@Proud_Arm3n1an T3_Maxxi Tradition above all.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 469
T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
RPF discussing Dr. P's secret harem

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"body's smile energy."

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Why many people report feeling different or their personality changing after being given an anesthetic.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Dasha doesn't know it yet but she'll be the one to take down Red Scare as her temp reaches 98.6F.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Why time starts to sprint the older you get.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"We got a Peater down, get the Progest!"

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Slatavism Rent free

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I think the mother uses the fetus as an opportunity to dump all her excess iron, so firstborn babies are always a little compromised compared to the second borns. Probably why I am a little r*tarded.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"You listen to your intestines with a stethoscope, right anon?"
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
First time spending birthday alone, humbles the soul a little. Would love to hear if any of you have good stories to share (harvesting coffee luck, hormone wonders etc).

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
A hypothyroid gorilla with a TSH of 107, not the most intelligent species.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Early life never miss. https://t.co/bv3KZpDUby
T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
: Wild

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Dr. Voronoff AKA "monkey gland man" AKA someone should have made him face the wall. https://t.co/sjxwR8V14X
T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
: Early life never miss.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Dr. Voronoff AKA "monkey gland man" AKA someone should have made him face the wall.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Trader Joe's marketing team checking Twitter to see how many guys are "down bad" for their local store cashieress who is taught to flirt on command to add to the store vibe. ↓The down bad in question.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Apparently, flowers contain the amino acid glycine and honey bees overwhelmingly prefer syrups with glycine in them. Intelligent creatures.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@pilkonaut The milk chugger in question. Cope Alimer.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Peating is like playing a video game but the more you play and "upgrade" the less of you there is and when you defeat the final boss you turn into a goofball fruitloop. This is kalabok supr*macy.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Anon, you are buying your milk from pregnant cows, right?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Proud_Arm3n1an: They have even started selling milk with 2.5 times more protein than regular. I don't like Frankensteined food but this may be an exception since milk is so nutritious.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Stress doesn't age you, your response to it does. - Apu "Morning poop thoughts" The Philosopher

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Burtu finds out that aspirin is plant progesterone, nobody bats an eye.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Russia? Ukraine? war? Someday we will fill stadiums to see them fight.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@autistgf Correction: Husband that takes me on honeymoon to Vietnam to fulfill my dream of feeling like the Venus of Willendorf.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Hi Dr. Peat, My friend recently married a woman who keeps reptiles as pets and says beekeeping is a dead profession. What would you recommend for his ailment? Best regards - T3_Maxxi

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
My dad told me today "you've been very lucky the last few years, if you don't start working soon that's going to change very quickly." I guess I am going to have to up my coffee game up, thanks Dr. Peat.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Have been thinking about how paramount it is to thoroughly chew your food, almost to a point of liquid.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Calories in, calories out." "But you can't make money that way." "Sugar is my guilty pleasure."

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Gorl: "What did you just give me?" You: "Hormones." Gorl: "Aaaaaaa, I am yooooouthing!"

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Boomers screaming at the top of their lungs "Wait until you grow up!" until their TSH is 6 but you just casually Peat and never grow old. Name a bigger own.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Coffee increasing luck? Absolutely! Matched with a Russian girl who looks exactly like my brother's girlfriend, majors in the same field as me, plays the same sport as me (swimming). When I went to look at images of a breaststroke to send her, found this image on the front page.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Dancing in my room like an insane asylum runaway. I am born a child, once again. How does the saying go? Oh yeah, wagmi.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Its comforting to know that I may not be going insane and there is immense merit in proper meditation.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
POV you just pulled up to Ray's compound with a bottle of ibuprofen.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I don't think I've read anything that comes as close to describing how I feel about things as this. This is what I tried to articulate many times, to tell people near me what freedom really means, bound by nothing and in constant euphoria for life. A neutral curiosity that drives

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Two of the best memes this website has to offer.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I love this man too much
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Improving the metabolic rate and shifting it from serotonin dominance to the protective hormones can cause very similar effects to that of LSD. I suppose the question becomes what's a healthy amount of filters to let go of.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@AAragurn Yeah, red light must penetrate the skin.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
*sips coffee with 30 grams of sugar in it* "Here we go again."
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@pilkonaut: @not_alima @LandsharkRides I think he broke out of it. I am trying to see the connection between the state of No Self and what Ray is saying. I haven't seen anyone clearly articulate where the overlap is.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Randy getting peatpilled is such a whitepill.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I just heard Ray curse. Its over, the movement is no more. Packing my bags with cod liver oil pills and moving to low altitude living.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Apu is Buddha reincarnated...unbothered, moisturized, happy, in his own lane, flourishing. Be like Apu.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I wish upon a falling star for all my frens to make it.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
The resting pulse of an average j*w is 60. Its physically impossible to worship the material with a resting heartbeat of 85.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Evil_skimedabla Toil away serf.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@ChiefsDynasty27 Mashed potatoes, cheese, orange juice, eggs, milk, coffee, white sugar, chocolate, oysters, liver.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
One of the best things you can do for your health is figuring out how to cure your lactose intolerance, or at least train the bacteria in your gut to produce less gas when drinking milk. More than half of Maasai are technically lactose intolerant. https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1471548280920182785/photo/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
At a local store. My head is forever polluted by this site.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Nobody really talks about how every major world renowned chocolate company, from Ghirardelli to Lindt, uses soy lecithin as an emulsifier in all of their products. I just snack on chocolate chunks used for baking now.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Please come back. Grainbrains haunting the timeline again.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@realluvbby @LandsharkRides Absolute chads. 1600Kcal/kg/day is insane to think about.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
This is how zog infiltrated Eastern Europe. What a cursed snack.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Advanced" vegans will make the argument that since all of the amino acids are synthesized by plants from nitrogen in the soil, that cutting out the middlemen(animals) is a logical next step. They leave out the part that herbivores have multiple rumens that help to digest plants.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Maybe because seratonin causes you to hibernate, crazy idea!

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Almost as if high cholesterol is a sign of adaptation to stress and damage, and not a pathology.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@DollPariah It's fairly easy if you tolerate dairy.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Peak Peat autism. I love it so much.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Sitting in my room and uncontrollably smiling right now. My temperature reads 98.3, my pulse is 86bpm. Feeling like a child again. Low grade inflammation and an adaptation to chronic stress is the devil and it absolutely robs you of everything that's good and beautiful.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CO2HitIer Wasn't able to find that one. I ordered this one, hopefully it sits well.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I accidentally took too much thyroid and started having muscle cramps, a racing heart and extreme anxiety. Ate a bowl of grapes and took 400mg of magnesium and it subsided. Now I have a massive headache from the silica in the suppliment promoting endotoxin. You just can't win.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
If you didn't know this already, sugar doesn't cause diabetes. Sugar reveals an already faulty insulin response.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Legitimacy of fiat"
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I am officially a propagandist

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@pikeypilled @LandsharkRides First time hearing of this. *triggered*

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CO2HitIer @Menatetronone_4 That would be true for men I would think but progesterone is nearly 0 during the first 2 weeks so I don't know if it's a good thing to mess with it.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Something about navigating through Kali Yuga, paying for banned pharma meds with crypto, searching through a dozen stores/butchers to find authentic cheese and non-Frankensteined meat, digging for based niche forums is extremely stimulating.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
The colder months instantly turn into the coziest ones when you focus on raising your metabolic rate. Staying warm, keeping the brain stimulated, drinking coffee with sugar is the simplest way to start.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Why am I so unnecessarily horny at the wrong times. Wholesome pic nonethless.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Did random google map drops. The first image is in Oymyakon, Yakutia, the coldest village on Earth. The second one is in Saudi Arabia. I suppose you'd need around 3 grains of thyroid to be able to stay sane in that village.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Can't tell if the righteous thing to do here is chimp at her or the soja bottle in the fridge. https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1453875748213641217/video/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Prostaglandins have been shown to induce darkening of the iris and aspirin seems to be inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Have any of you 1g aspirin megadosers noticed your eyes getting lighter in color?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Baby brother recently hit a deer. The cops offered him to take it home for food but he declined. Dinner shared by family with the deer meat would have been a proper way to honor and pay respects. https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1452149255523606531/video/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"What radicalized you?"
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@pikeypilled Thinkpads are like Nokias. You can pass it down to your grandchildren.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Oh no no no no noooo!!

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
If this is not me at the age of 95, what's the point? Man lived to be 100 with his "antiscientific" ideas, go figure. https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1450547866368307202/video/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Something about these lists that makes me lose my sh*t every single time. "Do manly things." How about you act without categorizing every action into a list like an inauthentic LARPer.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Just checked my temperature and it turns out I am hypothyroid, that's why I keep a bottle of cynomel next to me 💯

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
2-5 days to completely digest your food. What a joke.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
We do a little shopping too.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Raw oysters are in a class of their own. Nothing comes even close.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Hmm...I wonder who's doing all of that.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Dunning-kruger effect is simply put, about nuance. Nuance removes the human tendency for ideologically driven personas, so you end up as a spectator, effectively rejecting the infinite dichotomies handed to you by (((them))). The dimwit/midwit/topwit meme is a derivative of it.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Make fun of sugar one more time
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
How is this allowed to be a universal ingredient in ice creams?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@EnergeticZeal That made me smile. Reminds me of this picture of Tolstoy, having breakfast in peace.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
What do you suppose the hormonal profile of the one on the left is? Maybe do a case study like a lab rat in a cage? This is what (((they))) want you to look like. Be anything but this.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Baiting and reeling in Peat girls with these rare artifacts.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I Peat snak

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Proud_Arm3n1an: reproductively and metabolically healthy so they can be bred for generations. 35% of their caloric intake comes from SUCROSE, 35% from STARCH, 20% from protein, 5% from LARD, and 5% from PUFA.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
MCT oil? Not good.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Forgive me, for this meme is pure blasphemy.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Holeistic Honey

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Whatever this phenotype, I want.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
If you don't have this in your post-civilizational collapse food stash, you're ngmi.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
In the US, 1 in 2 is fully vaxxed. If there was ever a good time to start a longitudinal study on health biomarkers and the rate of inflammation where spike proteins are localized, it would be a good time to start now.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Begone bluecheck!
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Daily reminder that this is the true Tower of Babel. Do not believe their lies.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Grassfed liver with white button mushrooms.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Local hippie store had it stocked. Decided to try it and it's the tastiest and creamiest milk I've ever had.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
This is the most Jewish thing I've ever read

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Proud_Arm3n1an: What the Russians tolerated is indescribable and what is left of the mighty "Русь" is a nation completely ruled by the atheist j*w.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Peat approved mushrooms with ground beef and raw cheese.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Michael Harriot @michaelharriot
Who are the most respected leaders of the white community?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Anon is Anatolian

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@HVYWSH_ Hello

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CO2HitIer Future mouthbreather in the making

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Gives a whole new meaning to Manifest Destiny of the 19th century.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@politicAtaraxia I think about this often.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CO2HitIer Had some this weekend

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@helioslogos Good morning Helios.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@AnabolicEnjoyer: @_AnabolicRedux_ @TreeStarBooty @helioslogos Lol

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Hbiggs12 @superman3821 Poast physique fag*t.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Study him wholeistically."
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Average western turk.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Are we just making up names at this point?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
That question has been answered.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Beat them at their own game

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@ARIOSOPHY Asked a friend if he was in GATE. This is what he recalled.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
He doesn't eat a pint of ice cream a day before bed

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
We do a little shitposting from time to time https://t.co/0J1hfZL4Mp
T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
We do a little shitposting from time to time

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Religious destination" https://t.co/cy1P1JEFzi
T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
: The same place this picture was take.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Religious destination"

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Mandatory quarantine of all women is rightfully needed https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1403923467649486851/video/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Find a better litmus test

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
A cute girl at the beach asks you to rub sunscreen on her but you proudly refuse because it's carcinogenic and she is missing out on vitamin D3 gainz.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Literally... I can't with these women

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
The only person I know who has freckles is me. Is this phenotype slowly disappearing?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
This is tradition, whether you like it or not.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Sugar is good for you anon, here's a gallon of OJ."

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CharlieFang77: @CharlotteReed77 This is what I get

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@CharlieFang77: @CharlotteReed77 Is this where I settle?

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Pretty sure a man who can tame a jewess can overcome every earthly temptation.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Proud_Arm3n1an: Nigger

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
>in class >another day trashing male behavior >I mention how the presence of aggression in men is a trait that was selected by women >a single mommy nods her head in denial >tells me her ex was a quiet mouse >"I am more aggressive" >a qt thinks for a sec and nods in affirmation

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@extradeadjcb Hi there

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@cute_alima: @HuntedAlima

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@kevinnbass Get back in your pod

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Libtard: "I want to turn your son into a sodomite." TPUSA: "You are in luck. We live in the most progressive nation!" https://twitter.com/Proud_Arm3n1an/status/1386859104530960384/video/1

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
You walk outside and you see countless beautiful women all around. How men can simp for one woman is beyond me. On a different note, drinking raw milk for lunch like a complete sperg has made me embrace autism on a more spiritual level.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
"Hi, yes sir, I think khazar j*ws are vermin, how can you tell?"

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I read Miya's nutrition tweets and they are a word for word copy of Dr. Natasha Cambell's works. There is no such thing as plagiarism so I am certain great minds possess strong intuition. @LandsharkRides I saw your tweet about her and just finished both her books. Recommend.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
The three stooges of the intellectual dark web

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
As psychologically subversive as that j*w propaganda is, it's a cozy show.
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@DArmenicus Drinking a jar of it at work like a complete misplaced autist.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Cultural enrichment

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
If I don't approach a woman soon, I will lose my mind completely. Please say a pray for a room temperature IQ niqqa.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@officialdaggie @krus_chiki

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Otto is an honorary Aryan

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
When AWFL in their 20s remove men as their main meat substitute and go vegan to save the environment.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
I am losing my sanity

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@DArmenicus Fascist gets the feminist art hoe, meme manifested.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
@Maya_MGPBWMA @jessica_esquire I shall spread anti f*g propaganda wherever I go.

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
This is truly a beautiful map https://t.co/rrTiCyuxTE
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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
*Western medicine on suicide watch*

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
Raw seafood nationalism

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T3_Maxxi @Proud_Arm3n1an
*loses 23 followers* "Its a massacre!"

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