@16high IJ B Get on Gab. California,

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 72

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Senator Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin
WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life. https://t.co/zIhBhdPUiG
IJ B @16high

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Senator Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin
WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life. https://t.co/zIhBhdPUiG
IJ B @16high

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Senator Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin
WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life. https://t.co/zIhBhdPUiG
IJ B @16high

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Senator Joe Manchin @Sen_JoeManchin
WATCH: In my lifetime, I have never seen the United States of America in a more just war. Our purpose is to defend freedom and fight for democracy, and that's why we’re supporting Ukraine every step of the way as they defend their country & their way of life. https://t.co/zIhBhdPUiG
IJ B @16high

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IJ B @16high
What’s with the Biden and Hollywood war grift? Could Hollywood get onboard or involved any further? Maybe this is why they hated Trump so much? Because he was in the way of a Billion dollar grift? Big big $$$$

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IJ B @16high
@Ponoru2 @ZeitgeistMirror @highazzaquarius @Spriter99880 I don’t know why I like pointing out his Jewishness? Probably because I get a kick out how the media industrial complex and Hollywood is all on board. How Israel wanted to destroy Syria with ISIS then Russia intervened.

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Ponoru @Ponoru2
@ZeitgeistMirror @highazzaquarius @Spriter99880 pretty obvious that he is a power hungry corrupt individual
IJ B @16high
@ZeitgeistMirror @highazzaquarius @Spriter99880 US Jewish puppet. Supported fully by his fellow Jews in Hollywood. Which crosses over with the military/media industrial complex. It’s a behemoth.

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IJ B @16high
Carbon life forms lawn care.

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IJ B @16high
Woke coffee shop lives matter

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IJ B @16high
Where is she going?

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IJ B @16high
@dana_dorrell There is. Hollywood is already there.

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IJ B @16high
Pray for Jewish Hollywood actors.

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IJ B @16high
Cut take #Ukraine️

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IJ B @16high
Since so many military members quit or were injured by Trumps warp speed clot shot, Jewish actors are being sent to the front lines in Ukraine. Please pray for them.

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IJ B @16high
Biden is in the White House. Ukraine is getting wrecked. Billions in money laundering is happening. The military is happy about getting their cut from the conflict. Hollywood is happy. Smile for the camera boys.

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IJ B @16high
What’s going on in Sweden? 🇸🇪

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IJ B @16high
Happy holidays and Dog/God star worship. Sirius. Merry ancient Egyptian Dog Star.

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IJ B @16high
It would be nice to avenge the assassination of JFK.

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IJ B @16high
Listening to an interview with Roger Stone on Thursday, I hear they cut off JFK’s Cojones during the autopsy. I was listening to some sick shit. The same people then bombed the USS LIBERTY, then did 9-11 and created the department of homeland security. Now they help rig elections

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IJ B @16high
Bad leadership. Unelected. Biden and Zelensky. People suffer under bad corrupt leaders. Biden doesn’t represent the US and (((Zelensky))) doesn’t represent Ukraine. It’s a Jewish scam. The Russians and Ukrainians are brothers. (((Zelensky))) Pit brother against brother.

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IJ B @16high
What’s going on in clown world?

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IJ B @16high
#FTXbankruptcy #Balenciaga

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IJ B @16high
Michael Carson, 1972

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IJ B @16high
#PocketsOfSurvival #Meltology

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IJ B @16high
Every day there is more bullshit being pushed. When will it end?

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IJ B @16high
@TheLordFlygon @The_Oil_Guru @bananaman_231 @_Real_Castro @historyinmemes

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IJ B @16high
@ADL @PayPal Did the greedy ADL write PayPal’s new terms of service? They are partners.

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!
swastika 81%
totenkopf 88%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 93%
firearm 93%
vegvisir 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
klan hood 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
runes_algiz 99%
runes_algiz 75%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%
wolfsangel 72%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 78%
swastika 66%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
ss bolts 58%
swastika 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
swastika 50%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 68%
militarized 75%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 100%
militarized 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
patriot front 47%
etc 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
firearm 56%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gadsden snake 45%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 97%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 80%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
skull mask 68%
militarized 59%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 29%
gadsden snake 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 37%
logos_flags_graphics 35%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 40%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 94%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 75%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 74%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 90%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 48%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 39%
art_other 36%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
punisher 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 94%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
skull 77%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 61%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 95%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 63%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 72%
etc 27%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 92%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%