited or not it doesn't matter Whites are going to be a minority soon, so what that means is you're going to get people claiming they speak for the White voter." Calls it a Nazi idea. https://twitter.com/voodoobeans_/status/1643047446204026881/video/1

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wolfsangel 82%

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logos_flags_graphics 40%