@TheRealRight4 TheRealRight Geopolitical observer. Former classical liberal, turned traditionalist.

TheRealRight4's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 40
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@MichaelAdlem @JohnFloridaMan @DudeBro2020 @tmorello

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@MichaelAdlem @JohnFloridaMan @DudeBro2020 @tmorello Obvious straw man attempt. Embarassing. No, I dont think I will. Me: "The Israel Lobby has huge influence over american foreign policy, and says as much themselves. Jewish neocon thought leaders were the architects of iraq invasion." You: "So DA JOOS did every war? 😏😏😏"

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@MichaelAdlem @JohnFloridaMan @DudeBro2020 @tmorello And you think this is America influencing ISRAEL?!?

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@crypt0potamus @SeanyneWechsler @Al50543945 @goonaphile @wizards_magic I love how you manage to combine being absolutely smug and passive aggressive with being absolutely wrong and blown the fuck out. Honestly, bravo.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@crypt0potamus @SeanyneWechsler @Al50543945 @goonaphile @wizards_magic Since you say its "fun to learn" allow me to educate you. JRR Tolkien explicity said he wrote LOTR with the goal of creating a new mythology for the anglo-saxon and celtic peoples, drawing on the relevent bodies of lore from the founding stock of England. You're welcome.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@CTrefugees @HunterDuke26 Firstly, thank you for giving me something to actually mentally engage with. It is genuinely appreciated. Though, this revaluation/inversion in morality that Nietzsche writes about and that you mention early in your post is exactly what I was talking about. Chad/Soyjack.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@elonmusk @mattyglesias Don't look into this guys ethnicity. Or if you do, let me be the first to assure you its a cohencidence.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@goldintostraw @Thor_Odinson @DustbinFilm @Valeverse @wizards_magic Do you think this is a person? Maybe zoom in a bit.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@brutusmt @Know_More_News

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@JayWalt16347662 @stillgray Black people actually owe us. The handouts they take, the radically disproportionate crime they do, the interracial attacks. White people didnt invent slavery, we did end it though. These people were sold to white people *by africans.* They can go get reparations from them.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@BennyLEd @Kayyla2000 @KatBurnell @HiRezTheRapper https://t.co/UdnCm6QeLt
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@BennyLEd @Kayyla2000 @KatBurnell @HiRezTheRapper For some reason, non religious j*ws seem to be... unusually helpful in this way. Unfortunately these unfortunate behaviours annoy some people. You may be able to understand why I hope.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@BennyLEd @Kayyla2000 @KatBurnell @HiRezTheRapper

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@Misericorde91 @lporiginalg But it wasn't a typo, and a tiny part of Misericorde9 began to wonder if they were *actually* as clever as they portrayed themselves.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@theylostlmao @bonbonaka2 @PosephJeterson @LeftwardSwing @Timcast I guess. Lil bro may have had some self delusions on that count, among many others.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@bonbonaka2 @PosephJeterson @LeftwardSwing @Timcast Apparently he also wrote stuff about not liking white people. Just a very ideologically confused, moronic narcissist basically.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@bryarcrose @MillennialWoes I agree. In terms of organized violence we're obviously way better at it. But in random interpersonal "I got anrgy so now I'm gonna punch you" violence, yeah thats not really our thing. https://twitter.com/TheRealRight4/status/1654657631699755008/video/1

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@innocentsinnner @adorientem @WadeLitchfield @MaryC_Love @MattWalshBlog Thats Vasquez's comment, not the marine you sillybilly. Crappy journalism is at fault here to be fair, but thats is what youre gonna get with Yahoo News lol.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@innocentsinnner @adorientem @WadeLitchfield @MaryC_Love @MattWalshBlog Give me a link to one news article that backs up your claims. Hell even tell me the newspaper and I'll find it myself and disprove your spurious bullshit lol https://twitter.com/TheRealRight4/status/1654212013634256896/video/1

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rakuen0611 @innocentsinnner
@TheRealRight4 @adorientem @WadeLitchfield @MaryC_Love @MattWalshBlog you went to james lindsay to tell you how to think about this as your source. I went to google. We aren't the same. I'm better
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@adorientem @WadeLitchfield @MaryC_Love @MattWalshBlog Still havent provided your source!

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@G__Fortune @MaraCSullivan @Ennuibert @Soigneesandy @Deus_X_Resister @sandyga2 @MattWalshBlog Ok first up, maybe ease up on calling people clown chief.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@lazy_faecium @idkwtwhnid @TheOmniLiberal

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@pearlythingz In summation

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@ssquidkneess @Francis98478237 @RayJack62496046 @SilasAshe @KeithWoodsYT These people are so predictable lol

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PRA Icarus Bath @IcarusBath
MrGirl on the prowl trying to find women @TheOmniLiberal abused https://t.co/2Raph8jlfN
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@TheOmniLiberal So Destiny's j*wish friend is now trying to destroy him because Destiny would not totally submit to his views and agenda? Wow, how curious and unpredictable.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@krisby_crebe @ModernM84511976 @RinRinYikes @EeniThesian66 Tell me you never read starship troopers and are a vaush watcher, without *telling me* you never read starship troopers and are a vaush watcher.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@kahabeth @Cathaoir1 You look exactly like people expect you to look.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@edpetrie @elonmusk Who's gonna tell him?

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@Justchecking204 @Who_is_Freya @xUpToNoGood @TrevorAugust @Esqueer_

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I’m a Gini in a bottle @VeeNeckOppressr
@TheRealRight4 @scarredempire @vollsticks @oliverwhitehall @EmRoseDeLeon Btw, not in any way shocked to find that even a cursory look at your posts reveal you as a racist, white supremacist piece of dog shit.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@scarredempire @vollsticks @oliverwhitehall @EmRoseDeLeon Boo hoo nibba. I'm equally unsurprised to find you're a "queer" "cycling addict."

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@Emergency29EXIT @laralogan @elonmusk

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@stone_toss @kanyewest

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@akilc34 @SphahDzadzyGlad @kanyewest True.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@elonmusk This guy doesnt seem like a great fit.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@elonmusk This doesn't seem like the right guy for the job.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@purespirit_sf @musthavea2 @antiwarjosh @_wohyeahwohyeah lol. You: "Theyre the same image."

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@heywesman @TheRalphRetort @RealCandaceO @kanyewest I dunno bro. lol

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@SavvyOwl @edmontonpolice You might want to read this guys follow up tweet lol

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fool @foo1ishfoo1
@TheRealRight4 @quakemom @DPHowat @edmontonpolice Lol yeah talk to any geneticist in this thread and tell me the viability of determining phenotypes from dna.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@quakemom @DPHowat @edmontonpolice I did lol. He had to basically immediately retract his original statement in comedic fashion. He tries to split hairs at this point and say "well ok we basically know what colour they are are with some variability but because we dont know 100% its not technically accurate."

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@foo1ishfoo1 @quakemom @DPHowat @edmontonpolice I care more about catching violent rapists who literally ruined someones life forever than people getting hurt feelings because a composite picture looks a little bit like them.

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Dr Adam Rutherford @AdamRutherford
@TheRealRight4 @HemlockAutumn @Lundinn__ @ThornappleTea Narrator: he did not.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@HemlockAutumn @Lundinn__ @ThornappleTea Reality: he did.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@edmontonpolice The real truth of the matter is if the DNA analysis had said "Ok looks like this rapist is a german guy, blond hair, blue eyes, probably around six foot" the twitterati would be going:

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4

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Travis Johnson @CelluloidWhisky
@TheRealRight4 @samwa @rhinoz @CJMurrumbeena @joel_cardwell Wait til you hear about the Count on Sesame Street.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@samwa @rhinoz @CJMurrumbeena @joel_cardwell Yeah showing children a silly hand puppet vampire and putting children in close proximity to this thing, which again, self identifies with demons, is definitely the same thing. Great point Travis.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@PrimeVideoCA Hobbiton was always a nation of immigrants. Diversity is our stength! Unrelated image of Bezos owned whole foods chain attached:

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@Jaybefaunt @annastewartcnn You wouldnt say this about any african people mourning the deaths of one of their monarchs though.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@foreignerjohnn: @lamafamman @melinagoranson

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@TheRealRight4: @DNotyour @TheOmniLiberal

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Ice Cube @icecube
So the POWERS that be cancelled my interview on @CuomoPrimeTime tonight. I’ve actually been ban from @CNN for a few months so I was surprised they even asked. But it seems like they can’t handle the truth.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@CuomoPrimeTime @CNN (((Powers)))

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Kungflufighting @Kungfluflighti1
@tariqnasheed These white supremacist liberals will lie and act as much as they need until they can straight up run with the bag and all the benefits. I never trusted them in the streets during the protest and i never trusted these organizations in the first place
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@MaxCreager1 @RasczaksPart @CatholicNation1 @punishednrx @McAllisterDen @PrisonPlanet Not personally obviously, but he was part of the political force which did. Oh and by the way, it really was "the joooooz" according to... jews. https://www.haaretz.com/1.4764706

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David Baddiel @Baddiel
The #goysplaining on this has been intense. https://t.co/dvkBvtxWZv
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
I love this. Thanks David. So I can use #jewsplaining for the case made for the iraq war right?

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@benjaminpenn @USDOL This was transparently not anti-Semitism, it was obvious sarcasm relating to the alt-Right Paul Nehlen campaign of the time, and that you could say otherwise means you're either in a bubble about seven feet thick or that you're being disingenuous.
TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@benjaminpenn @USDOL A guy attempting to mock the notion that jews control everything getting fired by a jewish reporter who misread his sarcastic joke is quite something.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@benjaminpenn @USDOL Olson: "Yeah cause the jews control everything right you alt right goofs?" Jewish reporter Benjamin Penn: *pushes glasses up nose* Olsen said jews control everything everyone. He must be destroyed. Olsen is fired. Alt Right: ... lol.

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TheRealRight @TheRealRight4
@lackoftaste: @dumptylumpty @realchristianob Talking like someone off the cast of Mean Girls makes you an insufferable faggot. Stop doing that.

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