@JackFre77132266 Jack the Freeman A Man. 1 3 7

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 82

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
They've even twisted Nature, those turds. Calling them *wild* animals. They're not *wild*

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I often reckon to a hybred with Neandethal man. Definitely something doesnt add up...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@RonaldJ61016789 Yukraine is a psyop. Sorry. It's obvious. Why no live footage from the ppl thout there?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Satan, aka Santa, Luci,* the Bapho* et al.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
No chance. Too busy worrying about rising sea levels...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Buffalo skulls. Some of the 50 million or so... Govt destroying a Nation, in this case, the Native American Indian, by destoying its food supply.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@cswarketatora We have to be. You know what horrors we are really up against. That's why I ignore sheeple for the most part.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I can tell you where the answer is, not what it is. And much, much more...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Depth of shittery Govt will go to. Just one example. https://t.co/EYcPpRHKQK
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
: And now look where we are.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Depth of shittery Govt will go to. Just one example.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
All you need to know...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Bottom line...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The truth lies hidden here. All else is speculation, given their tendency to keep changing their identity continuously throughout history. This is a journey that has lasted many millennia...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
... and yet somehow I don't think so.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@stickeyshoney Had we been able to go in another direction altogether...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Given we COULD have had our fuel made from hemp...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Act 1...Having successfully poisoned over half the planet We move on... Act 2. The Climate...and we can welcome some "New Faces" (Faeces) The picture is a graphic reminder of the terrible danger we're in. ... Btw, that Ozone hole...is it still there?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
For people who can't keep themseves in order... Fuck off.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@RonaldJ61016789 Star Trek...Took me somewhere else... I used to watch the credits (to get the most out of each each episode!)...I noticed the names. Most were 👉(((that name)))👈 Odd, I thought. Then I noticed it on ALL films... Set me off down the rabbit hole, I reckon!

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Quintessential Englishman @RonaldJ61016789
@JackFre77132266 3. .... "a" god perhaps, but not THE (one and only) god (which has been used throughout modern history to intimidate us).Creator gods? Yes. Benevolent gods? Maybe but probably fairly-neutral. Catholic-claimed miracles? Utter nonsense. Poltergeists from another era or world? Yes.
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I go with some Neandathal (or other) type of infiltration after some great conflict... which they lost. Hence the big *revenge* thing. God is a construct. Who else writes this stuff, but (((them))) and just like the printing press (((they))) "invented" 1/2

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Thieves. Cheats. Liars. Murderers.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The time will come...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
WE ARE STILL AT WAR... ... in case anyone needs reminding.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Karen Winters @KarenWinters3
I believe so since not all Jews are Semitic (many European Khazar converts). Also, the way its been used by Zionist/Communist Jews, it's a means of shutting people up so they don't tell the truth. Throughout time we have had important whistleblowers who have been Jewish. https://t.co/6SSWQNQl0U
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
So, a blood test would be needed, in reality. Ok. These (((people))) are so very weird!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Try this...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I don't think so.. ... It's the destruction of [White] Western Civilisation, for starters. For those unfamiliar with this and I get shit every time I mention this... Look up (((Loxism)))
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JenMax57 @VickySeal @Philly852 It's hard to explain to someone unless they don't already have "it" You either feel it or you don't... They'll know all this too, btw. For all of us on here who understand these times and what it means..... 🙏

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@MaryCam17021316 Here's our History. Deliberately obscured, written and rewritten, just like now. We're both looking into the same past. I can only have theories, but my mind goes to the mysterious origins of a Tribe from the Neolithic times... ... "Neandathal" Extinct?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Better late than never. 50 years behind the gain line...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Psychological Warfare..
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I am my own Authority!
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@RonaldJ61016789 Epitaph?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Well, now's our chance...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Why ffs do folk want to return to the old system? It belonged to (((them))) in the first place... ... . And it was shite anyway. 🙏

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: Here's why govt/state is utter shite 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
There is only HOMESCHOOLING...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
We're at War... ... with Demons.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@WolfieSmith5 Georgeous overload. One for dog lovers!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Tesla. 🙏
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Most of these "willing helpers" will NOT get their piece of cake when the time comes. That's how it always works... Fools.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@RonaldJ61016789 Our food, our water, our air... Then, all the manufactured "pruducts" In fact, EVERYTHING in our society. This has been one of their *specials*... Plastic!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Yes. And I repeat...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Be very careful, people...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
They all serve the Red Shield.. And 👇don't forget👇 this either 👇
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
All the plastic pollution could have been avoided... ...the Earth is the hands ofpeople who would seek to destroy it.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"if the World actually listened to critical thinkers..." ... we would never have had *Government*
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@YvonneGetcarter @IvanaMariaB @Taz1981Taz @Razkles @Thesearethedamn @kHoshgeldin__ @FMushod @Scatlov02242602 @bassninjas @OhRoyalOne @cjsienna55 @littleglob1 @whereangelsdare @deanybeany19 @Thearchct @1968Kona @liveasyoursoul @Twitter @SwitchedToLinux I think they've learned from their mistakes... FYI, The Bank of England is 333 years old.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @SarahRose94713 I guess these [medics] are the executioners...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
... Except that the State is totally complicit is all this. Give us guns and this fucking shit will stop... NOW! 👇👇👇👇
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: It goes some way to explaining the vitriolic hatred that these "beings" have towards Humanity. History has been written, rewritten, distorted et al... but not entirely obliterated. Personally, I don't go with Lizards or Aliens. This is homegrown shit...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Anyone who still thinks anything else, GTFOH..

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@davidclarkdavi1 @ds13_manon *Elite*... true meaning.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
FYI... THE BANK OF ENGLAND (((PRINTS MONEY))) Echo....* IT PRINTS MONEY * And... Who owns the Bank of England (since setting up in 1688)?? If you don't know who controls the money controls the World... You asleep??

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @leehoward708 @Eljay2602

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
One Law...One Word. *BEHAVE*

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I DO NOT NEED TO BE RULED OVER, ... thank you.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: All here, somewhere...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Job well done, by the look of it...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Goes back a long way, this one...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
And then work it out for yourself 🙏

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Every famine and every plague, [pandemic] has been created deliberately. Every Single One By, you know who...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
With proper food, air, water etc we can easily live over well 100 years. The *three score and ten* crap was made up by (((you know who)))... Part of our "conditioning" Odd how the "ordinary man" tends to die off around then...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I think you might find the real motivation is even more unpleasant . It's the utter loathing of white people and white civilisation. It's called (((loxism)))
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Adenoughofit @ds13_manon (((lol)))

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
All the lowlife scum on Earth, yes...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: They are removing all the relevant literature in this Global Reset, although somewhat less dramatically...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The guy in the video knows... lol Folk didn't see City of London Police guarding G7 summit, either... In Cornwall?
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @kathchering Who are the Masters of Division? Yes, (((them))).

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The State...
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Bill Carlson @wfcarlson
@JackFre77132266 LOLbertarianism isn’t the answer. https://t.co/AlE0c2ZqFI
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
No matter what, j3ws are involved. Somewhere.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Govts don't care about you. They HATE you. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"UNLAWFUL" ...please get it right.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
No. Here's the problem. Folk can't look after themselves.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The Genocide of the Native American 👇Food, famine... et al.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The Evil that has polluted tbe UK™... .. has been here since 1688. The Bank of England. 333 years old. This👇
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
*City of London* (NOT the same as London City!!)
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"They're going to kill us all" As true as it gets...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
WTFU... Quickly!!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"GREEN LOCKDOWNS" The end of Civilisation as we ever knew it. I always thought it wasn't very "civilised"anyway... ... but what's coming along is really serious.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The whole point was to pollute the Earth as much as possible. Not only that, but alsothe enormous medicinal properties of Cannabis. Do folk not know why they demonised it?
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Let's be a bit more inspired...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Oh yes, the PM's Catholic for cer...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Quick reminder of where we are heading...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Folks, let me introduce you to... ... The State.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: 2/2 I campaigned to *legalise* Cannabis for 20 years, before I understood that *legalise* was in fact still playing their f'ing game! "Global control" of drugs! They've ALL been in on it, for a long time. Damn! Now it's full on. They've played their hand

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@SylvieGelinet Go into the Widerness to understand....

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Got to be in the "J" club...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
In case folk are forgetful...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@samisdat_info I am truly cursed with this knowledge. Disgusted and enraged. Every. Single. Time.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Voting is all rigged.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"... progressively allowed..." Equally slithering, psychopathic gentiles have made this possible. And they still are... ...very willing pupils.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Pajorhansdottir Close..."Parasite" begins with a P, not a J, though...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @MistressRazz 2/2 These people are totally demonic and obsessed. As well as possessed. And loaded with a malice which would take most people's breath away. The Old World died this year...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @MsRightMsRight Why let your kids be taught this garbage anyway...? FOLK WHO SEND THEIR KIDS TO SCHOOL ARE TOTALLY FUCKED UP IN THE HEAD.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
No it isn't. Getting them to plough their own fields is. Getting them to form their own local communities is. Getting them to be productive and to create a real new world is.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
What an opportunity to RESET OUR WORLD... ...but very few really seems to want to. Most folk obviously still love the *old normal* ffs!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Stating the Obvious...but very true. https://t.co/Us18fkRyFu https://t.co/Nz80H4Nj7G
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
: The State...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Stating the Obvious...but very true.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
After 109 expulsions, The Chosen™ are now unleaching their Vengeance on the World... ...starting with Western Civilisation. If in doubt, check out 👇👇👇 The TALMUD. http://sefaria.org ... Sorry, but there's nothing more I can do here. 🙏
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
These two...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: Well, now they're working on their bodies. HOMESCHOOL... FGS.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @Elaineannette3 The Hatred contained within it is beyond irrational... ...and it's heading this way. This helps explain.👇👇👇

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
macro artist @Macro_Artist
📺 2 min video. Donald Trump's thoughts from 9-11-01. "How can a plane... possibly go through that steel. I happen to think that they had not only a plane but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously because I cant imagine anything being able to go through that steel." https://twitter.com/cjtruth/status/1304385044837019648

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Elaineannette3 Don't worry, I know. Been DIY for years... Always known the State was a bloody Nightmare.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
IT'S NOT A *LAW*... FGS! For anyone else who is or might soon be in "lockdown", use the time to learn about... *COMMON LAW* How NOT to give your CONSENT TO GOVT BULLSHIT. ... Be kind to yourself.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Enough!! The old *normal* was crap. They controlled that too, ffs! If anyone can't actually see that, there is something wrong with them. We can't go back anyway, because they've as good as destroyed it. We need the "new"...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
All I can say is that everyone was happy in their own homes before (((they))) came along and fucked it up totally for them... ... just like they doing to us all now. You know...Deception, division, destruction.
Arthur @ThisIsREngland
At the height of the British Empire in the Indian subcontinent, there were no more than 160K white British people out of 450M just 0.05% & they all left after independence Today in Britain there are over 5 MILLION people from the Indian subcontinent Who is the real "coloniser"? https://twitter.com/ThisIsREngland/status/1301963563217620994/photo/1

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@talklessnlisten: @Tamikara @samisdat_info Yes... But in the mwantime... ... THEY HAVEVYOUR CHILD AT THEIR MERCY. AT THE MERCY OF THE DEVIL!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @Tamikara 2/2 ...about govt/politicians, police corruption et al. Pharmas and their evil. Polution, contamination etc. Hence the hemp meme... Plastic pollution was always avoidable...but not desirable. My History was a bit innacurate and I thank @samisdat_info 🙏💯

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Hate to be repetitive, but...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I wonder if the head of channel 4 is one of ((()))....?
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Mr Elwood, ladies and gentlemen...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Tobias Elwood, folks
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
This... ...in case you missed it earlier. And then in descending order of colour... https://t.co/kjDT9pb3Rp
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Marches and Demos etc are pointless. Just what the Cabal want...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@CynthiaAkaCJ @sapiofoxy @ScottyKBF It was only for three weeks so as not to overwhelm the NHS... ...nothing more. Dancing monkeys!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Too late to complain now...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Memo to NHS..
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Include Politicians...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Stuiej73 @EvesJoanna @AlbertoThomas @GrahamHmoore This Boris...?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @Stuiej73 @EvesJoanna @AlbertoThomas

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The biggest problem was created when Magna Carta *legitmised* the Crown!

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
No trruer word spoken with a lithsp...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Used to be, "No Black's, Irish or Hippies" ... I'll chuck this in again for good measure...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
A group of Psychopaths are trying to control us all by every means possible. They are essentially Talmudic Zionists. ... This is where we are. Work from there...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@alisonmawright The "people" have NEVER vested sovereignty in the Monarch. We will always have the Law of the Land, God's Law. Nothing and no one can remove that.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
"The Jews control everything" is a blatant falsehood. ... They don't control... ... themselves .
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Don't get angry. Don't get depressed. Just get determined. ... Set your course...and go. This applies to each one of us. Be inspired, ffs. Now's the time for it... 🙏

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
A relative...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Curse... ...Cromwell. No... William 3rd... No.. Edward 2nd...? Because he expelled... You know... (((THEM))) And, as usual, they swore revenge etc...and here we are. Been doing that gig for milennia now. Still are. It's everyone's problem now.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@StephanieBonsey Here they are..

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Zog_777 It could be a freebee... That's why I thought I'd ask if others have had similar..

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@european_lady No mention of what the contents are anywhere inside or out...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Boris isn't crazy or stupid . He is just a servant donig his Masters' bidding...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I'll go one further...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Always popular with sheep... https://t.co/HvN44OeSV3
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
The Beast is not human...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Autumn has come early for the Sycamore... The "rain" has samaged the trees as well.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: What's more, EVERY CREATURE ON EARTH IS A TEACHER OF THEIR OFFSPRING. ... so what's the problem? And not for the first time, either. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
We've all had a taste from the "Stupid Cup"
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Throw this around...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
At least I can hold my head high...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
If you're not opting to HOMESCHOOL your kids, there's something not right about you...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@stickeyshoney Neil Hamilton... again. Imperial college is sponsored by Bill Gates. None of it was real. Just like slaughtering millions of pigs et al. We are being controlled by madmen.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@stickeyshoney Auto Immunity has worked ok for millenia. No mention of this nowadays? And covid has now morphed into Coronavirus... It's only "real" because MSM are pumping it to death...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@EternalEnglish @ArcherOnTheWall

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
You missed one out, I think...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@ifadoncaster @CartDes Because they think we're shite. It's an [English] CROWN imposition anyway. It became official in 1959. Btw, the Tudors were Welsh...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@DarthThe2nd: @darthpepethe2nd 👍 I think that says it all. Mind you, the Blacks have a real surprisd in store...lol, ...the Jews hate them as much as white folk... Which reminds me,

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@MorganLSchmidt1 @MSabogal11_19 Homeschooling is easy, fun and unbelievably rewarding. The kids do it for you... "A hungry mind asks questions. Feed it."

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@WolfieSmith5 Rifle practice...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
REALLY... ISRAEL NUKES BEIRUT? Destroy them before they destroy us. Oh...we can't. ...Project Samson.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
He is either one of "them" or he works for "them" He wants to destroy white civilisation...
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@unikgirl11 @ds13_manon Food bank. Sponsored by...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@FramedinDallas @ColmanOfGuaire All you need to know is that we are in the grip of an 8,500 years old Satanic Death Cult hell bent on destroying [white] civilisation utterly... You will all become their [cattle] slaves and they will dispose of you when and however they deem appropriate.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: At least I can face my self every day... Win or lose.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@AndreLeonard20 "I have a dream... " NO MORE POLITICIANS. I RULE MYSELF. https://t.co/dzBZYzOOp1
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
: @AndreLeonard20

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View @JackFre77132266
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@AndreLeonard20 "I have a dream... " NO MORE POLITICIANS. I RULE MYSELF.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@andrewjonsso @robertscott661 @repoman500 This "older generation" have had to put up with decades of "cock and bollox"... We're the hardest ones of all. Constantly reminded that "we never fought in the War. Well fuck you Johnson et al, we're in one now. And we know it. And we're up for it. ...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@SmithTarquin @bexgooding1

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Once you have taught your child HOW to learn... ... Feed the mind, feed the body. Then the soul can feed itself. DON'T LET SOMEONE ELSE SCREW WITH YOUR CHILD.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Quick reminder for the white folks at the rear of the auditorium... ...back soon, bye. https://t.co/pmSF6AtJ90
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
: I thought this might soften the blow...

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View @JackFre77132266
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Quick reminder for the white folks at the rear of the auditorium... ...back soon, bye.

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Wave upon wave... Very "maritime"... Just like their stupid rules. Send them back out to sea....and take this useless carbuncle as well.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
One choice... One chance.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Do it.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
I'll keep saying it.. HOMESCHOOL... FFS.
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @CllrBSilvester @ds13_manon This is your *collateral* Now tell me it hasn't been intentional...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: @d_mos77 @RDWimp @SocialM85897394 Especially with this sort of nonsense...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Please use the correct words when talking about this stuff. It really is so important...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: They always wanted to poison you with non bio-degradeable plastic shite. They know about hemp.. https://t.co/4M7kKsYe5b
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@NoTatsClassy @jjbcbus

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@andrewjonsso @LHoneythunder It gets better for our poser friend...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@LHoneythunder @andrewjonsso You'll love this guy... 😂😂😂😂

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@KateShemirani I would say we're nearly there...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@honestcitizend2 Don't forget his mate... https://t.co/3AjXdeJfEY
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
: @honestcitizend2 And this to complete the set...

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View @JackFre77132266
Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@honestcitizend2 Don't forget his mate...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Just a quick reminder... (Btw, I was reported for posting this...and exonerated.)

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@honestcitizend2 You mean this bloke?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
On the subject of Food Banks... ...oops!
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
Masks now pollution problem. Greta, you ask...?
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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@LinguaDeos @georgelee1985 @R_Good_Fellow

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@rob_miller12345 @Bluebell2201 Here...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
This isn't about masks or vaccines or lockdown. This is about FREEDOM, HUMAN RIGHTS And the FUTURE of HUMANITY. ... Don't sit this one out. Or you'll never stand again. This is the Big One, folks...

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@the_yidiotist: @amazinnnnnnn @samisdat_info Surely not... (((them)))?

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@Xoana_Ra It was written by (((them)))

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@artStuvsSeaton Just testing us out... I remember they were "working on it" a while back. And (NO) SURPRISE, SURPRISE... Maybe true, maybe not. Don't like to scare folk, that isn't the idea here. Alert them to incoming shit-ball, yes. For folk afraid:... (((MASK UP)))

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Jack the Freeman @JackFre77132266
@JackFre77132266: Nor to they want folk to notice that these same people PRINT THE MONEY. (I.E...THEY MAKE THE MONEY USING A MACHINE.) (((HELLO)))??? WTF are you paying them tax money for then???

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etc 96%

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hitler 29%

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etc 91%

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critters 90%

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totenkopf 33%

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hitler 28%

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tldr 98%

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art_other 98%
star of david 89%

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star of david 96%

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art_other 59%

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hitler 26%

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etc 99%

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etc 92%

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face 49%
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etc 69%
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star of david 87%

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tldr 43%
bar graph 34%

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art_other 88%

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critters 97%

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etc 97%

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tldr 43%

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art_other 78%

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tldr 39%

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tldr 97%

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logos_flags_graphics 90%

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etc 62%
pepe 30%

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art_other 86%

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hitler 29%

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tldr 100%

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toons other 32%

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tldr 100%

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tldr 99%

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critters 100%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 85%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%