@JohnJamesNI John James #GayNotQueer London/Belfast

JohnJamesNI's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 80
John James @JohnJamesNI
@FemmeLoves It felt the right decision to not challenge her. I moved the conversation on and talked about her own childhood and how she got her first job. I miss her everyday X

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John James @JohnJamesNI
All of us must send our prayers & positive energy to France in the hope that the toddlers & adults fighting for their lives pull through… That animal must rot in a cell for the rest of his life while those toddlers get to grow up and live fulfilling lives 🙏 #Annecy

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@C4Pride finding out what happens when they say gay men & lesbians can’t exist without the TQ+ mob. How dare you - imagine if they said there’s “no black people without T” Lesbians & gay men like me are putting alphabet soup echo chambers on notice - you DON’T speak for US!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
“Protect trans kids” @Oxfam - no child including those who are gay are “safe” from gangsters like YOU who push trans ideology on them. Lesbians & gay men like me won’t let you groom them towards the gender abattoirs. Shove your #ProtectThePride where the sun doesn’t shine!
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John James @JohnJamesNI
Day 6 of #PrideMonth - companies & charities are finding out VERY quickly what happens when you get into bed with the trans mob. Your reputation is on the line… The public & gays like me will not hesitate in calling out this bullshit! #PrideMonth is now #PeakingMonth! #Oxfam

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John James @JohnJamesNI
You disgust me! You don’t speak for lesbians or gay men like me - you’re POSION! Stick #ProtectThePride up your bum!
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John James @JohnJamesNI
@MrMennoTweets Fabulous thread x x

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Peak CNN…. 🤡 #WhatIsAWoman
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John James @JohnJamesNI
Was there really any need for this photo…..? ‘Say Cheese!’ #PhillipSchofield

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Jebadoo2 I wouldn’t expect anything less from @Nancy_M_K @Stonewalluk who thinks lesbians & gay men like us are “sexual racists” for not being attracted to the opposite sex 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 #ClownNancy #StonewallOut

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@soniasodha @EHRC I wouldn’t expect anything less from @Nancy_M_K @Stonewalluk who thinks lesbians & gay men like me are “sexual racists” for not being attracted to the opposite sex 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 #ClownNancy #StonewallOut

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@radfem58 @Jebadoo2

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@deluney_j @OquinncyUK And your nose reminds me of a pig 😘 oink oink

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John James @JohnJamesNI
If you’re gonna criticise my looks - you need to be bloody well sure you don’t look like the backend of a bus…..
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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesNI: For the hard of hearing at the back - gay men & lesbians are being told by ‘alphabet soup/wifi password charities’ like Stonewall that we are “sexual racists” for not being attracted to the opposite sex. Homophobia is alive & well in 2023 - it comes covered in a trans flag..

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@hyptiot 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

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John James @JohnJamesNI
A complete misjudgement by @metpoliceuk - arresting people for wanting to hold a sign saying “not my king”.. The right to protest MUST be protected… This will now become one of the biggest talking points of the #Coronation & it’s not even 9.30am Well done Mark Rowley!🙄

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Gay is now a dirty word to the alphabet soup lobby who have hijacked pride…. #maspalomaspride

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Are you mad @naomi_long?? As a gay man from NI, I wouldn’t touch homophobic stonewall with a 40 foot barge poll.. Sit down with @AllianceLGB @MensNetwork1 @project_lesbian & LISTEN to gays instead of gangsters like Nancy who think we should be attracted to the OPPOSITE sex!
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John James @JohnJamesNI
@ImWatson91 I’m a big fan of calling a spade, a spade…. Xx

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesNI: Don’t be shy @GreyCollier!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@Nancy_M_K, I bet you’re also furious with those lesbians not liking cock or as you refer to them, “sexual racists”. You & @stonewalluk becoming more irrelevant by the day Nancy, see @project_lesbian @AllianceLGB @MensNetwork1 for details…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Jebadoo2 Well deserved x x x

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@AllianceLGB Ribot waiting patiently X

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesNI: You can literally see this marks around his neck from the monster that attacked him.. https://twitter.com/JohnJamesNI/status/1642110192966946816/video/1

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@BillboardChris is one of the bravest men in the world. The militant trans mob despise him for simply wearing a sign saying “Kids cannot consent to puberty blockers” They have nothing left but to assault him because they know it’s true - meanwhile police do nothing. #Canada https://twitter.com/JohnJamesNI/status/1642102596637802499/video/1

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@DreyfusJames New Zealand has fallen… I wonder when when kiwi gays, lesbians & women will start claiming asylum in the UK…?

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Can’t believe it, gone too soon. We needed Paul O’Grady more than ever in 2023 with his dry humour. Awful how the BBC treated him last year, I listened to his @BBCRadio2 show every week. Thoughts with @malprin who kept Paul’s show on the road & made us all laugh every Sunday😔

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John James @JohnJamesNI
I’m still coming to terms with the fact that people in 2023 PROTESTED over LESBIANS meeting other LESBIANS in London!! Companies who have signed up to Stonewall should be feeling nervous - @Nancy_M_K supports the harassment of lesbians - do you?! #TheLesbianProject

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Nancy Kelley of @stonewalluk called lesbians “sexual racists” for not liking cock. Today, the mob with their pitchforks came for lesbians having the nerve to meet without men. Was your £100k+ salary worth it for selling lesbians down the river @Nancy_M_K? #TheLesbianProject

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@mrjamesob wants women to shut their mouths & put up with MEN in their changing rooms! The way he talked to @ThePosieParker on @LBC showed him for the misogynist pig that he is… history will not be kind to you James O’Brien! #LBC https://twitter.com/JohnJamesNI/status/1638518069592039427/video/1

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Jebadoo2 @benonwine

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Is there even any point staying in the queue…? #Eurovision

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John James @JohnJamesNI
The TQIA+ mob are bringing a backlash to gay men & lesbians. We don’t want anything to do with the pronoun brigade. Bring on LGBrexit Now!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
I’m sick and tired of militant trans activists: - They want men in women’s sports, changing rooms, prisons etc etc - They want women reduced to terms like “birthing people” - And to top it all off they want to own the trauma of gay men & lesbians… Fuck. Right. Off. https://t.co/NvsG2n1RTr
John James @JohnJamesNI
: Oh and for the hard of hearing at the back - Exhibit A 🙃

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@AdiDee_Gee @KatyMontgomerie Stop talking out of your bum Adi - it’s embarrassing.

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Section 28 was about GAY men & women you fucking clown @KatyMontgomerie! https://t.co/3Ket31CHgm
John James @JohnJamesNI
: I’m sick and tired of militant trans activists: - They want men in women’s sports, changing rooms, prisons etc etc - They want women reduced to terms like “birthing people” - And to top it all off they want to own the trauma of gay men & lesbians… Fuck. Right. Off.

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Section 28 was about GAY men & women you fucking clown @KatyMontgomerie!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JuliaHB1 @IsabelOakeshott @MattHancock

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John James @JohnJamesNI
What Nancy of Stonewall fails to mention is that ‘GAYS Against GROOMERS’ (@againstgrmrs) is one of the fastest growing accounts on twitter…. 😂
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John James @JohnJamesNI
@MarioNawfal .@Esqueer_ doesn’t want to hear from gay men & lesbians who want nothing to do with trans ideology!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@NicolaSturgeon is finding out what happens when you try to create a law to please @Nancy_M_K @stonewalluk.. Boarding the Titanic comes to mind…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
India meets reality outside twitter….. #bbcqt

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John James @JohnJamesNI
18.5million views and counting…… I’m no Carol Vorderman but that’s a lot of peaking….

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@girls_women @TomSwarbrick1 @PeterAdamSmith @_NatashaDevon @LBC Sadly Natasha lives in her woke echo chamber and blocks gay men like me who raise serious concerns over trans ideology….

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@TwitterSafety will delete your account if you misgender someone… Gays compared to pedophiles? No problem! Still a lot of work to do @elonmusk…!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesTV: Growing up in Northern Ireland, this bollocks reminds me of the same rhetoric that came out of Ian Paisley’s mouth…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@HeadWarriorTWM @jackcullenuk Turns out 99% of gay men telling you drag queens don’t represent them is all a tad awkward…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@EdinburghUni, can you explain why you hosted homophobic hate preacher @katymontgomerie who told your students that my same-sex attraction is a “dogwhistle”? Gay men & lesbians being attracted to the same-sex is non negotiable @EdinburghUni - do you support this homophobia? https://twitter.com/JohnJamesTV/status/1619986219718553600/video/1

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John James @JohnJamesNI
It’s only Sunday and I’m looking forward to Scottish First Minister's Questions already…. (Thursday 12.00pm)

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Scotland’s Sunday front pages…. Millions are being peaked while @NicolaSturgeon is struggling to put the flames out!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
When a picture paints a thousand words @NicolaSturgeon…. [Credit @cairnstoon]

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesTV: If it’s helpful @CAFCofficial, here’s pictures of me (a homosexual) attending @CelticFC matches over the years in Glasgow, Barcelona & Australia… I didn’t feel the need to get the drag gear out…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Only @benjamincohen’s Head of Penis News @ryanjohnbutcher could be concerned about the pronouns of a convicted rapist. Thankfully the @jk_rowling’s of this world are more concerned about women being anywhere near this monster…

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Proud to part of this fabulous club! #BlockedByHFromSteps

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Ianhwatkins If anyone is angry Ian - it’s you calling an innocent woman and mother like @jk_rowling “vile” for believing that gay men like me don’t have vaginas! Have a look in the mirror son! https://t.co/xTauGRAH55
John James @JohnJamesNI
@JohnJamesTV: @Ianhwatkins @jk_rowling

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@andrewdoyle_com I love how Enya based her album Dark Sky Island on this place ❤️☘️ She surely must have another album cooking by now x

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John James @JohnJamesNI
All I want for Christmas is: Father Ted: The Musical 2023… How about it @Glinner?? X Merry Christmas one and all 😘 x x x x 🎄🎅🍾🥂

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@msediewyatt @FredSargeant @elonmusk Welcome back & Merry Christmas Edie! X x x

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@jamesglynn You would fit right in! They shut up anyone they disagree with - exactly what YOU did for years! You turned Twitter into a North Korean hellhole, thank god you have nothing to do it with it now… How will you cope in your next job when you hear opinions you disagree with? 😅

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Woke Twitter staff like @jamesglynn decided the narrative in the digital town hall square for years - innocent people stating facts were deleted. Woke celebs stayed quiet & some even celebrated their cancellation. Let’s hope those days are over - welcome back Graham Linehan!!!
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John James @JohnJamesNI
What a dark day for Scottish women - @NicolaSturgeon applauds herself like a clapping seal after putting rapist rights above women.. Well done to the women shouting “Shame on You!” Where are the men sticking up for their wives & daughters? #GRRBill #WomensRightsAreHumanRights https://twitter.com/JohnJamesTV/status/1605954231118225409/video/1

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John James @JohnJamesNI
“We did it Joe!”
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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Ianhwatkins You hate women - we get it..

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John James @JohnJamesNI
@Ianhwatkins If anyone is angry Ian - it’s you calling an innocent woman and mother like @jk_rowling “vile” for believing that gay men like me don’t have vaginas! Have a look in the mirror son!

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John James @JohnJamesNI
.@Ianhwatkins if you think @jk_rowling is “vile” at least stand by your convictions instead of deleting it when asked reasonable questions as to why you think she is “vile”… #IStandWithJKRowling

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John James @JohnJamesNI
Why have they brought back social distancing for the Strictly final…? #StrictlyFinal

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John James @JohnJamesNI
I ❤️ @againstgrmrs!

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mspaint style 52%

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tldr 78%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 60%

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firearm 25%

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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 96%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 38%
etc 25%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 27%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 34%
etc 26%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 72%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 86%