@thejewfunction thejewfunction The solution to antisemitism is in Jewish unity. https://t.co/kuofKOieI4

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Judaism and Sex Clip from a #jewfunction conversation with the Seductress of Zion ❤️(@buffyfangirl94) http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1616184255087788045/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What is the real danger of intermingling? Is it about ethnic purity or ideological purity? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1616073924931993603/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Like the antidote that can only be extracted from the snake's venom, perhaps the solution to antisemitism is lurking in the very words of the Jew-hater. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1615729794934575107/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LucasGage84 @H_Ford_2024 @Know_More_News We have some mind-expanding conversations on this topic in our youtube archive...check them out, leave some questions/comments, and let's learn together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1614733827607351297/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Ep #34: Can we Change Our Minds? A few years back, he was featured on every antisemitism list. Then he disappeared, found inner peace, changed his name, and is now back to find answers to the big Jewish questions. Please welcome @LucasGage84! https://youtu.be/pu4D_ow6gt0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1614405757063110656/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Seriously, it's a video game where you can play a Jewish person and experience first hand the looming horrors as they gradually close in on your family. Why would anyone create such a game? You'll have to hear it directly from game director @LucBernard! https://youtu.be/KYP8eEu0Ld4 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1613260065930182656/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Jews are Losing Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring the @BluntBlackJew❤️: https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1613153726864424961/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
There's something weird about this Jewish situation! Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1613152284313096193/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #33: The Holocaust is a game now Seriously, it's a video game where you can play a Jewish person and experience first hand the looming horrors as they gradually close in on your family. Welcome @LucBernard, game director! https://youtu.be/KYP8eEu0Ld4 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1612524795899306009/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episode #32: Higher Ed. at a New Low Here's a person committed to bringing goodness, justice, and tough love to the whole world, often in the face of waves of antisemitism, a skewed administration, and indifferent students. Welcome Ilya Bratman! http://youtu.be/K4oD3j_WY_U https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1612491302444171265/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What kind of unifying force could be powerful enough to unite the hard-left and hard-right? Only the Jew! Now imagine if we used it positively instead of uniting our haters against us. #thejewfunction
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The most unlikely, unacceptable, and some would say immoral deal ever signed. #TransferAgreement Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1612443063904882688/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We hate ourselves too! Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring @AngelaVdp90❤️: https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1612191780509810696/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Happy Sunday friends! #thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Does the wisdom of Kabbalah hold the key to ending antisemitism? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Prof. Stephen Eric Bronner https://youtu.be/sBKrMLYGUDA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1611449671464919048/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@nathancofnas @TOOEdit We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. #JQ https://youtu.be/CvTvFTmkn6c https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1611320488764256257/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
When the fathers of antisemitism sound like the sages of Israel "The whole prophetic purpose with reference to the people of Israel seems to have been the moral enlightenment of the world through its agency." -Henry Ford-

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
If there are problems with these systems, let's talk about the problems. But to just point and say 'There's Jews there!' and for Jews to say 'Don't say there's Jews there!' doesn't really deal with anything. #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1610497611407974400/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #32: Higher Ed. at a New Low Here's a person committed to bringing goodness, justice, and tough love to the whole world, often in the face of waves of antisemitism, a skewed administration, and indifferent students. Welcome Ilya Bratman! https://youtu.be/K4oD3j_WY_U https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1610446110371336193/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episode #31: Live from Kiyv #thejewfunction In between missile attacks, power outages, and near-paralyzing uncertainty, we had a rare opportunity to chat with a dear friend of ours, Vlad from Kiyv! https://youtu.be/flIJba_pXZE https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1610363517311549441/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Is there anything more scary to non-Jews than a crypto-Jew? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1610263569265836032/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@a_critical_eye Check out our antidote to antisemitism book for more context behind the theme we're trying to convey.. as for Torquemada specifically, we have him tagged as the Grand Inquisitor of Jewish descent. https://www.antidotetoantisemitism.com/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Behind the curtains, there's some Jew, against another Jew, that's always causing the problem. #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1610095155503153152/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Some voices were raised to sound the alarm, but as in this generation, who is listening? #ComatoseJews https://youtu.be/gk5BY5TY_mI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1609971655215906817/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Reflecting back on our tragedies throughout history, you may wonder...Why didn't they move? Why didn't they act? #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1609947930009501698/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@UBERSOY1 @BronskiJoseph We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. https://youtu.be/CvTvFTmkn6c https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1609730669693009921/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
When someone says Jews have too much control in banks and entertainment. #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1609696167335694338/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
More UN resolutions for tiny Israel than all the rest of the countries combined!? #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1609389166168608768/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@BronskiJoseph @UBERSOY1 We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. https://youtu.be/CvTvFTmkn6c https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1608846979874062337/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@leatherApronGuy @lexfridman We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. https://youtu.be/CvTvFTmkn6c https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1608846889428070402/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
This tiny group of people has made it through all of these thousands of years...there is this spark of magic in here that we can't disregard. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1608840689630195713/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@EMichaelJones1 Is there a problem, or a question, regarding this specific tiny grouping of people, who have had such a profound influence on the world throughout history!? #JQ https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1608636139753340928/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism on College Campuses Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring @j_arbital https://youtu.be/h31M5w0Njas https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607818414805946368/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Unity is the prime directive, and it's what the #jewfunction show is all about! Let's at least start by talking about it! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607633139261911041/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What is the principle of the order of the universe!? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring @laitman and @EMichaelJones1 http://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI #Logos https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607568677377015808/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why can't we just be like everyone else!? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607468602478972928/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Assimilation doesn't work for Jews Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Jewish historian Tyler Samuels (@BluntBlackJew)❤️: https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607216861292236800/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why are so many aggressive anti-Israel groups filled with Jews!? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Rafaella Gunz (@DiscoxBloodbath) ❤️: https://youtu.be/q6v9QnvDmS8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607214606602362881/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jew function is sleeping.😴 They're just as confused as everyone else as to what they are, what their role is, what purpose they serve in the system, and why they exert so much influence and attract so much hatred. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607204175179382784/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@TruueDiscipline @UBERSOY1 How come such a small fraction of our human family draws so much attention and exerts so much influence? http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607055134613184513/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@jollyheretic @UBERSOY1 We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1607016194011168769/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Goebbels adds these ideas from Bernays that understood the masses and what you can do with a mass psychosis...and that's exactly where we are today. #MassPsychosis Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1606809571481325569/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
It amazes me how Jews have been hated by the Egyptians (gone), Persians (gone), Greeks (gone), Romans (gone), Spanish (inquisition- gone), Nazis (gone) etc...but yet, here we are! #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1606132702402342912/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Foreign leaders were never our worst enemies...those have always come from within. #Chanukah 🕎 Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605937432385331200/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The 2020's are very much like the 1920's...the parallels are scary. @nytimes @bariweiss #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605780320023810049/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Behind the curtains, there's some Jew, against another Jew, that's always causing the problem. Check out the #jewfunction channel...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605752357442265090/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Do we need a 12-step program for the revolutionary Jews? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring @EMichaelJones1 and @laitman https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605619082568482816/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605597145356288000/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@thejewfunction: Even with a twitter blue subscription! 😡

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why is there always a powerful Jew next to the King? 🧐 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605321233364574214/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
American Jews are Very Divided Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring @AngelaVdp90!❤️https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605267831674773539/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Unfounded Hatred Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605046280517976065/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
With his broad academic knowledge, his penetrating eloquence, and his big open heart, Prof. Shaul Magid helped us go deeper than ever into the big #Jewish questions that we like to ask! #thejewfunction https://youtu.be/Ta78iMR1uzI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1605010283273093122/video/1

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Lucas Gage @LucasGage84
Interesting meme I got from @thejewfunction https://t.co/pk6cFgxBYC
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
So many good (((memes))) …check out the #jewfunction channel 🚀
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Only 0.2% of the world's population!? We should barely be heard! http://www.thejewfunction.com

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View @LucasGage84
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Something happened at 161BCE that's still happening today inside of you; an epic struggle between two world views that holds the keys to the temple - not some mythical structure but a higher state of consciousness that is available to us right here, right now. Latke anyone? https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1604663738325270528/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Maccabean Revolt did not target the Seleucid army or any of the neighboring armies; it aimed at the Hellenized Jews. #Chanukah 🕎 Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1604555739603046400/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Foreign leaders were never our worst enemies...those have always come from within. #Chanukah Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1604553356894408704/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism pushes Jews together Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94)!❤️http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1604295682864685057/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@HistoryinReview Why does #antisemitism exist? Check out our mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation featuring Dr. Laitman (@laitman) and Mark Weber. https://youtu.be/cBF18J8ypzY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603483569413840912/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@HistoryinReview What is the root cause of #antisemitism? Check out our mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation featuring Dr. Laitman (@laitman) and Mark Weber. https://youtu.be/cBF18J8ypzY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603473998066683932/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #31: Live from Kiyv #thejewfunction In between missile attacks, power outages, and near-paralyzing uncertainty, we had a rare opportunity to chat with a dear friend of ours, Vlad from Kiyv! Full Episode: https://youtu.be/flIJba_pXZE https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603449310313693197/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episodes #29 and #30: Better call Shaul! #thejewfunction With his broad academic knowledge, his penetrating eloquence, and his big open heart, Prof. Shaul Magid helped us go deeper than ever into the big #Jewish questions that we like to ask. https://t.co/lhjLvCNy3J https://t.co/vt78CqBHXQ
thejewfunction @thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episodes #29 and #30: Better call Shaul! #thejewfunction With his broad academic knowledge, his penetrating eloquence, and his big open heart, Prof. Shaul Magid helped us go deeper than ever into the big #Jewish questions that we like to ask. http://youtu.be/Ta78iMR1uzI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603444553536749572/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Special guest Chaim Ratz shares some insights into how the Nazi regime related to Zionism. Check out the #jewfunction show...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603374667808624641/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@Know_More_News What does Kabbalah have to say about the Jewish Problem? #JQ Clip from a mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation featuring @laitman and @EMichaelJones1 https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603087450229903363/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@KonstantinKisin You’d think that after 4000 years of recorded history, we would have figured out this strange, almost universal hatred of the Jews. But we haven’t. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603083130717478913/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Like the antidote that can only be extracted from the snake's venom, perhaps the solution to #antisemitism is lurking in the very words of the Jew-hater. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603082371204620295/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What binds the Jewish community together? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring rising Jewish leader @j_arbital. https://youtu.be/h31M5w0Njas https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1603032814341218304/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@EMichaelJones1 Is there a problem, or a question, regarding this specific tiny grouping of people, who have had such a profound influence on the world throughout history!? #JQ Clip from a mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation featuring @laitman and @EMichaelJones1 https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1602844783172636672/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Searching for the antidote to #antisemitism? http://www.antidotetoantisemitism.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Assimilation doesn't work for Jews Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the @bluntblackJew Tyler Samuels!❤️ https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1602400021051219969/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LucasGage84 Agreed, we need more open dialogue if we actually want to solve this thing...check out some of our mind-expanding #jewfunction talks and let's get this conversation going. https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1602368319289528351/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What is the number one cause of happiness? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring @StandWithUs Campus Regional Manager @j_arbital.❤️https://youtu.be/h31M5w0Njas https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601964799902253057/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Films as Tools of Propaganda, from @laitman I believe we can expect many more such films, as well as other means of propaganda to be used against Israel, as the wave is only expected to grow. https://www.michaellaitman.com/media/films-as-tools-of-propaganda/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Feeling of Antisemitism Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601702268654743554/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the map is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LucasGage84 @LegendaryEnergy @rudy_rochman I agree we need open dialogue between us to make progress on this issue, and also agree things are getting dangerous and there is a severe urgency here. Check out our #jewfunction learning experience and let's make progress towards unity and peace. https://www.thejewfunction.com/ https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601670662816694273/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LucasGage84 @LegendaryEnergy @rudy_rochman Check out some of our #jewfunction conversations on this critical topic. https://youtu.be/zSJRmZW3rXs https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601644090512527360/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@ObamaMalik Gentile and Jew functions aren't self-appointed roles; they're products of natural structures. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601426125787648000/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
2022 was a great year for our podcast. This note from Spotify is a reminder that some people out there are taking notice. And seeing how our circle expanded this year, maybe the unity of the Jews and then of the whole world is not so farfetched. #unity #Jews #antisemitism

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Unfounded Hatred Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1601047040607551488/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Reflecting back on our tragedies throughout history, you may wonder...Why didn't they move? Why didn't they act? Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600812800372113409/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
An Eerie Union between White Supremacists and Blacks around Hatred for #Jews, from @laitman https://www.michaellaitman.com/jewish/an-eerie-union-between-white-supremacists-and-blacks-around-hatred-for-jews/ #KanyeWest #Antisemitism

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@TheRalphRetort Antisemitism is a vital force in the system, pressuring Jews to fulfill their metaphysical role! Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Mark Weber https://youtu.be/cBF18J8ypzY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600549967373819905/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LegendaryEnergy You can drop all of the customs, but you're still a Jew; there's something still there that people hate! Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600522620725858306/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@GadSaad @jordanbpeterson Join us for a mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation on #antisemitism featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Prof. David Patterson. https://youtu.be/Cq8imkA_IW8 @GadSaad we'd love to have you on for a talk! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600336046469705728/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@EMichaelJones1 Join us for a mind-expanding conversation on the #JQ featuring @laitman and @EMichaelJones1. #thejewfunction https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600333017037172736/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@jordanbpeterson Join us for a mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation on #antisemitism featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Prof. David Patterson. https://youtu.be/Cq8imkA_IW8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1600330720295239680/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Jew Jokes Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1599977956666798080/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What #Ye Respects about #Jews, from @laitman #kanyewest Over the past several weeks, there has been a tense debate over the apparent rise in #antisemitism among blacks in the US. https://www.michaellaitman.com/jewish/what-kanye-west-respects-about-jews/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Spare the Suffering Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring @AngelaVdp90!❤️https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1599536113449717760/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Let's Connect the Pieces Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1599532497783914497/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #30: Better call Shaul! - Part 2 #thejewfunction Part 2 picks up where Part 1 left off! Join us for a wild #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring Prof. Shaul Magid! ❤️ https://youtu.be/gxaca2yJG14 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1599250735291838465/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episode #29: Better call Shaul! #thejewfunction With his broad academic knowledge, his penetrating eloquence, and his big open heart, Prof. Shaul Magid helped us go deeper than ever into the big #Jewish questions that we like to ask. Full Episode: https://youtu.be/Ta78iMR1uzI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1599246009812426752/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out our #jewfunction channel @HilzFuld...we'd love to have you on our show to discuss the mainstreaming of antisemitism and how we can actually solve this thing...if we only knew how. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1598688944568373248/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@ArutzSheva_En Looking for a cure for #antisemitism? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1598678962212937729/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
How did this one particular .2% slice of the human family get assigned the job of canary in the coalmine throughout all history?🧐 http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1597651645407539203/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@AngelicaKamen How would you explain to an alien from another planet why humanity is so hyper-focused on this one particular tiny .2% slice of the human family? (and has been for thousands of years!)

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
How would you explain to an alien from another planet why humanity is so hyper-focused on this one particular tiny .2% slice of the human family? (and has been for thousands of years!)
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@RealKidPoker @RadioAmanda Incredible testimony! Antisemitism is back on the menu, you can feel history repeating. We're looking at patterns in history trying to offer an alternative explanation for why there is antisemitism...Check out the #jewfunction podcast, we'd love to hear your thoughts! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1597440524369399808/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Israel is the Jew among the nations. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1597314650739474432/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You can drop all of the customs, but you're still a Jew; there's something still there that people hate! Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1597311779461165056/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the human family is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Assimilation Doesn't Work for #Jews Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the @bluntblackJew Tyler Samuels! https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1596929913659224064/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism pushes #Jews together Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94)!❤️http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1596927345184899072/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #29: Better call Shaul! #thejewfunction With his broad academic knowledge, his penetrating eloquence, and his big open heart, Prof. Shaul Magid helped us go deeper than ever into the big #Jewish questions that we like to ask. Full Episode: https://youtu.be/Ta78iMR1uzI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1595965868688785409/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episode #27: Why did you join camp Jew? Why would a rational, sensitive, lawyer choose to convert to Judaism, then suddenly start to feel that #antisemitism as a personal attack on her people? Check out the #jewfunction show featuring @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1595630097540976640/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Meaning of Being #Jewish, from @laitman From the spiritual perspective, as the wisdom of Kabbalah sees it, being Jewish has nothing to do with one’s color or creed. The only “test” is whether one strives for unity or for self-centeredness. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-meaning-of-being-jewish/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
🚨New Episode #28: Bullysemitism Double standards, fear, frustration. It's not easy being a #Jew on campus these days. Please welcome Rafaella Gunz (@DiscoxBloodbath) to the #jewfunction video-cast to solve #antisemitism!❤️ Full Episode: https://youtu.be/q6v9QnvDmS8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1595216500339744771/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Israel is the Jew among the Nations Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://t.co/GkpgBwahjg https://t.co/pY1fpkhsMq https://t.co/OW5wO25J0U
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Israel is the Jew among the Nations Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world seems awfully interested, very acutely attuned, to this one particular tiny sliver of land...it’s truly astonishing when you pause to think about it. https://t.co/HpaFZZYqKr https://t.co/tyvAH9yYjc https://t.co/oX5kEE3aNt
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world seems awfully interested, very acutely attuned, to this one particular tiny sliver of land...it’s truly astonishing when you pause to think about it. http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We can deal with it by first educating ourselves to understand the dynamics of this ancient hatred. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://t.co/G6EgfCQTPA https://t.co/PChv4adiBz
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We can deal with it by first educating ourselves to understand the dynamics of this ancient hatred. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature.
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Nature develops through scale-free networks, made up of hubs and nodes that fit into a special ratio. Are #Jews the hubs of our human network!? http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1594415867936346112/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Left Has Left, from @laitman All that is left of the Left is empty slogans that no one believes. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-left-has-left/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
People of the Idea Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94)!❤️http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1593677923533332483/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out the latest episode of the new #jewfunction series to solve #antisemitism featuring courageous free-thinking attorney Nicole Levitt (@LevittNicole7)!❤️ http://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1593610107606245377/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why would a rational, sensitive, lawyer choose to convert to Judaism, then suddenly start to feel that antisemitism as a personal attack on her people? Check out the new episode of the #jewfunction show featuring free-thinking attorney @LevittNicole7!❤️ https://youtu.be/OHZFdjVRvsA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1593325129693552641/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Arguing with Another Jew Clip from an incredible #jewfunction conversation with @AngelaVdp90 on how to solve #antisemitism! #Jews https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1593252698467405825/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@MarkDEM16 Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Jew-Function-Podcast-Podcast/episodes/B08K56G5GX https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1593233685729640449/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Next up in the new #jewfunction series to solve #antisemitism, we're featuring Josh Arbital (@j_arbital), Campus Regional Manager for @StandWithUs! ❤️ Check out the full episode here and get subscribed to the #jewfunction channel! https://youtu.be/h31M5w0Njas https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1592576089637130240/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Soon, my #jewfunction friends!

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
How come such a small fraction of our human family draws so much attention and exerts so much influence? http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1592354968316825601/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism pushes #Jews together Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94)!❤️http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1592252000611467264/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Lumping Jews with everyone else doesn't work Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1592247094072737793/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Some thoughts on the Black-Jewish relationship from our #jewfunction conversation with @BluntBlackJew https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591984444751347712/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Another day of being a Jew on this website. Calling @MarcLobliner for backup!! (((💪)))
Marc Lobliner - IFBB Pro @MarcLobliner
I feel I should be notified when anything like this is trending. I’m the most Alpha Jew since Moses and Bill Goldberg. https://twitter.com/cliftonaduncan/status/1577724878333120520

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Love Above the Frictions ❤️ Clip from a #jewfunction conversation to solve #antisemitism featuring the amazing Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94)! ❤️ http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591961935775518721/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The 2020's are very much like the 1920's...the parallels are scary. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591955840957046784/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #Jews are Losing Clip from a hard-hitting #jewfunction conversation on #antisemitism featuring @bluntblackJew Tyler Samuels! https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591620628549107712/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
American #Jews are Very Divided Clip from an incredible #jewfunction conversation with @AngelaVdp90 on how to solve #antisemitism! https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591568313674498050/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Next up in the new #jewfunction series to solve antisemitism, we're featuring Angela "An-JEW-la" (@AngelaVdp90), who shares her struggle trying to reconcile growing up with a White supremacist Dad and a Jewish Mom. #antisemitism #Jews Full episode: https://youtu.be/-ff1mcGHbb0 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591125929358950400/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Flaws of Jewish Organizations Clip from our #jewfunction conversation with the @bluntblackJew Tyler Samuels on how to solve #antisemitism! https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591105206741504000/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism pushes #Jews together Clip from our #jewfunction conversation with the amazing @buffyfangirl94 on how to solve #antisemitism! http://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1591059909315297281/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Next up in the new #jewfunction series to solve antisemitism, we're bringing on the blunt Black Jew Tyler Samuels (@BluntBlackJew)! ❤️https://youtu.be/v6ULnQ52s60 #Jews #antisemitism https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590763072351657984/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Judaism and Sex - Clip from our new #jewfunction talk series featuring the amazing Seductress of Zion! ❤️(@buffyfangirl94) https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU #Jews #antisemitism https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590732239473881088/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Such a diverse landscape of conspiracies...each of them hyper-focused on this one particular tiny slice of the human family. What is your 'rational' explanation for this empirical phenomenon @michaelshermer ? #Jews #antisemitism
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
History is repeating itself...we're not learning something. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of #antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590720815045091328/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Jews are the Lifeline of Humanity Clip from our #jewfunction conversation with the amazing @buffyfangirl94 on how to solve #antisemitism! https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590715221894537218/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction team is launching a new series of conversations on how to solve antisemitism, kicking off with our first episode featuring Arielle Kaplan (@buffyfangirl94), the Seductress of Zion! ❤️ https://t.co/4xqwCSvyh1 https://t.co/dEEXWhK9oV
thejewfunction @thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction team is launching a new series of conversations on how to solve antisemitism, kicking off with our first episode featuring Arielle Kaplan (@buffyfangirl94), the Seductress of Zion! ❤️ https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590701204065071104/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We hosted Arielle Kaplan aka The Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94) and talked about using sex positivity to unite the Jews. Can it work!? Check out the #jewfunction video-cast! https://t.co/4xqwCSNHv9 https://t.co/YGvFFidSMi
thejewfunction @thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We hosted Arielle Kaplan aka The Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94) and talked about using sex positivity to unite the Jews. Can it work!? Check out the #jewfunction video-cast! https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590428395284070400/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@lexfridman @benshapiro @kanyewest @elonmusk You ask if there is a way to talk about Jewish representation and influence without it being a hateful conversation. Check out our learning experience: http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590426036399136769/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Judaism and Sex - Clip from our new #jewfunction talk series featuring the one and only Seductress of Zion! (@buffyfangirl94) https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590196813956808704/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out the #jewfunction learning experience: http://www.thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction team is launching a new series of conversations on how to solve antisemitism, kicking off with our first episode featuring Arielle Kaplan (@buffyfangirl94), the Seductress of Zion! https://t.co/4xqwCSNHv9 https://t.co/6HRe9Ard6m
thejewfunction @thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction team is launching a new series of conversations on how to solve antisemitism, kicking off with our first episode featuring Arielle Kaplan (@buffyfangirl94), the Seductress of Zion! https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1590059306778759168/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We hosted Arielle Kaplan aka The Seductress of Zion (@buffyfangirl94) and talked about using sex positivity to unite the Jews. Can it work!? Check out the #jewfunction video-cast! https://youtu.be/Z7jYOS6WTvU https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1589980808877465600/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1589664460792528897/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@Know_More_News You made the honor roll!

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jew function is sleeping. They're just as confused as everyone else as to what they are, what their role is, what purpose they serve in the system, and why they exert so much influence and attract so much hatred. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1588635580161835008/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Everyone seems to be wondering...what are the Jews!? #thejewfunction https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1588408890273648640/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Our goal is to try to offer an alternative explanation to why there is antisemitism. We're looking at patterns in history...can these patterns teach us something? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1588405212980875264/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world seems awfully interested, very acutely attuned, to one particular sliver of the human family. It’s truly astonishing when you pause to think about it. http://thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism persists today with irrational fervor. Is there a deeper cause to this hatred? http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1588355987618029570/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@MikeNew19512115 The Jewish choice

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You’d think that after 4000 years of recorded history, we would have figured out this strange, almost universal hatred of the Jews. But we haven’t. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1588133826340978689/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You can drop all the customs, but you're still a Jew...there's something still there that people hate. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1587965735296548865/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Let's get this man @LegendaryEnergy as a guest for the #jewfunction show...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1587964893654818816/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What are the inner workings of this eternal, perpetual hatred!? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation on antisemitism: https://youtu.be/Cq8imkA_IW8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1587665373096284161/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LegendaryEnergy We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1587608888433582081/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Nature develops through scale-free networks, made up of hubs and nodes that fit into a special ratio. Are Jews the hubs of our human network!? http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1586819857265426434/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The people of Israel don't know what they've got, and they don't know why they're hated. Clip from a #jewfunction conversation on antisemitism featuring @laitman and @TOOEdit https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1586717199871664130/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1585995962119503872/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction started as a podcast looking for the root cause of antisemitism...now we're morphing into a video cast to open up the topic for more discussion. Join the conversation! https://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1585994001018023938/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Goebbels adds these ideas from Bernays that understood what you can do with a mass psychosis...and that's exactly where we are today. #masspsychosis Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1585346784855224320/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@techleadhd We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1585318517867282433/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LegendaryEnergy We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1585107305426583552/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What a Canadian Psychologist Knows about Israel that Israelis Do Not, from @laitman "You have a tremendous moral responsibility like you have perhaps had for your entire history for reasons that are very difficult to understand.” @jordanbpeterson https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/what-a-canadian-psychologist-knows-about-israel-that-israelis-do-not/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We are the people of the paradox! Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1584590570059878400/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@AngelaVdp90 The Jewish choice

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the human family is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LegendaryEnergy Do we need a 12-step program for the revolutionary Jews? #revolutionrehab #logos #naturallaw Clip from a #jewfunction conversation on antisemitism: https://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1584324608831807490/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@LegendaryEnergy Behind the curtains, there's some Jew, against another Jew, that's always causing the problem. Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1583579416399351813/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Debunking the Myth of Jewish Wisdom, from @laitman Trump's gut feeling that Jews should stick together stems from a conviction that Jewish unity is good for the Jews and good for the world. He is absolutely right. https://www.michaellaitman.com/donald-trump/debunking-the-myth-of-jewish-wisdom/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
This tiny group of people has made it through all of these thousands of years...there is this spark of magic in here that we can't disregard. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1582711357358514177/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What kind of unifying force could be powerful enough to unite the left and right extremes of the political spectrum? Only the Jew! http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You’d think that after 4000 years of recorded history, we would have figured out this strange, almost universal hatred of the Jews. But we haven’t. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1582532637603688449/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Episode 14 - The Conspiracy To Love the World Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1581723133844692992/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the human family is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Our goal is to try to offer an alternative explanation to why there is antisemitism. We're looking at patterns in history...can these patterns teach us something? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1581676217820123137/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism is a vital force in the system, pressuring Jews to fulfill their metaphysical role. Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Mark Weber. https://youtu.be/cBF18J8ypzY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1581655910896009218/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jews have an obligation to the world, and until they carry it out, they cannot be destroyed. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1581506444574175232/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Is there anything more scary to non-Jews than a crypto-Jew? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1580926495870320641/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Nine UC Berkeley Law Students Sign Illegal Bylaw, from @laitman The best lesson that Jewish students should learn is why they are hated. They feel that they did nothing wrong, but this is clearly not the view of many of their peers. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/nine-uc-berkeley-law-students-sign-illegal-bylaw/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
When the fathers of antisemitism sound like the sages of Israel "The whole prophetic purpose with reference to the people of Israel seems to have been the moral enlightenment of the world through its agency." -Henry Ford-

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Who could've thought that the same Jewish ideas that would help explain the psychology of the masses would also be among the primary building tools of Nazi propaganda? #irony Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1580742248589053952/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
"I used to speak in front of American audiences even 20 and 25 years ago...I said that we are going to see a very big upsurge in antisemitism, and it's going to get dangerous...people laughed at my face." Kabbalist Dr. Laitman (@laitman) #thejewfunction https://youtu.be/7BPKkBrVGU8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1580613142283182080/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
A Hard Awakening – There Is Antisemitism on the Left, from @laitman While there is antisemitism on the Right, there is more of it on the Left, it is more sinister, and more institutionalized. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/a-hard-awakening-there-is-antisemitism-on-the-left/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
If it was just a bunch of passive Jews, just being nice, and then all of a sudden a bad guy came and killed them…well then OK…but maybe there’s something else here. Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1580440453148971009/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1580438137788018689/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@AvivaKlompas The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the human family is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Antisemitism is embedded in the laws of nature...the more humanity advances in our broken world, the more it finds resistance and antagonism towards the Jews. https://youtu.be/gk5BY5TY_mI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1579984551568629762/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction started as a podcast looking for the root cause of antisemitism...now we're morphing into a video cast to open up the topic for more discussion. Join the conversation! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1578901968575430658/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
A Nation’s Prayer, from @laitman May this Day of Atonement be the last one in which we are divided. May we be able to reflect on our actions on the next Day of Atonement and say, “We have united; we have become a light to the nations.” https://www.michaellaitman.com/jewish/a-nations-prayer/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
At a special event of the ministry of foreign affairs in Israel where everyone is trying to figure out the whole Israel story. The tension is killing us. #israelmfa #civildiplomacy #hmmm

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Happy New Year (of Reflection), from @laitman For Jews, celebrating Rosh Hashanah (the beginning of the year) comes with symbolic foods and a day of judgment. #RoshHashanah5783 https://www.michaellaitman.com/jewish/happy-new-year-of-reflection/

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
"Jew". The idea, even the word, is something no one is indifferent to. http://www.thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Only 0.2% of the world's population!? We should barely be heard! http://www.thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Is there a solution to antisemitism? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Prof. Shaul Magid and Kabbalist Dr. Laitman https://youtu.be/gk5BY5TY_mI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1567134306522513408/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jew function is sleeping. They're just as confused as everyone else as to what they are, what their role is, what purpose they serve in the system, and why they exert so much influence and attract so much hatred. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1564941120995733504/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The #jewfunction started as a podcast looking for the root cause of antisemitism...now we're morphing into a video cast to open up the topic for more discussion. Join the conversation! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1564589067081322500/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Special guest Chaim Ratz shares some insights into how the Nazi regime related to Zionism. Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1564087230079340545/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
There's something weird about this Jewish situation. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1562767894882418688/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Israel is the Jew among the nations. Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1562407683990470656/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the world's population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1559226420680724480/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Even though it's a very small group, it has a very disproportionate influence; but it's supposed to use that influence to provide a positive example. Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring @laitman and @TOOEdit https://youtu.be/zSJRmZW3rXs https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1557712538673983488/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We're living in a hyper-polarized world where the extremes can't agree on anything...except their shared hatred of Jews. How to explain this perplexing phenomenon? http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The extremes of both sides of the political spectrum have a pathological obsession with this one particular slice of the human family. When will Jews want to know what is going on here!? http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Unfounded hatred paved the road to the destruction of the 2nd temple with the bodies of our brothers and sisters. And the scary part is that the parallels to our time are beyond coincidental. #TishaBAv https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1556084905817292803/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Although historians attribute both exiles to external conquerors, ancient Jewish texts attribute very little influence to external factors, if any. Instead, they pin the troubles of the Jewish people on their own disunity. #TishaBAv

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The ADL has failed American Jewry. We need an entirely new paradigm and new leadership to deal with the tidal wave of antisemitism in our generation.
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@noatishby Why is the UN so singularly obsessed with tiny Israel!? https://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY @noatishby @HillelNeuer We would love to have you as a guest on our #jewfunction show to discuss this important issue! Let's connect! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1555180087766437888/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
There is no other hatred like Jewish self-hatred. What do Jews hate in themselves? https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1554647569053020160/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1554462746472636416/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
After 2000 years in exile, you'd think these people would just disappear. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1554300971064238080/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Nicole Levitt @LevittNicole7
@Brian_Scoles @thejewfunction Twain has the best quotations.

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why is the UN so singularly obsessed with tiny Israel!? Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1552772529554501632/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What kind of unifying force could be powerful enough to unite the far-left and far-right extremes of the political spectrum? Only the Jew!
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
On the US college campus, why is there such obsessive and disproportionate attention on Israel, this tiny dot in the Middle East? It seems to make no rational sense.
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Despite being proven a crude forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion managed to pervade 20th century thinking and it still sells today. Why!? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Prof. Stephen Eric Bronner https://youtu.be/sBKrMLYGUDA https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1552095909340536832/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@leekern13 "Jews were once told to go back to Israel because we WEREN'T white. Now that we've returned home we're told to leave Israel because we ARE white." When it comes to Jews, every definition is a contradiction, it all feels so irrational...we are the people of the paradox! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1551620702117064704/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jewish role is embedded in nature…there is no escape! Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Prof. David Patterson http://youtu.be/Cq8imkA_IW8 https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1549738029614604288/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
So the one thing that the extreme-left and extreme-right can agree on is a shared hatred of this one particular slice of humanity!? 🤯 Why!? http://www.thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
One tiny slice, that somehow attracts so much attention, exerts so much influence. It defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@DBashIdeas Nature develops through scale-free networks, made up of hubs and nodes that fit into a special ratio. Are Jews the hubs of our human network? http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1549247055348043777/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jew function is sleeping. They're just as confused as everyone else as to what they are, what their role is, what purpose they serve in the system, and why they exert so much influence and attract so much hatred. http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1549221205890187264/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What are the Jews!? Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Dr. Christian Lindtner http://youtu.be/XjP6ZBJ-boc https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1548769464921067521/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What is the principle of the order of the universe? #Logos Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Dr. E. Michael Jones. http://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1548668920969760770/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@melissaeweiss What kind of unifying force could be powerful enough to unite the far-left and far-right extremes of the political spectrum? Only the Jew! Imagine if we used it positively instead of uniting our haters against us? #horseshoetheory

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Behind the curtains, there's some Jew, against another Jew, that's always causing the problem. Check out the #jewfunction video-cast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. http://youtu.be/WmWs1gopiLY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1548025690359885827/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
So #AmericanJews and #Hashem both trending? Why is everyone so focused on Jews? 🧐 https://t.co/f56JUuUIjB https://t.co/23zGHjf8kR
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
: The world's pathological obsession with this one particular sliver of the human family is absolutely mind boggling...it defies any rational explanation, but yet there must be an explanation! http://thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
So #AmericanJews and #Hashem both trending? Why is everyone so focused on Jews? 🧐
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Our goal is to try to offer an alternative explanation to why there is antisemitism. We're looking at patterns in history...can these patterns teach us something? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1547075832560029696/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@TOOEdit We have an undefined, identity-conflicted human grouping, making up less than .2% of the human population, who somehow manages to draw to itself a disproportionate amount of attention and influence. http://www.thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1546690818408595456/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Where does that influence come from!? #JQ Join us for a mind-expanding #jewfunction conversation featuring @laitman and @TOOEdit https://youtu.be/zSJRmZW3rXs https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1546690417642508289/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You can drop all of the customs, but you're still a Jew; there's something still there that people hate. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1546317164709384192/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What is the principle of the order of the universe? #Logos Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Dr. E. Michael Jones. http://youtu.be/WJ7SuspUewI https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1546288747272085504/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The world seems awfully interested, very acutely attuned, to one tiny sliver of land. It’s truly astonishing when you pause to think about it. http://thejewfunction.com
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Who could've thought that the same Jewish ideas that would help explain the psychology of the masses would also be among the primary building tools of Nazi propaganda? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1546241826293747715/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
What if Jews took that revolutionary spirit and applied it to themselves!? Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1545837517898858496/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Like the antidote that can only be extracted from the snake's venom, perhaps the solution to antisemitism is lurking in the very words of the Jew-hater. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1545497044738928640/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Nature develops through scale-free networks, made up of hubs and nodes that fit into a special ratio. Are Jews the hubs of our human network? http://thejewfunction.com

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Jews need to recognize that antisemitism is embedded in nature; it's like a law that works towards them on the condition that they don't fulfill their role in the system. Clip from a #jewfunction conversation featuring Kabbalist Dr. Laitman and Mark Weber https://youtu.be/cBF18J8ypzY https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1545368712839983104/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
“What but a supernatural power could have preserved them in such a manner as none other nation upon earth hath been preserved?” Thomas Newton, 18th Century British Bishop

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
You claim Jewish influence is a legitimate topic for scientific investigation, so let's discuss it. Where does that influence come from!? http://thejewfunction.com https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1545071533269233664/video/1
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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jews have an obligation to the world, and until they carry it out, they cannot be destroyed. Check out the #jewfunction podcast...we're getting to the root of antisemitism according to the laws of nature. #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1545056207110516739/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
History is repeating itself...we're not learning something. Check out the #jewfunction podcast! https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1473144262539816969/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Kabbalists are the only ones that aren't running away from #antisemitism. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1404956119248818180/video/1

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White liberals will spend hours debating whether they need to rename a high school named after Jefferson or Washington to erase the legacy of white supremacy and then get in their Volkswagen and drive home.
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Do you see this behavior for white liberals? Or for (((white))) liberals? Both?

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
The Jewish role is embedded in nature…there is no escape! #thejewfunction #naturallaw https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1404130180558245888/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
"... the media has realised that demonising Israel is a smart business strategy. I find this last part puzzling, as thousands of people messaged me on Twitter last week to tell me that the Jews control the media." We're a people of the paradox..check out #thejewfunction podcast. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1400564102359969795/video/1
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meyer ✡︎ מאיר @jewishistoryguy
Anyone care to weigh in on the (((reason)))? https://t.co/t1sVfX0VAD
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@GoldsteinBrooke @twotalljews @EndJewHatred The (((reason)))? According to the laws of networks, antisemitism is a natural reaction of the network of humanity to the disunity displayed by Jews. Check out #thejewfunction podcast as we explore in depth. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1399576506506956803/video/1

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David Collier @mishtal
Every proud Jewish person that sticks their head up - gets attacked by a mob. @Eve_Barlow just wrote a great article about rising attacks against Jews. The response -antisemitic, misogynistic thugs -including many blue ticks - relentlessly attack her. Absolutely shameful.
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
@Eve_Barlow Why are these antisemitic mob attacks so often led and instigated by (((bluechecks)))?

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View @mishtal
thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Why are these antisemitic mob attacks so often led and instigated by (((bluechecks)))?
David Collier @mishtal
Every proud Jewish person that sticks their head up - gets attacked by a mob. @Eve_Barlow just wrote a great article about rising attacks against Jews. The response -antisemitic, misogynistic thugs -including many blue ticks - relentlessly attack her. Absolutely shameful.

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Kabbalists are the only ones that aren't running from antisemitism. https://twitter.com/thejewfunction/status/1397754577609392132/video/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Dov Hikind @HikindDov
It takes a special kind of sicko to suggest that attacks on Israel are caused by American aid. And it takes a special kind of presumptuous arrogance to suggest on behalf of Palestinians that when American aid is cut “is when this all ends.” “From the River to the sea,” right? https://twitter.com/HikindDov/status/1397214708399214596/photo/1

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Noah Pollak @NoahPollak
Didn't think they could "Republicans pounce!" Jews being beaten in the streets, but they did it https://t.co/zxLcbVWDZg
thejewfunction @thejewfunction

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 @elderofziyon
It would be fun to fisk Assad fanboy @maxblumenthal's psychotic ramblings, but why bother when no one except the crazy antisemites take him seriously? Even the left-wing media outlets that used to publish his op-eds are embarrassed by him. https://twitter.com/elderofziyon/status/1397141551999029252/photo/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
Daniel Schwammenthal @DSchwammenthal
Stop attacking Jews in the US...it makes attacking the Jewish state more difficult... @michelleinbklyn of the @nytimes aiming for the moral integrity award. https://twitter.com/DSchwammenthal/status/1397108781687971840/photo/1

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
(((Jew))) is my pronoun
Christian Walker @ChristianWalk1r
I’m so tired of being in these online zoom classes with people who put their pronouns after their name. Get me out of this indoctrination center.

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
(((Blake Flayton))) @BlakeFlayton
Jen Perelman, a progressive™️, insinuates that Jews getting spit on in Times Square and attacked at a sushi restaurant is because of US military aid to Israel. Dark times. https://twitter.com/JenChangeFL/status/1395909231627444226

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thejewfunction @thejewfunction
How do we solve #antisemitism? The same way we solve any problem. What step are you on!?

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art_other 76%

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