@Mastu_Denton Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 Pettanko v Oppai rivalry enthusiast. World record Super Metroid x Link to the Past slowrunner. Tampa, FL

Mastu_Denton's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 490

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KornArt @KornArt3
ALRIGHT CYAN CYAN CYAN (i thought it was light blue) https://t.co/ZQe0TsFAig https://t.co/dNikh0CoA2
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Boromir: I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king. Aragorn:

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
When he says "the country", which country does he mean? https://t.co/robTNLJNWW https://t.co/DGrsmJ0929
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
When he says "the country", which country does he mean?
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Football niggas is gay
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@GreeneMan6 Teferi was originally Middle Eastern

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
What is going on with the Dutch women living in Japan? https://t.co/fgOQen888V https://t.co/2EoPiRS92B
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
What is going on with the Dutch women living in Japan?
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Generic Dude @yakov456
If blacks had their own fighting video game the background in the final stage would either be an airport terminal or Chuck E Cheese. https://t.co/LB0ORBWQyX
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton

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View @yakov456

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@StevenDeadalus @Far_Seeker Trying to emulate this actually

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Thinkin about this tweet again.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@knightoftism 13285 on the chip, Rev 1 has an A appended to the number.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ToddHowardSigma This is their peak

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MeisterFranzFan @floridahueman When Im in a making fascism look awesome competition and my opponent is Paul Verhoeven

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Realist_Alia >defended J-Ro

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@kayfabekrusader Heres some pics of tits and hooters

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin This is literally one of the only things I liked about Skyward Sword

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BurgerOfWar_ @gigabilly

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin >he didnt win an action packed trip to Detroit

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@RandbotEsquire Remember the wisdom of Master Miller

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@JoeLongBalls Dangle something just out of reach and let them swipe or pounce at it. Also, mine really like these stupid plastic springs for some reason

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Cyberpunk kept crashing on the same spot for the last ending achievement so I restart my PC and now its not sending signal to the monitors 😬

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Aliathewhite The blacker Jack fears the whiter Jack

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@saanriho James Gandolfini, Ray Liotta, and Joe Pesci looked at the Mario movie from Heaven

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@bahlivern @doomedspacemar1

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ryxcommar Who is she? Whats her @?

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BiterCrazdLoner She is

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove My Desert. My Arrakis. My Dune.

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Manlet Thorin @ManletThorin
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are no longer flamin’ hot to me https://t.co/QaHh9jXPMI
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton

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View @ManletThorin
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@PDakkadakka wotc said:

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Aliathewhite @AtomicDenny This one irks me because nu-Dune was just casting capeshit actors and you already had the perfect Kynes right here

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
AI art haters suspiciously silent when a sheboon uses it to spew antiwhite vitriol. https://t.co/QARZpO6F3E
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
AI art haters suspiciously silent when a sheboon uses it to spew antiwhite vitriol.
V V @VVbrown
Here is the artwork for my new single “Black British” However - before the music comes I want to start a debate. This artwork I have curated has a powerful meaning to me. What does this artwork say to you? Leave a comment below and be apart of the conversation. #BlackBritish

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Chicken washers or chicken swingers, not sure who is worse

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin I dont even care about the Redfield bloodline anymore. I just want to kill you Leon

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Alia the Noticer @Aliathewhite
@Mastu_Denton You're good. It is in Florida. Citrus Park Town Center
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
the one I'm thinking of is the Regal in Oviedo Mall

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View @Aliathewhite
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Tbf they also did have this cool gameboy scratchpad that ill probably end up getting for Melange and Nazgul
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
found on chewy: dogs soyfacing while playing nintendo switch

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
found on chewy: dogs soyfacing while playing nintendo switch

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@baalbuddy Prof_x_yes_chad.jpg

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@jetneptune_ Tazer tazer tazer Hope you wore your bulletproof vest

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@RespectElves Know where else there were large amounts of shoes?

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@DavidVStewart @ManletThorin

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ToddHowardSigma Is Roadhouse canon to the Twin Peaks universe?

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@hellooooooee @EliteAceV2 @ArisakaAya

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BBLuffyV Not this time

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BBLuffyV Monster girls always make me recall this post

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
This is way cooler of implementing disability into fantasy than "your wild shape is also in a wheelchair"
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
About to give this a shot. Retro revivial survival horror a la Alisa/Tormented Souls. Released back in Nov of last yeat, with a peak of 9 player concurrent. This is either gonna be a huge gem or a real stinker.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@SalvatoretheK @TexanMilaLover

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Do you know why Gatorade was developed at the University of Florida instead of Florida State? https://t.co/GrFnGxQpTc
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Personallt, i prefer White Power... ade

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View @womanpiledriver
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
No you dont understand, its 3:47am, I HAVE to sprint full speed across the house

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Only 34 cards? What kinds of decks will actually be buildable with whatever this is supposed to be. For reference, Base Set itself was 102, and was inferior to the Base/Jungle/Fossil meta

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ToddHowardSigma What did he mean by this?

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Observe, Feyd. The plans, within plans, within plans.

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Kaguya’s Top Gal @hayasaka_aryan
why the nazis in the new Anne Frank movie look like wojaks https://t.co/150gJArjwO
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@hereliesthighs This is the only Vivec I will vote for

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BadBatLax My fellas decided they wanted to lounge in the bed too. 🐈 rarely leaves his spot by the living room window

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@IWillNameThem "Its always darkest just before the soul" - John Darksoul

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@HarmlessYardDog Chick fil A has fallen. Millions must fry

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@waffel_eisen18 @GRlFFS

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@jam_toasty @demshinies @dyingscribe

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@grim_man10 @teoft_ More RE2. Basically Birkin

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ernstinparis @_forest_seeker_ He had a 7 season show that only really loses to Miami Vice for nailing the Florida aesthetic

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@NEETWorldOrder Watch Black Heaven

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@PDakkadakka This plus Hollywood and Blockbuster in the larger towns

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Monkeynumbs @animegroyp

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CHOAS!!! @Necksplitter
why would you do this in *a horror game* this can't be fuckin real right https://t.co/lbKHSp3Qfu
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
This issue was already solved back in the late 90s

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
So called "dark comedy enjoyers" when you joke about the Hall of Cost
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
DPS when the raid still hasnt started yet

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@conan_esq Any time i hear the term "lingua franca" makes me think of this mf

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@beezinkntoys @KellyLovesBirds Is that supposed to be lil Benji Shapiro? I thought it was CIA

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Idkwhatnick @JackdawJackal Forgot Michael Westen

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Actually he is from the Bronx

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
As per usual here is my end of year collage for everything I played in 2022. #BeatIt2022 https://t.co/cktuOTu4PG
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
: *not pictured because I forgot like a dumbass Sly Cooper

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
As per usual here is my end of year collage for everything I played in 2022. #BeatIt2022

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove coffee rooster has spread to an undisclosed military installation in kuwait

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Virescence_ This is actually female Elliot Roger

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletHitler Reporting in, Sergeant!

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@PRBG_Aesthetics Wow, so 2003 had more than one video game with a haunted carosel

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@FeanorSSS @MysteryGrove

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Wait a minute... that card...
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@AlexJMcNabb "Donald Trump doesn't care about White people"

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove This is our business plan.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Guess what they have in common

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Mitsuhiro Arita's cards are goated

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Simp Neelix @SimpNeelix
Random fact In the title song of Macho Man's rap album "Be a Man," he insulted Hulk Hogan's acting career by bragging about being Bonesaw in Spiderman (2002) "Your movie straight to video, the box office can't stand While I got myself a feature role in Spider-Man" https://t.co/cQsfQuhpJI
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
"I was in a movie where a skinny nerd called me a f@g and kicked my ass"

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Tropical_WASP: @AngloPlayboy 3rd looks like r63 Harold

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@BigLeafBaby This card is older than thag sprite

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@SimpNeelix @PandasAndVidya

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@krowmac I was thinking it must be culturally related to Japan's seven branched sword. Maybe East Asian myths have a thing for weapons with lots of extra points.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@8_BIT_INJUN @jamtits @DustinRedd_wv @stone_toss HH means Hulk Hogan and it signifies that you shouldnt even try to bullshit us brother -HH

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Soylent_Lament Read this right before dumping my entire inventory into the Gunrunners

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@StuffaloBuffed @KingJamesChud @1611KJVav

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove The West has fallen

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Same energy

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
473 million? 1 billion? How about Im paying none of it?
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Hmm, I should play Dragon Quest 3

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
What Pyramid Head sees in his nightmares

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
This scene is now permanently imprinted on my brain

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Mastu_Denton: @MysteryGrove brb, grabbing a graded copy on ebay before they spike

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@owenbroadcast There are little makers in his sandbox

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
I always thought this was cool concept art but its so dope that its actually in an art gallery in game

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ChosenGinger Silent Hill, Lynch movies, Season of the Witch, and probably viewing Jacobs Ladder tomorrow

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove ADAAAAAAAM!

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
I liked Days of Thunder more than Top Gun

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
🎵Gladly gave me everything you had and more You craved my happiness When you made me feel joy it made you smile But now I feel your stress Love was never meant to be such a crazy afair, no And who has time for tears Never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love 'Till now🎵

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@paladinpilled @watamelon23 @yunochee No. Fred Durst plays Dreamcast

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Hes the reason Im scared to plug my Dreamcast up to the internet. You know hes still there, just waiting for the first person to log back in to seganet so he can frag you

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Amazing Lucas @amazingLucasYt
@PRNDL1234 @jacoburowsky He doesn't hate White people and there's nothing that shows that. Hence, why he's not being prosecuted for a hate crime. Nobody defending his attack, just correcting the false White victimhood narrative. Cheers!
Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@PRNDL1234 @jacoburowsky

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
I cant be the only one who sees this image and thinks of bugman funko pop walls
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@MysteryGrove "Listen carefully, Feyd. Observe the plans within plans within plans.”

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@viktorvaughn__ @AzureusBlaze @RespectElves

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@yakov456 Place is a godsend. My favorite display hack were these boxes i got that blend with the shelf, hold my cables and spare controllers, and function as display stands for the consoles themselves

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@lostongasfees @HimboSorcerer 2 and 2 miles. 4 miles. How about Im doing none of it.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Fantasy is when Brad Dourif is the bad guys henchman. Sci fi is when Brad Dourif is the bad guys henchman.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Benoitsphantom And the video game

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
One character they can never race swap.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Kittenbrah Choose your starter Pokemon

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@darklongbox Shotaro Ishinomori, mangaka of Cyborg 009, illustrated the Dune novels in their Japanese translations

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ArisakaAya How about Dune anime in the style of Cyborg 009

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Dripping like a dolphin
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
The Queen died in fear of him

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Notok_XD 👋🐈🐈‍⬛️

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
The Taliban kicked the Great Satan out of their country. Being compared to them is a compliment.
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
The #1, #2, and #3 Tolkien fans at the exact latitude and longitude coordinates to be as far as possible from the Rings of Power premier.
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ManletThorin Best decision for everyone

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@knightoftism Found this at a con for like $20. Still has the lore inserts like the fake newspaper and stuff

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
POV: youre Hasan Piker and you just heard your bedroom door open at 3am

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@ShirePropaganda No its a JoJo reference

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Whenever this splash screen comes on I just hear them say "Sonic Cheem"

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
"So while playing GTA6 I saw a synagogue as I was driving around and decided to go in and massacre the entire building" "Haha yeah dude I got that achievement too." "Achievement?"
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Just recently put it together that this famous post was made by BK crown N word guy

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
How many of you still call him Bulbasaur and not Fushigidane?
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Random computer repair shop in a sleepy Appalachia town had an absolute treasure trove of N64 manuals.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@RespectElves looks like the OoT switch emulator water

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
unlabeled keyboard mockup

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
considering i plan to have tons of clues as scribbled notes, im glad i knocked out this pattern as soon as it popped in my head

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
trying to make a circle on a grid is pain. trying to divide that circle into segments that arent powers of 2 is hell.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
This is what I spent all day working on. Just a silly little lock scene. Not sure where I'll use it but feel accomplished with how it came together. https://twitter.com/Mastu_Denton/status/1483271109634056195/video/1

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@KellyLovesBirds Simple. Versatile. Iconic.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@SimDisrespecter also Trigun

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
why the save icon looks like this
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@PStevesson @ManletThorin

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Product Consoomed - 2021 in Review #BeatIt2021

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Vikings arent the only ones with runic symbols

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Ordered a hotdog from a Jewish foodcart and dawg they gave me a circumcised one

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
@Stone_tossers Im a fascist AND I hate minorities

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Ok, this is a game changer. Time to upgrade.

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
I cannot begin to describe the disdain i have for integrated stickers in cover art

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Jinjer isnt on here anymore but i finally framed and hung his prints the other day

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
This one shot goes so hard

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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
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Mastu Denton 🇳🇴 @Mastu_Denton
Dude on the right is the only one with cock confidence
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