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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 18
A Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared.

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@con_zio: In conclusion Mr. Floyd’s death was a drug overdose exacerbated by his heart disease and the fact he didn’t take meth in combination with the fentanyl like he usually did, known as a speedball. All four officers should be charged with failure to render aid nothing more.

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@con_zio: It looks gruesome but if you pay attention to how the officer was applying pressure most of his pressure was on the victim’s shoulder. If you try this at home, you will see how hard it is to choke someone out in this position especially with how the officer’s foot was positioned. https://twitter.com/con_zio/status/1269763472805560321/video/1

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@con_zio: This is important because at this point, he started to experience a heart attack which is typically accompanied by shortness of breath. The preliminary health report by the examiner ruled his death as cardiopulmonary arrest, which means his heart completely stopped beating.

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The Truth About George Floyd's Death (thread): George Floyd was serial drug user and due to this he had extremely bad heart issues. In the medical report it lists that he has 90%, 75%, 75% and 20% heart blockage on each coronary artery. https://t.co/hG8D9tmcSx
: For some perspective, a stent is usually put in when you have 70% heart blockage in just 1 artery. He also had a lethal dose of Fentanyl in his system 11ng/mL.

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The Truth About George Floyd's Death (thread): George Floyd was serial drug user and due to this he had extremely bad heart issues. In the medical report it lists that he has 90%, 75%, 75% and 20% heart blockage on each coronary artery.

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@disclosetv He was on Meth and Fentanyl during the time of arrest hmm...

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Charlie Kirk is a completely sold out Crypto-Globalist and Full Blown Zionist. If this is modern day conservatism then what is it conserving? https://t.co/kdyebxy2XW
: Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

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Charlie Kirk is a completely sold out Crypto-Globalist and Full Blown Zionist. If this is modern day conservatism then what is it conserving?

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Zionist are on suicide watch today, great move Mr. President.

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#BREAKING Multiple casualties on Israeli soldiers after Hezbollah launched a response to an Israeli attack last week including the loss of a IDF Military Commander.
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Youtube has put a strike on my Channel and Has Restricted Me from Uploading Videos For One Week This Censorship Is Unacceptable and Shouldn't Be Tolerated!

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I'm glad you are showing your true colors, siding with a foreign country over your own constituents. MAGA = MIGA
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REMINDER RED FLAG LAWS RESULT IN THE DEATH OF INNOCENT PEOPLE AND IS AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT DO NOT LET TRUMP AND LINDSEY GRAHAM PASS THESE LAWS. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/maryland-officers-serving-red-flag-gun-removal-order-fatally-shoot-armed-man/

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More Confirmation #elpasoshooting

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When will the will they talk about Israel's treatment of Palestinians? pretty odd considering this is an issue in the democratic party... #DemDebate

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Just Found Out That The Average American Woman Is Obese and People Wonder Why the Healthcare System is Failing!

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New Video: "Rudy Guliani and Sean Hannity push for Iranian Nuclear War" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPp4wKfdFkw

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@RustysHideaway @RandomMarv @foxwave23 Exactly and what interests do the Republican Party Represent? Capitalist Zionist ((()))'s What interest do the Democrats represent Marxist ((()))'s not the American people. The Catholic Church isn't the root of the problem I think we all know they aren't who is represented in USA

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Pekka @me_ijinsan
@JUSTcatmeme So the snake convinced the woman to eat the fruit, in which she then convinced Adam, and only AFTER they both realize it was bad? Nuh uh I don’t buy that. She knew all along.
@nomorejimb: @ListenHereJimbo @JUSTcatmeme No Adam loved Eve so much he wouldn't let her be punished to death alone, don't let ((())) skew your view of women.

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