@AJamesMcCarthy Andrew McCarthy Exploring the universe from a backyard in Arizona Florence, Arizona

AJamesMcCarthy's neighborhood:

Transphobia Nazi Dogwhistles
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 51
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
If you own a telescope, spread the love. I just spent the whole night showing trick-or-treaters Saturn and Jupiter. Watching them (and their parents) suddenly realize space is quite accessible is incredibly gratifying. Space is up there waiting for everyone to discover it.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I think this is my favorite shot from the recent Falcon 9 launch out of Vandenberg. It shows the booster really clearly, and look at that beautiful plume. I can see why so many photographers get addicted to rocket photography. https://t.co/drhjRlVHlT
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Interesting tidbit- This is the same exact telescope I captured this galaxy with. It was shot at 350mm full frame. Shows you how big these objects are in the sky, doesn't need a ton of resolving power!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I think this is my favorite shot from the recent Falcon 9 launch out of Vandenberg. It shows the booster really clearly, and look at that beautiful plume. I can see why so many photographers get addicted to rocket photography.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
These comparisons are always fun. My first picture of Andromeda, then two more as I became more experienced and developed better familiarity with acquisition and processing techniques. This hobby has been such a wonderful journey for me.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Despite being such a wide field of view, the image is incredibly detailed. My goal with this image was to produce something that looked great both on social media and on a large print. You can get it in print here: https://t.co/At9AGFWc9y https://t.co/s0NDJ7K2Ou
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Going from RAW unprocessed data to a fully developed image is a science in itself, and arguably the most important skill to learn in this hobby. Any of you brave souls want to learn how this is done, I offer my raw data to my patrons above a certain tier: https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a photo of something 2.5 MILLION light years away: The Andromeda galaxy. This was done by combining over 30 hours of exposures captured over a couple weeks. This was done entirely from my backyard using a telescope that is shorter than the keyboard I'm typing this on. https://t.co/Xd2NzTeXpq
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Despite being such a wide field of view, the image is incredibly detailed. My goal with this image was to produce something that looked great both on social media and on a large print. You can get it in print here: https://cosmicbackground.io/products/intergalactic-wonders

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a photo of something 2.5 MILLION light years away: The Andromeda galaxy. This was done by combining over 30 hours of exposures captured over a couple weeks. This was done entirely from my backyard using a telescope that is shorter than the keyboard I'm typing this on.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Another noteworthy shot from yesterday's Falcon 9 launch over AZ- Here you can see the first stage break away as it makes it's way to the drone ship. I was lucky I was in a good position to capture this. https://t.co/0ORTPhWx8x
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The plume left this noctilucent trail visible long after the sun had set... the high altitude of the rocket meant it was still brightly illuminated by the sun.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Another noteworthy shot from yesterday's Falcon 9 launch over AZ- Here you can see the first stage break away as it makes it's way to the drone ship. I was lucky I was in a good position to capture this.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@JamesC_88 This texture is noise. That’s a close up of the first image, compared to a closeup of the second image.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AJamesMcCarthy: Due to popular request- this is now available in print. I took my best shots and stacked them together to clean up the noise so it would look better in a larger size, with better color, contrast, and detail. https://cosmicbackground.io/products/the-falcon-and-the-rabbit

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The most rushed shot I've ever captured in my life. A @SpaceX rocket just flew over my backyard. It was moving so fast I barely had time to grab a camera. This might be one of my favorite shots of all time, and it's a miracle it's in focus. https://t.co/MrCdkIzoQE
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: @SpaceX Due to popular request- this is available in print. I took my best shots and stacked them together to clean up the noise so it would look better in a larger size, with better color, contrast, and detail. https://cosmicbackground.io/products/the-falcon-and-the-rabbit

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@BurtTrburt @SpaceX Yours looks more interesting than mine haha

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The most rushed shot I've ever captured in my life. A @SpaceX rocket just flew over my backyard. It was moving so fast I barely had time to grab a camera. This might be one of my favorite shots of all time, and it's a miracle it's in focus.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@MackInOrbit Crazy thing is, many of these were shot through thin clouds. This was last night’s conditions which captured the final frame.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The purpose of this was to observe how the storms on Jupiter moved, something not possible from a single photo but evident after multiple nights of observing. It's also a tribute to the Voyager 1 1979 Jupiter flyby (except mine has color) https://t.co/tFe63c6dyF
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Each of the frames used required several hours of work, as conditions were seldom favorable right as the GRS transited. That meant I had to shoot for hours to blend and "derotate" images captured from different angles, and STILL had to discard around 1/3rd of my shots.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I've been shooting Jupiter almost every night for the last 6 weeks. Here's the timelapse I was able to create by aligning all the shots where the Great Red Spot was centered. This was a ton of work, so I'm thrilled it turned out this good despite constantly changing conditions https://t.co/YtDSsHTNuR
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The purpose of this was to observe how the storms on Jupiter moved, something not possible from a single photo but evident after multiple nights of observing. It's also a tribute to the Voyager 1 1979 Jupiter flyby (except mine has color) https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1585770071942606849/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I've been shooting Jupiter almost every night for the last 6 weeks. Here's the timelapse I was able to create by aligning all the shots where the Great Red Spot was centered. This was a ton of work, so I'm thrilled it turned out this good despite constantly changing conditions https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1585770054880096256/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I'm releasing my first-ever calendar shortly! To see the full image list and be able to order it early, sign up for my email list! I'll send an email to my subscribers for early access soon! http://cosmicbackground.io

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AstroKirsten As cursed as this?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@F_Alderweireld That's definitely Jupiturn. Sater looks like this:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's my best Saturn and Jupiter shots since I got into this hobby in 2017. It's been a long road learning how to capture something that is so small in the sky, but so rewarding! Everyone has a favorite... so which do you prefer, Jupiter or Saturn? https://t.co/n46cm7gLdg
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: For those of you that cant decide I made this for you:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's my best Saturn and Jupiter shots since I got into this hobby in 2017. It's been a long road learning how to capture something that is so small in the sky, but so rewarding! Everyone has a favorite... so which do you prefer, Jupiter or Saturn?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
When increasing the saturation on a pic of the moon you reveal the mineral colors, which tell a story about the geological history of the moon. The darker areas once flowed with liquid magma, and hardened to become the lunar "seas". Here's one I captured earlier this year.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@astrofalls I love this region. I’ve always wondered what’s going on in this area

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a photo of Jupiter a few minutes ago in a less-common pose. I was asked recently why the spot is always facing us. Well, it's not! That's just how people like to shoot it. In a couple hours, the spot (barely seen on the left side) rotates to be facing straight towards us.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@ImenaJosue That’s because people like shooting it with the spot visible! This is how it looked the hour before that shot.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I've been shooting Jupiter nearly every night for over a month. It has been a crash course in learning the intricacies of planetary photography, as well as my biggest project so far, which I will be revealing next week. Anyways, here's last night's shot!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING! I aligned the Hubble 1995 image with JWST's 2022 image of the Pillars of Creation to see if there were any changes. There were a few! You can see how the stars shifted a *tiny* bit. Some cloud structure change is attributed to the different wavelengths. https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1582875843642081280/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The ethereal Pillars of Creation by my backyard telescope/Hubble/JWST. Probably my favorite area of the sky, I’m thrilled we have the technology in our lifetimes to look deeper into it. Perhaps one day humanity will visit them? https://t.co/DcGzn8FhuM
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here’s my shot uncropped. The pillars are just one small part of a vast region of complex gas and beautiful structure within the Eagle Nebula. If you want to support me by picking it up in print you can get that here https://cosmicbackground.io/products/ionizing-giants some patrons can access the raw data!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The ethereal Pillars of Creation by my backyard telescope/Hubble/JWST. Probably my favorite area of the sky, I’m thrilled we have the technology in our lifetimes to look deeper into it. Perhaps one day humanity will visit them?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I captured the Beaver moon in 81 megapixels. There was a thin layer of clouds, but the bright moon sliced right through. There is also a hint of Earth's shadow on the topmost portion, known as a Penumbral Eclipse. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/MJRIaE7s0H
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here is a close crop from the full size image, available to patrons. Twitter does not support my images in their full uncompressed size. Check out my patron here to never miss a pixel: https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I captured the Beaver moon in 81 megapixels. There was a thin layer of clouds, but the bright moon sliced right through. There is also a hint of Earth's shadow on the topmost portion, known as a Penumbral Eclipse. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I promised you a video of today's solar event. Here it is! Watch how the plasma rains down, guided by the sun's magnetic field. This is about 3 hours of activity. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1333301427813244928/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@austino1999 It is! This is how it looks during capture

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
There is an incredibly rare event occurring right now- plasma is tracing along magnetic field lines on the sun, making them clearly visible with the right gear. This is an image I captured 10 minutes ago from my backyard. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@FirstGenPhys My kids fighting

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I've been watching this region for a few days now (it was the focus of my video tweet a few days ago). But there are more areas like this over the horizon swinging into view. Become a patron and never miss a pixel or a post- right now save 10% on a year. https://t.co/VUjYIQrWBB https://t.co/ESXD6kDlst
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: To get the print of this image, it will be available for 24 hours here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our little star is waking up! A massive storm rages in the solar atmosphere, with knotted magnetic field lines creating burps of fiery plasma flares. Here's a high resolution image captured yesterday, a product of 10,000 individual frames. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://t.co/8wBpjf5Q5x
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: I've been watching this region for a few days now (it was the focus of my video tweet a few days ago). But there are more areas like this over the horizon swinging into view. Become a patron and never miss a pixel or a post- right now save 10% on a year. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our little star is waking up! A massive storm rages in the solar atmosphere, with knotted magnetic field lines creating burps of fiery plasma flares. Here's a high resolution image captured yesterday, a product of 10,000 individual frames. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This is Copernicus, a prominent crater on our side of the moon. 58 miles wide and visible to the naked eye, it is one of my favorite places to "visit". Here's my shot from last night, one straight out of camera and another after stacking the best 20% of 5k images. #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I spent 3 hours watching a new active region appear over the sun's horizon. Look at how crazy these spots are. For scale, Earth could dunk in one of those bright spots without touching the rim. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1331287034632183808/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@RetroitKnife @BadAstronomer Bingo! Each frame is a stack of a short 200 frame video, captured a minute apart. It takes about 3 seconds to capture the 200 frames, so very close to 1 frame/min in the final video. Here's a cleaner version. https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1331026260948971522/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@BadAstronomer Working on a time lapse right now. Crazy stuff happening on that limb. https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1331011351427252224/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night by using 3 telescopes and a specially modified camera, I captured the iridescence framing our first quarter moon in 81 megapixels. These colors are exactly how it appeared in-camera. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://t.co/nm1FXwRWrF
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's a closer look at the details since I was unable to upload the full quality image. As always, you can see the highest resolution on my patreon. There is also a digitally signed/numbered print available for 24 hours. Go here if you're interested: https://linktr.ee/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night by using 3 telescopes and a specially modified camera, I captured the iridescence framing our first quarter moon in 81 megapixels. These colors are exactly how it appeared in-camera. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Many of you have asked for my setup when I shoot moon pics. Here it is for tonight's shot. I always have at least two cameras working, one for details, and one for the scene. Tonight I'm actually using 3, there is a 350mm telescope not pictured. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@IzanRamos2002 Same area before denoise

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Since twitter forced me to downsize the image to post it, here is a close crop of some of the details. As always, the full size images of all my work is available to patrons. You can check that out here if you don't like missing pixels: https://t.co/yM6Tel2jSY https://t.co/e7jqxJmbo4
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: A limited edition print will be available for just 24 hours. They are digitally signed and numbers. http://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I captured around 20,000 individual photos of the moon, that were stitched together to create one image with far more detail than otherwise possible. Take a look at how much stark beauty exists on this rock we tend to take for granted. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/6m2BHbUVWA
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Since twitter forced me to downsize the image to post it, here is a close crop of some of the details. As always, the full size images of all my work is available to patrons. You can check that out here if you don't like missing pixels: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44155746

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I captured around 20,000 individual photos of the moon, that were stitched together to create one image with far more detail than otherwise possible. Take a look at how much stark beauty exists on this rock we tend to take for granted. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Jupiter was just out of frame, so I captured it separately and included it in the composition at appropriate angle and scale. You can see it in the top left. To see all the details of this image, the 81 megapixel full size was shared with patrons: https://t.co/zD8rXc76FD https://t.co/XbQFfVA1nU
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The color you see was not edited. My camera is more sensitive to the red portion of visible light, so it revealed pink hues in the clouds that would be otherwise invisible. If you would like a print of this image get them for 24 hours here: http://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The first storm of the fall left me this parting gift, a glorious view of the setting moon framed by dramatic clouds. This is a composite HDR image created by stacking around 6,000 images to recreate what my eyes saw through the telescope. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/oXofwbXTGr
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Jupiter was just out of frame, so I captured it separately and included it in the composition at appropriate angle and scale. You can see it in the top left. To see all the details of this image, the 81 megapixel full size was shared with patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/44086437

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The first storm of the fall left me this parting gift, a glorious view of the setting moon framed by dramatic clouds. This is a composite HDR image created by stacking around 6,000 images to recreate what my eyes saw through the telescope. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@latestinspace Thanks for sharing my pic! Here's an annotated version with the moons labelled. (The top one was a star)

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This is my shot before scaling it up to the closeup. Uranus is only 15 pixels wide. I took a lot of creative interpretations of the data to get the details you see in the final image, so I would consider it more an artistic rendering than a photo. https://t.co/HbbjhxULFH
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The moons are labelled here. That bright one at the top of the last image was actually a background star. Uranus is close to opposition, so it will be in the sky all night.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took a close look at Uranus. It is icy, blue, and beautiful. I also captured 5 of her moons. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/WbJ1k4wr45
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This is my shot before scaling it up to the closeup. Uranus is only 15 pixels wide. I took a lot of creative interpretations of the data to get the details you see in the final image, so I would consider it more an artistic rendering than a photo.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took a close look at Uranus. It is icy, blue, and beautiful. I also captured 5 of her moons. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Activity has been steadily increasing in the sun's atmosphere. Here is a new Active Region, captured just this afternoon from my backyard. You can see how the tangled magnetic field lines manipulate plasma jets thousands of miles long. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/XNSWryfOmG
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This image was created by recording a video through a special solar telescope, then stacking and editing the frames to resolve the detail. It is false color, captured in monochrome. The raw data from shots like these are available to patrons. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1328089670710829056/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Activity has been steadily increasing in the sun's atmosphere. Here is a new Active Region, captured just this afternoon from my backyard. You can see how the tangled magnetic field lines manipulate plasma jets thousands of miles long. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My shot of Saturn last night. This image is created using high framerate uncompressed video, thousands of frames blended to defeat out turbulent atmosphere. Planetary photography is a unique challenge subject to conditions. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/ocSHf3jziO
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Soon Jupiter and Saturn will meet low in the evening sky, so close you will be able to see both in the eyepiece of a telescope. To make sure you dont miss celestial events like this, join my patreon where I write up what will happen each month in the sky! https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My shot of Saturn last night. This image is created using high framerate uncompressed video, thousands of frames blended to defeat out turbulent atmosphere. Planetary photography is a unique challenge subject to conditions. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@astro_jaz What's crazy is this is right next to the pillars of Creation, which are even cooler. Here they are right next to each other in one of my shots.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This is known as the Fish Head nebula, and is a star forming region of space with massive structures made from Hydrogen gas. To get the print, go here: https://t.co/fzDgEFNbER https://t.co/WEhamC2plZ
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: How the region looks if you back way out. This is the Heart and Soul Nebula, taken with a much smaller telescope. The raw data for both these images is available to patrons, if you'd like to learn how to process yourself or curious how things look unedited https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
In space, the deeper you look the more you see. I trained my most powerful telescope on part of the heart nebula for 14 hours to see how much detail I could uncover. Here's my result. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/Av3wJbEjHB
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This is known as the Fish Head nebula, and is a star forming region of space with massive structures made from Hydrogen gas. To get the print, go here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
In space, the deeper you look the more you see. I trained my most powerful telescope on part of the heart nebula for 14 hours to see how much detail I could uncover. Here's my result. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Clouds are blotting out the sun here in Sacramento today, which is frustrating since solar activity is looking really good! Here's a composite image created from a solar shot from 2 weeks ago I took. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/jhLXJtIr0v
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The day this was taken there were multiple large prominences and a nice sunspot. Activity in the new solar cycle has been really good. To get the print of this image, go here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Clouds are blotting out the sun here in Sacramento today, which is frustrating since solar activity is looking really good! Here's a composite image created from a solar shot from 2 weeks ago I took. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Since the transit happened before dawn, I was able to capture significantly better details and color on the moon than previous transit shots. This is a 65 megapixel image. The full image is available as a print for 24 hours here: https://t.co/fzDgEFNbER https://t.co/JJt50yi6hi
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here you can see a single 5 second shot, and how the ISS sliced clean through the moon. A close look reveals how the streak has varied brightness and thickness, due to the position if the arrays. These full size images are available for patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Once again, I deprived myself of sleep to try and capture our friends in the @Space_Station. Here it is, majestically cruising along at 17,000mph, dwarfed by our moon despite being over 238,000 miles closer. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/iZWnBjKr2X
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Since the transit happened before dawn, I was able to capture significantly better details and color on the moon than previous transit shots. This is a 65 megapixel image. The full image is available as a print for 24 hours here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Once again, I deprived myself of sleep to try and capture our friends in the @Space_Station. Here it is, majestically cruising along at 17,000mph, dwarfed by our moon despite being over 238,000 miles closer. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Those colorful splotches are nebulas, star forming regions rich with hydrogen gas. I captured them using special filters to highlight their depth. As always, patrons get access to these RAW stacks. https://t.co/xdLdMIZx2D
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This is ngc 604, the brightest and largest of these star forming regions. It dwarfs the surrounding region, spanning over 700 light years. This full image is available as a print for 24 hours here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This past week I photographed what is considered by many the most distant object visible to the naked eye. Behold the Triangulum galaxy, the culmination of 20 hours of exposures from my backyard in Sacramento. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/GTgFsy2YKE
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Those colorful splotches are nebulas, star forming regions rich with hydrogen gas. I captured them using special filters to highlight their depth. As always, patrons get access to these RAW stacks.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This past week I photographed what is considered by many the most distant object visible to the naked eye. Behold the Triangulum galaxy, the culmination of 20 hours of exposures from my backyard in Sacramento. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night the object my telescope was focused on was the "Tadpole Nebula", which features these 10 light-year-long structures that appear to be swimming through space. This is about 14 hours of exposures. #space #opteam #astrophotography https://t.co/anj78AMLTv
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This is close to true color, due to the filters used and how I processed it. If you would like to see how things look before editing, my RAW files for deep sky objects are shared with patrons. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night the object my telescope was focused on was the "Tadpole Nebula", which features these 10 light-year-long structures that appear to be swimming through space. This is about 14 hours of exposures. #space #opteam #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took what's probably my favorite photo of a deep space object: A cosmic pearl nestled deep in the molecular cloud in Cassiopeia. Proof you don't need billions of dollars or a spacecraft to explore the universe. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/flYU3Uex8A
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: A hot star within this bubble pushes the gas outward into this shape. As always, my raw data is available to patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took what's probably my favorite photo of a deep space object: A cosmic pearl nestled deep in the molecular cloud in Cassiopeia. Proof you don't need billions of dollars or a spacecraft to explore the universe. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Nothing to do with space, just my puppers reminding you to go vote. Bailey didn't vote but she's a good girl so she gets a sticker anyway. *boops* https://t.co/x5Qlf1yBIz
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Calvin wasn't nearly as excited about election day.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Nothing to do with space, just my puppers reminding you to go vote. Bailey didn't vote but she's a good girl so she gets a sticker anyway. *boops*

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AJamesMcCarthy: I'll have prints as usual, get 'em here. 24 hours only. https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took a photo of a dying star. This is the helix nebula, and I always imaging it being the eye of a celestial being. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Tonight there is a Blue Moon- meaning a full moon twice within the same calendar month. The last time this happened on Halloween visible across the whole world was during WWII. Here's a shot of it I took in 60 megapixels. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/a69ly07eMG
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: My advice is to look for it rising in the East shortly after sunset. The moon will look larger on the horizon, and will be a spooky orange color depending on your air quality. Here's some details on my shot, which is available to patrons in the full size. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Tonight there is a Blue Moon- meaning a full moon twice within the same calendar month. The last time this happened on Halloween visible across the whole world was during WWII. Here's a shot of it I took in 60 megapixels. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A massive series of sunspots creates an interesting Active Region in the sun's chromosphere, captured in this shot taken in Hydrogen Alpha light from my backyard yesterday afternoon. Expect more of these as we progress further into the new cycle. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/R9NVFrclQF
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: These regions appear to glow when looking through the eyepiece of a solar telescope. They are the brightest feature on the sun right now, with a dark sunspot in the center of the chaotic field of plasma. You can get a print of the full image here: http://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A massive series of sunspots creates an interesting Active Region in the sun's chromosphere, captured in this shot taken in Hydrogen Alpha light from my backyard yesterday afternoon. Expect more of these as we progress further into the new cycle. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Some sunspots on the sun today. You could place 8 Earths end-to-end along these spots, just to get an idea of the scale here. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/uz1V3dT8qS
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Saturn for scale.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Some sunspots on the sun today. You could place 8 Earths end-to-end along these spots, just to get an idea of the scale here. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
You'll notice that the planet's angular size is so small, they're even smaller than some of the moon's craters. Look at Jupiter compared to Copernicus, for example. https://t.co/auIc40HHrx
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: With larger optics, more detail is possible, but the atmosphere makes it REALLY hard. That's why I'll never surpass hubble in terms of angular resolution. (Comparison of one of my recent shots versus Hubble's from 1991, before modern processing gave them sharper images)

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
With larger optics, more detail is possible, but the atmosphere makes it REALLY hard. That's why I'll never surpass hubble in terms of angular resolution. (Comparison of one of my recent shots versus Hubble's from 1991, before modern processing gave them sharper images) https://t.co/YN4LzsCmfP
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: If you'd like a print- get one here: http://8x10.co/cosmic_background. As always high resolution image will be shared with patrons, as well as the raw video captured from these planetary images. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy If you ever have any questions about my work, let me know!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the moon all with the same gear, with the same level of magnification (pretty much maxing out resolution with my 8" scope). Those images were all combined here, taking great care not to alter the scale. https://t.co/CkqZfzTBpu
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: You'll notice that the planet's angular size is so small, they're even smaller than some of the moon's craters. Look at Jupiter compared to Copernicus, for example.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Can I shoot planets with the same crazy details as the moon? A little thread, hopefully explaining this common question. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/dgIxlFKYr5
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: I captured Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the moon all with the same gear, with the same level of magnification (pretty much maxing out resolution with my 8" scope). Those images were all combined here, taking great care not to alter the scale.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Can I shoot planets with the same crazy details as the moon? A little thread, hopefully explaining this common question. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This is done using a special telescope designed to not burn up when focusing the energy from the sun, while revealing the sun's atmospheric details. Like this cool prominence: https://t.co/bsakkL3pPS
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: There is a sunspot and an active region surrounding it. This is an area with intense magnetic fields, which is why things look a little more chaotic. I'll have a print of the full image available here for 24 hours: http://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here is a full image of today's solar activity. Our little ball of energy is looking a bit more active today! This was done by capturing over 8,000 individual frames to create this HDR mosaic of our sun. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/68YJ6hITnn
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This is done using a special telescope designed to not burn up when focusing the energy from the sun, while revealing the sun's atmospheric details. Like this cool prominence:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here is a full image of today's solar activity. Our little ball of energy is looking a bit more active today! This was done by capturing over 8,000 individual frames to create this HDR mosaic of our sun. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Right now as you quietly go about your day there is a Jupiter-sized arc of plasma expanding out into space from the sun, with insane amounts of energy being released*. I just thought you should know. I snapped a pic for you. *Everything is fine #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@bretts707 @KillaSarg Looks a lot like the guidelines I used when making this piece

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's 15 of my HDR lunar shots combined into one image to show the phases. About a month of work went into this single image. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/PlKWcQQvWI
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: The original image is 100 megapixels, so here'sa close crop showing the details. Prints will be available for 24 hours here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's 15 of my HDR lunar shots combined into one image to show the phases. About a month of work went into this single image. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
By aligning each frame to the @Space_Station I created a video of the transit from the station's perspective. #Astrophotography #Space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1317913185656000512/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My capture of the ISS transiting the crescent moon, edited to look like it happened at night instead of 9:31am. #Astrophotography #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@Astro_Clay got another shot of your old stomping grounds

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@usacomp2k3 The final image is blended with my Earthshine shot from that same morning, and the moon itself is a mosaic because my FOV was so narrow during capture (to keep framerates high). Here is how a single frame looks:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's the full shot, which was assembled as an HDR mosaic (the ISS was captured with a narrow FOV). Prints available here for 24 hours: https://t.co/fzDgEFNbER https://t.co/cdJwOm091k
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's a video of the pass. I will be doing a full write up on my patreon on how this shot was achieved later today. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1316761552108752896/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Yesterday morning I captured an incredibly brief and rare event, the ISS transiting the 4% illuminated moon during the daytime. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/hAxYOsMZSo
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's the full shot, which was assembled as an HDR mosaic (the ISS was captured with a narrow FOV). Prints available here for 24 hours: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Yesterday morning I captured an incredibly brief and rare event, the ISS transiting the 4% illuminated moon during the daytime. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Make sure you go outside and look at Mars tonight. It is the brightest it will be for years. Here's a shot I took from my backyard yesterday at around 1AM. It is the result of around 30,000 images stacked. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
One of my favorite parts of this region, the bubble nebula. Since Twitter insists on shrinking my images here's a crop from the 50 megapixel original. If youd like to check out the full size image, join my patreon here: https://t.co/VUjYIQrWBB https://t.co/sYfsfgS878
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here is a close up of the Lobster claw, another prominent feature in this image. If you would like a print (of the whole thing, not just this crop) get it here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I'm constantly discovering new things about space. As I finished processing this image of the Cepheus region, I noticed new structures in dust, new star clusters, and new colors. Space is endlessly fascinating. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://t.co/6in3yV3kFI
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: One of my favorite parts of this region, the bubble nebula. Since Twitter insists on shrinking my images here's a crop from the 50 megapixel original. If youd like to check out the full size image, join my patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I'm constantly discovering new things about space. As I finished processing this image of the Cepheus region, I noticed new structures in dust, new star clusters, and new colors. Space is endlessly fascinating. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mars is in the sky the entire night right now, so you can observe its rotation for long periods. Here's 4 hours worth of images put together in an animation from last night. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1315695630816165889/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
About 2 weeks ago I capture this 80 megapixel image of the moon. This is done by using two telescopes and two cameras to capture details and dynamic range otherwise impossible. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/a1qGDvgoq9
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Once again, twitter forced me to downscale the image to post it, so here's a close look at the details. Prints available for 24 hours here: https://8x10.co/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
About 2 weeks ago I capture this 80 megapixel image of the moon. This is done by using two telescopes and two cameras to capture details and dynamic range otherwise impossible. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Gravity is an incredible artist. Forming incredible structures by gently tugging at gas & dust, illuminating them with starlight. Here's my favorite spot in the galaxy, the center of the heart nebula. Captured with two telescopes in my backyard #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's the full image. It's available as a signed print for 24 hours if you want one, check the link in my bio. https://t.co/6WRQHGDxQe
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: By inverting the image and boosting contrast, it looked like the ISS was just floating out in space. This view helps me visualize the orientation of the craft. (Color was painted in... this was shot with a mono camera)

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AnEpicSwindle A fair amount. The disc was very unevenly illuminated. Here it is before processing https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1314597173225422848/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The international space station zipped across the face of the sun on Tuesday. Taking this picture required operating two telescopes simultaneously to get a snapshot of the event, while showing the sun's atmospheric activity. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/7qZtrwbJjr
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's the full image. It's available as a signed print for 24 hours if you want one, check the link in my bio.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The international space station zipped across the face of the sun on Tuesday. Taking this picture required operating two telescopes simultaneously to get a snapshot of the event, while showing the sun's atmospheric activity. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Ever watched the ISS zip across the sky? It's blazingly fast. Look how fast it crossed the face of the sun on Tuesday, captured with two different telescopes from my backyard simultaneously. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1314333554025799680/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I annotated the image of Mars from my shot last night- crazy the geography visible from 40 million miles away with an 8" telescope.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Took me all night and hundreds of thousands of images, but I finally got a shot I'm happy with. The closest we'll see Mars for 15 years. Next close approach won't be quite this nice. Have a nice trip around the sun, neighbor! #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Despite dodging clouds and horrible seeing, I managed to snap a few pics of mars, so here's a teaser. Going to keep at it, hopefully some more good pics to come!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mars is closest to Earth right now. Won't get this close for another 15 years. Look east after sunset. I'll try and shoot it between clouds if I can, but no promises! #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Check out this picture of the Elephant Trunk nebula I took a couple weeks ago when smoke was clear. What shapes do you see? #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/ZrQcq8AYKg
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Some details for you. Also a fun fact about this region of space: if it were brighter it would appear 6x larger than the full moon to the naked eye.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Check out this picture of the Elephant Trunk nebula I took a couple weeks ago when smoke was clear. What shapes do you see? #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@stellerarts If you're a nerd then so am I

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@gaiterjones I'm sorry, I was wrong. I believe it was cut off by the shadow. Here it is on a different picture I took earlier this year.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Such a striking difference from the depressingly red moon that my eyes saw. Smoke scatters blue light the most, which is why the sun and moon both look red through smoke. https://t.co/pB8zP3pMBZ
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Don't worry, I still got loads of details! Prints for both images (24 hours only, only 5 of each) and patreon to see in 81 megapixels linked in my bio- or go here: https://linktr.ee/cosmic_background

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
By color balancing the image and brightening, it looks just like any other full moon. Stars were composited in to complete the look. The magic of cameras and software! https://t.co/FcqWhuF62Z
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Such a striking difference from the depressingly red moon that my eyes saw. Smoke scatters blue light the most, which is why the sun and moon both look red through smoke.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night's harvest moon was a dull red to the naked eye, thanks to California wildfires. I captured it in 81 megapixels and color corrected it to digitally remove the smoke. Check out the full images in the thread. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/cCiikB3FBN
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: By color balancing the image and brightening, it looks just like any other full moon. Stars were composited in to complete the look. The magic of cameras and software!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night's harvest moon was a dull red to the naked eye, thanks to California wildfires. I captured it in 81 megapixels and color corrected it to digitally remove the smoke. Check out the full images in the thread. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@Capitan14_ Me halaga que te haya gustado tanto mi foto que te hayas atribuido el mérito, pero sería bueno que tus seguidores supieran dónde encontrar más de mi trabajo.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@DavidBflower Reminds me of this one I did

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My final composite image of the moon adrift in Sagittarius, dwarfed by distant nebulae. This was a real scene Wednesday, and would have looked like this to our eyes if these faint objects were brighter. Thankfully cameras and software exists. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@SacredBlack When I was in Ireland I dont think I saw the sky once lol. Seeing was bad but I still got some nice details! Check this one out.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's something I've never someone attempt before: a video of the moon sailing past some nebulas in the core of our galaxy. I took this Wednesday night from my backyard. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/ZCIbS5MQO1
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Capturing this involved a lot of planning and processing. I captured color data on the area the night before. Then captured 5 second exposures with a Hydrogen filter over my scope during the transit. Here's how those looked unedited (just a simple stretch) https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1309544612776689664/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's something I've never someone attempt before: a video of the moon sailing past some nebulas in the core of our galaxy. I took this Wednesday night from my backyard. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1309544031332917249/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Good Morning! Here is a 200 megapixel shot of the moon I took on Wednesday to brighten your day. Be sure to open it full size! #astrophotography #space #opt

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Some of the wizardry behind the scenes of how I get my moon pictures so crisp. By collecting enough images, stacking algorithms can pull invisible details from between the pixels. This pic this is for will be coming soon! #space #astrophotography #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1309053465314852865/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mars, captured just a moment ago from my backyard in Sacramento. The dark channels you see are part of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon in the solar system. #space #opteam #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured a 60 megapixel image of the North American Nebula by shooting 15 hours worth of exposures on clear nights. Took me a month due to smoke, but I'm finally finished. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/jvd9RSScnq
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's a close look at some of the details. Full 60 megapixel image is available to patrons. There's also a print available for 24 hours, just check the link in my bio for either.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured a 60 megapixel image of the North American Nebula by shooting 15 hours worth of exposures on clear nights. Took me a month due to smoke, but I'm finally finished. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@OceanOfDreams Thanks! Here's another version for you:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
July 2020, the astronomy world collectively shifted their priorities to look at one thing: a naked-eye visible comet. I took so many photos I'm still processing them months later. Here's my favorite so far. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/922QEvPoDd
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Processing comets takes longer than ordinary astrophotos because of the way they move against the background stars. Ordinary deep sky stacking will give you a blurred comet.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
July 2020, the astronomy world collectively shifted their priorities to look at one thing: a naked-eye visible comet. I took so many photos I'm still processing them months later. Here's my favorite so far. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@MegaSp00n More like a football field, not a stadium!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
On Saturday night I captured a beautiful scene, some distant birds playing in front of a setting crescent moon. A colorful sunset gave this scene the perfect vibe after a crazy week. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/mSJ1wbvnm8
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: One of the challenges in shooting subjects that are 238,900 miles apart is they might not both be in focus. So check out the before shot and after I spent nearly an hour working to sharpen the birds with software.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
On Saturday night I captured a beautiful scene, some distant birds playing in front of a setting crescent moon. A colorful sunset gave this scene the perfect vibe after a crazy week. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AJamesMcCarthy: My shots Saturday night for reference

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@Astro_Clay Your view of us was much better than my view of you guys

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Probably the best deep space image I've ever seen. This was done by a friend from southern California. He built his own observatory to take pics like this. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Complete video of the pass. I captured 25,000 frames in the hopes the ISS would be in some of them (I was manually tracking). I caught 1,500! cc: @Space_Station https://t.co/3nJQA6adqy
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Another image from the pass. You can tell they were taken at opposite sides of the zenith since it's pointed the opposite direction. My seeing conditions were terrible but still thrilled with the outcome

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I caught a shot of the ISS as it whizzed overhead at 17k mph a few hours ago. The most elaborate and expensive structure constructed by humans seems so tiny from down here on Earth. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/97S8UcEoU5
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Complete video of the pass. I captured 25,000 frames in the hopes the ISS would be in some of them (I was manually tracking). I caught 1,500! cc: @Space_Station https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1307583759634460672/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I caught a shot of the ISS as it whizzed overhead at 17k mph a few hours ago. The most elaborate and expensive structure constructed by humans seems so tiny from down here on Earth. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took two pictures of Mars last night roughly 2 hours apart. The planet's spin showed me different features, highlighting the largest Volcano in the Solar System in one and a continent-wide canyon in the other. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Everywhere over our heads contains stunning beauty at incomprehensible scale. Here's my shot of the Andromeda galaxy, containing around a trillion stars. This is visible to the naked eye from dark skies. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What would it look like if you flew around the moon? By blending my images with NASA's and some fun in AfterEffects, I attempted to answer that question. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1306232102816342016/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What do you think, is there life on Venus, or is there another process creating the Phosphine? #LifeOnVenus

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
While fires rage across the state of California, cosmic flames burn over our heads. This is the pacman nebula, a burning cloud of hydrogen forging new stars within it's furnace. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What does Jupiter look like through a telescope? Basically, exactly like this. You can make out a couple major cloud bands and the red spot fairly easily, and the 4 galilean moons. Faint background stars are visible. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My shot of last night's moon, one of my most detailed shots, ever. The full size is 80 megapixels. I really pushed the colors here to show mineral composition. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/uHUIRgDZQf
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Quick look at some of the details. Notice how the color/composition changes around meteor impacts. To get even closer, I uploaded the full size to my patreon, linked in my bio. Print will be available as well for 24 hours.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My shot of last night's moon, one of my most detailed shots, ever. The full size is 80 megapixels. I really pushed the colors here to show mineral composition. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a picture of Mars last night. By getting creative with blending in overexposed frames, I gave it a bit of depth. Mars will be closest to Earth next month. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://t.co/MXRo8tb1G1
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Ordinarily the sliver of dark side would never be visible in photos, but by selectively masking the glow around the object in a perfect circle it creates the illusion of the dark side being visible, and you can see the spherical shape.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a picture of Mars last night. By getting creative with blending in overexposed frames, I gave it a bit of depth. Mars will be closest to Earth next month. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Over the past year I've taken many pictures of nebulae, but never really talked about their respective sizes. Here's a composition with all of them arranged to scale. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/6rBbe9OI6l
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's an annotated version. Stars would be less than a pixel wide in this image, and galaxies would need this image to be thousands of times wider to fit. Full size is 144 megapixels.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Over the past year I've taken many pictures of nebulae, but never really talked about their respective sizes. Here's a composition with all of them arranged to scale. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What would our moon look like if it wasn't tidally locked? By blending some of my images with data from NASA and JPL, I attempted to answer that question. Here's what a first quarter moon would look like with the backside facing us. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://t.co/7Az7QRMYOR
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Some more details since I could only upload a downsized version. The full size is 125 megapixels. To be clear, this image is almost completely CGI, with real photos only used for the space backdrop and atmospheric glow.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What would our moon look like if it wasn't tidally locked? By blending some of my images with data from NASA and JPL, I attempted to answer that question. Here's what a first quarter moon would look like with the backside facing us. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured last night's waxing gibbous moon in 81 megapixels. These super high resolution images of the moon are possible by taking thousands of photos to correct atmospheric turbulence. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://t.co/ynBgujwPcz
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's what it looks like if you zoom in. As always, full size linked out in my bio as well as limited print sales.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured last night's waxing gibbous moon in 81 megapixels. These super high resolution images of the moon are possible by taking thousands of photos to correct atmospheric turbulence. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This image is false color. I did a write up for patrons showing an unedited photo, true color, and explainging where these colors come from and how it looks through a telescope. The full resolution image of this post is also in there, linked in my bio. https://t.co/n0Az9NsjML
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Pretend I spelled that right. Being up all night shooting and typing too fast makes autocorrect give up on me. 🤣 Also, here's an excerpt from a simulated true color shot of the same region:

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The Heart and Soul Nebula, captured in just 6 hours with a tiny telescope from my light polluted backyard. Our skies are filled with gems. #Astrophotography #opteam #space https://t.co/TlUgxvfU94
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: This image is false color. I did a write up for patrons showing an unedited photo, true color, and explainging where these colors come from and how it looks through a telescope. The full resolution image of this post is also in there, linked in my bio.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The Heart and Soul Nebula, captured in just 6 hours with a tiny telescope from my light polluted backyard. Our skies are filled with gems. #Astrophotography #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a 60 megapixel image of some nebulae last night... This is a deep look of the Sadr Region. See if you can spot the Crescent, the Soap Bubble, and the Butterfly. #opteam #astrophotography #space https://t.co/sU3UWdNhO1
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Here's some details in case twitter squished this image. As always full res and print can be found through my bio.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a 60 megapixel image of some nebulae last night... This is a deep look of the Sadr Region. See if you can spot the Crescent, the Soap Bubble, and the Butterfly. #opteam #astrophotography #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The sun looks neat today... here's a shot I took using a special solar telescope. Those wisps around the edge are planet-sized burps of plasma. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took an 85 megapixel shot of the moon last night by blending together 24,000 individual image frames. #astrophotography #opteam #space https://t.co/lUMqg240SV
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Check out these deets. To see the full image or get a print check out the link in my bio.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took an 85 megapixel shot of the moon last night by blending together 24,000 individual image frames. #astrophotography #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A 100 megapixel image of the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex. A collaboration between Dustin Gibson of @OPT_Telescopes and myself. This is one of the easiest areas of the nights sky for beginners to photograph. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The core of our home galaxy. Nebulae, dust, and billions of stars. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's Mars doing a twist for us two nights ago. Still a couple months til opposition, so the planet is getting larger every day. Soon it will be one of the brightest objects in our skies. #opteam #space #astrophotography https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1297588827247108097/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It always blows my mind how fast Jupiter spins. I caught a rare glimpse of a double Jovian eclipse (and transit) as two Galilean moons crossed the surface over a 4 hour period last night. There's always something happening over our heads. #space #opteam #astrophotography https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1297277040576442368/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Using a point-and shoot camera with a fairly ordinary lens, I captured more celestial objects in one shot than ever before.... see what you can identify! #space #Astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The needle galaxy, captured at 1400mm from my backyard in Sacramento a couple months ago. Light pollution is an obstacle, but not an insurmountable one. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A full moon and clouds are the bane of an astrophotographer's existence. Yet somehow there is nothing more beautiful than a full moon rising among the clouds. Here's the Sturgeon moon, a composite image taken a couple weeks ago. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Space is nuts. This is a supernova shockwave expanding out into space. Imaging being a prehistoric human and seeing this thing go kablooey 10,000 years ago, turning night into day. I took this picture with a small telescope from my backyard. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://t.co/lB79fUhzGR
Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
: Closer look at the details. If you want to see my pics in their full resolution (or grab a print) I'll always have a link out to it in my bio. Patrons see this stuff in full res at any tier.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Space is nuts. This is a supernova shockwave expanding out into space. Imaging being a prehistoric human and seeing this thing go kablooey 10,000 years ago, turning night into day. I took this picture with a small telescope from my backyard. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
One of my first images that went viral: a hyper-exaggerated view of the minerals of the moon, created by blending thousands of images and pushing the data to the limits in processing. The amount of color hidden on our moon is always surprising! #astrophotography #space #OPTeam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A bit different than most of the amateur planetary shots you'll see, here is Jupiter glowing in Infrared. #space #OPTeam #Astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I stayed up til 4am the other night to try and capture my best shot of Saturn. This is what I ended up with. #space #opteam #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night during the martian conjunction I created a gigapixel image of the scene. That dot in the top right is Mars. This was shot at 5000mm to keep the details across the entire image. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Did you know #nasa raw solar data is public domain? I processed some data from their Solar Dynamics Observatory... amazing what their instruments are capable of. #space #Astrophotography #opteam cc: @NASA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Just venting about the horrible way Twitter crops photos for their preview. People scrolling through their feed will see clouds and no moon 😭. Don't forget to click into my posts to reveal the whole image! #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The moon should generally look the same at any given phase based on my northern hemisphere latitude. Can you spot what about this image would be impossible from Sacramento? (PS... the full size is 225 megapixels. You should see it!) #space #astrophotography #selenophile #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Social platforms don't do my images justice. Did you know all my images are available in high-resolution to patrons? You can also get unique wallpapers like this one. https://www.patreon.com/ajamesmccarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our sun in a unique palette, created by tuning the hydrogen alpha filters slightly differently and mapping to different colors. Check out that prominences, it's taller than Jupiter! #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our sun in Hydrogen-Alpha light. Pretty crazy ball of plasma up there, feels so close we could touch it. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our moon last night. Essential for helping create life as we know it on Earth, I find it still essential in my day-to-day life. Watching it drift across the starry sky centers me, brings me peace. Don't forget to look up tonight. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Everyone's out here doing widefield shots of the comet, so I decided to use a 2000mm telescope and see what's happening at the core. Look at the ion tail streaming off the nucleus! #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took photos of Jupiter and 3 of her moons 40 minutes apart. Can you spot the difference? #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I pointed a huge telescope at Saturn. By shooting video frames selectively when seeing conditions were sharpest, I got a pretty decent shot. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
14 of my recent high resolution moon photos smashed into one, because why not. #astrophotography #space #selenophile

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What's your favorite image you've captured so far this year? Mine is this one: the @Space_Station transiting the moon. #astrophotography #space #opteam #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
18 months ago I spent several days blending 50,000 images into one to create a high resolution shot of our moon. I didn't know it at the time, but that image would change my life. Hundreds of astrophotos later, I still love what this image means to me. #astrophotography #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Curious why it's so hot today? I took a look at our sun to see if it was doing anything crazy. Nope, just a normal hot day. Meanwhile, our sun is so devoid of activity it looks like a tangerine. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@callunacarbon @ForaaaxX @SteveinaSpeedo @BrayFalls Nah this was the argument. Don't backtrack.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@SteveinaSpeedo @callunacarbon @BrayFalls Both of these photos of mine were taken with the same lens and camera, a sony a7ii and a rokinon 135mm. The comet actually fills up the frame on the "smaller" picture too, but without the additional acquisition time it is lost in the signal noise.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A mountain sunrise and a comet, one of the most breathtaking sights I'll see in my lifetime. Make sure you find a way to see this before it is gone forever. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Want to get into astrophotography but don't know where to start? Start here: a quick outline I put together of different tools used by backyard astronomers to point you in the right direction. #space #astrophotography #opteam https://youtu.be/yycwtaLUOgI

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
While waiting for the #neowise comet to rise, I spent some time with one of my favorite regions of the sky, the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. One of the most fascinating regions of space. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I don't always take selfies, but when I do, I try and get the whole gang in them. Here's Jupiter, Saturn, and myself posing with the core of our home spiral. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My second morning depriving myself of sleep to shoot #NeowiseComet . This time, I captured a wonderfully colorful ion tail, with a bright stripe of red that I've never seen before. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Got up at 3:30am to see this. Comet Neowise, captured with a cell phone through the eyepiece of my telescope. Looks incredible with binoculars or a small scope. #astrophotography #space #opteam #NeowiseComet

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Comet "Neowise ". Single 1-second exposure, unedited. So bright I could see it with my naked eye. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A unique view of Jupiter, showing the gas giant adrift among the stars. This was done by using 4 different exposure settings with thousands of shots each layered to maximize dynamic range. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Tonight's Buck Moon, also a penumbral lunar eclipse, in high resolution. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A little behind the scenes of tonight's imaging session. I love my little observatory. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1279626976760750083/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A bit of a different look than my usual work, I took the palette from my ultraviolet moon shot and applied it to Wednesday's gibbous moon blended with star trails to demonstrate the lunar motion through space. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My latest image shot from city lights in Sacramento: the Cygnus Wall, part of the North American Nebula. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The Omega Nebula looks like flames after a few hours of exposures... here's my shot from a few nights ago. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a 50 megapixel shot of the moon from my backyard last night, created by blending thousands of images. #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Tonight's 4% illuminated moon, captured during blue hour this evening. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night I took a detailed photo of the shock wave of a supernova. This was done with just an 8" telescope from my backyard in Sacramento. #space #astrophotography #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I spent a couple weeks building an observatory in my backyard to take pictures of objects in deep space. Here's a shot I captured earlier this week of the Andromeda Galaxy. #space #astrophotography #DIY #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A couple months ago I created an image of the moon using just shots from the terminator. Well, I did it again with 10x the resolution for the waning side. My most ambitious lunar project ever. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took a deep dive into the lagoon nebula. This was done with a small telescope from light polluted skies. This nebula is so bright you can see it with your naked eye if you know where to look. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A starless version of the Eagle Nebula with the iconic Pillars of Creation within them, captured over the last few nights from my home in #sacramento. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My quest to defeat Sacramento light pollution continues with an intimate look at the Dumbbell nebula #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
One of the easiest deep space objects to find and observe visually, the ring nebula is the first DSO I saw through an eyepiece. I took this shot last night from my light polluted backyard in Sacramento out of a homemade observatory. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Today's solar activity #Astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
There is a penumbral lunar eclipse happening right now, visible from parts of the world where the sun has already set. I reprocessed my shot of the '19 eclipse since I missed out. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A true color image of the moon last night, what you could see if your eyes were much more sensitive to the subtle color variations of the regolith. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A comet wandered into my shot of this pair of galaxies. #Astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1267586754778816512/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
One of my favorite parts of the night sky, the Lagoon and Trifid nebula shine like jewels in the core of the milky way. Shot in just 20 minutes with a rig that could fit in a backpack. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
An HDR composite of the first quarter moon as the storm rolled into Sacramento last night. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's a great example of what is possible from even the most horribly light-polluted skies. This is my shot of the crescent nebula, captured over the past two nights from my backyard in Sacramento. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
An HDR shot of Tuesday's moon in 81 megapixels. #opteam #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
An image captured by me over the weekend with an amateur telescope compared to Hubble's shot of the same object. #astrophotography #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@jockeeson Yes on my instagram story. Here's a shot from this weekend of my gear.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I went out to the desert this past weekend to some of the darkest skies I've ever seen. Here's one of my first images, the gloriously dynamic Trifid nebula. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Today's solar activity, captured just a few minutes ago from my backyard. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A family portrait, my recent captures of our solar neighbors in one composite image. #space #opteam #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This morning's waning crescent moon at sunrise #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@ozalba Check out the B&W before I made that change, I could get the effect easily without copying the cloud details

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
An Ultraviolet Flower Moon- Captured 2 nights ago. False color image using both UV and IR filters. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took identical pictures of Saturn a year apart, and because of the tilt of the planet, it creates a stereoscopic effect. Relax your eyes a bit so the image overlaps, and you can see the depth. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Here's my shot of Saturn from yesterday. Got lucky with seeing conditions. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Early risers get a treat right now, a string of planets dotting the pre-dawn sky along the ecliptic plane. Their bright shining leader is Jupiter. Here's my shot, my reward for waking up at 4am. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I took an 81 megapixel shot of the moon tonight. The May "Flower" Moon is quite a sight. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The largest solar feature I've seen this minimum is raining Earth-sized gobs of plasma on the surface. Shot yesterday afternoon from my backyard, about an hour of activity sped up. #astrophotography #space #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1257752125393666048/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A twist on my usual high res moon photos- this is a blend of 20k images and was cleaned up using AI software to give it crisp details and virtually zero noise. The full size image is 100 megapixels. #astrophotography #space #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A false color look at our sun today. The different colors are a resolut of subtle bandpass differences in the optics versus a feature of the sun. I thought it made for an interesting shot! #astrophotography #space #opteam #meadeinstruments

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Another look at this morning's @Space_Station transit. #astrophotography #space #nasa #opteam @nasa https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1256727166416384000/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The @Space_Station transiting the surface of the sun, captured this morning from my backyard in Sacramento. Cc: @NASA @elonmusk #astrophotography #space https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1256726831836758017/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A close look at my two recent @Space_Station transit shots. You can see the lunar one is a bit sharper, partly due to the seeing conditions and partly due to the optics used. Will be capturing two more of these within the next few weeks. #astrophotography #space #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I caught some UFOs transiting the face of the sun yesterday. I think they're birds... what do you think? #astrophotography #space #nasa https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1255521580823842817/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@NASA @elonmusk @Space_Station Here's one of my recent shots of it.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A beautiful prominence formed on the surface of the sun yesterday #opteam #meadeinstruments #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Galaxy season continues with Markarian's Chain. #opteam #meadeinstruments #space #astrophotography

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Managed to catch the @Space_Station as it transited the sun today. #astrophotography #space #nasa #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Hey @elonmusk I love what you're doing and how you're doing it, but as an astrophotographer I have to speak up. Let's not lose our night sky! This is the worst I've seen space traffic since I started this hobby. #astrophotography #SpaceX #starlinksatellites #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A false color Venus reveals subtle details in the clouds. #astrophotography #space #nasa #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The moon and venus in a composite image, meant to illustrate that brief moment during the transition between golden hour and blue hour. #astrophotography #space #opteam #selenophile

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Shoutout to @MattDieterich and @planewave for hooking up such insane data from the El Sauce Observatory of the southern pinwheel. So fun to work with such clean data. #astrophotography #nasa #space cc: @NASA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Right now on the sun there is a 100,000 mile wide patch of plasma that has pulled away from the chromosphere. Watch it dance! #space #nasa #astrophotography https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1250820574269456384/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A MASSSIVE prominence just erupted on the surface of the sun. This storm is wider than Jupiter. #meadeinstruments #opteam #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Got nice and close to Venus last night. This is false color, with IR and Uv shots used to get this cloud detail.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I blended shots from 2 weeks worth of the lunar cycle to give craters long shadows and more depth along the whole surface. Not my most aesthetic moon shot, but definitely the biggest technical challenge. #space #moon #nasa #opteam #meadeinstruments

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night's Super Pink Moon, adding a touch of iridescence to the noctilucent clouds last night #meadeinstruments #opteam #space #supermoon

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My latest lunar composite, around 120 megapixels. #astrophotography #space #opteam #meadeinstruments

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Tonight's Venus/Pleiades conjunction. Once every 8 years our celestial neighbor drifts through the 7 sisters. #astrophotography #space #opteam #meadeinstruments

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My most detailed look at a sunspot so far, taken about an hour ago in my backyard. #meadeinstruments #opteam #space #StayHome

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night's first quarter moon, with more color detail than I've ever attempted. #astrophotography #space #selenophile #opteam

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I observed a sunspot for 2 hours yesterday and captured the sun's subtle rotation. #astrophotography #space #meadeinstruments #opteam https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1245752661132988417/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A close look at our sun during a Coronal mass ejection #astrophotography #space #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured a massive prominence on the surface of the sun today. #astrophotography #space #nasa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I captured a 112 megapixel HDR image of our moon last night. Learn more here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-XTHmvJCCZ/?igshid=lw6k6msojo5p #astrophotography #space #selenophile

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My latest Lunar Portrait. I call it "Optimism". See more here: https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_background/ #astrophotography #space #Selenophile

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A close look at the chromosphere of the sun yesterday. Something about the neverending chaos on the surface I find calming. #astrophotography #space #solar #opteam #meadeinstruments

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Captured cloud details on Venus for the first time tonight. Pretty challenging with a small scope like mine. #astrophotography #space #venus

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I hand aligned nearly 400 frames from the recent Mercury occult to show the path of the planet (and my terrible weather that day) #space #astrophotography #mars https://twitter.com/AJamesMcCarthy/status/1240080703108157441/video/1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
This is Stephan's Quintet. At ~290 million light years away, it's one of the most distant objects I've photographed. Yet Still not as far away as you should stay from other people right now. Don't get sick. #COVIDー19 #coronavirus #flatteningthecurve

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I collaborated with a fellow astrophotographer to see what kind of ridiculous moon shot we could create. Here is the result. #astrophotography #space #moon

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The Eastern half of the Veil Nebla, a massive remnant of an ancient supernova. What do you see in this image? Read more here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uka7TJU_c/?igshid=1wodr5i05222e

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My shot of the Heart Nebula. Read more about it on my Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B9prWtqJ1Iv/?igshid=1y0p02kdiq5fb

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Sunspot on the surface of the sun right now. Posting a larger image to my instagram that includes a large prominence as soon is my computer is done processing the 7k frames I recorded of it. #solar #sunspot #astrophotography https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_background/

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Last night's "Super Worm Moon" hdr blend of around 4600 images to sharpen fine details and give it an eerie glow.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@johnpisaniphoto I didnt realize that image was yours. Excellent shot!! Your single frame looks much sharper than my single frame. Until I get better glass my SOOC shots are a bit lackluster.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@GeoffdBarrett @johnkrausphotos @BelgiumInvestor @Space_Station Here's one of my SOOC frames for context. Not as sharp.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@elonmusk love everything about what you're doing, but would like to add to the chorus of astronomers requesting you to have a team focused on reducing the magnitude of your satellites. Had a very limited window to shoot and every frame was interrupted by space traffic.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It only made sense to take two of Allbound's sharpest teams to go axe throwing. Meet our Customer Success and Integrations teams!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
We’re proud to present “Know Your Numbers: Women with Channel Insights” roundtable with three of the industry’s top data-driven marketers. Each leader will share their secrets on setting goals, data visualization, analysis, optimization and educating th... http://bit.ly/2XrP5FR?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
At Allbound we believe that there should be a minimum of one dog per meeting. 🐶What about your office? Do you have any office dogs?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@davemor20511796 @DavidBflower @commieavocado @TeamSpaceIL Outstanding! I'm quite surprised there is no atmospheric fuzzing. I have to take thousands of images to get clear shots like this. Here's one I took last night- 15,000 images integrated and sharpened

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@DavidBflower @commieavocado @davemor20511796 @TeamSpaceIL It's much easier during earlier phases. The stars came out much better on this shot of mine, even though the moon was only slightly less illuminated (and on the brighter side, no less!)

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@elonmusk I love everything you're doing for the planet- but I have a request. Can you work on ways to reduce the apparent magnitude of starlink satellites? This happened while I was shooting the Butterfly Nebula. Still visible in Earth's shadow. Way to darken solar panels maybe?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"This is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." -Michelle Obama Who else is ready for Women of the Channel West? We can't wait to meet you all in Palm Springs!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Rev your engines…. accelerate growth in your partner channel! Register for the Allbound + PactSafe webinar “Speed to Partner Lead: Making It Easy For Partners To Do Business With You” for the key to unmatched acceleration in your channel growth. http://bit.ly/3034xpA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Understanding who your prospective partner collaborates with will help you determine their trustworthiness. Here are the metrics you need to accurately analyze: https://www.allbound.com/blog/how-to-evaluate-a-prospective-partner/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=SR&utm_content=7

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Are you ready for trophy winning speed in your partner program? Register for the Allbound + PactSafe webinar “Speed to Partner Lead: Making It Easy For Partners To Do Business With You” for the simplest way to leave your competition in the dust. http://bit.ly/3034xpA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
We'll spare you the bowling puns. Last week the Allbound Allstars all got together, from all over the country, and bowled the perfect game. We know that gutter balls don't technically equal a perfect game but it was perfect to us. 🎳

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
I'm excited to announce that Allbounds very own Tori Barlow and Gina Sandoval are going to Women of the Channel 2019! At Allbound we believe that empowering women and encouraging growth is essential for the future of the channel. #wotc2019 #channelsales #channelpartner

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How fast is fast enough? Register for the Allbound + PactSafe webinar “Speed to Partner Lead: Making It Easy For Partners To Do Business With You” for acceleration in your partner program that’d put the Indy 500 to shame. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4315572414113/WN_NaOUhP6dTUGIA1efDO6GfQ?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Wait, what?! 200 billion dollars are made or influenced by indirect channel sales in IT product sales. Can we talk about this? Read this webinar brief to see why you NEED to adopt a partner first strategy. https://www.allbound.com/resource-center/webinar-brief-channel-marketing-isnt-just-for-the-enterprise/?utm_source=twitter&utm_Medium=organicsocial&utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy&utm_content=Webinar%20Brief%3A%20Channel%20Marketing%20Isn%27t%20Just%20for%20the%20Enterprise%20-%20Partner%20Relationship%20Management%20Software%20%28PRM%29 #channelsales #partnerprogram #channelpartners

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@elonmusk I made a super high-res terraformed picture of the moon, thought you might like it for @SpaceX HQ. Let me know where to send the print. ;)

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Our moon blended with satellite data to see how it would look with oceans and an atmosphere. Available as a signed print for a limited time: https://shop.8x10.co/cosmic_background/ #astrophotography #space #moon

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Give your competitors a run for their money. Learn tips and tricks to identify the partners that are ready to up-sell your products and build a successful upsell strategy. Register for the Allbound|Gainsight webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/2615550818507/WN_9OE__uhdRay6aWplomCiDA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy #channelsales #prm #partnerprogram

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Do you know which partner of yours is going to be the winning jockey this Derby season? Learn how to use #data to identify the partners that are ready to up-sell your products. Register for the Allbound|Gainsight webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/3015550818342/WN_9OE__uhdRay6aWplomCiDA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy #prm #channelsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
We’re willing to bet that you have a few Kentucky Derby Winning quality partners that give your competitors a run for their money. Join our webinar with Gainsight on 4/30 at 11AM PT | 2PM ET to find out how to use data for a partner up-sell strategy: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/2615550818507/WN_9OE__uhdRay6aWplomCiDA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Part of a strong partner program is having a solid strategy to engage your #partners and ensure that they are happy—and successful—when using your program. That’s why we created our guide, Must-Have Marketing Strategies for #PRM: https://www.allbound.com/resource-center/marketing-strategies-for-prm/?utm_source=twitter&utm_Medium=organicsocial&utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy&utm_content=E-book%20Download-Must%20Have%20Marketing%20Strategies%20for%20PRM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Having some of our Allbound Allstars attend #SaaSConnect2019 was an amazing experience. But the icing on the cake was seeing our customer, ActiveCampaign, at the forefront of channel partner thought leadership. #channelpartners #channelsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Does your #sales team feel like a World Series winning roster? Join our #webinar with our very own Greg Reffner along with Scott Barker From #SalesHacker on March 20th at 11 AM PST | 2 PM EST to see how to take your partners from rookies to MVPs. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4015501642252/WN_ukqXpSELR6Cv9qqu4qRfkA?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=AJamesMcCarthy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
At #Allbound we like to recognize our hardest working and most dedicated employees. Meet the first #Allstar of the month, Leia. She's been with the company for two and a half years, we couldn't do it without her.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Doing a limited edition signed numbered print of the colorful moon pic that got so much attention. Only available through 8pm Pacific today. Still have a few left at the time of this tweet. https://shop.8x10.co/cosmic_background/

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@elonmusk Since you're on r/space, I have to ask, did you bless my viral moon picture with an upvote a week and a half ago?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Set up a new storefront last night- linked below. Thanks to everyone who supported me by buying a print from my limited run! http://cosmic_background.imagekind.com/ #astrophotography #astronomy #space

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@elonmusk @kzooastro I'm a bit late to this party, but here's mine

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Doing a limited edition run of one of my shots of Sunday's blood moon- you can pick it up here: https://shop.8x10.co/cosmic_background/ #bloodwolfmoon2019 #lunareclipse2019 #LunarEclipse #bloodmoon2019 #BloodMoonEclipse

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Coming to #DF17? Swing by the #SalesEnablementSoiree on Nov 8th to network with #SalesEnablement leaders & peers: https://hubs.ly/H08TBrL0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#SalesEnablement is coming to #DF17. Sign up for the #SalesEnablementSoiree to network with leaders and peers. https://hubs.ly/H08TCP10

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
New to #channelmanagement? Here’s how to establish a successful foundation in your first 90 days: https://hubs.ly/H08TB540 #channelsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The #SalesEnablementSoiree is your stop at #DF17 for a chance to connect & collaborate with leaders and peers: https://hubs.ly/H08TCsR0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Learn how to grow your #channelsales with better partner communication: https://hubs.ly/H08TCNS0 #salestips

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Save your spot at the #SalesEnablementSoiree at #DF17 on Nov 8. Thought leaders, innovative solutions, food, drinks: https://hubs.ly/H08TBP60

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How to ensure your partner program starts off on the right foot https://hubs.ly/H08TC4T0 #channelsales #b2bsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Improving communication with channel partners to skyrocket sales: https://hubs.ly/H08TCsw0 #salestips #channelsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Miss my pretty girl- love our office but sure miss my #GermanShepherd #Phoenix

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What would you do during your first 90 days as a channel manager?https://hubs.ly/H08TCsv0 #channelmanagement #salesenablement

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Choosing a #partnerportal isn’t an easy decision. Get our free checklist to help determine what you’ll need. https://hubs.ly/H08TB4C0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Why good communication is a keystone factor in channel health: https://hubs.ly/H08TBrb0 #partnerportal #PRM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A game plan for your first 90 days as a #ChannelManager: https://hubs.ly/H08TBNN0 #b2bselling

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#SalesEnablement is on the rise. Get the latest at the #SalesEnablementSoiree @ #DF17 with @scottsalkin & @greffner1 https://hubs.ly/H08TB4q0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Gain actionable insights from @Cisco in How to Create a Partner Program That Drives Customer Success. https://hubs.ly/H08TC4d0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Why #channelsales technology is worth the investment https://hubs.ly/H08TCNf0 #b2bsales

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@QB64team @CWhite20XX MUAHAHA it is going great!!!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
My week on Twitter 🎉: 153 New Followers, 1 Retweet, 68.5K Retweet Reach, 1 Tweet. See yours with https://sumall.com/performancetweet/text_and_media

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Are you at the #Growthmarketingconf today? Be sure to say hi to @jenspencer to chat #channelpartners! #NeverSellAlone

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Happy #FlagDay #OldGlory 🇺🇸

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#celinedionvegas happy birthday to this lovely woman!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@KMcbride83 look what is still somehow in circulation...

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@JenMReason 2017 is apparently on track to be a better year

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What’s on the horizon for marketers in 2017? Here what @thelearnedman has to say about #sales + #mktg alignment: http://okt.to/qn338N

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Take off in 2017 with these new #marketing predictions 🚀  @mkrigsman and others tell all: http://okt.to/HBv3l1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Industry Leaders Weigh in on Upcoming #Marketing Trends for 2017 and Beyond: http://okt.to/mqF7CB

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Simple Ways to Harness More Attention from Sharing Content on #LinkedIn: http://okt.to/jjcIZa

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Crash Course in Content Gaps – And How to Fill Them: http://okt.to/nbOF7f #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Successful #Sales and #Marketing Alignment, Part 5: The Lead Handoff Process: http://okt.to/TF1p0V

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 10 IoT Considerations for #SEO & Other #DigitalMarketing Strategies: http://okt.to/9bCjcx

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What makes things cool? The four-letter code to selling just bout anything (via @TheAtlantic): http://okt.to/muIQVV

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 63 #DigitalAdvertising Terms Every Marketer Should Know: http://okt.to/ib4lo7

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A guide to paid ads on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook: http://okt.to/dZ0eaA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
14 #emailmarketing mistakes to avoid (via @CIOonline): http://okt.to/kowRiO

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How the #InternetofThings Is Changing Marketing Forever: http://okt.to/D5tbjS

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Act-On’s a Leader in the @forrester Wave™ and What That Means to You: http://okt.to/3io70p #L2RM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
4 step guide to creating intelligent & riveting content for your audience: http://okt.to/Rzhq5W

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How can today's CMOs drive consistent revenue? @michelle_huff shares her take w/ @cmswire:  http://okt.to/50ZC8f

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"That which is measured improves." -- Karl Pearson #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #RethinkPodcast Episode 8 – Top Search Marketing Trends for 2017: http://okt.to/XcnN8U

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Direct Mail Is Not Dead: Top 4 Ways to Integrate #Digital and #DirectMail. http://okt.to/tiWQ2O

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Direct Mail Is Not Dead: Top 4 Ways to Integrate #Digital and #DirectMail. http://okt.to/GFRQlS

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Salesforce serves as training ground for @apmacmillan and other #SaaS startup execs (Via @TechCrunch): http://okt.to/MGhNEN

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How to create a killer content plan in four steps: http://okt.to/AnMRrK #ContentMarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 6 Things to Consider When Creating Your 2017 #Marketing Plan: http://okt.to/rGdYTL

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] B2B #MarketingAutomation Software for Fast Growing Companies: http://okt.to/fDb71l

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #RethinkPodcast Episode 7: Unlimited Vacation to Post Employee Engagement. http://okt.to/0hgWfc CC: @askmammoth

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#Seattle, were heading your way on 12/8! Register for our #iheartmktg Roadshow today! http://okt.to/0lDC54

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It's official! Act-On has been named a leader in the Forrester 🌊: http://okt.to/XxxCmA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Powerful Lessons from Steven Spielberg on #ContentMarketing:http://okt.to/dFHEC5

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Wishing you all a wonderful #Thanksgiving!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Menu-Planning Your #Marketing Mix: http://okt.to/0FrE43 #Thanksgiving

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Act-On is thrilled to be a leader in the latest @forrester Wave Report -- See How we stack up: http://okt.to/VTUOof

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It’s official! Act-On has been named a leader in the @forrester Wave for L2RM Platform Vendors - Unlock the Report👉http://okt.to/MdaeS2

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Keep your #marketing programs on 🔥 - Find out how #ActOnSW can help on 12/1: http://okt.to/UIBpoB

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 7 Promotion Tactics to Get Your Content Seen 👀 : http://okt.to/0L0SiZ #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Supercharge your content! See what it takes to create killer marketing content: http://okt.to/1sdxJ1 #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Herding cats? The Hidden Costs of Multiple Marketing Tools: http://okt.to/7IXRqV #martech

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Want to see Act-On's integrated workspace in action? Join us for a LIVE Demo on 11/22! http://okt.to/XgoXF0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"It's always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes are worthwhile." -- Garry Marshall​ #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Why You Need a Style Guide (and How to Make One): http://okt.to/UkvM3t #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It's not enough to just be creating content, you need to get in front of the right people. See how w/ our guide: http://okt.to/RHYKzM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Produce a Great #Webinar: http://okt.to/CuLm3o

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mark your 📅: Join the Act-On team & other marketers like yourself on 12/6 for our first user group in Sacramento! http://okt.to/Mntglt

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Breathe. Exhale. Repeat: The Benefits of Controlled Breathing (via @nytimes ): http://okt.to/LJtJe2

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Struggling to sell your C-Suite on #marketingautomation? Grab our Cut-to-the-chase checklist to gain agreement : http://okt.to/F5pv5U

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Looking to take your #mktg programs to the next level? Discover how Act-On #marketingautomation can help! http://okt.to/MwgszK

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Stay ahead of the competition by embracing the customer. Unlock the report by @forrester Research & get in the know: http://okt.to/I46SVD

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Interview with ListenLoop’s @rodrigofuentes7 about Getting Started with #ABM: http://okt.to/9aoqRM #RethinkPodcast

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Should You Optimize Content for Google AMP? http://okt.to/7szkak #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Hey, are you still making these #digitalmarketing mistakes? Unlock our guide & find out how to fix them: http://okt.to/4pb9yA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Lernen Sie am 15.11. wie @chainrelations eine erfolgreiche #ABM Strategie implementiert mit Act-On Software: http://okt.to/1pu2eU

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." -- James Cameron #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Are you a B2B marketer? If so, @sugabyte +Act-On to learn about the benefits of #marketingautomation on 11/15: http://okt.to/5nWt5i

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Hey, Act-On customers! Have you checked out our new playbook on customer lifecycle optimization? Find it here: http://okt.to/k8XTrY

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Is It Time to Break Up with Your #MarketingAutomation Tool? 6 Ways to Know: http://okt.to/eg9CDU

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Create a Successful #Webinar? Start by Asking These 7 Questions: http://okt.to/5ZQG8k

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join @brenda_ronson + @sugabyteJames to learn about the benefits of #marketingautomation! 11/15 @ 2:00pm GMT: http://okt.to/bo1DsY #UK

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Create Social Media and #ContentMarketing Synergy: http://okt.to/wCCti7

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
5 of the biggest #digitalmarketing mistakes marketers make (and how to fix them): http://okt.to/rX2zrY

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] A/B Testing: One of Your Most Effective Deliverability Tools: http://okt.to/HvEdNs #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 20 Twitter Tricks for B2Bers Who Want to Up Their Game: http://okt.to/1xwrOU #socialmedia

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join us tomorrow for our #DemandGen 101 Webinar! Learn tactics to drive user engagement & fill your pipeline: http://okt.to/rlLLoy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
6 simple but powerful ways to create a solid #marketing plan: http://okt.to/wvcGWd

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Thrilled to announce that @actonsoftware has been named a Leader in @G2Crowd’s Fall Grid for 5th consecutive time: http://okt.to/Khl9Ma

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What does the future of #SaaS look like? 5 executives weigh in on the future of the subscription economy: http://okt.to/VNIAZc

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Successful #Sales & #Marketing Alignment, Part 2: Understand the Buyer: http://okt.to/0mR4dH

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Is your marketing technology stressing you out? See where you stand w/ our new stress test 👉 http://okt.to/SXsUuu

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The Crash Course in #MobileContent Every Marketer Needs Now: http://okt.to/bUNMiv

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How, And Why, You Should Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (#CLV): http://okt.to/DHAWTY

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join us at #FlipMyFunnel ATL for sessions that focus on accelerating pipeline & driving revenue for your biz - 12/8 http://okt.to/NcIzii

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
{BLOG] An #SEO’s Guide to Bottom-of-Funnel Keywords: http://okt.to/y2pAzt

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Stay winning in the eyes of the customer -- See what it takes to thrive in the age of the customer: http://okt.to/3Cfcbq

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[Webinar] Want to learn the first 6 steps to kick-start your first #ABM program? Join @TicomixCRM on 11/16 : http://okt.to/TGcccc

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Is your business ready for #marketingautomation? Take our quick assessment and see if it's yes, no or maybe later: http://okt.to/oI8kx7

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How to build a customer obsessed organization that puts you ahead of your competition? Read On: http://okt.to/1ta4h8 #CX

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The Perils & Pleasures of Rebranding: The @puppetize Story. http://okt.to/TMiVEi

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Neuromarketing: Using #Neuroscience to Supercharge Results. http://okt.to/K7zmR1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
{BLOG] Ready to Migrate ESPs? Here’s Your #EmailDeliverability Checklist 📝{: http://okt.to/fCBHi9

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Tips to Infuse More Personality into Your Content: http://okt.to/FEgTYG #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Everyone makes mistakes but, here are five you can avoid: http://okt.to/7nUAd5 #digitalmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
We're headed to #Philly for our #iheartmktg Roadshow and we'd love to meet you! Register today & join us! http://okt.to/A8cfr6

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Do you mind the clock⌚️ ? Or does time mind you: http://okt.to/PeT1WC #Productivity

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Ready, set, go! 4 easy ways to get started w/ #marketingautomation: http://okt.to/yCZIKL

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Act-On Software Named to the @constellationr ShortList™ for #B2B #MarketingAutomation: http://okt.to/9lCSJ8

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Hiring the Perfect Person to Run Your #SocialMedia: http://okt.to/7X2ydc

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Maybe stories are just data with a soul." -- Brené Brown #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Selling @MSFTDynamics365? Why not Act-On, too? Learn the benefits of becoming an Act-On partner today! http://okt.to/fqfVY2

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The #RethinkPodcast Episode #4 with @chiefmartec: What it means to be a modern marketer. http://okt.to/DmvkmI

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Powerful Tips to Create an Amazing Call to Action: http://okt.to/GKY1AA #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 7 Classic #EmailMarketing Mistakes – And How to Avoid Them: http://okt.to/22vxw8

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
NEW: How to Create a Successful #Email Newsletter! http://okt.to/ho3wS1 *Bonus* 20-point pre- flight checklist 📝

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Account-Based Marketing: Bringing the Past Into the Present (via @DigiMktgMag): http://okt.to/jUNKWq #ABM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Fresh off the presses 👉 How to Create a Successful Email Newsletter: http://okt.to/LomMhQ #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
{BLOG] Successful #Sales & #Marketing Alignment, Part 1: Get Started: http://okt.to/Pjs4nA

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How (and Why) Customer Success is Different from Customer Support: http://okt.to/Qb0NjK #CX

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Level up your #leadgen efforts with tips from industry experts -- Grab the guide for tips & tricks: http://okt.to/0zDnA5

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
In the Minneapolis area? Join @ledgeviewcrm + Act-On for a free event on 10/19 -- Reserve a spot today! http://okt.to/Dtp8Gk

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
How to build a rock-solid marketing plan (that you can be proud of): http://okt.to/OFihpi #mktg

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] What is a Marketing-Qualified Lead? What #MQL Really Means: http://okt.to/mCG6Tt

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Podcast Listeners Grow by 23 Percent … Does it Make Sense for your Marketing Strategy? http://okt.to/fZah7N #Podcasts

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Instead of competing, create." #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Act-On's Account-Based Marketing Automation is here! Learn more about it today: http://okt.to/14Wy0w #ActOnABM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] When, Why and How to Gate Your Content for Maximum Results: http://okt.to/dfDITe #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] What You Get When You Buy Technology: http://okt.to/SSXWln #MarTech

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
👉 @MSFTDynamics + Act-On. A win-win for you and your clients -- See how you can grow your org. today! http://okt.to/P6YoiP

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
On the hunt for a new marketing Podcast? Check out our #RethinkPodcast on iTunes today! http://okt.to/n29EQa … … 🎙

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#SocialMedia is important, prove ROI with Act-On’s Advanced Social Media Module -- Learn how today! http://okt.to/xB8vgp

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@apmacmillan sits down with @dmnews and shares some career advice (and a little bit about himself): http://okt.to/7xnnIM #dmn40u40

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@KayTeeElle aw... we never got to talk :( It's not too late if you're open to discussing it before you get too vested in the wrong solution!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
CEO of @ActOnSoftware makes his predictions about the future of the Subscription Economy. Read them here: http://okt.to/ah8oJW

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Curious about what's keeping the #CMO up at night? http://okt.to/3DkXqN Find out in this guide.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The #RethinkPodcast Episode #3: Unlocking Your Video Marketing Strategy http://okt.to/v6rqzY 🎙

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@ActOnSoftware weird that #NationalCoffeeDay is right after #NationalDrinkBeerDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Selling #marketingautomation to the C-suite? Check off all the boxes w/ this handy checklist: http://okt.to/j4wPAt

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@AJamesMcCarthy: @DanStern11 @MSPowerBI @MSDynamicsCRM @MSAdvAnalytics @ActOnSoftware potential will make your head spin like poor milhouse

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Speak the Same Language as Your #Marketing Audience: http://okt.to/IWI01e

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Happy to announce that @apmacmillan is officially a winner of the @dmnews 40 under 40! http://okt.to/ekSsFQ #DMN40u40

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 9 Types of Interactive Content for Innovative #LeadGen: http://okt.to/Irafqe

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Webinar: Learn How to Drive Growth With #MarketingAutomation 🚀: http://okt.to/oOKASm Hosted by: @FBSG

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Wednesday: Join @jenhorton + @adammertz for a FREE webinar about #ABM for #B2B: http://okt.to/hKg9tx

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Got Dynamics? Add Act-On #MarketingAutomation to the mix, and drive sales-ready leads: http://okt.to/EeoSM2

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Plan Your Q4 Email Sending Strategy to Beat the Coming Logjam: http://okt.to/zsDOZo #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Treat your leads well (& your sales team even better) w/ our 5-part lead scoring workbook: http://okt.to/Js4TNn

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@janemission Gorgeous!! Meet Bailey! I love my shepherd but I have a soft spot for corgis.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Key Differences Between #EmailMarketing and #MarketingAutomation: http://okt.to/O1xceE

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[Infographic] Critical links for #sales & #marketing success: Alignment is key. http://okt.to/Nckl9Y

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Got Dynamics? Why you also, need Act-On #MarketingAutomation: http://okt.to/0mehfM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Selling @MSFTDynamics? You’re missing a key piece of the Puzzle, Act-On #MarketingAutomation: http://okt.to/767YgK

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
So you’ve got Dynamics, great! Here’s why you need Act-On Marketing Automation, too! http://okt.to/Qazw1g

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 7 Things You Need to Know About Optimizing for #Mobile in 2016: http://okt.to/nIEjfv

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Looking to make a splash in #marketing? Good news, the future is bright ☀️ http://okt.to/g9b4yD

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Your Audience Called. They Say You’re Fired: http://okt.to/QM8suc #ContentMarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
{Free webinar] 5 Ways to Product Roadmap Like a Champ!🏆 Act-On + @Upwork on 9/22: http://okt.to/whTlNE

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mapping your #customerjourney can be quite the task -- We've built a guide that can help! http://okt.to/vWfdfy

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Less anxiety. More marketing. Discover why marketers are making the switch to Act-On: http://okt.to/syn8tG

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 4 Steps to Get Started with #MarketingAutomation: http://okt.to/IOAd5x

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
So you’ve got @MSFTDynamics, great! Here’s why you need Act-On #MarketingAutomation, too! http://okt.to/lgmNVr

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Oh, boy 👉Here are 7 #digitalmarketing mistakes you want to avoid (and how to fix them): http://okt.to/eZ2Tuj

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #Inbound Marketing or #Outbound? Which is the Winner? http://okt.to/S4uKJG

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Goal: Sales-ready leads Solution: @MSFTDynamics + Act-On. See why this duo wins! 💪 http://okt.to/CHEBCW

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 7 Ways to Create More Interesting Content for Your Blog: http://okt.to/ayrOK0 #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
If you're a marketer, here are 10 LinkedIn groups you should consider joining today! http://okt.to/Fb9apf

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#Toronto, are you ready? Join us for our #iheartmktg Roadshow on 9/22 -- Register today! http://okt.to/9JhnQ0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #DigitalMarketing Agencies – How They’re Changing: http://okt.to/4VuXrM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It's their 💵 to spend, so put them first. 10 reasons to nurture your buyers today: http://okt.to/6bI0Fd

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Get all of your #ABM questions answered on 9/21 from @jenhorton & @adammertz! Register 👉 http://okt.to/Tj3LG6

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It’s time for less anxiety, and more marketing. Find your happy place with Act-On! http://okt.to/USKZEi

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Hard days are the best because that's when champions are made." -- Gabby Douglass #QuoteOftheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Three Myths and Misconceptions About Email Automation: http://okt.to/m5M0LO #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Breathe New Life Into Old Content: http://okt.to/watGvF #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Set yourself up for #marketingautomation success in 6 steps or less! http://okt.to/jAZ9vh

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@Calvinn_Hobbes @JenMReason this fits perfectly with my wallpaper.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The Guide to a Successful #EmployeeAdvocacy Plan: http://okt.to/j4KdNb

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join @jenhorton+ @adammertz on 9/21 for "Putting the 'B' Back in B2B with #ABM: http://okt.to/Qh13AY

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Mapping your customer journey? Grab our free interactive guide to get started: http://okt.to/XhfRtx?

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Bluenose, Billingtree, Resolve -- Find out why businesses are migrating from Marketo: http://okt.to/yiS6Kr

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Why #Snapchat Might Be Your Next #B2BMarketing Tool: http://okt.to/rys2Jc

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Discover how @MSFTDynamics & Act-On can solve some of your biggest challenges! http://okt.to/Bxve3L

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
5 common #digitalmarketing mistakes that marketers should avoid: http://okt.to/L4CBq9

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Create an Engaging and Effective #Presentation: http://okt.to/2u5ZIG

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join @HarveyDavid_ for their first #Marketing Masters Meet-Up on 9/15 -- Reserve a Spot! http://okt.to/2NIj5l

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
“You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.” -- @bethcomstock

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #YouTube Views Don’t Matter – Here Are 5 Metrics That Do: http://okt.to/6E1e5e

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#Marketing Jobs: The Outlook is (Still) Bright! http://okt.to/FSjFh2

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Track your social efforts back to ROI w/ Act-On’s Advanced #SocialMedia Module: http://okt.to/0l5J1g

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 5 Ways #Outbound and #InboundMarketing Complement Each Other: http://okt.to/4ddgdH

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." -- Mark Twain #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"People ask, 'What's the best role you've ever played?' The next one." -- Kevin Kline #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Get buyers buzzing & customers talking w/ our guide to killer #mktg content: http://okt.to/80Mv8Y

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Why Hasn’t the US Adopted Opt-In? It’s Time for a Rethink: http://okt.to/bUNY0E #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Discover what #ABM is, how to profit from it, and what marketers need to be successful: http://okt.to/7LUD4h

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[Webinar] Join us on 9/21 & Discover why #CRM + #MarketingAutomation are the perfect pair: http://okt.to/9LEjCe

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Advanced #socialmediamarketing and #ABM- start #marketingautomation before your competitor! https://www.timetrade.com/book/2YYWJ

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Where to start with #ABM? Get a complimentary analysis of your existing marketing stack--> http://bit.ly/2cvPEYL

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Seven #contentmarketing mistakes that are wasting your time & money: http://okt.to/JOYyGP

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Why #EmpatheticMarketing Can Give Your Customers An Amazing Experience: http://okt.to/Tee1AE

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 7 Confessions of a #DigitalMarketer (and How They Can Make You a Better Marketer): http://okt.to/EYxceB

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The Rise of #VR and What It Means for #B2B Marketers: http://okt.to/WfcilV

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Tie Your Content Marketing into Your Account-Based Marketing: http://okt.to/HRiYyp #ABM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Get your #SocialMedia program up and running today! Visit our Hub to get started👉http://okt.to/J01vsf

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#SocialMedia Cheatsheet: Get all the specs you need for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & more! http://okt.to/IyvL6U

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
What are #CMO's really focusing on? We got answers! http://okt.to/kn4PbT

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Wondering how to get started with #ABM? Grab our guide to get tips for success: http://okt.to/wOKpnR

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] From Scratch: Three (More) List Building Strategies for Agencies (and Others). http://okt.to/EwEktn

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Is it time for me to adopt #marketingautomation? Take our assessment & see if you're ready! http://okt.to/6DJmwe

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"I dwell in possibility" -- Emily Dickinson #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] #BackToSchool -- Let’s Keep Our Kids Safe Online 🔒: http://okt.to/17HOhh

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Make a customer, not a sale." -- Katherine Barchetti #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Pro tips: 10 thing you need to know about #ABM. http://okt.to/1Y7ugw

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A balanced approach is a better approach. Learn the Zen of balanced #mktg today! http://okt.to/3z29l3

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Wondering where to begin with #ABM? Start here: http://okt.to/JOxC3M Principles for success & pitfalls to avoid.

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Make the prospect a more informed buyer with content." -- @Loudscout #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Curious how Act-On uses Act-On? Register today & join us in our #PDX office on 9/3! http://okt.to/ps07iq

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How To Make the Most of the YouTube #ContentMarketing Customer Journey: http://okt.to/KTvkY9

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
The New Power Couple: #ABM+#MarketingAutomation! Learn more about the pair on 9/1: http://okt.to/2o2Ut7

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
#SocialMedia should not be Siloed. Learn about Act-On's Advanced Social Media Module today! http://okt.to/3aMpHH

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Four Benefits to a Multi-Generational Workplace: http://okt.to/4NIlua

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"A leader takes people where they would never go on their own." -- Hans Finzel #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Don't make your customers yawn -- Spruce up your emails with these 6 futuristic tips: http://okt.to/45TAmf

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
A well-crafted headline = more clicks. http://okt.to/H5RfZ5 Create the perfect one w/ these 12 tips!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Act-On's #MarketingAutomation System Just Got Super Social! (via @cmscritic): http://okt.to/6wxK2z #socialmedia

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." -- Robert Louis Stevenson #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG} The Busy Marketer’s Guide to Promoting Your #Content in 30 Minutes or Less! http://okt.to/zn1617

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Getting started on social? http://okt.to/PSY9Is We've compiled some 🔑 resources just for you!

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join @AA_ISP #PDX + Act-On for a sales & success live panel. Learn more here: http://okt.to/9Q8e7a

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Deliverability Best Practices & List Segmentation: http://okt.to/d5A5ND A FREE webinar w/ @TicomixCRM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Register for our webinar "#MarketingAutomation Across the Customer Journey" w/ @FBSG: http://okt.to/G6dznx

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Upcoming event: Join Act-On + @peppergroup for “Creative Ways to Enhance Your Results” http://okt.to/2s6v2U

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join @LukeSmith45 & other sales & success leaders w/ @AA_ISP #PDX on 8/18: http://okt.to/a95h25

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] Should Social Marketing Still Get Your Vote? http://okt.to/Jj8txS #socialmedia

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] How to Hire the Perfect Person to Run Your #SEO: http://okt.to/cOR34q

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Attending #dmexco? Join the Act-On team on 9/14 to learn more about #marketingautomation! http://okt.to/5I9Hc0

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
"Little by little one travels far." -- J.R.R Tolken #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 8 Genius Ways to Repurpose Content💡: http://okt.to/0nMMfB #contentmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
@ActOnSoftware Launches Analytics Module For #SocialMedia Campaign Execution, Measurement: http://okt.to/uiyv1T-

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] The Devil’s in the Details: Best Practices For #Email From Names and Addresses. http://okt.to/Xk3PAB

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] A 20-Point Checklist for the Perfect Email Newsletter📝 : http://okt.to/h52NrM #emailmarketing

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
“If you don’t feel comfortable with something, run towards it.” –Jeffrey Rohrs #QuoteOfTheDay

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
It's easy to make #DigitalMarketing mistakes, so we created a guide to help you out! http://okt.to/1n8aJQ

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Say goodbye to anxiety, & hello to marketing success👋 Book a Demo Today! http://okt.to/J5CAs1

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
If building a best-in-class #mktg team is your top priority -- We've got the guide to help: http://okt.to/u8I8oG

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Discover how @BillingTree, @BluenoseInc, & others ditched anxiety for results w/ Act-On: http://okt.to/6l3SI5

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] 10 Things You Need to Know About Account-Based Marketing: http://okt.to/5rv9uI #ABM

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Join us for "Act-On and the Future of Marketing" a conversation with @apmacmillan on 8/23: http://okt.to/48U833

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
[BLOG] What Happens to the Yahoo! Mail Inbox Now That Verizon Bought Them? http://okt.to/p45iUK

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Andrew McCarthy @AJamesMcCarthy
Goodbye Marketo, hello Act-On! Discover why marketers are making the switch to Act-On: http://okt.to/7hUW7M

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Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 65%
firearm 25%

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Classifier 20221028131014
anime 41%
etc 34%

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Classifier 20221028131014
anime 39%
art_other 21%
militarized 19%

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Classifier 20221028131014
joker 36%
critters 36%

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Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 33%
anime 19%
char_lower_e 16% e

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 84%

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Classifier 20221028131014
skull 43%
face 30%
char_lower_e 15% e

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 62%
toons other 19%
art_other 16%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 94%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 83%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 31%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 94%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 89%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 38%
swastika 19%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 71%
art_other 21%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 72%
etc 19%

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Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 30%
toons other 27%
etc 17%

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Classifier 20221028131014
skull 76%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 68%
art_other 26%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 72%
art_other 19%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 53%
critters 17%

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 87%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 94%

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Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

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Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

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Classifier 20221028131014
map 46%
etc 23%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 56%
critters 40%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 76%
art_other 21%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 65%
art_other 25%

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Classifier 20221028131014
char_v 99% v

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 62%
art_other 34%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 64%
critters 30%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 91%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 91%