@BrianRuhe Brian Ruhe Aficionado of ufology. Studied it for 3,000 hours since 2006. Former Buddhist monk, author of 3 books. Leads https://t.co/Q0B0J2D8ae Vancouver, BC

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 29
Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
The US and Zelenski are trying to kill Ukrainian soldiers by putting them into the Russian meat grinder. Zelenski hates the white Christian citizens of the Ukraine and he is trying to kill his own people.

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Video on Astrotheology, Pyramids, Einstein's Lies, Tesla Free Energy, Ether - Pete Papaherakles https://vk.com/brianruhe?z=video549044993_456239061%2F92115fabaea0cb11cd%2Fpl_wall_549044993

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
When death approached in 1812, old Mayer Amschel Rothschild called together his 10 children, in Frankfort, and having read the satanic Talmud, he proclaimed: “Remember my children, that all the earth must belong to us.. find out more! http://www.bitchute.com/video/OWPnvMUaJejj

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
The Rothschild Hidden Hand is primarily assisted by their secretive “Committee of 300” along with numerous advisors and political puppets. Some have referred to the Rothschilds and their helpers as the “Executors of Satan”! read more about it in my blog! http://www.brianruhe.ca/worldwide-declaration-of-freedom-the-magna-carta-of-2022-by-steafan-deasun

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
The Rothschilds are a Jewish banking family who secretly control the economy, manipulate the weather, and profit from wars. Rothschild has become a generic term for greedy and manipulative Jewish billionaires where did they come from? what are they doing? http://www.bitchute.com/video/OWPnvMUaJejj

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Where are the Rothschilds hiding the immense quantities of gold they stole from numerous monarchs, czars, individuals and nations (recently Libya & Ukraine), since the year 1800? will we ever find them? why is the world quiet on this matter? http://www.brianruhe.ca/worldwide-declaration-of-freedom-the-magna-carta-of-2022-by-steafan-deasun

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Are the 100+ Central Banks of the Rothschild Hidden Hand preparing to destroy our sovereignty as individuals by way of an invisible cage of digital currency to control our spending & behavior worldwide. find out the truth in my video! http://www.bitchute.com/video/OWPnvMUaJejj

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
How did the Rothschilds come out of nowhere 250 years ago and are today one of the most influential families in the world? Read more about them on my blog! http://www.brianruhe.ca/worldwide-declaration-of-freedom-the-magna-carta-of-2022-by-steafan-deasun #BrianRuhe #history #truth #stories #rothschild #rothschilds #rothschildfamily #rothschildwine

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Rothschild Family is a seemingly happy one, worth over $500 Trillion Dollars. All seems normal at first until you look deeper into their history. I am Brian Ruhe, dedicated to bring the truth to you! read all of the conspiracies about the Rothschilds and their associates.

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Why do good aliens allow hostile aliens to harm humanity? by Brian Ruhe, Sept. 16, 2021 Why do good aliens allow hostile aliens to harm humanity? That seems to be what is happening. This is my current hypothesis and below are some of my sources. https://www.brianruhe.ca/why-do-good-aliens-allow-hostile-aliens-to-harm-humanity/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Form a Group Focused on the Greys Aliens Working to Advance Humanity Over the past 1.5 years I have adjusted my top four priorities, posted on this website at https://www.brianruhe.ca/welcome/ . The evidence has convinced me that the Mantid and Grey https://www.brianruhe.ca/form-a-group-focused-on-the-greys-aliens-working-to-advance-humanity/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Joining the Federation of Planets is an Absolute Goal for Humanity Strategic planning is the process of reorganizing and reallocating people and resources to increase the return on what resources are present. https://www.brianruhe.ca/the-united-federation-of-planets-wants-you-to-join/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I am a part of Richard Dolan Members. Today Richard posted, "A major new story was published today by journalist Tim McMillan on The Debrief. This has been very much anticipated by the UFO community, since the word had been leaking fast for the past few https://www.brianruhe.ca/breaking-news-on-ufos-by-us-government/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Adolf Hitler and Tibetan Buddhism This was Chapter 13 of Brian Ruhe's book "Freeing the Buddha" published in 2005. I was so ashamed of this chapter that I asked our editor in chief, James Rouse, to edit out the "normie" views I had when I wrote it. https://www.brianruhe.ca/555543-2/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Relations with Extra Terrestrials We must live in harmony with the righteous aliens and shun the bad ones. https://www.brianruhe.ca/the-good-the-bad-the-ugly/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
There is so much Jewish control of Buddhism outside of Asia! In America I have made many videos on my playlist, Jewish Control Over Buddhism at:  https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/Ygg6izw2s8uv/ I https://www.brianruhe.ca/anti-white-racism-in-white-awake-western-buddhism/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
HITLER TOO SLEW THE MONEYLENDERS I would like to do a shout out for my friend Mike Walsh. He has been on The Brian Ruhe Show for several videos and he is an expert on Adolf Hitler and for over 50 years has been speaking out against white guilt. https://www.brianruhe.ca/mike-walshs-ethic-european-website/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Venerable Paññobhāsa and I made this video George Floyd - Alleged Systemic Racism and Police Brutality Also, this is good! Candace Owens gives George Floyd Facts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fij8TP0FE00 Candace https://www.brianruhe.ca/george-floyd-alleged-systemic-racism-and-police-brutality/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Hi Folks, In ecology, crypsis is the ability of an animal to avoid observation or detection by other animals. It may be a predation strategy and methods include camouflage. I am so relieved to read this intellectual essay by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. https://www.brianruhe.ca/jewish-crypsis-in-american-buddhism/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Testimonials apollonian Jan. 9, 2020Don’t under-estimate Brian–he’s extremely clever. And Brian is actually a brilliant historian, understands Western Christian culture and philosophy, only coming at it all from his amazing Buddhist point https://www.brianruhe.ca/testimonials/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Bill Gates is part of a globalist plot to enslave the world and kill off a big part of the population. I like the work of SpiroSkouras so I am posting his video and https://www.brianruhe.ca/bill-gates-uses-coronavirus-to-push-for-global-enslavement/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Hi everyone, When I wrote this I heard people at 7:00 pm banging pots and hollering out their window in my neighborhood. The idea is to show support for front-line medical workers in the hospitals. https://www.brianruhe.ca/from-jfk-to-coronavirus-same-group-of-mechanics-at-work-ole-dammegard/

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
A big thank you for a donation from The Alpine Union.  The Alpine Union Congress recognizes the United States Government as a (((masonic theocracy))). The USG is a leading sponsor of WHITE GENOCIDE and thereby has no legitimacy before t... https://gab.ai/Brian_Ruhe/posts/37855986

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/XnSC1ka3eow?a Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer Standing Up in a Small Town

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Stone Swastikas are Across the Street from the Holohoax Museum in Washington, DC: http://youtu.be/0MtTkZ_G_6k?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/dBshs1XqwiA?a Jim Fetzer on 7/7, Sandy Hook, Holohoax, Fakes Saddam Hussien and Osama

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Jim Fetzer on 7/7, Sandy Hook, Holohoax, Fakes Saddam Hussien and Osama Bin Laden: http://youtu.be/dBshs1XqwiA?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/YFL3fhLD6ow?a (((()))))))K All The G And The F(((((()))))))))

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Gadsden on How to Defeat the (((Beast))): http://youtu.be/a9SOzgrNI38?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I liked a @YouTube video from @BrianRuhe http://youtu.be/NGsxhqGZ58M?a It is Illegal to Debate the Holohoax - 1 of 2

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Truther addresses The Truth and Justice for Germans Society - 1 of 2: http://youtu.be/bM_t5_qvDfs?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation - 2 of 2: http://youtu.be/m_09nj2yKco?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/m_09nj2yKco?a Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation - 2 of 2

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation - 1 of 2: http://youtu.be/hxIj4Frn3D8?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation - 2 of 2: http://youtu.be/0GqcxEsP3SE?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Truther Monika Schaefer on Ritual Defamation - 1 of 2: http://youtu.be/I-N6zgI6KI0?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/rJlHaxaf-F0?a Brian Ruhe and Tony Tasker's Relaxed Talk About the Holohoax - 4 of 6

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Brian Ruhe and Tony Tasker's Relaxed Talk About the Holohoax - 4 of 6: http://youtu.be/rJlHaxaf-F0?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Alternative Media Defence of Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer: http://youtu.be/cN1EmryAZwE?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I liked a @YouTube video from @BrianRuhe http://youtu.be/XnSC1ka3eow?a Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer Standing Up in a Small Town

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer Standing Up in a Small Town: http://youtu.be/XnSC1ka3eow?a via @YouTube

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/y9JWP7M7dxY?a It's Illegal to Debate the Holohoax - 2 of 2

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Brian Ruhe @BrianRuhe
It's Illegal to Debate the Holohoax - 2 of 2: http://youtu.be/y9JWP7M7dxY?a via @YouTube

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critters 65%

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bar graph 46%

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face 99%

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star of david 88%

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hitler 28%

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etc 73%