@youcanthaveshe Queen of the dazzle KPSS ♿ Keep life simple...the truth matters..life's not fair..treat everybody with respect but trust your instincts. Zebra 🦓 at heart ♥ (eds) Fibromyalgia 💜 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 17
Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@billybragg She’s a warrior

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Aja02537920 My eyes my eyes 👀

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ParentsAcross I can hear the laughter from hear

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ParentsAcross @thatveganlass You should do more

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ParentsAcross @thatveganlass Excellent

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@PankhurstEM Dehumanised in the sheets Dehumanisation in the streets I mean what could possibly go wrong

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@TheFamousArtBR I won’t and you can’t make me

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@StandingforXX Take a bow ..😂😂 that’s absolutely wonderful

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@8RosarioSanchez I think it’s a great idea..Here she is defiantly giving the women and girls of Scotland a place to speak. We are adult human females. We are women and we will speak the truth and use our spaces and language without seeking permission @ThePosieParker #INeverLose

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
#SexNotGender #SaveWomensSpaces #WomensRightsAreHumanRights https://t.co/kOhGJ4IxbI
Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
: Why would I need permission to speak about my life as a women from males who seek to control the narrative and our rights for themselves and from women who are traitors to their own sex..I continue to stand in solidarity with women and girls and hold the line #LetWomanSpeak

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
Women and girls are already becoming even more dehumanised..But we become nothing but an abstract male fantasy of women hood whose bodily autonomy doesn’t matter if we do not speak up for ourselves and the reality of our lifes, our needs,our wants and that other women and girls https://t.co/WLHqBngiFj
Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
: #SexNotGender #SaveWomensSpaces #WomensRightsAreHumanRights

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
#WomenWontWeesht bravery comes in different forms but especially in women and girls standing up and speaking about their reality and fears for the future in a hostile world who no longer allows females to define themselves without male approval https://t.co/Hn63ny5nNs
Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
: Women and girls are already becoming even more dehumanised..But we become nothing but an abstract male fantasy of women hood whose bodily autonomy doesn’t matter if we do not speak up for ourselves and the reality of our lifes, our needs,our wants and that other women and girls

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
#WomenWontWeesht bravery comes in different forms but especially in women and girls standing up and speaking about their reality and fears for the future in a hostile world who no longer allows females to define themselves without male approval

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@FKASerioJosh @jk_rowling I’m a slytherin and no one will shame me for it

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@GussieGrips @Leanneyoung1972 I used to tell my children that my husband was my favourite child.. then as they got older .. Id say to them your my favourite boy and your my favourite girl since I only have one of each.. they laugh at it and I’ve never heard them complain..x

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@toriajayne @littelray2 I’ve heard it and I would have probably knew what you meant .. but I’d possibly also be thinking of a car or the actual bear.. especially in Greenock.. where you might see anything at anytime..😆😂😆

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@peachgyn Absolutely this

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@shumirunnessa I’m sorry they are attacking you and threatening you and your family and trying to silence you.. this is to deter you and others from speaking out..the process is the punishment #IStandWithShumirunNessa

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@HumansNoContext Let’s go

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@keybehaviours All of the above

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@january_myth And good luck for tomorrow

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Serena_Partrick They have no argument so point out the obvious as some sort ”im superior”point .. a point which is supposed to be an insult or that lack insight and a hint that you are inferior and that your opinion has no value.. it’s an alternative to misogyny/ I’m superior to you bitch

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@DavidHTorrance In what way

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@libsoftiktok Always with the creepy smile

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Serena_Partrick @Keir_Starmer @UKLabour @NadiaWhittomeMP @zarahsultana @lloyd_rm It’s Always a passive aggressive or aggressive aggressive power play

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ParentsAcross It’s misogyny and a desperate need to put someone in who will not willing undo the recent snp/green “progress”..nothing she says will be good enough..she doesn’t bow down or have the right sort of identity therefore doesn’t deserve to speak or to be heard or represent others

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Daily_Record @AllieHBNews

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@_QueenMeabh Ready steady go

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ask_aubry since we can’t avoid the places or the men..there’s only one way to solve this problem…

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@varindeus This induces such a rage in me .. the misogyny and entitlement is on full display all whilst using black peoples oppression to oppression women and children and strip them of their rights and language

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@sunheadbowed I know I shouldn’t but I laughed..he’s a pretty boy with such misogynistic homophobic unhinged vibes.. he scares me a little

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@blablafishcakes @StarryTowers 😂😆😂

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@AdultHumanFem57 @JerryTurin @roseveniceallan I was genuinely just interested in what he meant.. which characteristics he was talking about

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ParentsAcross Here’s hoping

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@TerfyMcTerfy @roseveniceallan @FlintyRead @BRITs So men get access women’s awards for validation while other awards become mens awards under non binary or any artist nominations

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@MegEBrock It’s the stuff of horror movies and humans are crossing lines from saving to creating monsters

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@roseveniceallan @FlintyRead @BRITs Wonder what award will be next..

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Ms_H_Survivor @rickygervais My daughter did this in nursery and school every time her dad let her dress herself..she liked to wear leggings or tights under everything including pinafore..she did get some odd looks but that’s what happened when your colour blind dad gave his 4- 6 year old too many choices

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@faintlyfalling @AnneDCtheWitch At their book club 👀🤫🤐😵‍💫..trying to review it 😂🤣 …I suppose if you can deny reality it must be pretty easy to deny anything

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@frankie2001mia I look like I’ve fallen out of a jumble sale ..so god knows what that means for me

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@JebraFaushay I’m getting these vibes

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@mjeslfc @RhinestoneCow11 Well done to all the women in your workplace

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@redheadranting @AgingWhiteGay I think you can mock any kink you enforce on others especially without their consent ..keep this shit to yourself

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@ToomuchMorgans @OrkneyBear Half of Scotland at the moment

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Theholisticpsyc Why you writing about my life

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@YealOPTOUT @MontyHasAPython

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@Glinner @ry0ko3 Excellent

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Queen of the dazzle KPSS @youcanthaveshe
@loudwithout @BernieSpofforth

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star of david 31%

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pepe 91%

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ss bolts 55%
proud boys 55%

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toons other 99%

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