@Freyaslight Fryan Republic Never bend a knee to anyone.

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Matched Tweets Image Guesses - 26
Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@CEOofWhitePpl: @QuestionMThings you may not like it but this is what peak woman looks like

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Why did the US repeal its anti-miscegenation laws? Were there Jews on the Supreme Court in 1967? Here is the thing: The miscegenation laws were repealed because the constitution does not make allowances for those type of laws. Once black people gain equal rights, the US

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Freyaslight: saved from the death and rebirth cycle. Until jessos came. Through jessos (jesus) nonAryans will have path a to salvation. here you can read the prophecy here.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
In the Aryan Scriptures it tells how Blacks were given a covenant in which they could know the Creator and how they destroyed it. "After the twelfth Juulfeest she brought forth three maidens:— Lyda out of fierce heat. Finda out of strong heat. Frya out of moderate heat.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Is there another Hero? Christopher Langan might be the hero we need

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
There is nothing better than a hourglass figured Aryan woman

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
A lot of people on the right make fun of these people for there cultural practices. I say at least it is their culture and they are not practicing someone else's customs.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Christians think this based. This is evidence that Christianity philosophy is the same as today's leftist when they say, 'babies are a clump of cells'. Remember Christianity is a sickness that promotes the degenerate belief that the physical world is evil or not important.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
south park Christmas special has Santa aka Odin and jesus snorting coke, why? Because the jews don't attack Christianity they attack what they think will hurt and demoralize Aryans. @SouthPark I want you to know as long as Aryans live Yule will be celebrated.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Save the Aryan race White is a not a race but an Aryan who has fallen from grace

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Save the Aryan race White is a not a race but an Aryan who has fallen from grace

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Henrik_Palmgren So Henrik when are you going to admit that Sainta Lucia is Actually supposed to be Great Mother Freya? The Oera Linda Book is the truth about our origin and spirituality.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@EvenstarChani: @ChaniEvenstar I fixed it for you

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@TRSPodcasts Make no mistake the impeachment is between international Jewry and Zionism. Trump won't be impeached because Israel will provide the means. This will turn international Jewry against Israel and it will lead to Israel's destruction. The beast will devour the harlot.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@arnelsmom Make no mistake the impeachment is between international Jewry and Zionism. Trump won't be impeached because Israel will provide the means. This will turn international Jewry against Israel and it will lead to Israel's destruction. The beast will devour the harlot.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@heywildrich Optics u say Make no mistake the impeachment is between international Jewry and Zionism. Trump won't be impeached because Israel will provide the means. This will turn international Jewry against Israel and it will lead to Israel's destruction. The beast will devour the harlot

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@MikePsJuice Make no mistake the impeachment is between international Jewry and Zionism. Trump won't be impeached because Israel will provide the means. This will turn international Jewry against Israel and it will lead to Israel's destruction. The beast will devour the harlot.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Make no mistake the impeachment is between international Jewry and Zionism. Trump won't be impeached because Israel will provide the means. This will turn international Jewry against Israel and it will lead to Israel's destruction. The beast will devour the harlot.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@RichardBSpencer I hope you learn your lesson and never allow Christians to have a voice in a proAryan movement. White nationalism 1.0 failed because of christianity Alt-right failed because of Christianity you can't have a Aryan movement if you teach jewish heritage

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@BZoiss @Nature_and_Race that is because kkk is a Christian organization. you can't have a proAryan movement when all you teach is jewish heritage.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@CharlieKirkFan @MikePsJuice

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@BlackheartRieka @notallbhas @redditships You are only saying that because I am White.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@bigOlFourier @notallbhas @redditships Yes

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Blunter_ @sheeeeeeezy @thatsmemissC @redditships Here is a map showing where the swastika was found. As you can see swastika is a ancient european symbol that spread with migration.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Blunter_ @sheeeeeeezy @thatsmemissC @redditships That is a swastika moron. Here is another one dating to the 7th century BCE.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
this pic shows where ancient swastikas were found at

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Karm4Chameleon @redditships Heritage and tradition means something. no one wants to misappropriate other people's culture. So it means a lot to Europeans to have this.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@hauntre no, I am very knowledgeable about this subject.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Iejends @redditships you should respond with that is their right to reclaim it because it is apart of their heritage

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relationships.txt @redditships
My (25f) mom (45f) is part of a church group that is doing something that makes me uncomfortable to the point where I no longer want to see my mom. https://t.co/e9DnYRaQ1o https://t.co/uGs43TP0sq
Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
So lets be honest. Instead of condemning them why don't you hear what they have to say? I for one am okay with reclaiming an ancient European symbol.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@SimonJadis @redditships you are right it isn't the Christian church to take back because the Christian is jewish supremacy over nonjews. it is however okay for European descendants to reclaim since it is of European heritage

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@chupbesanghi: @sheeeeeeezy @thatsmemissC @redditships umm no here is swastika's found on pottery dating back 15000 years. it isn't hindu. it is European heritage so get your lies out of here.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Robert61474933 fuck off kike. She doesn't want to date you. you are not Aryan

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@SurvivetheJive @seatomb It is okay you don't have to take the redpill. Continue believing in (((their))) false doctrine. https://twitter.com/Freyaslight/status/965951540535156738/photo/1

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@JackBMontgomery (((Libertarianism))) is a subversion of White government.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@bepisUwU: @yungrapunzel @lovercatfelt The DNA evidence with the religious teachings, and language proves me right. The Aryans will be united one day. Whites have to choose. They can choose the oppressors known as (((Hebrews))) or their brother and sisters the Aryans. https://twitter.com/Freyaslight/status/933375591600087040/photo/1

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@Freyaslight: Here is proof that Gaelic language system was from the Middle East. You can see the Gaelic written language was not European but cuneiform or (((Sumerian))) https://twitter.com/Freyaslight/status/933365363059904512/photo/1

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
More proof that the Druids or danu did not originate in Ireland. We have language, genetics, religion, and other documents that say they sailed from the east. The druids are subverters, not White. The Celts are Whites who were subverted by (((them))). http://hope-of-israel.org/wanderingdan.h…

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@mikeenochsback Anglin is right about Poland. Nazbol is coming from polish Slavs and the (((sons))) of bankers. Nazbol is Marxism without the give a damn. They believe material conditions dictate everything but they don't care about the differences. They believe only a few rule.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@SFtheWolf The fact is your (((group))) wants to wipe us out. We just want to be free and have our own place.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@EnbyWizard: @IamVeryC0ld That (((narrative))) is Marx's Theory of History. This is communist, socialist, capitalist or Ancap fundamental belief system.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
Oh look the Jewess is eating one of her own. We should just get rid of Jews and rape wouldn't be a problem.
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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
last year n a high level Hollywood (((executive))) came over 2 me and groped my privates.” http://pagesix.com/2017/10/10/terry-crews-details-alleged-sexual-assault-by-high-level-hollywood-exec/

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
@MaryLuvsFreedom For me it was the start. The final redpill is realizing (((they))) used Christianity to erase our history and to enslave us with ideology.

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Fryan Republic @Freyaslight
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