@CalStory1 Cal Story I’m just being honest Occupied Michigan

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 14

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@BettingWizardz @SportsAndTrash @Nickthepicker Ya , most of the odd boosts are sus. But it’s not a money grab for them. This is a Monday night win.

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@TrustTheData @StevenCheah Thank you steven

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@CalStory1: Dumb fuck of the year

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@TrustTheData @StevenCheah

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@JamilRawls @Bestbetss1 @wagerattack

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@BarstoolBigCat Sus cat

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@stoolpresidente Let’s go Joe Joe!!! Can we see the ML bet?

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Tap house in portage Michigan @NjTank99 . Get em raw dogging and you’ll love em

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@kbnoswag @nickturani @DonnieDoesWorld We have the largest carrots sprouting from the ground in the world

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@ThecousinMurray @DaMidgetZimbo @Glenny_balls @TheCousinMike @Trysta_Krick @SmittyBarstool

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Cal Story @CalStory1
LOCKS OF THE DAY 🔒🔒🔒🔒 Atlanta Hawks -5.5 🔥 Utah vs NY O213 🔥 Eric Gordon O 18.5 🔥 Let’s nail these suckers🖊🔨

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Disgusting kikes
Michael Skiberg @Ski_Berg
I bet the golfer could smell the stench coming off of them. https://twitter.com/Ski_Berg/status/1321579211837104128/video/1

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Dumb nigger
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Cal Story @CalStory1
Got suspended for saying nigger

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Fuck these niggers
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Cal Story @CalStory1
Nigger privelidge
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Cal Story @CalStory1
There is nothing more cringe than listening to a white girl talk like a nigger
ALEXiS. 🌹 @Loveee_Alexisss
i’m probably going to get in trouble for posting this but oh well 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ after 4 long years & 2 kids the love of my life finally got down on one knee, creased his shoes for me & popped the question 🥺 i love you boy!! you really showed out 💕💍 https://twitter.com/Loveee_Alexisss/status/1275125923696828418/video/1

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Poor little nigger. Give the fatty some god damn pizza
He didn't get any pizza so his first instinct was to try stab the person responsible. https://twitter.com/SpookyGh0st32/status/1294050858490048518/video/1

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Cal Story @CalStory1
Why are niggers a thing
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Cal Story @CalStory1
Thankyou sir nigger 😝
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Cal Story @CalStory1
This nigger looks high as fuck
Affinity Magazine @TheAffinityMag
On this day in 2014, Michael Brown was only 18 years old when Darren Wilson of the Ferguson police shot and killed him. Six years later Michael's death serves as a constant reminder that the fight for the preservation and protection of Black lives is still not over. https://twitter.com/TheAffinityMag/status/1292573870663245824/photo/1

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Cal Story @CalStory1
darn niggers
Write Winger @RealWriteWinger
Worship of standing in line and waiting your turn because the ride is full is systemic racism and white supremacy which must be dismantled https://twitter.com/lporiginalg/status/1291770006678540288/video/1

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Cal Story @CalStory1
@Nobody8675309x: @alan_covid @C0NF0RM_N3V3R This is a good read. Hasbara at its finest. Those kikes sure were not subtle with their hatred of Germans. Kind of ironic reading about his idea of mass murdering the Germans. https://twitter.com/CalStory1/status/1272705336965824512/photo/1

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Dolt Truman @4everDolt
@NickStory20 Story guy fuck off im not a Jew or a nigger get that through your brain and piss off, pinhead.
Cal Story @CalStory1
Whoa man. No one ever said anything about nigger. Chill tf out you kike

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K-Flip @K_Flip27
@VivaLaStool @mworthofgame @gilliedakid @Wallo267 https://t.co/hkntkldgPP
Cal Story @CalStory1
@VivaLaStool @mworthofgame @gilliedakid @Wallo267 Ok faggot

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etc 99%

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dial 76%

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militarized 64%

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etc 99%

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critters 99%

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etc 97%

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etc 93%

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logos_flags_graphics 70%

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tldr 40%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 98%

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tldr 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 51%