@BubbaTheJesuit Bubba🌹🇺🇸🌹🇸🇾🌹🇮🇷

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 82
@nathancofnas This situation isn't "hey guys: check this shit out. Could it be aliens?!" It's just a drip feed for the masses. Lockheed, the Air Force & Washington elites are instigating it. 1 tidbit: The 2016 WikiLeaks revealed they accept Roswell as legitimately ET (among other things). https://t.co/Rhh1Vk80ic
: @nathancofnas Their "disclosure" frontman Luis Elizondo has been more-or-less confirming that Roswell was alien in recent interviews, fwiw. https://twitter.com/BubbaTheJesuit/status/1394808016667480065/video/1

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View @BubbaTheJesuit
Nathan Cofnas @nathancofnas
If the "UFOs" are really alien spaceships, it's quite a coincidence that they look just like infrared glare https://t.co/3gl7G2nHwy
This situation isn't "hey guys: check this shit out. Could it be aliens?!" It's just a drip feed for the masses. Lockheed, the Air Force & Washington elites are instigating it. 1 tidbit: The 2016 WikiLeaks revealed they accept Roswell as legitimately ET (among other things).

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View @nathancofnas
@mewhit94 @Partisangirl @GalGadot Look at all these beautiful ethnic judeans! Anyone pointing out that they're actually sub-saharan blacks is a racist

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@Giordano_Lives None of these examples demonstrate that Mormons were considered non-whites. Subpar whites, maybe. Same way the Irish, Jews & Italians were considered subpar whites. Were Utah Mormons prohibited from naturalization when Utah became a state? If only we had documents to peruse..

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@goneonbreak @dsmedsker Every book of scripture contains morally questionable AND morally preferable edicts. Which is why we have to judge belief systems by what they produce in the *real world*. Mormons are opposed to murder. Lgbtq advocates are A-OK with sexually manipulating little boys, as in ↓. https://twitter.com/BubbaTheJesuit/status/1241439632211886081/video/1

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@goneonbreak Lol. That's your worst "gotcha"?! Dude you are a complete f@g. But again: it's very telling that you've now resorted to creeping through my timeline, rather than just label the "drag kid" phenomena for what it is. Eat shit, loser.

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@goneonbreak Go to all the top gay advocate websites and see how often they disavow drag kids or trans kids. Seriously, guy... There's no way you're gonna get away with sealioning outta this one. Very telling that you're already trying to though. Lol.

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@goneonbreak Why does the lgbtq community rally behind this?

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@goneonbreak I think these images are proof of the existence of objective metaphysical evil, and it's scary that you don't. #lgbtq #dragkids #lovewins

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@poetofgalaxios: @TheShiaSlayer @SurvivetheJive @KWhelpington I... What? What the absolute fuck?!

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@JonathanFC229 @BobTheBot2 @SydWalker @RyLiberty uh.. what? You'll have to be more specific. Nearly *every* Allied soldier held views similar - or stronger - than what Nick espouses (not just soviets). This goes for race, gender, demographics, international finance, etc. It's honestly quite an uncontroversial point of fact. https://t.co/7dejTwbC5k
: @JonathanFC229 @BobTheBot2 @SydWalker @RyLiberty Sad!

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View @BubbaTheJesuit
@doubleclutch229: @JonathanFC229 @BobTheBot2 @SydWalker @RyLiberty uh.. what? You'll have to be more specific. Nearly *every* Allied soldier held views similar - or stronger - than what Nick espouses (not just soviets). This goes for race, gender, demographics, international finance, etc. It's honestly quite an uncontroversial point of fact.

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@doubleclutch229: @JonathanFC229 @BobTheBot2 @SydWalker @RyLiberty Having the same viewpoint that was held by 99.99% of the soldiers who defeated the 3rd Reich = Essentially being no different from Hitler

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@alexsimonelis @jollyheretic @sapinker "If you're going to smear someone, do it to their face". -S A Pinker

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@MeowthHotep @DailyGroyper In reference to Garrett's bizarre claim about white crime. Lol if accurate.

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@adam_alba @ImmortalPorter @TattedMormonEsq @discobob11 I guess you're checking your twitter feed manually now? You turned your notifications off, after all.

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@_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun Your burden of proof is bad-faith & unrealistic. Let me guess: you'd also deny that Joseph Smith was caught having sex with 16 yr old Fanny Alger in a barn near his Kirtland home. "Where's the DNA evidence from the semen sample he would've undoubtedly left behind?"

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@AmericaFirstJew @Communism_Kills Well that's the thing: I've always been very confused as to why she has *any* orbiters. There are plenty of legitimately attractive asian women out there. Kathy isn't one of them.

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@_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun You sound like a jew who refuses to acknowledge any evidence that suggests the reality of jewish in-group prefence. Obviously the newly arrived mormon masons had an in-group preference. Thus the firmly established resident masons developed their own group identity in reaction. https://t.co/kZBnsNA6mu
: @_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun Your sealioning isn't fooling anyone. (2/2)

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View @BubbaTheJesuit
@_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun You sound like a jew who refuses to acknowledge any evidence that suggests the reality of jewish in-group prefence. Obviously the newly arrived mormon masons had an in-group preference. Thus the firmly established resident masons developed their own group identity in reaction.

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@_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun And its charter was revoked due to anti-mormon sentiment.

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@ChrisRBarron This poor mulatto girl has known little else but heartache in her life. She has no group which she can truly claim as her own. She's never once "fit in" anywhere. But really: it's kinda her fault. Good thing we have ppl like you who can save her from her bigoted perceptions!

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@thadictaro @CWspox @KarlXBrown @PuerAureus27BC @Provokatr1 "No proof" ≠ positive claim. Regardless: til that orbiters of obese chocolith goddess actually still exist. Different strokes, I guess.

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@_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun The Grand Lodge in Nauvoo had its charter revoked (due to anti-mormon sentiment) in 1842, and so in 1843 a contingency of mormon masons attempted to organize a new lodge in nearby Iowa. Their petition for a charter was denied. continued....... https://t.co/mAq491cSbF
: @_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun Charters were only ever issued to lodges within Utah territory under the stipulation that all mormons would be banned from participating. Since basically all brighamite mormons were located within Utah territory during the 19th century: imo the ban was implicitly universal. fin

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View @BubbaTheJesuit
@BubbaTheJesuit: @_btcole @dagmar_schmitt @realDharmakirti @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun The Grand Lodge in Nauvoo had its charter revoked (due to anti-mormon sentiment) in 1842, and so in 1843 a contingency of mormon masons attempted to organize a new lodge in nearby Iowa. Their petition for a charter was denied. continued.......

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@darkgabi @Onemooreagain @anarkidd0 @EmperorArilando @AdamSerwer @sullydish @ReubenR80027912 @nhannahjones @conor64 I can say the same for black Africans & white Europeans. Race is both a social construct & an imperfect biological category. While the boundaries are fuzzy (most category boundaries are) it's nevertheless a very useful heuristic. It has explanatory power/predictive validity.

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@darkgabi @Onemooreagain @anarkidd0 @EmperorArilando @AdamSerwer @sullydish @ReubenR80027912 @nhannahjones @conor64 You do realize that basically everything is a social construct, right?

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@darkgabi @Onemooreagain @anarkidd0 @EmperorArilando @AdamSerwer @sullydish @ReubenR80027912 @nhannahjones @conor64 I've never heard any race realist claim that race isn't a social construct. We socially construct what we observe. And wouldn't you know it: nations w/ offensive intents are able differentiate those constructs within our genome. Whod' of thought that groups evolve differently?

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@realDharmakirti @dagmar_schmitt @myth20c @NewAtlantisSun It's factual. Unlike your 95 IQ tier description of Freemasonry. Go ahead and criticise Joseph Smith & Mormonism. Just don't try and pass off these deductions & claims as legitimate.

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@darkgabi @Onemooreagain @anarkidd0 @EmperorArilando @AdamSerwer @sullydish @ReubenR80027912 @nhannahjones @conor64 "P. groups in p. places may have higher frequency of certain genes or combination thereof." Funny how it's "legit" when you say it, but it's racist pseudoscience when Jared Taylor says it. "It's just HOW you define them." Exactly: and the Chinese define white ppl as white ppl.

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@jcbonthedl Back in the early days of the Syrian civil war, Assad sent his wife a Blake Shelton song (through iTunes) along w/ a note telling her that he missed her & he hoped to be w/ her again soon. We know this because the FSA hacked his email shortly afterwards. https://youtu.be/uGXHWqlH_dc

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Michael A @mike323a
@BubbaTheJesuit @CitadelMark @JohnQLamb1 @leahygurl And before that Buckley/Podhoretz/Kristol, etc. fell under Conservatism and they expelled and purged all the would-be paleocon/bircher infiltrators.
@CitadelMark @JohnQLamb1 @leahygurl Very rich how you describe them as "infiltrators". Fyi: National Review was originally opposed to the formation of Israel. Then Leo Strauss kvetched in a very Shapiro-esque fashion, threatening to schism if NR didn't change its tune. (((Infiltrator))) https://tinyurl.com/s5xwyd7

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@BubbaTheJesuit: @awholeassburger 10 years later: I sometimes see "The goyim know" decals on vehicles in my small Utah town. I'm e-friends w/ lots of cool j-woke Mormons. I've even been introduced to j-woke sermons by Brigham Young, funnily enough! But yeah no rise in antisemitism since the 1990s. 😉 (2/2) https://twitter.com/BubbaTheJesuit/status/1181641835027955712/photo/1

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Nathan Cofnas @nathancofnas
(((Facebook))) (((Twitter))) (((medicine))) (((ZOG))) (((physics))) (((YouTube))) (((Pope))) (((boogeyman))) (((Oxford))) (((Trump))) (((psychology))) (((1960s))) (((them))) (((they))) (((their)))
(((Sivan Kurzberg))) (((Paul Kurzberg))) (((Oded Ellner))) (((Yaron Shimuel))) (((Omar Marmari))) https://www.mintpressnews.com/newly-released-fbi-docs-shed-light-on-apparent-mossad-foreknowledge-of-9-11-attacks/258581/

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@AuntieTravis: @AuntieMoremen @CharlieTangoRom "Irony". "Palpable".

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@Rangutang @JCBontheDL @HeardAtBYU @TheAmeHauck I was heavily ingrained in the progmo/exmo world from 2008-2015. I was 1 of Dehlin's 1st supporters. I can't recall any progmos who believed that abortion should be illegal. I'll refer you to what's basically the Bible of modern feminism: Feminism Is For Everybody-bell hooks https://twitter.com/BubbaTheJesuit/status/1106952322868043784/video/1

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@BretWeinstein I applaud your bravery. It is commendable for Jew such as yourself to advocate for open borders in Israel. Not to mention the eradication of genetic & cultural markers which currently help define Jews as a group.

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@alexholub99 @LewRichardson16 Don't get why ppl are trying to abandon a guy because they listened to 4 hours of anecdotes. Anecdotes which have been proven to be fabricated-if they happen to include people who have the benefit of still being alive, and thus they're still able to reprudiate them.

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@shamima @James_rwnat @Scaachi Germany was firebombed into 3rd world conditions during wwii. It fully recovered soon after. Japan was firebombed. It was also nuked twice. It recovered soon after. Majority-minority areas within the 1st world are shit-holes. The 3rd world is a shit-hole. noggin_joggin.exe

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@Rangutang @JCBontheDL @HeardAtBYU @TheAmeHauck It's gonna take fire to fight fire at some point. A movement that encourages women to "shout your abortion" *is* in opposition to church values. Really pathetic for conditions to degrade so much so fast. Let me guess: you also have no problem with *this* type of 'progress'?

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@LinaresKNOWS 2 grand juries & 1 trial jury, after reviewing the evidence:

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art_other 58%
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art_other 49%

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face 97%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 51%
etc 34%

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art_other 73%

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tldr 90%

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critters 40%

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art_other 99%

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art_other 98%

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art_other 97%

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art_other 63%

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tldr 99%

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tldr 28%

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etc 92%

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bar graph 93%

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