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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 14
The Westernist @The_Westernist
What is the best term to describe people who are aware of the J Problem and fighting it?
(((J))) WOKE.

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Adalwolf @AdalwolfP
Glamour On Point https://t.co/2oNmHCIFLM
This fully encapsulates the GOP and Republicans. (((They))) learned from the (((best)))...

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Dumbass Photoshop @DumbassPhotoshp
The White House has been taken over by terrorists and reinforcements have been sent. https://t.co/Wkwp5C0Vg5
(((Jewish))) reinforcements? That's not gonna work.

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Grace 🔎 @reallygraceful
i'm just not really buying it https://t.co/NSoqs8TKMH https://t.co/a2gJMUAtzL
My wife tried telling me AI is learning on it's own, I told her it's total bullshit just like everything the (((****))) throw at the goyish stooges...Am I wrong?

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View @reallygraceful
@AdalwolfP Oven avoiders? They meant oven dodgers?

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@Educatedgypsee Cool parody but touting (((Trump))) the king of the joohs and mister warp speed poison injections while accusing Syria of gassing it's own people left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths. It's not gonna happen like 2015, he's not who he say's he is.

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@MyLordBebo (((Trump))) was lied to by his advisors constantly.

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@Tomhennessey69 I believe the proper term is Shitbulls.

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Karen Winters @KarenWinters3
(((They))) (((Them)))

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View @KarenWinters3
@Emilio2763 @2SteveThrower2 Desegregation at gun point and this was always the intended outcome because (((they))) knew that it would never work but only to destroy this great society we once had. It's probably more jealousy than (((their))) prophecy.

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@Emilio2763 Even though (((Trump))) has a lot of issues I personally don't like it's probably a situation that Desantis cannot draw crowds like this. Especially after Desantis called Putin a war criminal.

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MCCAIN. ROMNEY. DESANTIS. https://t.co/muJMu0aZvE
@ComradeDoyIe Desantis is a scumbag but so is (((Trump))) hell they all are, but at least with the king of the jews we get entertained?

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View @TrumpWarRoom
He's only joking, they would never do that... https://t.co/NhAPRG5mN8
The (((them))) have been trying to exterminate the ethnic White world population for thousands of years and look where it's gotten (((them))). Virtually everyone hates (((them))).

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View @GitNigel

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Traitors and mass murderers among us, Tucker “Every one of the people you just saw should resign in disgrace and should spend the next decade in ashes and sackcloth” https://t.co/VL8jtGrPhG
Except viruses do not exist. They're all lying even (((Trump))). But trying to inform people that virology is a fraudulent area of study is impossible due to over a hundred years of dumbing down Americans to believe in modern medicine and allopath God like Doctors.

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View @Real_RobN
@merissahansen17 @ComradeDoyIe If you recall (((Trump))) was all for supporting ukrainian terrorists with american terrorist government money looted from innocent working Americans. He also pulled out of the nuclear treaty with Russia. (((Trump))) is a con man puppet make no mistake.

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Trump never gets enough credit for choosing one of the most stunning and elite women alive. https://t.co/QyNbRLZmxi
@FuriusPertinax (((Trump))) has really got the goys fooled and his wife is stunning but who cares?

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View @_MedGold
@DrLoupis Don't be too proud of (((Trump))), we still don't know where he stands on the ukraine thing.

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@michael_david41 Hate to say it but (((Trump))) should be on that list too.

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ELIJAH @ElijahSchaffer
This school district in Indiana spends $10.3k per student & creates beautiful campuses like this While DC schools spend upwards of 22k per student and 80% of students aren’t even proficient in math https://t.co/YPexd7hUZo
@ramzpaul It's not about teaching them anything but the fake holohoax and how to be giant pussies.

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𝕰𝖒𝕲 @Emilio2763
Wait What?!… https://t.co/vKiahzVWhv
This fake joooooh is a RIGGER of the (((NFL))) too?

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View @Emilio2763
@HillsBrannen The (((NFL))) is full of RIGGERS.

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@UScrimeReview @theblackspiderm It reminds me of Purdy going into the (((NFL))) RIGGER sport and taking one and done.

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@DrvnkUncleZ @InfragilisTee (((MAGA))) is the most immoral bunch of scum to ever walk the Earth.

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@ReloadedJu @Hurricane_1an (((Trump))) is a mass murderer and genocidal maniac. How many human beings has his injections murdered now? We'll never know.

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@MrDapperton I love (((Trumps))) vaccines they're definitely something to brag about.

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Fatima @Ftm_Zahra10
This is Gaza, not Ukraine. Does anyone care? https://t.co/8JEbY9zBu8
@DrvnkUncleZ I would give a word of advice. When the pro Palestinian students are protesting in USA don't say anything about our border or our wall. They're not the same issue. I supported Palestinians until I saw all the anti White hate from them. Stick to israhell and we'll support you.

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@Juan94827382 @Blackrussiantv It's missing FOX News and (((Trump))) with his warp speed bull shit.

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@PghPotter @boopmynose Nice nose it'd be a shame if someone didn't bump it.

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@Tracie90482862 @_B___S Handsome dog. This is Buddy.

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@_B___S @GraceSm73368432 Golden Retriever of course.

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@_SockDog @GraceSm73368432 Say what?

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Yizz the Unifier @yizzcognito
wtf did i just watch, I feel like I had a stroke @_@ https://t.co/1AvMlaqXSV
This was before we knew or at least before I knew what an anti White POS (((Trump))) is.

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Christcuck Pastors @Christcucks2
Donald Trump says he will uphold Judeo-Christian values YouTube: https://t.co/VofTyBTvml https://t.co/3K7CYa1dv6
(((Trump))) is king of israel.

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@ShadowtheGolden @GraceSm73368432

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@PghPotter @GraceSm73368432 SMILE!!!

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@MikeFrezon Get well soon Zeke, we're counting on you. From Buddy.

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@BuddyDog_Golden @GraceSm73368432

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@lillFrens Buddy the English Golden Retriever.

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@usslibertyvets The US government allowed the attack on the USS Liberty. They knew it was happening. Shit they probably coordinated it with israhell or LBJ was so compromised and black maled he didn't want to end up like Kennedy. They all know the evil US government is capable of.

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@Dark_Asgard_ (((They))) own everything so when someone notices too much they can vanish them.

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@Fedor28147603 @LongshipsComing But are you paying attention to the fact that the word NAZI is a slur? I suggest you stop using (((their))) slurs to identify yourself, it's kinda lame.

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Floyd Reynolds @Curious_Normie
How’s the investigation & arrest of Hillary Clinton going? https://t.co/kw7EAYDjMJ
Such a joke. Now the orange )ew as is lemmingchanting LOCK HIM UP at his ghey rallies. Some people are so dumb.

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Floyd Reynolds @Curious_Normie
“Jęws need to Jęw haters to define them so they create antisemites” David Cole https://t.co/BDuYM69q6q
I have adopted a strategy that I use now. If anyone I know including family ever says anything good about blacks, mexicans, israel, or anything remotely anti White, I label them (((Anti White))) pedophiles and baby dick suckers then I treat them like an enemy. I become very mean.

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@NewAgeChaos @hundsnus Yeah fucking right. The king of the )ews? I doubt more people know about Jebus but hey

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@selfdeclaredref @whois_John_Galt Defend free speech you cock sucker, but don't say anything about the holocaust, )ews, or (((Hollywood))), what a fucking jack off.

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online person @_Lame_Bot
@Buddycamp2 You're in Cali? I'm sorry. At least you still have a brain. My family still living there thinks the failings in their state is Trump's fault.
@Based_Seltzer People here are living in a haze of vaccines, GMO chemical food, fluoridated toothpaste, (((Hollywood))) pedophile worship, and way too much sun. First they say you must have a bullet button and ten round mags, now you can't have a bullet button WTF? This place SUCKS! I'm okay.

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Phil Ken Sebben @hundsnus
Very cool Twitter, very cool https://t.co/XrfybeNHje
Twitter is anti semitic. You'd think these idiots would learn when you sensor something it only draws more attention to it. (((They))) must think we're all still thinking the way we did on the 1980's and that we believe everything the media puts out. No wonder they lose.

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TuckeR_HawG_27 @T_u_c_KeR27HawG
@Tucke_R_H_awG27 Did you know ghey marriage and abortion is illegal in Mexico? We got the chosenite shaft in Amerika.

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Has anyone tied Cove-Fefe to the Cov-id scam pulled off by the king of the chosenites?

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Racist Paperclip @RacistClip
I‘m even retweeting Cernovich on this. (When he‘s right, he‘s right.) https://t.co/quTdPxQPSK
I thought Gardner was a chosen one by his looks, and then I googled Gardner sir name origin and it says it is a chosen ones name, but still wasn't convinced, but now that thernobitch is defending him, I am convinced he was a chosenite. Owned two bars? Was it really a loss?

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Dear white women: Step tf up. Y'all got us in this sh*tshow. Y'all get us out.
It's not White men honey, it's )ews who pretend to be White so when they commit crimes they can blame it on Whitey. I invite you to do a little research right here on twitter. Anytime you see a post that says dear fellow White people check and see if they're )ewish.

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Isn't being King of the )ews pretty much the same thing? This is old news. LOL

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@realDonaldTrump Isn't being king of the )ews the same thing as being king of the gheys?

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Floyd Reynolds @Curious_Normie
“There is no single report that shows the existence of gas chambers” Raul Hilberg https://t.co/znuG9caY3c
You know what was the final convincing piece of evidence that made me change my view on this Holohoax thing was the fact that the British were listening to everything that was going on in Germany after they broke the enigma code and there was never any mention of gassing them.

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McCarthy @MrsJoeMcCarthy
This is the most Pro Biden ad I’ve ever seen. https://t.co/5JSPMmNfJx
Why do (((they))) keep doing this?

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Culture Critic @Culture_Crit
What's going on here? https://t.co/3eK8O5ybr8
@Western_Trad @BosakKrzysztof Duck Fuck Yo is desperate for users. Google was the same way when they started out. DDG is also owned by chosenites.

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ELIJAH @ElijahSchaffer
“I just don’t understand why something like this would happen” A deeply disturbed business owner tells me As he observes the damage to his legacy “Our society is just really disappointing” They destroyed everything he had A dozen used cars & his offices Heart breaking https://t.co/Ttn6ROey0e
@UpAndOv3r He seems totally clueless to (((who))) is behind all the destruction.

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View @ElijahSchaffer
@OpinionsMiOwn So, these two are (((Religious Group))) or {Religious Group} or ((()00ish))) aren't (((they)))? It 's all starting to make sense now. HOLY SHIT did we get DOOPED!!!

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@Lolifeetfan @saltymcsalt420 VAGINA? I kike Vagina. Cunnilingus too.

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@CptBlackPill @SoSayethBob @YouTube He doesn't deny the Holohoax he just questions it. I'm not a Nicker but he does have some valid points.

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