@JB0w1 JB0w Baptize thyself with the blood of the system. United Kingdom

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 16

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JB0w @JB0w1
@eugyppius1 @western_bester

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JB0w @JB0w1
@RealBlackIrish 'In that case we will make our countries 100% White, you don't care after all - right?'

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JB0w @JB0w1
@NHSEngland @BBCHughPym no

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JB0w @JB0w1
@w_guppy I just like taking pictures

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JB0w @JB0w1
@AwakenedCelt Accept, see picture

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JB0w @JB0w1
Social distance! Wear a mask! Get tested! A complete product of the system, over-socialised and the ultimate capitalist conformist; while believing they are morally self-righteous, rebelling against the Tory Reich. "Don't you see what a covidiot you are?" they squeel in glee.

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JB0w @JB0w1
@magapolitics2: @0_politics2

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JB0w @JB0w1
who is buying doge at this price stop it let this ponzi shitcoin crash ffs PLEASE

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JB0w @JB0w1
Very healthy looking fox I caught on camera in the fields outside my home in Shropshire, good luck buddy! Had to put the ISO up to 6400, wide open lens and the camera still automated the shutter speed at 1/25 🙈 #wildlife

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JB0w @JB0w1
@CountSpergula: @SpergFestive @NevilleMorley why do they all look like this lmao

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JB0w @JB0w1
👀normies will say this is totally normal and fine

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JB0w @JB0w1
Without downloading new pics, where are you at mentally?

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JB0w @JB0w1
#CancelNetflix #Cuties Here's a friendly reminder of how to deal with these 'people'. https://twitter.com/JB0w1/status/1304080818613219329/video/1

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JB0w @JB0w1
@interbugman @JFGariepy 👌

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JB0w @JB0w1
@koiby_ A complete list of j*ws who died between 1939 and 1945

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JB0w @JB0w1
@BadgeFederal Who cares if some black is doing a jig as long as she's not in White nations? Your head has been so fucked with by j*ws you no longer realise what is important.

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JB0w @JB0w1
@hostileholly5w (((white))) literally every single time

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JB0w @JB0w1
@brookecelani28 @KarlThorburn @TheAriesFox @TreySongz 11 million? How anti-semetic can you get? Modern sources say 24 million j*ws were genocided. Read a book before tweeting next time.

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SP fan account @thuletide
if you're assigning yourself as a "third position" between the modern left and right, within an Overton window that is currently so far-left that Marx is regarded as a reactionary, then you are nothing but a leftist you should strive to be as far right as humanly possible
JB0w @JB0w1
: @ReadLinkola @LilyPolLily I feel like a complete Grugnat when reading posts like these. Imo the only thing that matters is whether you are pro-white nationalist or not. If they strive towards a future that is pro-white with no j*wish influence who cares if they label themselves as third position.

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JB0w @JB0w1
@JohnofWesteros @LanaLokteff imagine caring about 'fairness' when j*ws are literally genociding ur family lmao

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JB0w @JB0w1
@AnonLeoDiCaprio @A_bearded_Swede I like most of his posts but he has missed the mark here. Talk to any local working class white bloke and although they still have a lot of j*wish programming they are becoming increasingly racially aware, some are basically NatSoc without knowing it.

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JB0w @JB0w1
@ArminiusThe Good luck trying to explain j*wish world order to blacks.

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You will never see conservatives more passionate or animated than in defense of J*ws and Israel. Ask them to stick up for their own White brethren and they recoil. Ask them to fight for J*ws and watch these brave crusaders take action
JB0w @JB0w1
It's ethnic-collectivist surrogate behaviour. They have been taught white racial identity is the absolute evil, yet racial identity is completely normal and natural and needs an outlet. This outlet is the defence of j*ws - due to lifelong propaganda of eternal victim status etc..

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JB0w @JB0w1
@heywildrich "Don't promote Hitler because j*ws made White Europeans believe he is evil" These people are fucking morons. They literally accept and facilitate j*wish programming. They KNOW Hitler was a good man yet want to perpetuate the j*wish lies by not exposing them. Worse than normies.

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American Krogan @AmericanKrogan
Context matters here though. What led up to that? Did the Germans suddenly wake up one day and decide that they didn't want any Jews anymore for absolutely no reason? Using examples without context is extremely dishonest and disingenuous. https://t.co/brgYAUJwTR
JB0w @JB0w1
@A_bearded_Swede I love how the mainstream response (if not to simply ignore it) to this is: "lmao who knows bro they just hated j*ws"

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View @AmericanKrogan
JB0w @JB0w1
@nationalpost In the future there will be no more (((journalists))).

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JB0w @JB0w1
@SkyNews (((sky news)))

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maria marin @thirdmillennium
Get a load of this racist bastard who gives instructions to other white supremists on Twitter as to how to promote whiteness. And we wonder how the orange moron got elected. https://t.co/3S0pqjNQPL
JB0w @JB0w1
(((maria marin))), time is nearly up

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Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich
it's a really good thing that Jeffrey Epstein was just a rich white man trafficking and molesting dozens if not hundreds of teenage girls over a span of decades, and not, say, a black man selling loose cigarettes on a street corner, because there are serious consequences for that
JB0w @JB0w1

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JB0w @JB0w1
@guardian (((The Guardian)))

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JB0w @JB0w1
@champssports (((champssports)))

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JB0w @JB0w1
@Jeremy_Hunt (((British interests)))

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JB0w @JB0w1
@LadyIld: @LadyAodh Im so fucking tired of white woman (mainly blonde) / black man couples in (((advertising))), it's everywhere it makes me feel sick lads

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JB0w @JB0w1
@HacGroyper its a (((mystery)))

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hammer and sickle 83%
us flag 82%
valknut 71%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
iron cross 99%
punisher 85%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
celtic cross 55%
gigachad 93%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
gigachad 100%

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militarized 99%

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anime 83%

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critters 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 71%

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critters 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 99%

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Classifier 20221028131014
etc 60%