@qin_duke Duke of Qin 无情

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 44
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Wasn't expecting a shit post to get so much engagement so I got to follow up with dance posting to drive away potential new low quality followers. Another lovely jiaozhou yangge. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1666775165273796610/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Lol I used to think those candid street shots of hot girls in China were all staged until today. Some photographer in Chengdu was recording at a shopping area and scoped out an odd couple of middle aged man and hottie. Unfortunately for him some random on the internet identified

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Really great choreography on this pas de deux that substitutes for a weight lifting regime. A 50kg dancer is not that heavy compared to dumb bells but is a lot trickier to keep a steady hold on especially since the center of gravity can shift unexpectedly. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1664130554394976258/video/1

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Gerard DiPippo @gdp1985
@Profleoyu You think Europe's view of China and its "de-risking" posture weren't affected by the war? I definitely disagree with that. Talk to EU diplomats. They're not subtle about it.
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@Profleoyu Nigger please. There are dozens of other nations who don't give a shit about Russia and some are openly backstopping trade and sanctions busting. One is a NATO member and the other is the great brown democratic hope of counterbalancing China. Don't see any "de-risking" going on

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
People were asking for proof that current Chinese celebrities are better looking than past ones. Sorry 90'scels, it's over. It was over before it even began.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@blob_watcher @tim_sandsquid63 She is one of the rare women that looked prettier with more weight. Or at least baby fat. Mainland female beauty standards lean towards this nowadays, or at least mine does.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
It's completely over for the weebcels. Midjourney is delivering amazing results now and you can just completely skip paying for pauper wages for artists. Photorealistic movies will die, but only after the anime/manga industry which can be disrupted now.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Some teenage students practicing paso doble in Hubei. As with any competitive endeavor at a young age, behind each hard working and determined youngster is an even more determined parent itching to relive a better version of their youth this time through their children. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1661651832697937920/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Practice by a dancer from the Inner Mongolia Song and Dance Company. One of the great things about the last decade of infrastructure splurging is a lot of companies now have new shiny facilities. In general dance studios tend to be run down and in the poorer neighborhoods due to https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1659883905258774529/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
One great thing about Chinese performing arts is that it isn't afraid to innovate on the classics. Most Western conceptions of artistic innovations amount to trans dance companies pretty much nowadays but regard genre breaking combinations like mixing ballet with acrobatics as https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1658627081901686785/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Rehearsals at the China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater Company. If I didn't know any better I would have sworn they were being sponsored by lululemon considering how popular their stuff is with the girls. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1657796391295483905/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
An interesting advertisement that upon first glance you would have no idea what they were selling. It's actually cosmetics. The professional life of a dancer is sadly all too brief. The majority don't even last a decade and it is the rare star that lasts into the 40's. Most will https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1657334968282955777/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
When the NYTs' notices some obscure commonality in Asian women journalists, it's cute and endearing. When I notice an even more statistically significant one, everyone gets mad and calls up Twitter HR to try and have me banned. 🤔
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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
More Latin ballroom competition clips, this from a recent event in Hubei. With COVID travel restrictions entirely lifted these are coming back with a vengeance and Chinese competitors are showing up at international events like Blackpool again and fighting for gold. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1656099801648250880/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Rehearsals at the Hangzhou Song and Dance Company. Zhejiang being one of China's wealthiest provinces has a plethora of top tier dance companies because both the pay and audiences are bigger. This in turn means they have the pick of dancers outside the larger national companies. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1654650889213280262/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A student preparing for her art exams sans music so that the sound of her heavy breathing is quite prominent. A Russian writer of old wryly noted that dancers while beautiful to look at, smelled like horses because of the amount of physical effort they exerted. There is a similar https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1653554280899530755/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@catcontentonly It was inevitable as all deals with the devil are.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Rehearsals for a solo at the Lotus Awards that wrapped up yesterday. This dance was only good enough to score 11th place which I felt was fair as it doesn't particularly stand out anywhere. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1652435830609256448/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Students from the Zhejiang vocational arts school at rehearsals. The Taoli Cup and the Lotus Awards are finally back. These competitions are THE events for Chinese dance students similar to what the Prix du Lausanne and Varna are for ballet, but held triennially. The original https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1651477398011904000/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A dancer, Qiu Yunting, with the national ballet of China performing a series of "unorthodox" turns. These are actually Miao Folk Dance turns and the position of the legs and feet are in direct contravention of ballet training yet she performs them with aplomb none the less. This https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1650675489697148929/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Lack of regular dance posting over the past few weeks will be partially made up by a two-fer today. I've been following this dancer since she was a student at the Shanghai Theater Academy and now that she has gone pro, she does not disappoint. A riveting Xiyu themed performance. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1647977874404659202/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Too much recent political shit posting from me which makes me feel awful afterwards. It's like eating junkfood, tastes great going in, but you feel terrible afterwards. Here are some Beijing Dance Academy students performing an Indian dance on TV as a palate cleanser. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1647966651126632449/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
People mistake this crap for white propaganda when it's really diasporoid nonsense. The modal Taiwanese separatist who works for the US government is a colossal faggot whose ethnic identity doesn't exist beyond food. Their anti-chinese position has less to do with any heartfelt
Carl Zha @CarlZha
This is the dumbest shit ever👇🏼

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Something that goes underappreciated is just how physically painful dance training is. Some may have seen the sobbing children being stretched but even more innocuous movements hurt. For example while these turns may seem fairly pedestrian the fact that their arms are in a full https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1640588117252997123/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A good sense of balance is a really underappreciated aspect of being a competent dancer. It isn't just specifically the execution of movements but rather the smoothness of the transitions and lack of extraneous movements that really characterizes the professional. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1639628170650370048/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
People keep whining that China is taking all sorts of data private without understanding this is your employment profile of your typical China watcher. People always complain that lack of transparency means people will just assume the worst but it's generally not true at all. The
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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A nice Jiaozhou Yangge performance by this Shanghai Dance teacher. The interesting detail is that the formalization of dance pedagogy in China has led to it's domination by a few forms as representative of Chinese folk dance all from the North China plain. Southern dance forms https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1636562674887585792/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Sometimes these things just write themselves

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: @Peter_Nimitz Many such cases. The class of court eunuchs that staff DC are extremely bourgeois and display the common trait of resource poor people trying to imitate high end consumption via food.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A teacher instructing in Korean dance at the Beijing Dance Academy. The amusing thing is that this has been taught for decades yet the first thing that comes to mind when you mention Korean dance today is some entertainment company contract slave grinding her hips in tiny shorts. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1635349507155304448/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
This is legitimately a case where America can actually blame China for one of it's own colossal fuckups.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Candid backstage pre show warm ups for the Red Detachment of Women, including some of the chorus stuffing their faces as a bonus. It's interesting that while the Red dramas became artistic canon in China, similar ones were never quite able to elbow aside Petipa in Russia. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1634762687690207232/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A practice clip courtesy of the Yangzhou Song & Dance company. Sharp eared listeners will note an odd prominent rubbing noise in the music, which is quite intentional. The instrument in question, the Guqin was traditionally strung with silk (modern ones use steel string) which https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1634344037812510720/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A tomb of a very interesting individual who happened to be emperor for just a few weeks before he was deposed and demoted to being a commoner. An extremely rare find because most Han tombs had long ago been robbed but the tomb raider in this case was fooled by the offset location https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1633472727691436033/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@CurtExplores Camera drones help. Don't have to physically walk everywhere and gets you a god's eye view which is useful when dealing with elevations and it's obstructions. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1633139489622179844/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A Tibetan pas de deux rehearsal at the Shanghai Song and Dance Company from the dance drama Tian Lu, aka heavenly road. These kind of character dances are interesting because they are a form of ethnogenesis. This and other dramas like it are creating an entire corpus of Tibetan https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1632220465690300418/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A great fan dance by this teacher in Shanghai. Really most women should avoid wearing Qipao because it is very unforgiving aside from the whole Manchu whore thing. Unless you have a dancer's svelte physique you are just going to end up looking like an overstuffed burrito. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1631340251758174229/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Sadly while the People's Liberation Army is no longer in the theater business, China's state railway company still is and maintains their own performing arts company. The first arts troupe set up by the Communist Party even before the formation of the PRC was for miners. The idea https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1630911175134248960/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
I honestly wasn't expecting an off the cuff comment about women's weight to get so much attention, more fool me I guess. Those standards aren't unrealistic, just difficult, but like all good things they are achieved through effort. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1630045291058540545/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Students from the Beijing Dance academy performing a Huagudeng. The girl went from being a pretty good dancer to a mediocre actress. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1629483065557803011/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
I had previously touched up on the money factor in dance training, i.e. you better have rich parents if you want to make it in the business but it helps even more to have parents directly in the business. The number of professional dancers with former professional dancers parents https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1629003662033838082/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
There is something vaguely erotic about a woman doing needlework. Partially it is the cult of domesticity which is almost dead today but more so the deft finger movements. It was an open secret in Chinese art that under a strict Confucian moral code, it was the fingers that were

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A student at Minzu University performing an Uighur dance. Male Uighur dances are rare mostly on account of how few male Uighur dancers there are at the professional level. Surprisingly Muslim societies usually have the opposite problem where there is a surfeit of male dancers and https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1628079595256786967/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@XianyangCB The modern version. Palace could be bigger though.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A rehearsal clip for a fan dance. A rarity in Western dances possibly due to climate. You only see them occasionally make an appearance in Spanish character dances because it is one of the rare countries in Europe that is hot enough where carrying one was traditionally common. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1626390504416940033/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
I never can resist a chuckle when I see kids practicing the faces for Latin ballroom. The fierce looks and vogueing just looks so silly on children though the competitive demands of the dance requires ever younger trainees. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1625651012458479617/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Scenes from the National ballet of China's new production of Hong Lou Meng that premiered yesterday. Unfortunately the costuming is I feel inferior to the Chinese dance version that premiered last year and my criticism regarding the music still remains the same. Not distinctive https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1624402782961762306/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1012136?source=daily_tones Broke: Pre-Communist China Woke: Mandatory Hanfu Bespoke: Sacrificial cauldrons filled with the decapitated heads of the barbarians We have to go back. The Lord of the Smoking Mirror demands it.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A scene from a dance drama with a very long name that I forget at the moment. What sets it apart from most other dance dramas is that this is a Qing period piece. Those are rare and the ones set during it are invariably late Qing revolutionary themed dances. The protagonist of https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1623120741611732993/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A scene from the dance drama Boya Juexian, one of the rare productions where male dancers are predominant due to the subject matter. It's interesting that the ancients all stressed the modern adage of bros before hos though how they followed it in practice is unknown. That level https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1622392558000250880/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Foolish people in England pointlessly debate whether nu-labour could possibly turn around a decade and a half decline under Tory rule but have you considered a possibility of change of a different stripe? The Saxe-Coburg pretenders have sat on the lion throne for long enough.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Rehearsals for another production of Hong Lou Meng, unfortunately taken at an obscured vantage from the orchestra pit. Absolutely gorgeous body on the female dancer. The music I am more divided on as the composition is I feel entirely too Western for this piece. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1621409528053899265/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another scene from the Qi Bing dance drama. The Communist Party's imprimatur on practically all Chinese high culture is an interesting phenomenon especially in light of the Chinese liberal's endless grouching of the party being 土, which basically means earthy or rustic in the https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1620636073079754752/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: What this in effect means is Chinese propaganda should not be issues based or promote Chinese interest but adopt the race to the gutter. America should be nigger lovers in nations worried about black criminality. Racists to African countries. Homos to those who care about sexual

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
What you say is actually less important than who says it, or why Chinese propaganda doesn't work in the West. This comic amusingly touches on how people, or at least the professional managerial class, respond to messaging depending on status differentials of the speaker. As long

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
I was surprised to see this young couple actually dance on a Chinese new year gala show. The new years shows would be more entertaining with more dancing and less comedy skits. Very skilled for their age. This paso doble was from right after they left U12. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1619709791735259136/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another high energy sword dance from a competition from late 2021. Honestly this guy's Chinese isn't as good as his Contemporary which is quite spectacular. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1618781016256294912/video/1

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Spandrell @spandrell3
POV: you wake up to this https://t.co/T0ToGtShBC
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
She looks better now that she's lost some weight. Still looks similar to that other Jewess though.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A pas de deux from the dance drama Qi Bing. Another politically inflected production, this scene in particular where the groom leaves his new bride to join the Chinese Red Army. There is a strong artistic tradition of linking ethnic minorities with the PLA, in this case Mongols https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1618031195845193728/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Honestly political shit posting bores me compared to dance posting so here is another Mongol folk performance to ring in the Chinese new year. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1617746263897931777/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
The girl and her feet. One of the parallels that keeps recurring to me is between foot binding and dance. Ultimately the aesthetic standards in both are not actually defined by men, but rather women though in both cases women will excuse their own agency in the affair by blaming

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@nise_yoshimi The reds have access to dark powers beyond your imagination.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
I am pleasantly surprised to see this dance performed on the Spring festival gala but am disappointed in two respects. First is the rearrangement of the music where the cello has had it's prominence reduced. The original music was much more melancholic. The second issue has to do https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1616810855911260160/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Happy Chinese new year everyone. Hope you are enjoying it with your families for everyone celebrating.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another great sword dance sadly marred by some audio errors in the recording. This girl is actually one of the more promising of her cohort at the Beijing dance academy and recently won first prize at competition at the end of last year, though not for this performance. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1615911013769162752/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Examinations at the Shanghai theater academy covering Dai folk dancing. It may simply be my imagination, but the Shanghai girls look even thinner than the girls at the Beijing dance academy. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1615576467932315649/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Men only want one thing and it's high quality reproduction armor at affordable prices. 😤

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Being able to appreciate the beauty of dance really requires an eye for fine details. This brief clip of a male teacher and female student performing the same action really shows the disparity between two ostensibly identical movements. The teacher is so much more fluid and small https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1614487985038180353/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another student from the Shanghai theater academy. This dancing is alright, but the music mostly puts me to sleep to be honest and the choreography is a bit pedestrian as well. Too much of an art school entrance exam type of movement. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1614064141127254018/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
White women: Cultural appropriation in my timeline? Reeeee!!! Chinese women: Look at me. I am the Tibetan now.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another religiously infused dunhuang dance complete with rosary. A competent dancer with an unfortunate case of baby fat. She graduated last year and is with a company now and despite having lost weight she still has chubby cheeks which is incongruous with how thin she is now. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1613281964345425921/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A playful dance that makes my back hurt just watching it. An open secret is that the biggest advantage of younger dancers is not in physical strength or stamina, it's the ability to recover rapidly from injuries. No matter how physically fit you are, your age will determine that https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1611955731506266112/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Wife beating is fine and lindy and you should do it no matter who your father-in-law happens to be. A scene from a dance production of Da Jin Zhi, an opera about how the son of the Prince of Fenyang beat his wife Princess Shenping for being a disrespectful cunt and when she went https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1611395296566673409/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A 16 year old student performing a Dunhuang dance with the choreography focusing heavily on the mudras. Costuming for these dances usually have the dancer dressed in the role of an apsara (Fei Tian in Chinese), a nymph that fulfilled the muse role in Buddhist and Hindu mythology. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1611025929324859392/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: @RupprechtDeino @foolsball coolest PLAAF helmet will always be this JH-7 wso wearing his DOTA helmet. Fyi this is Omni Knight not Jesus for anyone wondering.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@UphillBend @PAstynome @pplsartofwar It's just very weird how the entire east Asian edgy right is just incredibly self hating. Everywhere else they are obsessed with preservation of tradition and ethnicity and keeping community intact. Here it's just fuck them chinks/gooks lol etc.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A great scene from the Wing Chun dance drama performed for a New Years special. Dancers are exceptionally good at performing martial arts roles because they share a fundamental focus on kinesthetics. Having fine control over the movement of your own body is required for either. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1609749370865328128/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Happy new years everyone. My resolution: everyone else should lose weight. Make the world a better place by making everyone in it a little bit prettier and healthier. 🥳 https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1609280689291292672/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A lovely pas de deux from a pair from the Guangdong Song and Dance Company. The greatest difference between dance in Taiwan and the mainland, aside from the latter being so much physically more fit, is the collapse of the former into contemporary abstractionism. They are actually https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1608599800957800449/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Steppe larping in style. A bunch of Chinese dressed in 8th century Sassanid Persian swag (except for the Manchu at the end) shooting traditional bows. Props on shooting with thumb rings, very lindy, but thumbs down for using 20kg draw weight sporting bows. Need to hit the weights https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1608230735395098626/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A secondary student at the Shanghai theater academy performing a Dai dance. Facial expressiveness isn't something normally required for this form so a simple silhouette works well. A still pre-pubescent dancer by the looks of it from the head size to body proportions. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1607840811991076865/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A student from Minzu University's dance school. The Chinese tradition of theatrical acrobatics blends almost seamlessly into dance training, especially for men where ever more flashy jumps, leaps, and turns are increasingly the standard by which they are judged. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1607181214510874629/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A dancer with the Guangzhou song and dance company. Unfortunately COVID seems to be ripping through the companies but based on the frequency of Douyin updates, the dancers seem to be recovering well after a few days. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1606651981447184387/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
An operatic sleeve dance from a TV show. Interesting blend of new and old which is to say that it's still a living tradition and hasn't ossified into a relic. No small part of the reason why the traditional performing arts are in decline is the increasing number of purists who https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1605406475907743745/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A dancer demonstrating some improvisational choreography for a water sleeve dance. Although this is a very old archaeologically attested dance form dating back to the Warring States period, the modern variant is quite different in aesthetics and purpose. It used to be a shamanic https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1604091225639981057/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A Tibetan folk dance performed by a dancer from the China National Opera. An incidental great thing about there being no separate Tibetan state is that I don't have to put up with annoying Westernized diaspora whining about cultural appropriation or authenticity of Tibetan dances https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1603569323334930435/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Adorable dance but it's ridiculous the lengths parents are going to make their children famous. One on one teachers and their own professional choreographers are only the start. Gotta combine it with social media campaigns and then a television blitz, all by the age of 8. $$$ https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1603026041911578625/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Is it still ethnic appropriation if you do it better? An old complaint dating back from the 2008 Beijing Olympics was that the minorities at the ceremony were actually all by Han dancers. It's a pure numbers game that the most skilled of any folk dancer will be a Han student. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1602071109800706049/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A dancer from the Suzhou song and dance company recording a time lapse of some of her practice sessions with occasional appearances by the choreographer. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1601528517929627648/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another student technical examination. A common and strange criticism I get from the detractors is that I like to post dance clips. That posting videos of young talented physically fit girls makes me gay. That sharing beauty and art makes me weird. I have to wonder what kind of https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1600101029843902465/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A student from the BDA performing a fan dance accompanied by Pansori music. The lyrics tells a story about the filial piety of a girl named Shim Chong saving her father. An energetic performance, but still a little lacking compared to some older performances of this dance. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1599211498353545216/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Autism mode on. Found something interesting in that some bored person actually built as realistic as possible models in Solidworks of American, Russian, and Chinese stealth aircraft and then ran them through commercial em simulation software for radar scattering testing. Although

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
More practices at the Beijing Dance Academy, this time Dai folk dancing. Eagle eyed viewers can play where's waldo with the laowai foreign student auditing this class which is an extreme rarity. I can count the total numbers I know of on one hand. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1598134943284350976/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
More classes at the Beijing Dance Academy. Good clear view of the demi-pointe footwork. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1597777692178321410/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A rare combination of talents in that she is an extremely accomplished dancer and can play the pipa at least competently. All other dancers just pretend plucking the strings and she is the first I've seen performing a pipa dance who can actually play. Can't wait till the Brits https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1596995013392891905/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@Willyintheworld @phl43 No because US media reporting on any Chinese companies in the semiconductor industry is functionally a target list. Every time a Chinese company gets breathlessly reported on in English press is a prelude to sanctions. But here is a good rundown of progress.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A technical demonstration by a student at the Beijing Dance academy. One major mistake when she loses her balance coming out of the xi tui fan shen turn trick and she takes a few steps to prevent falling. For some reason upper division Chinese dance students almost all wear black https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1594154906105118723/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A trailer for the latest production of Hong Lou Meng. One of the great advances in the Chinese performing arts, not just dance, is in the costuming. It used to be cheap neon synthetic fabrics everywhere that just looked tacky, no matter the quality of the performance. However, in https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1588580972404305920/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@XianyangCB There's actually a book on historic Chinese fabric patterns. Very glossy print by the looks of it and a perfect coffee table book.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Students at Minzu University performing a Korean drum dance. There is a funny linguistic quirk in Chinese that has different words used to describe anything Korean. This is called a Chaoxian (Choson) dance and never a Hanguo (South Korea) dance because of North Korea's existence. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1587597327484723201/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Very charming dance though lacking in technical elements. This style of choreography is popular on the internet precisely because of that fact, hence it can be performed adequately by amateurs without the years of professional physical training. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1586864190119084035/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Very difficult to find recordings of opera performance practices and rehearsals on Douyin, particularly the dance steps. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1586150403246358529/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A little variety for the rare Chinese opera fan, all one of you, among the followers. A performance of Chun Jiang Meng, a relatively recent staging despite the Ming aesthetics, itself from a relatively modern Yue Opera genre of the early 20th century. The hand positions from all https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1585056588205035522/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Historical Chinese portraiture chose a different path to realism than the Western approach. Western painters use offset perspective and the interplay of light and shadow under natural lighting to give dimensionality to the human face. Chinese painters invariably used a 180 degree https://t.co/dkUh1IcwNJ
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
: perspective similar to that found on a modern government photo ID and flat omni lighting. Instead realism was built up through detailed depiction facial contouring and musculature.

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View @qin_duke
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Historical Chinese portraiture chose a different path to realism than the Western approach. Western painters use offset perspective and the interplay of light and shadow under natural lighting to give dimensionality to the human face. Chinese painters invariably used a 180 degree

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@captainperson @faustian_fellah No she was always kind of ugly. That is a "retouched" composition based off of this original

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A performance from a student at the Beijing Dance Academy. A more teaching oriented dance than artistic as there are more skill elements in the choreography, too much really, designed to test the aptitude of the student first and foremost. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1583935571357241345/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Most Chinese dance costumes tend to be on the light and wispy side because of aesthetic and performance reasons but occasionally you see a very traditional opera costume. Their rarity is because of the weight issue. They are very heavy and can shift your center of gravity. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1582899858855190528/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
One of the great things about collecting antique Chinese weapons is their incredible diversity. A very unusual, and large jian (1.6 meters length) with a combination of odd features. S shaped quillons are usually found on 19th century fighting knives while the ring pommel hilt

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Another student performing Chun Gui Meng, though sadly without the beautiful long slender legs of the last girl from the Shanghai Theater Academy. An odd choice of opera to choreograph a dance to since it is 1) relatively modern and 2) a political satire and not a romantic drama. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1581823658384715777/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
One of the funniest observations made by @Steve_Sailer is that adult male to female transexuals are actually hyper masculine is corroborated by the existence of Jin Xing, China's only prominent transexual celebrity who also happens to be China's most prominent misogynist at least

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
A graduation performance from a student at the Zhejiang Conservatory. One of the annoying things about being a dance student is just how simultaneously cheaply made yet expensive the costumes tend to be. It's like mandatory overpriced textbooks, but for the performing arts https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1580737579443707904/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Are Hakans's powers weakening? That man has the most stereotypical Chinoy name possible. Might as well be Ernst Kikenbergstein for how over the top it is. Who would believe such rumours? They would never eat their own slop. Must change it to orange juice and hoisin sauce.
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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: @AskAKorean in China and blah blah blah yada yada yada how only in Freedomstan could some groveling house gook make and be awarded a prize by a cabal of predatory homosexuals.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: @dylanleviking @nise_yoshimi taboos even are. Some people are just contrarians by nature and on the extreme case you have people like this fellow or the American equivalent who goes around livestreaming repeatedly saying nigger in public for the thrill of it. The usual punishment for this sort of behavior is

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: rely on. It was ultimately mostly unsuccessful as taking the state head on is a difficult challenge in normal circumstances, though more daring than the American approach which involves turning all of your elites into a Western media addicted drooling reddit faggot.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: pieces from giving it legitimacy, the fact that it's fucking milk tea, all point to an inorganic campaign designed by some Boba liberal faggot in America working for DC.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
This music is way overused thanks to Wong Kar Wai. It's practically become the theme song for Chinese romantic noir. A beautiful performance, spoiled only by the annoying sepia lighting. Her actual powder blue dress, jet black hair, and blood red lipstick were striking enough. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1333285540377096192/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Rehearsals for the Orphan of Zhao at the China National Opera and Dance Drama Theater Company. https://twitter.com/qin_duke/status/1332787242251792386/video/1

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Removing Buuz by day, removing Kebab on nights and weekends in the name of the emperor.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
Holy shit I hadn't pegged you as this much of a faggot. I mean Weebs are automatically gay but damn...

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View @380kmh
Kevin B @kevinonchina
I have always considered myself a liberal, but recently I've found it more and more difficult to have a conversation about race with fellow liberals. I wrote a piece on why this is, why it's a problem, and a few things we can do about it. https://t.co/6E9UryFkF2
Duke of Qin @qin_duke
What a disingenuous faggot you are. The Wuhan Virus / China virus terminology is actively being pushed by particular parties, namely the HK/Taiwan clowns and the US Republican party with the explicit intent of smearing China. Pretending otherwise is akin to going on and on

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@qin_duke: never even thought of such because as the faggot Liberals supporters are never willing to admit that the movement was never about rights but separatism. Instead of the 996 toxic work culture, another common problem facing China and Hong Kong, your precious organizers decided that

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@thespandrell That dotard actually insulted you for not having as many page views as him. Scratch a liberal boomer and out comes a petty faggot.

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Duke of Qin @qin_duke
@itrulyknowchina A liberal homosexual who cares more for headpats from Western liberals. China has enemies that wish her ill ranging from American imperialist wanting to preserve their crumbling hegemony to the Hanjian house niggers. The solution is not capitulation but war.

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