@RCCoulombe Charles A. Coulombe Writer, historian, Traditional Catholic, monarchist, knight, Angeleno. Los Angeles

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Liminal Order
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Charles A. Coulombe @RCCoulombe
@PebbleOfGod Without downloading new pics, where are you mentally?

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Charles A. Coulombe @RCCoulombe
A “children’s book” by Eduard v. Habsburg - which like all good children’s books is good for them, but even better for adults!

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Charles A. Coulombe @RCCoulombe
As things get crazier, it really is past time for Altar-and-Throne, Provincial liberties and Organic Statist folk to turn their sentiments into a cause, and prepare alternatives for their homelands - from Ireland to Russia - and Europe as a whole.

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Charles A. Coulombe @RCCoulombe
When asked by a democratic polling group to-day prrecisely how horrible I thought president Trump to be, I replied: "Il n'y a pas eu d'homme décent élu depuis la mort de Maurice Duplessis. Les anglophones n'ont rien à voir avec le pouvoir sur qui que ce soit."

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Charles A. Coulombe @RCCoulombe
@MarkNanneman @HoffmanMichaelA Just so that I do not misrepresent his views, that was the view he presented almost three decades ago in a comic book he scripted, entitled “Tales of the Holohoax.” If he no longer holds them, I apologise for raising the topic.

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