@AVeryNiceMan1 A Very Nice Man A nice person

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@dinkytown13 @HermanCooper19 @exorcizo_te @BrazenHorses @RealKatieMcCoy https://t.co/Zo5hwdzNLT
A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
: @dinkytown13 @HermanCooper19 @exorcizo_te @BrazenHorses @RealKatieMcCoy

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@dinkytown13 @HermanCooper19 @exorcizo_te @BrazenHorses @RealKatieMcCoy

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@AVeryNiceMan1: @RollCall79 And Captain Marvel is banned in Pakistan. That hasn’t stopped the (((American))) media for telling us that if we don’t like the movie or think Brie Larson is signaling too hard, we’re Nazis.

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@douglasmercer33 (((Geraldo Rivera)))

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@kurmvdgeon Funny thing is, pre 9/11 I knew 2 Muslim families and they were really wonderful families and assimilated. When the (((NGOs))) started flooding us, it really all went downhill

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@fewtomany @FoxxoAficionado @benandjerrys (((Ben and Jerry)))

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@JohnnyHorsecocc: @AnatomicallyOK The communism has spread past (((their))) control. This criticism should only be used for white men

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
This is what the left and it’s (((manipulators))) fear more than anything. What happens after the altruism of the European man is exhausted.
Kevin W @kwilli1046
A 21yr old man named Ivan smashed his way through a frozen lake in Russia to save a stray dog from drowning. He ended up adopting the dog and named him Rex. https://twitter.com/kwilli1046/status/1107798779720359936/video/1

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@Gibs4EvEr Fun fact, I never thought of myself as a proud white Man until (((cnn and other mass media outlets))) started saying I was guilty of being alive and rewriting history. They did it, not 4chan

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The people of Syria revolted against Assad's repressive dictatorship 8 years ago today, demanding a more just and free government. Peace loving people around the world stand in solidarity with them in this struggle!
A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
(((They))) clipped your wings fast

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
I thought Tucker would be shoahed after the left retook power in 2020. I guess (((they))) feel he is too influential to keep him around prior
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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@LuciusSulla2 @black_brad_pit Sweet, now the (((IOC))) can extort billions from some poor city to push globohomo even further!

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@Bagel_Watch: @ADL_Intern Tl;dr, Joos did it lol

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
@YaBoiThomasJef1 @RealBadFrog I always felt his intentions were good but he’s gotten to a point where a (((certain type of people))) have made his potential personal losses so great, it’s better for him to just go along with globohomo.

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A Very Nice Man @AVeryNiceMan1
I love her genuine reaction of looking around for her (((handler))) to intercept the interviewer
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