@johncardillo John Cardillo TV guy. #NYPD once upon a time. My horses call me a wannabe cowboy. Opinion is mine. RT ≠ endorsement. #Resist Florida

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
The world mocks us

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
In my happy place

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
Now a 365 Macro followed me home. Just started knocking on the door this morning looking all fancy with its light and optic.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
Best crew ever for DeSantis debate and I had to tweet this redo as in my last one @karol’s eyes were closed.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
Did the DeSantis debate properly with this crew.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
Something tells me diversity is not a top of mind item for the ChiComs.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
Billy and Bear are taking my leftover tomahawk very seriously.

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
America to Democrats:

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John Cardillo @johncardillo
This rainbow is brought to you by Democrat tears after seeing the latest midterm polls.

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