@D00mPaul Doom Paul #YE24 #AmericaFirst ✝ Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake Boston

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 47

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@driyodragon no contest

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@mtgreenee @FBI This is strange since the homosexual pedophile Milo literally wrote this point. You're literally housing two homosexual pedophiles and this is a spat between them and a former associate who you also associated with. In fact it seems like you're a locus for homosexual pedophiles.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@TheMadDimension who are you though?

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@voodoorayrayray @jimmenybob @WorldWarWang Are you tired of being told how to live and now you're rebelling against god? hmmm

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@voodoorayrayray @jimmenybob @WorldWarWang

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@voodoorayrayray @jimmenybob @WorldWarWang Lets check in with Jesus

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@stephgotsaved Never take female advice

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@calebparke @elonmusk @ConceptualJames more like antichrist

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@InternetRadical @PunishedDeazy I prefer ones like this or get contacts, just remember to take them out at night.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@xprt_user @AsianPatDixon you're telling me this would be unpopular with women who vote?

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@ryan_cook2021 @realwifirst literally already did

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@jtrocksforever @Tolkienfren @uberboyo Yet modern day pagans are writting essays about it

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@MechaSasquatch I hope there's electric floors and rollercoasters. I'm excited to see the cage where the bear and eagle were kept. I hope they preserved the bendy shotgun, what a marvel of engineering.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@ClayMoyer @hannahityfair2 @SnorkytheOrca This sort of thing

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@hannahityfair2 @SnorkytheOrca I think you focus too much on inclusion and handwaving in favor of not offending. It creates lukewarm Christians who cede their country to atheists.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@LaurenWitzkeDE kind of like this guy

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@jakeshieldsajj No

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@JohnFugelsang Matthew 15:19–20 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@D00mPaul: @JohnFugelsang @TowerGangJose Matthew 15:19–20 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@D00mPaul: @senafins @NHWharfRat @JGreenblattADL @UMich I don't have a "problem with jews" as you people like to dismiss it as. I have actual problems with zionist institutions harming my life and country and would like them to stop. This isn't irrational or unwarrented.

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Achaean @incelaoidos
It's funny how christcucks specifically tend to hang on the semitic desert fairy tales of people who willingly rejected them. The Aryan White nations of Europe have freed themselves from the shackles of a literal slave religion. Read Nietzsche. https://t.co/bzHRVj5hwB https://t.co/pXIzpxZ6ks
Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@sub5apollo Your ancestors converted to Christianity 1000 years ago because they realized that Jesus Christ told the truth and that what they were worshiping was shallow and savage. Retvrning to grug brain while celebrating European accomplishment post Christianity is a ridiculous position.

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View @incelaoidos
Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@rebtunabagel @MillerStream Whats that star about? Wasn't the seal of Solomon said to control demons? This magic seems like something taken from another religion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_Solomon

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@rebtunabagel @MillerStream Rabbinical Judaism follows in the tradition of the pharisees in reinterpreting judaism and adding a bunch of ritual and hypocrisy. While Jesus fulfilled the law they killed him because he was opposing their new religion.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@foxison @bakedalaska @elonmusk Doesn't make sense to say he's a prophet and then say he's lying when he said that he is the Christ.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
I'm out here just trying to tell the truth and protect children and your homosexual (pedophile?) mods are making me delete tweets @elonmusk How is this "harassment"?

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@BackwardsFeet @frfrankpavone Maybe consider listening charitably to the word of an especially faithful priest instead of being blindly aggressive in order to defend the church that isn't even being attacked by him. He has a problem with specific bishops obstructing him and I have no reason to not believe him

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@elonmusk @pmarca Wife?

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@ignored_the @Austrian_Paintr @ChristIsSupreme @BlackSEvent @NickJFuentes Something is off with your methodology when you follow and retweet a bunch of liars despite supposedly being all about evidentiary rigor.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@RogueBookkeeper @wiljanhope @jentaub @realDonaldTrump @OANN
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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@wiljanhope @jentaub @realDonaldTrump

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
The left has made us their enemy with their lying, theft, and violence. There is no "coming together" with people who engage in this behavior. There's only WAR.

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Doom Paul @D00mPaul
@Theservant53 @Sailinangel @JonahPlatt (((victim complex)))

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etc 72%

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art_other 78%

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art_other 55%

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toons other 89%

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map 100%

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bar graph 76%

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art_other 44%
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art_other 99%

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art_other 86%

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critters 100%

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etc 99%

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art_other 79%

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art_other 89%

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logos_flags_graphics 68%

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tldr 99%