@MicGee2009 Marx Boot @CFR_org goon My name is Marx Boot and I am not a biologist. Let's #keepbreeving #troof

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Homophobia Misogyny
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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@JohnSeb68347289 @ramzpaul ((Spencer))).

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Bellamy Salute @Bellamy_Saluter
@Know_More_News I am telling you what Catholic doctrine is. I am not Catholic but I researched the matter. Have you not heard of supersessionism?
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Know_More_News The person in that clip doesn't believe in supersessionism. He never used the word Chris ian ONCE. He used the words j-w . j--ish and r-bbi to make it clear it is the j-ws who will be saved/

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View @Bellamy_Saluter
Woke Capital @WokeCapital
I'm reading a book a week in 2023. Classics, sci-fi, nonfiction, or anything people highly recommend. I'll keep adjusting the list. Start on Monday, done by Sunday. Might make lowkey videos of takeaways. If you want to read along, the current list is here: https://t.co/jjdkjvzXMt
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
M.L. (((WEBB))) felt comfortable enough to use his family name.

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View @WokeCapital
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Joseph82nd @ramzpaul it's the same at every fast food joint. The old way of doing things just got too expensive for the ((suits)).((the suits)) are just looking for ways to cut costs and dress it up by demonizing it as harmful or not sustainable.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@twitarggggg @Christcucks2 I'm getting (( J o n S t e w e r t)) vibes. He's a pretty serious and intense guy without his teleprompter.

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Dr.Maiz Rapaz @maizrapaz
@eric_gillies @BernieSpofforth There are no pathogens. Pandemics of the past have just been poisoning or human testing. That's the start point. It's all fraud.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@eric_gillies @BernieSpofforth I think they were real but the ((modern)) ones starting with the ((1918)) ones are suspicious.they already have admitted the polioonewasa'panic'.

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Jeff Lege @LegeJeff
@ChrisArguello @greg_price11 That's foolish and demonic. We are to multiply and take dominion over this creation. Man up.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@ChrisArguello @greg_price11 both of you are dmb. if we could just get ((certain people)) to stop telling us what do all the time, we'd probably figure out the right amount of people to have around. This is a very old problem and one humans addressed at a very local level, historically.

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View @LegeJeff
Muscles Rothschild @MusclesRoths
@ramzpaul He's a tweeker who wasn't running anything. Doubt he faces accountability for being the front man but if he does and doesn't play ball, he is getting Epstein'd.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@ramzpaul you mean, he's going to fa ke his own d if he doesn't play ball with his other fellow (((Westerners)))?

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@CheekBloody the ((modern)) version if it pretty much a jaybird movement to stop the g0yyszfrom imposing financial and social obligations on them by de-empathizing social relationships and empathizing capital accumulation . all bc stalin wanted reciprocation for helping establish izzrael.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Steve15151 @HowleyReporter They're using the threat as a reason to go after that "goddamn piece of paper" as George W. B&SH put it.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@mirawyi @leflange1974 @DidTheyDie4This it is wrong. people who come from civilized societies tend to do well in OTHER civilized societies. the ppl who really struggle are people from tribal societies---which most of africa was prior to contact with the middle east and then europe.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Jacob__Siegel he's just a clever j*w who sees a backlash coming and is rushing ahead to control or steer the backlash so that his ppl are not blamed and Protestants are blamed instead.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@LeroyCa73455685 @WokeReligion "crazy (s) j*ws are the future of america"

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J Ice @JIce88
@AutoCarbine556 @Oilfield_Rando A "Social Scientist" with an arts degree who can de-person a person with a hard science degree. Real science is dead because of modern agendas.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AutoCarbine556 @Oilfield_Rando everything is being butchered because of (((modern))) goals.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MicGee2009: @___WHY_N0T___ @sarr_babacarr @AP @ids https://www.livekindly.co/bushmeat-banned-malawi/ How come they never talk about diseases that originate from ((western)) animal farms? beyond the global push to "ban meat"?

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Suave162 @disclosetv it's an ((international)) effort.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@crypto_throw @ramzpaul @TomCottonAR

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@adam_template @Kobayashi_BSLSK So it's not just older folks imagining entertainment getting so bad, younger people see it too and are checking out

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@ramzpaul Weimar 2.0, in more ways than one.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@ramzpaul i'm also reminding of at las sh ru gged even though it's written by one of((them)). discouraging work, the rule of law and anything enjoyable.

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View @kobe_sylvester
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
Original pencil drawing by Simon Bianchi. He has his work reproduced directly from his pencil drawings.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@SandpiperFax Most people are unaware that ((Cmmnsts)) were hired in large numbers during CRights movements in NATO countries. The cr was a smokescreen to hide what was really happening.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@TheCutePyro @Blompf2024 Found this in an area with a syn o gogue two blocks away in a BLUE district.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@massiveautism @DeIudedShaniqwa I hate to break it to you, all rap is controlled by (((j)))'entrepreneurs'. If an 'underground' musician does not have a day job and makes a living from music, he is under their control.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@jimmywu74389584 @AndersBjork2

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@BillBrasky_7 @Blompf2024 Once again, our humble lords point us to ever-so-wise hoodrats who are well-adopted to ((modern)) reality.
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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@jackjoh58927915 @J_Contributions Jack, I know exactly what you mean and I'm behind you 100% LET'S DO THIS!

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@DackStevon Not saying there weren't crimes but they were um promoted in a way to push distrust of strangers (the creative class excluded) and some of them like the killer clown ones LACKED people reporting missing family members and appear to be straight out of a ((fruedian)) textbook.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
: @DackStevon in any real criminal situation, a trial and forthcoming victims would decline over time with evidence and memories literally becoming less reliable over time.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MicGee2009: @DackStevon Not saying there weren't crimes but they were um promoted in a way to push distrust of strangers (the creative class excluded) and some of them like the killer clown ones LACKED people reporting missing family members and appear to be straight out of a ((fruedian)) textbook.

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YourmomisaN @NYourmomisa
@DeIudedShaniqwa Really cool of the (((record companies))) to push gangster culture. https://t.co/eN9bStXuZS
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@DeIudedShaniqwa If it's on TV it's co-created by ((the producers)).

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@davantagedupain @DietHeartNews That's because like many sectors that have become ((financialized)), the managers in it over time have less and less of a medical background and more of an accounting background.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@IzzieMac1 @DackStevon this is the war onmoney-raising campaign. " See?! They need us!"

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@TheBisonSociety @Strathdeas @lporiginalg ben and jerry 's is run by j e w s.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@CBlossius @CovfefeAnon @WokeReligion That's bc they brought it with them from Africa. It's probably been endemic there for thousands of years. only became a problem when ((the press)) discovered it. https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/why-is-aids-worse-in-africa

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MicGee2009: @KokomoMoe @TotallyHuman111 @MythinformedMKE The traits that are selected for in a hunter gathering society are very different from those selected for in a society that is highly civil. You'd struggle in this society.

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Want to know how they were able to normalize trans kids so fast? You don't want to miss this special episode! Live now on BitChute and Odysee INSOMNIA STREAM: DON'T SAY GAY EDITION: https://t.co/CNz6Hl6dSA
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
((Béla Grunberger)) would say your anti-s is a result of " anal-sadistic relations in early childhood." but don't get it wrong. Psychoanalysis is about helping the "proletariat" not launching veiled Ad Hominems against it.

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Proudpapa @CoachBuddrick
@seven_rings_12_ @ramzpaul Of course he is an zionist. We call them colonizer. Potato, Potatoe. Same thing
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@seven_rings_12_ @ramzpaul If the vast majority of left wing j)ws are deeply apposed to current i*RAEL leadership, why is he worried about a divide growing between afro americans and left-wing j*ws? Maybe because there is no alliance and more ofa master-subject relationship.

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Serena Brown 🧃 @SerenaJB3
@DackStevon Ending that and Afrocentrism would be good.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@DackStevon I would speculate that afro centrism was created by ((them)) as well. The founder of the Nation of I sla m was a mysterious light-skinned guy from the Middle East. The N of I is the MOTHER of all Afro centrism movements. Think of the black isrealites and kwanza....

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@1984cov @DackStevon it looks like the ruling class' base is entering a cycle of constant self flaggation to stay in the club. it's like musical chairs but instead of chairs they're using

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@DardFrog @WokeCapital ((Modern)) Art has been dehumanizing humans for decades. I made the correlation between the sterility of ((modern)) art and l-wing views and a left leaning critic was naturally upset.humanity to them is mental illness.

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West Bestern 🛡️ @western_bester
@GorhamHarland @bronzeagemantis Evil mf'ers. https://t.co/BBcletT6po
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@GorhamHarland @bronzeagemantis j*w* promoted communism and the cold war to get g*ym to fight each other in addition to promoting j**i*h interests.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Johnny__Quest_ @Urylle @Know_More_News sure, they're the only ones allowed to be funny. If this was done in the u.s. it would be dead serious or be ironic anti-humor ((hipster)) cr*p.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AntiAquariusAge @NewAtlantisSun the banks and the media are run by the same people. they also control the university system. and the military. the gif below is very symbolic. the rainbow has religious connotations and so does the star.

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This womans are not qualify clean animal waste dog shit https://t.co/p6HaCGwPbE
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
I am horrify no compassion us have for Nigerian Princess She need our ((international)) aid save bank account plant seeds prosperity Wakanda forever.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@BeatiPoenas @blompf2020 I feel sorry for their mothers

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@BigToneIlCapo Debt bondage is the only way avoid nation al socialism.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@SreetThe @BigToneIlCapo The best is yet to come

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@southsidecards @blompf2020 a cohencidence, i'm sure.

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電気ストーブ @GengarJew420
@AuronMacintyre https://t.co/McPO2GquHq
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AuronMacintyre it was founded by joos who became disillusioned with communism after stalin took power.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Mmmbuddyfaux @BigToneDaBoss "how'd ((he)) get so big?". He takes a esto gen supplements. Estro gen makes you put on weight.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MarlboroughJE @WokeCapital Are you sure it's the Chinese Communists doing it? My first thought is that is ((international)) merchants planting seeds for revolution by letting ppl know there is gonna be a lot more pan dering to minorities.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@kd_noodle I realized this years ago when I was still in school that there was unwritten rules and some kind of club one had to belong to, to move up in the ((int ell ec tual)) world. Success was not random. The people who were, seemed to act and perform exactly the same.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@RightHonSirJohn @JsPostingLs @V8POW and amish just like him.. I think this is a

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Tony_Hovater Have no fear mon k will get the job done while kvetching about the working conditio I mean 'talking about mental health'

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@BigToneIlCapo: @BigToneDaBoss Not Mr. Bean!! NOO!! I thought he was one of the goyslikeus!

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@cosmic982002 @ScottMGreer @boomberg1911

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@everybodydrops @OptAHumanity @lporiginalg ppl think this some new development, the effects of the ((c rights)) movement is finally starting to be felt. they made the ussr take a dive and to make it look like they lost but seem to have consolidated quite a bit of power by the late 90s.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MrNerove @BrendanNyhan @mattyglesias @ProfHansNoel follow the leader never meant following the peasent. it meant following the aristocrat dressed as a peasent.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@echo_chamberz so c0r 0na is the wrecking ball and the demolition projection is demolition of the state and replacing it with a ngo that answers to no one bc "no one is in charge."

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@oLevLovesLove @ZyclownB @WokeCapital the hong kong sht is most likely another revolution mao type revolution being financed by ((internationalists)) with little hats. the c-19 stuff is most likely INTERNATIONAL pressure similar to the opium trade to encourage "regime change". can't have nationalists.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@CATONIUS2 @DeludedShaniqua

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@RiemenJay @masked_bastard brought to us by those lovable isrealites who came up with this. take that, jesus!

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@hto_mic @WokeCapital their prime minister is doing his best to f over his own people. he's beholden to the ((international)) ppl now https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-india-weapons-israel-covid-19-pandemic

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@travtravtrav @lporiginalg Another member of the ((Master Race))

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@JohnnyVho @WokeCapital Some of them don't trust the reset ppl but they are a small minority...and honestly appear to be older and remember when ((capital)) was not w*ke. most of the L ft (mostly w_men) are swayed by virtuesignaling

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@llsamueljames @PaulSkallas It used to. You guys let the iNTellectuals take over the entire genre and turn it all into Art Rock in the 1970s. the audience shrank to the demographic of swpl (( fellow white people)). Hrip hop is getting rid of its ma le audience it's very much now commerically a f genre

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Parallax Optics @parallaxoptics
Stalin confined his ambition to communism in one country. Stalin understood boarders and to this extent was a rightist. Trotsky meanwhile opposed boarders and believed in world wide communism — we are about to GO FULL TROTSKYIST RET*RD!!
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
they ((milton friedman)) would say "we're are all keynesians, now" meaning we're all inter nat ional ists now international soc l i t . everything international involves them disproportionately.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@bot3685 @CityBureaucrat it's a mystery as how a country that was crippled with war debt and a ban on a military could acquire ((international)) capital and resources for a large war machine.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@parallaxoptics And that is why st--- is hated by ((( )) who left Soviet Russia and defected to the U.S. and became part of the neoconservative movement. having loyalties to anyone other than them is a crime.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
: @parallaxoptics for a group that despises the 's main religion because of its idolatry, the seem to want non-(( )) to idolize them. The righetous gent ile doesn't follow the ten c---- they follow THEIR ...suggestions.

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View @MicGee2009
Parallax Optics @parallaxoptics
Stalin confined his ambition to communism in one country. Stalin understood boarders and to this extent was a rightist. Trotsky meanwhile opposed boarders and believed in world wide communism — we are about to GO FULL TROTSKYIST RET*RD!!
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
And that is why st--- is hated by ((( )) who left Soviet Russia and defected to the U.S. and became part of the neoconservative movement. having loyalties to anyone other than them is a crime.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
Another coloring hit job. The line art is by Simone Bianchi.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@ACryptberg @parallaxoptics yes, that's exactly what the ---S in high level positions in the USSR gov said, " no soup for you today, go_im."

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Miz GiGi @GigiStratton
@phl43 I‘ve Native American bloodlines, SW matrilineal & SW patrilineal, and get pissed when Euro & Black Americans drag us into their grievance politics. Nat-Am ‘struggle’ was lost; Euro‘s won land & resources. We can’t change past, why gripe❓I like electricity, refrigerators, AC🤪
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@phl43 it's not really euro and black but j*ws and euros, with blks being used as a pawn against the euros. the scope of this larger than america. and be multicultral, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53A5AJoRxF0

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View @GigiStratton
@StoneFree2Rant @AngloRemnant @WokeCapital it’s definitely targetted and purposeful
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@StoneFree2Rant @AngloRemnant @WokeCapital shut it down! the goyim know.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@myiamars @sophieming_

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@WokeCapital @theGled @Steve_Sailer

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@JoshuaPotash yas, queeen

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@j_venom_ @TheRalphRetort I knew that hairline looked familiar...

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@ErnestoJBonilla @DavidJHarrisJr she's an ((educated)) hispanic. Those people tend to be far removed from other ppl of their race or culture and usually resort to politics to "connect to their past". ((educated)) people are not anything but what our.internationalists want them to be: rootless.

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Wokal Distance @wokal_distance
8/ Please pay careful attention to this: Activists want to LOOK like they are trying to change the minds of people they protest against, but that's just for show. They see their targets unrepentant evil doers that are just props in the drama they are staging. This is awful. https://t.co/5cH7VAk2Sb
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
((Moldbug)) said appeals to authority, particular the authority of a rival nation-state was an effective way to change the minds of people they protest against. the rival nation-state is the real audience. in the cold war, it was communist countries.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@WokeCapital If you replace "class" with (( )) especially those from ny, who came from eastern europe, it all becomes clear. buffet's mom had a last name of stahl...a variation of it is stahlin...which sounds close to Stalin...as in Joesph Stalin
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
: @WokeCapital yes, it appears that Buffet is (( )) bc his mother had a German or (( )) last name.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MicGee2009: @WokeCapital If you replace "class" with (( )) especially those from ny, who came from eastern europe, it all becomes clear. buffet's mom had a last name of stahl...a variation of it is stahlin...which sounds close to Stalin...as in Joesph Stalin

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Woke Capital @WokeCapital
Oh no oh no oh no.... ITS HABBENINGGGG. https://t.co/czvRBdRycF https://t.co/FtecYvHJET
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
most sportsball teams are owned by ((them)). when they sell a sports team, they tend to sell it to another (( )) so the money stays amongst them.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@xrosehyp: @GMokujo @WokeCapital mccarthy warned us about the ((c*mmunists".))

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009

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Woke Capital @WokeCapital
Woop, there it is! I am shocked -- shocked!!! -- to find that the founder of BLM LA and the chairwoman of CSU:LA Pan-African Studies is - wait for it - a Jewish communist! Special shoutout to Levis Jeans for sending me down this rabbit hole. Couldn't have done it without you! https://t.co/TE2lvXKXk6
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
why would a comm unist found a magazine to help international capitalists? I think ((modern)) labels for ideas and theories are just that: labels. What matters is how ideas are implemented. international socialism is not NATIONAL social ism.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@BallacksHarry @Henrik_Palmgren ((silverman)) days without ------ tricks ;0 https://twitter.com/MicGee2009/status/1259544240172019712/photo/1

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Goyim Knows @knows_goyim
As planned. The (((Deep State))) is GLOBAL. Russia takes control of abandoned US airbase in northern Syria https://t.co/yjBk0CBFKY via @YouTube
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@YouTube oh, sure, ((Russia)).

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@JoelBri34850874 @brandondarby @benshapiro Dude, are you seriously suggesting that the CCP did this to squash an uprising? Why couldn't it be an ((international)) plot to destabalize the CCP by showing them to be incompetent in the eyes of non-protesters?

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AlphaSoupNotSee @EvilHillaryPics according to the ((free)) encyclopedia termites and rats left china on their own and haven't been there formally for hundreds of years . this doesn't count: https://jewishjournal.com/news/world/179731/

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commie_slayer @Grolongo88
@EvilHillaryPics It's about time the real Jews get the recognition they deserve 😊
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@EvilHillaryPics makes sense. she does adopt a j-wish last name to fit in better in Unholywood. blk ppl who claim to be jwish do better--look at tiffany haddish. unholywood ppl love to claim how intermarried their familes are also while claiming they are a distinct ethnic group.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@FriendlySperg @lporiginalg The lobertarians were just crypto-j00os for the most part. besides, lobertarianism went out of style. whatever mencius moldbug is preaching is what has replaced it. ppl who would be lolbitarians are now anti-populist (democrac) and favor monarchy.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@MaximSmyrnyi @Jkenners40 @ramzpaul no, genius, many of them see themselves as a distinct race. Isre a l does blood tests to determine whether j-wish immigrants are j-wish.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@xavierr404: @xaviersxnt @ramzpaul Isn't antisemetic to try to remove a j-wish shah?

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@EvilHillaryPics they are fine with ppl believing in g((p))d--as long as they aren't w()ite or m((le. they are fine with lefe te eist using religion to promote lefe te eist ideas. lefe teist ideas are their main tool to erase you guys.

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London Hebrew ✡️ @DavidAHoward
@Nationa34981654 @ohboywhatashot He agrees with me. Making single Jews responsible for us all is a classic element of antisemitic thought.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@NeasdenParade @Nationa34981654 @ohboywhatashot no, we're making thousands of j-ws involved in politics, commerce and the arts responsible because they SAY they are and they represent what large #s of j-ws believe, including the idea of criticism=hate

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View @DavidAHoward
Goyim Knows @knows_goyim
why does Jackie Kennedy resemble Ashton Kutcher? https://t.co/tvyfc4cHt5
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
While they love to point out how red necks are inbred hicks who marry their cousins out of rac ism, the ((Union))/ ((North))'s ruling class have intermarried so much they are related. many famous ppl are related to some one else who is famous.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Shaunaleighthor @Mormonius2 @Calisurf2012 @tim3048 @JoshLeCash @justaskdude yeah, it's another s0viet rev in disguise. with the same ((social network)) behind it. then again, according to the ((social network))'s holy text, they are mortal enemies of it

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iCarly Yuga @CarlyYuga
@AetiusRF @HarmlessYardDog Shapiru's poasting ability is zero.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AetiusRF @HarmlessYardDog when you know the right people do you actually need to be shitpost? if ppl make fun of him he can just whip out his secret weapon--persecution and call in a favor from his highly connected ((social network)).

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Americanmaam @Fortune138 @Fieldoverseer88 (((Russians)))

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@havelsgrocer: @BradAHaag @zyntrax I don't think he understands (((who))) runs the country. The free market is only a tool to them. It is a means, not the end of their goals. If the market doesn't do what they like, they can "withdraw support".

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@zyntrax Remember the days of the hardcore libertarian internet, where people got their news from Slashdot and their music from Napster, where information would be set free and all censorship would be bypassed?
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@zyntrax it's the same with "the economist" and all legacy print magazines--they are all sjw socialist rags now. the common thread is that libertarians and sjw circles have had a significant liberal j3wish presense.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@HonkTerminal @LimitedT1 @TaylorS98357554 @twatter10000 @CherylRose1111 @ramzpaul @charliekirk11 the ((christian right)) was right--it is an ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE whose results will usually be different from hetero marriages. just like the African american matriarchal communities produce different results than those two parent households.

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Kari / Karina @UBICanadaASAP
@pigdog666 @returnoftheMACD @Partisangirl This one isn't helping me, it's making me think that international terrorists enjoy comic books.
Marx Boot @MicGee2009
: @KariDadswell @pigdog666 @returnoftheMACD @Partisangirl well, comics were founded by jooos, and to this day have many high profile jooish creators, like bendis and daniel clowes. one joo felt so guilty about 911 that he lashed out and said his people didn't do it to some homeless guy in a comic--we know about isreal's rolein 911

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@gdfbacchus @grafliche never underestimate controlled op. they are desperate. they will do anything to advance ((their)) agenda at this point.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@OaxacaChaka @kabutozombie @fore_ewe @sewernugget so after the j0ws create a problem, and it is entrenched in the culture, they delcare it a problem but we goys have to pay to listen them say it is a problem. even the alt-ri is dominated by j00ws. she is one of many sheckle seeking j00s pundits on the alt-r

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@RedBeardHeathen @HarmlessYardDog @3AnarchyPillars everyplace is the worse place for "people of color". blk people and brown people are the most persecuted ppl everywhere even worse than the joos oh wait moldbug is frowning at me...it was nice nice knowing you guys

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@LeftHandedSWM: @SuperLeftHanded @Henrik_Palmgren @thomodin aside from sports, most modern tv is for w0men and h0mos.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@SkepticallyNumb @EvilHillaryPics @C00lHandLukeX1 the stark difference is that the ((( ))) who run the entertainment industry have decided to focus on the dumbest most gullible ppl so they can spend less time on making stuff good.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Apollo_Returns: @Solar_Aryan @QuestionMThings it's worse than that. It mocks "blk music". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFiLdByWIDY the (( )) who promote this stuff are playing a very high i q against people who don't know they're being mocked and . kind of like with the "talk shows" like Maury

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@Area51_Spiders @JTAnews i think ((they)) called abort.ions burnt offerings and can be done after birth as long as it's a done as a sacrifice.

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Marx Boot @MicGee2009
@AStrongerOZ @stillgray we can thank prominant s.j.ew.s in entertainment for that "at the age of eight, Spelling psychosomatically lost the use of his legs due to trauma caused by constant anti-semitic bullying from his schoolmates, and was confined to bed for a year. He made a full recovery."

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