@itskaon Kaon Gamer Rights Activist

itskaon's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 12

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Kaon @itskaon

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Kaon @itskaon

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Kaon @itskaon
@pearlythingz >cheating >small things

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Kaon @itskaon
@PDakkadakka this like "2016 ben shapiro owns leftists" amounts of entertainment holy shit

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Kaon @itskaon
@Breaking911 pls give me 5 mins with her i just wanna talk

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Kaon @itskaon
@AceMahogany @PollySpin @hollowearthterf THIS THIS THIS ^^^^

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Kaon @itskaon

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Kaon @itskaon
@MrLottaHoes >paying for sex >HIGH VALUE male

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Kaon @itskaon
@Bolverk15 wait........what?

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Kaon @itskaon
@oldTomAF: @thereeITomAF

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Kaon @itskaon
@unusual_whales ChatGPT in a few months

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Kaon @itskaon
@cenkpesos Aint no way, my nigga is back

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Kaon @itskaon
@QuarantinedCoof no way again??!?!?!?

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Kaon @itskaon
@aquxur that and this

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Kaon @itskaon
@Kobayashi_BSLSK cuz i wanna do this

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Kaon @itskaon
@AsagiKurosagi theres no way this is real, its too funny

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Kaon @itskaon
@CannotHaveSex redditors literally getting psychop into fighting for a foreign country will never not be funny

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Kaon @itskaon
@PostingTransLs_ i knew it was someone familiar

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Kaon @itskaon
@CountDankulaTV Seth rogan be like

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Kaon @itskaon
@NightmarEclipse in a span of 4-3 years normiecons went from "theres only 2 genders" to now "da demokkkrats r da reel transphobes"

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Kaon @itskaon

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Kaon @itskaon
@DaftPina Twitter users when they found out their parents have a 2 year gap

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Kaon @itskaon
@qcapital2020 @TikTokInvestors

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Kaon @itskaon
@UNVACClNATED: @EpicUTZoom wait more than 50% americans believed joos ran everything in the 60s?? lmaooo based

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Kaon @itskaon
@QuarantinedCoof is it even a question which side the (((CI-AIDS))) is gonna support?

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Dame Pesos 🌮 @cenkpesos
Birds of a feather. https://t.co/bgb4x7Uw4a
Kaon @itskaon
Not surprising Ethan (((Klein))) became a Bolshevik

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View @cenkpesos
Kaon @itskaon
@M101News I wonder (((who))) is doing all the brainwashing

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Kaon @itskaon
@Romans5_4 @Visa @Mastercard Stop taliking about the (((banks))) goy

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Kaon @itskaon
@Romans5_4 stop noticing its the (((banks))) goy

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Dame Pesos 🌮 @cenkpesos
Cenk continues by telling his viewers that he will talk more about AOC behind a PAY wall, reads a superchat and ask for more money! They then proceed to criticize the son of Trump for wanting his renters to pay rent! ✡️✡️✡️ https://t.co/m3xVvyLhNf
Kaon @itskaon

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View @cenkpesos
Kaon @itskaon
@PrisonPlanet coronavirus redpilling people about (((diversity))) 👀

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Kaon @itskaon
@Leviticus19_18 trust in (((them)))

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Dame Pesos 🌮 @cenkpesos
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 https://t.co/oH4WjDOXDC
Kaon @itskaon
there's nothing wrong with (((dual-citizenship))) goy!

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View @cenkpesos
Dame Pesos 🌮 @cenkpesos
IS OFFICIAL!!! Ethan KKKlein (h3h3) has seen what happened when Joe Rogan endorsed Bernie and is willing to pay $1,000 to get some of that publicity! That's right! The high school dropout, ex-drug dealer Youtuber has endorsed Bernie Sanders!! https://t.co/gijqt5Z6XL
Kaon @itskaon
what a (((COINCIDENCE)))

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View @cenkpesos
Orwell & Goode @OrwellNGoode
Every week, you see articles like these: "Why unmarried women are happier" "Studies show that parents are more miserable" "Children leave you $250K poorer" No agenda, though. https://t.co/82X3t7933U
Kaon @itskaon
then you see (((who))) are writing the articles

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View @OrwellNGoode
Kaon @itskaon
@kissmyass683 NOOOOOO you cant say that US was better before (((diversity))) or your a ray cist nahtzee!!!!

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Kaon @itskaon
>(((Schwartz)))) >hates white people what a coincidence!!!

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View @HarmlessYardDog
Kaon @itskaon
i use to think it was some crazy schizophrenic conspiracy but Ever.Single.Fucking.Time its a member of the (((tribe)))

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View @HarmlessYardDog
Kaon @itskaon
@Leviticus19_18 I wonder (((who))) was the therapist 🤔🤔

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Kaon @itskaon
@MisterAntiBully Ban (((porn)))

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E;R @EsemicolonR
Kaon @itskaon
The one time I agree with (((critics)))

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View @EsemicolonR
Kaon @itskaon
@josephuscollier @replyguyritchie @NickJFuentes not all protestants like myself, (((interpret))) the bible to fit modern day progressive views

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Kaon @itskaon
@OneNationxxx: @CampusConserva4 @ZoomerClips What about Protestants like myself that don’t (((interpret))) the Bible? I understand where you’re coming from many I’ve seen Protestants churches that teach homosexuals are going to heaven!

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YAF @yaf
Every time someone says something the Left disagrees with, hate gremlins crawl out from under their rocks and search through social media looking for something that destroys his reputation. Get #TruthStraightUp here ▶️ https://t.co/0eEh6OADkU @andrewklavan @realDailyWire https://t.co/8uEuKmS68j
Kaon @itskaon
@andrewklavan @realDailyWire And what happens when someone says stuff that’s not on the (((conservative inc))) talking points like @NickJFuentes ?

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View @yaf
Kaon @itskaon
@BlessedSouthpaw charlie kirk is just a puppet for his (((donors)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@tadano_egirl: @tadanosocialist they're controlled opposition they'll say whatever their (((donors))) tell them to say

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Kaon @itskaon
@MisterAntiBully >trusting the (((critics))) score over the user score Lol

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𝑮𝑨𝑻𝑶𝑹 @TheGatorGamer
"Oh boy another hitpiece on the Killstream, I wonder who this writer has written for in the past... Oh." https://t.co/BT7UIeqNSI
Kaon @itskaon
What a (((coincidence)))

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View @TheGatorGamer
Kaon @itskaon
@NationalistTV @NickJFuentes (((Charlie Kirk)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@GatorPesos @TheRalphRetort Oy vey you can have your (((free speech)) goy as long as you love Israel

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Kaon @itskaon
@ZrcaIo: @Xrcalo @TheGatorGamer "Jewish voice for Peace" demanding to shut it down what a (((coincidence)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@TPUSA wow so controversial, now can you address demographic change and (((who))) is the cause of it?

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View @TheGatorGamer
Kaon @itskaon
@NationalistTV @NickJFuentes 100% correct but i wonder (((who))) is causing the downfall of the U.S.

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Kaon @itskaon
@Hi3cchi We need more (((diversity))) goy

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Kaon @itskaon
@OnlyNomaly Oy vey the replies are very antisemitic!!! Just accept the (((religion))) goy

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Kaon @itskaon
@MillerStream (((Neocons)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@ImHirsty: @AmericaHirsty @NickJFuentes (((Charlie Kirk)))

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Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch
This morning, Turning Point USA severed its relationship with a brand ambassador who was photographed at a dinner where white nationalists were present. https://t.co/VDHmNnuVab
Kaon @itskaon
(((Turning Point USA)))

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View @RightWingWatch
Kaon @itskaon
@HotepJesus (((Ben Shapiro)))

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Felix Rex @navyhato
Remember: Any talk of demographic and cultural transformation of Western societies is a "conspiracy theory." https://t.co/LSoJByQGCe
Kaon @itskaon
Gee I wonder (((who))) brought them there🤔

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View @navyhato
Kaon @itskaon
@MisterAntiBully (((ADL)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@AntonioChavezSN (((ADL)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@JustinWhang (((PragerU))) aka why you should unconditionally support Israel goy

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Kaon @itskaon
@LilithLovett Can I just please enjoy something without some sensitive faggot censoring shit?

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Kaon @itskaon
@MisterAntiBully Lol you can say anything on that platform just don’t mention da joos goy

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Kaon @itskaon
@MisterAntiBully (((Chelsea)))

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E;R @EsemicolonR
It says parody, but it actually predicted almost exactly how the Steven Universe movie played out: https://t.co/6wyNwCT1io
Kaon @itskaon
(((Steven universe)))

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View @EsemicolonR
Kaon @itskaon
@YeaSIater: @DeadEpstein I wonder (((who))) is behind this campaign 🤔

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Kaon @itskaon
@Crocetti_Dan @nypost What do you mean (((Diversity))) is our strength goy!!

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Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes
LMAO OF COURSE https://t.co/Fl7BMA9S8s
Kaon @itskaon
Don’t eat the meat goy and drink more (((soy)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@caicramer @RealTyPickhaver Anything critical of Jews or the great nation of Israel is (((antisemitic)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@RealTyPickhaver OY VEY!!! This thread is very (((antisemitic)))!!!!

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Kaon @itskaon
@ConceptualBIG: @saeen90_ @benshapiro Remember anything criticizing the great nation of Israel is (((antisemitic)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@Leviticus19_18 Stop (((noticing))) things jersh

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Nicholas J. Fuentes @NickJFuentes
Last month he literally disavowed *Milo* and the Proudboys for being “too extreme.” He did a debate with that slob Vaush and tried to prove that being pro trans and homosexual is actually a Right Wing position. But tell me more about inauthentic conservatives!
Kaon @itskaon
just another cuckservative, wouldn't be surprised if he was getting a paycheck from (((them)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@BreakingNLive What a (((coincidence)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@TheRalphRetort (((Shorenstein)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@TheGatorGamer Stop (((noticing))) things goy!!!!!

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Kaon @itskaon
@HighTestTexan @TheGatorGamer @benshapiro @MattWalshBlog Remember it’s only okay for (((them))) when it benefits the wonderful nation of Israel

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Kaon @itskaon
@NickJFuentes i wonder (((who))) is pushing that agenda 🤔

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Kaon @itskaon
@hasanthehun Remember facts are (((antisemitic)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@steveo @Leviticus19_18 @CNN OY VEY very antisemitic shut it down! The goyim know

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Kaon @itskaon
@ReeraTakes Would be surprised if this user was (((Jewish)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@LavenderGhast: @KateVsTheWorld @ReeraTakes Japan better be careful before (((they))) get in and change everything to fit an agenda

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Kaon @itskaon
@archangel2 @robbystarbuck by satanist i think you mean (((them)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@nypost (((They))) will do anything to destroy those tapes

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Kaon @itskaon
@Sean_McDowell @prageru (((Prageruniversity)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@MaxBlumenthal I think this is also called (((Zionism)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@KRobertKroeger1 @MaxBlumenthal Because facts are (((antisemitic)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@PrisonPlanet Remember that Ben Shapiro has (((dual-citizenship))) and it’s clear that he will always support Israel before America

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Kaon @itskaon
@Leviticus19_18 Tommyc is a giant faggot loser that can’t accept the fact that he’s not young

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Kaon @itskaon
@NicoleGlocks: @Nicole61836638 @JarboPesos (((Lawyer)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@netanyahu @WeWuzBoomers @realDonaldTrump (((Friendship)))

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literally M @utter_randoM
@THR It's always the gingers man~ https://t.co/TmJk7EcoRZ
Kaon @itskaon
@TheGatorGamer @THR (((Diversity)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@Leviticus19_18 (((Cloudflare)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@BreakingNLive (((MSNBC)))

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Kaon @itskaon
@JarboPesos (((Mister metokur)))

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E;R @EsemicolonR
Marvel movies out there removing half of life from the gene pool so the other half can thrive 🤭 https://t.co/ABvNfDplHb
Kaon @itskaon
Of course (((they))) are trying to destroy the family unit

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View @EsemicolonR
Kaon @itskaon
@BethB715: @ADeplorableBeam @JereHalttu @BreakingNLive OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN!! the goyim know

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Kaon @itskaon
@JereHalttu @BreakingNLive (((They)))

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