@WreckedGreg Sodomized by Sartre non queer gender binary, He/Him/Your Lordship. Sodomology Studies Scholar. Download my writing, pay what you want: https://t.co/u3HjjdH1pw Yurp

WreckedGreg's neighborhood:

Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Groypers
Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 18

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
So based. Got the swastika before Adolf and RW "death squads" before anyone else. #codreanu #ironguard

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
"I know it was j3ws"
fisherking @fisherk1ng
“The gulf war never happened...” https://twitter.com/dailystar/status/1306879802381611008

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Throw the j3w in the well plz
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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
British royalty looking like men in drag and mainland country side is littered with Qt peasant girls. What means?

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
#coincidence? "They're the same picture"

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Greg @_SemiteSmasher
This corny af 🤣 https://t.co/gbGVpS2s9f
Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
So batmen is a nazi now? Checks out: beats up (((penguin))) and woman's (cat woman, ivy)

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Guess (((who))) these surgeons and doctors are... Mengle was a saint compared to this
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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@dowenotrevenge @KingFrenly @ausfirstnat Some blacks ie the 'house n*ggers' had cozy jobs, some of the Roman slaves were private teachers, doctors or philosophers.basicaly human equivalent of prize horses. But then there were slaves dying in salt mines... So maybe I was wrong

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@cemuj So here you can see that BLM is Jewish in origin: kvetching that the goyim don't pay their (((uni))) fees. Plus does't this imply blacks are too stupid for "big boy jobs"?

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Dog The Bounty-Hornter @ApuApustajer
Best example, for the left can't meme. 👇👇👇 https://t.co/ST9xPYupZd
Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Nibbas just wanna raep

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Why aren't you on Parler yet, my fellow #tradcath #conservative #groyper #nationalist huwithes? 1844 my dudes!

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@FrenReport Anything a (((progressive))) does, is in bad faith and has a hidden agenda

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
"the answer to #1619 is #1488" - Alex Jones Groyper

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
: Read my essay on the threadmill of (((progress))) here https://docdro.id/XNCxgYo

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Looks like a f@g. Even if Varg was "the bad guy", would you defend the existence of this abomination?
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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@DrHaroldChang Sheboons

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@clevernoo No. They are salivating for the gibs. Even if you tell them its run by j3ws. Some will see through, t it is more instinct then cognition.

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Some leddit gold, am i right my fellow narwalerinos?

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SP fan account @thuletide
planned parenthood has exterminated more black children than anyone else in the entirety of recorded human history https://t.co/QjDKWJGmBN
Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
: @ReadLinkola Margaret (((Sanger))) specifically wanted to reduce number of blacks, but abortion is progressive so it is OK

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
@urmomzcuntthen ~H0m0s in disguise~

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
#BasedJohnnyReb >Stood his ground >Didn't cuck, didn't kneel >Maked final kill long after the war ended >Provided comic relief in dark days

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
: OMG they just named the J3W in the vid O_O

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Finally finished. Get my essay on Sodomology here: https://docdro.id/XNCxgYo Academic plz respond!?

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Beat the 5g Corona madness!

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Sodomized by Sartre @WreckedGreg
Does the "silence is consent" thing mean I can now raep an art hoe at a BLM pride march? Asking for a fren.

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
pepe 99%
gadsden snake 56%
skull mask 78%

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militarized 79%
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pepe 100%
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anime 84%

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militarized 77%

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toons other 85%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 58%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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char_hash 27% #
star of david 26%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 93%
star of david 74%

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tldr 100%

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mspaint style 79%

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tldr 96%

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Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

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art_other 98%

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hitler 28%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

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tldr 99%