@AaronWorthing (((Aaron Walker))) Attorney, DC area. Blogs at Allergic to Bull. Formerly “Aaron Worthing.” same guy, same handle over at Parler, Gab, GETTR and TikTok (but I barely use TikTok). Greater D.C. Area
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 34
(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Because you have to click through and check if it’s parody?
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Oh, will he be dressing up as something he isn’t, too? Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@LR_Keelay @OhCooley44 @robinpayes @billclarkphotos Funny, you could argue that Roe took away the fetuses’ human right to life. Let Lincoln explain it (pic) But more basically, it’s not the Supreme Court’s job to amend the constitution. The Dobbs court rightfully removed one judicially created amendment

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@KlausHeislerR @OhCooley44 @robinpayes @billclarkphotos So another words they wanted it to be a crime to make a movie criticizing Hillary Clinton, just like I said. from the opinion itself: (pic) Read it for yourself: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=14627663605033036164&q=citizens+United&hl=en&as_sdt=6,47 and it had nothing to do with whether or not the money was “dark.” 1/

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@David_LKaplan @OhCooley44 @robinpayes @billclarkphotos Actually you’re wrong. Here’s the actual legal test for incitement ⬇️ It has nothing to do with whether a person’s words are truthful. It requires advocacy of violence or lawlessness. It requires that it be designed to cause imminent violence/lawlessness… 1/

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@CanadaFellow @kholamon Lol this you? ⬇️ The word is “riots,” and they had them to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. But there were no congressional hearings, no national FBI Dragnet, and the few people they did arrest? They dropped all charges Your gaslighting won’t work with me

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Right, Joe Biden wanted reconciliation cc @PolitiBunny
President Biden had hoped to preside over a moment of reconciliation after the turmoil of the Trump years. But the fever of polarizing politics has not broken ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections. https://nyti.ms/3fBqetF

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@HeddyNajjar @PolitiBunny @TennantRob @jephjacques @elonmusk Unrelated but…

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
This would not be the first time Democrats have believed that their freedom required needless murder…
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@grouchybritches @gothemberg @EmersenLee

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@nILFeed @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@KnowItA98121900 @BlameBigGovt Biden undermines it

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@MAHaas9 @barnacles71 @JuddLegum Or maybe he was just stumbling drunk. Or maybe the attacker was shouting “Karl Marx is my God” screwing up their claims that the guy is MAGA. why don’t we demand a look at the video and find out? And reich wing?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@richb59x2 @PolitiBunny A blooming idiot? 😜

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@LauraPowellEsq @hamill_law @Leftylockdowns1 @NCLAlegal Free help. If you aren’t using this quote (see pic) somewhere in your filings, you’re doing it wrong Link to case: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=8030119134463419441&q=fixed+star+constellation&hl=en&as_sdt=6,47

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
If true, that’s inexplicable They are saying Pelosi opened the door and then went basically back to the guy he was allegedly afraid of Also hard to square with this portion of the federal affidavit (pic) cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PolitiBunny @AnnaForFlorida I love how they’re adding context.. which shows she actually said it. I just got these screenshots, btw

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@TapiocaJoeBiden @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @DanPostino @JohnFugelsang @ZeldaAGabriel 4/ here’s how the court described the law that was struck down (pic) That’s what the Democratic Party has asked us to overturn ever since it was decided: a ruling that prohibited censorship

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Lol again? Because the last time was such a hit? Cc @PolitiBunny
Seung Min Kim @seungminkim
Biden will deliver a speech on democracy from the Capitol tonight, per senior White House officials Jen O'Malley Dillon + Anita Dunn at Axios event this a.m.

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@Not_the_Bee @MasterThiefEsq .@politico be like

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@Kelly_K_77 @ItsMikeDeegan @DrOz Reich wing? Ahahahahahahahahaha Ahahahahahahahahaha You guys are both too stupid to debate

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@klg1961 @yesnicksearcy

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Of course I know by saying that I am risking one of those algorithm-based shadowbans. still…
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AnonsocialM @yesnicksearcy

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Kevin in ABQ @KevinInABQ
@AaronWorthing Don't forget to make all of the lights red.
(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Seriously this is a scarier Halloween display

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@GOOCH1701 @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PolitiBunny Founding ideals? Or prof Oster? Well, either way the pics should help and they don’t seem deleted to me. There has been some weird stuff going on on Twitter this morning in terms of the mechanics

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@SumErgoMonstro @PolitiBunny What can’t you see? This is the original tweet

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@LeakyHeadGasket @SxarletRed @BenjaminPDixon Because the alleged tryst would necessarily be with a man?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PolitiBunny @kimmie_c_ @TommygoIrish Btw some said they thinks it’s his granddaughter. Still ⬇️

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@HerbertDanforth @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@realistic_view @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Whatever, hall monitor
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@jholbo1 @PaulRSchmidtTM @baseballcrank @julie_kelly2 @DarrenJBeattie Why is it relevant if it’s a lie? Isn’t a truthful allegation of bad behavior even more likely to stir anger? Which is more likely to get blood boiling? The claim Joe Biden is an alien? Or the claim Joe Biden is a creep toward young girls?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@jholbo1 @baseballcrank That’s not a crime. It cannot be a crime under the first amendment Here’s what the law actually says about what can count as incitement ⬇️

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@4rgrls The Democratic Party didn’t support Black Lives Matter?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@ougrad2001 @PolitiBunny Sadly I had to send her a dime as a penalty for that mistake

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PineWoodsRunner @hrkbenowen Maybe that is his answer

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@TennantRob @johnpavlovitz

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Must not laugh… must not laugh…
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@TennantRob @johnpavlovitz Sure, his neighbor but Rand wasn’t his neighbor

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that liberals have double standards about political violence. Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@Chug_A_Lugg @mmasnick @Neoavatara Seriously read my tweet and the follow up again and again until you get my actual point

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Gee, was it something I said, Taylor? Cc @PolitiBunny https://t.co/JDTvqkoPmX
(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
: Btw I was responding to this, @PolitiBunny Not a Taylor tweet, but I’m guessing it got her attention. God forbid anyone point out Taylor got a huge dose of her own medicine. True threats are not okay but how many was she responsible for?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: Gee, was it something I said, Taylor? Cc @PolitiBunny

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@Dan_Darkhorse @TimRunsHisMouth

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@TimRunsHisMouth From politico

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Dr. Chen has been proven a liar tonight cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
I’m pretty sure this is why James Earl Jones is trending. I have seen no evidence that he has died or had any misadventure
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Really, what part of this constitutes a true threat? Because that’s what the constitution requires to call it intimidation. (Pic) Source https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2729037874515332053&q=Virginia+black+&hl=en&as_sdt=6,47 cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AllenADBI @PolitiBunny You have no idea…

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
In case he deletes it Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@DaGoat707 @SchnellTim @ZeldaAGabriel Keep telling yourself that

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @DaGoat707 @ZeldaAGabriel Wait… are you just copying and pasting from Wikipedia?!?!?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary:_The_Movie Good lord, why can’t you read the case and form your own conclusion? I gave you a link

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@DaGoat707 @ZeldaAGabriel How dare you have a life? 😜 Joking aside here’s a link to the decision so you can actually read it https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=14627663605033036164&q=citizens+United&hl=en&as_sdt=6,47 it will include passages that you weren’t told about like this one (pic)

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@DooDaDaddy1 @GrizzlyJoeShow

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Shaft is testifying? He’s one bad mother.. (Shut your mouth!) But i’m talking about Shaft
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@TRHLofficial @Keleko_j @Marcel4Congress @kabluekijones @MAJTOURE @MJennarocity From Lincoln ⬇️ in the same speech, he calls an emancipation statute proposed in Maryland as a law that rejects the dictionary of the wolf (paraphrase). Who today argues that in order to be free they have to kill other innocent humans?

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@kybourbonrules @alexis_texas76 @JoeBiden And I’ll make a simple point. Remember when he did this to Chris Coons’ daughter? ⬇️ If Coons told him to stop and Joe Biden didn’t, and Chris punched him, it would be legal as non-lethal force in defense of others (his daughter) to stop a battery

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
So catching up on #Andor… it’s too slow but here’s a surprise… ⬇️ i’m 99% sure that the prop in his right hand is really an old-school Polaroid camera with a new paint job and some sci-fi looking bits added to it (see second pic) in other news, I am old. Crap

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Oh no no no no no… cc @wjjhoge @reeveslawstl @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
They’re getting into the current era with this? So next we will have live action Frozen?
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
That doesn’t look anything like Knuckles…
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @Saiwmass Lincoln talked about your type, who follows the morality of the wolf you don’t even care that we can see on video that he was being attacked, including by a child molester who promised to kill him

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Wow that #SheHulk finale… Thread follows

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: 6/ …hats for these little critter companions called the rot. Here’s a picture showing 3 of them ⬇️ I mean they’re cute, but finding hats or currency to buy hats is pretty pointless and you can tell that they really hope that the rot gets a lot of attention

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
I was told this was impeachable cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
I’m surprised you guys haven’t gone the Star Trek route ⬇️ Cc @PolitiBunny
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@willcollier @Ricochet

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@high_in_seattle @exposingrich @TheLaurenChen

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Yeah, about Daredevil…
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @PeterMcDaidWine @BarryMorrow11 @chadfelixg 3/ the longer quote makes it clear if you’re having trouble with it ⬇️ later on he praised efforts to emancipate the slaves of Maryland as rejecting the dictionary of the wolf. He was not being a moral relativist. He was rejecting the wolf’s view. Derp /end

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PeterMcDaidWine @BarryMorrow11 @chadfelixg Doesn’t matter. You’re talking about whether or not as a matter of fact rights were expanded or not. The right of the wolf to kill was limited. The right of the sheep to live was expanded.

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@PeterMcDaidWine @BarryMorrow11 @chadfelixg That’s not what the law says. That’s kind of a paraphrase of the Declaration of Independence at best again, you’re arguing for form of liberty advocated by the wolf

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @PeterMcDaidWine @BarryMorrow11 @chadfelixg 3/ I mean seriously you’re sounding like the wolf in this quote right now /end

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Your religion is the religion of hyrule, obviously
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@AaronWorthing: @JustFollowingP3 @AnOpenSecret And I totally walked past your weird echoes. So you think basically it’s the jooooos or something? Dismissed

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
A lot of discussion on f this tonight, @PolitiBunny A lot of assumptions that the joooooos are responsible when history says it’s probably the terrorists’ fault
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
There’s no bad faith. She repeated the lie of “the joooos stole Palestinian land” which is used to this day to justify murdering random teenagers at pizza places, all in connection with the remembrance of the holocaust. It’s vile, and she deserves the criticism she’s getting
Miriam Elder @MiriamElder
This is a bad headline that yet again put the onus on the person targeted by bad faith attacks to defend themselves https://twitter.com/MiriamElder/status/1127994491917471744/photo/1

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
In context she's arguing that "the joooos stole Palestinian land" which is used to justify Hamass terrorism
Steny Hoyer @LeaderHoyer
If you read Rep. @RashidaTlaib’s comments, it is clear that President Trump and Congressional Republicans are taking them out of context. They must stop, and they owe her an apology.

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
She used the Holocaust to repeat the "jooos stole our land" lie that justifies the murder of Jews to this day. I see no one demagoguing that.
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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
"All she was saying was the jooos stole our land" is messed up spin
(((JonathanWeisman))) @jonathanweisman
"The claim that Tlaib said the Holocaust itself was 'calming' is a pure lie. Tlaib was using the term in reference to a tragedy, but the tragedy is the loss of Palestinian land. She is arguing that the loss was offset by a gain for Jews is calming to her." http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/gop-calls-rep-tlaib-anti-semitic-for-being-nice-to-israel.html?utm_source=tw

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
Saying "the jooos stole our land" is not nice to Israel.
Jonathan Chait @jonathanchait
Republicans are straight-up lying about Tlaib's comments in order to gin up an accusation of anti-Semitism http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/gop-calls-rep-tlaib-anti-semitic-for-being-nice-to-israel.html

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
She’s two months from blaming the “joooos” for her problems...
It’s almost as though there is a directed + concerted far-right propaganda machine with a whole cable news channel, and a dark-money internet operation propped up by the Mercers et al dedicated to maligning me & stoking nat’l division, reported on by @JaneMayerNYer or something https://twitter.com/BrettLoGiurato/status/1111283082190094336

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
@JulieLvsPACKERS @IlhanMN Well, Saddam did hate jooos, so of course she likes him

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(((Aaron Walker))) @AaronWorthing
You’re just sad it didn’t happen to “jooooos!”
Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN
!رحمه الله (Allah have mercy upon him) They went to their place of worship. They never got the chance to fulfill their prayer. Now their families and neighbors will pray over their dead bodies. This. Is. Heartbreaking. https://twitter.com/KhaledBeydoun/status/1106704020754911234

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 80%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 62%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 67%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 86%