@AxisFB Axis Freedom Brigade

AxisFB's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 64

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@AxisFB: @BushelsPerAcre Lol

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Ultimate femoid photo, can't even see the supposed object

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View @BrittanyVenti

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@VeleskaF Be the change you want to see in the world

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@KenFGalaxy @NoWhiteGuiltNWG

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@abbiejeannx OMG FEMALE TALKING WITH CAMERA Seriously though, because I'm a married man I knew what her whole speech was going to be within 5 seconds of her talking so I could turn this off before falling to temptation. What other recipes do you have Abbie?

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Josh Ruebner @joshruebner
🧵Reading the archives of the US Embassy in Jordan today, I came across this heart-breaking account: On Nov. 2, 1950, an Israeli soldier executed two Palestinian refugee children, Ali Elayan, aged 12, and Fakhriyeh Elayan, aged 10, from the village of Yalu. 1/ https://t.co/QeyKLrnmrX
Just another day in Israhell

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@bender2440 @realdanlyman Yeah let's take a look at Joe's daughter's diary.

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@AnonymousOliga1 @DarthPutinKGB Here's a strike on a house in the Kievsky district of Donetsk. Luckily no deaths. Last week iirc. Ukraine seems to hit Kievsky a lot.

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@AnonymousOliga1 @DarthPutinKGB Sure. Here's an apartment complex that was peppered by Ukrainian munitions just this week. 5 people injured including children. No military significance. https://twitter.com/AxisFB/status/1603731122013310977/video/1

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I get to hold and love this in April. Many people deprive themselves of this utter joy.

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PYPER🍒 @badbbyaera
How men look at you when you remind them they have a girlfriend. https://t.co/lqxwTKxAj9
The look your father has when he sees your profile pic

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@marcomendicino Who's this guy

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@WestIndiesAngel @AntiWhiteWatch1 I'm seeing a lot of areas at 96% or more. I'd die to live in a 96% white area. I'm sure blacks think the same.

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@DelusionPosting "White zionists"

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@GPrime85 Remember white men, he is there when you finally realize you need him.

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@ztisdale Going to Home Depot later, anyone need anything?

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@JackDan110 @ABDanielleSmith NOOOO you have to fall in line and pay Quebec BILLIONS you BIGGGOOOOOTS!!!!!!

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@Trad_West_Art The Real Ghostbusters

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C🤍MFY @AhComfy
@Canadia56668243 It’s just the Nordic aliens returning. Don’t be afraid.
@Canadia56668243 Hell yeah

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View @AhComfy
This fall – for the sake of your health and the health of your loved ones – get your updated COVID shot and your flu shot.
I gotcha

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@ZelenskyyUa When hohols have electricity

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@wickerskull @AhComfy I mourn

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@marciesilvers1 @IreneMinkema @StopAntisemites @GovKathyHochul @leezeldin @RepLeeZeldin @ericadamsfornyc Hmm yeah gee, I wonder? I think you're called a yenta.

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@marciesilvers1 @StopAntisemites @GovKathyHochul @leezeldin @RepLeeZeldin @ericadamsfornyc The registries for both the boats and auctions are public record. Take a look around for it. To tell a descendent of the group that freed the slaves that he's more culpable than jews for the trade is funny joke.

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@GeorgiN559 @animakisses Even the modified armbands were great. They could have Americanized the outfits a little more but they were prefect as is. Also I think there are a couple scenes with American soldiers and they wore a uniform made out of east German strichtarn camo and looked awesome.

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@AhComfy @WashTimes Attacks on blondes won't cease until we either stop them or there are no more blondes. I for one am wholly in favor of scorch earth against anti-blondes

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Alpha male pose
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@DanCrenshawTX @BungusChigg Don't you mean funding your adversary's military? By the time this is over the US won't be able to take on the ragtag DPR/LNR militias let alone Russia.

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@MookieforMayor @PUNISHEDSTG @tariqnasheed Cope

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@Biscuithammer0 @eric24642655 @jocealmighty @AD_kosmos @catturd2 Watch out for fathithm!

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sarah @sahouraxo
“Nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies.” —Julian Assange https://t.co/mBTcbAF5DT
Lol (((media)))

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View @sahouraxo
Newsmax @newsmax
Biden's infrastructure bill a 'guise for their liberal wish list,' says Mitch McConnell https://t.co/4lhphYLew3 https://t.co/0QsYJpqpjX
Mitch "the bitch" is a useless faggot and had better get primaried

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View @newsmax
@newsmax Breaking with Marxism?

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@LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump

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Good morning the US government are a bunch of cowering pussies who shot and killed and unarmed protestor yesterday.

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@AxisFB: @JennaEllisEsq Conservative sellouts

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@RonColeman @Barnes_Law LOL

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@tedcruz entering SCOTUS to read out Texas' lawsuit against Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin

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Good and simple visual here. Has anyone EVER seen a line graph do this for an election?

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@AgentZyklon Wrong map in the Pierce video, shows current (((borders))) of Germany and Poland, not the ones that existed in 1939.

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@Oishiimaru @scrowder A little on the (((nose))) there, huh?

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Goddamn kikebart trolls headlining an article "U.S. Military Preparing to Deploy..." with nuclear war so close.

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View @BreitbartNews
@x1bncwn @DepCrusaderz (((Malachi Marx))) was a time travelling jew?

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Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet
At least 150 ISIS fighters returned to Sweden. The government allowed them back in to "integrate" them. https://t.co/QSn9pIfae3
@toneloque Probably has something to do with the fact that the "Swedish" minister is a nigger and has a vagina

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View @PrisonPlanet
@ACommonSenseWay @hidefullofHoney @Partisangirl @realDonaldTrump You going for cuck of the year you insipid fucking faggot?

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eren @HIS0KAM0R0U
the "not all nazis" tag is the dumbest shit. you're a nazi by choice. you chose it bc you support their views. so sit the Fuck down thanks.
: @BDSMTILL just like being a raging faggot is a choice.

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@UniPicturesCAN @JordanPeele thanks for the antiwhite movie (((Universal))). I'll make sure to pirate it just to seed for a few days.

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@marylovefreedom the 3-4 standard was set by the Icelanders and nobody accuses them of being inbred (except for the usual (((suspects))))

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@ssup018 @thelateempire @Cernovich book (((merchant))) actually

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@JaredWyand @MelissaJaneSays quite a string of cohencidences huh?

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Get a load of this kike @Third_Position
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@F1ckleS1ckle @MelissaJaneSays I've always used her as meme to trigger my anti-gook friends,who knew she'd be the meme to break the altright

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@marylovefreedom @HotelBravo17 given the #pizzagate thing I'd say a good helping of (((British))) Leftists indulge in the Muslim pedo gangs

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Ben Shapiro @benshapiro
This wouldn't even be Good Trump in Good Trump/Bad Trump. It would be Excellent Trump. https://t.co/4ZcQM2CWk6
@LouiseMensch look @ all you kikes wanting President Trump stick an anti-American, anti-Russian warmonger as Secretary of State.

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View @benshapiro
Chulolo. @_manichulo
lmao Judaism is not a race, it is a religion dumb ass. https://t.co/RLWmRL0miF
@Freyja_Griffith poor dumb niggers believe this while being swindled by the Jewish race.

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@IronMarch @IAmWar2020 we've known about this (((pedo/satanic))) shit since forever. It's time we march over their graves.

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David Duke named the (((tribalist bankers))) at the Louisiana debate tonight! #DukeNuke https://www.c-span.org/video/?417849-1/louisiana-senate-debate

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@MelissaJaneSays Bill Clinton made 26 stops to (((Jeffery Epstein)))'s pedo mansion. Lots of us politicians did.

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@jazzhandmcfeels Dolan's mother's maiden name is Radcliffe, like (((Daniel Radcliffe)))

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@DBZDoll this is what happens when you threaten the (((globalist))) establishment #wikileaks

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(((Hollywood))) working overtime on the propaganda @Third_Position @T_S_Blackwell @marylovefreedom @TheRickyVaughn https://twitter.com/willrahn/status/786316657933320192

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@RobMorroLiberty @ExotericTrumpet and just look at how credible Norm (((Lubow))) is. https://twitter.com/AxisFB/status/786244844389797890/photo/1

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@marylovefreedom @AsatruCommunity @WhiteGuy__1488 Jenifer Shoemaker is their treasurer, could be Jewess. Need more dox.

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@Watchman4the1 @Ricky_Vaughn99 @MariaBartiromo @LindaSuhler (((they))) want him to lash out at #BLM directly so drives wedge in blk vote.

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@Marley400: @swagzy_jay @marylovefreedom the numbers don't support your assertion, white people have the lowest rates of STDs. Nigger math aside. https://twitter.com/AxisFB/status/781622804143833088/photo/1

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@Marley400: @swagzy_jay @marylovefreedom well I spelled "brain" so you must have used some serious nigger math to confuse that word.

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@realDonaldTrump don't let that smarmy kike sell you out Mr Trump

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@AmericanMex067 @latinaafortrump @politico @DrEstella Shane (((Goldmacher)))

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@johanvanwyk999 @AngelTilaLove gook word for half-white, like Tila's daughter

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@DavidGoldberg49 (((white))) huh? Did your great grand-pappy own a slave ship or something Davi?

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There's also something highly (((suspicious))) about the pay-for-play donor list I'm looking at here #DNCleak

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@mtracey @washingtonpost so when they say (((SHUT IT DOWN))) they're actually referring to the election. Thanks for clarifying.

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@PrisonPlanet @hokiedokiemike yeah well you know the media will (((probably))) try and spin this and there's a lot of gullible people

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@KassyDillon @hokiedokiemike @Cernovich can't just (((SHUT IT DOWN))) anymore, can they?

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klan hood 94%
hitler 61%

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gigachad 81%
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gadsden snake 83%

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face 97%

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toons other 42%
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militarized 92%

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firearm 80%

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militarized 61%
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anime 51%
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joker 40%

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toons other 57%
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toons other 58%
us flag 93%

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us flag 98%

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art_other 91%

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firearm 29%

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art_other 83%

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etc 99%

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face 99%

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face 99%

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tldr 100%

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face 89%

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mspaint style 98%

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face 99%

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toons other 99%

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art_other 96%

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map 99%

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toons other 92%

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hitler 29%

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critters 99%

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critters 61%
etc 34%

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etc 92%

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tldr 97%

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etc 52%
star of david 66%

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art_other 96%

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face 59%
art_other 27%

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mspaint style 65%

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art_other 71%
etc 25%

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toons other 79%

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tldr 51%

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toons other 80%

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art_other 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%