@KiriyaSacca Kiriya In our sleep,pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 25
Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@NBCNews Excellent come back. I can see why NBC hired you.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@PeterHotez What happens when the Evil gnome escapes from the Fallout Game and assumes a character in our world. Vaccines for everybody

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@PowerUSAID @WhiteHouse You're no different than that trans-gender shooter, except you kill way more people. Deal with your self hatred without hurting other people. Take your 30 pieces of Silver and leave.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca

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Wokal Distance @wokal_distance
When the left talks about "Whiteness" what they mean is what's the graphic below: -being on time -emphasis on science -individualism -traditional family Biology, and skin color aren't even mentioned. They redefine the word "white" to do identity politics. Don't help them. https://t.co/ib7DbbuY7G
Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
The goal is to genocide euro-Christians ,always has been. (period)

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View @wokal_distance
Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@benshapiro Agreed, I hate foreign spy's allowed in the US.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk Looks fake. SORRY, but true. Don't WORRY 99% of TV watchers will buy it. Especially the Blue Check Elon ass kissers.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
LOL @RWMaloneMD strikes again

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
The Idaho Murder mystery #MoscowHomicides appears to have been solved. Criminology PHD student (((Bryan Kohberger))) charged with the crime. Makes sense if you reference the article below. ⬇️https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopold_and_Loeb

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@samisdatin No one in their right mind would hang out with these vile characters if they didn't have to.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@2ndSmartest It was fun, pretending that some freedom had arrived, but so many red flags about Musk from the beginning or his arrival on the scene. Look at his Mother trying out for poster girl for Vigilant Citizen. LOL

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@Jerusalem_Post 100% Jewish War- Ethnic genocide of indigenous Ukrainians for Ashkenazi purpose's + Destruction of Christian Russia (again) .

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist”—Charles Baudelaire

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@DarrenJBeattie One of the lessons learned or reaffirmed is the sheer incompetence of the FBI. They are doing horrible-unconstitutional things,but they suck at that.They are the world's most incompetent police state.Thank God, because the intent is there Gives us Time If they weren't -us in jail

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk @mayemusk @larryelder Actually could we have a serious discussion about how the MS Media has been in the business of manufacturing hate (this includes Fox) for a long time. Elon is just the latest one in line. Think 1984 book E. Goldstein character enemy of the state this is what is going on now.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@jonstewart 4 foot tall Jon Stewart talking about man-babies ?

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@ADL Did you know that the FBI is the largest provider of child pornography in America. Do you help them with that also. You need to turn to Jesus while you still have a chance .

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@reallygraceful Lots of lettuce

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@StephenKing I'm sorry your Television didn't program you on how to use soap. Maybe Rachel Maddow could do a special broadcast.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@SenateGOP Why is John @JohnBoozman funded by #SBF_FTX

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@MintPressNews @AlanRMacLeod Are you ready to think about who committed 9/11 ?

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@Liz_Cheney @GOPLeader Hey @Liz_Cheney that is trivial in comparison to 9/11. When are YOU going to condemn your own families involvement in the attack on 9/11. The attack could not have taken place without your father. He was even rewarded with a billion dollars of Genie oil stock. Condemn that.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@StephenKing King you don't have a single thought which isn't issued first from Cable News. You are the poster child for NPC's.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@GOPLeader This is why you can't have closeted homosexuals in political leadership positions.@GOPLeader is living with, and having a sexual relationship with a member of the Israel foreign intelligence apparatus. Talk about compromised blackmail. He is pathetically dishonest in everything.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@MattGertz You can tell who are the most upset at Musk's removal of Child Porn by todays tweets. Sorry @MattGertz you have to find your molestation videos somewhere else.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@JGreenblattADL @MichaelEDyson Greenblatt you should man up and use your influence in the tribe to finally accept the responsibility Jews had in the Atlantic slave trade. And make financial restitution to all African Americans. Lets get honest about who controlled the slave trade and got rich from it.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk The censorship army is a house of cards (cowards). If you stand up to the ADL vampires without backing down, the whole thing collapses.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@JGreenblattADL @elonmusk Same energy.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@Know_More_News @elonmusk There is a reason @JGreenblattADL was voted most likely to steal a Bloodmobile, by his High School class.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@BillKristol Remember that time you started a war for Israel by killing thousands of innocent people in NYC

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Rob Reiner @robreiner
Our closing argument: If we want to continue down the path our Founders have laid down for us, if we want to preserve our right to vote and continue our 246 year experiment in Self Rule, we must vote now. And that vote has to be for a Democrat.
Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
By founders do you mean the Elders of Zion.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca

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Erica Marsh @ericareport
BREAKING: Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, disrespectfully calls Senator Warren "Senator Karen" and says she reminds him of an "angry mom" after she proposed fixing the rigged tax code. RT IF YOU STAND WITH SENATOR WARREN!
Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
It's time to buy the Senator Karen Coin. $KAREN

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk Only if you don't give in to the "business people" . https://twitter.com/KiriyaSacca/status/1588745582402641920/video/1

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@elonmusk @yoyoel @JGreenblattADL @YaelEisenstat @rashadrobinson @JGo4Justice @normanlschen @DerrickNAACP @TheBushCenter @SindyBenavides Yep, too many red flags surrounding you. One, just being a front man for real money(bankers)and security state apparatus(gov'nt). Two being involved in phony space program. Plus no straight male dates A Heard or Grimes. Fake &GAY. Also all the usual occult symbolism bullshit.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@ADL @elonmusk @ADL doesn't it suck that we're the only ones that even pay attention to your tweets. Face it you have no friends in real life, no one likes you. You're only power is in bullying people,hurting people. Why don't you just quit your insanity and rejoin the human race .

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@thedailybeast Ah the replies

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
(((Monopoly Media))) is in a full stage panic on this.
BuzzFeed News @BuzzFeedNews
Don’t fall for that “plandemic” video you’re seeing online! It’s full of dangerous false claims about the coronavirus 🦠❌https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/janelytvynenko/coronavirus-plandemic-viral-harmful-fauci-mikovits?bftwnews&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@KingJames Just the response the (((Monopoly))) Media wants. You used to need guns and chains to own and control Slaves. Now TV, the Media, and College does the trick. New technology, but the same old tricks. Divide and Conquer https://twitter.com/KiriyaSacca/status/1258438659692531714/photo/1

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@Know_More_News Just two main projects going on at the same time. Zionism- the Greater Israel project- creating the Homeland for the JWO. And, Cultural Marxism the device to destroy and control Nations. Trump serves one and plays the part of the TV villain for the other.

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Kiriya @KiriyaSacca
@morphonios Arkansas was The Shield Wall Network (SWN) is a (((white supremacist))) group, led by Billy Roper. That group and it's incarnations is a Honey Pot Group for the FBI . Roper is a big time FBI informant, and gives of a very Jewish vibe. They only exist when news camera are on.

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toons other 66%

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proud boys us flag 99%
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hitler 28%

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critters 37%

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art_other 99%

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toons other 40%