@poolhallace Bon Quisha Rocket ship builder Parts Unknown

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 78
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vdare There better off dead than racist. - Some Jevv

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@B7frankH If only jevvs allows Europeans to do this in Europe.

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Anondah Saide @AnondahS
NEW REPORT: Are “white people” morally deviant? We asked over 3,000 Americans about the impact of European settlers (Part 1), racial minorities' ability to succeed in the U.S. (Part 2), and whether it's shameful to be white (Part 3). Here are our results for Part 1 🧵 https://t.co/TbgsSlNVWf
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@SkepResCenter I’m not surprised. Jevvs are able to meme a lot of lies since they own and run all the institutions.

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James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK
All of American life revolves around earning enough money to escape the consequences of the civil rights movement. It’s one giant intelligence test of avoiding legal traps, escaping compromised institutions and lying through your teeth about what you are actually doing.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ Jevvs that brought us the civil rights movement are making sure there are no exits down the road to escape diversity

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View @VDAREJamesK

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Shaniqua Posting Delusions @DeludedShaniqwa
Today we celebrate the 3rd anniversary of George Floyd's drug overdose which led to months of state endorsed violent riots and the imprisonment of innocent Derek Chauvin https://t.co/Ji4M1CGh0L
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@DeIudedShaniqwa I don’t blame Floyd for dying. I blame the jevvs for using him to destroy America.

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Way of the World @wayotworld
(((Globalism))) is a never-ending process of humiliation for white nations. https://t.co/IXg4bJTJME
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
This is what happens when jevvs control your country.

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View @wayotworld
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
Target is removing its Pride merchandise from the front of its stores after customers have been making threats. Once again, violence works! This was the lesson of riots during the civil rights era and the summer of Floyd. This time it’s the right. https://t.co/GjZBcZpPDy
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs would never allow whytes to organize.

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View @lporiginalg
BIPOC Doing Racism @BIPOCracism
black police, black prosecutors, black teachers, black pastors, black politicians, none of it actually matters black American culture will continue to be trash Stop capitulating https://t.co/kQMI88B3O2
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They were better under segregation until the jevvs got involved.

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View @BIPOCracism
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@RichardHanania If more people understood the jevv/Israel lobby would be on top of that list b

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
There are actually people who find this funny. This is insane. https://t.co/IJgpi7e8Nk
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
N werds know the jevvs have made them untouchable to whytes.

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View @iamyesyouareno
BIPOC Doing Racism @BIPOCracism
Graphic Just another victim of an insane black male https://t.co/bVyHUsn0IO
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs will make whites accountable, but always dismiss the actions of their golems to some outside factors

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View @BIPOCracism
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Billions of your tax dollars go to fund this antichrist. https://t.co/gSHtpVK4Qb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They always tell you they’re hated, but jevvs never tell you why.

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View @ramzpaul
New York Post @nypost
18-year-old Nashville tourist allegedly raped, drugged by 2 suspects; 1 still at-large https://t.co/kMkQYgRY36 https://t.co/04uoIQ7Euo
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The south had jim crow laws for a reason. Then jevv agitators came along.

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View @nypost
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@lporiginalg The bad guys won the war.

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VDARE @vdare
Daniel Penny's Arrest In New York City/Doxxing By Marine Corps Is Reminder Why White Men Should Not Join The U.S. Military https://t.co/EOOGKu9B5N
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
He sacrificed so much for Israel and the jevv media with the rest of the judeo-military complex still does this to him

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View @vdare
James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK
Journos bask in their achievement https://t.co/oHEKCoeUPr
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vdare Jevvs and jevv adjacents everywhere are rejoicing.

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View @VDAREJamesK
The Rabbit Hole @TheRabbitHole84
Looks like @fentasyl was mass reported and locked out over a statistic. My message to the people engaging in platform manipulation is this: don’t mess with data accounts. When I catch it happening I’ll pump the effected account. Rabbit Army: Follow @fentasyl for good data. https://t.co/Uf9hDeL6wc
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ClownWorld_ @fentasyl Looks like they pissed off the jevvs that rule over us.

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Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
A teenager with a dozen charges shot someone in the head. He was judged too mentally ill and low IQ to stand trial. He was “released to his mother.” Eight months later he goes out and shoots another man in the head. https://t.co/CO7oPYVI7c https://t.co/0czfgvde60
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I wonder why the jevv media never wants to report on their golems.

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Cernovich @Cernovich
Twitter is saving another innocent life from far left wing domestic terrorists and their Soros funded DA’s. https://t.co/QNRapSACvb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
This is why the jevv media is seething about independent media.

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View @Cernovich
Peachy Keenan @KeenanPeachy
Oh, did the United States Marine Corps dox Daniel Penny to the media? Semper fi! https://t.co/TVSAfhWber
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They do serve the same jevvs that hate white men.

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View @KeenanPeachy
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@kuriouscharactr @historyinmemes The evils of the Austrian painter are memes from the jevvs that own the bank and media. I don’t know how the Germans were able to get rid of so many bodies while fight on two fronts when modern tech couldn’t even do that with Covid bodies.

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RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
You live in some Hollywood fantasy bullshit world in which Jordan Neely was just sitting quietly minding his own business when, suddenly, an evil White supremacist attacked him for no reason at all. The reality is that Jordan was a career criminal who has been arrested 44 times… https://t.co/Ov7kdbGjUa
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I mean the jevvs were able to meme meth mouth George Floyd into some kind of saint.

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View @ramzpaul
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@DrShekelburg @realdanlyman

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David South @DavidSo59
Man told cops he 'remembers punching' girlfriend before she jumped from Times Square hotel: ADA https://t.co/IVLClkizhy via @nypmetro
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MagicBelle1 @nypmetro Another coal burner brought to you by the jevv media.

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VDARE @vdare
#MayThe4thBeWithYou THE LAST JEDI: Are Whites Getting The Message—That Disney Doesn't Want Them? https://t.co/YrGwZXifAa
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Walt’s spinning in his grave that the jevvs he hated took over.

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View @vdare
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Using cross dressers to recruit does not seem to be working. https://t.co/4LoReNgwIS
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Israel and the jevv ruling class in America is going to have a hard time finding competent people to fight their wars. Funny thing is they caused all this.

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View @ramzpaul
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Eisenhower killed his brethren to serve and save the jevv world order.

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View @ShitpostGate
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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New York Post @nypost
Lawyers say NYC straphanger who choked man to death could face involuntary manslaughter charge https://t.co/rd5b0GRW1y https://t.co/uyctEOn5EX
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If we had a real country this man would be rewarded. This is what happens when jevvs occupy and rule over you.

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View @nypost
Cernovich @Cernovich
All you goobers who yelled at me, you fucking morons. A former Marine intervened vs a subway psycho. The mob is always trying to lynch him and Soros DA Alvin Bragg is looking into it. Don’t ever argue with me. Learn or STFU. I am keeping people out of trouble. https://t.co/9tW6VUe5Lw
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs don’t want whyte people standing up for themselves. It leads to things only real in the minds of jevvs, but they deserved it.

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View @Cernovich
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JosefBosch @4th_System

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@nypost If more people did this there would be less crime.

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Anti White Watch ☀️ @AntiWhiteWatch1
Elin Krantz was r_ped &murdered by an Ethiopian migrant in 2010. Like many other Swedish women, she was easily misled by Globalist propaganda exploiting good will & described herself as multicultural, was a member of the group 'We love diversity' +advocated for illegal migrants. https://t.co/c7L5or54a1
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Men need to step against jevv feminism and jevv globalism.

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View @AntiWhiteWatch1
VDARE @vdare
Memo to white people: leave blue cities. That's it. Full stop. https://t.co/RTsV6NJox4
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Is Alvin Bragg funded by the jevv Soros?

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View @vdare
Catherine Rampell @crampell
More immigration may not fix all of the nation’s problems. But it would help resolve a lot of the big ones. https://t.co/XAe90Qeh8s
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Lot of noticing in this thread. 0 days without jevvish tricks.

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Whoever publishes a private message becomes the author of it. That has to be the standard going forward because no one talks the same in private. NYTs needs to explain why they are publishing racist stuff. https://t.co/lRwXTBjWEH
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs loves snitches and snitching. They pioneered it in the USSR and China where they were pivotal in the rise of communism. Just look up Mao’s jevvs or the jevvs with Lenin.

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View @ScottAdamsSays
This brazen white man attacks a Black female shoplifter. How soon will he be labeled a racist and anti black? https://t.co/UO88qFZO0n
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Nwerds only understand force. I hope the Mira Loma doesn’t have a DA backed by the Jevv George Soros.

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View @activeasian
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Should be named after his communist Jevv handler Stanley Levison for the black scourge he unleashed on the gentiles.

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Asian Dawn @AsianDawn4
Elderly Asian Couple Injured During Bel-Air Home Invasion - https://t.co/RuDMSH1J5I via @AsianDawn4
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
No more exits down the road to escape jevv enforced diversity. Civilized people should’ve have stayed and fought. Jim Crow and red lining existed for a reason. Blaqs only fear force.

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View @AsianDawn4
ib @lndian_Bronson
Trayvon Martin deserved it. Clear cut self-defense. He was a violent criminal. https://t.co/GndSQvsH3y
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It’s amazing how the jevv media can meme fantasies.

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View @lndian_Bronson
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Impressive, very based. https://t.co/PuwfDFrotY
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Don’t let the Jevv invented word racist have power over you.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MillerStream The bad guys won the war.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@WalterB98950704 @moshie_r @Israel What the national socialists did was only real in the mind of jevvs.

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So it turns out that the story of how Watson and Crick stole Franklin's research and that it's how they were able to discover the structure of DNA is false. https://t.co/ub23IXAwiB
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs are always lying.

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JoesBarAndCult_PhD @JoeysBarAndCult
Occasional reminder that homeless people are incredibly dangerous https://t.co/V5HZFvaRJJ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JoesHOAandCult Her people creates this mess. Jevv Stanley Levison who wrote all of MLK’s speeches

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MalesInDisguise I noticed the Yiddish

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BillboardChris Good guys lost the war

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Culture Critic @Culture_Crit
Reminder that Chicago looked like this in 1893. What would it take to rekindle the high-mindedness and optimism that built this? https://t.co/Q403cr2SDi
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Getting rid of our greatest strength, diversity and removing jevvs in power.

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Spriter @Spriter99880
It is reported that the commander of the ground forces and the Bakhmut grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Syrsky, during the meeting of the headquarters, reported to Zelensky about the complete destruction of the heavy equipment of the Armed Forces of… https://t.co/kPBuoJZwZO https://t.co/wP7t9y8yFf
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Is he a jevv sending gentiles to die too like Zelensky?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MagicBelle1 As easy as it is to blame blaqs it’s jevvs pushing miscegenation in their media and forcing it on society

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@DonJuan_Capitan @Robert____Jones Don’t be silly. Jevvs would never allow that.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Does not having a c on Fisher make this person a gentile? Or is this person a chosenite like most Fischers?

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View @iamyesyouareno
Mélanie Vogel @Melanie_Vogel_
Ethnic replacement is not a thing. Not in France, not in Finland, not in Germany, not in Italy, nowhere. It is a white supremacist antisemitic far-right conspiracy theory aiming at spreading racism, fear and hatred to fuel populism and authoritarianism. #Lollobrigida
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Spriter99880 The last time jevvs were in China they helped Mao come to power.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@REXSTEVEN @lndian_Bronson Sue me jevv me. Kick me k1 Ke me.

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Frank DeScushin @FrankDeScushin
In the Soviet Union and Maoist China youth were encouraged to turn on family members whose beliefs weren't adequately revolutionary. We see that here, but also see it extended past family to white Christian males in general, the group today's revolution encourages you to impugn.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Both nations founded by jevvs. Look up Mao’s advisors like Rittenberg and Shapiro

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MalesInDisguise The good guys lost the war.

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Now some jevv DA or one backed by the jevv Soros will ruin the whyte man’s life.

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View @iamyesyouareno

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Lucas_Gage_: @LucasGage584

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Don’t bring up this con artist. He was handled by the communist jevv Stanley Levison who wrote all speeches and meme’d by the jevv media.

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View @wayotworld
🚨 Breaking - Ralph Yarl has passed away from his injuries. The black teen faced a 12 hour battle against two gunshot wounds after reportedly entering the wrong Kansas City residence. According to his mother, his final words were a cryptic statement about having ate breakfast. https://t.co/2oaRbDIXgK
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
How will the jevv media spin this?

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View @jacoburowsky

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Dissident Soaps @DissidentSoaps
The KC cops are trying to figure out how to tell people about the blood spray & bullet holes inside the house without getting the city burned down. https://t.co/ivMkMn7kMG
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevv media at work again

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View @DissidentSoaps

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Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
Why being able to shoot looters and criminals is a necessity for public order. It’s not just about protecting the individual’s properties, but offing a few of these thugs would make it possible to actually have stores and jobs in the community. Other benefits too. https://t.co/1MegiWgEfQ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The jevv media and jevv funded prosecutors wouldn’t like this idea.

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Dr Huong LE THU @le2huong
I am optimistic about 🇺🇸 🇻🇳 upgrade to #strategic #partnership too. More importantly, the substance of the relationship, from reconciliation, trade, business, investment, people2people, diplomatic & defence etc, have progressed significantly. @SecBlinken https://t.co/ob3rMavl1F
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The US is owned and run by his people. Can you ever trust people that only care about the jevv and Israel’s interests?

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Why? Because diversity isn’t their strength. https://t.co/pvguOv90G1
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Looks like their doing the opposite of what jevvs say.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Tom Hennessy @Tomhennessey69
Blacks have an Easter egg hunt, except for eggs that are for another family on another family’s property. They still take them anyway after being told. https://t.co/ayy001NtOj
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@4th_System How’d they get there? Section 8 doing what jevvs intended I see.

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View @Tomhennessey69
Nga Pham @ngaphambbc
US State Secretary Antony Blinken arrived in Hanoi last night. Will update when have more info on his visit. https://t.co/QfCylpIXIq
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ngahpham When jevvs enter your country trouble soon follows.

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FAIR @FAIRImmigration
🚨AG Garland announced that the DOJ is pursuing charges against a Mexican drug cartel "fueled" by Chinese chemical companies. He described the cartel as the "largest, most violent and most prolific fentanyl trafficking operation in the world." https://t.co/YHoRtHpDNW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
What’s going on with his jevv tribesmen in Perdue Pharma and the OxyContin deaths?

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View @FAIRImmigration
New York Post @nypost
Hate crime suspect slaps victim and calls her “black piece of trash”: cops https://t.co/cyNcAPWAFM https://t.co/wIloi3ULCW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If only more Americans stood up to blaqs and jevvs

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View @nypost
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
US Senator claims we are at war with Russia. https://t.co/ZGEiguod9T
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It’s the next firmware update the jevvs are programming.

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View @ramzpaul
Southern Man @MagicBelle1
How can she not know the majority of interracial violence directed at Asians is not committed by Whites? https://t.co/ivA5UP0qIq
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If Whytes had this level of toxic high self esteem it’d still be the time before the jevvs took over America.

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View @MagicBelle1
Asian Dawn @AsianDawn4
Back then, yes. I haven't met a single Caucasian who denies that fact. But, today? Where's your proof today? https://t.co/oHDKjURr3M
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
No such thing as Asian hate in the blaq community. Those animals are like predators that love targeting those they perceive as week. Animals just follow their instincts. Too bad the DAs backed by the jevv Soros will prosecute you when you defend yourself.

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View @AsianDawn4
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Martin Luther Cringe. https://t.co/eVs2FxvcSK
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Does he have a jevv handler named Stanley Levison and a horde of hookers like MLK had?

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View @iamyesyouareno
Spriter @Spriter99880
In Bahmut, American mercenary Edward Walter Wilton died from shrapnel in the head. "I came from the US to kill Russian pigs," he said when he first arrived in Ukraine. https://t.co/gYLt6Vjk6J https://t.co/F7sDovQnBO
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Thank you for your service to the jevv ruling class

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Somerandombl1 @MillennialWoes Now they’re so secure in their power they openly admit what the national socialists did. Growing up you’re only told those evil guys burned books not which ones.

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Dissident Dalmatian @Spottedcanine
Even as a statue hes holding his hand out for free stuff. https://t.co/IRe3pNhYwt https://t.co/l2YVPB7IDX
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MillennialWoes Where are the hookers, provide by his jevv handler Stanley Levison that sucked King off?

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View @Spottedcanine
Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Illegal invaders get more benefits than American citizens whose ancestors have lived here for centuries. All resources for future generations of actual Americans are being given away to illegal invaders. https://t.co/7jREXpz5XX
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The jevv bots are out to get you admin. This is designed to turn everyone off to socialism. The reason why we hate socialism because it goes to parasitic blaqs and been people.

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View @Nature_and_Race
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MillennialWoes @ClarkeMicah @thehistoryguy Marxist Lucifer kangz and Standly Levison. Also Rosa Parks was a plant too. Jevvs attempted the same bus trick with other blaqs , but Parks was the only photogenic one.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nature_and_Race @YaRightBaybee Jevvs are so oppressed they have the power to crush you if you offend them.

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I think this Black man means well so I’ll share his tweet.He is in Atlanta and doesn’t have the knowledge about Black on Asian violence in San Francisco so he feels I hate blacks. I’ve been to Atlanta a few times, the blacks there are very friendly. I have Asian fam living in ATL https://t.co/pn3ahXSNi2
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Stereotypes exist for a reason. It’s just jevvs pushing it down our throats that it might hurt people’s feelings. There’s a reason why the south had Jim Crow laws before the federal stopped it by gunpoint

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View @activeasian
Southern Man @MagicBelle1
Prince George's County, Maryland. Troy Medley, 36, has been charged with murder, assault, firearms offenses and additional charges in the killing of 62-year-old Lidia Carrillo of El Salvador. Carrillo had arrived in the U.S. from El Salvador on March 27, to attend her grandson's… https://t.co/VaD85pgMfL https://t.co/MTx52wBjBe
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
PG county was intended for people to escape n werds. I see section 8 is doing the job jevvs intended

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View @MagicBelle1
Southern Man @MagicBelle1
What in the world was he thinking? https://t.co/VZQjeVOetV
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @MagicBelle1
How many years of jail time is realistic for Jasper’s death? What does the Asian community want? 5 or 10 or 20? That’s very unlikely. Putting Black men in jail is not acceptable these days and the criminal justice system is anti black according to many in America. https://t.co/2f9OBAIYOR
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
With Soros and the jevv media might as well call it a jevvdicial system

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View @activeasian
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs are supposed to use the bread and circuses to distract White men.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Florida teenage health care workers arrested, fired after livestreaming themselves abusing and mocking elderly dementia patient as she is screaming for them to stop https://t.co/9fRipNncne
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Boomers allowed this to happen by allowing jevvs to take over.

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View @JackPosobiec
Here’s the disturbing and racist message we got on Instagram. https://t.co/idZpYIRzRK
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Asians need to start arming themselves. Force is the only thing these simians understand. It’s how they are in Africa. Too bad some jevv Soros backed DA will go after you if you defend yourself.

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View @activeasian
Dick Hammer @DickHammer48
#BlackOnWhiteViolence #BlackOnAsianViolence https://t.co/zL9qnYEQ1M https://t.co/IBXDZlAzI9
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Usual sus spooks again. Better to be racist than dead, but jevvs won’t allow that.

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View @DickHammer48
A woman is attacked outside her building by this crazy female in San Francisco. We must recall our elected officials that embolden this behavior. https://t.co/US7awF7ilX
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Gotta do something about the jevv media spinning it as part and parcel of living in a big city.

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View @activeasian
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ramzpaul Heed the warning for any place infested by vibrants.

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Did the good guys win WWII?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MillennialWoes With n werds and jevvs we lose.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Tintin Enjoyer @TinTinEnjoyer
Martin Luther King Jr's "Peaceful Protests" were exactly the same as the Summer of George "Peaceful Protests". Teach your kids that and don't apologize. Don't let them buy into the Boomer propaganda. https://t.co/xZX4gJxap7 https://t.co/VrJtaQSfaC
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@bronzeagemantis Teach them about his jevv handler Stanley Levison that wrote all his speeches.

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View @TinTinEnjoyer
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@iamyesyouareno He’s probably thinking

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Can you imagine? https://t.co/KoeF0KEItr
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Even if gentiles ran the media instead of jevvs.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Phil Ting , San Francisco politician, says we are safer with criminals around us in the community than away from us. https://t.co/HtYdvtQcmn
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Diver-shitty is our greatest strength. Especially you mix in blaqs. He just doesn’t want to get canceled by the jevvs that own the media and donate so much.

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View @activeasian
Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
How could such a chad be such a traitor... https://t.co/5AhPiYThNe
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Jevv war industrial complex. America’s only money generating export.

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View @Lucas_Gage_
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
My hypothesis about Soros is that he is not fully aware of where his money goes or why.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
He surrounds himself with jevvs. Jevvs are the current source of our social ills. Imagine jevv media spinning blaqs and trannies as the malignancy they are.

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View @ScottAdamsSays
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
Starting to suspect that her legal acumen isn’t why he hired this graduate of Widener University Commonwealth Law School. https://t.co/8V9cLGggMi
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
With how much he sucked jevv penis during his time in office thought he would choose a choosenite.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@johnwg58 @RealUSCenturion @VinnieSull1van Found the jevv

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Gov. Abbott says he'll pardon #DanielPerry. Perry worked as an Uber driver in Austin during 2020 BLM rioting when a mob attacked his car & he shot a rifle-carrying man who confronted him. Soros-funded Travis County DA successfully prosecuted him on murder.https://t.co/6IbHwBIBeG
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Remember that even if you serve Israel in their wars the jevvs will still find a way to ruin your life.

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View @MrAndyNgo
John Cardillo @johncardillo
“DeathSantis is a RINO, because!!!”: - He crushed CRT in schools - Killed wokeism in FL - Denied woke banks FL state biz - Destroyed Fauci’s narrative - Presided over a $24 billion budget surplus - Signed Constitutional Carry - Secured FL’s elections - Posts conservative wins… https://t.co/F86zwpcevS
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MarkSKrikorian Whoever wins the only promises kept will be to Israel and jevvs

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View @johncardillo
Asian Dawn @AsianDawn4
Yeah.....🤡 https://t.co/1cWzi5rZJe
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
We have to look to the jevvs enabling this. Who do you think is rejecting Asians from ivies and accepting blaqs? Who owns the media and portraying blaqs as angels?

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View @AsianDawn4
Mayor @LondonBreed says it’s not a fair assessment to call San Francisco an unsafe city based on the “isolated incident” of Bob Lee’s murder. We are sick of our mayor and elected officials gaslighting us and minimizing our lived experiences in this crime ridden city. https://t.co/Ryr8eUpkkM
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LondonBreed N werds will alway protect their own. Only Asians and Whites can’t have tribal solidarity. N werds aren’t a threat to the jevv power structure.

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View @activeasian
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
I prefer not to speak, if I speak I am in big trouble. https://t.co/C6XmjDn9p6
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @iamyesyouareno
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@obessed6witu0 @iamyesyouareno

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National Conservative @NatCon2022
#MassShooting Horror show at Isle of Palm, Charleston's most upper class and wealthiest beach area. Large numbers of Black High School seniors skipped school and went to the beach Six shot, two arrested https://t.co/f8EsxIFRyO
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vdare This is what MLK’s jevv handler Stanley Levison wanted. He’s laughing in hell at the chaos he’s unleashed on the gentiles.

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View @NatCon2022
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
This kind of insight and wordplay is what it takes to make you our most successful living intellectual. https://t.co/jNJ8iuUuMo
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Republicans are here to prop the system up. If conservatives leaves a vacuum like they did in Weimar the jevv ruling class would be in trouble.

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The Dank Knight 🦇 @capeandcowell
Same crime. One got prison time and the other got a visit from the Vice President https://t.co/jY1sqldxUt
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ One is a threat to the jevv ruling class.

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View @capeandcowell
Serena Brown 🧃 @SerenaJB3
He would not be able to say this about any other racial or ethnic group. #AntiWhiteism https://t.co/ANOstrSNLr https://t.co/AHvoAubk2V
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They do have a certain phenotype.

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View @SerenaJB3

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Dan Noyes @dannoyes
Petition to recall the Alameda County DA is nearing 10-thousand signatures. I'm working on a new story for today's 6pm news. https://t.co/6NpPTbzj1n
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I hope the jevv Soros money can protect her.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
The powers-that-be are sending us a message: If you defend yourself from a violent Leftist extremist, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. This isn't an exaggeration. They're using the courts to terrify US citizens into submission. Legitimate terrorism. https://t.co/KFzgmSEVY4
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevv funded DA. Remember this man sacrificed so much for Israel fighting their wars and he still gets this treatment

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View @Nature_and_Race
Nga Pham @ngaphambbc
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is to visit Vietnam next Saturday. Just a week ago President Joe Biden and VN Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong had a phone conversation. Perhaps VN and the US will elevate partnership to “strategic” from current “comprehensive” level? https://t.co/4mh9HZnOkt
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ngahpham You don’t want to deal with two faces jevvs. Unfortunately they run everything.

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New York Post @nypost
Babyfaced 12-year-old accused of Florida triple murder led cuffed to jail —while alleged accomplice remains at large https://t.co/E6Ux3YdVts https://t.co/neey20siih
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It’s the n werds again. Thanks to jevvs pushing this integration and quality garbage.

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View @nypost
Dion Lim @DionLimTV
There is mounting criticism toward Alameda County DA Pam Price over her messaging the “Chinese community” is “misinformed.” Esp after she met w/Jasper Wu’s family Tues. I spoke w/mom who disagrees & says she’s NOT “misinformed” & still fears her family won’t get justice. 🧵⬇️ https://t.co/NEjSqVioAU
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs like Soros and those that run the media don’t want us to have a functioning civilization.

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White ppl in San Francisco are now daily victims of violent crime and now there will be action taken. Asians have been getting attacked for the past 3 years and no one cared and nothing was being done to stop the violence. A reckoning is starting thank goodness. https://t.co/dOHyex8sej
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If you defend yourself the DA backed by the jevv George Soros will prosecute you

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View @activeasian
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Notice the content of their character. https://t.co/5Z3rNND7gg
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The I have a scheme speech was written by King’s communist jevv handler Stanley levison

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View @iamyesyouareno
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@tech4290 @FAIRImmigration Written by jevv emanuel celler

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Southern Man @MagicBelle1
April 2023. Chandler, Arizona. 58-year old Matthew Miller was in his vehicle with his wife checking their mail when Channing Vanderbilt opened fire on them with a rifle killing Mr. Miller. Miller pushed his wife's head down to protect her and she was not injured. Miller, however,… https://t.co/hP0JVd6uBf https://t.co/ZY79MydbmC
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
No more exits down the road from jevv imposed diversity.

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View @MagicBelle1
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I hope they enjoy being ruled over by jevvs. That didn’t work out so well for Whites.

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View @iamyesyouareno
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
The devolution of Star Wars. https://t.co/og74M2QBG0
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
From jevv to blaq

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View @ramzpaul
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Stalz8 @stillgray If that were the case jevvs wouldn’t be flooding the west with Arabs and Africans

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Southern Man @MagicBelle1
Nearly four years after a Fort Bend County father was shot and killed in his own home, an arrest has been made. In October 2019, Brenton Estorffe, 29, was killed during a break-in at his Katy, Texas home. Jadon Ezra Carpy (now 21) entered Estorffe's home late at night by breaking… https://t.co/vmKVO2vKwP https://t.co/jIJYhGlocx
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
MLK and Rosa Parks were too stupid to lead their movement without jevv handlers like Stanley Levison. Same with Mandela and his tribesmen handlers Slovo, Greenberg and Jacobson.

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View @MagicBelle1
Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
Thing is, "thugs" are traveling to richer towns to do crime. My city, Brick NJ, was on of America's safest cities in 2006. Now we have people getting in their cars from Newark NJ, to rob and steal from cars in my town. https://t.co/INwvxAe4pS
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Blaqs know that they have favor from jevvs. They might know who’s favoring them but they know they’re being favored. Jevv funded Soros DA’s and the jevv owned media.

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View @Lucas_Gage_

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevv handled Marxist Lucifer kangz was the same as Parks the plant. Stanley Levison had King shot when he started going on about real socialist issues such as labor rights and not the fake and ghéy stuff

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View @wayotworld
Cernovich @Cernovich
Soros DA lets rioters threaten citizens with guns. In this case the thug flashed a so-called assault weapon into peoples faces. Democrats didn’t mind that use of a AK-48. The Uber driver who defended himself is the one on trial for murder. https://t.co/B8I1mPur6z
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Why do jevvs want this for our society?

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View @Cernovich
FischerKing @FischerKing64
There is no mystery to any of this: https://t.co/IkybHNEakd https://t.co/sF5Rz0gfYa
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 The secret is jevvs want this.

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Activated Sleeper @active_sleeper
The amount of bandwidth that the machine dedicates to preventing you from putting these two imagines together https://t.co/7PSTVtkEGT
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Introduced by jevv Emanuel Celler with his Shabbos Hart.

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View @active_sleeper
FAIR @FAIRImmigration
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended his past statements asserting that the U.S.-Mexico border is “secure” amid record illegal immigration during a congressional hearing. @DailyCaller @JennieSTaer https://t.co/d1qQsY3iD7
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@DailyCaller @JennieSTaer Would this Jevv be saying this if it happened in Israel?

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🩸 Robert Jones 🩸 @Robert____Jones
On April 2, 2016, Brian E. Szabo was murdered in his sleep. Nigel Walker was romantically involved with one of Brian's daughters; when Nigel had trouble finding a place to stay, the Szabo family took him in. In the early morning, Nigel entered Brian's bedroom and viciously… https://t.co/7OL4PNGXkk https://t.co/csgbp15HzU
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
At least he didn’t die as a racist. Jevvs tell us that’s the worst thing you can be. Better dead than racist g0y5.

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View @Robert____Jones
Juvenile violence is at an all time high in America. https://t.co/V6EKTuw6VD
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Thank goodness twitter exists. The mainstream jevv owned media would never allow this to be seen in order to protect their golems.

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View @activeasian

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
The fake news entity that canceled me is getting bitch-slapped by Twitter's context notes, lol. https://t.co/QndQUMqqJO
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Gotta wonder why Jevvs like soros are always funding things undermining European civilizations. Like some kind of blood libel and ethnic hatred.

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View @ScottAdamsSays
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Well played. If picking up free money were a sport, you'd be watching a champion. https://t.co/RxnLxU0eYg
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Better tell that to his jevv donors that want it shoved down our throats. Diversity is only European nations’ greatest strength. Not for Israel tho n

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ElijahSchaffer Are they also behind flooding their host nation their with diversity?

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Don't ever let them within arm's reach of you. If they're within striking distance, it's already too late for you. And when they cause you serious bodily harm, they won't feel bad for you. They'll laugh at you and celebrate your injuries. https://t.co/W1unvqy1HF
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs want you to relax. That’s why they portray them as Gud bois tryna turn Dey life round. Aspiring cRappers or one season away from attending community college.

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View @Nature_and_Race
California. A woman carjacks an elderly woman and goes on a rampage trying to get away. https://t.co/mJZQtgCEhX
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Was it a blaque? Blaques know the Jevvs like soros make them untouchable.

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View @Edwin07011
🩸 Robert Jones 🩸 @Robert____Jones
On March 31, 2016, Virginia State Police Trooper Chad Dermyer was at the Greyhound Bus Station participating in a classroom training designed to teach troopers how to detect suspicious activity when he was shot multiple times and killed. Chad engaged in some smalltalk with a… https://t.co/TR1tVGdkqp https://t.co/MkeVRj7uQW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Don’t listen to jevv garbage the media feeds you. Never relax.

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View @Robert____Jones
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Then the Jevvs cancelled his free Tibet movement.

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View @iamyesyouareno
VDARE @vdare
One of the stranger developments of the 2020s is that just as the mainstream media has cranked up its campaign against “gun violence” to new levels, the Soros-backed district attorneys whom the media helped elect with its “racial reckoning” are turning the https://t.co/i9exqqaRZh… https://t.co/tcnFfTi07y
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I wonder when the tides will turn against the Jevvs subverting our society?

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View @vdare
Cool Rider 😎 @CoolRiderr
@nypost Same thing happened to me on the side of a street a few months ago. This is out of control. People are way more violent nowadays
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@nypost This jevv’s people are behind the blaque scourge. Look up Stanley Levison the handler of Martin Luther Kangz jr.

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Joe Smith @JoeSmit34962895
@chribreuer @RichardHanania It’s simple, American liberals believe and care about what American intelligence agencies disseminate through the major news media outlets
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vocdetox @chribreuer @RichardHanania Jevvs

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nature_and_Race Don’t forget these parasites.

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Felix Rex @navyhato
Putin is an obvious animal lover. Is this just more proof he is the reincarnation of Hitler (who was also an animal lover)? https://t.co/Dq1HT4lsao
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @navyhato
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ShirePropaganda @FrenlyOfficer If only he was an n werd that went on to kill himself in a high speed chase after receiving the transplant.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Fun fact the people that occupy America’s current government also founded modern day China. Look up Israel Epstein

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Peter Wrangel @PeterWrangel
Read the comments. The sheer glee that people have for the suffering of a Soldier just because he is Russian is absolutely sickening. This is the mindset of "othering* that is growing within America which will lead to very dark places for our society. https://t.co/J7SooYanZb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@4th_System I mean the Jevvs are able to get us riled up about something as meaningless and sportsball.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@iamyesyouareno If he only knew it was the people he saved from the gentile uprising

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Irish Rose 🇮🇪🌹 @Irish___Rose
Diversity doesn't work, prove me wrong!
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If it worked the Jevvs would push it for Israel, but they don’t.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
A "White supremacist" country that aims to criminalize White supremacy?... Something doesn't add up here. https://t.co/uu58iN1lNp
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If wonder if she has a jevv puppet master like Marxist Lucifer Kangz had Stanley levison

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View @Nature_and_Race
Dissident Soaps @DissidentSoaps
Reminder that you can estimate how old an American city is going back to 1964 by counting the highway rings, like a tree. Each ring is one generation of flight. https://t.co/GeD6kLuJo4 https://t.co/gt9voREkuG
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
One day they’ll be no more exits down the road to flee jevv imposed diversity.

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View @DissidentSoaps
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
Never gets old https://t.co/eUxr0vYc8I
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It wasn’t bush. It was the cabal of Jevvs in his administrations. The neoconservative neocohens.

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View @JackPosobiec
Frank DeScushin @FrankDeScushin
Angry guy on the subway has never heard of Ibram Kendi or Robin DiAngelo. Not everything is CRT. CRT grew out of racial resentment more than CRT created it. That’s why people who think if you eradicate Kendi, DiAngelo, or CRT then you eradicate the problem are horribly mistaken. https://t.co/k6SIkk6p4h
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Time to expel the Jevvs. 110 and never again

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View @FrankDeScushin
Cernovich @Cernovich
Lots to unpack here https://t.co/okeLknyUTc
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Insert latest Jevv programming.

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View @bizlet7
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
#Homeschool for safety. https://t.co/l3tC433nLn
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @Culture_Crit
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@sixrain13 @Nature_and_Race The blaque learned from the jevv to cry out. In pain as they strike you.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
Grown adult black male verbally abuses small White child. This has always been the source of racism. They compel you to hate them. And there is no peaceful solution to this problem, because they don't want peace. They want White people dead. https://t.co/tMM8a8huPb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If you do something or move away from them Jevvs will always find a way to ruin your day.

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View @Nature_and_Race
Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom
The US Government has 4 options: 1) World War 3 2) Economic collapse, civil unrest 3) Hyperinflation, then collapse 4) Be honest, take responsibility, ask Americans for forgiveness and make space for others to start over. What do you think they will go with?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
We need a reset to remove the Jevvs in power. Hopefully they lose the gentile uprising this time.

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View @KimDotcom
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@WokeArchive The father didn’t do anything wrong.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
This is why racism exists. Their behavior alone forces people to not like them. This is not the way to convince White people to stop hating you. https://t.co/8Ojx24eyZI
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I wonder how long these golems’ jevv masters can keep memeing how magical they are

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View @Nature_and_Race
Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
Weird, how a death camp would allow this. #holocaust https://t.co/UAU6B8AnZD
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 I wonder why modern technology couldn’t cremate Covid bodies fast enough, but early 20th century tech could for the 6 million in such a short time. Not to mention energy being short because you’re fighting against jevv golems of capitalism and communism

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View @Lucas_Gage_
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Every adult knows "hate group" is obvious hyperbole in this case. And so do you. Taking it literally comes off as a diversion from the point, that the woke part of the world (of all colors) has a mindset that is being poisoned against White people, and White men in particular.… https://t.co/r2CRWSa5y8
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Scott already named the blaques. Now he just need to mention the jevvs behind all of this.

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Sohrab Ahmari @SohrabAhmari
Deut 22: "A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, your God." NYT guest writer: "The ancient Jews were queer, y'all!" https://t.co/itfNC3bgdN
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MarkSKrikorian They tell you the national socialists in Germany burned books, but up until recently the Jevvs never told you it was books by the likes of Magnus Hirschfeld. Now Jevvs are so secure in their power they openly admit it.

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Double Down News @DoubleDownNews
20 years ago today George Bush & Tony Blair launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people. Today, they're rich, rewarded & free... whilst Julian Assange languishes in prison for exposing their war crimes. The world we live in. @lindseyagerman https://t.co/K5hvVe8g67
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@wikileaks @LindseyAGerman Don’t forget all the Jevvs behind this garbage. The neocons or should we call them neocohens?

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Chud Porter Wagoner @El_Gabacho_
The most shameful position I’ve ever held was being an enthusiastic & blind supporter of the Iraq War. 20 years ago ‘shock & awe’ started. I celebrated the day. But in ‘06 when I was old enough to put my money where my mouth was, I took the easy road & didn’t enlist. Shameful. https://t.co/Y21K4mhTpE
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@bronzeagemantis Don’t worry Jevvs are master manipulators. The majority of us fell for the neocohen lies.

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View @El_Gabacho_
AnechoicMedia @AnechoicMedia_
Omitted from headline: Both parents tested positive for fent and meth, and the kids told a social worker the parents took them along for drug deals. https://t.co/9oku3zVPSd
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The jevv media and their shabbos always do this.

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View @AnechoicMedia_
San Jose Sharks @SanJoseSharks
Worldwide, gender diversity is seen far differently than that in the Western World or as you may know it. Most of us are familiar with the male, female, and transgender labels. But in other cultures, the existence of “the third gender” or even fourth and fifth genders is common:
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I see the jevv doctrine of Magnus Hirshfeld has infiltrated hockey too. They tell you the Nahtzees burned books but they don’t tel you which ones.

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EN @EN51556126
@LucasGage584 I reload and unload. Never can be sure with these super predators.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Clintons felt the same way until the Jevvs told them otherwise.

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View @EN51556126
Richard Hanania @RichardHanania
Jews having a favorable of -40 for Evangelical Christians while Evangelical Christians are +39 towards Jews will never stop being funny. Where these people live and given their SES, they probably have little direct experience and only know Jews as comic book heroes on Fox News. https://t.co/34KYh0idDQ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If they only knew how subversive Jevvs are. Behind communism, open borders, and the social degeneracy of the west. The Austrian painter needs to come back.

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Assuming this is correct, pause to appreciate how scammed you're being in the United States. https://t.co/fBK8vwlFTn
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It’s the same with overpopulation. The Jevvs don’t want us breeding. Only turd worlders so they can invade the west.

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View @ConceptualJames
Felix Rex @navyhato
Are you "Culturally Competent?" Earth is doomed. There are 12 people to chose from. You can only save 8. Who do you save? Who do you leave behind? p.109 https://t.co/puCvSA9hj3 https://t.co/b79Qb55noD
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
For sure leave the jevv behind. They’re probably responsible for this survey.

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View @navyhato
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ That stupid poem on the Statue of Liberty was written by Emma jevv Lazarus.

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View @AmericanKrogan
Cernovich @Cernovich
Churchill and Patton both saw Russia as the real enemy. FDR protected Stalin and allowed war crimes on a scale never seen before or since. World War II history was largely written by communists and other Marxists. Americans have no clue. https://t.co/nrxucIaPI3
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
No more gentiles serving in jevv wars.

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View @Cernovich
Racist people don't do material analyses on anything. They think like a 6 year old. Their line of thought is genuinely "black ara in place and place get bad later so black bad" Profound mental retardation https://t.co/DeoozMISHI
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The Jevvs that invented communism don’t want blaqs in their homeland of Israel.

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Lucas Gage @Lucas_Gage_
How does a war thousands of miles benefit me and my family here in the US? https://t.co/qpHTueULIT
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 Whenever either side of the kosher parties give out money you gotta ask does this ultimately benefit jevvs and Israel?

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View @Lucas_Gage_
Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
How much do we value our right to keep & bear arms? If we're not willing to fight for our right, then we don't really value it. The Second Amendment was written for one reason, & one reason only: To give citizens a fighting chance against government stripping us of our freedom. https://t.co/w3I0vh5qOy
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
We don’t have a gun problem. We have a jevv’s enabling their golems problem. If guns didn’t exist. N werds and Indios would use knives and clubs. Jevvs won’t allow us to punish their pets.

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View @Nature_and_Race
🩸 Robert Jones 🩸 @Robert____Jones
Segregation, or apartheid, wasn’t implemented out of malevolence, but rather to safeguard kith and kindred against wanton violence. https://t.co/DMxatsBWfK
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @Robert____Jones
The Celtic Clan @Correction2016
All anti-Whites need to do is call us racist to shut us up. It's ok to be racially aware, every other race is just that, and are willing to call us what they are naturally. It's a program that Whites have fed by the government, media, education, entertainment & church.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
5/5 institutions you mentioned are all infiltrated by subversives aka Jevvs.

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View @Correction2016
SaaS Wiz @SaaSWiz
We need to stop letting Gen Z go on podcasts https://t.co/DYDN6r3iRr
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
That’s how jevv federal reserve banks work not us silly.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TheNoseticer @PaterCrow @Arrowhead1988 @Eroded_Mask @ItsLITmag Yes there is. They want gibsmedats and Jevvs want them there.

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The Celtic Clan @Correction2016
Martin Luther King, Jr. attended Communist training. Hence Blacks are following a Communist program via the Civil Rights Movement. It's just that simple. https://t.co/9y3Wuil6hU
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
All you have to do is look at his commie jevv handler Stanley levison. Like most blaques King didn’t have the IQ to write and say the things he said. Once he got off the reservation with worker’s rights the Jevvs shot him. The kosher sandwich of communism and capitalism.

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View @Correction2016
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
This jevv flooded his home town of Brooklyn with blaques then fled to Vermont.

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View @GodCloseMyEyes
New York Post @nypost
Texas woman left paralyzed after thief body slams her, steals $4,300 https://t.co/d4BA1aQeW3 https://t.co/DcTBdt2aef
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @nypost
Asian Dawn @AsianDawn4
Her Name was Nga Ngoc Nguyen and She was Run Over and Killed by 3 Black Men - https://t.co/tcE0kcgIcz via @AsianDawn4
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @AsianDawn4
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Looks nice and peaceful. https://t.co/vuY5e9ehGS
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Wait until the Jevvs hear about this.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@getorga @lporiginalg Jevvs and their shabbos won’t let them.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@adrian_sleeman @myth_pilot @hodgetwins He only pardoned Jevvs and cRappers.

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Here's the story of Doug Mackey, the twitter poster who helped Trump win the election in 2016, and is now being persecuted by the Biden DOJ for posting memes. He goes to trial today, and faces ten years in prison. This is the situation, and what it means for you. https://t.co/jeZXUQY2SM
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Only the Jevvs are allowed to determine what imformation we receive.

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View @myth_pilot
🩸 Robert Jones 🩸 @Robert____Jones
On March 12, 2015, James Patrick Stuhlman was senselessly murdered during an evening walk. Brandon Smith and Tyfine Hamilton, both 15 years old, along with a younger accomplice, had been on the lookout for a target to rob. They ambushed James and held him at gunpoint; when he… https://t.co/3E1sU1usuf https://t.co/pXUChAkul5
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
As long as Jevvs curse us with living around them.

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View @Robert____Jones
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@antisexmachine @AsianDawn4 @activeasian

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MrCommonSense01 @activeasian N werds being n werds knowing Jevvs protect them.

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RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Very sad. Women do not belong in the military. https://t.co/rTXuFQieem
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Like Michael Jackson said Jevvs don’t really care about us.

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View @ramzpaul
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@4th_System They mention now that the national socialists burned books on homosexuality and trangenderism. The Jevvs is power must be really comfortable in their positions just like they were during Weimar.

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Chris Daw QC @crimlawuk
If not for the rights of refugees, democracy and the rule of law, why did we fight WWII?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Manipulation by subversive Jevvs. Poland still fell and you lost your empire.

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Racial Consciousness @Nature_and_Race
This is why racism exists. https://t.co/VpArXBh9yN
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Maybe he had racist thoughts - some jevv

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View @Nature_and_Race
New York Post @nypost
CNBC’s Jim Cramer urged viewers to buy Silicon Valley Bank stock last month https://t.co/W2qJx2V5Kw https://t.co/rNX9IoKZEn
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I wonder if this jevv shorted it. They’re always up to some financial scheme.

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View @nypost
Nose @TheNoseticer
"Saying 'blacks are just out here attacking white people for being white' is fake." -Bryson Gray https://t.co/4dm4Nxm9B7 https://t.co/45cneins5B
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If the Jevvs can meme away their golems’ behavior then they can meme away all their subversion.

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@disclosetv Do you trust banks with you money 🤔
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@disclosetv No because they’re a jevvish scheme

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nature_and_Race Why do people always quote this jevv puppet. Look up his handler Stanley levison

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Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres
Kari Lake: "We will NOT send our American boys & girls overseas to die for your war. Not going to happen." https://t.co/GCzXkBxVBw
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ramzpaul Now if she would only name the Jevvs in the room

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View @CitizenFreePres
Southern Man @MagicBelle1
February 2023. Gainesville, Florida. Dallvion Jarrell Parker arrested on two counts of 1st-degree murder for the deaths of Brittany Avery-Hoisington, 33, and an African American male, Trayvon Henry Sheppard, 21. Parker also faces two counts of attempted murder for shooting and… https://t.co/Hq1fflrxc0 https://t.co/KQZugNNhCH
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Sad the only winners are our jevv ruling class

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View @MagicBelle1
Felix Rex @navyhato
If the global regime flipped, talking points flipped, cherished values flipped: how long would it take for the vast majority of Western women to adopt the new "current thing" and the new current right-think? ...Asking for a friend. https://t.co/CKfTFxk2UK
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
After 109 times we still haven’t learned having Jevvs in your country is a mistake.

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View @navyhato
One thing that annoys me is how much modern American culture justifies itself using the triumphs of past, despite the fact that the country longer resembles that past. Civil war was over 150 years ago. WWII was nearly 80. These days California can't even build a train line. https://t.co/Rtmp1TZ8FW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The Jevvs that run America are fearful of another gentile uprising

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View @JigokuCake

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End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It’s the jevv president and Joe Biden

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Pater Crow @PaterCrow
Watch this and remember they always accuse you of what they themselves are doing or have done. https://t.co/KFuSy7h0c1
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The jevv cries out in pain he strikes you

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View @PaterCrow
S. de La Grave 𓆏 @sentinellegrave
This is the official Amarna Presidential tier list, if you disagree you’re retarded. https://t.co/U3HDNA7KAx
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The only one that wasn’t a Jevv shill since FDR was Kennedy and the koshers shot him.

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New York Post @nypost
Footage shows Capitol cop Brian Sicknick uninjured on Jan. 6 https://t.co/6IKF1l3MLv https://t.co/MwBtj6pQ77
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs make up lies all the time. Just look at their 6 million lies.

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View @nypost

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Task & Purpose @TaskandPurpose
The Army has brought back "Be All You Can Be" and this is the first commercial. Thoughts? https://t.co/rzmEnY0ooW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They better find a better to trick the good ole boys into fighting jevvish wars.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
If we’re stuck with people whose behavior is more disgusting than Jevvs we won’t notice all the subversion.

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View @iamyesyouareno
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Notice a pattern? https://t.co/SWxoA6JqLQ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
This what (((academics))) want while sending their children to parochial and prep schools.

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View @iamyesyouareno
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
A different country. Many Boomers are stuck in time and still think schools look like this. https://t.co/7YsnJWydkf
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They’re racial jungles like Biden said before he sold his soul to Jevvs.

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View @ramzpaul
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
As we recently learned, most political conspiracy theories appear to be true. But I observe a pattern in what types of untruths the Left and Right believe. The Right's untruths tend to organically spring from true believers in their ranks. The Left's untruths are more likely… https://t.co/bx5C40DnFN https://t.co/QWLjH05nTN
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
One of greatest true conspiracy is Jevvs run the world and they hate us.

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iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
Why does this keep happening? https://t.co/FvRalBDhAI
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Because jevvs won’t allow us to discriminate against them. I’m sorry the 99% ruin it for the decent 1% of blaqs.

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View @iamyesyouareno
Grug 🍝Allman @GrugAllman
John Stewart aka John Liebowitz https://t.co/PtEmwHSpwg
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
With blaqs and Jevvs we lose.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Just like their Jevv masters gotta make laws because both are such a hated group due to their disgusting behavior

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View @iamyesyouareno
Pater Crow @PaterCrow
Next time someone spergs out about “muh common sense gun laws” show them this video https://t.co/Bt1pkRKIUa
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Jevvs won’t let us admit we have a black plague problem.

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View @PaterCrow
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nature_and_Race @Culture_Crit Jevvs

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Charles Murray @charlesmurray
Consider the possibility that humanities enrollment has plummeted because the humanities are no longer teaching the best that humans have thought and said. Or more bluntly, the humanities in too many schools have become a platform for propaganda. https://t.co/X3Xy4CaZDN
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Steve_Sailer Conservatives left a vacuum and jevvs stepped in to fill that void.

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View @charlesmurray
Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
I've lost three careers to direct racism so far. Crocker Bank, Pacific Bell, and cartooning. All three were perpetrated by White people for their own gain. No Black person has ever discriminated against me. That's partly why I identified as Black for several years.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ By white people you mean jevvs.

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Lolo @LolOverruled
I have over 100k followers now so I just wanna be clear that Israel is an apartheid state and what that state has done to the Palestinian people is tantamount to genocide. Saying this is not antisemitism it’s just a reality
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The Jevvs alway cry out in pain as they strike you

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Pater Crow @PaterCrow
GM Remember this when they say you’re wrong. https://t.co/NTjYoMKJ30
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
When will it be 110 and never again?

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View @PaterCrow
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Stephen270453 @ActivePatriotUK

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LucasGage584 They had to take him out for this one.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@DubzzzyD @iamyesyouareno Bankers

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Schizophrenesia Es el judio

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@KEEMSTAR @stone_toss

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All 10 of the world’s top universities are in Anglo nations https://t.co/7TnchcamZW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
They’re all run by tiny hat tribe tho.

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of @clothcoat
An Asian student with a 25 percent chance of admission to Harvard would have their chances of admission increase to 36 percent if they were white, 75 percent if they were Hispanic, and 95 percent if they were black. https://t.co/gr8nDtBttV
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@a_centrism 100% if they were from the tiny hat tribe that runs Harvard

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Sal the Agorist @SallyMayweather
The cover up begins https://t.co/pZjtXaWuGU
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Is Nathan a chosenite like Epstein and Maxwell?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@vdare @Steve_Sailer At least they aren’t speaking German.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BasQuetzal Winston had to pay back his J debts.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JYSexton Can you explain tiny hat gangs subversion of China?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Surgeon_General @HHS_ASH

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@FAIRImmigration @BorderReportcom

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@RichardHanania Just two more weeks every two weeks.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JessicaV_CIS @BreitbartNews

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@dhphuong1 Working so far for western nations. 1/5th of all US dollars were printed during the pandemic. And then there’s the three trillion spending bill in the US legislature. MMT works until it doesn’t.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@RichardHanania Can’t eat thru an n95 mask. Every other mask is just mental theatrics.

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VDARE @vdare
Her Name Is Yvonne Ruzich: While Waiting To Start Work At 4:25 A.m. At A Deli, 70-year-old White Grandmother "Randomly" Murdered By Two Black Males In Chicago https://t.co/bA3Nxucpzw
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
She might be part of the tiny hat tribe that got us into the situation we’re in today.

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View @vdare
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MrAndyNgo @OregonGovBrown

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Curry-bunchanumbers @Curry92281782
@QuarantinedCoof Does anyone think it's a coincidence that ISIS would get involved?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@QuarantinedCoof Cohencidence?

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inflatable decoy plane https://t.co/4KDRw4F4v8
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@FAIRImmigration @dcexaminer @Anna_Giaritelli

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@benstracy @CBSNews

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TheEconomist @Steve_Sailer Handrubbers that run the media aim to change that.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@AuronMacintyre @demontage2000

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@UnzReview @BWLH_

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@stone_toss Maybe they don’t really control everything? They even told us themselves.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@viet_t_nguyen The My Dengs don’t have money. They’ve been losers since they were brought here by J€ws and losers on their own continent. so you go after the whites since they still have money.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@HeToldTheTruth I mean they did found modern day China.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MKM_Gamer @WBGamesSupport Glad to see him leveling up.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@AngeloJohnGage The double standard they have for their host nation vs their homeland.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JSStudios2 Pure cohencidence his murder involved a tribesman.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JSStudios2 Pure cohencidence

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Roosh ☦ @rooshv
Joe Biden did not win a single county in West Virginia. https://t.co/g1kO2Jqtm8
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Now the )ews will double down on flooding it with opioids.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@FAIRImmigration @BreitbartNews @NeilMunroDC

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Greg Price @greg_price11
Certainly a great look for USA Today https://t.co/q0FbH4Hbud
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ChuckRossDC The )3ws

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View @greg_price11
#BREAKING: Derek Chauvin, the , ex-officer who knelt on George Floyd’s neck, has been released from prison after posting bond. https://t.co/cG2EWbiwqG
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
There’s still hope in the world for justice. I hope the )ews lay off their attack on him.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ApuApustajer @KingFrenly

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Morrakiu2 Glad to see you back Mooracow. The )ews couldn’t keep you down like they did Brett Farve mentioning the USS Liberty.

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Aaron Mc Nicholas @aaronMCN
Communist Party members will now be ineligible to immigrate to the US, according to new @USCIS policy guidance. The guidance covers the Communist Party from "any foreign state, or of any political or geographical subdivision of any foreign state." https://t.co/7hJWr4RSLF https://t.co/WhsF50vYrF
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@USCIS Then how did all these )ews get in to subvert America?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@AngeloJohnGage A lot of guys in that picture did nothing wrong except for the ones installed by )ew subversion like Stalin and Rittenberg’s Mao.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian

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Pragmata Americana @demontage2000
Not sure what happened here, but note how they’re not talking to officers present, they’re performing a drama for media audience: https://t.co/0QxXDniJZj
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Good thing the cops have body cams for their protection or some )ew lawyer might ruin their life.

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View @demontage2000
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Pure Cohencidence.
The Forward @jdforward
Antifa is back in the news after the debate (did it ever leave?) so let's revisit its not-so-secret Jewish history. https://forward.com/news/448022/antifa-yiddish-zionist/ https://twitter.com/jdforward/status/1311403033432121349/photo/1

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Steve King @SteveKingIA
New York Post & @Project_Veritas report evidence of well funded & systemic absentee voter fraud by @IlhanMN & others. Voter Fraud evidence in Little Mogadishu, Minnesota. https://t.co/2m1XWkNZnm Where else??
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Project_Veritas @IlhanMN The )ews that undermined your campaign are seething that they weren’t successful in doing the same to her.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@cassidyphoenyx @AnnCoulter @MailOnline Add her to the list of la creaturas and goblinos.

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VDARE @vdare
His Name is Jake Gardner "Despite the delusional claims posted on “social media” that Gardner used the N-word—which, as we all know, is grounds for immediate execution by any black person—none of the videos substantiate that." - @AnnCoulter https://t.co/2wu53dYGD9
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @vdare
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Imagine coming home to this after fighting for (((our greatest ally)))

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View @lporiginalg

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Ashley St. Clair @stclairashley
Wartime conservatism does not mean spitting on the graves of the deceased.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The )ews and their golems would happily spit on your grave.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Aarick20 In school, why didn’t they teach me about Marxist Lucifer Kang’z communist )ew handlers?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TrumpJew Call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a )€w and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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Moments ago, 2 of our Sheriff Deputies were shot in Compton and were transported to a local hospital. They are both still fighting for their lives, so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We will update this thread with information as it becomes available.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Diversity is our greatest strength. This is the price we must pay for it. As the )ews that won WW2 intended.

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What’s wrong with being a white nationalist?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It hurts )ewish feelings.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TurnbullMullen This was 100% preventable. More of them have come in since 9/11 because of )ew policies.

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Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin
Never forgotten. https://t.co/tU7Lv9pHHu
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ Now they’re more of them in this country than before they attacked NYC. Thanks )ews.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@gatewaypundit @AnnCoulter @cristinalaila1 Working class whites don’t like this )ew garbage.

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The Hill @thehill
Trump lashed out at generals, called them "a bunch of pussies": Woodward book https://t.co/QPMkMGV6mX https://t.co/CM9fXLZCKo
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Trump has been pretty weak in the starting wars for )ewish interests department.

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Joe Biden @JoeBiden
Wall Street didn't build this country — the middle class did. And unions built the middle class. Donald Trump doesn't understand that. We need a president who does.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Why does the two party system insist on bailing out )ew bankers at the rest of our expense then?

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Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Why Trump Doesn’t Just 'Send In the Troops' https://t.co/lEsyNYoYgJ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
His )ew handlers and those that run this country won’t allow it.

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View @ScottAdamsSays
LawEnforcementToday @LawEnforceToday
The New Orleans Saints decided as a team to "honor" alleged sexual assault suspect Jacob Blake by putting his name on their helmets. Seriously. https://t.co/mtl5Ug1UAv
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BWLH_ The )ews want is to bend the knee to their golems

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Joe Biden @JoeBiden
Here’s my promise to you: If I have the honor of serving as the next commander in chief, I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice. Always. https://t.co/wMFHHscD51
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Are you going to continue the policy of forcing them to sacrifice for )ewish wars?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nigel_Farage Where the welfare and whyte wimminz at?

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Nick The Exasperated @NickRees50
The ‘Oxford Black Panther’ behind Britain’s first black-led political party vows to make white men ‘our slaves’ https://t.co/LJMl38g9wG
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The Brits help stop the slave trade. They also saved the )ews. Those two things didn’t work out so well for them.

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View @NickRees50
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@LoremIpsumTXT Oy vey!

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TPUSA_LT: @LaurenAna_ @TrumpStudents @JoeBiden Right )ew shill vs left )€w shill. Either way Americans lose.

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Felix Rex @navyhato
America's cities will be damaged more thoroughly if ...
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Kosher sandwich. With )ews we lose.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@BreitbartNews Isn’t she a fellow white now ever since she married that )ew.

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Roosh ☦ @rooshv
Kyle Rittenhouse killed two suspected communists. https://t.co/EFqLXto8Yz
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Communist is code for )ew and in this case they literally were. Pure cohencidence tho.

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View @rooshv
Cousin Groypley @CousinGroypley
Kyle Rittenhouse is definitely a Groyper. https://t.co/sH1leTvyWb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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As a European, I'm getting increasingly tired of American influence, from media, politics, work & lifestyle etc. It is overwhelming how much input is coming from US when it doesn't relate to my experience / life / context day to day. At this moment there is no way to filter it.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Some of us here are tired of the )ew influence and subversion too.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MrAndyNgo It’s just a shakedown.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@frentanyI: @frentanyl @over9thousandth

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FAIR @FAIRImmigration
Activists are whining that New York City is too broke to afford to pay the legal bills for illegal aliens. Woe is me! https://t.co/pGkS0GizTF #FAIRblog
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Oy vey those subversive )ews won’t be able to eat.

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View @FAIRImmigration
A Sumter, S.C. woman & rapper who was running to be the city's "first black female mayor" has been arrested for allegedly faking her own kidnapping & beating for sympathy votes. Sabrina Princess Belcher, 29, live-streamed the stunt on FB. #HateHoax https://t.co/aTicHOnBkf https://t.co/quhwJdPoyb
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
It like one of those hate hoaxes the )ews are experts at.

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View @MrAndyNgo
Portland BLM mob victim Adam Haner believes his race was a motivating factor in the brutal assault. There were multiple people assaulted before and after Haner was knocked out. They were all white. #PortlandRiots #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/H0FXfZr3LO
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
I love how the )ews brainwashed whites into hating their own.

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View @MrAndyNgo
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@HeToldTheTruth Sad that the )ews thought her to relax around that color.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Breaking911 @ramzpaul Good to see the )ews consolidating more power in their host nation.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MarkOvdabeest They’re involved in civil unrest?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@dumbcattle: @60quadrillion “””American””” citizens were instrumental in the founding of modern China.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@KamalaHarris @JussieSmollett

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MarkOvdabeest Fucking her way to the presidency. This wouldn’t happen in a real country.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Nigel_Farage For them it’s an issue of

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@FloydCheck Now you just need a dental plan for that meth mouth.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@CruellaQuent: @BrexitGina

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MrAndyNgo @livesmattershow

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@FloydCheck Show your face fellow White.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@nypost Boomer killed by the diversity his generation allowed to metastasize.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@rooshv I’m glad they were influenced into being more multicultural.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@NEWS71804388 Lmao

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@MickyJo98017844 @Vestra_Culpa The price you pay for saving them during WW2

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@StrayEnglishman @DrZhaoyongchen The same traitors?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@RealJamesWoods @vdare All according to their plan.

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RT @RT_com
Do you believe in coincidences? Because we don't. https://t.co/McCLnZkJtZ
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@TOOEdit Cohencidences

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@epmplus: @Equity_Prime

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Steve Sailer @Steve_Sailer
The leftist Mayor of Minneapolis goes full conspiracy nut. Never go full conspiracy nut. https://t.co/LJQsuFRsmz
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
He would know he is a (((fellow white)))

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View @Steve_Sailer
Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom
Who was behind the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy?
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @KimDotcom
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@thetolerantman @Fart1488 Will he echo throughout (((history)))?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@owenbroadcast: @WesternIdentity @MH_FTN (((Media)))

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Daily Mail US @DailyMail
SNL creator Lorne Michaels says show gave Harvey Weinstein a pass because he is from New York https://t.co/uCvXrnohK2
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Hymietown (((New York)))

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Bill Kristol @BillKristol
“he was a goddam stupid moron. He hated it when you called him a moron. All morons hate it when you call them a moron.” --Catcher in the Rye
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Rich coming from one of the (((greasy merchants))) that advocated for the invasion of Iraq.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@jartaylor (((Fellow whites)))

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@thetolerantman: @nontolerantman These golems make their (((masters))) proud. They forgot the golem turned to clay and crushed its master.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@QuestioningCL: @willthethinker @rex_caerulus As racist as the shitskins that advocate for the interests of their people

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Alba_Risen: @Alba_Rising The price the frogs are paying for not scraficing their boys to save (((them))). Muh 6 gorillion

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@JMcfeels If the blacks had any cognitive ability they'd recognize this as good for them. Too bad their just golems for the (((tribe)))

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RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
The statues represent White identity. The people who are attacking us are not black. They don't give a damn about blacks except to use them. https://t.co/7DgcHWYPCe
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
The blacks and Indios are (((their))) golems.

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View @ramzpaul
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Our enemies are Satanic at the core. You can see it in their twisted faces.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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View @ramzpaul
Starbucks Coffee @Starbucks
"I know we're better than this. The bigotry, hatred, and senseless violence against people who are not white cannot stand.” —Howard Schultz https://t.co/JWpOmIV0H0
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
(((Howard Schultz))) and his tribe's dirty tricks.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@polNewsForever (((They)))

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Colin Kaepernick @Kaepernick7
A system that perpetually condones the killing of people, without consequence, doesn't need to be revised, it needs to be dismantled! https://t.co/BVVPVZIQyD
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Notice the Star of David. Pure (((coincidence)))

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Ron Perlman @perlmutations
With all due respect, the time for worrying is well upon us. Were Mueller to be fired, that would be a time for something else. https://t.co/ddG9VAerLg
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Damn Clay Morrow turned out to be (((Clay Morrow)))

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@AmRenaissance She was already burning coal with a mystery meat. Thanks (((guys))) for brainwashing us in the benefits of DIEversity

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ShadilayForever (((White)))?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@OrwellNGoode @ShadilayForever He is one of (((them)))

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Alpha power move. Still cucked by (((globalists))) tho
Rogelio Garcia Lawyer @LawyerRogelio
America First — even if it requires pushing and shoving your way to the front, apparently https://twitter.com/LawyerRogelio/status/867786323100393472/video/1

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@negrobehavior: @billkrystol Black cries out in pain as he strikes you. Wonder where they got that (((idea))) from?

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RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Macron and Kushner are the prototypes of the new world leaders. Young, rich, cosmopolitan and connected to global finance. #macron
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
(((Rootless cosmopolitans))) that flee the places they destroy at the first sign of trouble

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View @ramzpaul
Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer
Not "Ukrainian genocide" but a famine caused by collectivization *and* natural factors also affecting other areas (Russia, Caucasus, etc). https://t.co/r6NXlYwWeW
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
(((Ukaranian communists)))

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View @RichardBSpencer
RAMZPAUL @ramzpaul
Democrats R the REAL Racists! https://t.co/rijKp9Ny0E
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
(((They))) really did their best to hide the crimes of communism. People aren't as likely to associate communism with evil.

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View @ramzpaul
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@GodWillsIt777: @DiversityHire History is written by the (((victors))). (((They))) never write about how (((they))) ruined Russia.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@NearFutureEvent (((Rahshida Jones)))

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Andrew Quackson @AndrewQuackson
Tweeting this now: the failure of the Tea Party gave us Trump. The failure of Trump will give us something not seen in 80 years.
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
Like socialism of a national sorts unlike the (((international))) one we have now?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@NearFutureEvent What about rubbing our hands together while planning evil schemes like a certain (((group)))?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ShadilayForever (((Who))) could be behind this push for diversity for the, but not (((me)))?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@GranTorinoDSA: @ComradeStump1 (((Slavs)))?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@AMER1CANA_: @AMERICAN_ME_ They'll never let us forget the 6 GoRillion as they murdered 100 million with (((communism))) https://twitter.com/Realtheralyst/status/856700969249157122/photo/1

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@KassyDillon How come we never get $$$guilt tripped$$$ by the 100 million killed by (((communism)))?

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On Holocaust remembrance day, Netanyahu says its lessons guide him "every morning and every evening." https://t.co/KlvfJ5vFup https://t.co/0UiDRPVlBC
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
What about the 100 million killed by (((communism)))? I know the number isn't as yuge as 6 gorillion, but still.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@jdgreenblatt45 Never forget the 100 million killed by (((communism)))

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Cernovich @realDonaldTrump Mike Savage. Pretty based for being one of (((them)))

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Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
Those who support the air strikes; - Chuck Schumer - Nancy Pelosi - John McCain - Lindsey Graham - Mainstream media - Neo-cons - ISIS
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Top_Cuck_ Our greatest (((ally))) or are we not allowed to name them?

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J Burton @JBurtonXP
Don't worry, everybody. George W. Bush's "most senior ethics lawyer" is on the case! https://t.co/Oka7BGfEJl
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
What about the treasonous links war criminal Bush has in getting rid of (((our greatest ally's))) enemy, Iraq?

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@SeventhSonTRS @YouTube (((They))) gassed the vid. Any chance of a reup?

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VDARE @vdare
Reminder - Anyone beating their chest about "a strong foreign policy" who won't defend our own borders is simply lying about being a patriot
Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ThomasRotbart Strong foreign policy to benefit our (((greatest ally)))

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Cernovich (((They))) cry out in pain as they strike you

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J Burton @JBurtonXP
Old fashioned: no. Embarrassing: yes. https://t.co/aEexd7b621
Bon Quisha @poolhallace

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@ChateauEmissary @vtchakarova The same (((people))) that corrupted Russia stood besides Mao as he destroyed China and its culture.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Ricky_Vaughn99 @dcexaminer In Jew folklore, the golem they created ultimately destroyed it's creator. (((Soros))) better shut BLM down.

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Bon Quisha @poolhallace
@Cernovich Gotta love (((the news media)))

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%
star of david 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 40%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
proud boys rooster 45%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 82%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 52%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
circle slash 99%
union jack 96%
union jack 96%
union jack 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
union jack 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 89%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 51%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 51%
etc 46%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 48%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 66%