@Trainspotter001 Trainspotter Offering constructive criticism to help anti-whites become better people. Huge in Japan.

Trainspotter001's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 42
Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@MatthewParrott @Armageddon_Gal

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@RickJoh15977867 @ScottAdamsSays

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
My fellow (((white))) people. #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite #AltRight #Trump #fraud #scam #liar http://dailycaller.com/2018/04/20/amy-schumer-race-the-view/

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Our (((greatest ally))) happily gets us into war, just as it will happily direct the resulting refugees into white countries. Win/win. #antiwhite #WhiteGenocide #Trump #SyriaStrikes #AltRight #Syria #Russia

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Once again, the (((System))) gets what it wants. White America gets zilch. #SyriaStrikes #Syria #Trump #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Just another Friday night. You know, unnecessarily risking nuclear war. #Trump #Syria #Russia #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the radical idea that whites should continue to exist. #Charlottesville #UniteTheRight #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The system, by which I mean the (((system))), has long used blacks/leftists as muscle against whites. Muzzle whites, unleash #antiwhites.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The (((oligarchs))) hate your guts. Being polite isn't going to change that. #googlemanifesto #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the controversial idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Whites deserve a future. In order for that to happen, we must have homelands of our own. #WhiteGenocide #Trump #Europe #Germany

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Neocons open the door to Muslim invaders while whipping up anger at Russian whites. Just another day's (((work))). No more brother wars!

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
There are dozens of (((orgs))), each of which have more influence on U.S. politics than Russia could ever dream of. #Trump

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
It takes a lot of (((chutzpah))) to support color-coded revolutions abroad while shrieking about #Russia influencing the U.S. election.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
At the end of the day, it's not about crime stats and IQ charts. It's about being a people and having a future. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Of all the disgusting things about the system (((media))), the most repugnant is how it relishes hunting down & punishing dissenters. #CNN

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The role of system (((media))) is not to inform, but to mislead & cover up. #Trump is right: it is an enemy. #CNN #NBC #ABC #CBS

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
System (((media))) has incited violence against whites again & again, then covers up the results. Now has the gall to cry foul. #CNN

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Civic nationalists don't just miss the point. The smarter ones are intentionally leading whites away from the point. #AltLite #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@FrancisTuker Southern Baptist Convention. A church that, by the way, was founded in part to support slavery. It's now placating the new (((power))).

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@FrancisTuker Not up for a Bible debate. Just pointing out the absurdity of #SBC17 pandering to a (((system))) that is anti-christian.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
What to say of a "church" that throws its forebears under the bus in order to pander to an anti-christian (((ruling class)))? #SBC17

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
I wonder how many souls have been lost as a result of the church slavishly cucking for its (((masters))), thus discrediting God? #SBC17

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Does #SBC17 preach the Word of God? Of course not. It preaches the Word of (((Soros))). http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/14/politics/southern-baptist-convention-alt-right/index.html #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Save souls? Of course not. #SouthernBaptistConvention scrambles to push agenda of SJWs and (((oligarchs))): https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/06/the-southern-baptist-convention-alt-right-white-supremacy/530244/ #SBC17

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
To #oathkeepers of good moral character: either seize leadership, disrupt, or resign. Supporting #antiwhite scum makes you complicit.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Malicious #oathkeepers sic their mestizo pet on lone white man standing up for his people. Oathkeeper = moronic, #antiwhite trash.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Whites are a race of dreamers. Without the vision of a white homeland, other idiocy will fill the void. #WhiteNationalism is the future.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
No, terror isn't "part and parcel" of living in a big city. It's part and parcel of living in a big city with muslims. #LondonBridge

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Who'd have thought that there would be consequences for letting Orcs swarm into your homeland? #LondonBridge #WhiteGenocide #OrcPosting

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Plenty of big cities have zero terrorism. They all reject the policies demanded by the criminal Sadiq Khan. #WhiteGenocide #LondonBridge

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Sadiq Khan is just doing his job: covering for the Third World invasion of Europe. When will you do your job, white man? #LondonBridge

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The #antiwhite ruling class is not dumb. They know exactly what they're doing: destroying white countries. #WhiteGenocide #Merkel #Soros

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Excellent write-up on (((Christine Fair))) and the intersection of insane SJW leftism with vicious neoconservatism: https://altright.com/2017/05/23/georgetown-university-professor-personifies-the-jq/

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
These (((people))) really do hate & despise whites. It is impossible to understand what's happening in the world without grasping this fact. https://twitter.com/CChristineFair/status/866450625059590145

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
.@RichardBSpencer quietly works out at gym. (((@CChristineFair))) makes loud scene. Who does gym punish? https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/richard-spencer-gym?utm_term=.lmjQ3PR4A#.nh6b9B4Rp #GymGate

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The assault on Confederate monuments isn't just an attack on Southerners, but on whites generally. (((Globalism))) must crush #WhiteIdentity

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The constant anti-#Trump hysteria whipped up by the (((media))) is designed to condition the public into accepting impeachment.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
I like the "You will not replace us" slogan at rallies & on fliers. Works well in the overall struggle against #WhiteGenocide. #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Absolutely nothing - it doesn't help the people at all. But it does benefit (((Wall Street))), happy to profit as country goes Third World.
Mickey Kaus @kausmickey
What's so great about 3% growth if it's done by importing people, so GDP/capita doesn't rise? https://www.wsj.com/articles/labor-force-stands-in-way-of-trumps-3-growth-goal-1494861153

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Modern (((science))): claims made up out of thin air are real; provable facts that contradict #antiwhite narrative are social constructs.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The Orc hates nobility and seeks to tear it town. The white men who defy them earn honor & respect. #SaveLeeAndJackson #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
If the (((system))) agenda could withstand a moment's scrutiny, Twitter wouldn't have to purge #AltRight accounts. But it can't, so they do.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Antiwhite Leftists are merely useful idiots of the ruling class. Everything they push is oligarch approved. #WhiteGenocide #antifa

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the controversial idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite #France #Europe #LePen

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
(((#Feminism))) has never been about helping white women. It's always been about poisoning relationships between white women & white men.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The hate-filled, maliciously #antiwhite Left ("antifa" mugshots) are Orcs on the inside & out. Of COURSE they hate beauty. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Whites require our own homelands with full sovereignty & independence. All other roads lead to #WhiteGenocide. #AltRight #LePen #Sweden

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The (((system))) lies about whites constantly, day in and day out. It does this because it HAS to in order to maintain control. #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Malicious #diversity is about turning whites into a brown, indistinguishable cow-like herd. #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite #Frankenstein

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Europeans always valued women, while non-whites treated them like dogs. Yet #feminists hate whites. They're not pro-woman, just #antiwhite.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
First Wave Nationalism (#Trump, etc) is psychologically trapped within the existing (((system))). Second Wave breaks free. #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Of their countless foul deeds, perhaps the worst thing (((#antiwhites))) have done is poison relations between white men & white women.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
There is science, and then there is (((science))). Know the difference. #BillNye #antiwhite #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Under #diversity, white children learn early on that truth is punished, lying is rewarded. It's a sick & immoral (((system))). #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The struggle against #WhiteGenocide is the great issue of our age. Nothing is more important. #AltRight #Auburn #Berkeley #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
There are numerous #antiwhite ideologies out there. They all have one thing in common: lots & lots of echoes ((())). #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Our enemies aren't just "hypocrites." They are malicious, hate-filled #antiwhites. They really do want #WhiteGenocide. #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Female soldiers in the army will do about as well as antifa girl at #Berkeley. Leftists will cheer girls on to the slaughter. #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The #antiwhite ruling class looks upon pictures of slaughtered whites with cold, indifferent eyes. #Bataclan #FireKushner #Trump #Syria

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Our rulers are unfit to rule. Whites must have our own homelands with an elite prepared to do its duty. Nothing else will do. #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
When the oily (((creatures))) of the Beltway are singing your praises, you've done something very, very wrong. #Syria #Trump #NoWarInSyria

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Looks like @ThaRightStuff was shoahed. The (((system))) definitely wants its wars in the Mideast. #Syria #Trump

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The "anti-war" Left changes its tune when Dems are in office. Not the #AltRight. We actually mean what we say: #NoWarInSyria #Syria #Trump

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Trump had the opportunity to do a great deal of good. Instead, he jumps in bed with the #antiwhite (((system))). Disgusting. #Syria

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
We aren't interested in more wars for the (((establishment))). #Trump is in bed with the very system he ran against. Betrayal! #AltRight

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Diversity is a code word for #WhiteGenocide. To have a future, whites require homelands of our own. #Trump #AltRight #Brexit #London #EU

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the radical idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite #LondonAttack #Rotherham #Europa

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Demographic war is being waged against Europe. Those who opened the gates have blood on their hands. #LondonAttack #WhiteGenocide #London

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
(((Media))) supports muslim invasion of Europe, covered up industrial scale rape of white girls in #Rotherham, but "outraged" by #Milo.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Traditional white society was very effective at protecting its youth. (((Modern liberalism))) unleashed the predators. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Traditional white society protected the youth. Under liberalism, youth are targeted by every sort of predator. The (((#antiwhite))) smiles.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the controversial idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
A people without a sense of itself cannot long endure in the modern world. Survival requires identity. #WhiteGenocide #Identity

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The struggle against #WhiteGenocide is also the struggle FOR truth, beauty, and civilization itself. #AltRight #Trump #Berkeley

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
If it's in their "strategic interest" to see white countries flooded, then it's in our strategic interest to be free of such (((friends))).

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Wealth meant Southern elites didn't need Jim Crow, yet they tried to maintain it to protect less fortunate whites. That's nobility.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
An alien ruling class lacks loyalty to the citizenry. No surprise what has happened since (((oligarchs))) replaced whites. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
And the winner is... #Trump

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Great point, but it's less about obliviousness than hate-filled #antiwhite malice & shameless (((hypocrisy))). #Gorsuch #Trump
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Phil Greene @deadheadphil89
@Trainspotter001 @ChicagoRefugee. You people as if I'm not a white male. But , yeah white people are underepresented in this country OK https://t.co/NCgKEBJQUC
Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@ChicagoRefugee Are you a white male or a (((white male)))?

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@ALTRIGHT_GOSSIP Absolutely. But often there is more to it than that - pure anti-white animus. Also follow the ((())).

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the radical idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide #QuebecCity #Trump #Trudeau

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Millennial Woes: The Emerging Dynamic, Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdhD1lD_TGk #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
As the hate-filled Left escalates violence, eventually there will be a response. Ultimately, whites will defend themselves. #Weimar

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
We either hit back against globalism - hard - or it will destroy everything that we care about. #Trump #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Nice picture, right? Not to the malicious #antiwhite. Makes them want to attack, cause pain, throw urine & feces. Truly sick people. #Trump

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
How many more lives must be sacrificed to the bloody, hate-filled cult of #diversity? #FortLauderdale #WhiteGenocide #antiwhite

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
System media incites #antiwhite hatred, covers up resulting violence. Ordinary citizen did that? He'd be criminally charged. #BLMKidnapping

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
This creature looks like something out of sci-fi horror flick. Remember, #diversity is our greatest strength. #BLMKidnapping

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Diversity requires whites to tolerate the intolerable - constantly. It goes against truth & nature. It's #antiwhite. It's anti-human.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Fairness is overrated. If you won't defend your people, any appeal to fair play will fall on deaf ears. Savages don't care. #BLMKidnapping

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Those who will not defend territory are worthy of nothing but contempt. #Antiwhite hatred will only increase. #BLMKidnapping

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The (((system))) teaches non-whites to blame everything - literally everything - on whites. It is malicious & hate-filled. #BLMKidnapping

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Merry Christmas & Happy New Current Year to good goys everywhere. Taking a Twitter break for the holidays, will be back after Jan 1st.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
A government that fails to protect the citizenry is illegitimate. A govt that actively harms the citizenry is criminal. #Merkel #Berlin

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Few jews in Montana, but seems like each one of them has penned an attack on Richard Spencer. Here's (((Malchik))): http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-malchik-richard-spencer-whitefish-20161216-story.html

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
@Trainspotter001: @Katanat We might be able to create spaces where a realtor (((shakedown artist))) doesn't feel quite so free to target hapless mothers.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
White Nationalism: the controversial idea that whites should continue to exist. #WhiteGenocide #Montana #LoveLivesHere

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Antiwhites want to reduce whites to a minority, blend them out, punish dissenters. Then they deny #WhiteGenocide. #Germany #ArrestMerkel

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
No #Fakenews is too shameless to push #WhiteGenocide. Reality: mixed-race populations are shorter & dumber (mestizos, Coloureds of S.A, etc)

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The future is what we make it. It can be one of ugliness & despair, or of hope & beauty. It's a moral imperative: STOP #WhiteGenocide.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Germany! The criminal #antiwhite ruling class pimps your daughters out to invaders & laughs as your sons are beaten. #ArrestMerkel

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
No doubt it's pure coincidence that the (((Fed))) just happens to raise rates as soon as #Trump gets elected: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/14/fed-raises-rates-for-the-second-time-in-a-decade.html

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The (((oligarchs))) use non-white immigrants as a weapon - a biological weapon - against white society. #ArrestSoros

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Without a healthy white identity, we are helpless against the #antiwhite attack. But with it? Our people will have a future. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
#Antiwhites support reducing whites to a minority, blending them out, punishing dissenters. Then they deny #WhiteGenocide.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Atomized consumer morons are no threat to the (((oligarchs))). Cohesive groups of whites are. White identity + loyalty = victory.

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
We are engaged in an existential struggle. Our enemies don't want "fairness" or "equality." They want us subjugated & broken. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
The #AltRight will continue to grow for a very simple reason: we will defend whites. Nobody else will. #WhiteGenocide

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Trainspotter @Trainspotter001
Under the #antiwhite system, rape & murder are small potatoes. The truly unforgivable sin is possessing a healthy, positive white identity.

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Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 70%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 62%
art_other 37%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 76%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 41%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 68%