@NollieWestern Nollie my hobbies include cultivating my very own mental illness on twitter dot com

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 43
Nollie @NollieWestern

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Babygravy9 Yeah eat plenty of sugar and stay "super ripped bro" if you want to look like Pudzianowski in your 40s

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Aghivasiin @bronzeagemantis @BohmRespektor @yama_pain Take out the eggs so you have more space for raw dairy

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@isthischill @bizzzDJM @Nature_and_Race You seem kinda slow, so here's a picture

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Stef_Coburn @AshaLogos @DarrylArsenault The Sutton book about Wall Street funding Hitl0r is garbage by the way, same with the "he was J*wish" myth. But what else can you expect from American boooooomers

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Gma_Debbie63 @GodCloseMyEyes broken branch ancestor are sorrow

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Nollie @NollieWestern

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@EugenicPolemic @rooshv

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@ohmland28 @StandsAlone123 @OCanonist bruh

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Hi_Performer @Sargon_of_Akkad

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NxlAnglo You could increase the immigration rate x10 and the average council-house occupant in Britbongland wouldn't notice. They're far too focused on watching Ngubu score more goals in the next sportsball game

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@TheEchoFromU @CaitlynCardetti @StudLeeMD It's amazing how little information about this is available to the layperson. You have to really dig to find anything of substance, such as Palevsky at the Public Health Committee public hearing back in Feb 2020

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@jordanbpeterson @YouTube

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NollieWestern: @8EyedEel Bruh

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@8EyedEel The unironically correct take is that it's been 20 years since Albert Weeks published "Stalin's Other War" in which be incontestably proved that Stalin had been planning to invade Germany and beyond since at least 1938, and that "Hitler simply beat Stalin to the punch".

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Wodbora: @Mnpolkas @TheYoungGlow @chadai95 @GiveBloodNHS Coyotes (C. latrans) and wolves (C. lupus) also have a great many overlapping phenotypes, yet they are classified as distinct species.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@CityBureaucrat bingo https://t.co/yz5MGgHaAV
Nollie @NollieWestern
: @CityBureaucrat aaaaaaand there it is.

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View @NollieWestern
Nollie @NollieWestern
@CityBureaucrat bingo

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Scott44174099 @lagatjar @Tom_Rowsell hero

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@SeanGal68078517 @thedekopon @AmericanaAesth

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Bark1110 @SeanGal68078517 @thedekopon @AmericanaAesth

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@vigilantveritas @ramzpaul Yet Germans who murdered Jews received the death penalty...

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@TheLumpenprole @basedc1 @CovfefeAnon @soviethoneytrap These critiques predate Marxism by thousands of years. Read the Prophets. Read the Church Fathers. Or you can endlessly repeat "Marxist" like a broken record because you know you have no real argument.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@gnomeszs naah it's for guys who have taken the aajonus pill https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/1596068021394898945/video/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@TheLumpenprole @basedc1 @CovfefeAnon @soviethoneytrap Aaaand there it is

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@CovfefeAnon @TheLumpenprole @soviethoneytrap Post-industrial finance capitalism and Marxist communism are both children of Renaissance Nominalism and Enlightenment Materialism, which are simply incompatible with Christianity. Orthodox Christians have always rejected both.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@TheLumpenprole @basedc1 @CovfefeAnon @soviethoneytrap The charging of *any* interest: that is usury. The Church banned, condemned it, and excommunicated those found participating it. Luke 6: "And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you?" And that's just talking about the principal!

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@TheLumpenprole @CovfefeAnon @soviethoneytrap Oh yeah, my guy? I bet you reckon the founder of capitalism was a Marxist too, then

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@CovfefeAnon @soviethoneytrap Your *squints* power point slide is wrong. Who cares if those are Burgerland's current legal definitions. To rent is to earn without working, which had always been viewed as perverse according to the Christian ethic.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@AtomicDoor @soviethoneytrap @CovfefeAnon you sure supply is what's driving up house prices?

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NoContextBrits Americans be like PALE ???

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Jonns_Hamm @juan_berastegui @iamyesyouareno

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Babygravy9 That's tame. This is Cape Town

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NotlouisCk @elonmusk

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@Helios_Movement A guy called Naturehacker came up with a recipe for tooth remineralizing powder, but acquiring the ingredients is no joke:

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@4Awesometweet @ramzpaul I never had a Netfl*x account

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@denomeme my favorite interview in a good while🤣

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NEETWorldOrder "I'm not sure if it is a good idea to wander alone through the streets of Downtown LA at night".

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NEETWorldOrder Maybe one day I'll be able to reconcile your apparent love of the Golden Boy protagonist with your own haughty disdain toward the loathsome peasant class whose IQ scores are seemingly sufficient cause for mockery and derision🤷‍♂️

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Nollie @NollieWestern

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NEETOCRACY Back in March saw a pretty compelling /biz poast arguing how LUNA was about to lose its peg and implode. Didn't short.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@therealMedWhite This is the thought that comes to mind

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@CarnivoreAntMan 'Murica

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@FaucciMane: @AntiVaxSexPest @LIToadAF Nick seemed ok back in 2018. It's ironic how his "movement" (lol) ended up.

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Onlinemagazin Ⓥ @OnlineMagazin
I am impressed by so many idiots in the world who have never been to Ukraine for a day. But it is precisely these people who constantly use the narrative "Nazis". Apparently, Putin's propaganda has a particularly strong effect on people with partial intelligence.
Nollie @NollieWestern
I hope you go join le resistance against the Russian army rather than just tweeting like a f@ggot

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NEETOCRACY Ultimate truthpill on women👇

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@NEETOCRACY I have a much simpler answer for them: "I'm anti-vax"

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@coinbureau If you can address this very common and reasonable concern, that would be a good start. Otherwise, Linkie staying stinky

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@cdenton71 @NEETOCRACY Torrenting sites

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Zeist @RealZeist
@somefellow6 Not only is he Jewish, he appears to come from money. Grandpa was former mayor of Capetown, a member of the executive council (MEC) and fundraiser. Father (?) is the CEO and producer for a film company. Jack is also an aspiring filmmaker it seems. https://t.co/EDvbSreKIc
Nollie @NollieWestern
@somefellow6 The film industry is big in Cape Town - and degenerate. Lived with a j*wish guy who was an assistant director. Slimy character.

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View @RealZeist
Nollie @NollieWestern
@ConCaracal The eternal (((Anglo)))

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The Safest Space @TheSafestSpace
The definition of racism is expanding faster than the observable universe 🙈 https://t.co/d78GAyPCRF
Nollie @NollieWestern
(((We whites))) are all so racist.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@RussiaInsider How odd - I couldn't detect any rebuttals or counter arguments, only name calling. One must wonder if (((Vladislav Davidzon))) of @tabletmag might be afflicted by some kind of bias?

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@JackShappord @yashar @Cernovich @maxwellstrachan @jasoncherkis @MnFrexit @realJamesAllsup @KOSHER_FREE Lost track of all these cohencidences a while back

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Nollie @NollieWestern
Another Jewish-owned media company pushing cultural Marxism. What 👏 a 👏 cohencidence 👏

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View @stillgray
Nollie @NollieWestern

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Nollie @NollieWestern
People who got too close to this rats nest started dropping like flies. What a weird cohencidence. https://t.co/YNdt2gMu7o
Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: Zionist Lehman opposed McCarthy at every step. His relatives in the ((Buttenwieser)) banking family helped Hiss, as did ((Euegene Meyer)). https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913971012844310528/photo/1

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View @NollieWestern
Nollie @NollieWestern
/10 He wanted crush Germany under his Morgenthau Plan. Soviet mole ((Harry Dexter White)) was one of his staff tasked with its design.
Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: People who got too close to this rats nest started dropping like flies. What a weird cohencidence. https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913968083185913862/photo/1

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View @NollieWestern
Nollie @NollieWestern
/9 Morgenthau's Lend-Lease Act, authored by ((Oscar Cox)) and Ed Foley, brought about America's funding of Britain and USSR in WWII. https://t.co/MbgLbs4MXN
Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: /10 He wanted crush Germany under his Morgenthau Plan. Soviet mole ((Harry Dexter White)) was one of his staff tasked with its design.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: /9 Morgenthau's Lend-Lease Act, authored by ((Oscar Cox)) and Ed Foley, brought about America's funding of Britain and USSR in WWII. https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913961734888738817/photo/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
4/ All 3 willing to help Soviets. Frankfurter defended murderous communists; was buddies with British socialist leader ((Harold Laski)). https://t.co/lv2p3yEdLy
Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: 5/ Franfurter and Laski were part of the leftist group called the Ford Hall Forum along with confirmed soviet agent ((David K. Niles)). https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913949350744743936/photo/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
3/ ((Franfurter)) the "most powerful man in the gvmt." ((Lehman)) was a banker and senator. ((Morgenthau)) was FDR's Sec. of Treasury. https://t.co/L8phTgud9U
Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: 4/ All 3 willing to help Soviets. Frankfurter defended murderous communists; was buddies with British socialist leader ((Harold Laski)). https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913947543897362432/photo/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@WesternReprise: 3/ ((Franfurter)) the "most powerful man in the gvmt." ((Lehman)) was a banker and senator. ((Morgenthau)) was FDR's Sec. of Treasury. https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913945955220717569/photo/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
1/ Ok, here we go. The following is an article from the May 29 1950 Chicago Tribune newspaper. Lots of cohencidences. https://twitter.com/WesternReprise/status/913943097217822721/photo/1

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@MattWalshBlog NYT exec. editor is (((Dean Baquet))), whose Father-in-law was a psychoanalyst and buddy of ((((Erich Fromm)))) of the Frankfurt School.

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@zerohedge (((Reuters)))

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@charliekirk11 Professor (((Michael Isaacsoooooooooon)))

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@MarkACollett .@_ThatGuyT .... it's merely a cohencidence...

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Nollie @NollieWestern
@LauraLoomer (((Laura Looooooomerrrrrrr))) once again raises the bar for shilling and cucking out

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