@LEFTY23976393 LEFTY Just a nice fella

LEFTY23976393's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Asian Hate Groypers Proud Boys Patriot Front
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 93
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Pure #COHENcidence #TheNoticing
Shams @drandelson
Jews Exploiting Blacks: A History (Thread) - - - Recently, Jews have complained that Kanye is wrongfully attacking their whole race. Instead, they suggest he should be attacking individuals. However, is Ye really in the wrong? When do we start to acknowledge patterns? (Cont.)

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These Poor Jews were just trying to make a living and survive. It's not like they still control slavery through Usury Debt! #TheNoticing

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Will Voting actually Fix this and stop it from happening again? Neither side can control the, non-Federal, Federal Reserve! Who OWNS the Federal Reserve and Who Created it? #VoteHarder #TheNoticing

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The (((MEDIA))) got what they wanted out of him and then let him die once they were finished with him. #TheNoticing #PedoWood
No Jumper @nojumper
Aaron Carter, Found Unresponsive Earlier This Morning By a Friend and Later Pronounced Dead at the Age of 34 Years Old

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@trea842 True

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@EmmanuelAcho #Antisemitism is speaking any Truths that Jews see as harmful to their cause

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Israeli Dance Party!!! Check out the #DancingIsraelis online #TheNoticing

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David Harris @DavidHarrisAJC
Jew-haters have tried it all over the years: Blood libel Boycott Conspiracy theory Deicide charge Delegitimization Demonization Expulsion Forced conversion Genocide Ghetto Inquisition Pogrom Quota Swastika Terror Yellow star Zyklon-B My answer: #Jewishandproud #Zionistandproud
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#TheNoticing summed up by a Jewish man himself!

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Don Salmon @dijoni
@dijoni: Howard Stern for 40 years of practice some of the most despicable racist anti-black language. all in the name of free Speech. Kyrie Irving get punish for posting a link to a documentary. suspended from the NBA. they are Jewish and this is racism and anti-black. Black face.

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Variety @Variety
A massage therapist who works with A-list celebrities testified that she confided in her client Mel Gibson when #HarveyWeinstein assaulted her. She testified that Gibson offered to help her report the incident or obtain and attorney. https://t.co/3Ki1JfdepW
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MEL WAS RIGHT! #TheNoticing

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Pritzker Family-Trans and Criminal supporters #TheNoticing

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#TheNoticing #Cohencidence Jews Promoting White Genocide is a Conspiracy Theory!! Just show me one examp......

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#TheNoticing #COHENcidence 1933??? But, but, Germany didn't start World War II until......

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#TheNoticing #COHENcidence

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I'm still awaiting an answer as to why jew billionaires get to decide the Scandinavians NEED their countries overflowing with immigrants, why the Dutch NEED immigrants, why the UK NEEDS to be overrun. Why do they decide what's best for these people's homelands? #TheNoticing https://t.co/SD0GCYnW6f
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Pure #COHENcidence

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#COHENcidence #TheNoticing
I'm still awaiting an answer as to why jew billionaires get to decide the Scandinavians NEED their countries overflowing with immigrants, why the Dutch NEED immigrants, why the UK NEEDS to be overrun. Why do they decide what's best for these people's homelands? #TheNoticing

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Movies have changed a bit recently! #TheNoticing

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@dijoni @DerorCurrency

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Is this one of the Reasons Israel gets BILLIONS in Foreign Aid even though they have a fiscal surplus??! #noticing

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@_Introve @lizzo

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@BostonGlobe @greenpeaceusa Make Plastic Hallo-weeny costumes!!

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@robreiner Happy Hallo-weeny! Go ahead-it's Kosha!

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@TTercjak It really Hit Home

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@greenshame They bring rape and murder to our children

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@RealMessageEire Immigrants rape and slaughter! Expel them ALL! #JusticeForLola

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@GeorgeRoche17 Send them ALL to Israel

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@dr_duchesne This is more important as far as foreigners are concerned. Our kids won't make it to 2050 #JusticeForLola

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Mick Wallace @wallacemick
Commemorating the Martyrdom of Oday al Tamimi, the #Palestinian who was killed by the Defence Forces of the Apartheid State of #Israel - 'And we Love Life' by the late Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish... https://t.co/3Ynlh3uNmx
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@CAMERAorgUK @guardian @mck_beth

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Bint @PalBint
DC says YES to solidarity with the Palestinian ppl. https://t.co/Vnz7HubAXb
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JUSTICE FOR LOLA!!! 12 Years Old French Girl, Raped, Throat Cut, Stuffed in a case by Foreign "Migrants"! TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR LAND! #JusticeforLola #WhiteLivesMatter #ForeignersOut

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Tal Lavin @swordsjew
raising a glass of farm fresh cultured buttermilk to the inevitability of white genocide https://t.co/Ro92Y4YenK
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Tal Lavin @swordsjew
raising a glass of farm fresh cultured buttermilk to the inevitability of white genocide https://t.co/Ro92Y4YenK
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@Wot_the_Actual @Catherine_LCP Just add a bit of "Diversity"

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@VioletVolatile @Goderic_of_York

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@Mrestman7 @MssLiberty

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@JohnFetterman @amyklobuchar

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@TelegraphLife @RosaSilverman

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David Jacobs @DrJacobsRad
I'm so sick of this garbage. There are less than 15 million Jews in a world of almost 8 billion people. Find somebody else to hate, or better yet, just stop hating. #KanyeWest #Antisemitism @bnaibrithcanada https://t.co/zCtGfuUcCc
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Dr Boyce Watkins @drboycewatkins1
“If we keep calling #KanyeWest crazy and anti-Semitic, we never actually have to address any of the points he’s making.” Do y’all see the game here? This might be called gaslighting.
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DomisLive NEWS @domislivenews
YouTube removed Kanye West’s interview… so what does that tell you, rappers can do interviews bragging about selling drugs to our community, brag about killing ops but don’t you ever criticize the people that Kanye criticized, you’re not allowed to speak disrespectful to them.
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lovelyti @lovelyti
Kanye West refers to Piers Morgan as "Boy" for interrupting him.   During his Friday appearance with "Piers Morgan Uncensored," Kanye said he would love Kim Kardashian forever.   Any Thoughts??   #KanyeWest #KimKardashian #PiersMorgan #Lovelytitv https://t.co/0eebxoWnDB
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👉 "why is it that @adidas has remained silent in the face of the vicious anti-Semitism and Jew-hatred, as expressed by #KanyeWest, one of [its] key strategic partners?” asks The International Legal Forum @The_ILF https://t.co/Vm2OQrYNUu
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@adidas @The_ILF

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View @JNS_org
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tara strong @tarastrong
Unbelievable. #KanyeWest is such an insanely dangerous narcissist. https://t.co/BygjEtYnp1
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It's not the Semites-it's White People!

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@pjkolumb @AgainstRevisio1

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DJUK 🇬🇧 @DJUK61212471
And it's working !🤬 https://t.co/ypBV85Baic
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Telegraph Life @TelegraphLife
But, as countries develop, they all pass a point at which the birth rate begins to fall. It’s the point at which it makes more economic sense to invest in the education of just a couple of children https://t.co/3T6GBkEOdk https://t.co/NQOnF4XqnR
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@TelegraphLife @RosaSilverman

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Kez III @realKez
Since last year well over 50,000 immigrants have arrived on our shores and given FREE food, FREE money and FREE accommodation and amenities paid for by the Irish people. And they’re still coming. This must stop. Ireland belongs to the Irish. #IrelandisFull https://t.co/yn74GyDBLF
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@Antipolluters @Mike_Fabricant @pritipatel

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Ken Olin @kenolin1
Here’s the thing, @adidas. When someone calls you their bitch you can either: 1. Be their bitch OR 2. Dump them. So… @adidas - Are you @kanyewest’s bitch? https://t.co/S6pUeqyupJ
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@adidas @kanyewest

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This dude Kanye is a clown. @adidas what do you think about this? He seems to imply you’re okay with antisemitism. https://t.co/iGjLnMoPGL
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@fox32news Kim Foxx hard at work

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Ahmed Baba @AhmedBaba_
Kanye impulsively ended his deal with Gap. His deal with Adidas—which is responsible for his billionaire status—is under review. Now, Balenciaga cut ties after his antisemitic spree. This has to be one of the wildest self-sabotages in business history. https://t.co/gw6doiZWYJ
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Mike Sington @MikeSington
Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel, one of the most influential people in Hollywood, has called on all companies to cut business ties with Kanye West, including Apple, Spotify, Adidas. https://t.co/svRUWGCQQb
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#WhiteGenocide #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteReplacement

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Rolling Stone @RollingStone
Balenciaga began distancing itself from West following his controversial appearance on the podcast Drink Champs released last week, where he falsely claimed that George Floyd wasn’t murdered but killed by fentanyl and made even more antisemitic remarks. https://t.co/GveRkRcNfC
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@shoathree #Pritzker #Duckworth fixing Illinois

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@UScrimeReview @SupaStrawberry

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@MktsInsider @thisisinsider @lopezlinette

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@EmpireStateBldg @Eminem

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Sam Parker 🇺🇲 @SamParkerSenate
1. "ThE gReAt rEplAcEMeNt iS A cOnSpiRaCy tHEorY"

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@data_depot @jmrphy

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@JLPtalk @LegendaryEnergy

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MORE WHITE CHILDREN KILLED AND RAPED BY FOREIGNERS! White Children are the World MINORITY! They are having the World Majority forced upon them and then being slaughtered! #WhiteDisplacement #WhiteGeNocide

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@WSdagg Government subversion somehow=Anti-semtism

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@WesternProdigy Funny how this works

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So, if People think that their Government has been Subverted or has a Deep State=they are much more likely to be Anti-Semitic. I wonder how the two intertwine??! How does it ALWAYS seem to happen this way?? #COHENcidence #EverySingleTime

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This message is brought to you by Pfizer #PfizerGate https://t.co/NPPMiharRZ
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You would have to be pretty simple minded to believe that "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" came out of nowhere!! #COHENcidence #EverySingleTime
This message is brought to you by Pfizer #PfizerGate https://twitter.com/Rocca354/status/1581696923714539520/video/1

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@TheRabbitHole84 Evil Whites

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@ab8tn1 @jackthere @8NewsNow

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@MTJhub Some people are violent

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@AustinKonenski Some people are very violent

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@barstoolsports @rubbinisracing Some people are quick to violence

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@8NewsNow Some people are just fast to violence

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@yaakovkatz "American" Jew

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@culdesacfan @caslernoel "American" Jew

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@alexbruesewitz Jewish Politician

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@paulkrugman Liberal "American" Jew

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@OhNoSheTwitnt "American" Jew

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@swilkinsonbc They run Sex Slaves in the Western Countries. Like Itkis here trying to make his sex trafficking legal

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@SoznotSoz01 This is what Israelis do to White girls in the US-force them into sex work aka slavery

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What's a nice "Foreign Jewish Man" like Mike Itkis doing making Porn to get elected??! They REALLY do love Degeneracy. #EverySingleTime #WhoRunsPornIndustry

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@SithaleKgaogelo Blacks excel in some instances.

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Jewish CEO of #Dischem is only interested in Replacing White people! Yet the Media tells us #WhiteReplacement isn't happening and that Jews are not responsible for it! #EverySingleTime #WhiteGenocide #Kosha

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It's ALWAYS those White Supremacists!!! #Segregation Freedom of association

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@HuffPost Featuring Lizzo!!

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@DanRather Crime

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@Henrik_Palmgren How'd that work out?

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@Texas_Made956 Notice they now lump Whites with Hispanics

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@Texas_Made956 Lumped Whites in with hispanics

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2021 MURDER STATS WHY ARE WHITES LUMPED IN WITH HISPANICS?? #WhiteVictims #WhiteGenocide #DiversityKills Whites are the World Minority and Deserve their Own Safe Space (Countries)

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@TristanSnell They were also ratified under extreme duress

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@_Charlene_TX White People Suffer DAILY!

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@awemackenzie WAKE UP HERE TOO!

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@AbbyChavaStein Judaism Israeli style "check point" for non-jews

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@ben_kew When do WHITE People "March for our Lives"?

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@WeNeedToListen @exavierpope

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@jilevin Here's the White Problem that needs to be solved

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@ProfBlacktruth Black on White MURDER COULD be reported daily and ISN'T! Black on White RAPE COULD be reported DAILY as well!

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@QasimRashid My baby was a good boy

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@chicksonright The older ones aren't any better

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@TimRunsHisMouth White Privilege

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@LordKingSalmon @BuzzFeed

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@LordKingSalmon @BuzzFeed

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@LordKingSalmon @BuzzFeed

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@pennbased @Correction2016 @jilevin Enjoy the Israeli style "checkpoint" cattle

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@TheSunUS Lizzo can play Barbera Walters when she's gone! Maybe leave out the Married Congressmen she had many sexual affairs with-Barbera did anything for anyone for a story

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@rattiga28614560 @BuzzFeed

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@BuzzFeed "The World Outside Your Window"

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@Jerusalem_Post Maybe Israel could install another "Checkpoint"

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@kevlondon4 We need Israeli "Checkpoints" for the "New Europeans"

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@KarenWinters3 @jntwyatt Israeli "Checkpoint"

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@TomFitton Put them in an Israeli "Checkpoint"

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Look at all these Poor South Americans detained at the Southern US Border!!! OH WAIT!!! This is ISRAEL!! They call it a CHECKPOINT! #COHENcidence

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@Breaking911 I'm sure OUR Money will be used well!

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@MediaInsider @netflix @elainelow

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@MediaInsider @netflix

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@MediaInsider @netflix @elainelow

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@JimmyKimmelLive @BetoORourke

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LOOK AT ALL THE WHITE VICTIMS!!! #WhiteVictims #antiWhite

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@mySA @GovAbbott

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@EnjoyerThings: @Maduro86216284

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@3onyourside Just a "TEEN" and a "GOOD BOY" or a "Youth"

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SHE'S SO BRAVE!!! #Ginsburg #Netflix

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@sourpatchlyds This appears to be a "burn the coal, pay the toll" moment. If not she should have avoided the groid either way.

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OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!!! #COHENcidence
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Nice work HIAS!! #COHENcidence
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OY VEY!!! #COHENcidence
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@VDAREJamesK COHENcidence! HIAS is helping the White countries with their much needed DIVERSITY in record numbers

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@Aaronal16 I'm sure ALL the White Canadians VOTED for this right?? Just like the people of the U.S., U.K., Germany, Etc., voted for MASSIVE non-White immigration. It's a COHENcidence that HIAS is bringing them in in Record Numbers!

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WHY WOULD THEY NEED SO MANY NON-WHITE IMMIGRANTS??!! It's almost like they are replacing the White People with Chinese and Asians on purpose!! #WhiteGenocide #WhiteReplacement #COHENcidence
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Mr COHEN here likes people in Iowa killing their unborn White babies! #COHENcidence
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@hrkbenowen Cohencidence perhaps

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@timjacobwise Just Teens right Mr Merchant

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@DanRather @washingtonpost @farhip

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@AnnCoulter Teens never mentioned by the Merchants who own media

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@JackPosobiec TEENS-always Teens

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@JoGonx Numbers (stats) don't lie

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@nivnos33 Good Boys aka Teens

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@Omar_777_ TEENS

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@xX_Ahontas More Teens

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@chicagotribune "TEENS"

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@MarkLevineNYC WRONG

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Is it true that White People only make up 3% of 2022 mass shooters? #ShootingsSoBlack How about Car Jackings Racial Stats?

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OY VEY!!!! #COHENcidence
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@charliekirk11 Makin' babies and sheeeeit

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Pay-Offs to his Ukraine (((Bankers)))
Disclose.tv @disclosetv
JUST IN - Biden is requesting $33 billion “emergency funding” to provide weapons and economic assistance to Ukraine.

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Disclose.tv @disclosetv
JUST IN - Biden is requesting $33 billion “emergency funding” to provide weapons and economic assistance to Ukraine.
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He's gotta pay the Ukrainian (((Bankers & Merchants))) not to talk!

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View @disclosetv
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100,000 Ukrainians or (((Ukrainians)))??? Or is this 100,000 trafficked Kids for these sick Pedos??! #EpsteinIsland I guarantee Epstein wasn't the ONLY one of them with an Island!
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Maybe they need another Minor Attracted Person movie like "Cuties" so they can get all the PEDOS watching more?! Who owns/controls the Media? Who tries to Normalize Pedo Behavior in the same way they have Normalized all this other Degeneracy?! #WhoOwnsTheMedia

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@catturd2 NWO Members

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@wayfarervintage @eternalliberal

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The TRUTH is more shocking than the First time you see a Rabbi "Bless" a fresh Bris!!! #OyVey

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@electricnerve @OzraeliAvi

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@gldfit11 @WhySoSerious06

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@gldfit11 @WhySoSerious06

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@Marysusie19: @MaryClarke19

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@Assisted_Karma Here's your "White" rapist

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@Assisted_Karma Explain this now

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@MeghanMcCain @nytimes @DailyMail

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@JoyAnnReid @thereidout @MadeleineDean @KatiePhang @KarenBassLA @SantaLarry3

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@CaddellJaqua @NBCNews Worldwide blacks lead in ALL categories-also blacks are the largest murderers and serial murderers-wikipedia keeps black murder stats

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@CaddellJaqua @NBCNews

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@HuffPost Beautiful Holiday IT!

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@GlowUpByBambi STATS

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@GlowUpByBambi STATS

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@sharniqua_jones @tPAs4AgCFyrCnj5 @ADL

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@REALDocFangFang: @DocFangFang

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@davidsirota @jimmyfallon

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@francis72828549 @gearoidmurphy_

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@JoshMalina @Variety

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@gethimouttahere @kylenabecker @TrumpJew2 DON'T FORGET THE SHEKEL-THEY LOVE THE SHEKEL

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@ColumbiaBugle @DanCrenshawTX TEAM CRENSHAW

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@sipthelilog: @sumwrongwiddem

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@TOOEdit Unfortunately, this is just about what is left celebrating. "It" has no self Critique.

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@SchismaticParty Just an Obama DREAMER Goy

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@thuul_society JEEEEEEEEWS

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@SandroRubelli @JaredLesterSmi1 @Szas_offspring

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@SandroRubelli @JaredLesterSmi1 @Szas_offspring

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@SandroRubelli @JaredLesterSmi1 @Szas_offspring

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@JaredLesterSmi1 @Szas_offspring

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@DemonTimeSlime @DowntownHWV

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@TheFreedmenKing: @DrLogicSupreme

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@tj1969t @MailOnline

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Luckily HIAS found a Flat Bed truck to carry her most of the way!! #RefugeesWelcome

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@MalachiJaiEmet @thewatchingowl @JewishNewsUK

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@lisadcfckeates @JewishNewsUK

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
IT WOULD SEEM SETH ROGAN IS CELEBRATING #WhiteGenocide Is he proud of #JewishSupremecy Israel needs more #JewishRefugeeDay

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@6DoorsMorWhores Shout out to Sarah Silverman!! I'm sure she was joking when she said she wished Jesus was alive so she could kill him again!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@claire_goforth Sarah Silverman is so Funny!!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
#WhiteChristmas Being Destroyed on Purpose White Christmas in "Hollywood's" view

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@SaltyNuts22: @Tryan1975 @paraga

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@Szas_offspring KEEP TAMING

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@schotziejlk WE WUZ KANGS

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@blue_grits KANGS

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Is This just another MAP=Minor Attracted Person? Sexual Degenerates Do not belong free #MinorAttractedPedo #GoodRiddance #Talmud

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Kirk_925 They must have been bullied too

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"Arkansas Men" who were "Good Boys", "Aspiring rappers" who had "turned their lives around" #BlackExcellence #GoodBoy

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"Good Boy" VS "Racist"

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@semper_vincit The Face of pure Evil and Greed

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@TessEractica @Telegraph It's just a #COHENcidence They just want to be in the World Market

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Telegraph Who Controls the Global Market and Finance Goy??! Israel has had a cozy China relationship for a long time now. #COHENcidence ????

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
ISRAEL is already, and has been, cozy with China!! Weird Huh? #CohenCidence #COHENcidence
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@IRCards3 @marysmith620 @DineshDSouza #COHENcidence

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) REALLY Want you to Murder your Babies Goyim!!!! #WhiteGenocide #SupportPOCabortionRights
They REALLY like to kill babies.

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
BLACK Cop Shoots a WHITE Woman=The Liberals Love Cops Killing people all of a sudden! I guess they only care about Black Junkies like Fentanyl Floyd Groid FREE KYLE!!!!!!!!! That was a good shoot! It was Kosha! #WhiteGenocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
All 6 Options could be Put under 1 name!!! Chosenites!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Imagine that! A White man and a White woman shown as Married. Something not seen on (((Network TV))) in years
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Worst Holocaust Ever!!! #COHENcidence
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Thanks (((Goldberg))) White Women of Birthing age are less than 3% of the WORLD Population-Yet they want more Diversity
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"CRISIS" the Movie is worth a watch. It covers the Opiate issue with (((Big Pharma))) and perhaps how to deal with it. On Bitchute #WhiteGenocide

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
The (((BANKERS))) Son runs a huge (((PORN))) Operation!!! #COHENcidence Their hands are ALWAYS Dirty-just never from manual Labor!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((Bank Manager)))
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Not just the blacks go "Polar Bear Hunting" Blacks attack you Physically while the (((Executives/Policy Makers))) attack you Mentally!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
You WILL Accept the (((World Bank))) or Else!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Gorilla Glue Put out a NEW Hair Removal Product!!! Just in time for Blak Histree MunF and Sheeeit!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
NEW HAIR PRODUCTS ARE OUT!!!! Hapy Blak Histree Munf Y'all!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
The (((Money Changers))) Have NOT Changed! We should Follow in the Footsteps Of Christ!
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@JGreenblattADL @RepMTG Now just wait a minute ... https://t.co/uK00QhdQwl
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@JGreenblattADL @RepMTG It's a simple Cohencidence Goy

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
As You See it's ALL Very Kosher!! ALL The In Your Face Takeover of YOUR Country was admitted to via Time. (((They))) Cannot help but brag about taking control. It's just in their nature. At least 109 times this was recognized before.
Echo Chamber @echo_chamberz
@echo_chamberz: A major Color Revolution organizer will be Sean Eldridge, the Founder of “Stand Up America”. “Stand Up America” led the mail-in voting drive in *all 50 states* and works closely with George Soros. The SAME people who pushed mail in voting are organizing the DC protests. https://twitter.com/echo_chamberz/status/1322093705008836608/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Look (((Who's))) Pushing the U.S. into a War with Iran!! BOTH Sides Kneel to this Lobby-which is magically somehow NOT registered as a Foreign Group!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Don't ban the Scarves-Ban those who would wear them! Followed by those who brought them there in the first place! 110 and Never Again!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Catherine_LCP Every time I think it cannot get more ridiculous-(((They))) do something like this!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
JUDGE (((ROTHSTEIN))) No Conflict Here
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"Every White Man in America should be under suspicion" Rep Cohen #COHENcidence
Pedro L. Gonzalez @emeriticus
Tucker: "Consider that for a moment, think deeply about what Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee just said on television: Every white man in this country is a potential murderer. Every white man in America should be under suspicion, purely on the basis of being white and male"

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) Are in Full on Destroy Mode!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) Love Crushing the White man so much that they cannot help but gloat!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
First (((they))) came for your Children's Foreskins- Now they come for the Whole Dick!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
When the Js have Bled you dry-they will no longer have use for you! They have no loyalty! It's been a wide gap since #109! I think we are ready for 110 and never again!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
They ALWAYS Play the Victim But Never the Victimizer WE SEE YOU-And we are Helping others Notice the Chosenites! #JewishPrivilege
Once Great Pyrenees @ThatOldSheepDog
They cry out in pain as they strike you.

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
First White Statues! Now (((THEY))) Will Erase Your Written History!!! #JewishPrivilege EVERY FUCKING TIME!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
GUESS (((WHO))) Wants to Ban White Historical Books!! She Denies it though so I'm sure it's fine. I'm sure (((SHE))) Is fine with Drag Queen story hour and Books about White Racism!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Sounds Like WE Don't Need anymore Diversity Migrants from the 3rd World!! We have taken in so many 3rd World "Refugees" that the White Built Countries Now ARE the 3rd World!! Thanks (((Israel Aid)))
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
This is How (((They))) Brag about their Handiwork!!! Thanks For the DIVERSITY!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
It was a Diversion to Bomb Gaza and Syria on Christmas! How will (((They))) Celebrate Kwanzaa??
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
The Chosenites???!
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Racist Paperclip @RacistClip
@LEFTY23976393 i would save this kind of high-intensity response for posts that aren’t by a parody account, friend
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
I know-but it's so damn close to reality now-a call for (((Their))) removal is always needed Merry Christmas! Nice work!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
GRIDS No Normal Healthy Civilization Tolerates This!! 109 Times Civilization PURGED Itself of It's Evil!!! 110 and Never Again!! This Will be our REAL Independence Day!
Racist Paperclip @RacistClip

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"TOO WHITE" In a World where White People ARE the World's Vanishing Minority!!! Fuck you (((EU)))
UberElf @ElfReich4
Here is your Real reason for the Mass Immigration push... Our White Nations are simply ..."Too White"

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@SaxonsAwaken That's NOT the only (((Account))) with that Message! All of them are bitching about everything being shut down for OUR Holiday and having crappy chinese food Such a MISERABLE bunch of Parasites!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@punish3d_aIIy_4 (((They))) are the Most miserable Parasite on Earth! Their traditions are weak and shitty-especially since ALL of their holidays are about slaughter and not Rejoice! All I want for Christmas is 110 and Never Again!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
ISRAEL Celebrates Christmas with MORE Explosions and Killing!! They forget that White People Holidays aren't Like Jewish Holiday! (((Their))) Holidays always involve Slaughter!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! BE SURE To Wish Every Small Hat you see Merry Christmas, Many Times in a Row, and Remind them that Christ Was Born!!!! And too bad (((They))) Murdered Him!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@NetNKN First time (((THEY))) Promote Majority Whites on Something!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
You Notice that (((THEY))) Used Mostly White Boys for THIS DEGENERACY!!! "It's perfectly Normal for your White Son to want to be a gay GRIDS Infected wimp Goy!"
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((THEY))) Do tell the Best "Stories" So many Outrageous Stories it's like they are Fake!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Every "Holiday" (((They))) have is about Murder!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
TRUTH (((They))) now control majority Muslim countries now too! Their leaders sold out just as the Western "Leaders" did long ago.
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
ALWAYS The Victims! EVERY SINGLE TIME If you aren't sick and tired of (((Their))) whining Lies-you haven't been paying attention!
Ben M. Freeman @BenMFreeman
Jewish women are victimised by 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘨𝘺𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘮: The antisemitism that targets them is framed within a misogynistic context. We must celebrate @GalGadot & all the other Jewish wonder women. Thank you for all you do for our people & the world. https://twitter.com/BenMFreeman/status/1336309067317297152/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
WHAT?? What about the 6 Gorillion?!?!
Aaron Kasparov @Aaron_Kasparov
Do you think it's possible that 'The Victors' of WWII who now tell us that "a man who cuts off his penis is a real woman" maybe lied to us about Hitler and WWII? https://www.bitchute.com/video/WhUMGaDcytLe/

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
It's Pretty Weird what actually "Alarms" this (((Guy)))
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
NO Healthy and in Control Majority People would do this to Themselves without (((Outside))) Subversion!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@heywildrich @NoTatsClassy (((THEY))) Need to be made an example of as a group; the same way they are doing to this Brave Woman! Crush their "Businesses" of Usury

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
2% of the US population-Yet, one article talking about 50 MAJOR Jewish American organizations!! COHENcidence or #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Fuck this (((Clown)))
David Harris @DavidHarrisAJC
For those who hate immigrants, For those who hate Muslims, For those who hate Jews, For those who hate Israelis, I’ve got bad news for you. Don’t plan on taking any of the new COVID vaccines. They wouldn’t be coming without key role of immigrants, Muslims, Jews, Israelis.

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Where Was (((Sterling))) When BLM/ANTIFA were Looting Burning and Beating??!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Nature_and_Race (((They))) Really love their Stories! I'm surprised he didn't recognize him as an SS guard from Auschwitz who killed his grandma

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Boy can (((They))) tell a Story!!! I believe the Rescuer also became the 1st Transgender Tank Commander at Fort Packin Fudge! WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!
NBC News @NBCNews
Sec. of State nominee Blinken on his late stepfather, a Holocaust survivor: “He heard a deep rumbling ... He ran to the tank. The hatch opened. An African American GI looked down at him. He got down on his knees and said the only 3 words he knew in English ... God bless America" https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1331312484066660358/video/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
You WILL Be Brainwashed Until you Accept (((THEIR))) Narrative!!! You WILL Be Arrested for OTHER Reasons but your punishment will be for Anti-Semitism!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Krystacat92 Expel Now! All Non-Whites are part of 110 and Never Again

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"Two boys describe how they were abducted by men (perps clearly not Swedish, see photos) then tortured for ten hours, raped and buried alive in a Swedish cemetery looking like they’d 'showered in blood' before finally escaping" https://archive.fo/lA

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((Fellow White)))
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Mel Gibson fan 65 @MeIGibsonFan65

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
I'll Bet the (((Bankers))) Loans get Paid Off by Tax Dollars and NOT Forgiven!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Such a Fucking (((Hand Rubbing Merchant)))
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Were They (((Neo Conservative))) Republicans??
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((WHO))) Controls the Media??? Who Whw Wew etc..
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Defending Yourself From Murderous (((Chosenites))) Gets You EXCESSIVE BAIL!!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Has You gots you yur copy yet? #blackexcellence written by a Bangladeshi From Da Hood His udda books be in "Plain English" and "African American English" for all da Scientists & Sheeeeit!! WAKANDA FOREVER!!!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA The (((Merchants))) are Selling George Floyd WEED!!! Next=Heroin
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Damn (((WHITE))) Men
Z gull @J_H_5
USA Today writes about Jeffrey Toobin's white male privilege https://twitter.com/J_H_5/status/1320436302307840005/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Anne Frank The Movie!!! What's good for one is good for all right?! Diversity is (((Their))) Strength!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@philthenerd17 Yes I Can! Can You Comprehend that (((They))) Subvert Other Cultures and Countries EVERY SINGLE TIME!! They Kiss up-Sneak In-Gain Power-Subvert

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Some of this maybe true to a degree, BUT a certain (((Group))) has most of these things inherited in their Genetics! Which inherently makes them a pain in the ass! Some more than others and some in evil ways. Stereotypes Exist for a reason-because they are mostly True!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
#MeToobin EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! "Early Life" Sexual Deviants and Predators!! 110 and Never Again #110NOW
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
CRIMINAL LAWS For Whatever (((They))) Consider Anti-Semitism!!!
: Israeli Ambassador wants United Nations laws to ban 'anti-semitism https://twitter.com/Know_More_News/status/1317922028213596160/video/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) will claim and use Every Culture in order to Subvert It!!! #JewishPrivilege
Inbar Cohen @InbarCohen13
Even though I'm not Indian, I love the #Indian culture 🇮🇱❤🇮🇳 Do you celebrate #Navratri? https://twitter.com/InbarCohen13/status/1317842837631807488/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) are PAYING to have you Persecuted/Prosecuted White man! (((They))) Cry out in Pain as they Ruin your life, Destroy your country, pull apart your family, and feed your kids poison!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@promethiea @vincevega68 Awesome, the most degenerate and cowardly events in history are (((Them))). Every Single Time

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Some (((Things))) Never Change!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Just a #COHENcidence ?
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@SirFrancisNoir Exactly, EVERY (((Merchant))) store hates me because a black indigenous WOMAN of cuban decent who speaks little English!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@krystakitkat92: @krystakatt92 (((Liberal))) (((Fellow))) Whites

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Moria1421 I have found that we need to mark all (((Bankers))) and (((Merchants))) for their Racist Behavior against black women

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Alex Jagiellon @AJagiellon
This. The longer we put off doing something about this, the harder it will be to fix, the more severe the fix will have to be, and the greater likelihood of the fix not working. Conservatives kicking the can are damning their children. https://t.co/FkYTb0yI3c
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Make sure to label all (((Merchant))) stores as racist to black women and non English speaking

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
TRUE: For Every White Country!! Only White Countries ((("NEED"))) Diversity!! #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteGenocide
Proud to be British 🇬🇧 @britishbullybee
The Government are importing the end of the British way of life https://twitter.com/britishbullybee/status/1314529610546192384/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Last time they did this they caused a market crash because of (((Their))) "Predatory Lending" to people who couldn't manage money properly-which inflated home values dramatically- Ending in many black and latinxo Foreclosures!!! Go for it! #JewishPrivilege
JPMorgan Chase says it will extend billions in loans to Black and Latino homebuyers and small business owners in an attempt to do more to "break down systems that have propagated racism and widespread economic inequality.” http://apne.ws/nWisEpa

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I do! #MyTwitterAnniversary THEY SAID IT COULDN"T BE DONE BY A WHITE MAN!!!! #WhiteLivesMatter #Whiteexcellence

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
The Chosenites Just DO NOT Stop Pushing!!!
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Upper West Side? More like Uppercut West Side, amirite Goys? https://t.co/EHWfj4FhdB
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
First time Knockout game is Acknowledged as REAL! I wonder why? #COHENcidence

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Franz Liszt @HateJunkie
I don't give a fuck about this guy 😂

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Write Winger @RealWriteWinger
America WAS founded by White ppl to be a White country, just as every country should represent their unique ppl, & there’s nothing wrong with that The rest is an ethno-narcissistic slander & call for the displacement & subjugation of their descendants This hate doesn’t go away https://t.co/IKOmwhfytu
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
So much of America's downfall can be directly related to (((those))) who pushed the 1965 immigration act-and there traitorous helpers who promised it wouldn't change the face of America

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Curse @cursedsalad
Jewish fundamentalist, Max Kellerman, blamed Antifa rioting on "extremist Right-wing agitators posing as protestors." Sports show or Sanhedrin tribunal prosecuting Whiteness? https://t.co/d1pv6fvSPY
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
A bunch of (((them))) have been making this claim

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Who's Culturally Appropriating Who?? Lighter skin, smaller nose, long straight blonde hair=I they said or thought "Black is beautiful"? They can NEVER be US!!! #WhiteLivesMatter #Whiteexcellence

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
The (((Chosenites))) telling you to Bow to the "Most Influentials" that (((They))) created. Their "Influence" is NOTHING more than Degeneracy and self destruction=especially pushed on White Children! #WhiteGenocide #WhiteLivesMatter #JewishPrivilege
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@LEFTY23976393 I'm deeply sorry that happened to you. Things like this just build up. Third had happened to thousands upon thousands of people since this covidhoax started. This adds fuel to a fire in people that leads to war. War with the govt. Overthrow these fkrs
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@lIlIlIIIlIIIIl_: @SUP_0_821_bngo Thank you The gas on the fire was watching the junkie groid Floyd get 4 funerals fit for a king-when he was just a typical shit bag

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@HaroldSnepsts1 @AJagiellon

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Breona Taylor FACTS: Another White Built town destroyed over a Kosher Lie about ANOTHER Black Drug Dealer who died! Along with "Good Boy" Graduation Picture!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"My Wife's Son" Hmmmmm "Pearlman" Hmmmmm "Basketball" Hmmmm #COHENcidence
Xring3 LLC firearms ™ @Tactical_review
Clearly he turned down the wrong isle, basketballs are like seven isles over. https://twitter.com/Tactical_review/status/1308285174161915904/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
StopAntisemitism @StopAntisemites
Horrific - a student at @CUNY, Nerdeen Kiswani, threatens to set on fire a man wearing an #IDF sweatshirt. "I hate your shirt, Ima setting it on fire. I'm serious" she can be heard saying. We demand this is immediately looked into and the Ms. Kiswani face disciplinary actions! https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites/status/1308386850315407363/video/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Who Do you think the "populations that we don't want too many of" are to (((Her)))?
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
NEVER FORGET Just how EVIL (((They))) Truly Are!! They Don't hide it-So we should point it out!! #WhiteGenocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
YES SHE IS!!! Wanna Bet she gets Replaced with another Chosenite No Matter who the President IS??
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Name the (((Soros))) of the Right!!! SOROS VS. ADELSON 2 Kosher Puppet Masters

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! (((THEIR))) Degeneracy and Pedo instincts know NO Bounds!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Marco_T_Cicero Just an excuse for the shitstorm of holohoax programs that will be out next year-AND the New Laws about it

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Those 6 Gorillion Folks Have such great stories to tell!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
HOLY SHIT!!! Someone must have been a bad girl and (((They))) are holding back her fix!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Such a Lovely Gift our (((Governments))) have given us!!
Michael Patrick @TheMikePatrick
@TheMikePatrick: @CommiesLmao Multiculturalism👇 https://twitter.com/tea_barrys/status/1301520721185832963/video/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((They))) sure can tell tall tales!! Tell us the one again about the USS Liberty
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Sounds Like a Checklist for things required in a Pedo (((Kosher))) Movie!!! How are they not being brought up on charges=#JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
SHOCKER (((Their))) Degenerate standards for living lead to early death from drugs, disease, or suicide!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@getmadsnowflake @WessexMichael Even the liberal Whites around the cities are running to the gun stores. Many are out of stock. Ammo is even harder to come by right now. Being sold at a premium by the (((Merchants))) who never miss an opportunity to financially rape

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (((THEIR))) Greediness knows no bounds!! "More shekels or you die"
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN!!! (((THEY))) DO!!! #WhiteLivesMatter
The Bureau for World Jewish Affairs & World Religions @IsraelMFA designed & distributed thousands of masks, produced in 🇮🇱 to seniors in 40 Jewish communities around the 🌍!   Thank you to our representatives who are in touch with these communities daily & in times of need ❤️. https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1301213701555580930/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@VONWEHUNTSHOW Do you think he sees and talks to corn pop before-or-after he takes his meds? You know his Doc (((Dr. Silverstein))) jacks him up with some good shit

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
This could just as easily be-Who is controlled by the (((World Bank))) VS Who is Not!
Inbar Cohen @InbarCohen13
Pretend you're surprised. May God bless all the countries that support the #UAEIsrael peace agreement! https://twitter.com/InbarCohen13/status/1301829871845494790/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Not too far from Kenosha COHENcidence??
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Pinandpuller #COHENcidence ?

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
THE GOYIM KNOW!!! #JewishPrivilege #WhiteLivesMatter
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((THEY))) Talk a lot of tough shit-but then cry like bitches Every Single Time!! #EverySingleTime #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
When (((They))) Tell you that #WhiteGenocide is a Myth or a crazy conspiracy theory-Just remember and remind them that they as "Fellow Whites" push for OUR Demise OPENLY!! Take YOUR OWN Side White Man!! #JewishPrivilege = #WhiteGeNocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@pinochetbelle All that's missing is a (((hand rubbing merchant))) and the trifecta is complete

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Unlike the tired (((6 Gorillion))) story-this Justice Happened!! #JewishPrivilege #WhiteRage
Crowned Rex @CrownedRex
It's a shame now that there is no one to restore peace. The massacre will continue and soon bleed into your doorsteps. Based Romans. https://twitter.com/CrownedRex/status/1299436328124321792/video/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
It's amazing that this happens right after the U.S. brokers a deal with the Arabs and Israel! #CohenCidence #COHENcidence
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This is fuckin fake and gay. 1: He didnt steal shit. 2: Kenosha is MUNUTES away from where the kid lives (which is in Illinois, but ITS A BORDER TOWN). 3: "Killed two ppl" is used intentionally vaguely here and frankly it's dishonest as shit. Didnt expect this from this guy. https://t.co/9kNsIyLBBg
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@Astro_Fash Both were Kosha in Kenosha Both were Red and now Dead Sorry couldn't help it-still laughing that both were chosenites with rap sheets. The head shot guy was a pedo

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
A Chosenite Sex Offender!!! Good Job Kyle!!
Orwell & Goode @OrwellNGoode
This guy was shot in the head by Kyle Rittenhouse. He was sentenced to 12.5 years in an Arizona prison where he racked up 42 disciplinary infractions. He was also convicted of a parole violation following his release. https://twitter.com/OrwellNGoode/status/1298826209569181696/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@RealMelcolmX Unfortunately, his Paramedic Hat didn't do what the (((Seller))) Promised!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "MONKEY" While talking about Obama says (((COHEN))) #COHENcidence #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
OY VEY!!!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!! THE GOYIM KNOW!!!! #JewishPrivilege
These people are a meme

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
EVERY SINGLE TIME......... EVERY FUCKING TIME-(((SCHWARZMANN))) #JewishPrivilege #FuckBLM #WhiteGenocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
This Somehow Seems Anti-Semitic!!?? When the Left exposes Our Children to Hollywood Pedos, gay parades, Tranny Story Hour-While the Conservatives sit by and Watch-the next Logical thing the (((Hollywood Types))) will "Normalize" is Pedophiles!!! #JewishPrivilege #WhiteGenocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
This is Black Culture paraded with Jewish Pedo Influence Blacks worship women singing "Wet Ass Pussy" (WAP) and expect something different from those in (((MEDIA)))?? Your "Celebrities" bowed to Pedos!! Jayz=Drugs Beyonce="bomb as pussy" KANGS N QUEENS
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
An Awful Lot of (((Kosher))) Names on this List!!! #JewishPrivilege =#WhiteGenocide
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Too bad it was only temporary!!!! I'm sure it was JUST because he's an anti-semite. No other reason (((They))) have been expelled from so many countries throughout the CENTURIES!!!!!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
1. Non-Whites took Power in White Countries 2. They Bring in Millions more Non-Whites as "Refugees" 3. (((NWO))) takes control/All Whites slaughtered or interned ONLY number 3 hasn't happened Fully #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteGenocide #WhiteRage
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@BaronStrucker @OzarksWhite BLM doesn't know civility, which is needed for a truce. And their (((Leaders))) will not allow it

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@EvilZionism Every country attacked or listed as a terrorist state all just happen NOT to be on the World Banking System. #COHENcidence

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PepeLevant🇱🇧 @PepeLevant
what year did jfk die https://t.co/ra2sDEaJyB
LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@JonDave49 The same year he wanted to take power away from the (((Federal Reserve)))

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
We Need More Men like Henry Ford Today!! Their "Cry of persecution and it (((echoes))) through the world press" #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
White People-You are Being Slaughtered!!! The (((Media))) Will Not cover this! #JewishPrivilege Stand Up for Yourself and Your People and ONLY Your People! #WhiteLivesMatter #FuckBLM #JusticeForCannonHinnant
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
THANKS For the #WhitePrivilege from (((Diversity)))
ExposingWhitePrivilege @exposing_white
Little Rock news anchor Anne Pressly(26)had the White privilege of having her faced crushed beyond recognition and left gasping for air by her rapist.She spent the last 5 days of her life dying in the hospital. https://twitter.com/exposing_white/status/1295690522015813633/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Seems Like GENOCIDE to me!! #JewishPrivilege #WhiteGenocide #COHENcidence
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Leftist Talmudic Degeneracy Has Got to GO!!! Degenerate and Deviant acts for (((Money))) only come from a Decayed Civilization-NOT from a Healthy One!! #JewishPrivilege #BDS #WhiteGenocide #WhiteWellBeing
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((DIVERSITY))) IS KILLING YOUR FAMILY WHITE MAN!!! What will you do about it??!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
More Vibrancy From (((Diversity))) #FuckBLM #WhiteLivesMatter
A double rapist who tried to murder his victim because he ‘felt like it’ while on bail for a similar sex attack smirked as he was jailed for at least 28 years. Aaron Murphy, 21, grinned in court as horrific footage was played of him grabbing The attacks happened in Harrow https://twitter.com/CrimeLdn/status/1294264553245683713/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
#WhitePrivilege #WhiteLivesMatters #whitelivesmattermore News Coverage/Narrative= #Jewishprivilege Time for WHITE "Peaceful Protests" Sun Down Laws & Restrictive Covenants NOW!!! No More Sacrificing OUR Children for (((Diversity)))

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
As If You needed More Proof that these (((Tech Companies))) Hate White people and want to destroy us. But a Good Share for the Newly Red-Pilled in these times
WhiteDate.Net @whitedatenet
How about: "Beautiful white family. A family of pure, unmixed race. A shared skin color helps create stable relationships and continue the European cultures." Alas, #Instagram is #antiwhite and deleted the WhiteDate account. #WhiteLivesMatter #WhiteFamily #WhiteLove

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((Krassenstein))) says buy (((COHEN's))) Book #COHENcidence #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
A (((Rothschild))) Literally Complaining about someone else stealing Money and Wealth!! #JewishPrivilege
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Here we see a jewess give birth to a Golem!
Inbar Cohen @InbarCohen13
Welcome to Timma Park 🇮🇱 Have you ever visited there? 📸: Ofir J. Rock https://twitter.com/InbarCohen13/status/1293744170834825217/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
"Let Us control your Money GOY!!" (((J))) Pro
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Imagine That!! #COHENcidence
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
5 Jewish things to know about Kamala Harris KAMALA and Her (((Husband))) are AIPAC APPROVED https://www.jweekly.com/2020/08/11/5-jewish-things-to-know-about-kamala-harris/

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
@vestenatangian @kiminobuggy Yes, (((They))) do/are!

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "Buy Our Votes With Gibs and Casinos" Can you imagine how Ghetto the Casinos would start out before the (((Chosen))) acquired them!!!
Tariq Nasheed 🇺🇸 @tariqnasheed
The Black Vote should not go to any candidate unless there is a reparations package for Foundational Black Americans. And those reparations can be modeled in the same way Native Americans get tangibles. FBA reparations can be: *cash payments *Land Grants *Black Owned Casinos

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
OY VEY! THE GOYIM KNOW!!!! #JewishPrivilege
TruNews™ @TruNews
According to a new report, Israel was responsible for the massive explosion that occurred in the port of Lebanon’s capital city, Beirut, on Tuesday. https://www.trunews.com/stream/report-israel-was-responsible-for-beirut-blast

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
(((Josh))) Says "That's the Plan" Referring to Taking Our Guns from our DEAD HANDS!! NRA=White People
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
#SaveTheChildren = #Jewishfragility #COHENcidence
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
Hey Fellow Whites-Let's all follow the black women! You know-destroy White people too! #JewishPrivilege #COHENcidence IN FULL FORCE!!!!!
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
It's amazing! They keep finding more and more Holohoax survivors! Shekels Goy-Keep'em comin'
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
UH OH!!!! The Goyim Know about the Banks!! #JewishPrivilege #JewishLies #Jews #jewishsupremacy
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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
OY VEY!! The Goyim Know!!!
Did you know that ancient Judea was controlled by the JEWS? They controlled the banks there too. Their coins even say 𐤔𐤒𐤋 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋 Which means "Shekel of Israel". Wake up sheeple! https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1283454780027830273/photo/1

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LEFTY @LEFTY23976393
LOL-Saint Mel called her an "Oven Dodger"!!!
The Jerusalem Post @Jerusalem_Post
In an interview, #Jewish actress Winona Ryder spoke about #antisemitism in the film industry, including the time she was on the receiving end of an antisemitic joke from Mel Gibson. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/actress-winona-ryder-overlooked-for-movie-role-for-looking-too-jewish-632349

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 78%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 64%
star of david 88%
star of david 87%
star of david 74%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
star of david 48%
tldr 38%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 68%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 77%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 50%
art_other 43%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 38%
art_other 35%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 70%
toons other 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 68%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 36%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 46%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 95%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 26%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 32%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
map 100%
star of david 88%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 70%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 79%
us flag 92%
us flag 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 69%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
bar graph 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 76%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 43%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 72%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 28%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%