@mishtal David Collier Award winning Investigative Journalist: Masters in ethics: Or just a very naughty boy. (Take your pick.) 🇮🇱 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 To support - https://t.co/7Jaqd6aIxy

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David Collier @mishtal
@Real__Ari @UN Ari - your timeline say you are not neutral at all - so don't play it that way with me. and I am not insecure at all. Knowledge of the truth is key to my confidence. 100,000s conflict deaths each year. The UN Israel obsession has a material cost. The main despots are ignored.

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David Collier @mishtal
@Upper_Galilee And of course I am now blocked. Because that's the truth here - he does not care if he is spreading lies and fake news. He does not care if he is helping to spread anti-Jewish racism. In fact - he will block anyone that points it out.

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David Collier @mishtal
@MiddleEastMnt Oh do shut up!!. Every bloody year when it rains and southern Israel floods - these goons push the same old lies .. Gaza is flooding - like southern Israel because it rained a lot. Now STOP LYING!
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David Collier @mishtal
Hey @AlJazeera Whilst you were busy stitching up British Jews with your conspiracy film 'the Lobby' - how did you not see the $millions used by Qatar to buy EU influence? A real corrupt 'lobby' buying influence from your own backyard. And that you didn't catch. Strange, no?

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David Collier @mishtal
@thingy665 @AmerZahr @MandorTagore Oh please ..

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David Collier @mishtal
@alicub4 @ladyTbarber1 You think Arab terrorists didn't kill British soldiers? What planet do you live on?

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David Collier @mishtal
Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism part 450,433

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David Collier @mishtal
Just what is going on with @garylineker? Now he is mourning the loss of Hamas operatives just because they play football? Hamas is a proscribed terror group. Lineker is turning into a fool - who promotes anti-Israel propaganda at will, no matter the truth behind the image..

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David Collier @mishtal
Don't accept the lie that suggests Jews in Arab lands were only attacked because of the 1948 War. There were frequent outbreaks of violence against them long before. Examples show various anti-Jewish riots and massacres in Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Tunis, Algeria, Syria and Morocco: https://t.co/s3tR4X2EeB
David Collier @mishtal
On May 14 1948, Israel declared independence. The Arabs attempted to carry out their genocidal threat and Arab armies invaded Israel:

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View @mishtal
David Collier @mishtal
On May 14 1948, Israel declared independence. The Arabs attempted to carry out their genocidal threat and Arab armies invaded Israel: https://t.co/oIiVch6H8N
David Collier @mishtal
The war finally ended in 1949. And not a single Jew was allowed to stay in any of the areas that the Arabs held or captured. Not one.

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View @mishtal
David Collier @mishtal
And let us not forget the real ethnic cleansing that took place - as up to a million Jews were chased out of Arab lands: https://t.co/mkTqBulpOn
David Collier @mishtal
Don't accept the lie that suggests Jews in Arab lands were only attacked because of the 1948 War. There were frequent outbreaks of violence against them long before. Examples show various anti-Jewish riots and massacres in Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Tunis, Algeria, Syria and Morocco:

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View @mishtal
David Collier @mishtal
In this deadly environment the Jews had nothing other than trying to survive in mind. These Jews could not even defend their own trucks or feed their own communities. They did not expel the Arabs - the Arabs did what many families do in civil war - they ran. https://t.co/i03XfU567Y
David Collier @mishtal
And don't believe the myth that the Jews *had to* get rid of the Arab population because they were going to be outnumbered. The 100,000s of Jews waiting in DP camps for Israel to open the doors say otherwise.

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David Collier @mishtal
And don't believe the myth that the Jews *had to* get rid of the Arab population because they were going to be outnumbered. The 100,000s of Jews waiting in DP camps for Israel to open the doors say otherwise. https://t.co/6dqvMugUE1
David Collier @mishtal
And let us not forget the real ethnic cleansing that took place - as up to a million Jews were chased out of Arab lands:

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David Collier @mishtal
In early 1948, the Jews were suffering enormous losses. With irregular forces entering the fray and the impending threat of full invasion, Jewish forces were losing control of the roads. Arab forces cut off Jewish communities by attacking the convoys that set out to supply them: https://t.co/4Z7uiZGovF
David Collier @mishtal
In this deadly environment the Jews had nothing other than trying to survive in mind. These Jews could not even defend their own trucks or feed their own communities. They did not expel the Arabs - the Arabs did what many families do in civil war - they ran.

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View @mishtal
David Collier @mishtal
Then there is the myth that Arab armies only invaded in May. In reality irregular forces invaded the mandate area from early January - and soon there were 1000s of them spreading through the area - infiltrating Arab towns and attacking Jews wherever they could. https://t.co/JY6aHgk7Yp
David Collier @mishtal
In early 1948, the Jews were suffering enormous losses. With irregular forces entering the fray and the impending threat of full invasion, Jewish forces were losing control of the roads. Arab forces cut off Jewish communities by attacking the convoys that set out to supply them:

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View @mishtal
David Collier @mishtal
Make no mistake, the Jews faced a threat of genocide: https://t.co/1uNNTyYnhn
David Collier @mishtal
Anti-Israel propaganda suggests the poor Arab residents of British Palestine stood innocently in the middle between the Jews and Arab states. It is ahistorical hogwash. An image from Jerusalem of Arab volunteers for their Holy War against the Jews:

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David Collier @mishtal
Anti-Israel propaganda suggests the poor Arab residents of British Palestine stood innocently in the middle between the Jews and Arab states. It is ahistorical hogwash. An image from Jerusalem of Arab volunteers for their Holy War against the Jews: https://t.co/vMANn9SmVk
David Collier @mishtal
Then there is the myth that Arab armies only invaded in May. In reality irregular forces invaded the mandate area from early January - and soon there were 1000s of them spreading through the area - infiltrating Arab towns and attacking Jews wherever they could.

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David Collier @mishtal
Which brings us to the seperation - the partition. Both Jews and Arabs each handed their own state. And when the Arabs rejected partition as well - on the very first day - they started slaughtering Jews again: https://t.co/OGwodeKcT1
David Collier @mishtal
Make no mistake, the Jews faced a threat of genocide:

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David Collier @mishtal
People focus on the big ones. But anti-Jewish violence was a constant backdrop – with many of the violent actions not making the news. As the fate of the Jews in Germany began to take the headlines, a murder or two in British Palestine often went unreported: https://t.co/RzsdFHVLeX
David Collier @mishtal
This violence was the reality of life for the Jews in the British Mandate. So don't put the cart before the horse. The Partition didn't cause violence - the partition was the result of violence - because Arabs would not let the Jews live in peace.

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David Collier @mishtal
This violence was the reality of life for the Jews in the British Mandate. So don't put the cart before the horse. The Partition didn't cause violence - the partition was the result of violence - because Arabs would not let the Jews live in peace. https://t.co/807hnaK8EU
David Collier @mishtal
Which brings us to the seperation - the partition. Both Jews and Arabs each handed their own state. And when the Arabs rejected partition as well - on the very first day - they started slaughtering Jews again:

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David Collier @mishtal
And when the British did come - the violence against the Jews continued - only now it was better recorded. Some massacres against Jews are well known such as in Hebron or Tzfat in 1929. Others less so - like Jerusalem and Yafo in 1920 and 1921. And this one in Tiberias in 1938 https://t.co/ovBwXkX1jm
David Collier @mishtal
People focus on the big ones. But anti-Jewish violence was a constant backdrop – with many of the violent actions not making the news. As the fate of the Jews in Germany began to take the headlines, a murder or two in British Palestine often went unreported:

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David Collier @mishtal
This demographic manipulation can be seen throughough the late 19th century - such as this report which talks of Muslims from North Africa, telling their communities to 'come to Palestine'. https://t.co/pkOwIQCFD9
David Collier @mishtal
And when the British came, they also closed their eyes to Arab immigration - allowing Arabs to cross into the Mandate area unrecorded - whilst restricting Jewish immigration and counting every single Jew that arrived.

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David Collier @mishtal
And when the British came, they also closed their eyes to Arab immigration - allowing Arabs to cross into the Mandate area unrecorded - whilst restricting Jewish immigration and counting every single Jew that arrived. https://t.co/ItHGH0YqCk
David Collier @mishtal
And when the British did come - the violence against the Jews continued - only now it was better recorded. Some massacres against Jews are well known such as in Hebron or Tzfat in 1929. Others less so - like Jerusalem and Yafo in 1920 and 1921. And this one in Tiberias in 1938

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David Collier @mishtal
The Ottomans didn't want Jews in the land - so the Turks engaged in a pro-active 'Muslim only' immigration policy, deterring non-Muslims from coming, while bringing in Muslims from places such as Bosnia to increase the Muslim demographic: https://t.co/XHzSyG8Fmr
David Collier @mishtal
This demographic manipulation can be seen throughough the late 19th century - such as this report which talks of Muslims from North Africa, telling their communities to 'come to Palestine'.

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David Collier @mishtal
And this was a theme, with large attacks in Tzfat and Hebron also taking place. The Ottomans disliked the Jews and even created anti-Jewish laws restricting land purchase and movement. For a while Jews were even banned from entering their holy land completely.... https://t.co/R7kEDb0S1s
David Collier @mishtal
By the end, the Ottomans even took to expelling the Jews from Tel Aviv and Yaffo - with many being forced to move to Egypt

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David Collier @mishtal
By the end, the Ottomans even took to expelling the Jews from Tel Aviv and Yaffo - with many being forced to move to Egypt https://t.co/PcAfZbDA8t
David Collier @mishtal
The Ottomans didn't want Jews in the land - so the Turks engaged in a pro-active 'Muslim only' immigration policy, deterring non-Muslims from coming, while bringing in Muslims from places such as Bosnia to increase the Muslim demographic:

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David Collier @mishtal
They say that Jews and Muslims lived happily together in peace before Zionism. It is a bare-faced lie. Attacks were often part of Jewish life. But sometimes news did get out. Like this distressing eye-witness account of a brutal attack by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem in 1834. https://t.co/6xlkHA9KR3
David Collier @mishtal
And this was a theme, with large attacks in Tzfat and Hebron also taking place. The Ottomans disliked the Jews and even created anti-Jewish laws restricting land purchase and movement. For a while Jews were even banned from entering their holy land completely....

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David Collier @mishtal
They say that Jews and Muslims lived happily together in peace before Zionism. It is a bare-faced lie. Attacks were often part of Jewish life. But sometimes news did get out. Like this distressing eye-witness account of a brutal attack by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem in 1834.

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David Collier @mishtal
@ajplus @Dena

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David Collier @mishtal
If Israel played at the world cup it is their players that would need extra security. A reminder of the Olympics in 1972. And what happened to the Israeli athletes. Around the world it is Jewish kids who go to school behind guards. These people constantly reverse the truth.

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David Collier @mishtal
Anti-Israel activism is where antisemites go to tell lies about - and abuse Jews - in broad daylight - often to thunderous applause.. Lies about Jews - like this vile, vindictive smear against me - are spread in plain sight all the time ( this from Kier Starmer's FB page).

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David Collier @mishtal
Shamir's 1990 coalition (before the most extreme governments of 1996, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2015, 2019 and 2022) contained minority parties - such as Moledet - a party that had a single issue - 'transfer'... there is nothing like this today.

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David Collier @mishtal
Going back further- Benny Morris (before his 'Damascus moment' during the Second Intifada... talking about Netanyahu's first success in 1996.... 'the most right-wing government in Israel's history'.. https://t.co/Ubg8HfZ0sd
David Collier @mishtal
And all the way back to Shamir's coalition in 1990 following the collapse of the National Unitiy Government...in an article on JTA: 'the most right wing in Israel's history'...

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David Collier @mishtal
And then an article on the World Socialist website discussing Israel's government following Sharon's victory in 2003.. 'the most right-wing in Israel's history' https://t.co/EAa10umq7b
David Collier @mishtal
Going back further- Benny Morris (before his 'Damascus moment' during the Second Intifada... talking about Netanyahu's first success in 1996.... 'the most right-wing government in Israel's history'..

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David Collier @mishtal
And then even before everyone was on Twitter - a Foreign Policy article following the Likud victory in 2009 'the most right wing government in Israel's history'.. https://t.co/dBv3A1o8js
David Collier @mishtal
And then an article on the World Socialist website discussing Israel's government following Sharon's victory in 2003.. 'the most right-wing in Israel's history'

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David Collier @mishtal
Three for three (2022, 2019, 2015) ... But then how about anti-Israel propagandist Professor Kamel Hawwash following the 2013 election... 'the most extreme government in Israel's history': https://t.co/E48XXyMYAy
David Collier @mishtal
And then even before everyone was on Twitter - a Foreign Policy article following the Likud victory in 2009 'the most right wing government in Israel's history'..

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David Collier @mishtal
That was Americans for Peace now after elections in 2019... Is it unique? No.. This is the Palestine Info Centre after the Likud election vistory in 2015: 'the most right-wing government in history' https://t.co/qAj6MzvTDN
David Collier @mishtal
Three for three (2022, 2019, 2015) ... But then how about anti-Israel propagandist Professor Kamel Hawwash following the 2013 election... 'the most extreme government in Israel's history':

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David Collier @mishtal
It seems whenever the left lose an election - they demonise those who won. And Israel's enemies of course always smear Israel anyway. This is American's for Peace Now talking about Netanyahu's coalition in 2019... 'the most extreme, far-right government Israel has ever had' https://t.co/5SVw9saIP6
David Collier @mishtal
That was Americans for Peace now after elections in 2019... Is it unique? No.. This is the Palestine Info Centre after the Likud election vistory in 2015: 'the most right-wing government in history'

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David Collier @mishtal
It seems whenever the left lose an election - they demonise those who won. And Israel's enemies of course always smear Israel anyway. This is American's for Peace Now talking about Netanyahu's coalition in 2019... 'the most extreme, far-right government Israel has ever had'

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David Collier @mishtal
Kanye West.. just now on Infowars "Seeing good things about Hitler' https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/1598374917728309251/video/1

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David Collier @mishtal
Yesterday a lot of anti-Israel threads went viral. To highlight how bad this propaganda was I will focus on one thread full of lies and ommission. 3,500 retweets! Not because it held truth but because lies have gone mainstream + the enemies of the Jews are numerous. Thread ⬇️⬇️

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David Collier @mishtal
I pointed out that what Gary Lineker was saying was not true - and he blocked me. I am never abusive. I just make my point and leave. I am not the only one he blocked. Why is @GaryLineker blocking Jews who stick up for Israel and want him to tell facts, rather than fictions?

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David Collier @mishtal
@danielsevitt @RichMillett You weren't crying about division last year, in fact you revelled in it.. No Likud, no religious Jews.. 50% of the electorate excluded...and you didn't whine. Nor did you seem to care about the far left Islamists having control.. So you're just unhappy your side lost?

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David Collier @mishtal
@NicoleArbour I'm not an antisemite but.. Jews control everything and have all the power... For the record Nicole.. I currently run Zero banks, I do not own anything but an old car and I am pretty sure you have more money and 'power' than I do
Nicole Arbour @NicoleArbour
Y’all I just can’t with this “antisemite” spree anymore. Someone, please explain to me how those in power can simultaneously claim victim status? I’m being genuine. Please explain it. A small % of the world is Jewish and they have amazingly amassed wealth, and business control

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David Collier @mishtal
I'm here. Tel Aviv / Yaffo in November. Posted without apologies.

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David Collier @mishtal
On 8th October a Palestinian terrorist killed 18 year old Israeli Noa Lazar. A week later he tried again - but this time the IDF stopped him. This Saturday this murdering terrorist will be 'honoured' on the streets of the UK. Anti-Israel activists worship those who kill Jews.

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David Collier @mishtal
@andrewdoyle_com Anyone seen the latest advert for Heinz Tomato soup??
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David Collier @mishtal
Nothing to see here.. Just a British MP who wants to leave the Jewish state defenceless in the face of Iran and the Islamist terror groups...

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David Collier @mishtal
Hey this is an urgent message to every Jewish person everywhere When @kanyewest goes to sleep we must all meet in the normal place to work on our agenda... He is going to 'death con 3' and we need to prepare.. Attendance is compulsory. Bring beigels...

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David Collier @mishtal
And of course... The disgusting thug who dumped human faeces and waste all over Sir Captain Tom’s memorial is also an anti-Israel activist... Anti-British, anti-Israel - so typical of these hard-left thugs...

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David Collier @mishtal
Hey @TwitterSupport I receive enough abuse from Antisemites on this platform. These blatant and abusive impersonators only succeed because you refuse to verify my account. Will you please get a grip and help. Being a Jew fighting against hate on here is difficult enough

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David Collier @mishtal
This image of 'ancient Palestine' is a classic example of how the Palestinian argument is so delusional it may as well be from a different planet. Masada - Judea - and a key site of Roman-Jewish battles. Wiping Jews from history is a key strategy of Palestinian disinformation

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David Collier @mishtal
So Na'amod *finally* admit they sent the email to help the Holocaust denier with his Antisemitic tour. Disgraceful!! Unforgivable!! And the lies and smears against me? - they *still* haven't deleted their defamatory original denial. Na'amod = toxic values.

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David Collier @mishtal
The main point about this vile tweet is not the fact someone said it. We all know there are truly nasty and 'twisted' people in the world. The main point is she is a Professor. She actually teaches students. This is where much of academia is these days - in the gutter.

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David Collier @mishtal
So Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi: -founder of the hate group JVL -spoken under the Hezbollah flag -hung out with Holocaust deniers and rabid antisemites -and who is *STILL* a member of Palestine Live Has won a seat on the governing body of @UKLabour What a mess that party is in.

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David Collier @mishtal
I just love that antisemites are triggered by Jews planting trees. Hey antisemites - *trigger warning* This was a desert. This is where those pesky Jooz are planting trees. 🇮🇱 https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/1461439906853576713/photo/1

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Gill Levy @LevyGill
@mishtal My fear with things like this is will she feel vindicated in believing that Jews control everything as she will conceive of herself as in the right and as a victim.
David Collier @mishtal
@fatdafevy You cannot think that way. Whatever way it turns - antisemites build an antisemitic world vision to explain it. They are always the victim of the 'Jooz'.

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David Collier @mishtal
Went to have a browse on #Parler Searched for '#Jews' Top 3 results 1. "Jews and their fake HoloHoax psychop" 2. Don't give Jews guns "they'll use them to kill Christ" 3. cartoon -warmongering, greedy Jew (caricature), flying on plane of 'yidair'. And that's enough for today https://twitter.com/mishtal/status/1277155668982673409/photo/1

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 75%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 36%
tldr 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%