@logos_god Logos is God Catholic Black Guy

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Logos is God @logos_god
@HeidiM_67 @danguume @Kate_Kelly_Esq @jamielmanson @Catholic4Choice @OrdEquality It’s her body like you say. She liked having sex with black men but still didn’t care for black people for whatever reason. So whenever she pregnant she terminated the baby (or it your case) n I was told from a close friend that she said she would never bring a ni66er into the...

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Logos is God @logos_god
@HeidiM_67 @danguume @Kate_Kelly_Esq @jamielmanson @Catholic4Choice @OrdEquality Ok we can’t force our views about abortion on you n others like you can’t force your views on us. Fair enough. But some people abuse it like the white girl I knew I like screwing blackmen but I can’t get pregnant can’t bring no ni66ers in the world but it’s her body though...

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Logos is God @logos_god
: @blacksunguy @PaulSmithLumber @Nature_and_Race ...joos, liberal blacks, communist and controlled opposition wanted integration. My i suggest Color Common Sense and Communism by Manning Johnson a blackman in the communist party who defected shows why the jews push this. And y everytime blacks build up a community its destroyed

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Logos is God @logos_god
: @blacksunguy @PaulSmithLumber @Nature_and_Race ...brainwashed to see whitey as the enemy as joos can use whites as a cover for their crimes.

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Logos is God @logos_god
@jujuslox @Silascarceras77 Well jooos have been kicked out of 109 countries for a reason. Adolf didn’t like them for no reason at all, there was a reason they destroyed the German people. I was like most blacks its all the whiteman until gained a thorough knowledge about the JQ. Anyway i like your timeline

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Logos is God @logos_god
Ni99A you crazy I love dark skinned women. The Blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, the darker the flesh the deeper the roots!!!
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Logos is God @logos_god
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Logos is God @logos_god
Clint Eastwood: '' I Just Hate Niggers '' https://youtu.be/j1w29SpEVTY via @YouTube

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Logos is God @logos_god
Rather good or bad Hitler’s Germany changed the game. National Socialist Germany had some good ideas

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Logos is God @logos_god
Got to beat down white supremacy right. But then get mad when whites call you a nigger. People should treat people as they would like to be treated thats the first definition of love. Good is good Evil is evil.
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Logos is God @logos_god
@realjbullock @igneiudicium @MaxJWagner So is child sacrificing which the ancient Jews were involved in. In fact it’s worser. I would rather someone call me a nigger any day than sacrifice a child to Devil Gods.

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Logos is God @logos_god
@LoudnC @hurricane37 @TrumpJew Nothing criminal at all joos the only race that can’t be critique

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Logos is God @logos_god
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Logos is God @logos_god
@Rambles181 Amen I don’t see why both groups can’t understand that. It would be wrong of me to straight Up trash Orthodoxy. When I know it has been infiltrated by modernist, Freemasons, communist and worst of all Joooos.

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Curse @cursedsalad
In 14k tweets, I have not once referred to a hierarchy of races, and yet you've inferred that I am a "white supremacist." This term is intentionally designed to foment hate in non-white groups so as to weaponized them against whites that are proud of their identity. Reported. https://t.co/4a5Ods5nET
Logos is God @logos_god
True. Must keep the different races always at each other throat and always its the white man. Let’s get the white race. It’s funny Joooos always bash white people but love sexing the white man’s woman, hypocrites.

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