@euroswydd658 Euroswydd658🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧 Unintentionally cavalier.

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@Catherine_LCP @ADI7YAK @Uhtricq @StokingFreedom Him right now:

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Higher than yours,
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@DianaofAlbion @krinjewolker @Wayward34339355 @TUVegeto137 @OGRolandRat In any case, Russia has oligarchs but its the security apparatus of ethnic Russians who run the state and wield the most power. Let's remember what happens to oligarchs who step out of line

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Medical professionals who strike ought to be treated this way
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“Not yet” They’ll never learn. not eve now that floodgates have opened and v@((ine damage is undeniable to any thinking person.

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@ChunkyThunda @bungeeallday @ArcherOnTheWall This person thinks the sun is close enough to earth for the flat earth explanation of Eratosthenes experiment to be true. He's not smart enough to speak English. Also, here's a picture of the curvature of the earth taken from a plane.

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The Great White Fleet. It set sail in 1907 under orders from Theodore Roosevelt. I wish i could have seen it. The early 20th century was the height of European/Wh!te power. A great time to have been alive. Just a shame the Great War ended it.

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If only we had pro-wh|te leaders, we could reverse our fertility issues.

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@euroswydd658: @bitzdata @MemeMagician97 @OGRolandRat All empires have some lasting influence on the people they conquer. Post Roman wales had an overt Latin identity and was Divided on the old Roman administrative lines for instance. British imperialism was not that different from others that had come before.

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Imagine being a white man in 1900. We were the Lords of the Earth.

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@euroswydd658: @hen_lo_lol @GraniRau @DCCXVI410 And more informal events too. Which is partly why the Inquisition was formed, to bring rigour to the process of rooting out spiritual crimes, because prior to its existence things could get quite brutal. From an article by historian Thomas Madden:

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The Great White Fleet. It set sail in 1907 under orders from Theodore Roosevelt. I wish i could have seen it. The early 20th century was the height of European/Wh!te power. A great time to have been alive. Just a shame the Great War ended it.

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@basedmina This is one of the best i've seen so far

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@bibicat88 @AlphaSinnerMan @MykhailoVersta @_Plac3_hold3r @forgeful_wolf @DianaofAlbion @BastionBucks @zenaxos @b1anconeri @apmassaro3 @elonmusk

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J. Otto Pohl @JOttoPohl1
@euroswydd658 You screwed yourselves. Immigration in the UK has nothing to do with US bases.
As in America, immigration in the UK is in large part down to J*w**h subversion as Andrew Joyce has demonstrated.

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That being said, i don't believe the casualty figures. Artillery is rather lethal, if the blast doesn't get you, shrapnel will. It tends to inflict somewhere between 64-69% of battlefield casualties, Russia has been firing 10s of thousands of shells each day.🇺🇦 losses surely high
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@OGRolandRat This Evola excerpt is also very amusing

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@PennersFren @OGRolandRat that’s a quite substantial percentage, it will need replacing. Read the article

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@euroswydd658: @AlbionRisingMIC hadn't sold them out. Why do you think such a system unsustainable? In America it only fell apart once elites (j*ws in particular) dismantled it and turned healthy minded European stock against it

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Accursed Tower by Roger Crowley Thread below https://t.co/kgNIPxsn4P
: Venetians and Genoese go to war within the city of Acre over trade disguised as a dispute over a monastery. They procede to bombard each other and demolish the city with Trebuchets. The Genoese lost. 🤣

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@Taurokephalos @Esmenet I agree with the feminists on certain issues; girls should not be having children at 16. But i can't get behind girlbosses or women putting their careers first. Neither men or women are happier for these things.

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Accursed Tower by Roger Crowley Thread below

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@DianaofAlbion A book i highly recommend. It's very readable. The subject matter was more interesting than i expected.

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A legitimate ruling class should be willing to lose life and limb for those under their charge to keep them safe and set a good example.

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@euroswydd658: The Flynn effect is not on G. It's on the least General intelligence loaded elements of the IQ test. There has been no increase in G. G is 60-80% genetic caused by genes expressed in brain development. Those genes have been declining. (graph: Kong 2017)

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"Suck it brits"
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Welsh people in 1834: White is the only appropriate colour for a building.

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Yes, that is objectively the case. Women today are having fewer kids than they want and that is statistically demonstrable. As far back as 1970 4 kids or more was desired by a large number of women. Then feminism came along and politicians changed the incentives, sustained over
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@vp20191 @Desmoulins1794 Those studies you cited are not certain. Government study here

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@euroswydd658: @vp20191 @Desmoulins1794 That work is probably full of confounding factors. As most studies on gun control are. Better quality studies don’t support the hypothesis that more guns cause more crime.

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@vp20191 @Desmoulins1794 Overall homicide did not decrease however. During that period, it only began to decline after 3 years after the buyback ended. In America some of the states with the highest gun ownership have some of the lowest homicide rates. Other factors are by far more important.

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book thread: The History of the Conquest of Peru - William H Prescott (1847) (will be updated irregularly) https://t.co/VTCsfmEa7k

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View @euroswydd658
book thread: The History of the Conquest of Peru - William H Prescott (1847) (will be updated irregularly)

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Your opinion is invalid, American
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More on the conquistadors.
It's a shame there are no films about the Conquistadors, at least to my knowledge.

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It's a shame there are no films about the Conquistadors, at least to my knowledge.

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Greek pirates harassed the Assyrian levant provoking a retaliatory expedition.

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@euroswydd658: @uMarhobane Oil. Important for the Russian economy and any war effort. This would be at greater risk in a war if NATO were stationed in Ukraine

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Brazilian native attack on the portuguese @Paracelsus1092

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@EasterGammon @uMarhobane @kiplingrudy @OGRolandRat You've never seriously challenged the powers that be in any meaningful way. We do live under a tyranny, look at the case of Ben John for example. His crime? Having a legal book on his computer.

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@LSW12612672511 @PrifWeinidog We don't. We're just stuck with him. Tortoises live a long time

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Malevolent tortoise with an inflated sense of self importance below v v v v v
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@euroswydd658: @krinjewolker @FuriusPertinax @Semiogogue @NotNumbr6 @CalvinBlair16 @OGRolandRat

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@euroswydd658: @krinjewolker @CalvinBlair16 @UpwardCausality @OGRolandRat @FuriusPertinax

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In which the msm tells people all they need to know about the real fundamental principles of modern American society.
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@Vellutusism @uMarhobane It can be done though, and quantum computers are on the way. Governments will have sufficient computing power to do it in a decade or two. Also

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@kunley_drukpa You’re very good at this but here’s a better picture of the dear leader

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New arrivals have never been wanted yet the government and NGOs facilitate their arrival regardless https://t.co/uX024cZeJl
: Note that people thought there were too many in 1997 yet Blair brought them in anyway. It's worth pointing out that Blair wanted to rub the British people's noses in diversity and they lied about it. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html https://www.heraldscotland.com/default_content/12610177.mass-immigration-political-gain-says-adviser/

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View @euroswydd658
New arrivals have never been wanted yet the government and NGOs facilitate their arrival regardless

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You really don't know what you're talking about. Really you don't, nobles leased their property to kings and monasteries to raise the monumental sums needed to go crusading in a middle eastern desert where there was limited farmland https://t.co/TQU780hCbg https://t.co/e2LZSd9JLI

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View @euroswydd658
You really don't know what you're talking about. Really you don't, nobles leased their property to kings and monasteries to raise the monumental sums needed to go crusading in a middle eastern desert where there was limited farmland
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If the Earth is flat why don‘t planes fly in straight lines to their destinations? https://t.co/KRvsNdtfUv https://t.co/XdqeLTG6BM

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If the Earth is flat why don‘t planes fly in straight lines to their destinations?
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@Jasonngoose @b_beevan @PhilipGMerry @joehudsonsmall @EnglishJack49

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@Jasonngoose @b_beevan @PhilipGMerry @joehudsonsmall @EnglishJack49 Note that this graph doesn’t account for the Wilson effect which shows that intelligence becomes more heritable with age up to 80%

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@Jasonngoose @b_beevan @PhilipGMerry @joehudsonsmall @EnglishJack49

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NHS Data for hospital admissions (FAE) from NHS Digital:

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J*ws aren’t germans, moustache man was the leader of the German people. They were not his people.
Ptolemy @pharaoh_ptolemy
@RadfemDeadname @Surfer_Binary He is a benchmark evil for a modern state. The communists at least had the good grace to try and cover up their crimes. He is the embodiment of what the state looks like when an evil will takes it over and targets its own people. This won't change and therefore neither will he.

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@euroswydd658: @raruma @JoelLoren1 You cited Woodley here

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@vp20191 @RadfemDeadname The second paper is an update. Secondly refer to the screenshots:

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This is still relevant
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@soetsappies @AmericanWigeon Throughout human history, primarily Europeans, East Asians too but far less. Here's some evidence from Charles Murray's book Human Accomplishment, huge amount of data in it:

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@euroswydd658: @DearestDr @soetsappies

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Starkian Hypothesis @2020Blackstone
Ethnic Germans voted for this, https://t.co/SagVrtaZ5e
the product of decades of J*wish media and activism

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View @2020Blackstone
Is it really? If you look at those with 2 doses, all 85407 of them, 6995 were admitted to emergency care as inpatients. Only 9383 for those with no va((ine, of which there were 248803. For the va((inated that's 819 admissions per 10000, for unva((inated it's 377/10000
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@euroswydd658: @dejanbtmk @bettanyhughes @BasicBooks Also map 1 Ancient Greece, map 2 modern Greece. Macedon highlighted in both. As you can see, Ancient Macedon was in Greece(even if the other Greeks thought them barbarians) and Macedonians were Greek.

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@EconomicErudite @ColinCustard Consider the Islamic conquests. Sure you could point out the Persians and the Byzantines had been bleeding people dry, but that doesn't explain why outnumbered desert nomads defeated the larger better equipped armies the Byzantines fielded e.g. Yarmouk. Also >

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Wales very own malevolent tortoise
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@euroswydd658: they're using the disease to restructure world society and the economy to benefit themselves. Do you know how many people were admitted to intensive care between July and September? 203.

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@Brexit011 A quote from the Z!0nist Theodore Herzl, he knew why they tend to be disliked

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Some things never change. The intelligent men of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Britain were funnelled into the study of the classics away from science or something productive and beneficial for the country

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@KingofShirgar @jollyheretic @IntellectEmbarg Dutton has a paper on J*wish ethnocentrism. Even secular Js are ethnocentric

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Stephen W. Carson @RadicalLib
@KingofShirgar I have had questions about EMJ’s scholarship, @euroswydd658. But I would defer to AA on this if he has been reading him!
@KingofShirgar Indeed. I read part of the J*wish revolutionary spirit but haven't yet finished it. That was quite some time ago, so like you suggest i'll defer to AA.

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