@1984Translation 📽️ I see 4 Untoward Scrotes ✂️🏴‍☠️📽️ KINDNESS is fighting society's expectations of girls, not mutilating girls to fit a sexist society. #StandingForWomen Writer & Director #Sundance 1984, apparently

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Slurs & ToS Breaches Nazi Dogwhistles Antisemitism Transphobia Anti-Blackness Homophobia Misogyny Proud Boys
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New Zealand #NewZealots One of the worst murder rates of women in the industrialised world NZ govt condones r@pe of prostituted women despite proof it increases violence agnst women #NewZealandHatesWomen #IStandWithKellieJayKeen #IStandWithPosieParker #LetWomenSpeakAuckland
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Pathetic men physically attacked women (including punching a 70 year old woman in the face) for trying to speak about their own rights. R@pe is all part of the same violence against women, as is the legal r@pe of prostituted women 😡 #LetWomenSpeakAuckland thnx @NettiLDN

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New Zealand legalized the r@pe of prostituted women. NZ women are killed at one of the highest rates in the industrialised world. That's what happens where woman-hating men attack women who dare speak publicly about their own rights. Misogynists don't #LetWomenSpeakAuckland https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1639468199761661952/photo/1

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"Transwomen" are TWICE as likely to be killed by LIGHTNING than be murdered in the UK- Yet they threaten to r@pe & kill actual women who ARE murdered twice a week, by men. This is about male RAGE when women refuse to shut up & comply meekly w/ their demands. NO. #LetWomenSpeak
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@LauraLyfe @lascapigliata8 @educatedandfree That essay🙄 And we AREN'T animals. The ONLY sex-specific behavior we know isn't a result of social conditioning is reproduction b/c it's tied directly to our immutable biology. Men evolved to be bigger & stronger, yes, but that doesn't explain why they choose to r@pe babies.

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@TBrennanKC @DrProudman @polly_jackman @GoodLawProject @Right2Equality How many times has your little sister or mom been r@ped, Timothy & the r@pist walked free? Maybe never? There are so few convictions for r@pe & only the crime of r@pe, it's practically a state-sanctioned act. *I write "r@pe" b/c MEN GET OFF ON IT SO MUCH, they search the word😑

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@CasperDahl9 @ranavain @Esperacchino @Jimothy2401 @hamishsteele @jk_rowling @jessiegender "Anti-trans" = pro-women, so they should see the problem. Casper already said it: MALES are a statistical danger to FEMALES no matter how they "identify" We keep males away from us based on the relatively few men who r@pe, murder & perv on us. Go campaign for 3rd spaces, Kim. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1605615390008217600/photo/1

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If you dare to question this absurdity, you are a bigot and transphobe and deserve your r@pe and death threats from other "women" and will be hounded until you lose your livelihood. What could possibly go wrong? https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1595835031200604162/photo/1

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@Bloody_Treasure @DeniseDT @ssajjest @ABC it's ok, Denise, the only ones laughing at a r@pe victim are sociopaths who do p0rn & beg for $ on Twitter 🥰

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@Bloody_Treasure @DeniseDT @ssajjest @ABC It's hard to imagine anyone sicker than women laughing at this. Also LYING. She never said Depp used a broken bottle. How twisted do you have to be to misquote a r@pe victim's testimony to prop up her r@pist. jfc. #GiveAmberHerVoiceBack https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1593408226791407616/photo/1

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@AppealingAmber @LDBlondePod @peggy_gabour These people are SICK fks. Imagine LYING about something like this about a r@pe victim? DARVO #IStandWithAmberHeard #DeppDeservesPrison #GiveAmberHerVoiceBack https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1593335194056097793/photo/1

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@LeaveHeardAlone Micheal? Is that you? #AbuserxFenty https://t.co/EoST9Gxnn0
: @LeaveHeardAlone like...?

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@LeaveHeardAlone Micheal? Is that you? #AbuserxFenty

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@Iotion0rhose @SF_XX_22 @GappyTales @KDansky @monsalore I'm thinking... 🫢

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@Michael_AW77 @RebelWilson Well, the legal parent named THEM Royce & called THEM "she" so the parental unit is a total bigot & clearly needs re-educating before They/Them harms the small humanoid They purchased. It's almost 2023 people. Like, women and biological sex don't exist!

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X @ragamuffin_x
#AbuserxFenty https://t.co/ORR2hzS26z
I still don't understand how this bloated corpse should rep lingerie for the class of people he actively wants to beat, r@pe and humiliate? 👀 He's only known as a sexist judge of women's beauty and a misogynist so even if he was still good looking, I don't get why he's there?

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😂 god I hope this is actually true. I know realistic self perception isn't them/them/their's thing, but this is how they look to everyone around them at work who just need to move that f*cking mirror & get as far away from them/them as possible https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1589598661859999745/video/1
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@Roaringgirl @TimesRadio @eddieizzard @RuthDavidsonPC #EddieDolezal got the same makeup skillz too https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1589598366782337024/video/1

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@NeverTheSun23 @UnpackCourts @FifeRight14 @ElaineCrory @elovingprime @ICanSeeForever1 these fools got me like

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@NeverTheSun23 @UnpackCourts @FifeRight14 @ElaineCrory @elovingprime @ICanSeeForever1 sorry, lol, I agree with you, I was responding to this "Elon musk..." tool

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@BarbaraCrazyCat @0PantheraTigris @lottelydia @jk_rowling If you were more interested in protecting kids & less interested in preening, you would have looked into this. It would take about 20 seconds of research to see that yes, teenage girls are getting radical, bilateral mastectomies of their healthy breasts. It looks like this:

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@NeverTheSun23 @UnpackCourts @FifeRight14 @ElaineCrory @elovingprime @ICanSeeForever1 I'm a life-long Dem. Elon's musk is a great ex of a SMUG "progressive" misogynist. Yeah, dick, I know who the PBs are. They're just as stupid & violent as Ant^fa. A bunch of idiotic men throwing their micros around. You've called women liars & side w f-ing IRAN on T issues.

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@BinnyJetsYaad @WillieETCarver @thehammer1974 Scary? A whole society, including kids, pressured to lie about a person's sex as a social nicety. Scarier? A society FORCED to lie & have it codified in LAW. Human rights violation? Locking fully-intact "trans identified" male r@pists & murders in cells w women. Depraved? This

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Barbara Webb @BarbaraCrazyCat
@0PantheraTigris @lottelydia 2) And even if she had retained control of production, she still has no right to dictate how Daniel thinks or speaks on ANY issue. He's a grown man.
@0PantheraTigris @lottelydia And @jk_rowling is a grown ass WOMAN & knows more about being a WOMAN than an arrogant little dork who uses her every time he needs publicity for a crap project his handlers know he can't carry alone 🥰 #IStandWithJKRowling b/c she stands w women & doesn't want to mutilate kids.

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@lisamradford @janeloe3 @EddieIzzardLab @DebbieHayton A 60 year old dude who gets up in the morning and puts on plastic tits and lipstick to go jogging is the opposite of "comfortable in himself" #ItsAFetish #EddieDolezal

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@UnpackCourts @FifeRight14 @ElaineCrory @elovingprime @ICanSeeForever1 It's not women breaking men's bones for daring to speak. It's not women showing up drown out men's voices when they try to speak in public about their EXISTING rights in law. It's a public forum. She let him speak after all the women were finished. He's some GOP rep. #Misogyny

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Kara Dansky @KDansky
This is literally saying that women should not have free speech rights. "Trans" may be the single most regressive, authoritarian, and misogynistic movement I have seen in my lifetime. @MSNBC @NBCNews @ABC @CBSNews @AP @washingtonpost @nytimes @WDI_USA @StandingforXX https://t.co/8FC6FuLiNp
@MSNBC @NBCNews @ABC @CBSNews @AP @washingtonpost @nytimes @WDI_USA @StandingforXX Reminder that the ACLU has defended the freedom of speech for literal f*cking N@ZIS, while women wanting to speak about OUR OWN BODIES & EXISTING RIGHTS IN LAW are bullied into silence by a bunch of deluded, violent men playing soldier. TRAs = MRAs #LetWomenSpeak @StandingforXX

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@newday0218 @IvanaE "And still I rise" But Jawwkneee doesn't, so get off your knees, have a little self respect ffs.

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@Slatzism alternatively, they could just use a paper bag over her head, same diff

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@OnagoHari @smerlapeke @Slatzism @BasedFrenchie_ @ReduxxMag I was wondering why it said he was "re-arrested" after r@ping a 4 year old girl, when it should have read "his dismembered body was exhumed, crapped on, lit on fire, then re-buried using Anna's pink paedo-shovel"

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@fishyfishfry @GlamourMagUK so, you're calling her ex a liar, got it. keep carrying that water, tho 😂

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@fishyfishfry @GlamourMagUK did they pick you yet, "fishy fish"?

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@adfc78 @JJTav_ @FMGiveMeTruth @stirgussa @TheCut you should probablystfu

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Daniel Radcliffe treats @JkRowling like his personal PR machine. Whenever some crap project comes out, he cashes in on her name b/c he can't make it alone. #IStandWithJKRowling b/c she's taking the hit for girls, women & 1000s of kids. Radcliffe and vapid, twitchy @EmmaWatson
Sonia Gallego🪬 @SoniaGallegoAJE
🧵 How alleged progressives are guilty of engaging in the spread of misinformation - case in point: Daniel Radcliffe. Of course, he talks about the ‘hurt’ @jk_rowling allegedly caused from people wilfully misunderstanding her words. So what did she say that was so heinous?

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@MemphisPaul66 @AwakenedPineal @Peaked1nterest @sharrond62 @helenstaniland shhhhhhhhhhhhh https://t.co/Kl0U1b71ty
: @MemphisPaul66 @AwakenedPineal @Peaked1nterest @sharrond62 @helenstaniland shhhhhhhhhhhhh

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@MemphisPaul66 @AwakenedPineal @Peaked1nterest @sharrond62 @helenstaniland shhhhhhhhhhhhh

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@oneday1will @Peaked1nterest @sharrond62 Exactly. Lia Thomas of the swinging peen stole an education and awards from women. And the fact that Thomas also happens to be a super shitty athlete is irrelevant 😂

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@peterboghossian > Re-defining "woman" to "whatever men say you are" > Destroying Title IX > Telling mostly gay, lesbian & autistic kids they were "born in the wrong body," mutilating them to make them conform, & calling it "progressive" > Telling Dems we're "bigots" for daring to point it out.

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@OhDoBoreOff 😂 maybe because Gender Theytons will follow any doofus with bad hair and blue lipstick if they think it might get them laid (it won't)

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Nadine Coyles Passport @scotinthecity
#IStandWithJKRowling is a fucking mess. JK Rowling supports the rebels in the SNP because nicola sturgeon believes in trans rights, yet another reason jk, a white woman, is doing the absolute most to shove her problematic privilege down everyone's fucking throat.
Sit down. You have no idea what you're talking about. It's men shoving their sexual rights movement down the throats of girls and women. #WomenSayNo Cope #IStandWithJKRowling

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@IronHeaver @FeministRoar This is the poor delicate "kid" she's referring to btw, the one who spat on and attacked a woman half their size 😑 But hey, it's only happening in YOUR OWN country, so I guess, s t f u, right?

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@9KnitKnots @VeggieBeef @TruismsT @SchoolmarmDE and... you know... not just the behavior

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@Lord_Bogan @dettadev @RevFemStBeat the poor delicate teenage girl🤡

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@krakenbun @purdylion @JeannaHoch Her bio is GRIM considering the context 💔... coming-from-the-right-place, yet self-righteous and also just entirely WRONG & damaging to children. yep, my bio explains my reasoning.

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Drew Mountford @Lord_Bogan
@dettadev @goeke_christina @RevFemStBeat Um, who was doing the screaming? https://t.co/EAn4Rd8Bp8
@dettadev @RevFemStBeat #LetWomenSpeakUSA this "article" neglected to say it was men attacking women for speaking - a man broke a woman's hand - a man smashed her phone - a man spit in her face so she pepper sprayed his weeny ass & it was epic! "the counter-protester sat on grass, writhing in pain."

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@canpacinobox an overconfident, delusional hypocrite with his own hashtag? #StopClymer

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@Shredmonkey1 @BSIC_XX @DrProudman wow, you just keep on showing everyone

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@ThatWiloGuy @JoeBoehmer1 @ennakodumasirr @_imran_mufc_ @elonmusk Traitors have their "free speech" rights revoked when they incite m0r0ns to storm our nation's capital.

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@janeloe3 @LBC @NickFerrariLBC @JeanHatchet that was ridiculous 😑 "oh, you're saying you know better than Eddie what a woman is?"

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@lulubeelu @ZoeGold69 @witchygibson @MrAndyNgo @StandingforXX Definitely need more gun control in the US pro-Russian antisemitism on the rise 😬

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@szn_it @TheSystemKid @a_mlane @bugsymegatron @PrimeTimeRURS @TheNBACentral

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@MEStimac @FlameOfWrath161 @weirddoggies @StandingforXX I'd take "news" of that w a grain of salt. But as well as 2 assaults, there are verified de@th threats, a call for fundraising for WEAPONS (including a Bowie kn^fe and pepper spray) & a call to have these women arrested & deported for daring to speak about themselves in public

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@napqueen3000 @TheMoominmama lol, thanks, but your little cartoon only proves my point. And no, women saying we exist and are different from males is not comparable to nazis, jfc.

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@EElizale13 @Dervheid @Derek_Flint1 @AVintenAuthor @CountyDC2203 Please say he changed his bio AFTER that 🔥 😂

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Targeted harassment. Keep screen-shotting. These mfers better hope nothing happens to Kelly-Jay 😡 Of course Monty is tied into this. @StandingforXX #LetWomenSpeak

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@AngieFB @DrProudman " I just came here to call you a man hating abuser supporter. 👍" 😂😂😂🤡

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@Nas157 @ToniHargis @TSGoggles @DrProudman The "Women"

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Renée DeLait @reneedelait
@chorltonjohn7 @JordLPM @guardian Read the work of the people she publicly supports, or the majority of comments left on her statements. That she doesn’t refute what happens there and the rhetoric of her friends is telling.
@chorltonjohn7 @JordLPM @guardian That none of you ever condemn r@pe & de@th threats against her is far more telling.

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@BusGays @Rob_Flanagan07 @Maskhate @TPostMillennial @SwipeWright

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@MsSamAdams @JordanFire1776 @MrAndyNgo @SaraGonzalesTX Jordan is right tho. What part of men performing sexual caricatures of women & dancing for cash in a place serving alcohol says "legal for little kids" Sam is a liar who edited the flyer to cut out "all ages welcome" The real question is why are ppl like Sam defending this?👀🤔

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@Bromatica @king_brian_lor @greeneyedsalad @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX So, even a drag queen himself tells you it's gross and inappropriate to expose kids to drag and asks people to stop supporting it because gay men have a enough homophobic stigma about kids, and you just keep on fighting for little kids to be exposed 😬 I think you're done now. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1583426404753887232/video/1

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@rady_aphrodite @NotMikeHarlow holy shit, that's uncanny. He got the sociopathic thing down perfectly, lol. The only thing missing was some Jeffrey dentures 😺

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@NotMikeHarlow @ultabeauty 😂 this is ridiculously

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@needthelead21 @neal5335 @AndzLandz @coolname77 @ClayTravis

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@E_Welty @JohnKeltner3375 @indthnk @ClayTravis Stop calling LGB ppl bigots, we don't deserve it. If you care about kids as you purport to, you'll listen, if not, you won't. Ever wonder why Iran pays for tg surgery? Yeah, I didn't think so. You are supporting this for mostly lesbian, gay & autistic kids - sleep well. Bye.

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@superloafcat @still_oppressed @ACABylonBee

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@Bromatica @king_brian_lor @greeneyedsalad @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX kids aren't allowed in strip clubs where people are dancing for cash and alcohol is served. This is on the owners/manager to keep little kids out. Like why would you argue this is ok? "Progressive" bro needs his hard drive checked

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Even evidence from the Ministry of Justice won't convince him girls and women deserve rights to privacy, safety and dignity away from males. Imagine this misogynist mfer as your nurse
Steve Eaton @universalopera
@1984Translation @Strobe_Lightly @chequeredfuture @hohosanta10 @SunSunriser @mc_simmy @LabourRichard By your logic, we should probably remove every child from every parent, every person from every church, etc. People are FAR more likely to be assaulted at home by a loved one, than by a trans woman in a bathroom.

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The Ministry of Justice is just a "rando" arguing crime statistics in bad faith 🤡 Look at how FAR this misogynist will go to argue that little girls & women don't deserve rights. A whole thread of it. I'll bet he calls himself a "feminist" too 😂
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@SorryOmgSorry @kushibo @calimodest @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX It's not a movie. The parents were stupid, but it's on the establishment serving alcohol and having men dance for cash to keep minors out. Like, why are you arguing so hard for little kids to see a man dance around talking about his *pussy*?

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@universalopera @Strobe_Lightly @chequeredfuture @hohosanta10 @SunSunriser @mc_simmy @LabourRichard So you admit it then. You would make up sleazy reasons to disregard evidence that proves males who id as t are just as dangerous to women as any other male? I'm glad everyone can see what a misogynist you are. Go ahead, argue w the stats from the Ministry of Justice 🖕

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@entry_name @weekendchef1 @yaf @SaraGonzalesTX "all ages welcome"🖕 kids aren't allowed into strip clubs and have to be 21+ what kind of creepy perv argues that kids should see this? They should have just made it adults only as they were the only ones who already knew the content.

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@king_brian_lor @greeneyedsalad @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX What kind of f*cking perv argues for this? Wft is wrong with you? This should have been adults only. Course language can mean ANYTHING. This isn't a MOVIE it's a f*cking strip show. Kid's aren't allowed into strip clubs even with parental consent. jfc

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@king_brian_lor @greeneyedsalad @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX "All ages are welcome to attend" kids aren't allowed into strip clubs. Some Disney films have warnings for "course humor and suggestive language." They should have just said adults only, but they dgaf about kids.

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@KKTheBayGay @king_brian_lor @greeneyedsalad @AZTVChick @SaraGonzalesTX No. They advertise as "all ages are welcome to attend" - it's illegal to expose little kids to this sh*t even with parental consent. You have to be 18 to get into a strip club. And 21 if alcohol is served. The very obvious answer is that they should have said adults only.

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Steve Eaton @universalopera
@1984Translation @Strobe_Lightly @chequeredfuture @hohosanta10 @SunSunriser @mc_simmy @LabourRichard By your logic, we should probably remove every child from every parent, every person from every church, etc. People are FAR more likely to be assaulted at home by a loved one, than by a trans woman in a bathroom.
@Strobe_Lightly @chequeredfuture @hohosanta10 @SunSunriser @mc_simmy @LabourRichard You're using "parent, person, people" when you mean MEN. All males, no matter who they id, pose a statistical risk to females. Maybe we should send them to an island until we can be sure they won't r@pe, beat & murder kids & women globally throughout history every single day🤔

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@TerfyMcTerfy @hunt4change "She/Her" leads her own bio. It's the international signal that she'll ruin her knees for these men if it means votes & head pats. And if she blames women for the violence done against them & offers up other women's bodies as collateral, who cares, right? The bros love it.

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@Women___Exist @hunt4change Just think how much violence against girls and women Alexandra could save us from if only she offered up her OWN body as a dumpster for inc3ls?

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@ultabeauty Well, you "widened the lens" all right @ultabeauty It looks like you got your whole mouth around it 😑 #NoThankYou #WomanFace #ChildFace #Misogyny https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1582397772073816065/video/1

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James Mathurin @james_mathurin_
@BraddockBessie I'm pointing out that the question is based on a set of faulty assumptions. You could just ask a better question.
@BraddockBessie Just a few quotes by well-know TRAs. They are not on stage doing drag. Imo, this is far more insidious and dangerous than Blackface ever was. And it's happening right now and is Corporate and Government sanctioned. #WomanFace #EddieIzzard is running for office as a "woman" now 😑

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Rob Dean @rdean101
@BLColourChart @didntellies As a male I can tell you, you don’t want this. Men are fucking animals. Don’t let your “I want to appear inclusive”, anxiety fueled feelings distract from your own safety.
@BLColourChart @didntellies Thank you, Rob. How stupid and naive of her to pander. We KNOW the lengths to which some men will go to get access to vulnerable girls & women. Beyond assault and r@pe, men who get access m@sturbate & plant cameras. Males who can actually be trusted respect our boundaries ffs.

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J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling
Rational: acknowledging the possibility that men might claim a female identity to escape the draft. Hateful: saying some men claim a female identity to get easy access to vulnerable women and girls. https://t.co/jC457M7dXY via @amermilnews
@sexbasedrights @AmerMilNews It's not enough that women are constantly under threat of r@pe by male soldiers who are supposed to have their backs, they have every other boundary violated as well 😑 https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017/july/army-transgender-training-naked-men-identifying-as-women-allowed-in-female-showers

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Dr Suzanne Vierling @suzannevierling
& just like that, Biden understands the consequences of Self-ID. He knows that to avoid being drafted, every (W+1)(X+1) would suddenly feel like a woman. https://t.co/2MP19duQks
Yet they STILL find a way to abuse women at every possible opportunity. It's not enough that women are constantly under threat of r@pe by other soldiers who are supposed to have their backs, they have have every other boundary violated by men as well. https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2017/july/army-transgender-training-naked-men-identifying-as-women-allowed-in-female-showers

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@Tachardiella @xemopeachx @Heather_pw @lecanardnoir @BobbyGoya @betseycaron @TheProblem

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@DailyMailCeleb ummm, no... Depp looks like A spirit... 👻👻👻 And not all *spirits* are holy if you get mah drift

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@sharper_matt @cristinaiuliadi @Tachardiella @TheProblem Well, you just keep on proving gender Theytons are only good at one stramanny thing:

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MDunc @sharper_matt
@cristinaiuliadi @1984Translation @Tachardiella @TheProblem So you don't respect the trans community. In other words: you're a bigot. Good to know.
@cristinaiuliadi @Tachardiella @TheProblem So, you don't respect half the population, though men r@pe & murder us every f^cking day for millennia. Just a bog standard misogynist. Good to know @sharper_matt is a walking red flag.

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@chequeredfuture @universalopera @mc_simmy @hohosanta10 @Strobe_Lightly @SunSunriser @LabourRichard R@pe enabling monsters never cease to out themselves eventually. We all know most r@pes go unreported and the conviction rates are devastatingly low. I'm just glad everyone reading this can see how far you're willing to go in support of a s#xual rights movement for men.

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@syrenawolf @NoeliaCarmen13 @DrProudman 😂

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@chequeredfuture @universalopera @mc_simmy @hohosanta10 @Strobe_Lightly @SunSunriser @LabourRichard Third spaces are individual & private & are used by whoever wants to, including women w small children, so that's a bs excuse. Males who id as trans have the same rate of committing violent crime as ALL OTHER MALES & a higher rate of sexual crimes. #WomensRightsAreHumanRights

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@ILikeRainWater @Jonathan_Menary @ZeldaTheChicken @shaunconscious @seb_fuller

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When "Stupid Hoe" is trending, know that whoever is saying it with a straight face is not only sexist, they're an ignoramus as well 😂

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@TheRealLindaK @NannaOfDragons @jk_rowling 😂

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@AwfullyMolly @NotthatSuzanne aaaaand this wank, whoever he is, just got some poor security guard (ahem, *armed Police officer) fired

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@TAG273 @therealmissjo @londoner_woman "Let’s risk a small minority of people rather than 50% of the population" well....

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@fragolaccia @bilbowswagginz @Gianeedsanap @Mmp0522 @womensmarch no need, these guys are just dumb... it's pathetic

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@AdrianYalland @BADGER1407 @SJMSJK @VeteranObserver @CF_Farrow We all have an inherent sense of fairness & this egregious example w/ @CF_Farrow, like so many that involve disobedient women, is certainly incoherent & almost unbelievable. It really was a relief to read your well-reasoned response. I was being passionately inarticulate, so...

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@RamaXMustGo @ZipperTeets @AlinejadMasih Those incredibly brave girls can't "identify" out of being female. Once again, your self-centered whining is proving the point. 99.9% of people don't have time for your luxury beliefs. People like you only suck energy, you never give it. You go play w your pronouns. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1577545083158757376/video/1

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@Prissi_coffee @NoisyBits @MShipworth @ProfAliceS haha, seriously... like, was that some kind of gotcha 😂 "Hi, I'm a disgusting creep defending Pae-dowwwwws & p0000rn! I love to threaten women who are smarter than I am!" Can only imagine what you'd find on the computers of those who "liked" that comment jfc

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@GeneNLeslie1 @Prophiscient1 @FallRiseand @DJTriggrWarning @MarkR68679279 @22teapots @trixymalixy @chloe_cheeseman @alisonclareteal @JeanHatchet @SheffieldGreens David is well known for wasting women's time. The longer you entertain David the more rounds David will go. Don't entertain David his hand might fall off.

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@chloe_cheeseman @alisonclareteal @JeanHatchet @SheffieldGreens You can't consent for little girls & women. NO. If you love men so much, use their toilets. We won't stop you. They already have spaces. If you don't like that, campaign for 3rd spaces. (You won't.) This is you worshiping at the feet of males who want to violate our boundaries.

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@MU_THUR6000 @Neevill @EmerTheScreamer @RachelRMoran @stellaomalley3 @ATNfestival Trying desperately to involve herself in sh*t she doesn't understand in hopes of ANY engagement. Supposedly @EmerTheScreamer (never heard of her) has got like 25K followers, but... 😂

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@BoringLiberal @MForstater They are The Gender Borg. Until they need to hunt some "Broody Lesbians" to impregnate and use as incubators since they're too good to adopt kids.

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@Prophiscient1 @FallRiseand @DJTriggrWarning @MarkR68679279 @22teapots @GeneNLeslie1 @trixymalixy @chloe_cheeseman @alisonclareteal @JeanHatchet @SheffieldGreens What part of NOT WOMEN'S PROBLEM don't you get, David? Men hurting other men isn't our fault. Men hurt everyone. Constantly. Globally. Leave us TF alone. If you care so much, campaign for separate spaces for them in men's priso-- what's that? You don't GAF you're just wanking?

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@zeythra @TerfHappy @MForstater So, you don't GAF about kids. Btw, this wasn't for your benefit, it was for everyone w a f*cking conscience, watching this conversation & wondering why anyone would refuse to answer those questions if they weren't full of shit. Thanks for proving the point so very well.

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@StuBram2 @TerfHappy @MForstater "Hey ma, get me more cheeeeeeze pufffffs!!!"

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@zeythra @StuBram2 @TerfHappy @MForstater Haha, you sound even worse than this sad, performative misogynist. If you're going to point fingers, show me the RECEIPTS.

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@StuBram2 @zeythra @TerfHappy @MForstater How to say, "I can not defend my idiocy with logical argument" Also You really should be less obvious about having alt accounts to back yourself up

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@zeythra @TerfHappy @StuBram2 @MForstater mmmmkay, make an argument then. What's the upside on lying to children? What's the upside of telling children they're "born in the wrong body"? What's the upside of referring to mothers as "Cervix havers" "Bleeders" "Chest feeders" "Gestational carriers" Go on, I'll wait.

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@zeythra @TerfHappy @StuBram2 @MForstater duuurrrrrrrrr ok 😂 as you were

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@aspyintheointm1 @bindelj No. You made yourself a sports bra. Why are you promoting the mutilation of girl's breasts? Why don't you want girls to breathe and move freely? Why do you want girls to permanently harm themselves to appear less female? Only a misogynist would promote this abuse. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1576611242654896128/video/1

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Eddie Dolezal using women's toilets (& violating law w/out a GRC) IS dangerous. Laws are based on the WORST scenario, not the safest, narcissistic nice-guy scenario. Stop putting little girls & women at risk for head pats from men & celebrities you like. #VolunteerHandmaidens

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@BigBird63345964 @donkey_war @nbcwashington ok racist.

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@authAlanaMurphy @brads_peter @ZenJennyAsencio @gillianatlarge @KatyMontgomerie @jk_rowling Tell you what, Alana, since you're soooooooooo happy to do the bidding of males and try to bully other women into giving up our rights, how about YOU go pee in the men's toilets? Problem solved. You can not consent for girls and other women.

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@NathanJonesBook @JeanHatchet @ShefHallamLab @UKLabour @eddieizzard Hey, Nathan. Hi. Piss off, Nathan.

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@DipsygenieHelen @DeniseDT @fairypsycho_ Skin craaaawwwwwliiiiinggggg

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@BigBluexlt The American voting system is not based on "affirmative action" it's based on votes. You can't spell, use grammar or punctuation or even get your racial slurs right 🤡 https://t.co/U0zfJM3sEc
: @BigBluexlt he blocked me, lol

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View @1984Translation
2/4 Jordan Peterson has fed the self-pitying mob of unlovable losers who fantasize about "r@pe & breeding camps" for women. He's the Doctor Oz of Incels. https://t.co/rIMBf0eYAO
: 3/4 Peterson thinks "forced monogamy" is the answer & women are simply "incompetent" if they can't get ahead. It's never the centuries of keeping us out of education, leadership in religion, voting, or the continued torture men still commit against women & children every day.

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View @1984Translation
@1984Translation: 2/4 Jordan Peterson has fed the self-pitying mob of unlovable losers who fantasize about "r@pe & breeding camps" for women. He's the Doctor Oz of Incels.

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@BigBluexlt The American voting system is not based on "affirmative action" it's based on votes. You can't spell, use grammar or punctuation or even get your racial slurs right 🤡

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@OneWrenAMoment @jk_rowling You do realise all the male supremacists and mysoginists are on the GC side. Andy Ngo. Jordan Peterson. And anti abortion groups
@OneWrenAMoment @jk_rowling Ask yourself why you side w Iran. Ask yourself why you support mutilating & sterilizing teenagers. Ask yourself why you support female r@pe victims being locked in cells w male r@pists. Mostly, ask yourself why you are such a smug, woman-hating misogynist 🖕 Signed, a "Liberal"

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Jennifer goetz @Jenniferjgoetz
@1984Translation @CurleeCarla @liliandaisies Slamming cabinets in not abuse. Good grief. Throwing bottles at someone is, hitting someone and then gaslighting them that they were being a baby most definitely is…
@CurleeCarla @liliandaisies so is r@pe, Sparky.

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Evelyn Akpos @EveAkpos
@1984Translation @nomakays1984 @Truthhurts205 @MailOnline I can’t fathom why they refuse to accept the man in question is no good, and it isn’t the woman’s fault
@nomakays1984 @Truthhurts205 @MailOnline I think it's a coping mechanism, similar to the ones r@pe survivors employ. If you can blame yourself or other women & NOT the man, you can feel you have some semblance of control over your future risk. It's scary as hell to accept the actual risk men pose, but stats don't lie💔

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@1984Translation @Danantibrexit @DrProudman Hi. What is a MRA?
@Danantibrexit @DrProudman Hi Cassidy, an MRA (Male Rights Activist) is an entitled, yet deeply insecure man who can't compete w other men and therefore blames his failures on women. Despite global femicide, r@pe rates & non parity in corporate & govt bodies, they believe women are "oppressing" them 🤭

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Feeling pretty vindicated right now, reading these texts between Depp and his “wonder twin” Marilyn Manson. But it’s not a good feeling :( I always wish I was wrong about this kind of stuff. https://t.co/cWXRS7qSGi
They way these middle aged men think they're just super clever and cool with their creepy af references to "slaves" & the r@pe & torture of teenagers. They should both be rotting in prison.

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"I will always stand with men until the whole truth is revealed" - and therefore I will NOT stand with WOMEN until the whole truth is revealed. 99% of sex crimes committed by men. Anyone who says this is not only an imbecile, they are misogynist r@pe supporters 🥰
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@Danantibrexit @cassidyd200015 @DrProudman shut up, Dan. You are scared of other MEN. The problem is men. You aren't "scanning the crowd" looking for the men who might r@pe you. Let us know when it's WOMEN r@ping & murdering MEN & little boys. Two women every WEEK murdered by men in the UK by their own partners 🖕

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SHHHHHH, quiet ladies!!! Just the fact that a *60 year old, violent, washed up, alcoholic, junkie* wants to r@pe you, is payment enough for your silence! Be like his hired goons: they watched him "beat the sh*t out of" a woman half his size for MONEY 🥰 #JusticeForAmberHeard https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1546218579028316160/photo/1
Jada Schwitz @JadaSchwitz
Amber Heard should just stop. STOP. Find a new way to live life. At some point, reality needs to set in. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #mentalhealth

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SkankyGelato @FindingDore
@DeandaSharone @1984Translation @RedSevenEric @jk_rowling Nope.
@DeandaSharone @RedSevenEric @jk_rowling My profile pic? I'll just repeat what I've already stated: "Self awareness" is MEN not dictating to women what a woman is, under punishment of public humiliation, death & r@pe threats." Anyone trying should go Dolezal themselves into oblivion 🥰

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@FindingDore @jk_rowling If by “baller,” you mean completely lacking in self-awareness or basic empathy, then … sure, I guess.
@FindingDore @jk_rowling "Self awareness" is MEN not dictating to women what a woman is, under punishment of public humiliation, death & r@pe threats. You only feel "Empathy" for the men oppressing women. I know you see yourself as some kind of progressive savior, but you're just a standard misogynist.

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🔴 @iSaidMoon
@1984Translation @TillyItaliana @Dadof6inFl @KirstyAJennings @guardian Yeah, right. 🙄 It was good the cameras in court, they exposed the real abuser.
@TillyItaliana @Dadof6inFl @KirstyAJennings @guardian I'd like to believe you' re a fair man. I've seen quite a few. But no. I'll go ahead & post one of many well-vetted threads. Only a liar could claim to believe a drunk junkie w a 30 yr history of violence who says he want to r@pe his wife's burnt corpse.
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@coldpinkcomet @lotusingh2 @kittylynne08 @MarkleSparx @Stefani11668124 @gobsmackeroo @megabitchjesus @keegan_jo @EllaB1111 @FawltySybil @Independent lol, yep, saying he wants r@pe her burnt corpse is just "dark humor" but calling him a "baby" is just a bridge too far 🤡 how could any woman not just see who he is? He TOLD everyone. He has been telling everyone for years.

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#helplakecharles @Quinveer
@ugyyheifufuwy @lavnderlez Lol as she should. Homie screwed her out of millions.
@ugyyheifufuwy @lavnderlez But she called him a "baby" 😱 He's totally entitled to drown her and r@pe her burnt corpse, no?

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@albinokid An account with going on for 200k followers instigating a pile-on on an account with 41 followers. Can we all spell f'kin bully?
@albinokid Pathetic bully and also just wrong. But hey, he doesn't have to worry about r@pe and death threats for saying women exist & we can object to our rights being trampled. #Misogyny

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TMac @TMac47382285
@1984Translation @LisaBritton This is probably a good place to start. https://t.co/VBd9kDPaSN
@LisaBritton So, basically the "boy crisis" is boys' inability to cope with the same pressures girls do 😥 ... minus the s%xism, r@pe and se%ual harassment. Interesting. I do like the idea of fathers stepping up & taking some responsibility.

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rationalexpectations @rationalexpect1
@1984Translation @CalnanJoelle @adulthumanlady You are making a moralistic, philosophical argument. Is that the way that actual prostitutes think about it? Are they happy their profession is illegal?
@CalnanJoelle @adulthumanlady I am making a FACTUAL argument. As I posted above. Look, if you're so desperate to pay a woman for r@pe, let's compromise, I hear there are s$x dolls coming out you could try, though I don't really that will mitigate the desire to hurt actual women. Bye. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1535006539622277120/photo/1

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View @rationalexpect1
@fiery_godmother @MiaFarrow Oh come on you really believe that? Please have some logical thinking
: @NatillyWelshie @fiery_godmother @MiaFarrow Gutted by this💔 "Bruise Kit" for COVERING bruises. Aka "colour correcting kit/pallet" 40 yr history as jealous, violent, drug addict, who wants to "r@pe her corpse" but somehow, even w PROOF, he's an angel & she's the devil? Have we learned nothing?
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@2plytoiletppr @JoMac38144570 @drlouisejmoody Imo, it's punishment for MeToo. The extremists leading the taunting, r@pe & de@th threats on Heard are mostly MRAs & Trump voters. You're right, not coincidentally, they're also against gun control legislation & abortion. It's all part of the same cultural fight for them.

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Amy Ann @AmyAnn64
@DrJessTaylor @BBCWomansHour Sadly, there will be misogynists who only want to paint women as liars. These men take EVERY man’s side regardless of evidence. That said, I’m speaking as a staunch feminist. Someone who knows what DV looks like. Ive watched this trial. If Johnny wins, justice WILL be served!!
@DrJessTaylor @BBCWomansHour yeah, it's a vast conspiracy and everyone's a liar except for the rage-filled drug addict who wants to "burn her and r@pe her corpse" yay, "feminism" https://youtu.be/KB0npRb8yyk

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Naomi🤝 @Naomistargaze
@1984Translation @histrionicalism @morgannarayne @BryahnaChristy2 You are so full of BS!
@histrionicalism @morgannarayne @BryahnaChristy2 It's literally right there in the testimony. "Oh god, I hope it's not the broken one" An impotent, old, drug-addicted drunk would need to use an object to r@pe. If you even are a doctor (doubtful) I sincerely hope you don't treat victims of r@pe. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1531667902084022274/photo/1

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@1984Translation I don't feel sympathy for the victim anymore. How the fuck you in your 40s messing with teenagers? I'm actually kinda glad he got off at this point.
I get this sentiment, but it's still awful. I do sympathize if this 40 yo man was being forced to prostitute. I still don't think that justifies r@pe by deception AT ALL. But it's a mitigating factor, no? Imo, we shouldn't diminish s*xual assault b/c the victim is a young male.

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@1984Translation YES majority of them are. If not gay then bisexual or "sexually fluid" they would put their things in anything. https://t.co/MGNY1uiAOw The fact that this man did it without seeing this woman's face to confirm her identity says it all.That's the easiest way to clock trans people.
It's tragic. Apparently he was a gay man who actively cat-fished straight men by posing as a woman. Imo the response by the 18yo, who was twice his weight, wasn't justified. But it's difficult to prove it was homophobic. It was r@pe by deception. He could've been triggered, no?

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Anto 💚🤍💜 @AntoVoidance
@1984Translation "...murder of Jerry Smith, a local Blacksburg man who had posed as a woman online to meet straight, college-aged men." "...Smith hid his face and kept his apartment nearly pitch dark. (...) ...testified that he received oral sex and a $50 gift from Smith." That's a predator😨
: @AntoDesormeaux I agree. That's r@pe by deception/fraud. If a woman did this, I'd feel the same way. It's just wrong. Do I think the 18 yo felt threatened & it's self defense? Personally no, bc of the strength difference, but he may have felt truly threatened. Extenuating cirs. at the least.

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@1984Translation Then kill them to keep them quiet. Kill them because cis me know trans people are not a protected group. This wasn't rape by deception. Cis men lie.
You're saying the "majority of cis men" are gay? I agree that some men will abuse men, women, kids, animals, socks, pretty much anything sexu@lly. I'm happy that Trans ppl ARE, in fact, a protected group. I don't see how you could accuse a r@pe victim of lying? What evidence?

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nalutece @nalutece
@RobertB34222174 @1984Translation @MajorMay_Zee @nypost They are discussing how far to broaden the definition of deceit from how it's currently understood. And as they also refer to common law and this is a publication from Oxford University, one presumes they are referring to British, not US law.
@RobertB34222174 @MajorMay_Zee @nypost R@pe by Deception/Fraud laws exist in many countries, including the US. Though it's not federal law in the US. A**ange is a good example of a man who committed r@pe by deception.

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@SteveRDaugh @JocelynRDavis @1984Translation @jk_rowling No. It is justification for having separate spaces for certain purposes for women from which the sex that includes all the rapists & the vast majority of perpetrators of violence is excluded. Those who do attempt to violate the space can be challenged because the rules are clear.
@SteveRDaugh @JocelynRDavis @jk_rowling He's making the standard argument. "They're gonna r@pe you anyway, so let's make it easier for them in case it saves a few men hurt feelings" Privacy violation should be enough justification to say no to this. Why do they always try to negotiate our own safety away from us?

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@RobertB34222174 @MajorMay_Zee @nypost An 18 year old killed his 40 year old r@pist. Tr@ns, gay, straight, doesn't matter. He committed r@pe by deception. Do I believe the 18 yo was just defending himself? No. But he may have felt he was. Not a hate crime. Note: a woman would never have gotten off for this.

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The man killed his r@pist (r@pe by deception) He killed him when he found out he was a gay man pretending to be a woman (not Tr@ns) He claimed he thought he had a gun (they found a knife) This has NOTHING to do w JK Rowling (wtf?) which is about protecting WOMEN. Male violence
I’m fucking done. A man beat a trans woman to death, breaking every bone in her face, and got off because she was trans. On the exact same day, the Attorney General of the UK publicly endorsed JK Rowling I’m a decision not to respect trans students’ identities.

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AleXandRa @ale_x_and_ra
@1984Translation @JulieCourtTV @CourtTV That answers my question. Thanks
: @d_ntf_ckw_me @JulieCourtTV @CourtTV Ha! You're such a coward. Answer the question. You won't answer because you know it's just your bias talking. What makes you think a man who openly writes about wanting to murder & then r@pe his wife's burnt corpse, isn't capable of se*ual violence? https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1530599892174917632/photo/1

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nora the forsaken @thatqueergeek28
@1984Translation @jneedto @Arcadiawitch7 unlesss your saying that all these women are just inherently weaker than AH. Or AH has some super powers. please tell me how she survived without medical attention https://t.co/M1sxSESQso
@jneedto @Arcadiawitch7 Anecdotal "evidence" means nothing. She testified it was a bottle. Not a broken bottle. Any amount of penetration is r@pe. Some women have babies w/o injury. And some are injured. Maybe they're just lying about it. Blocking. Unlike Depp fans, I don't get off on this.

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AleXandRa @ale_x_and_ra
@JulieCourtTV @CourtTV I disagree. It’s about the three statements separately. Therefore, the one about sexual violence, they would have to believe her rape story. Which is hard to do.
: @d_ntf_ckw_me @JulieCourtTV @CourtTV Why is her r@pe hard to believe?

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nora the forsaken @thatqueergeek28
@1984Translation @jneedto @Arcadiawitch7 if you can answer the one question for me I will fully admit you are right. Boken or unbroken how did she get a GLASS BOTTLE violently shoved in her without medical attention? because the math ain't mathing. thats not something you can just sleep off
@jneedto @Arcadiawitch7 She also never said it was a BROKEN bottle. She said she was thinking, "oh god, I hope it's not the broken one" That "cavity search" that's r@pe as well. https://www.insider.com/johnny-depp-penetrated-amber-heard-bottle-cavity-search-psychologist-2022-5

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JNTK @jneedto
@1984Translation @Arcadiawitch7 He’s 5 feet 9 inches and she is 5 feet 8 inches. Twice her size 😂
@Arcadiawitch7 He's 5'10" She's 5'7" So you're already lying. You're a liar if you think a 110 lb woman is equally as strong as a man of any height. Any degree of penetration is r@pe. You are embellishing the bottle recollection b/c you get off on it. And now I'm blocking your creepy ass.

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Tringe 🐾🐎 @tringe
@1984Translation U seriously believe he bent her over a bar and rammed a broken liquor bottle up her vag & bleeding - yet no medical help needed? Theyre ab same size. Think ab that. THERES NO F-ing WAY!!!!! Its not even plausible. Shed have kicked him into next year
I think you, and other sick people like you, enjoy writing about violent r@pe way too much. Any amount of penetration constitutes r*pe.

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@1984Translation @DailyJulianne So when she called for my son I questioned her about what happened. She confirmed his version that as soon as she she said no, he stopped. He never “finished”. She instigated it, she wanted attention and put my son’s life at risk to get it.
@DailyJulianne mhm. sounds totally legit. I hope she has an adult she can trust to talk to. The vast majority of r@pe survivors never report it and most don't tell anyone. I wonder why? And btw, Approximately 70 women commit suicide EVERY day in the US following an act of sexual violence.

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Andressa Holiday @andressaholiday
@DailyJulianne And the women who accused powerful men? How many had a successful career after? How many kept their jobs? I’m sure there are 0 women who got something good out of speaking against those men.
@DailyJulianne Yep, it's hilarious when men and their fawning doormats say, "oh, women lie about abuse & r@pe allllll the time" Why? They just want to be famous! Really? Name a single one of the women Cosby r@ped. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 35 women are liars, right? For the "fun" of it. https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1528263792416661504/photo/1

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@DailyJulianne So now I realize there are some women who either want attention or maybe have mental health issues, and will try to ruin some guy’s life just to be seen as a “victim”.
@DailyJulianne Sorry, but this is ridiculous. What's more likely: A teenage girl changed her mind during sex & asked your darling boy to stop & he finished anyway, Or that she LIED about r@pe "for attention" (so fun!) & she's "crazy" (super original) Are you even hearing yourself?

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Even a violent, drug addicted alcoholic, who gets loaded & kicks his wife then says he wants to drown her, burn her & r@pe her corpse (such a lovable rogue!) is preferable to an "unlikable" woman who just won't stfu about it. #WeJustDontLikeYouAmber #IStandWithAmberHeard https://twitter.com/1984Translation/status/1527607567370883072/photo/1

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Hawk @bird_of_preyNYB
@1984Translation @bee21115985 @ladybubblebum @Wolfe321 #TimesUp fell apart because 4 female lawyers were exploiting funds intended for DV victims. #MeToo is falling apart, because abusers like Heard exploiting it as much as they possibly can. Good thing is people are becoming aware that misandry among feminists at its highest.
@bird_of_preyMF: @olga_kruglova @bee21115985 @ladybubblebum @Wolfe321 look at the murder stats on men who r@pe and murder women then stfu about "misandry" 'Olga'

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william young @stylez844
@1984Translation @fivecentcones @DrProudman If you like ill start tagging you in all the evidence that matters in the case from the us cause we aint in the uk.
@fivecentcones @DrProudman No, you obsessive freak, I don't want to be tagged in. If you can't accept that the alcoholic drug addict who said he'd love to burn & r@pe his wife and who couldn't even remember KICKING her might not be just an angelic innocent victim, then no one can reason w you.

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@suepascoe001 @AJRichardsonMP @APPGLGBT @LGBTCons The "durable biological element underlying gender identity" appears to be mental illness, no? But talking about male genitals is important when girls and women are at direct risk because of them. I mean, r@pe is pretty "crude" too 🙄

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20BnHAndABrew @20BnHAndABrew
@1984Translation @LizHighleyman That is covered by part 1 and part 2
@UKHomosexual @LizHighleyman I was talking more about r@pe shelters, hospital wards, changing rooms, etc, but I hear you.

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Use the Copy image icon, and object detection annotation toggles if present, to grab toxic content. Some of these guesses will be wrong- computer vision is hard!

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Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
happy merchant 35%
pepe 65%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 82%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
militarized 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 62%
mspaint style 31%
anime 62%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
mspaint style 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
anime 40%
etc 35%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 37%
gigachad 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 58%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 63%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 71%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 76%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
critters 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 50%
toons other 39%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 94%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 96%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 86%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
face 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
toons other 29%
union jack 87%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 97%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
etc 57%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 100%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 83%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 49%
militarized 31%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 90%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
logos_flags_graphics 74%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 98%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 92%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
hitler 29%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
tldr 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014
art_other 99%

Copy image with current annotations Copied to clipboard!

Object Detector 20221101171408 (everything)

Classifier 20221028131014