@AnglianGlory AnglianGlory

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 94
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@yeehawcorncob @ccxjjxcc @WomenPostingLs Disappointed but not surprised. Genetics and blood line ended, Gods creation destroyed. Harlot is another statistic. Branch broken.

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NotLxrd @PapaLxrd
@LocalBateman https://t.co/Y8ZFRCBP8B
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LocalBateman Incorrect, here I fixed it for you.

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Charlie @Charlie78853206
@AhComfy @RommelRory @AnglianGlory Yes meaning they were going to boycott Germany through trade mostly but does it mean you should start gassing children?
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@brihtiua @AhComfy @RommelRory You still believe tho ol’ holohoax? Damn. You must be new around here bro… It’s gonna be a hell of a ride when you finally find them red pills.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@AhComfy @RommelRory Ye it is true

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@GoatTal35326315 @ESPNFC Race exists… anyone with an IQ above 50 can see there is only one Frenchman amongst those in the tweet.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@joshyboyV2 Jeez Hope you find God, probably too far gone now tho.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@clar3whit93 @nocontextfooty We are told these people are oppressed yet they are vastly over represented and we are forced to watch their blm Marxist knee taking propaganda. Whites, the native people of this land are the most discriminated against of all. To all the cucks calling you racist, explain this:

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TheIllusion111 Bayern Munich won to make it 33 games unbeaten in UCL group matches. 33…

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ham_muffin @DrAnalRape1488 Probably like opening a tub of leftover fish curry that should have been thrown out a week ago… the waft would be like taking a punch from Mike Tyson

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TheIllusion111 I see this, Haaland and Aguero have both had the exact same start to their first 4 premier league games for City. I don’t know if there’s anything in these numbers or not?? Be interesting to see if it continues.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@iamyesyouareno Homo Erectus just wanted some chicken nuggets n sheiiit

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Zipline_84 @rickyseedo @Reeeeeetart @Skinky_Lizard @reddit_lies Dude the npc chip meme is literally you left retards 🤦🏼‍♂️😂 Ain’t no nationalists watching msnbc and cnn. But let me guess you supported masks, completely bought into covid, cried for fentanyl floyd and fisted for blm, got all your clot shots, turned Ukrainian and love pride month.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TheIllusion111 Couldn’t help but notice that main speaker guy do the classic ol Masonic hand symbol. Literally no normal everyday person ever rests there hands in this way… only these people do this, and they all do it.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@latimer_live @TheLonelyKing99 @RoytonEX @CroakingT @Guy_Nation_ @NeOAmUnRa_x @BillyM2k My £10,000 please🫲🏻🤡 https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1558888594462359553/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TansuYegen How high can we jump on this planet?😂🤡 It’s unbelievable that people still believe this utter nonsense. Space is fake and not heterosexual.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TheIllusion111 What’s the first thing West Ham show in their little clip unveiling Cornet signing…

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natalie ☕️🍂 @__MarieTherese_
if you have a history of watching pornography, then what right do you have to judge pornstars for moving on in their life? why do you deserve forgiveness and not her, when you are no better? https://t.co/JfM6olAnT9
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
If she’s dabbled in miscegenation porn then to hell with her. Regardless, no man with self respect and moral standards is taking her on. There’s 2 different levels of things here, porn is made to attack men. Ultimately we shouldn’t worry about her but rather the (((producers))).

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View @__MarieTherese_
@AnglianGlory @Unashamed366 Cope
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Unashamed366 Cope harder, you’re the least desirable of all men 😂😂 same goes for your women. Small hats pushing miscegenation propaganda on tv, media and in porn has got you thinking you’re attractive 🤡

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View @insaneMilkman
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@brokehomieglenn @LeftyGuitarist @Unashamed366 Okay mr Pokémon trainer 🤡😂 Despite the relentless propaganda, white women still do not like black men, it’s only the lowest tier women with no self esteem, self respect and no father figure that end up with them. Who very commonly then end up a statistic.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Babygravy9 Give a man a shovel and he’ll become king 🙋🏼‍♂️

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@DougalDave270 @TheFreds You vaccine retards always fit the meme 😂😂😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Shawn_A_J @Ndoro68295960 @pdubl22 @jaredvc @Save_Maltese @ppjschultz @McMathghamhain @lena_rocket @earthisaglobe @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Ndoro68295960 @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @ppjschultz @McMathghamhain @pdubl22 @lena_rocket @earthisaglobe @Shawn_A_J @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Oh no!!! Not professor dave and his snarky comments 🤣🤣

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @ppjschultz @McMathghamhain @pdubl22 @lena_rocket @earthisaglobe @Shawn_A_J @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic That and an obsessive attachment to cartoonish spinning space testicles. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1547389600431308805/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Hakeemuddinsk @TheFlatEartherr No they used “tHe GrAvItY fRoM duh PlaNetS bwiLlioNs aNd BwiLLiOnS of BuZz LiGhT YeARS aWaY!” Gravity’s so amazing, allowing you to take pics of things incomprehensible numbers of miles away. Imagine believing this shit.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @earthisaglobe @lena_rocket @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic In a galaxy full of balls, be a pear 🍐

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @pdubl22 @lena_rocket @earthisaglobe @Shawn_A_J @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @pdubl22 @lena_rocket @earthisaglobe @Shawn_A_J @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Oh man i see you like the new nasa picture. Gravity is so amazing bro! you can use the gravity of a spinning ball that’s an incompressible number of billions of buzz light years away, to take a photo of it. 😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@earthisaglobe @pdubl22 @lena_rocket @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic But there would be no reason for them to lie, and fake things, and lie upon lie upon lie. Your old mate Neal DeGrasse Tyson states the earth is actually pear shaped. So you better come up with a new model buddy. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1547033797832613890/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @pdubl22 @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Damn dude do you seriously have nothing better to do than beg people to reply? No matter how much you tell yourself the “curvature is too slight to see” it won’t make it real. Your ball reality, like your beloved Star Trek, is just a fantasy. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1547020281868423168/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ObjectiveSkeptc @AustralisPiper @ShamanicTomas @T_TMASH_ @AndTartary If you haven’t freed your mind from the indoctrination then it won’t make sense to you, but once you start to see the truth it all makes sense. Maybe you should go down the rabbit hole, you are a “sceptic” after all… https://t.co/j6CeIP2zQJ
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @ObjectiveSkeptc @AustralisPiper @ShamanicTomas @T_TMASH_ @AndTartary You either put your faith in the Heliocentric theory from the minds of Freemasons, or you see through the lies, discover our true reality and find God. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1547016521154809856/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ObjectiveSkeptc @AustralisPiper @ShamanicTomas @T_TMASH_ @AndTartary If you haven’t freed your mind from the indoctrination then it won’t make sense to you, but once you start to see the truth it all makes sense. Maybe you should go down the rabbit hole, you are a “sceptic” after all… https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1547015537238188034/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @earthisaglobe @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic You’re one of these NPCs that think anything beyond mainstream news is a “muh conspiracy”. Get your mask back on boy and go play Star Wars. As your little header would say; https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1546884205531250688/photo/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @earthisaglobe @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic This, which checks out more on a FE map than it does on a spinning ball. How do you land a plane on a surface that is spinning at 1000mph? The plane must fly at a constant decent with the nose tilted downwards to compensate for all the curvature it goes over right?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @Save_Maltese @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @pdubl22 @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@earthisaglobe @pdubl22 @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic You’ve shown the path that stops at LA. All the flights I see now stop at Auckland. As you can see the flight path replicates that. Why would it take a detour downwards to come back up on what is a seemingly straight shot on a globe?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @pdubl22 @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic A little clip on flight paths for you. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1546816053518520321/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Dude, you already know what the map is. The Gleason map, is from my knowledge the most favoured flat earth map currently and no, nobody is claiming it to be completely accurate. Unfortunately you cannot go above the firmament and look down and sketch our realm.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Save_Maltese @pdubl22 @jaredvc @whoopsbuni @lena_rocket @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Malt you might enjoy this read. Another great piece of food for thought.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @lena_rocket @whoopsbuni @Save_Maltese @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Lol! “duh sun makes shadow! must be spinning ball millions mile away!” You already know what the current official flat earth map is. It’s the Gleeson map, you know, the same one the WMO, ICAO, IMO, WHO and UN all just happen to use in their logos…

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@whoopsbuni @Save_Maltese @lena_rocket @pdubl22 @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic There is absolutely no observable curvature. Without that curvature you have no globe… The sheep sir is you, believing lies and hanging into your fantasy world. I’ve done my own thinking and that’s how I learned the truth of our reality. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1546099646505914370/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@whoopsbuni @Save_Maltese @lena_rocket @pdubl22 @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Doesn’t matter how high up you go, there’s no curve at all. It’s all just very flat. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1546080284285755392/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@younggfromthe6 @dufrianord You’ve also been brainwashed by the (((porn industry))) to think white women actually desire you, when statistics prove they don’t. A small % of the worst quality white women stray. Women tend to prefer men that can read and write 😂 and don’t just say “muh dick”🤡

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Mbow902 @TheFlatEartherr What do you mean how thick is the ground? How deep? It’s an impossible question. Beyond the Antarctic ice wall is “outer space” where you’ll find more sea and land “extra territory”, more civilisations “extraterrestrials”. But the Antarctic treaty prevents anyone from exploring.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@PearSpheroid @jaredvc @pdubl22 @FreedomWorld_ @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic You reject God by embarrassing the heliocentric idea. Well here’s some of nasa artists talking about how they create the images… https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1542316111584165892/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic They won’t ever be 100% real and legitimate because space and spinning space balls don’t actually exists buddy. You either get photoshop fantasy pictures of what they think planets look like, or you get fish eye lens captures of earth to fake a curvature to look like a globe. https://t.co/VyRgLe0Zz2
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @jaredvc @PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Sometimes earth curves the other way, unless that’s just a hole in the middle, maybe our planet is a spinning space donut? 😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic They won’t ever be 100% real and legitimate because space and spinning space balls don’t actually exists buddy. You either get photoshop fantasy pictures of what they think planets look like, or you get fish eye lens captures of earth to fake a curvature to look like a globe.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic It’s quite obviously a fly, anyone with eyes and no emotional attachment to a fantasy world can see it, but you’re in denial. Did you know, there’s also birds on mars too? Crazy! Took this for you. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1542294864737476610/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @jaredvc @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Woahhh Matt bro! They just found flies on mars bro!!! No wayyy! It’s all real, I see Darth Vader with my own eyes! Spinning balls everywhere🤣 https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1542166416694321153/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Jared this you buddy?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @jaredvc @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic I’m just going to post one of my personal favourites and call it a night, here’s the government themselves completely acknowledging that the earth is in fact flat and stationary in their private documents. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1541933938263965697/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@PearSpheroid @FreedomWorld_ @jaredvc @pdubl22 @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Dude, you’re the fucking retard that thinks pictures like this are actually real ffs 🤦🏼‍♂️ You claim to be a Christian yet you reject Gods work in favour of believing NASA and all the occult worshippers that created the heliocentric model to deceive you. Shame on you.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @jaredvc @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic This is how the sunset works, it doesn’t disappear behind curvature, it’s simply moves too far for you to see. But if you have a high powered camera, you can zoom in to bring it completely back into view. It’s the same with ships on the horizon. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1537726165523349508/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @pdubl22 @Shawn_A_J @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic A little more than boxes and tape and foil, you’d hope right? Even a group of children could see this for what it is. I’ve never seen so much denial…

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @Shawn_A_J @jaredvc @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Dudeeeee just fucking look at it!!! Come on! You can’t be that thick🤦🏼‍♂️ surely?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @pdubl22 @Shawn_A_J @jaredvc @Djevans71 @VintageMaria1 @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Here boys, if you thought the lawn chair moon buggy was funny. Well just take a look at the lunar lander 😂😂 You can make your own too with some duct tape, foil and old boxes 🤣 https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1537713126707191808/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @Djevans71 @pdubl22 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Just look at it man. It’s bad https://t.co/6UbIekRKX8
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @jaredvc @Djevans71 @pdubl22 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic It’s like a carry on

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jaredvc @Djevans71 @pdubl22 @VintageMaria1 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr @dscovr_epic Just look at it man. It’s bad

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @VintageMaria1 @Djevans71 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @jaredvc @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr Not really what I’d call a meme. But I can throw one in if you want. Which totally legitimate photo of our spinning space bollock is your favourite?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@pdubl22 @VintageMaria1 @Djevans71 @Shawn_A_J @ppjschultz @FreedomWorld_ @jaredvc @Save_Maltese @reverendusmc @TheFlatEartherr So if yours, seeing as Science is a religion now. Now that’s embarrassing.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @chad797979 @manchestermelly @SaintAde1266 @DegreaseNeil Use this to get an idea of just how fast that ISS is apparently travelling. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1536899786456158208/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@manchestermelly @SaintAde1266 @DegreaseNeil The sun is said to be around 3000 miles above, as is the moon. Within the firmament. The Freemasons who created your heliocentric belief, teach their own that the sun is 3300 miles above. https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1536876957731790851/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@manchestermelly @chad797979 @SaintAde1266 @DegreaseNeil They’re not constantly wrong, they’ve been right about everything that’s happened over the last few years. I’m not talking about controlled opposition conspiracy theorists like Joe Rogan etc You can’t just infinite zoom 😂 but this shows the sun during sunset. Show me curvature https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1536729312027713536/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@GamerJuice0 @TinTinBTC @PX6DEVASTATER @amped_draws @LanceJack_ @honorarycatboy Nationalism is the natural state of mind for the Aryan man, all are nationalists at birth, only because of (((propaganda))) and (((subversion))) do they become led astray from their people. But many are waking up and returning to the path of their forefathers. Rapidly.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@dogbot5 I get the feeling this guy would be chilling in there

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@RealImSorryMum @TruthBe53952128 Dude…

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@BasedBG: @DSK1708 I don’t hear anyone Suiiiii-ing for Messi 💪🏻

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@dufrianord See this on telegram earlier😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LetsTalk_FPL Time for a punt on this clinical finisher😏

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Keepitsolar1 @nastymutant If not that, he's one of their loyal servants.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@nastymutant The Copa America winning Argentinian team was more white than this England team. Half of these guys are closer to being English than half of our squad...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@benjlufc @aylott_laura @MrkGmn1 @grimupnorth365 @PoliticsForAlI @TheSun Ye tell that to this woman... And the tens of thousands across the world that have either died or had their bodies ruined by this "vaccine". This is just the beginning, the worst is yet to come. They're begging and forcing people to take it for a reason.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Matthews_angst That symbol on the seat looks awfully similar to this...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
I'm moving up in the world lads! 😁 Gonna have to brew a cuppa grandma towlers for this!

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@AnglianGlory To think she may of been a decent girl under the tattoos is to disregard our ideology. A nationalist movement in England. Political or otherwise, needs some level/sense of class. Unfortunately lots does discredit Mark and the photo captures it all.
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
I really don't like seeing tats on women either, but it's not like she's a pink haired sheboon or something. Marks one of the most knowledgeable and best minds in the nationalist sphere world wide, he's working tirelessly leading the best movement we have here, get behind him.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@GaiusMa85861046 @AutMorte Croatia, world Cup finalists 2018.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Uhhhh guys... Has anyone else checked out (((David Beckhams))) early life...?😬 Is this well known??? I'm a massive football fan and I've been on Becks wiki plenty of times. Never knew this. No wonder his sons paired up with one. https://t.co/yIzOv7Ujz8
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: No wonder he was called "golden" balls.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Uhhhh guys... Has anyone else checked out (((David Beckhams))) early life...?😬 Is this well known??? I'm a massive football fan and I've been on Becks wiki plenty of times. Never knew this. No wonder his sons paired up with one.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Hmmm... 🤔
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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@PatrioticTalk14 It's an utter disgrace. It was really nice and surprising to see Scotland field this all indigenous team to beat the Shekelsrael last week. A small white pill to come from modern day football👏🏻

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Can we just show a little appreciation for these lads (amazingly all of indigenous decent!) knocking the shekelers out of Europe last night? I know it's only football but fuck it, it's a small victory, and there was some tears in rubbing hands because of it 💪🏻

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
: @410MLXVI Okay loaded up memrise for the first time in a year and bam, first clip...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Incase anyone hadn't already guessed... Oh wow would you look at that! Hmm! Where there's the most degenerate things you could imagine there's always a nose and rubbing hands.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Anyone else encountered this on Bitchute yet?? It was "Hail Victory"s channel that it wouldn't let me access, plus the videos I'd recently watched including Europa TBL. Won't work even when I change VPN servers. Does this mean the channel has been taken down? Or "shut it down"?

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@BasedScotsman Seen better engineering on the Flintstones!😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
They gloat about their victory. This is literally a J fantasy playing out in real life. Exactly what they want for the good goy.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
This is Nike & England/The FA showcasing the new "England" football kit. An England kit not for the English. Captioned "you can't stop us" @wayotworld @MarkACollett @thisislaurat @nastymutant @DerrickDayTASOB @PatrioticTalk14 @BasedScotsman @GroyperUber @410MLXVI @SmirkingDamsel https://twitter.com/AnglianGlory/status/1300919483188510723/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@TerribleWyvern @EnglishInquisi2 The one second from right I'm pretty sure is Mason Mount, he's white and English, it's just the photo. However he's a coal burner. So his genetic lineage will most likely end with him unfortunately. He could have any beautiful white girl he wanted with his status, but...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@realToastedBuns 10 years later in the Georgia-Wakanda safe city.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@B3Englishman Damn your smart bro.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@B3Englishman Lord give us strength!! 😩 Fascist communists ffs...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
He probably thinks he's real woke and smart for noticing fashy communists 😂😂😂 The stupidity among these types is so tiring!!!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
If you click on the page, put your ear to your screen and listen carefully, you can hear the faint sound of hands rubbing!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@BritNatAdam_ @anglospergFB14 😂😂😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@0_Lumiere_0: @Lumiere_LLL Hail Victory

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@NationalistPep @BasedScotsman Together we could have crushed communism, saved millions upon millions of lives as well as Europe's future. Instead they allied us with it. One side of Europe got Soviet rule, the other side got globohomo and enrichment. With African tranny's wearing communist shirts.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LivesEuropa Every single time.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
The J was always going to attempt to eradicate the German people first. The won't stop until they have their (((revenge))), to "crush" them as Winose Churchill would gloat. The grains of sand for Europe are rapidly falling, we are living in the finals hours. Wake Now.
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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
A beautiful nation, with a beautiful indigenous population. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧 Because of #patrioticalternative 100s of proud and nationalist indigenous British folk got out and showed their support for who they are. History in the making. #IndigenousPeoplesDay #WhiteLivesMatter

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Happy Indigenous People's Day! To the Indigenous British People and to all the indigenous folk of European descent across Europe and the wider western world. The most precious thing in this world is your own people. @PatAlternative #IndigenousPeoplesDay #WhiteLivesMatter

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@anglodiaspora @eurog3nic @AlbionIsForever @LivesEuropa Sleep deprived Nationalist Twitter going full investigation mode into the Jonas brothers heritage to make sure precious Aryan genes aren't stolen😂 time to call it a night lads! Regardless, they're Hollywood pawns in (((their))) pockets anyway.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@eurog3nic @AlbionIsForever @LivesEuropa Early life says he was brought up in Christian family. It appears to be safe, although he was signed up to (((handlers))) as a youngster and became a product of Disney so he's probably been subjected to some things, like they all have.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
These men would have never sat back while Europe was invaded. These men would have never let (((TV))) turn their sons into feminine degenerates. These men would have never turned a blind eye to their daughters coming home hungover after a long night of partying and miscegenation.
WhiteAndProud @WhiteAndProud12
These men would have never knelt. Standing up for your people is the most honorable thing you can do. https://twitter.com/WhiteAndProud12/status/1285253841391439873/photo/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
$100 a year so every time you switch on your console you can be greeted with crap like this.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Silly Goyim! It's all just a cohencidence! Banks are your friends! *Rubs hands* Now pay your damn taxes and stop medaling! ...muh 6 gorrilian...
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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@fashsarkar Is she actually (((one)))? Cos in that first tweet, is she denying being a 👃? But now she's claiming to have ancestors in Auschwitz...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LivesMorgoth Oh look! What a cohencidence! Stop being so loud! Just shut up! "Just leave" they laugh

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
So before they sacked the missus of the banner man from her job they tried to put her on some extreme anti racist course. What the fuck is "intensive racial sensitivity training"? The "intensive" sounds worrying. They're going to throw the book at these folk aren't they...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Apparently Burnley fans just had this plane fly over the stadium! Go have a look at the liberal meltdown happening😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LivesMorgoth Come now don't be getting nosey with it goyim, it's just a cohencidence.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Turn on the Xbox for the first time in a week and this is the first thing I see... They will never let you escape it for as long as they hold power. It's so damn tiresome.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@JacktionYT Shows how quickly (((they))) can flick the switch and turn the west upside down into chaos and anarchy.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@LivesMorgoth I wonder if the Mongolians will rip this down in the name of an foreign drug addicted criminal and erect a statue of an African communist and a bust of a (((philosopher))).

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@HonkWilliams Good job soldier!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@NationalFlicka @wayotworld

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@GhostofTollah *When they see whites supporting white survival

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Randomly Google "Faroe Islands People", the very first image to come up, a bbc article promoting white men importing asian brides for miscegenation...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@EuropeanFreedo1 @nastymutant @LivesMorgoth Just wrote a small piece of my thoughts, from what I've seen, regarding Keith and the P situation we've had.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Look at how they try and pin it as a "German Film" when it's very clearly a (((👃))) Film. Trying to cause more distaste towards our Deutsche Brüder.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@promethiea France, Victorious and Free.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@FoolsGoldberg: @WhiteBastion @nastymutant Found this in another tweet. For all we are told about how foreigners save our NHS and how crucial they are... It's actually a strong majority us, Unsurprisingly. Let's be real If we had no migrants here we wouldn't "need" extra staff in the first place.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SmirkingDamsel Unfortunately it's too good to be true... ...New husband and father of the daughter.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@EnglishSon4 @AltChristianMan He certainly does have an agenda... Peter "Sweden" but not so Sweden...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@JacktionYT Amidst the pandemic, have you seen the "groundbreaking" movie our (((friends))) have produced? https://youtu.be/rcG64hZI-M0 I can't find the genuine articles about it anymore, but basically a man builds an android of a 10 year old to call him "daddy" and fulfill his peado fantasies.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SturmaFaust Looks like (((they've))) been experimenting with human-rat hybrids.

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There’s something weirdly unsettling about those that claim to be British nationalists but then fetishsize a foreign regime we beat in a war 75 years ago. How is this any different from the cuckservatives shilling for Israel? https://t.co/iOlQpAky8j
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@NxallAnglo: @PapistNiall We didn't beat no one, we lost, we both lost. You know who won... the very people orchestrating the population replacement, forcing globohomo, making sure you never forget the 6 gorrilian. We were fooled into destroying our brothers, our hope. Europe lost, the (((bankers))) won

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@WhitePromethean Itd be nice to think it would wake a few up, but like you say it probably won't, they'll just move to the next site. I doubt right now something like pornhub would get shut down, as the top (((people))) behind that are also the top people in the court rooms.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
You have to be completely ignorant, brain-dead and fucking stupid to still not think White's aren't in the plans for the (((future))). They will replace and erase us in every possible sense if we do not wake up brothers👊🏻
Orwell & Goode @OrwellNGoode
What they really mean when they say "diversity" https://twitter.com/PublishersWkly/status/1224830023347122178

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@jesuisgrmny All cultures are equal...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Wakey wakey people. If you’re born white in you’re own indigenous western countries, in today’s society. It’s an automatic handicap. We don’t tick the box! Wouldn’t wanna offend or break that (((equality law)))... A white helping other whites! Damn racist privileged bigot!
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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@nuclernate @DianaWintah @ElliotJPOP

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
4 years for mowing down and killing 3 sibling children getting their bus. 4 years... wiping out the next generation of a family and it’s said she’s shown no remorse. But burn the flag of the agenda!!! Half a life sentence you bigot!!! Pay your taxes for the justice system goyim!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@mkoenraadt This is why I’d never send my dna to these things. Clearly they’re not innocent, and shit like this proves they can’t be trusted. Wonder how many people have been falsely told they have (((blue))) and sub Saharan heritage.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SmirkingDamsel Fuck that!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@WeisserEisbaer @jesuisgrmny

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
This is truly End times. Evil is among us more than ever, thriving. (((They))) have control. We need Jesus to return now.
Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 @hollandcourtney
The Devil really walks among us. This is absolutely sickening and horrific, and the fact that the crowd is actually cheering this person on is even more disturbing. https://twitter.com/HiTeK_RoughNecK/status/1189702667393744897/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Fucking beyond scary. (((They’re))) determined to completely erase germany first.
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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@410MLXVI: @jorddd @Urbanus_Crusade This one got me. Ffs Who’s language are you speaking tho?! 😂😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@rememberskyking: @InmemoryofSkyk Grandparent is disbelieve, ancestor sorrow cry, child bn not study, steal shoe book pencil only

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@liangweihan4 Man father cry are sorrow grandchild not recognisable bn species incorrect. Family ruined branch broken.

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Douchebo Baggins @GEhcuod
@OrwellNGoode @HarmlessYardDog Remind me again why America saved Europe twice
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@OrwellNGoode @HarmlessYardDog They didn’t, they did exactly what the Rothschilds and the rest of (((them))) wanted; and took out the only man and movement that stood in the way of communism, central bank and )ew control.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@______NK____ Could have never guessed😪 It literally is every single time.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@MarkDice Thoughts on Mattel’s new gender neutral dolls Mark? Barbie can be Bernie now. This is what kids want... so they say.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ForestMagusFilm @WhitePeoplePres Who’d have guessed... Oy vey! don’t forget to pay tax on your satellite subscriptions goyim!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@Archer__88 @goblinology It’s kinda not provable because it’s illegal to question or challenge it or anything about it. And because (((They))) control the courts, anyone trying to make serious public claims will have the book thrown at them. Silenced. It’s seemingly impossible to win.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@RifleAmerican @QuestionMThings Mate wake up. We are the same people with the same heritages. It was European’s killing European’s. You didn’t win, we didn’t win, none of us won. Only (((They))) won and made a lot of shekels along the way. Just like the world war. Now we all have rothschild central banks.

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Way of the World @wayotworld
No. It's an act of submission that ensures non-whites will continue to view whites as legitimate and easy targets. https://t.co/GOvEGAXRsu
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
Like the good goyim cattle we are. (((They))) infiltrate us with the 3rd world population that trash our homelands, breed with our women, and ultimately replace us. But hey, Now don’t be a racist bigot! Pick up their trash! go march for pride, and don’t forget to pay your taxes!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@RaidenRockman @Ncooper1984 This is a great picture, it’s both fun and factual! More of this, this will get noticed.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
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Lord Flashheart @TheFlashheart69
@MarkACollett We won WW2 for this?
AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@MarkACollett Yep (((we))) won.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@spectre_barbara @sakkoira Western Europe will soon be irreversibly doomed. It’s sickening.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@NoTatsClassy Just repeating in my head that old phrase we’re told from a young age... as society and our beautiful nations crumble around us.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@sakkoira South London School in 2019. This is what our forefathers fought and died for...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ItsOkToBeWh1t3 checked out Boohoo for some shirts earlier. Well, white models don’t make the front page anymore, infact you’ll struggle to see any, they’re all buried away, As it says “colour is key”. All the clothes are Africanised. The agenda is clearer each day. one less place to shop. https://twitter.com/AllezAnglo/status/1158816811103784966/video/1

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SmirkingDamsel See this ad literally every time I open Facebook lately...

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SwearalotFbpe: @JackieHKnapp Wow😂

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@megabytical #IStandWithPresTrump Requirements.

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@ellle_em Liberals 😂 a conveyer belt of utter shite!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@SmirkingDamsel Ahhh look at that beautiful display of Diversity!

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AnglianGlory @AnglianGlory
@OnlyNewsFans: @JessicaSwiet

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patriot front 57%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 56%
militarized 82%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
skull mask 93%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 88%
joker 79%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 52%
face 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 52%
militarized 46%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 43%
happy merchant 26%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%