@Wyatt_Powder Wyatt_P REV:29_3:9 THE WHOLE CHAPTER OF JOHN 1 THESSALONIANS 2:14-16

Wyatt_Powder's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 61
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Sal19793 What IDF kike!!

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Tired_of_the_nonsense @mostly_medieval
@Wyatt_Powder @4ndY_1ndy @HManHRadio @dbongino @elonmusk Is this the sort of free speech you would like to promote? Advertisers don't like nazis.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@4ndY_1ndy @HManHRadio @dbongino @elonmusk I want free speech until a white man starts giving away kike tricks!!

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Dr Taylor Marshall™️ @TaylorRMarshall
Ban pornography on Twitter. @elonmusk
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@russt_west @elonmusk 100%

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@edrickAtani A rat telling you jews aren't white

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David Cohen @edrickAtani
I fully support gun control. Canada is moving in the right direction. It’s very important.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
We know you jews love gun control, it's called communism!! Might as well call it Judaism

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View @edrickAtani
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@KunsuJK @blindboypdx @TalbertSwan Well jews use blacks agaisnt whites, JEWS ARE NOT WHITE!! get it right Boi.. You say white but you actually mean jew!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@blindboypdx @TalbertSwan

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Tired_of_the_nonsense @mostly_medieval
@4ndY_1ndy @HManHRadio @dbongino Prove it. Man, you guys will believe anything. Does the tin foil hat go over or under the white hood? Always wondered.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@4ndY_1ndy @HManHRadio @dbongino I kinda prefer my Tinfoil under the hood for sure, I mean why ruin a nice garment?

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@4ndY_1ndy @HManHRadio @dbongino

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Dan Bongino @dbongino
Pick a fight with me at your own risk. I’ll NEVER let it go. Ever. I’ve got a lot of time, and a lot of money, and I never forgive or forget when it comes to communist, anti-free speech activists. Never. Fuck around and find out.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
Are you?, or your rich masters?? We know who pulls the strings for MSM folks like yourself!!

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Muhammad Smiry @MuhammadSmiry
Palestine will be free
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder

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Blind Ivan @blindboypdx
@Wyatt_Powder @TalbertSwan Hardly. Spew hate and any responsible corporation walks away. Last I checked virtually all major corporations are traded freely on the stock market with shares owned by all kinds of people. I love how this issue gets the haters to show themselves. The gift that keeps on giving.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@TalbertSwan Facts = Hate in jews eyes..

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View @blindboypdx
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@MarkFromTheDark @SHYTILLA @JonahDispatch Coming from a JEW, a from Jewish journalism.. So who's right?

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@JonahDispatch In stead of Black face, the new and improved... "Jew face" comes in all hooks and sizes XL or XXXL..

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@dijoni You damn right!!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@turtlecoal @RealBlackJewMan @TalbertSwan Use that brain and say what the TV has programmed you to say!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@scraphappy98036 @Timcast Come again?? I'm sure you're a jew but if not you're GOYIM to jews. Stop being their Cattle!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@StephenAtHome Thos bad Nazi's.... Jews are the real ashkeNAZI'S, that's how they came up with that word to deem Hitlers party... Hitler was right!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Sal19793 Again, jews are unholy who killed Jesus and their own prophets...

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SpeakDaTruth @Naptownqueen420
@Wyatt_Powder @Madmayne100 @hodgetwins This helps explain how history was white washed too. Btw not cool with the legal moves the church gets away with. 🤢 I hope they all fkn burn
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Madmayne100 @hodgetwins That's the confusing thing, jews are not white. So technically it's "Jew washed" to benefit them.. if the system was all white people controlled do you think there would be so much anti-white commercials and ads? World domination is what they want!!

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View @Naptownqueen420
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Naptownqueen420 @Madmayne100 @hodgetwins I call bullshit!!! So you're cool with them doing this ??? (metzitzah b'peh)

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themayne @Madmayne100
@hodgetwins Why do y’all be hating on Jewish people tho real talk
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder

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Hodgetwins @hodgetwins
You’re a racist if you criticize black people. You’re anti-semitic and cancelled if you criticize jewish people. You’re transphobic if you criticize transgender people. You’re applauded and promoted if you criticize white people. How does this make sense?
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
#Goyimtv.com #HandsomeTruth #GDL #Papergoys #The_Noticing How can anyone say there's isn't Jewish Supremacy!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@NickSwagyPYoung You mean jew!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder

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Jake Shields @jakeshieldsajj
I’ve just converted to Judaism so now any criticism of me is antisemitic and you will be fired and ostracized
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
That there is what us goys call Jewish Supremacy Jake!! @GOYIMTV.TV @GDL https://t.me/GDL4LIFE

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Ricky72326483 Typical Jew Jewin, IDF jew trying to pass as a white like they always tey to do.. Muh sheckles make me tough and cool, fag!!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@SarahKSilverman Imagine saying that about their father the Devil?? Dirty jews!!

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Erica Marsh @ericareport
Would you vote for a Jewish Presidential candidate? Yes or No?
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
Wait, did you just come out of a coma?? Jews run our Elections!! so technically, every time you vote, your voting for Jewish puppets.

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@crepesandwine @casualtakeking If thats true how come the jews won't ever mention Malcolm X, Farrakhan, Dr. Tony Martin. All black men who called out the Jewish supremacy. Jews understand they could pass as whites even when asked they'll always say " I'm not white, I'm jewish" https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1588563091955933189 https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1588563091955933189/video/1

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@casualtakeking Since slavery blacks have been in shackles by the jews with no end in sight. "To find out who rules over you, learn who you can not talk about" https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1588513924617752578 https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1588513924617752578/video/1

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Tom Fitton @TomFitton
.@ElonMusk, Left have countless billions, government entities, media and NGO's focused like a laser on ensuring Big Tech and government suppress and censor on-line speech. Conservatives have a few social media accounts and a handful of groups fighting for on-line free speech...
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@elonmusk You mean the Jews who created the privatized intity (Federal Re) that is free from Audits.. Are you talking about the same NGO's that push the white genocide in every Major white Nation? Or the Jews that are making millions from the vaccine and the death of our loved ones.. ?

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@IsaacHayes3 @fanbaseapp

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
Thanks for nothing @JGreenblattADL Stop playing the victim for one and do something that benefits America and not a jews pocket, and or Israel

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@KevinJMcCarthy8 @davidmilling96 So they're racist Nazi's mow? You leftests are so full of your own self victimization yall refuse to open your eyes to whats ACTUALLY going on, seems like the left is all Jews so it makes more sense for the victim card constantly being played!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@DaGinge92: @DGinge92 @SHYTILLA @hodgetwins Hmmm, I wonder what a jew would say if you askrd them if they're white?? I bet they'd say " I'm not white I'm jewish" sounds likebl a race to me you Synagogue of satan.. For example.. Julia Powell.. claimed to be white, blah blah blah. Then reveals she's not white she's a jew

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@JeanetteDeFrias We're being forced by these people

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@mallybol You shouldn't, Sports are here only to have our government and politics taken.. https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1588383570187284480/video/1

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@EitanBernath Shut up you synagogue ofSatan, stop claiming to be a jew. "Oy Vey. How can I be a victim today".. 110 Nations is coming!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@DannyVegito End jewish Supremacy!!! And stop being a soyboy!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@MelishMarcus @CatholicJDFren

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@FlowerP79667758 These are the ones pushing for our genocide !!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@RealLathan Well said!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@Vladimir1776 @elonmusk @ADL

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@RichardManyk @RealBlackJewMan @JewishonCampus_ @ASU Jesus was saying there's only 1 Rabbi. and that he wasn't one of (((THEM))) The synagogues of Satan stole and made the word "jew" theirs and who they are.. (REV 2:9-3:9)

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@JillColtonFree Kinda seems like a "conspiracy"

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@StopAntisemites @michaelcrow @TempePolice @ASU SHUT IT DOWN!!!! https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1588152565874794496/video/1

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@StephenKing Shut your mouth, jews have done waaay worse!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@ChosenGinger @Warren_NJP

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@AundreRaashad Got something on that also!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@AundreRaashad Don't forget who owned McMillan&Mcgraw-Hill (American Text Books) Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwells father)

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@tariqnasheed Apparently it's ok to do blackface if you're jewish huh..

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@notBilly To learn who controls you, find out who you can't talk about!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@israelUSAforeve @GuntherEagleman @RealHickory @DineshDSouza @polishprincessh @authorsls @AMErikaNGIRLLL @skb_sara @jtd_gameon12 @MagaGoldHat1 @MagaGmo

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Journalists - my name is Amanda Hugnkis, and today I was fired by Elon Musk himself at Twitter HQ. Willing to talk on the record. DMs are open.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
The same people telling you Hitler was a bad man, are the same people telling you to castrate your children!! https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1586154837473099776/video/1

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
Prove me wrong!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
@benshapiro @elonmusk @jordanbpeterson

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Robert Reich @RBReich
Elon Musk's fortune, which ultimately enabled his takeover of Twitter, has been padded by billions in subsidies and contracts paid for by American taxpayers. Just in case anyone needed that reminder.
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
No one cares Robert (((Reich)))...

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Hodgetwins @hodgetwins
There are ONLY 2 GENDERS. Male and Female
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
When you hate Communism but claim you're not Anti-Semitic = walking contradiction..

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Tiffany ✨ @tiffanyandsadie
How crazy is it that in order for us to say something factual like, “Men cannot have periods”, Elon Musk had to buy this whole app. 😳
Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
And that jews control everything!! Kanye is right!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
How many Gringo cops are in Mexico?? I'LL wait!!

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Wyatt_P @Wyatt_Powder
When people say "White Liberal" they really mean Jew!! Malcolm X figured it out down the road maybe the Twitter community can too. https://twitter.com/Wyatt_Powder/status/1586056064512004112/video/1

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art_other 47%
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art_other 57%

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bar graph 100%
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art_other 49%

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etc 28%

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hitler 29%

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etc 90%
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star of david 97%

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tldr 58%
logos_flags_graphics 34%
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hammer and sickle 87%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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star of david 56%
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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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art_other 59%
toons other 28%