@Ketamazon 🇷🇺 Keta 🇷🇺 i make videos on the origins of modern civilization using mainstream scholarly research https://t.co/M4ZGkrR9Ub Scythia

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 65
@PinetreeSandbar @LRH_Superfan Even Mike Berenstain is still pretty openly Jewish

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Michael Tauberg @MichaelTauberg
@newyogcity @Lughos1 And physical intelligence. Feynman, Einstein, half the quantum mechanics guys
@PrefFalsifier @newyogcity @Lughos1 Half the quantum mechanics guys? I know you guys have Jew media brain. Quantum mechanics was developed by Planck, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, and Fermi. The only Jew one could arguably consider indispensable was Bohr and he was half Sephardic, not even Ashkenazi.

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The most racist but (maybe) true take I’ve heard from a normie is that SIDS (which, they claim, has no clear etiology) was normalized in medicine b/c minorities negligently let their newborns die & liberal society must shield our eyes from the disproportionate manslaughter stats.

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@ChainingSaturn @ericareport Oh. My entire political outlook would change in that case.

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You heard it here first folks. The people who want you censored on twitter are Communists who “support famines.”
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Never forget
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Count Waiblingen @CountWaiblingen
@Ketamazon E.g. 9/11
It is interesting how the idea of “sacrifice of others” is so entrenched in the J*wish mindset

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@ApollosValor Truth hurts.

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The fact that Spencer and Fuentes are getting along better and doing spaces together really tells you everything you need to know.

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Theophrastus, a disciple of Aristotle, reported that the people of Judea were still performing human sacrifices as early as 300 BCE. Theophrastus was actually philosemitic so it’s unlikely to be just some antisemitic tirade. “Learned people of the book” my ass

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Me unironically bawling to the last episode of the Dahmer Netflix series because Lionel Dahmer still loving & cherishing his blond Aryan son despite Jeffrey being a h0m0 cannibal who mopped up 17 untermensch… is the accidental white pill propaganda Goyslop media needs.

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The Wikipedia entry on the Pelosi Hammer guy is hilarious. It's literally the kitchen sink of "wrongthink" with no evidence any of those things were said or posted by the guy himself.

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@glape_glaperson @pope_head Like these parts?

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Yeah bro. Nobody could have possibly predicted this one not working out. Also, why didn’t you use your philosemitic power of persuasion?
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@chudmaxxing @Hyperaionian @0x49fa98 @CityBureaucrat BAP praise always sounds very organic, real, and never coincides with a time when BAP content is being exposed as championed only by thoughtless aesthetes.

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Anti-woke jew leftists and hare-brained lolbert spergs ( @hbdchick ) desperately scrambling for a narrative lol.

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@ApollonianRisi1 @RichardBSpencer Why does Richard bother commenting on current events when he does 0% research? This is Cernovich-level tweeting. Fucking sad.

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@VlRTUALBOY “Jews are the real Nazis.”

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@DMiguelSerrano “Winged serpent”

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Interesting theory. Russell Gmirkin thinks the "12 Tribes of Israel" were derived from Greek division of administrative Levant territory after Alexander's conquest Tribes are rarely geographically localized like this. Do these look like "tribes" or counties? 🤔

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@DiscussingFilm Really tailoring it for the core audience.

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"Cambodia" comes from the Sanskrit Kambujadeś, which means the "land of Kambuja," named after their founding clan from the Vedic-Aryan kingdom of Kamboja in modern-day Afghanistan. Couldn't make this shit up even if I tried.
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Trust the plan.
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“I good masta, U no hav ta worry bout lil ‘ole me MASTA. I work da fields twice as long dis week MASTA”

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@UrowskyYakub Exactly, an ancient Hebrew literary canon even though by their own admission Hebrew disappeared as a "common language" as early as 500 BCE? lol wut. What proof is there it even existed? Paleo-Hebrew alphabet is a "regional variant of Phoenician" even admitted to on Wikipedia.

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This woman is 88 in this interview. Jfc. If I was a deranged ]ew, I'd put her in jail too. This type of power-level could wake up anyone. https://twitter.com/KetaMeanGirl/status/1336228942500352000/video/1

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@erudaituuu Jesus was an ethnic ]ew. His apostles were ethnic ]ews. They were brown-skinned Arab-types. You worship brown people. Keep coping, child.

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@KetaMeanGirl: lmfao. Gee. I wonder what his career is in. He must be making bank.

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@erudaituuu lol. Look at all these ]ew worshippers being mad.

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@Papal_Ghost In the form of a brown )ew.

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@Papal_Ghost The holiday is cringe b/c you're commemorating the birth of a ]ew in the desert. All the aspects of it that you like are probably pagan.

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@queasy_f_bby Why delete your good tweets for tweets like this? You were finally getting somewhere.

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Remember stuff like this when the tables are turned. Don't give in to that inherent Aryan gentility.
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The most brutal quote from this ]ew. All serious dissidents (e.g. not Christians, 1Snuggle, AmNats, Groypers etc...) should take this to heart.
Empyreal @TiAIjatLKoML4B5
Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish man points out the impotence of religious anti-Semitism: “That little exemption does not, some- how, move me to gratitude; but nev- er mind that now. It is the aggressive, climbing, pushing, materialistic sort you dislike — those, in a word, who..

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@Lemniscatte lol. Enjoy your "Whites" then friend.

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@MongosMachinen1 They should troll David Cole. It would be amazing to watch them wipe the floor with that ]ew.

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1Struggle = "Come join us to fight against ]ews for a better future!" Palestinians = "Shiyyeettt, fuck whitey. Drop dem 808s, Jamal."
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@ohgodmuhbrains @LeviCoult @TheOldSalty lol. "It'll all just work out fine, trust me."

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What tragedy. From meticulous documentation and scholarly research of the highest caliber to:
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Holocaust Deniers are SCUM. How DARE these people doubt victim testimony, court findings, and/or Soviet reports. Disgusting! NEVER. AGAIN.

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Congratulations to Dashiell Nekrasoff (@nobody_stop_me) for his/their bravery and humility. While Elliot Page may be stealing the spotlight for now, one day you’ll get your due.

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@japan_is_based Imagine being Japan, a hunter gatherer society around the same time Greeks already invented a computer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism Chill before you get too big for britches there, Nippon.

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This nibba tries to flex on “classic white literature” by listing 4 ethnic works — one written by Sanskrit-speaking Aryans (Ramayana), another by a literal white Spaniard (Popoo Vuh), and the third a Japanese scribbling so indecipherable not even the Japanese can understand it.
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@robertsepehr Woo, boy. This 👑.

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@whatcorner @DavidColeStein No word about anything regarding the camps from Heydrich either. Huh. Strange since the whole operation was named after him

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@LeviCoult @Oblivion2elect1 @RichardBSpencer Cronus = ghey ]ew time God who eats babies and castrates men Jupiter = based Aryan God who makes other Gods look silly and lame That's all you need to know.

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This monolith thing is turning out to be some dumb ghey-op BS. I don't believe these people are real.

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@KetaMeanGirl: @AlbusDunadan @BrolyPatrick Yup. Tons of ShitRicans listed under the "operations" section of their staff.

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It negates the purpose of a "model." A model is supposed to be an ideal, but a relatable one. If the model is an outlier, you can't imagine what the clothes might look like on you. Might as well use mannequins then. Or a dinosaur ffs.
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@whatcorner @476_1453 @KvizerNewman But -6 million. (According to you)

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@darkcel_nights @MarkBrahmin @InvaderMartian This sounds very utilitarian. We're told you have to first have a religious experience before adopting a religion. Wait for Jesus to come and talk to you.

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Has this guy already been thoroughly denounced by most of the contrarian DR? If not, why not? He sounds like a race idolator who doesn't understand geopolitics... right? https://twitter.com/KetaMeanGirl/status/1334237577512058880/video/1

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@Liber_Morality @Juicytakes @hateisbad1 Of course, but sexual degeneracy was the space of prostitutes in Rome, and, as a result, they didn't have certain rights and privileges afforded them by the State. I also don't think degenerate men regularly seeking the services of prostitutes should be treated any better.

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@TedwardWang ]ews admit their own complicity not just as kapos. They give full reports of "shutting the gas chamber doors." Coincidentally, almost all those sonderkommando ]ews happened to be from Greece. I guess that particular brand of ]ew is really good at closing doors.

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IF U tHiNk ThAt, U MuSz Be A CoNTarD. EnJoY GoP PlAntaTiOn, TRuMpIaN LoSeR. HaHAhA! 5⃣% Hail our fallen leeeder! Hail! 5⃣%
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Maybe whatever state this guy is in should review if he actually DID give White Supremacists the same medical treatment as everyone else. He seems to have a lot of hate in his heart. 💔 Poor Sweetie. Why not choose love? @tnicholsmd #McNabb

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Ethical standards in ]ew-run society be like: -"Be happy we don't spit in your food" -"Be happy we don't kill you for your tattoos" -"Be happy we maintain the illusion of being unpartisan." What a glorious civilization.
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@Zen06673331 @boofedman @KarlThorburn @skyler_westby @feelinanon95 @techceopepe “Poor and backwards.” Found the )ew

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@fasceti0ust @XSenJ11 @LeviCoult @Caliborean I wish I would have saved that tweet where Tyrone was claiming his 5% meme was getting "censored by Jack."

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The threshold for Jewish success is... very low.

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Millenial - Less than 100 Other Millenial - Oh cool.
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Detain her just for marrying a )ew.
Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 @Partisangirl
Imagine believing that Kylie Moore Gilbert converted to Judaism and married an Israeli but had only a scholarly interest in Iran. Imagine being the type of person who would actually believe that. Imagine being that brainwashed. Can you? Because I can't. https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1332643530922070018/photo/1

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@KetaMeanGirl: 4chan gets it.

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@katlikestrees Lmao. )ews are such sexual deviants. Not everyone is as ill as you people.

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700s Umayyid - creates racialist supremacist state 1200s Mongols - creates racialist supremacist state 1500s Spanish - creates racialist supremacist state 1940s Germans - creates racialist supremacist state Today - "Cringe. U ppl won't get anywhere with that kind of attitude."

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@katlikestrees I thought the same thing

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@RodProto Dumb China shills be like: “As you can see, my data indicates...”

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“But what about China bro” “No one is looking at sleeping giant China!” “Duddeeee... we’re all going to be speaking Chinese soon” “Forget about the Jews! Keep your eyes in China!” “We’re totally going to be China’s bitch soon!”
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Robert Pattinson is the only young male goyim actor in Hollywood and also, totally coincidentally, the only young male actor in Hollywood with any charm or ability. Even his cameos (like The King) turn out to be the best part of the movie. Weird how that works out.

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@476_1453 @KayaJones How could I forget the wall!

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@Liber_Morality @h8erjuicelayer @SirFrancisNoir Yup. 1Struggle is working out splendidly. There was no need for any of this. Some of those people maybe their hearts were somewhat in the right place. But they got stuck behind the tracks with the undesirables (Persians, mixed-meat, mischlings). Reap what you sow, I suppose.

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@MisterBlackPill This is pure f@**otr¥ and is definitely being noticed by people who care
@MisterBlackPill Wow. A race-mixing Native American is acting a fool and trying to dox "racists" now. Who would have ever predicted this development?

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Igor "So Ugly They Thought I was Jewish" Stravinsky was a fashy 3P who knew art needed to be modern, daring, and transgressive to actually work. List to Based Strav or enjoy your woodsy hovels and popsicle-]ew icons, DR trad filth.

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I'm gonna set up a bot that tweets something like this every time a national *thing* happens. I'll call it Deebly Goncerned Bot. "The worst part about _____ is that it disproportionately...."
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Quibi maybe would have worked in China or some non-White country. ]ews overplayed their hand... yet again. They think white people can be quelled with direct-injected dopa-tainment shots to the bloodstream. It's not true.
zerohedge @zerohedge
How Quibi's Boomer Execs Sabotaged A $2BN Company By Being Completely Out Of Touch https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/how-quibis-boomer-execs-sabotaged-2bn-company-being-completely-out-touch

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@ChungWa92322315 Sure, though it would appear that by war-time, Himmler was a committed pan-Europeanist as well, and post-war plans seemed to err on "pan-European" not this comic "German supremacist Genocide State" ]ews sell. We have major Nazi leadership espousing this view. https://twitter.com/KetaMeanGirl/status/1325549837308227585/photo/1

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@AuswaldMostly Nobody said “all Slavs had a good time.” This is a conflation. Many European ethnicities had a “bad time.” This is what happens with war. Some Slavic groups were seen as Bolshevik loyalists. And? None of this indicates “genocide and replace” policies )ews have been selling you.

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@whatcorner @JoseABruna @powerm1985 If you're just a random history enthusiast, why do you have a total of 35 tweets, most responding to me? If you're not covert IDF, why do you have immediate access to all these Holocaust clips and documents? Why is this your first tweet? A fedpost hoping death to J3ws. https://twitter.com/KetaMeanGirl/status/1283457885939224576/photo/1

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For being such a verbal peoples, why are there barely any great Jewish literary figures? You can make a case for Kafka, sort of, and Proust, a mischling. Everyone else writes about their Jewish tit mommies, poopee cummies, or the Holohoax.

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"Vague cultural folkways alter genetic expression, doncha kno?" "Russian galz unite :P" "Can totally relate 2 ma Finno-Ugric mother, nvm her actual ethnicity“ "Armenian brawn, full blooded Urartian ftw” "im only Jooish b/c guilt." "Guilt? Get it? Jooish! Betcha neva hurd dat one"
Anna Khachiyan @annakhachiyan
I personally love being Russian

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Scott @ScottSurvival
I didn't realize it was this bad. https://t.co/xpd6NqudsC
"You must hate women. Men are sluts too. Women wouldn't do it if men didn't do it. ]ews made women do this." I'm just going start pre-pasting all the RW girl responses on here to save time.

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@GenericTwi Honestly if it was a ]ewish baby, would you give a shit? People should have some fucking dignity and not TWEET about their dead baby. That's what's fucking disgusting about this.

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@blameourrulers @thisislaurat “You must hate women. Why are you ghey? Small peepee. Stop attacking women and attack )ews. She’s not doing anything wrong, you’re just a virgin incel.”

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@kingcowpoke A lot of this is almost perfectly crossed-over with ]ewish physiognomy.

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ShibeFan42 @ShibeFan42
@KetaMeanGirl @LovelyEWhite1 @TedwardWang They don't even have the African IQ excuse to fall back on
@LovelyEWhite1 @TedwardWang Sick of all the bigotry of low expectations regarding women. All these simpy men patting dissident girls on the head telling them their r*t@rded views are okay b/c it’s all the )ews fault for confusing them. I know plenty of girls that aren’t as dumb as the feminists on here.

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@theshiathinker I absolutely loved that video. It shows just how weak )ews are and how even a Hispanic m*dget with no potential for violence scares the life out of them.

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@LovelyEWhite1 @ShibeFan42 @TedwardWang Nobody really, truly thinks it is a root cause. This kidgloves mentality acts like white women are too childlike to ever just not take the bait. We criticize the police for taking their J*w marching orders, but women are too dumb to actually not fall for it I guess.

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Every time some idiot normie account does a "roles reversed" tweet, I cringe to the stratosphere. Blacks, ]ews, and Shabbos don't give a flying fuck about fairness. It's all a power play. No black actually gets offended when someone calls them the N-word. Grow the hell up.
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Can't we just arrest all ]ews in the porn industry and save some time?
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Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 45%
mspaint style 35%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mjolnir 32%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 91%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 81%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 53%
art_other 46%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 93%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 66%
anime 25%