@wentz08 wentz Avid Retweeter,Noticer Weimar,

wentz08's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers Proud Boys
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The field of modern medicine was transformed in 1910 when Abraham Flexner was hired by Rockefeller to petition congress that all natural healing was quackery and should be banned. His persuasion worked and since then drug based medicine has dominated.
wentz @wentz08
Guess it's just another cohencidence that he was jewish

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View @AlpacaAurelius
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
“Follow the money” https://t.co/jRjOqZ6drS
wentz @wentz08
Who nose why (((they))) would do this

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wentz @wentz08
@StKyleOfAntioch It is hard to believe it's real, feels more like evil (((elitist))) sarcastically trolling us

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wentz @wentz08
@LongJohnDean_ @Kobrakie32 So she's a shitskin

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wentz @wentz08
@MikeWalshWriter (((They))) know

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wentz @wentz08
@dufrianord @Elbasque @juanesquivo @spectator Same here in the U.S. and most western nations we don't want Mass immigration of non homogeneous people but ((( they ))) Keep sending them

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UberElf @ElfReich4
The term 'Racism' was coined by a j.€w ..... This has been used as a weaponised Cage word against ONLY White people from that point to date... So.... To be classified as 'Racist' is a compliment ... You aren't in the cage 👌 https://t.co/X9vXetVLU2
wentz @wentz08
She should have have just slowly pulled her mask down and smiled at her before going into a death stare with that commi shitskin bitch

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