@chartconsultllc Natasha Chart “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” - Marcus Aurelius

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 54
Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Why would someone want a national army of female supporters trained to react with total passivity in the face of any provocation, and also taught to exclude from their ranks anyone who asked questions about potentially illegal activity? What’s their whistleblower policy worth? https://t.co/eui9N5dcyz https://t.co/1XsWrfb2If
Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
: Don’t be distracted by your personal opinions about “environmentalists”. These phrases are statements of destructive, dangerous despair. Understand them as the exhortations to a murder-suicide pact with the majority of humanity that they are.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Why would someone want a national army of female supporters trained to react with total passivity in the face of any provocation, and also taught to exclude from their ranks anyone who asked questions about potentially illegal activity? What’s their whistleblower policy worth?
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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Do WDI and WDI-USA leaders support terrorism as a solution to environmental crises? Are they using their feminist advocacy as a recruiting pipeline for Lierre Keith’s Deep Green Resistance? Did Kara Dansky rejoin DGR or an affiliate group?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: @shularises WHO NORMALIZED THIS?!!!

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
According to the latest issue of The Radical Notion, only dangerous, identitarian ideologies “make assertions about who is ‘inside’ a given group and who is ‘outside’ it, and treat people differently from one another on that basis.” So I guess Kylie here is doing a fascism?
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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: Who said it best, the TRAs or The Radical Notion?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
By the way, next time anyone compares single-sex facilities based on privacy needs to Jim Crow, you can show them this 1940 letter by Judge Aubrey Strode, passing along a request for single-sex toilet facilities for black visitors to the courthouse in Lynchburg, VA.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@CassieDebus @MJReilly1 @AsInTheJar @Women___Exist @ReneeMerrifiel3 If it’s really like Jim Crow, why did black women ask for separate toilet facilities from black men during segregation?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: How genius is it to act in a way that everyone recognizes as personally insulting, imply your target would be a rude, ignorant bumpkin for feeling insulted, & defend yourself by claiming to represent a (working) class of presumably rude bumpkins in order to evade responsibility?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: They seem well adjusted.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@SecondInternat1 @LaFalconara @cache_pas @RogSat @SVPhillimore Calling someone a fascist, or the equivalent, in leftist circles, is calling them one of the few classes of people that it’s acceptable to openly call to assault or murder. It’s not the same as even the vile and demeaning insults. Everyone who pretends not to know it is lying.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Today, in, ‘this thing doesn’t happen, but it’s terrible that they’re banning it, since it rarely, marginally, highly unusually, almost doesn’t happen … except when it helps people so much.’ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/27/trans-medical-care-red-states-families-00064394

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
I wanted to write something about political information bubbles, and then this tweet came across my feed, and it’s just perfect. An account run by a conservative Jewish woman is presented here as “a hate account which regularly incites violence from Neo-Nazis.”

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
You know what’s not going to win the fight against gender identity? Being the usual kind of progressive, woke activist who has no arguments left after calling you a fascist and running. It’s the feminist equivalent of the demonstrators in NYC yesterday. ‘Non-compliant,’ pshaw.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@luluhawkley @zobrie_mandia Maybe you should be a libertarian though? I was blacklisted from my profession for taking a stand on gender identity. And thank goodness I did it for my own sense of integrity, because I have had very little solidarity from feminists over it … just like right now.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: Lie with a smile, with enthusiasm. Doesn’t that lie look pretty on her? Doesn’t she like it? Lie and peacefully run the small grift that brings your dinner. Smear the blood on your doorpost so the Angel of Death passes by. It’s not your blood. This time. Give thanks.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
This is a cheap advertisement for a PhD thesis, & seems like a poor reading of Tolkien just right off the bat. I feel like if Tolkien’s main idea had actually been that power inevitably corrupts, there would have been no powerful beings fighting for good against Sauron.
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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@CritFacts @eva_kurilova @ChronicPainCave @FuzzInvasion @apostateCourier Met plenty. Sticking with reality.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@CritFacts @eva_kurilova If you can just define “Nazi” as people you don’t like, and you’re also a bit of a misanthropist, gonna be a whole lot of them, I guess. But you’re big on projection, and linguistic control, aren’t you?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@AlexofAllGames @seerutkchawla Are you trying to imply that because when women opened battered women’s shelters, that because an equivalent effort wasn’t made for men, by that same group of women, this constitutes some malign action towards men? That’s not commensurate with the claim that you made above.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
If you call enough women white supremacists, can you get everyone to ignore literally everything else about your public persona that’s disturbing, oversharing, and entitled?

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@PamelaTroy8 @horizonpoint23 It’s even come up in broad surveys that it’s being taught, even if not ‘everywhere.’ But if you say it isn’t happening, that’s just wrong. Teachers responding to surveys say you’re wrong. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/12/22/no_critical_race_theory_in_schools_heres_the_abundant_evidence_saying_otherwise_808528.html

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@PamelaTroy8 @horizonpoint23 Read the article. It’s promoted in numerous state departments of education websites, with lists of materials for teachers in class, for the explicit purpose of spreading these concepts. You don’t find specifics because you won’t look.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
I was told that this was what Republicans looked like when Biden forgave student loan debt. That can’t be true, because Democrats didn’t immediately sit around scratching their heads about whether or not Republicans had all come out as nonbinary femmes.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
“What I fear more than losing my site, being sued, or dealing with police is living in a world where fat eunuchs can groom little boys and girls into mutilating their bodies and taking drugs in secret, while normal people are not allowed to even discuss it.”

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@KindredK8 @KatelynKPearce There will surely be no consequences to the refusal to reckon with the implications of these beliefs as their adherents continue to feed on an adjacent, upcoming movement to gain power and recruits.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Radical feminism in the US is going to do great being totally controlled by people who also think that it’s a good idea to end civilization as soon as possible, because they’re so sure they know what the future holds. This is no way resembles a doomsday cult.

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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
@chartconsultllc: @KatelynKPearce It will for sure not happen ever again that she’s reported to lose it at some hapless organizer at an event, either.
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Natasha Chart @chartconsultllc
Amer Acad Pediatrics @AmerAcadPeds
@AmerAcadPeds: This is what it means to “affirm” a child; it means destigmatizing gender variance. It has never been about pushing medicines or surgery.

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patriot front 63%

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hitler 25%

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