@stevejn3 stevejn Business Consultant Manchester Uni & LSE. Christ is my light,Christ is my strength.Challenge the narrative.Serve Peace & Truth. RTs not endorsements. Reform UK. Hertford

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stevejn @stevejn3
Children in Victorian England enjoying the benefits of white privilege
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stevejn @stevejn3
No problem Carol-there will no doubt be an enquiry -it will take at least 10 years-be run by establishment friendly lawyers who will earn millions out of it & will conclude-"lessons have been learnt" We are ruled by a caste of corrupt incompetents!
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stevejn @stevejn3
It is a very poorly written article, simply and simplistically attaching the usual labels rather than presenting evidence based arguments. Covid poses no significant risk to the vast majority below 70-like flu it poses some risk to the elderly & infirm.
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stevejn @stevejn3
These bastards destroyed businesses, deprived children of healthy social interaction,trashed the economy & condemned 1000s to miserable lonely deaths all in the name of a virus with a 99.97% survival rate-avg age Covid "related" death 82.4-life exp UK 81 !
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stevejn @stevejn3
Well said Jane-they have inflicted suffering on an immense scale having manipulated and concealed data to generate fear about a virus that was no more lethal than flu. We need trials & prison sentences at the very least. Avg age Covid "related" death UK 82.4-Life exp UK 81!
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stevejn @stevejn3
She obviously had not done any research-if so she would have understood-the Covid virus poses no significant threat to the vast majority below70, none to children ,some to the elderly & infirm. U don't use a vaccine mRNA type never used before for that.
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stevejn @stevejn3
” Professor John Ioannidis of Stanford University, quotes an infection fatality rate (IFR) for Covid of 0.00-0.57% (0.05% for under 70s), far lower than originally feared and no different to severe flu Bulletin of the WHO Research Article ID: BLT.20.265892 Page 1. 14 Oct 2020
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stevejn @stevejn3
And they knew that the virus posed no risk to the general population, none to children-and like flu it posed some risk to the elderly and infirm yet they imposed draconian measures that broke business, society,minds.Avg age Covid related death 82.4-life exp 81!
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stevejn @stevejn3
When will the British people clear the vermin from the Westminster whore house?

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stevejn @stevejn3
This is the scandal of Covid-those not a risk- the general population were made to believe they were-their liberties taken-those who were are risk the elderly & infirm were exposed, unprotected-indeed infected in care homes left to die miserable lonely deaths. Criminal!

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stevejn @stevejn3
Well done-a stand for truth! Fear and misery was inflicted by the establishment pushing the false Covid lock down narrative, 1000s left to die lonely deaths in care homes-treated like human detritus. We need more than an enquiry, we need to see those responsible on trial.
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stevejn @stevejn3
Rich pickings to be had-whilst 1000s of elderly & infirm were left to die miserable lonely deaths in care homes, treated like human detritus, the political mediocrities and grandees of the ruling establishment feasted at the Covid trough.
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stevejn @stevejn3
Well done-brilliant.We need criminal trials then prison sentences.
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stevejn @stevejn3
This is what it is all about, mass repeat vaccinations for a virus that poses no more risk than flu-the greatest return on investment since the discovery of oil.

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stevejn @stevejn3
Rich pickings to be had from Covid-millions for friends, political allies and business associates. The elite were laughing at the little people-getting them too wear useless pieces of cloth,die lonely miserable deaths,not kiss or hug loved ones. Now we need to see justice!
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stevejn @stevejn3
Yes destroyed the ability to think rationally-what is incredible is that so many just accepted the word of government and medical authorities-did not do the slightest research for themselves-and history shows that governments always state the truth,right?
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stevejn @stevejn3
Absolute malevolence & cowardice to inflict an mRNA genetic manipulation therapy-never used before and with no long term testing upon children to protect them from a virus that poses no risk to them-they have more chance of being struck by lightning than being killed by Covid
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stevejn @stevejn3
” Prof John Ioannidis of Stanford University, quotes an infection fatality rate (IFR) for Covid of 0.00-0.57% (0.05% for under 70s), far lower than originally feared and no different to severe flu Bulletin of the WHO Research Article ID: BLT.20.265892 Page 1. 14 Oct 2020"
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stevejn @stevejn3
The most sumptuous brothel in England, the Westminster whore house in all its splendour where the great and the good, the mediocre, the most privileged and unprincipled gather in search of power and influence. All funded by the little people

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